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Very Upset With Rccl And The Cruise Line Ltd!!!

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Wow, what a jerk. I can't imagine anybody in that line of work telling a family they can't eat together. That person doesn't belong in any kind of customer service role.


Honestly, this type of stuff is the reason I rarely cruise RCI anymore. I do most of my cruises these days on Radisson (I'm also booked for one coming up on Windstar). You would rarely if ever hear that type of "sorry no can do" attitude on Radisson. We only do RCI when we bring our teenagers with us, as they would be bored to death on one of those other lines, which don't cater to kids. And we go on RCI cruises knowing what to expect -- a mass-market experience. The extra "amenities" you get on the big ships (more entertainment, more venues, more activities) aren't worth the headaches.



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In both cases discussed here, the travel agents messed up.


In the first case the TA should have let RCCL know there was a problem before the passenger ever saw the documents. The documents should have been checked carefully by the TA and any problems should have been noticed. It is obvious that the flights were a mess!


If this was not your first cruise with RCCL, you were entitled to free custom air. Your TA should have gone to bat for you. I once had a problem with a TA who submitted a request for custom air for us after I had only made an inquiry about a particular flight. When we realized that he had booked it, I immediately wanted it changed. RCCL charged $50 for custom air because they will only do custom air once per trip per passenger. Because the mistake was made by the TA, the agency absorbed the cost of the change. You should have insisted on that.


In the case of the dining room snafu, that was also a problem the TA should have taken care of at the time of booking the three cabins. It is a very simple procedure for the TA to link the three reservations so you would be seated at the same table. He/she obviously didn't do that; thus the source of your problem. The rudeness of the headwaiter is inexcusable and I hope you noted it on your Comment Card.


In any event, I hope the cruises were wonderful after you got everything straightened out.


By the way, I agree that it is much easier to get a skycap to handle your luggage and just grab a cab at the airport. No long lines to wait in! When the ship comes back, the people with transfers are sitting on a bus waiting for it to fill up and you are in a cab and on your way to the airport in minutes.

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In both cases discussed here, the travel agents messed up.



That seems to be the common denominator on these types of issues. I have yet to see one mention with these sort of problems where the poster booked the cruise on their own, always through a TA, at least that I have seen.

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Several years ago I coordinated a cruise with 6 other couples through our Company's TA figuring that since we used the agency for business and they had a presence in the building it would be very convenient. Surprise Surprise,

They only handle air travel so the referred me to corporate and found what we thought was a great guy - WHAT A MISTAKE. He managed to get one upgrade for the 7 rooms and gave it to someone other than me - the guy who booked all 7 couples - fortunately the other six said - NO WAY - you did the work - you get the upgrade - which was basically one deck up.


Second - he screwed up Airline reservations to a fairthewell, Setup a table for 14 in the dining room which was buried in the backs o we saw nothing an basically collected a fat commission for nothing.


When we returned home - I wrote a scathing letter to his boss and CC'd Richard Fain the CEO of RCCL. said while there were issues on the cruise he should be aware of - this agent did more to screw up RCCL's reputation.

Net result was a very generous set of vouchers for our next cruise.

I'd write Richard or Dan Hanrahan and do it diplomatically, documenting everything names and times if possible - you may have to wait a while but you also may be pleasantly surprised

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I was a TA for many years and it is their responsiblity to make sure that all parties are booked on the same flights if requested that way by the clients. (Even if the client didn't think of it, I would assume everyone, especially families, would want to travel together) When cabins and flights are booked by the cruiseline, they send a fax with the info to the TA. Apparently this TA was either new or a total flake to not realize that something was amiss. Cruiselines pay TA's commissions - that is how TA's get "paid". Travel agencies also carry "Errors and Omissions" insurance which I'm not sure if that could apply in this instance, but at the very least, if it had cost $50.00 per tkt to change, than that should have come out of the commission. That was not a small booking, and if that TA wanted any repeat business from you at all, they should have done everything possible to rectify the situation for you. If I were you, if it was a local TA, I would take it up with the owner of the agency.

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What a mess. I am so sorry. This is not just a simple answer here. Several problems.


First, please know that there are good TA's out there. There are honest ones, who don't charge surcharges to work with you and are paid directly by the cruise lines, and if they work for a business their pay is a portion of the commission paid by the cruise line. Just to clear that point up. Few make a fortune in this business and the good ones last because they not only are good at what they do, but they really do care about the client.


Royal Caribbean provides air as a courtesy. It is allotted a certain number of a class of seats on certain flights. When you say you want your air booked through them, you can find out what flights you have I believe it's 30 days prior to departure. If you don't like them, you can go to custom air who can change your tickets for a handling fee, PLUS what ever the price difference is. The change fee is waived if you are a certain level CA member but not the difference in the ticket price. That's where they're coming up with the price being more than $50. $50 is only the change fee. That has nothing to do with them, that's the airlines and there is nothing you can do to change that. But I would press to get the $50 waived.


