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Regent's Crew Welfare Fund


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Regent does have a policy, as stated below, and that's what they are following.


Gratuities are included in the cruise fare for all Regent employees. If guests feel strongly about expressing their gratitude to the crew, they should be encouraged to make a donation to the Crew Welfare Fund at the Purser Office. This money is utilized for crew parties and events.


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6 hours ago, ronrick1943 said:

I agree, if Regent really has a "NO" tipping policy it really needs clarifying.  A company like Regent needs to put that in bold print in all their sales literature.  Then they need to let all employees know that if they accept any tips they will be terminated on the spot.  That will be the only way to make this work.  It's unfair to the passenger to enforce a policy/rule of Regent.  If this many people are talking about this, then Regent needs to step up and let the passenger and crew know what is expected.  Until this is done--it's a free for all.

I agree 100%!

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The statement from the Regent website quoted by Juno56 is not a "policy" unless that word is synonymous with "a vague cop-out that does not provide adequate guidance for passengers".   The phrase "should be encouraged" is ambiguous and conditional.

I heartily agree with the posters who have suggested that Regent should make it clear whether the acceptance of tips by the crew is appropriate or is prohibited.

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46 minutes ago, ronrick1943 said:


You're blaming the wrong people, Regent has to have a policy and follow that policy.  It's their ship, their employees, their policy.  Regent should be responsible - not the cruising public.  


If Regent doesnt impress on these employees, all too happy to accept gratuities, that this should not be the norm, I do blame them ( Regent)  Ive always been happy with level of service, but never felt it was above and beyond. As long as this is the case, and Regent tells me gratuities are included, I'm not planning to pay more. I dont care if they hover around me all night!

Edited by cruiseluv
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1 hour ago, ronrick1943 said:


I agree with you, but as I was saying Regent really needs to do something and state what the policy about tipping is and enforce it.  That will end this.  But until Regent does something it will be the same old stuff----------


I agree with you as well.

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Back to the original question. If you want to contribute to the Crew Fund, but do not have the cash on hand to do it, here's how. I am not sure of how often (if for example you are sailing on multiple segments it may be only once), but you are permitted to withdraw up to $400 in cash (again, I'm not sure if it's per person or per cabin. We've not needed more than the $400) to be billed to your account. We often use part of this cash withdrawal to fund our donation to the Crew Fund, or we plan and bring an amount designated for the Crew Fund on board with us before we sail. We have always gotten a written acknowledgment for the donation from the Human Resources Manager while on board. We just left the Mariner in Hong Kong on Wednesday, and this is how we again handled it.

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18 hours ago, fizzy said:

I think that was our experiences on Silversea however when one of the staff mentioned that the crew was looking forward to a new sofa and pool table for the crew quarters, I remember being annoyed. I'm all for the $$ being spent for parties and fun stuff and family emergencies but not for providing furniture and furnishings for the employees that should already be being supplied . I'm wondering if these donations on Regent are being used in a similar fashion. We have thought a lot about this subject and have come to the conclusion that if all gratuities are included with the fare, then that must mean that all the staff including the behind the scenes people are also included. We have resumed leaving an envelope for our cabin crew on departure morning and will leave it at that.

While on Silver Spirit a few years ago, I overheard a crew member happily telling a guest that the crew lounge now has new chairs as a result of donations to the crew fund.  This really turned me off as like you, I feel that it should be the cruise line upgrading ship's furnishings, not guest donations. 


I no longer donate to crew funds on any cruise line, but still do additional tipping privately.  On a recent Regent Voyager cruise, we tipped (privately) four bartenders and the dining room staff whose section in CR we sat in every night.  This is my business and not anyone else's .  No cruise line will ever prohibit, nor should they, additional tipping if guests desire to do so.

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4 minutes ago, nfcu said:

I no longer donate to crew funds on any cruise line, but still do additional tipping privately.  On a recent Regent Voyager cruise, we tipped (privately) four bartenders and the dining room staff whose section in CR we sat in every night.  This is my business and not anyone else's .  No cruise line will ever prohibit, nor should they, additional tipping if guests desire to do so.

My biggest issue with this is that the bartenders and dining staff got a little something extra for their efforts but everyone else who contributed to your vacation (barbacks, cooks, deck hands, engine crew, etc.) worked just as hard but received nothing for their efforts.  That's never seemed fair to me.


