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SOMEWHAT LIVE!! — MS Koningsdam — Southern Caribbean Seafarer

*Miss G*

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The Koningsdam LIVE thread has officially begun so that can only mean one thing.  I AM ON VACATION!!!  Today was my last day at work and I am doing my best to shed workaday concerns and flip the switch to holiday mode.


This report is brought to you by the sisters’ Annual Christmas Kickoff; also known as ACK.  Miss J, my sister, rests in peaceful slumber at her airport hotel in preparation for an early morning flight to North America where we will begin our journey.  If Miss J chimes in with anything other than a Pirate Report you are not to believe her.  (I think you know what I’m talking about.)


And now it is time for the Pledge of Allegiance.  Please raise your right hand and repeat after me:


I, *say your name*

Promise not to believe

Anything Miss G’s sister says.



Okay, I think I’ve got all my bases covered.  Let’s get started.

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4:30 am GMT, somewhere in the northwest of England

No more sleeps! And barely any last night either, thanks to the hotel's fire alarm going off shortly after midnight. Still, nice to know that in the case of emergency, it's enough to rouse me.
You know how it is ... the more you know you need to fall asleep, the more your brain says "Hey, there's only a few hours left before you have to wake up anyway, so why bother?" Then you drift off approximately 15 minutes before the alarm goes and have that whole full body workout, legs and arms waving wildly in the air whilst you try to remember where you are and why that noise is disturbing your sleep.
Off to the airport, wondering just how overweight I'll be (the suitcase, not me). Considering I've had to pack for two very different climates and am carrying Christmas presents as well as the usual family supplies (chocolate, Yorkshire tea - the massive 1.5 kilo pack - more chocolate, cushions, Everton mints and just a bit more chocolate) that the Brit abroad can't live without, I was rather pleased the suitcase only weighed 25 kilos and even more so that apart from a "Heavy" sticker (on the bag), my luggage went through without further comment.
I'm Miss J, pleased to meet you! I'm Miss G's sister, here to provide an appropriate counter balance since if anything can go wrong, it always happens to her! I think this may be our 6th cruise together though occasionally others come along. My favourite ever was a two week Baltic cruise (Miss G would have loved that!), followed closely by the Norwegian fjords at the time of the summer solstice (and that one too!). No, you may not infer anything by the fact that neither involved Miss G!
Time for a bacon butty whilst I continue to wait for my first flight to London. So far, manhandling the luggage has cost me four broken nails. Still, that's more hours sleep than I got last night.
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2 hours ago, POA1 said:

Have a good trip! You'll get to experience the Rolling Stone Rock Room on its first Koningsdam sailing.

That sounds interesting, POA1, I'm imagining all sorts, beginning with Mick Jagger climbing up a rock wall. What is it?

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Oh goodie another Live from Miss G.  Looking forward to all of your reports.


And, welcome to Cruise Critic Divne Miss J.  Looking forward to your additional posts.  I have a feeling they will be humorous. 😉 

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5 hours ago, Divine Miss J said:

That sounds interesting, POA1, I'm imagining all sorts, beginning with Mick Jagger climbing up a rock wall. What is it?

There's a little video on the HAL site. Under activities, I think. I believe that @scluvsrainhas photos and one of the ladies has a report on the live from the Nieuw Statendam thread that was started by @Vict0riann.  Look around page 5,IIRC. 

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9 hours ago, *Miss G* said:

The Koningsdam LIVE thread has officially begun so that can only mean one thing.  I AM ON VACATION!!!  Today was my last day at work and I am doing my best to shed workaday concerns and flip the switch to holiday mode.



6 hours ago, Divine Miss J said:

Considering I've had to pack for two very different climates and am carrying Christmas presents as well as the usual family supplies (chocolate, Yorkshire tea - the massive 1.5 kilo pack - more chocolate, cushions, Everton mints and just a bit more chocolate) that the Brit abroad can't live without, I was rather pleased the suitcase only weighed 25 kilos and even more so that apart from a "Heavy" sticker (on the bag), my luggage went through without further comment.


Time for a bacon butty whilst I continue to wait for my first flight to London. 