I do think there was a problem with both RCCL and your TA. It is possible that the class of seat was not available on the same flights but at that point there was a massive communication breakdown. Since you have a group, I would have hoped that your TA would have confirmed your air and given you the opportunity to change if need be.


RCCL may have sent faxes regarding air arrangments but I've never recieved any in the past year. Neither have I with Celebrity or Disney. So i think that's one money saving step the cruise lines have eliminated. If you want to know, the TA has to call to check.


As far as changing cabins, your ta has to do that for you, but I would ask to speak to her supervisor, I assume she is not the business owner, and see if you can't get some relief in this manner.


I am so very sorry for you. I do hope it can't get worked out.

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There are now many agencies which specialize in cruises, or only handle cruises. They guarantee the cheapest fare and provide great service. The advantage of them over online booking is that you are dealing with a real person who is interested in you as a client.

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And we deal with one person, who knows us, not some stranger who takes our call and then passes it on to another stranger.



I couldn't agree with this statement more. You need to find a local agent in the future who really has your best interest at heart. My travel agent is so attentive and would never let a mistake go uncorrected. I know its not the most fun to fly without your mom but I think I would've been tempted to do it and forget trying to pay out of pocket and file claims and such. It wouldn't be worth the extra $309 dollars just to have some help but then I have two small children who are 15 mos apart so flying with only one doesn't seem so bad :)

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It is so very important to make sure one of your group is the booking number that everyone else will be referenced to. That way the diningroom personnel will try to make sure all are seated together. One booking number and have everyone else cross referenced to that number. It is the passengers responsibility to cross reference them at the time of booking. Mistakes are made but usually can be corrected right after boarding the ship. We had 20 in our group and one of them booked late but RCL made the change for us at soon as we got on board. Do not go to eat, do not go to your room, go right to the Diningroom personnel and they will help, I'm sure. 58 cruises with only one problem and that was the fault of the TA. Enjoy your cruise and learn from it so the next time will be perfece.

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It is because of this very scenario that I chose to do all my own booking. Cruise and air. If something gets screwed up I have no one else to blame but myself and I like the idea that I always know what is going on because I'm the one checking up on things and making changes if needed. As for now needing to pay for transfers, you always have to pay for them, that is not a free service, it is built into your overall cost. We were able to get a limo service for $10 a person to pick up our group of 10 at our FLL hotel for transport to Miami. That is each way of course plus a gratuity but not a bad deal for having our own private transport and not being shuffled through like cattle off the RC buses.


To me this sounds more like a problem with the travel agent than RC cruise line. Hopefully it will work out for you in the end and the cruise itself will make up for the crappy travelling arrangements.

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The one and only time we booked cruise line air, we were on the same flight, but not seated together. It was pretty much the same for several other families as well (on the same flight). We managed, with the assistance of the flight attendants, to re-configure ourselves more appropriately. I managed to be seated with my daughter, then 6, my 9 yr old son behind me, DH about four rows up. Almost the same scenario on the return flight.


I've never trusted the cruise line with my air arrangements since. I like having control over my own destiny and cannot stand the thought of not knowing, until 30 days prior, just when and where my flight will be. To think, you actually have to pay them extra to arrange air, plus a deviation fee, or custom charge if you want any control at all.


I see you have been registered on Cruise Critic a long time and I wonder if you have ever read about this subject before? Certainly, there are times when cruise air is a better deal, but most of the time you are better off booking your own, flying in a day ahead, grabbing a cab and Pricelining a hotel room for the night prior to the cruise. It's possible you knew all this, now you know why.


I do hope your cruise is wonderful, it would be a shame for this to put a damper on something you have planned for 2 years.

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I do think there are times when cruise air is better and that would be for the foreign trips. Unless you are experienced in the country you're departing to/from, perhaps know a little of the languarge, you might be just fine as long as you are capable of and don't mind dragging all your bags with you. But in most cases you still have a ways to go between your arrival point and departure point and it can be a bear to navigate. This is when I see the benefits. Also, those are the types of cruises that the hords are not taking, compared to the numbers they're negotiating for the caribbean. So I think your chances of better 'service' for the air portion, is in your favor.


Please note, in some cruise lines the fare is set by the cruise line. It is against their regulations to offer further discounts. So it wouldn't matter if you booked on line yourself or with any other agency, the price will be the same. This does not apply straight across the board but just know that all agencies cannot discount all cruiselines.

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Unfortunately the brochure states...

"Royal Caribbean's Custom Air program can arrange for you to customize Air Arrangements for all guest wishing to travel together or choose specific airlines and flights(based on airline availability)


Looks like your TA should have informed you in the beginning if you wanted to be sure and travel together you needed custom air to begin with.


Hope it all works out.