As to the cruise fund being used to purchase new chairs, do you know exactly what that entailed?  Did they have adequate chairs but maybe splurge for a Magic Fingers Massage Chair?  When we tip, do we really care what the money is spent on, whether it's an individual or a central fund?


There are just way too many variables in this whole thing.  My take is, and always has been, Regent says gratuities are included, I'm going to assume that gratuities are included.  I'd think that if the crew doesn't like their compensation on Regent they could always look to another line that pays better.


I'm sorry - I tried so hard not to weigh in on yet another tipping thread...

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9 minutes ago, UUNetBill said:

My biggest issue with this is that the bartenders and dining staff got a little something extra for their efforts but everyone else who contributed to your vacation (barbacks, cooks, deck hands, engine crew, etc.) worked just as hard but received nothing for their efforts.  That's never seemed fair to me.




There are just way too many variables in this whole thing.  My take is, and always has been, Regent says gratuities are included, I'm going to assume that gratuities are included.  I'd think that if the crew doesn't like their compensation on Regent they could always look to another line that pays better.

Having been in the restaurant business for many years, I can say that few work harder than the dishwashers and cleaning staff. Hopefully they are fairly paid by Regent. On the other hand....the behind the scenes workers do not have to interact with the sometimes demanding customers...always with a smile on their faces.....When someone signs on to  a job, they should balance the pros and cons of all that goes with it or determine that it may not be the right job for them. Also, the often mentioned comment cards may be useful for front of the house staff but is of little value to the very hard working support crew who make it all happen. I'm going to assume that when you have people who stay as long time employees with a company that they must be satisfied with their situation and are aware that some of their coworkers sometimes get a little extra in the form of cash.

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14 hours ago, Eno-Bob said:


We have never read the Regent inclusion of “Pre-paid Gratuities” as part of the all-inclusive price, as a “NO tipping” policy.  In the days before “all-inclusive” there were recommendations for a daily “gratuity”, by position. ...


What days are you referring to?  Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but as far back as I go, which is Radisson in the year 2000, it's been an all-inclusive price for gratuities, as far as I remember.


11 hours ago, cruiseluv said:


If Regent doesnt impress on these employees, all too happy to accept gratuities, that this should not be the norm, I do blame them ( Regent)  Ive always been happy with level of service, but never felt it was above and beyond. As long as this is the case, and Regent tells me gratuities are included, I'm not planning to pay more. I dont care if they hover around me all night!


I like it the way it is too, and generally don't tip except for the crew fund.  But I must say that no one on a Regent ship  has ever "hovered around me" to get one, or not that I've noticed.


And I agree that the Crew Welfare Fund status should be clarified--what it's for exactly (not furniture I would hope), and how to contribute to it.  I seem to remember being told that they'd spent some of the fund on new band equipment for their lounge, maybe a drum kit?  That sounds good.  I was a bit concerned when I first heard it was used for emergency travel in the case of family emergencies back home--I had naively thought that the cruise line would help out there, but I realize now that this backup is a great idea.

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39 minutes ago, Wendy The Wanderer said:

What days are you referring to?  Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but as far back as I go, which is Radisson in the year 2000, it's been an all-inclusive price for gratuities, as far as I remember. 


I was referring to our early cruising days, which were with Crystal and Silver Seas.  We have only been cruising with Regent the past 5 years and we don't know what the Regent policies were before that. 

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Wendy - I don't think that anyone said that crew members  "hover" around passengers on a regular basis but it happens (particularly on our last cruise which has been reported by others on that cruise).  In our 33 cruises, we have noticed it only a few times but when it occurs, it is uncomfortable.   


Even though our butler went above and beyond for us numerous times (not just a birthday party for my DH but making sure that he had tea and soup when he was recovering from food poisoning from Mexico and borrowing a cane for me after I fell).  He was nowhere to be seen when we disembarked and did not hover for a second on the last day when we saw him.  This is how most Regent crew members are.


Now, while I am known to be against tipping and cannot understand why  posters need to state that they tip and it is their business (when it affects everyone), in certain situations (such as described above), I can understand tipping them privately.  These types of situations are rare and so should be tipping in gratitude for their extra special service.   The service we get from crew members is over the top on a regular basis and fortunately Regent crew members make good money which is likely why so many stay with Regent for years.  


