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Tattoo cover up


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It is just as a woman gets into middleage and beyond things don't look so "cute" anymore and we tend to regret those things. So I will amend what I said-make sure you put tattoos in spots where you can cover them up later. Even one on your shoulder is fine because once you are my age 50 plus-I doubt you will be wearing apaghetti strapped gowns anyway-if you are like me-you will not go braless and the strapless bras are just too uncomfortable.


To the gal who is in her early forties and has a tatoo and says it still looks good-I still looked good at 40-I still looked good at 45-it was sometime between 45 and 50 I started to go "down hill" in physical looks and health both-I still can't believe the differance a few years can make.


I never felt I was being 'flamed' at all...I was merely giving my opinion on the paragraphs I have quoted above. Tattoos are a very personal thing and I was just giving an example of someone tattooed later in life...not really responding to the OP.

And it was because I didn't want ehpride to regret her tattoos later that I cautioned her to get them someplace where it is up to her for people to see them, like I did. :)

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To the gal who is in her early forties and has a tatoo and says it still looks good-I still looked good at 40-I still looked good at 45-it was sometime between 45 and 50 I started to go "down hill" in physical looks and health both-I still can't believe the differance a few years can make.




I never got a tattoo because I was always afraid that cute dolfin on my ass would turn into a sagging Shamoo over time.:D

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I think a lot of it depends on the individual, not the age. If your personality or beliefs change and they are no longer reflected in your tattoos, you're probably going to regret it. If you just got something that was cool or sexy (not like my mom or I did), then you might too. But if you get something really means something to you and reflects who you are deep down, you're a lot more likely to still like them years down the road. I know that a lot of my parents' friends (and mine too) have tattoos and as far as I know, none of them have any regrets. It's hard to describe, but once you have one, it really tends to become a part of who you are. Bottom line is that I really think it depends on how you go about getting it and what the tat means to you. Some may regret them, some may not. But I don't think that more people regret than not or more people don't regret than people that do.


Lol...which is why I never want to get any tat on my butt!

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I never got a tattoo because I was always afraid that cute dolfin on my ass would turn into a sagging Shamoo over time.:D


you are FUNNY-and you expressed the very point I was trying to make without offending anyone, but ofcourse as usual I expressed myself badly-but that is EXACTLY what I think of when seiing an older woman in a tattoo. I am into camaflauging myself now and NOT calling attention to my poor aging body but unfortunately when there is a tattoo on a certain sagging part that just makes the poor sagging part more obvious.


But when we were young we never thought we would get old. I have no tattoos but I do have some nasty sun damage on my chest area-but even though at 25 I knew sun bathing would age me and I would regret it later -I felt that later was a million years away and I wanted to look brown and sexy then and now 25 years plus have gone by and lordie it seems like it has only been 2 or 3!


Here's another funny for you. My hubby keeps in touch by e-mail with an old high school friend. He was divoiced but last year he met a woman and got remarried. This woman was his age (45 at the time)


Hubby's friend sent an e-mail that she had got her "boobs done" and they looked great. Hubby thought he meant implants and I said I bet she had them lifted. Hubby was SURE I WAS WRONG-so he asked his friend and ofcourse I was right! Time does have a way of changing things!

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I have never been embarassed nor regreted my tat and I've had it for 20 years.


I do feel there are times I would rather it did not show, and dress accordingly.


If I'm giving a lecture or presentation on my research to some stuffy academic types, then I want them paying attention to the info I'm presenting...not my tat.


If I'm doing something involved in the artistic world...then I am considered rather conservative with only have one tat! LOL!


For formal functions like on a cruise ship my tat rarely shows in a gown...but I do have a few where it shows. I don't feel the need to cover it...but if we are having photos taken I'd rather not have it showing.


It's a personal preference.


I don't give a hoot what anyone thinks of it...but that's just me.


You must do what you are comfortable with.



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I have a semi-large (think hand-sized) tat on my upper right shoulder blade that means a lot to me. It is a moon in a sun with 4 stars surrounding - symbolic for my mom and dad (the sun and moon) and my siblings and I (the 4 stars surrounding). My mom was actually with me and paid for it when I got it done. It was her last Christmas present to me before she passed away, so it has even more significance to me because of that.


