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Gluten-free diet on Oceania: How good/easy is it?


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We had quite a surprise recently.  DH (we are "Geezers", keep in mind) was very recently diagnosed with full fledged Celiac Disease, with key test scores off the charts.

Whether it was some sort of late onset, or his body somehow had adjusted (in terms of no/few noticeable symptoms), we'll never know at this point.

It was noticed during other testing; then they did the labwork, and... surprise! :classic_sad:

He's been told to treat this as true celiac disease, not just "try to restrict glutens when possible".


We sort of feel like this isn't such a bad time for this diagnosis, if there must be one at all.  "Gluten Free" seems to be everywhere (it almost seems "trendy" sometimes nowadays), so there are lots of choices most of the time.

But some of them aren't very tasty, while others are so tasty, that I want them, too!


How difficult is it to get "gluten free" on Oceania? 

Yes, of course we are notifying Oceania's special needs department, with whom we already have a "relationship" for other reasons.

Will he need to plan ahead for ALL meals, or are there true gluten free choices available "on request", e.g., a surf & turf at Waves - are there likely to be gluten free rolls there, or would he need to order that the day before, etc.?

He used to enjoy the cookies in the lounges and in Baristas.  Does anyone know if there are reasonable gluten-free selections, and how much advanced notice one needs to give?


Any suggestions are welcomed!  This is still quite new to us, and we err on the side of caution, of course.

We'll be bringing along a supply of gluten-free snacks for him, so he won't be caught high and dry on excursions, etc., or if he has some sort of  "snack attack" in the middle of the night :classic_wink:


Many thanks!



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aside  from the advanced  menu planning  you receive

if dining in Waves or the Terrace I would speak to the CHEF  before choosing your food items

They may have GF buns at Waves  but  not sure  so I would ask  & if cross contamination is an issue  you may want to check into that

I have not seen GF cookies at Baristas but maybe they can get some  for you if you ask ahead of time


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16 minutes ago, LHT28 said:

aside  from the advanced  menu planning  you receive

if dining in Waves or the Terrace I would speak to the CHEF  before choosing your food items

They may have GF buns at Waves  but  not sure  so I would ask  & if cross contamination is an issue  you may want to check into that

I have not seen GF cookies at Baristas but maybe they can get some  for you if you ask ahead of time




We figure that Oceania will "handle it properly", and we'll have already let them know, plus make sure that we alert any servers, etc., "at the time".


I guess I should have been more specific... about first hand experiences... how *does* it operate for "gluten free" on Oceania?

(We'll be on Marina, in case the ship/ship size matters.)

For example, *does* Waves (or Terrace, or...) already have gluten free rolls/buns, or would we need to wait if we hadn't already given advance notice?  Or would Waves be "out" unless we had given advance notice?  Or is Waves "out" anyway, because it isn't set up for gluten free?

We especially wonder about all of this, given how often we've heard about "gluten free" recently.  But we hadn't *experienced* it until *very* recently.


And then there is the other part of the question, which is, "how good" are gluten free selections?  "Taste" is obviously very personal, but already, we've found that "rolls" in a restaurant can be relatively "blah", or so tasty, that "I want one of those, also, please" :classic_smile:

Are there gluten free versions of most selections, or are there rather limited choices?

(Please understand that we are still learning about which types of foods/preparations have/might have gluten, given how recent this all is.  We are still recovering from the surprise, to put it mildly.  We were on Riviera about 2 months ago, and this wasn't a *known* issue. But now that he has been gluten free, one totally unintentional "goof" really did have some unexpected consequences.)


Thanks again!



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I am gluten free and have been for about 15 years now. Next month will be on 8th O cruise. It is a lot easier to be gf on O than most other places 🙂


Waves I usually get sandwiches 'on a plate ' (no delay for that) so not sure about gf buns there. At dinner I am always offered gf bread or rolls - about 7 out of 10 on a gf bread scale or 4 out of 10 on a regular bread scale imo. I believe they do have gf buns and *guess* that you could get them at Waves with a slight delay - a delay that would likely shrink on each successive visit once they know you. Feel free to report back on that! 


