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Why are people so flakey?!! Cancellation question


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Hey all! I am a first time cruiser with NCL, scheduled for the Breakaway 5/19 (not cruising, though). I am the type of person that, when I pay my deposit, only death or serious injury will keep me from it. Usually, my travelling crew is my mom and two college aged daughters.


I took advantage of the $1 deposits for this cruise, and spread the word to other family members. My aunt and her son jumped on it! Great, right? Well, he is no longer able to go, so I was able to do a name swap for her, and put her mom in the room with her.


Now my aunt, the primary, is saying that she will not be going. Where does this leave my grandmom? Will the room automatically be cancelled at final payment, even if she has paid her part? would they give her another room? if cancelled, would she get her fare back, or only port fees/taxes? 


The issue is further complicated by my aunts announcement that she isnt paying anything further than that $1 deposit, and that the account she used is now closed. Thus, they wont be able to get any cancellation fee from her, allegedly. Thoughts? Advice for grandmom?

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1 hour ago, tlwg04 said:

Hey all! I am a first time cruiser with NCL, scheduled for the Breakaway 5/19 (not cruising, though). I am the type of person that, when I pay my deposit, only death or serious injury will keep me from it. Usually, my travelling crew is my mom and two college aged daughters.


I took advantage of the $1 deposits for this cruise, and spread the word to other family members. My aunt and her son jumped on it! Great, right? Well, he is no longer able to go, so I was able to do a name swap for her, and put her mom in the room with her.


Now my aunt, the primary, is saying that she will not be going. Where does this leave my grandmom? Will the room automatically be cancelled at final payment, even if she has paid her part? would they give her another room? if cancelled, would she get her fare back, or only port fees/taxes? 


The issue is further complicated by my aunts announcement that she isnt paying anything further than that $1 deposit, and that the account she used is now closed. Thus, they wont be able to get any cancellation fee from her, allegedly. Thoughts? Advice for grandmom?

I agree with the other poster, the cruise is not in penalty period, cancel and re book if you wish to. Fit grandma in with other family in a 3 person cabin? See if this is a no singles surcharge cruise to book a cabin only for grandma? Some options here.

As for the title question about flakey....they are your family, you should know that answer! LOL:classic_biggrin:

Whatever you/ they decide to do, have a great cruise. Oh, and leave that aunt behind:classic_blink:

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Since you aren't in final payment yet, you have plenty of flexibility here. If your grandmother still wants to go and doesn't have another roommate, then she will have to pay for double occupancy, which could be pricey. You could look into a studio cabin for her. That might be a viable option. Or, as someone else suggested, you could all three move to a triple occupancy cabin.

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Some people are like that.  Years ago my dad went to Colorado on a hunting trip and loved it.  He talked about going back for years.  They both retired and I told them I was taking them to Colorado and I was going to pay for it.  I took care of everything.  The only thing they had to do was pack and be ready for me to pick them up.  They were so excited when I first told them about it and then for the two months leading up to the trip they tried everything under the sun to back out.  I would not let them and countered every excuse they had.  Long story short we went on the trip and they had a ball.  He talked about it until he passed away a few years ago and my mom still talks about it.  Some people are like that.  I am just the opposite.  🙂


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To heck with that.  


My wife and I are going on a 10 day cruise on the Epic on 1/23.  We found out after scheduling (and admittedly after the final payment was made) that she'd misunderstood the time off policy at her new job and actually didn't have as much vacation time as we thought.  She's now going to have to eat a write-up because she'll be taking more unpaid time than is allowed.  


Lesson learned, I'll be keeping our winter vacations at a week or less in the future... but it was never even a consideration to cancel.  Nothing short of absolute disaster is keeping us off that boat.  

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My husband and I are frequent cruisers....at least 3 - 4 a year.  We love them and since we own our own company, we can schedule our time off whenever. 


We have always wanted to take his Uncle and Aunt on a cruise.  They are retired and are on a limited budget.  I am a blackjack player so I get great deals from my casino TA.


Anyway, last year, we decided to treat them to a 7 day cruise out of Tampa, where they live.  Got a great deal on the 2 cabins, both balconies.  Got all of the perks included and some OBC.  Talked with them over a weekend trip to visit them and they agreed to go.  Absolutely no cost to them.  Everything was taken care of....drinks, food, gratuities etc...  Told them the only money they needed was if they wanted to buy souvenirs in the ports.  They were thrilled.


When we got home from visiting with them and telling them about the cruise, I booked everything and paid for everything. I even paid for them to get their passports, they work for my company doing internet posting so I was able to write it off.  So, about 4 weeks before the cruise they back down.  They said they did not feel comfortable taken advantage of us.  I tried to explain that this was a company trip, one of my companies is cruising related, and that it was a business expense.  But they refused to go.


So, I have an empty cabin already paid for.  Fortunately when I booked their cabin I only entered in one name.  Left the second passenger blank.  Long story short (too late)....we got our adult daughter to go as the second passenger and showed the first person as a no show at the terminal.  That prevented any additional "change fees" and we got some of the port charges taken off the cabin.