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I noticed in your original post, you said that departure times were 7:30 and 8:30. I hope you meant the night or day before. If not, I just wanted to chime in again with a reminder that if you are booking a cruise with flight arrangements, especially in the winter from the north, it is good idea to plan to arrive the night before and spend the night at a hotel near the port. It might cost $100 or so more for the hotel and additional cab fare but think of how much better you will feel in the morning, how much less stress and how likely it is that your flight might be delayed.

Some of the best cruise advice I ever got was to arrive at or near the port the day before so that the morning of the cruise, I knew I would have no trouble making it to the ship. I have been in plenty of airports (most recently in Newark) where families were scrambling trying to make it onto overbooked flights, delayed flights, whatever, in order to make a same day cruise that they booked too tightly.

Hopefully you did mean the night before. In any event, I am sorry to hear of your bad experience and hope the cruise turns out great!
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I have booked many cruises with a particular online cruise-only agency and have never had a problem with them. I can reach my TA by phone - not just a person, but MY TA who is responsible for making sure there are no foul ups. If she's not available at a particular moment, there is someone else to talk to, but the buck stops with her. She has always been on top of things like price drops, etc. If anyone wants to email me personally, I will be glad to give you the name. I can be reached at bubbie617 at aol dot com. Please put Cruise Critic in the subject line.
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The agency mentioned by the OP (The Cruise Line LTD) has an online presence, but you work directly with an agent over the phone. I have always been able to get hold of someone if my primary agent isn't available. As I mentioned earlier, I've been extremely satisfied with their service.

And while it is true that certain cruise lines (including RCI) don't "allow" discounting, I am still always able to get a lower price through them than through any other agency, including the ones that claim they give the best prices because they ONLY communicate via email. I don't ask them how they do it, but I have the proof that it's lower, so I don't care! :)

As so many others have mentioned in this thread, it's apparent this person was the victim of a poor agent, but it should be noted that ANY agency can have a bad employee. The agency as a whole shouldn't be disparaged -- they should be notified that they have a poor performer.

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We've only used a TA for one of our cruises, but it was necessary in my opinion. We had a group of 40 people and the logistics would have been a nightmare for one of us to do. The TA made sure we were all on the same flights down and back, as well as ensuring that we were all seated together for dinners. I took the lead for 10 of us and made the arrangements to/from the airport at home. The limo ride made it special as well as started the whole trip off on a high note. Your experience with your particular TA has turned out to be an unpleasent one. I would do two things now, first, do what has already been recommended and write letters and second, tell all your friends your experience with the TA. Hit them in the pocketbook and you'll get their attention.
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My last cruise our TA did not verify our minor son would be traveling with my husband and I. We were surprised that the arrangements had him traveleing a different airline than ours. I called our TA and she looked into it and realized she did not confirm times with RCCL so our TA spent her commission paying for the difference in our sons flight and she went way above board in her apologies and had a nice wine sent to our room. Sad to say the flight she originally booked for our son would have been much better too bad she didn't move us all to that one! We would have had our luggage and been on time to the pier! We are very grateful for having as good a TA as we have!:)
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I also use Cruise Line Ltd - I use one particular agent who is ALWAYS available...by phone, email, or instant messenger. I don't think you should blame the entire company for one agent's mistakes. You need to find an agent you are comfortable with and who is responsive. It's not the agency that matters as much as the particular agent. After reading so many posts about people who have had bad experiences with their TA's, I am very grateful to have found such a great one!
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[quote name='ilionite65']I'm still wondering if you personally paid the TA?[/quote]

I immediately had the same question! What, exactly, did the OP pay the TA other than the cruise fare? I know of[B] no[/B] Travel Agency that requires a fee for their services (they are paid a[B] commission[/B] by the cruise line/land vacation agency, etc.) for regular bookings. Many [B]do[B] [B][B][B]charge a cancellation fee, however[/B]. [/B][/B][/B][/B]Our agency will occasionally charge an up-front fee for a very detailed and specific itinerary that requires a lot of research and putting together a travel package that may involve several components (air, land, tours, train, ferry, etc.), but that fee is applied towards the booking. Also - sounds to me like the OP should have asked for a [B]group booking[/B] with the addition of 16 more people, but it looks like these 16 booked independently. ??? When booking air through the cruise line, you take your chances, and your TA should have told you this. Custom air (or air deviation) generally costs $50.00 per person [B]plus[/B] the increase in airfare.
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[quote name='bubbie617']

In the case of the dining room snafu, that was also a problem the TA should have taken care of at the time of booking the three cabins. It is a very simple procedure for the TA to link the three reservations so you would be seated at the same table. He/she obviously didn't do that; thus the source of your problem.[/QUOTE]

It might not be quite that obvious that the TA is at fault with screwed-up dining arrangements, although that's probably the case in the vast majority of instances. There have been times where I have faxed in a dining request, subsequently received by fax a confirnation from the cruise ine, and when the client arrives on the ship no one knows anything about it. I have had clients sitting right in front of me listening on speakerphone when a request was made and acknowledged then get on the ship and find out nothing happened.

Sometimes a TA can do everything right and things still get screwed up by the cruise line.
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