 The French fries on O are *not* gluten free. Dinner is easy in general - just have to ask at Terrace but folks are very helpful. The other dinner venues you order ahead. Then when you are seated let your server know that you have a pre-order. Many years ago a Terrace server said they could bring me my GDR pre-order in Terrace but I haven't done that so not sure if that still holds. 


Breakfast in GDR you can order gf pancakes but not all staff know they exist. They are quite sweet but very good. Also they will offer you gf bread. 


On Insignia, Mario told me they can even do gluten free pizza. 


Not sure about Baristas treats. Tea can depend on the ship but usually (not always imo) have gf items available. 


gf is an extra layer of difficulty, especially at the beginning. But O is mostly set up to deal with it easily. I still get glutened from time to time but so far not on O. 


Enjoy! And hopefully the change of diet will eliminate some lingering symptoms - everyone reacts differently but for me it has really helped. I have a cousin who didn't notice much day-to-day difference but who did reverse internal damage and was thus able to avoid some surgery. This does run in families so your kids may wish to be tested. 


ps my biggest misses have been where servers forget beer is involved - for example mussels Belgian style. That was many years ago in CT... 

Edited by babysteps
Typos on phone lol
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Four more thoughts:

1-I haven't (yet) seen gf soy sauce available on O.  If you want some for your sashimi (or sushi - ask first in case the sushi rice is not gf due to seasonings - others may know better than I do on that), you may want to bring your own.  In our area, the sushi bar at Wegman's (regional grocery store) has packets of gf soy sauce.


2-for additional info, here are some recent gf on O threads - from January 2019 and November 2018 - I know it is hard to search-within-forum on a phone!


3-for onboard wine tastings that offer food, it can be tricky - this seems to be outside the normal communication channels for dining restrictions.  A call the day before or morning of to whoever set it up (beverage department iirc) can help, but for the first such in a given cruise get there early to double check; don't be surprised if the kitchen has to whip something up quickly.


4-I haven't done meal-included O tours, but based on other meal-included tours it can be a bit hit or miss for restricted diners, especially if the meal is a box lunch.  I eat a large breakfast (the breakfast sausage is gf lol) and roll with the punches.  If lunch is *not* something you can miss without hardship, communicate early & often for best results...


And to clarify on the rolls, they are better than blah but not quite 'I want some of your gf roll" level.  I am not keto or paleo or low carb, but I get way more more carbs from rice, potatoes and corn than from gf bread these days.

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Usually if you have  a"special Menu"  you are flagged in the computer

If the Maitre'd does not give the escort waiter  your menu then make sure you remind the Maitre'd you have a special meal

They have copies of your chosen menu under the podium when you check in at the dining venues ..except the Terrace & Waves

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11 hours ago, GeezerCouple said:

We had quite a surprise recently.  DH (we are "Geezers", keep in mind) was very recently diagnosed with full fledged Celiac Disease, with key test scores off the charts.

Whether it was some sort of late onset, or his body somehow had adjusted (in terms of no/few noticeable symptoms), we'll never know at this point.

It was noticed during other testing; then they did the labwork, and... surprise! :classic_sad:

He's been told to treat this as true celiac disease, not just "try to restrict glutens when possible".


We sort of feel like this isn't such a bad time for this diagnosis, if there must be one at all.  "Gluten Free" seems to be everywhere (it almost seems "trendy" sometimes nowadays), so there are lots of choices most of the time.

But some of them aren't very tasty, while others are so tasty, that I want them, too!


How difficult is it to get "gluten free" on Oceania? 

Yes, of course we are notifying Oceania's special needs department, with whom we already have a "relationship" for other reasons.

Will he need to plan ahead for ALL meals, or are there true gluten free choices available "on request", e.g., a surf & turf at Waves - are there likely to be gluten free rolls there, or would he need to order that the day before, etc.?

He used to enjoy the cookies in the lounges and in Baristas.  Does anyone know if there are reasonable gluten-free selections, and how much advanced notice one needs to give?


Any suggestions are welcomed!  This is still quite new to us, and we err on the side of caution, of course.

We'll be bringing along a supply of gluten-free snacks for him, so he won't be caught high and dry on excursions, etc., or if he has some sort of  "snack attack" in the middle of the night :classic_wink:


Many thanks!