We still had a great time but I swore that I would NEVER pay for anyone else to go on a cruise with us other than my kids. I have wanted to take family members with us numerous times, could use some help on the ship with things we need to do concerning our business, but just can't bring myself to pay for anyone else again.


Therefore, I can totally relate to you and your "flaky" family members.

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15 minutes ago, kskelley40 said:

When we got home from visiting with them and telling them about the cruise, I booked everything and paid for everything. I even paid for them to get their passports, they work for my company doing internet posting so I was able to write it off.  So, about 4 weeks before the cruise they back down.  They said they did not feel comfortable taken advantage of us.  I tried to explain that this was a company trip, one of my companies is cruising related, and that it was a business expense.  But they refused to go.

Wow, thats pretty rude

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It was a shock.  They are very close to us and have the same personalities:  laid back, easy going, like to have fun etc...and just could not understand that the money meant nothing to us.  We just wanted to give them a trip that they would not normally do.  They helped us out many times in the past as we were struggling and they were doing well.  We just wanted to pay some of their kindness back now that we are in the position to.


Oh well, live and learn, right?

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2 hours ago, kskelley40 said:

When we got home from visiting with them and telling them about the cruise, I booked everything and paid for everything. I even paid for them to get their passports, they work for my company doing internet posting so I was able to write it off.  So, about 4 weeks before the cruise they back down.  They said they did not feel comfortable taken advantage of us.  I tried to explain that this was a company trip, one of my companies is cruising related, and that it was a business expense.  But they refused to go.


I can send you my resume and if hired, I promise that you can take me on as many cruises that you would like.

I'll even allow you to book me into the Haven.:classic_biggrin: 

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Wow! Well, one thing is consistent..........People are self-absorbed for sure. To back out, and in my case putting all plans in the lurch is treason to me. The aunt will never be invited on another trip with me. She didnt know that I was paying for a two day pre-tip to Key West. 


But I will make sure I post a ton of pictures of us living our best lives! lol



Well, I have an update. Called NCL tonight. The skinny after checking the website, and then calling the 1800# if we wanted a room to accomodate five (THE HORRRRRRRRRRRORRRRRRRR, but I was willing...........grandma just got confirmed with dementia this year, and i really dont want to leave her home alone with no other family to check on her---she doesnt like to eat.) So they had solo (rep priced it at a little over 2000..............grams is currently paying 1586 for a balcony on the 10th deck). With final payment due mid-january, it was a little ouch but i would have figured out a way to help if i needed to. However, it went to NOT AVAILABLE as I navigated the site. The only other options are my group giving up my balcony to all move to an ocean view (double take moment) or going into the Haven. Now, I am somewhat cheap by nature, and while i will pay the $3000 for the four of my crew to go, I dont really pay for other people AND I FOR SUUUUUUUREEEEEEEEEEEEEE DONT HAVE 10,000+ for some freaking Haven!!! I dont care if the butler brings gold glided finger sandwiches, feeds me grapes, gives me the lapdance of my life before running me a bubblebath. 7-8 days for a room I am hardly in will never see me depart with my hard earned cash like that. Even if I booked it two years in advance, that still breaks down to roughly $420/month.




Anyway, as we were discussing the options, my ne'er do well uncle called, and eventually stated that he would take my aunts place. Now, I dont care for him, and plan to not spend any significant time with him (he is brash, a loud talker, and tries his best to charm every woman in the vicinity. It is nauseating when you know the truth about his life..............but I disgress). The point is, SHE thinks the sun rises and sets from his back-crack, and it does handle this situation for me.



Now.............................will he really go? I doubt it, but I have a wait and see attitude about it AND a back up plan. I will collect a portion of the fare weekly from her, and hold it (she's a shopper, cant be trusted to not put QVC on speeddial) until final payment time. If he has paid his, then groovy. I will pay hers and all is well. If not, I will cancel their room, pray for a fire sail as the ship still has a significant amount of rooms left, and pay hers as a last minute booking. Heck, she might come out ahead that way and my mom would move to her room, leaving just me and my girls in our suddenly much less cramped room! Sounds like a win to me----what do you guys think?

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12 hours ago, Laszlo said:

Whats the issue? Just cancel the cruise and be done with it

This comment..




And you clearly didnt understand my post.


MY room is not in jeopardy as I NEVER cancel. I was pondering the potential outcome of a different room of family members.


Thanks for playing, though.


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8 hours ago, tlwg04 said:

I dont really pay for other people AND I FOR SUUUUUUUREEEEEEEEEEEEEE DONT HAVE 10,000+ for some freaking Haven!!! I dont care if the butler brings gold glided finger sandwiches, feeds me grapes, gives me the lapdance of my life before running me a bubblebath.