When I got married 3 years ago, I wore a gorgeous dress with spaghetti straps. I didn't bother covering up my tattoo (against the lady at the bridal shop's recommendations, as well as those of the photographer) because it was a small way of honoring my mom, who had passed away 2 years prior. I don't imagine that I'll ever regret it, because it means so very much to me.


For our cruise in March, I don't plan on attempting to cover up my tattoo because I'm still very proud of it. If I happen to fall in love with a dress that covers it up, that's fine. If I fall in love with a dress that shows it off, that's fine too. I love getting complimented on it and being able to explain the meaning behind it. Have never had any negative remarks. :)


Now that I have a son, I really want to get another tattoo - something to symbolize my "new" immediate family - myself, DH, my baby boy, and my little sister (who came to live with me after mom died). :D



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OsirisShotDown, your tattoo sounds wonderful! What a special memorial for your mom!


I am thinking about another tattoo and was considering something that may be similar. I want a half moon with stars falling off the top tip. The moon would be my husband and the stars would be my two children. The one thing I'm wondering about is color. Is yours in color, or is it black? I'm just wonderging if I get it yellow how well it will show up, but what other color do you do a moon and stars in?!


They sure are addictive!:D

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OSD - I think that sounds beautiful. None of mine are that big, but all three have special meaning to me. My fourth will, too.


Gjules - one of mine is a crescent moon (in color). It's got the black outline, then orange, and the very center is yellow. I've had this one for around 13 years and the yellow is very close to my skin color now, but the orange is still orange. Hope that makes sense and is helpful.

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I have a semi-large (think hand-sized) tat on my upper right shoulder blade that means a lot to me. It is a moon in a sun with 4 stars surrounding - symbolic for my mom and dad (the sun and moon) and my siblings and I (the 4 stars surrounding). My mom was actually with me and paid for it when I got it done. It was her last Christmas present to me before she passed away, so it has even more significance to me because of that.



Now that I have a son, I really want to get another tattoo - something to symbolize my "new" immediate family - myself, DH, my baby boy, and my little sister (who came to live with me after mom died). :D




Heather, why don't you add a different type of star to your existing tattoo? Maybe a two stars over your and your sister's stars symbolizing your husband and your son?

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The only thing i plan to cover my tat up with is zinc oxide so the color won't fade! You can't please everyone. If someone comments tell them it is your "tribal mark". ;) I have a tattoo that most people gape at, on my right ankle. I don't know why! It's an Ankh. with a yellow rose (thorns too) wrapped around it, and a sun burst behind it. After explaining over and over again, I finally just resort to that. They make a comment and subject dropped.

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gjules - My tattoo is outlined in black, with color. The stars are a deep purple and the moon is blue - shaded the darkest towards the outer edge of the moon and getting lighter and lighter till the center, where it is just my skin. Then the sun rays are, of course, various shades of red, yellow and orange.


Blue Herons - I have thought about doing something along those lines, but I really don't want to alter it in any way other than freshening up the color. It may be silly, but to me, it would almost be disrespectful to change it. I can't really find the right words to explain why, but it would.


Ever since I got the first tattoo, I've wanted another one, but I wanted to wait until I could find one that really meant something to me. And now I have the inspiration for that - my DH, baby boy and my "daughter" (lil sis). I really like the Celtic Mother's Heart and the Celtic Family Circle... just might have to get both ;)



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Thanks for all your great ideas; I'll have to start looking around and get going on this new tattoo! OSD your tattoo sounds beautiful...I guess I was thinking too one dimensionally, as far as colors go! I need to think more creatively and expand my horizon a little, I think!!!

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Ah, the fashion statement that stays long after the party is over. One would have thought listening to all the males who returned from service at a variety of times with deep regrets that tatoos were not really cool in the long run that such body art would never have caught on with the female persuasion. But hey you bought it and have now severely limited your field of potential significant others. Rather than a cruise maybe the money would be better spent paying to have the little or not so little items removed. Spoken from the male prospective where such art is viewed as fast and easy.