I know pretty much nothing about Celiac Disease so pardon my ignorance, but if there are “no/few noticeable symptoms” why does it require a dietary change?

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2 hours ago, babysteps said:

I am gluten free and have been for about 15 years now. Next month will be on 8th O cruise. It is a lot easier to be gf on O than most other places 🙂


Waves I usually get sandwiches 'on a plate ' (no delay for that) so not sure about gf buns there. At dinner I am always offered gf bread or rolls - about 7 out of 10 on a gf bread scale or 4 out of 10 on a regular bread scale imo. I believe they do have gf buns and *guess* that you could get them at Waves with a slight delay - a delay that would likely shrink on each successive visit once they know you. Feel free to report back on that! 


 The French fries on O are *not* gluten free. Dinner is easy in general - just have to ask at Terrace but folks are very helpful. The other dinner venues you order ahead. Then when you are seated let your server know that you have a pre-order. Many years ago a Terrace server said they could bring me my GDR pre-order in Terrace but I haven't done that so not sure if that still holds. 


Breakfast in GDR you can order gf pancakes but not all staff know they exist. They are quite sweet but very good. Also they will offer you gf bread. 


On Insignia, Mario told me they can even do gluten free pizza. 


Not sure about Baristas treats. Tea can depend on the ship but usually (not always imo) have gf items available. 


gf is an extra layer of difficulty, especially at the beginning. But O is mostly set up to deal with it easily. I still get glutened from time to time but so far not on O. 


Enjoy! And hopefully the change of diet will eliminate some lingering symptoms - everyone reacts differently but for me it has really helped. I have a cousin who didn't notice much day-to-day difference but who did reverse internal damage and was thus able to avoid some surgery. This does run in families so your kids may wish to be tested. 


ps my biggest misses have been where servers forget beer is involved - for example mussels Belgian style. That was many years ago in CT... 


Thanks very much.


Your comment about the french fries caught me by surprise, so with some help from Google... sure enough... there are a couple of ways that potatoes can turn into gluten :classic_biggrin: - or "sort of", enough to matter.   We hadn't encountered those yet, but we had discussed them, and ... thanks again, b/c we may have been wrong, and possibly most of the time!  Just a reminder to us that we really need to ask *every* time when we are out...


I try to get Waves' surf & turf without the bun, because the first time, I didn't plan to eat the bun, but... I took just a little bite, and really liked it, ahem.


I'm guessing there will be some special cookies/etc., available, which may not be as good.  (But not having all those treats "just sitting there, pleading to be eaten", might be good for dieting?)


We'll just have to take a look around Terrace, to see how common gf items are, without needing to plan in advance.


DH has found some gf "beer", but I don't remember what the ingredients were.  He's not a big beer drinker anyway, so fortunately that isn't any problem.  He might drink a bit more of the hard cider that I keep on hand.  We mostly prefer wine anyway.


Thank you for mentioning your cousin, whose internal damage improved.  That's encouraging, and it would be nice if that happens.  But at least there shouldn't be any additional damage now.  Do you happen to know how long it took for the reversal to be noticed?  (It's invasive to detect/monitor directly like that, so we'll defer to the specialists, obviously.  But that's the only reason we even found out, during a different procedure.  Everyone was surprised, given his age and the lack of almost all symptoms.)  


Thanks again!




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49 minutes ago, babysteps said:

Four more thoughts:

1-I haven't (yet) seen gf soy sauce available on O.  If you want some for your sashimi (or sushi - ask first in case the sushi rice is not gf due to seasonings - others may know better than I do on that), you may want to bring your own.  In our area, the sushi bar at Wegman's (regional grocery store) has packets of gf soy sauce.


2-for additional info, here are some recent gf on O threads - from January 2019 and November 2018 - I know it is hard to search-within-forum on a phone!


3-for onboard wine tastings that offer food, it can be tricky - this seems to be outside the normal communication channels for dining restrictions.  A call the day before or morning of to whoever set it up (beverage department iirc) can help, but for the first such in a given cruise get there early to double check; don't be surprised if the kitchen has to whip something up quickly.