Understandable! That said... in the Haven the butler actually peels the grapes for you... which changes everything... 🙂

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On 12/11/2018 at 8:36 AM, tlwg04 said:

Hey all! I am a first time cruiser with NCL, scheduled for the Breakaway 5/19 (not cruising, though). I am the type of person that, when I pay my deposit, only death or serious injury will keep me from it. Usually, my travelling crew is my mom and two college aged daughters.


I took advantage of the $1 deposits for this cruise, and spread the word to other family members. My aunt and her son jumped on it! Great, right? Well, he is no longer able to go, so I was able to do a name swap for her, and put her mom in the room with her.


Now my aunt, the primary, is saying that she will not be going. Where does this leave my grandmom? Will the room automatically be cancelled at final payment, even if she has paid her part? would they give her another room? if cancelled, would she get her fare back, or only port fees/taxes? 


The issue is further complicated by my aunts announcement that she isnt paying anything further than that $1 deposit, and that the account she used is now closed. Thus, they wont be able to get any cancellation fee from her, allegedly. Thoughts? Advice for grandmom?

I would have a stern talk with the aunt (..selfish... blah blah...), but hey that’s me. I get fired up over issues related to the elderly and animals. FYI... the Butler in the Haven doesn’t peel the grapes 😆🤪 Our last one didn’t do a lot, period. 😔 happy sailing...



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You may want to look into travel insurance for the person sharing your Grandmothers cabin.

The insurance you would be looking for in cancel for any reason, it is an upgrade to a travel insurance policy.


You can google cancel for any reason travel insurance and find which insurance companies have this.


I usually tell people traveling with me to buy this if they share a cabin with a solo traveler in our group that may need to cancel.


I have copied and pasted criteria from a web site. Hope this helps.

There are three criteria that must be met in order to be eligible for Cancel for Any Reason coverage: 
Provided the above criteria is met, and the Insured is prevented from taking the trip for any reason not otherwise covered by this plan, the insurer will reimburse the insured for a percentage of the prepaid, forfeited, non-refundable payments or deposits for insured trip arrangement(s) up to the maximum limit. 

  1. The CFAR coverage is purchased within 15 days of the initial trip deposit.
  2. The trip is cancelled more than 48 hours prior to scheduled departure.
  3. The full cost of all non-refundable, prepaid trip arrangements is insured at the time of purchase.

Be sure to read your description of coverage. 

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8 hours ago, Relax@Sea said:


There are three criteria that must be met in order to be eligible for Cancel for Any Reason coverage: 

Great info - they should add to their criteria: “My relative is a complete jerk and cares only about his/her own selfish desires”!  

Edited by 2Beeze
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Hate to burst your bubble, but:


When we got home from visiting with them and telling them about the cruise, I booked everything and paid for everything. I even paid for them to get their passports, they work for my company doing internet posting so I was able to write it off.


Taking them on a cruise isn't tax deductible.  You can claim whatever you want, but it would hold water with an IRS auditor.

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21 minutes ago, ziggyuk said:


The lapdance is cool though

Oh I had TOTALLY forgotten about that! But you know, I think I blocked it out entirely,  the way your brain blocks disturbing sights to protect you..  🤪


@April42749  wow, I didn’t even catch that. What kind of insane accounting is that?! Wouldn’t it be nice if you could deduct extravagant gifts to family?! What about here daughter dear, I will hire you do do my billing for a day and then give you have a nice sailboat for your birthday courtesy of the other tax payers?! Errrr.  Yeah, pretty sure that doesn’t pass the legal smell test ... 😳

Edited by 2Beeze
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19 hours ago, 2Beeze said:

Oh I had TOTALLY forgotten about that! But you know, I think I blocked it out entirely,  the way your brain blocks disturbing sights to protect you..  🤪


@April42749  wow, I didn’t even catch that. What kind of insane accounting is that?! Wouldn’t it be nice if you could deduct extravagant gifts to family?! What about here daughter dear, I will hire you do do my billing for a day and then give you have a nice sailboat for your birthday courtesy of the other tax payers?! Errrr.  Yeah, pretty sure that doesn’t pass the legal smell test ... 😳

I had a typo in my original post.  I meant to say it "wouldn't" hold water with an IRS audit.

The rule is....a gift of $25/per employee can be written off.

Travel expense....just the portion that is work related.  If it was a cruise that was completely and totally work related then the whole thing could be written off for employees (example...if they are all travel agents).  However, if there's...let's say....2 hours of work per day then only that per centage could be used. If a return was professionally prepared, and audited with whatever OP is claiming....the IRS would deem it as frivolous (unless OP could prove that work was being done) and the preparer would be penalized for claiming something that that preparers should know (it's Tax101). 

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41 minutes ago, April42749 said:

I had a typo in my original post.  I meant to say it "wouldn't" hold water with an IRS audit.

The rule is....a gift of $25/per employee can be written off.


There are definitely rules that keep people from abusing the system (family vacations).  A little hard to believe that there are adults who are not well aware of the tax basics.

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