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Ah, the fashion statement that stays long after the party is over. One would have thought listening to all the males who returned from service at a variety of times with deep regrets that tatoos were not really cool in the long run that such body art would never have caught on with the female persuasion. But hey you bought it and have now severely limited your field of potential significant others. Rather than a cruise maybe the money would be better spent paying to have the little or not so little items removed. Spoken from the male prospective where such art is viewed as fast and easy.


I would NEVER have one removed. The scarring it leaves is much uglier. I would say as I already said to the OP-go to your Dr. and get the prescription makeup that is used to cover port wine stains. Or else as others said-live with it-either be proud of it-or else mark it down to live's experience. All of us have done things we regret in the past and if people are going to judge us for our past-they sure better hope theirs is spotless.


I imagine even you have done a thing or two you would rather others not know tumeroll. Instead of being helpful to anyone here-you just come off sounding like a jerk.

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Ah, the fashion statement that stays long after the party is over. One would have thought listening to all the males who returned from service at a variety of times with deep regrets that tatoos were not really cool in the long run that such body art would never have caught on with the female persuasion. But hey you bought it and have now severely limited your field of potential significant others. Rather than a cruise maybe the money would be better spent paying to have the little or not so little items removed. Spoken from the male prospective where such art is viewed as fast and easy.


That is one man’s opinion.


There are gentlemen, my husband for example, who do not judge a woman’s character merely because she chose to have a tattoo.


Such men lack the ability to focus on anything other than the physical attributes of a woman, and probably lack the depth required for anything worthwhile (as Ehpride stated so beautifully).



That judgmental and immature attitude is not something I would allow in anyone I associate with, and I doubt any such Neanderthal would have the temerity to approach me with his vulgar assumptions.





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if people are going to judge us for our past-they sure better hope theirs is spotless.




And I can honestly say that if some guy did have the gall to make a comment to my face that I was fast and easy based on the fact that I have tats, I wouldn't hesitate for a minute to tell him what was on my mind!

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I have never been embarassed nor regreted my tat and I've had it for 20 years.


I do feel there are times I would rather it did not show, and dress accordingly.


If I'm giving a lecture or presentation on my research to some stuffy academic types, then I want them paying attention to the info I'm presenting...not my tat.


If I'm doing something involved in the artistic world...then I am considered rather conservative with only have one tat! LOL!


For formal functions like on a cruise ship my tat rarely shows in a gown...but I do have a few where it shows. I don't feel the need to cover it...but if we are having photos taken I'd rather not have it showing.


It's a personal preference.


I don't give a hoot what anyone thinks of it...but that's just me.


You must do what you are comfortable with.




Exactly and that is sensible. I know one woman who is a real estate agent. she always wears long sleeves when showing houses and with clients even in summer because she has one on her left forearm. but if she is swimming in a pool or going to a picnic, shopping in the mall, out to dinner with her family, etc. she does not worry about it.

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Tumeroll, I can honestly say that if a guy doesn't have the desire to get to know me better based simply on my tattoos, then he is far too shallow for my taste and deserves to be with someone as closed-minded as he is.


AH, ehpride...I am SO proud of you! You said it VERY well!!


"...have now severely limited your field of potential significant others." Geesh...like EVERYthing we women do we do hoping that it will 'catch' us a good one...thought that thinking went out years ago. Thank God not all males think the same as tumeroll!!!

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I have no tattoos, myself, but I'm certainly not morally opposed to them or anything. My daughters have nice ones, and my sons have none (go figure).

Anyway, the only reason you should cover them is if YOU feel uncomfortable, for some reason. There are so many different people on a cruise ship, that you shouldn't worry what other people think. I expect if someone disapproves strongly, that's probably not someone you're going to associate with much anyway, so you certainly don't have to try to impress them into thinking you're someone you're not. I think most people who cruise regularly are open to new experiences (they are world travelers, after all) and are not all that judgemental. They are there for a good time, not to pass judgement on anyone else.

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Ah, the fashion statement that stays long after the party is over. One would have thought listening to all the males who returned from service at a variety of times with deep regrets that tatoos were not really cool in the long run that such body art would never have caught on with the female persuasion. But hey you bought it and have now severely limited your field of potential significant others. Rather than a cruise maybe the money would be better spent paying to have the little or not so little items removed. Spoken from the male prospective where such art is viewed as fast and easy.


Tumeroll, 1955 called and wants its cliche back.

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