4-I haven't done meal-included O tours, but based on other meal-included tours it can be a bit hit or miss for restricted diners, especially if the meal is a box lunch.  I eat a large breakfast (the breakfast sausage is gf lol) and roll with the punches.  If lunch is *not* something you can miss without hardship, communicate early & often for best results...


And to clarify on the rolls, they are better than blah but not quite 'I want some of your gf roll" level.  I am not keto or paleo or low carb, but I get way more more carbs from rice, potatoes and corn than from gf bread these days.


Thanks for the additional comments, especially about the soy sauce.  I doubt we would have thought to bring a little bottle along, but now we will!  Of course, whether we'd need it depends upon how gf the foods in Red Ginger will be, or can be made.


For off-the ship (or even on the ship!), we'll be carrying suitable prepackaged snacks.  We always do that on any "excursions", from ships or otherwise, in case food isn't available when desired, or if it's not at all good.  We'll just bring new ones.  Fortunately, a favorite Kind Bar is gluten free, and that has already been a real help.


And I'll check the other threads/links you provided.  I really hadn't even gotten started.  And they are *recent*... selective perception, etc.... we simply hadn't been paying attention to any of this all these years.


Thanks again!



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45 minutes ago, LHT28 said:


Usually if you have  a"special Menu"  you are flagged in the computer

If the Maitre'd does not give the escort waiter  your menu then make sure you remind the Maitre'd you have a special meal

They have copies of your chosen menu under the podium when you check in at the dining venues ..except the Terrace & Waves


Thanks again...

I hope this doesn't interfere too much at the Specialties, which we really enjoy!


I didn't notice... on the regular MDR menu, are gf items flagged with a special symbol, the way veggie dishes often are?

Or do they not handle it that way, due to possible cross-contamination, and a need for special prep?


Much to learn.



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15 minutes ago, DeanoNorthPerth said:

I know pretty much nothing about Celiac Disease so pardon my ignorance, but if there are “no/few noticeable symptoms” why does it require a dietary change?


As babysteps mentioned above, there can be internal damage (direct damage, plus other increased risk factors), so it's not at all a trivial situation.  In a way, it would have been better if DH did have obvious symptoms, but he didn't.  Even if it's relatively recent onset, he still didn't have enough helpful symptoms as of the day it was diagnosed.

[The damage was noticed during an invasive procedure for something else.]


We also previously were pretty clueless about this. 



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6 minutes ago, GeezerCouple said:


Thanks again...

I hope this doesn't interfere too much at the Specialties, which we really enjoy!


I didn't notice... on the regular MDR menu, are gf items flagged with a special symbol, the way veggie dishes often are?

Or do they not handle it that way, due to possible cross-contamination, and a need for special prep?


Much to learn.




In the  dining rooms  GDR  & Specialties

they send you a menu  a day or two prior  (1st night  is the exception)

You check off what you would like   they try to make those items  GF but if not possible  they will tell you & you can choose something else

For the 1st night & the Buffet  ASK  to speck to the Chef  & ask what foods are "safe" to eat 


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This is not specific to an Oceania cruise obviously, but I have a close family member who has Celiac and  her major problem is that gluten is used as a preservative in many "you wouldn't ever think it" foods and beverages.....wine being one of them. 

Please don't kill the messenger 

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2 hours ago, GeezerCouple said:
1 hour ago, GeezerCouple said:
2 hours ago, GeezerCouple said:
1 hour ago, GeezerCouple said:

I hope this doesn't interfere too much at the Specialties, which we really enjoy! Shouldn't interfere at all, just have to pre-select from the menu ahead of time as LHT28 said


I didn't notice... on the regular MDR menu, are gf items flagged with a special symbol No flags, just pre-select whatever you think you will want.  Most things can be adjusted; if not they will ask you to select something else.

We'll just have to take a look around Terrace, to see how common gf items are, without needing to plan in advance. Lots of choices, but selection varies day to day so it does take some inquiry or guidance - but worth it imo.

I doubt we would have thought to bring a little bottle along, but now we will!  Of course, whether we'd need it depends upon how gf the foods in Red Ginger will be, or can be made. Red Ginger selections are pretty easy - fewer "can't do"s than I guessed. I suspect they have gf soy sauce in the kitchen but not at Terrace for the sushi station.  Sauces are usually adjustable, marination not necessarily.