Safe travels @*Miss G* & @Divine Miss J  See you in Fort Lauderdale ... lets get this cruise party started! 🎉 


And welcome to CC, Divine Miss J. Don’t worry, we don’t believe everything Miss G says/writes about you. You’re amongst friends here.  Is it too late for me to place an order for an extra Bacon Butty Roll with Chips & a few Yorkie bars please?  🤤 

Edited by Dogstar
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Well, hello Miss Divine!  Welcome to Cruise Critic!


You guys are awesome.  Thank you for the encouragement!


I had the worst sleep ever last night.  As you do.  Nightmare upon nightmare, with the final one being my MIL breathing down my neck.  I am wound up tenser than a door stop.  So much to do still!  So on to...




This year we have chosen the 11-day Southern Caribbean Seafarer on the beautiful MS Koningsdam.  We (myself, Miss J, and parents of) did a TA on her last October and we really love this ship.



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Unless we are fortunate enough to snag an upsell on a Signature or Neptune Suite we will be staying in a B Vista.  Fingers crossed!


Word of the Day is: sNOw.  Winter came early this year.  Luckily we booked our flights to arrive two days before our cruise.  Will we make it out?  I believe we will.


It took us a while to settle on which airport to fly from because We Have Choices.  Neither of us live close to Buffalo Niagara International Airport but we happen to be in close proximity to it near our departure date so that is the airport we settled on.  Part of the appeal of BNIA is that it doesn’t have the heavy use of a larger airport so it’s a fairly stress-free experience.  Buffalo has really great shopping so that plays a major factor also.


Our pre-flight and post-cruise hotel-of-choice is Reikart House.  It has close proximity to the airport as well as the shopping.  Did I mention we like shopping?  We like shopping.


Miss J is somewhere over the Atlantic and I have a lot to do before her flight arrives.  Packing being one of them.  Why does life get busier the busier you are?  I don’t recall asking for that in my life-plan, but I guess I must have.  At least my hair and nails are done, though they are not what I asked for.  Funny how I never get what I ask for.  Miss J knows all about that.


Speaking of Miss J.... she writes in her post “Miss G would have loved that.”  This is in reference to a standing joke the family has.  Over the years, various members of my family have booked vacations without me, and I continue to be shocked and surprised by that.  However, they always bring me along in thought by raising a glass and pronouncing “Miss G would have loved this!”  Thank you, family, for thinking of me.  I love you too.



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The Vista Suites are sold out!!  I am super excited about that because it means there may be an opportunity for an upsell.  Crossing my fingers and toes!!!


I have a terrible problem. For the very first time in my cruising career I have way too much onboard credit!  (<— That may be an exaggeration.)  A price drop netted us two free Pinnacle dinners and $300 worth of beverage cards in addition to the OBC we already have.  I see a lot of beverages in our future.





We received an upsell!  Not quite what I was looking for though.  Oh well.  Maybe something better will come along.  I can still be bought.  



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I have been playing cruise/no cruise with my packing.  I should have played cruise/no cruise before I left Virginia because I do not have the items I thought I did.  Oh well.  I shall do without.  Maybe Buffalo will have some.


I just took a look at the weather reports for Buffalo Airport and Fort Lauderdale because it is sNOwing here in Southern Ontario.  Buffalo is having a winter weather advisory so flights are delayed, but we are flying out on Saturday and the weather report for that day is sunny and COLD.  I do not like the cold but at least it won’t be snowing.  Snow is very pretty, though, so there’s that.





Another upsell!  I am getting really good at receiving upsells.  In all the years I booked with a TA I never received a one.  Exactly one year ago I switched to a PCC and have received upsells for 4 out of 4 sailings.  I love my PCC.  


Oh no wait!  Make that 3 out of 4 sailings.  I did a short Pacific Coastal cruise that doesn’t count because it was the back end of a longer sailing.  I still love my PCC.



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Miss G and Divine Miss J, we are looking forward to your journey and journal. Doing the same trip in March, so want to hear everything!

We also love K'dam.  We did 17 days in Caribbean in February and squeezed in a quick 10 days in October just gone in the Med. 

Enjoy the ship and the shopping!


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On 6 December 2018 at 8:13 AM, Dogstar said:

I ate the Yorkie bar, but would the extra large package of Maltesers work for you? I might be able to prise them out of Miss G's fingers if I wait till she's asleep. Otherwise, a bacon butty with chips on its way. Will that be HP or red sauce?