DH has found some gf "beer", There is a hard cider on the beer list onboard.  FYI some folks worry about whiskey (wheat or barley and/or rye) but ime the distillation means none of the gluten protein makes it through to the final product.  Some mumble about possible caramel coloring issues, but that may be a lower-end EU issue...


2 hours ago, GeezerCouple said:

Do you happen to know how long it took for the reversal to be noticed?  She was scheduled at age 30-something for a gut procedure much more common in 75yo+ crowd.  Within iirc 2 months the inflammation was better, although damage still there.  Damage was slower to go away, but the inflammation going away meant no immediate need for surgery.  This was 10+ years ago, and no surgery yet needed.


Sorry for formatting of nested quotes, hopefully this is all clear enough.  Shared fryers can be an issue at many restaurants - at Guild in San Diego we discovered getting there when they opened meant they could do a gf batch of fries before anything else went in the fryer.  FLX Frybird in Geneva NY has gluten free fried chicken!!  We do a lot of cornmeal or buckwheat batter frying at home (buckwheat is gf but most commercial buckwheat products are a mix of wheat and buckwheat...most but not all commercial cornbread has wheat in it as well...).  But I digress...

36 minutes ago, StanandJim said:

.....wine being one of them. 

Please don't kill the messenger 

I have heard concerns about wine barrel ends using wheaten glue but haven't experienced glutening from wine as far as I know.  I suspect this is may be more an issue with re-used barrels, or lower-end barrels, as the coopers I have visited don't use glue in their barrel ends.  Flavored wines and wine coolers do sometimes (often??) have gluten (mostly from malt, which is barley).  And we certainly don't want to kill the messenger, we like the messenger 🙂

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3 hours ago, GeezerCouple said:

Fortunately, a favorite Kind Bar is gluten free

Yay.  Also, most (all?) Lara Bars are gluten free.  Of course, plain Fritos are also gluten free :classic_biggrin:

Edited by babysteps
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Thanks very much, babysteps.


It's very encouraging about the reversal.

I've also been reading that about 20% of celiac disease diagnoses are made in those over 60, and many more between ages 40 and 60.  What I still need to find out (of curiosity; it "doesn't matter" for us) is whether the late diagnoses are due to late onset, or just relatively asymptomatic disease.


Neither of us "needs" french fries at this point in our weight, I mean, lives :classic_ohmy:

So that could be a 'help'...!


We don't mind planning ahead most of the time for meals.  Especially for dinners, we like (okay *I* like) to study the MDR menu in advance, and that helps us decide where we'll eat.  On our last O cruise a couple of months ago, we actually rescheduled a Specialty because the MDR had something that sounded especially appealing... and it *was* :classic_smile:


As an "aside", we found the MDR food *much* better this time than before.  Perhaps we chose the "wrong things" before, but even others at our table one night complained about the poor presentation (white fish, pale sauce, white potatoes, no garnish... nothing, not even a sprig of pedestrian parsley).  But the recent cruise, it was all yummy.  Last time, we spent more time in Terrace, the Specialties, or dining en suite with something from a Specialty.

I just hope that DH won't need to "pass" on some favorites.  Hopefully most can be prepared gf.


About the wine, and glutens in some sealing... that IS a concern. 

We've got quite a "cellar", and the "good stuff" is hard to travel with since TSA restricted hand carrying of wine bottles onto commercial planes.  We used to *very* much enjoy bringing a couple of special bottles with us for special trips. 

We were planning to start "drinking down" the supply 🍷 🍷


Thanks again!




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8 minutes ago, babysteps said:

Yay.  Also, most (all?) Lara Bars are gluten free.  Of course, plain Fritos are also gluten free :classic_biggrin:


Ah, I need to check Cheetos!

Oh, wait, *I* am the Cheetos Freak...!


Good to know about Fritos.

He needs to find some new "vehicles" for cheeses, hummus and other dips, etc.

(Not sure about Fritos and brie, however...)


Thanks again.



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Don't worry, it *does* get easier.


7 hours ago, GeezerCouple said:

He needs to find some new "vehicles" for cheeses, hummus and other dips, etc.


A spoon works quite well in many cases lol (and a side plate - I am not suggesting double-dipping...).  Corn or gf multi-grain chips are great, also celery or carrots etc.  I might load even ridged potato chips too heavily to make them perfect, but in a pinch they will work too.  GF crackers are pretty good, and sliced cucumber or zucchini also make good bases for canape type things.  So many possibilities, once you look beyond the pita :classic_biggrin:


A web search for "are Cheetos gluten free" includes this link, apparently most flavors are gf - dig in!

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1 minute ago, babysteps said:

Don't worry, it *does* get easier.



A spoon works quite well in many cases lol (and a side plate - I am not suggesting double-dipping...).  Corn or gf multi-grain chips are great, also celery or carrots etc.  I might load even ridged potato chips too heavily to make them perfect, but in a pinch they will work too.  GF crackers are pretty good, and sliced cucumber or zucchini also make good bases for canape type things.  So many possibilities, once you look beyond the pita :classic_biggrin:


A web search for "are Cheetos gluten free" includes this link, apparently most flavors are gf - dig in!


Too funny.... he has long enjoyed baby carrots for dipping in hummus, long before the gf concerns - a very healthy snack!


As for chips, we'll need to make sure they aren't tainted, like french fries!

But we don't eat that "stuff" much, for general health/weight reasons.

(But let me loose on a bag of Cheetos, and I'm gone...!  I don't know what it is about them.  I can avoid opening a bag, even if it's right in front of me, but if I eat one bite..... :classic_ohmy: )


Thanks.  We hadn't yet gotten to the point of trolling the grocery shelves for more general snacks/crackers/etc.

He enjoys the carrots anyway, so why ruin a good thing 🙂


However, I'm not sure how much he'll enjoy chewing on spoons, but thanks for the suggestion :classic_biggrin:


Thanks again.

This has been a helpful and encouraging thread!



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  • 3 years later...

A Celiac diagnosis after 50 comes as a shock, it happened to me too. Something to double check on cruises are the shampoos, soaps, conditioners, and even toothpaste can contain gluten. I have a severe response to being glutened so I have to be very careful. Ask about pasta water! In any of the Italian restaurants GF pasta may be used, but then the pasta is cooked in the same water as regular pasta. Any toasted bread, ask if it is toasted in the same toaster as regular bread, the cross-contamination is the most problematic. Many times the bread can be toasted in a pan or safe cooktop.

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We were on the Riviera in September: I am gluten and lactose free and notified Oceania in advance. When we got to our cabin, there was a letter from the Dining Manager, requesting a meeting with me to review my selections. I also follow a modified low fodmap diet (no onion, garlic and a bunch of other items). After the meeting, I was given a modified menu to select from: made my choices the day prior and brought them to the Dining Reservations desk.  This even applied to the Specialty Dining venues.

I also have diet specific cards that I carry and distribute to restaurants- I gave several to the Maitre'D and the Dining Room Managers. I felt well taken care of

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12 hours ago, Iamateacher said:

In any of the Italian restaurants GF pasta may be used, but then the pasta is cooked in the same water as regular pasta.

This is definitely a thing, and fortunately is not the case in my experience onboard Oceania or in Italy in general (very strong GF protocols in both places). In the US, some restaurants differentiate between 'no gluten ingredients' (which would describe the GF pasta cooked in water used for gluten items) and 'no contact' (which would prohibit the GF pasta cooked in water used for gluten items). No dedicated GF fryer is another common challenge, and at some restaurants almost everything gets braised in beer.


Entire regions of the US seem to be easier (or tougher) to navigate, and I do enjoy how GF awareness is way higher today than it used to be. I was diagnosed celiac over 15 years ago, eventually you get a 6th sense about which restaurants get it and which do not - it does get easier!

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I do not have celiac, but am sensitive to gluten. I just want to mention that I have had more problems finding non gluten foods at airports and during flights. I bring some of my own sandwiches when I start my first air flight, but if more flights are needed during my trip, I end up having issues finding appropriate foods. My time on cruise ships has been much easier regarding gluten free eating.

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