Safe travels @*Miss G* & @Divine Miss J  See you in Fort Lauderdale ... lets get this cruise party started! 🎉 


And welcome to CC, Divine Miss J. Don’t worry, we don’t believe everything Miss G says/writes about you. You’re amongst friends here.  Is it too late for me to place an order for an extra Bacon Butty Roll with Chips & a few Yorkie bars please?  🤤 


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I do know that this blog is about cruising but I simply had to include details of my flight from London yesterday. Certainly it was the strangest I've ever experienced.


First of all, the woman in front of me in seat 32A was putting her belongings in the overhead locker when into the row pops this little old couple. Lady A politely says, "I'm sorry that's my seat by the window, you must be beside me." Little old lady replies "I don't want to sit in the middle, you sit there." Lady A assumes she's making a joke and laughs but little old lady refuses to move until the steward makes her. Lady A looks at me and we both roll our eyes. It's going to be that kind of a trip, is it.


Well, yes it is. About two hours into the flight, just over the Atlantic south of Iceland, I can smell something I know I shouldn't be smelling on a flight but can't believe it so wonder if I'm starting to come down with a migraine. No, I wasn't. The old gent in seat 33D has lit up a pipe. Three cabin crew come rushing over to make him put it out. When asked why he would light it when it was against all regulations and didn't he hear them specifically say it was in the boarding announcement, he claimed he needed it to help him sleep. Sheesh!


So I was sitting in seat A, no one in B and a rather odd man in C. Took off my blanket and went to the Ladies. Came back, looked for my blanket nowhere to be found. I looked to my right and saw ...


Edited by Divine Miss J
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9 minutes ago, Divine Miss J said:

I do know that this blog is about cruising but I simply had to include details of my flight from London yesterday. Certainly it was the strangest I've ever experienced.


First of all, the woman in front of me in seat 32A was putting her belongings in the overhead locker when into the row pops this little old couple. Lady A politely says, "I'm sorry that's my seat by the window, you must be beside me." Little old lady replies "I don't want to sit in the middle, you sit there." Lady A assumes she's making a joke and laughs but little old lady refuses to move until the steward makes her. Lady A looks at me and we both roll our eyes. It's going to be that kind of a trip, is it.


Well, yes it is. About two hours into the flight, just over the Atlantic south of Iceland, I can smell something I know I shouldn't be smelling on a flight but can't believe it so wonder if I'm starting to come down with a migraine. No, I wasn't. The old gent in seat 33D has lit up a pipe. Three cabin crew come rushing over to make him put it out. When asked why he would light it when it was against all regulations and didn't he hear them specifically say it was in the boarding announcement, he claimed he needed it to help him sleep. Sheesh!


So I was sitting in seat A, no one in B and a rather odd man in C. Took off my blanket and went to the Ladies. Came back, looked for my blanket nowhere to be found. I looked to my right and saw ...



OMG on your flight.  It sounds like the flight from H*ll.

By the way, pre-cruise experiences do count on Live threads and are totally permissible. 😉 


So feel free to regale us with your stories and experiences 😄 

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1 hour ago, Divine Miss J said:

I do know that this blog is about cruising but I simply had to include details of my flight from London yesterday. Certainly it was the strangest I've ever experienced.


First of all, the woman in front of me in seat 32A was putting her belongings in the overhead locker when into the row pops this little old couple. Lady A politely says, "I'm sorry that's my seat by the window, you must be beside me." Little old lady replies "I don't want to sit in the middle, you sit there." Lady A assumes she's making a joke and laughs but little old lady refuses to move until the steward makes her. Lady A looks at me and we both roll our eyes. It's going to be that kind of a trip, is it.


Well, yes it is. About two hours into the flight, just over the Atlantic south of Iceland, I can smell something I know I shouldn't be smelling on a flight but can't believe it so wonder if I'm starting to come down with a migraine. No, I wasn't. The old gent in seat 33D has lit up a pipe. Three cabin crew come rushing over to make him put it out. When asked why he would light it when it was against all regulations and didn't he hear them specifically say it was in the boarding announcement, he claimed he needed it to help him sleep. Sheesh!


So I was sitting in seat A, no one in B and a rather odd man in C. Took off my blanket and went to the Ladies. Came back, looked for my blanket nowhere to be found. I looked to my right and saw ...



OMG😱 I would of been pi’s...!  What on Earth can some people believe they have the balls (sorry) to do this! I would of gotten the attendant and had them deal with it!!

what did you do? 


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