It should be refreshing to know that these hard working crew members are treating us so well just because it is not only their job but because they enjoy making the passenger experience as wonderful as possible and they are not being nice for tips (as on other cruise lines).


In terms of the Crew Fund, I do think that we need more specificity on the subject.  It does not matter what other cruise lines do - each one has their own policies.  We would like to know more about how Regent uses the money for the crew.

Edited by Travelcat2
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19 hours ago, ronrick1943 said:

I agree, if Regent really has a "NO" tipping policy it really needs clarifying.  A company like Regent needs to put that in bold print in all their sales literature.  Then they need to let all employees know that if they accept any tips they will be terminated on the spot.  That will be the only way to make this work.  It's unfair to the passenger to enforce a policy/rule of Regent.  If this many people are talking about this, then Regent needs to step up and let the passenger and crew know what is expected.  Until this is done--it's a free for all.


I contacted Regent and asked them to state/clarify their official policy regarding tipping.  Here is their response:


From: RSSC Reservations <RSSCResv@rssc.com>
To: ********************************************
Sent: Fri, Mar 15, 2019 6:30 am
Subject: RSSC Guest Inquiry

Good morning,

Our official policy for tipping can be found on our website. Here is the information provided there:


Gratuities are included in the cruise fare for all Regent employees. If guests feel strongly about expressing their gratitude to the crew, they should be encouraged to make a donation to the Crew Welfare Fund at the Purser Office. This money is utilized for crew parties and events.

And no, we would not terminate an employee for accepting any tips.

Regent Seven Seas Cruises

1401 NW 136th Avenue, Suite 101 | Sunrise FL 33323

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1 hour ago, Juno56 said:


I contacted Regent and asked them to state/clarify their official policy regarding tipping.  Here is their response:


From: RSSC Reservations <RSSCResv@rssc.com>
To: ********************************************
Sent: Fri, Mar 15, 2019 6:30 am
Subject: RSSC Guest Inquiry

Good morning,

Our official policy for tipping can be found on our website. Here is the information provided there:


Gratuities are included in the cruise fare for all Regent employees. If guests feel strongly about expressing their gratitude to the crew, they should be encouraged to make a donation to the Crew Welfare Fund at the Purser Office. This money is utilized for crew parties and events.

And no, we would not terminate an employee for accepting any tips.

Regent Seven Seas Cruises

1401 NW 136th Avenue, Suite 101 | Sunrise FL 33323


OK, that said-  Regent it is OK with cruise passengers giving crew members gratuities and it's perfectly all right for them to accept those gratuities.  So Gratuities are included, however if a passenger wants to give additional gratuities no one on this board should be upset.  Regent condones the practice of additional gratuities.  

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22 minutes ago, ronrick1943 said:


OK, that said-  Regent it is OK with cruise passengers giving crew members gratuities and it's perfectly all right for them to accept those gratuities.  So Gratuities are included, however if a passenger wants to give additional gratuities no one on this board should be upset.  Regent condones the practice of additional gratuities.  


It was refreshing to agree for a while but we are interpreting the policy and Regent's response differently.


Regent is not going to fire an employee for receiving a tip but I do not see where tipping is encouraged.  The words "if guests feel strongly about expressing their gratitude to the crew........." they should donate to the Crew Fund does not sound like Regent is encouraging tipping.  I also find it interesting that this is being called an "official policy" rather than a suggestion.  


Perhaps if the hovering and expectations continue on the ships, Regent may see things differently.  


When the question of tipping comes up, I can not see a reason why the poster cannot be referred to the "official policy" rather than starting arguments.  Suggest that we allow the poster to interpret the policy the way they wish.  This will make "tipping threads" short and sweet.  The same could go for other contentious threads - just quote the policy.


Still would like to know more about the "Crew Welfare Fund".  

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17 minutes ago, Travelcat2 said:


It was refreshing to agree for a while but we are interpreting the policy and Regent's response differently.


Regent is not going to fire an employee for receiving a tip but I do not see where tipping is encouraged.  The words "if guests feel strongly about expressing their gratitude to the crew........." they should donate to the Crew Fund does not sound like Regent is encouraging tipping.  I also find it interesting that this is being called an "official policy" rather than a suggestion.  


Perhaps if the hovering and expectations continue on the ships, Regent may see things differently.  


When the question of tipping comes up, I can not see a reason why the poster cannot be referred to the "official policy" rather than starting arguments.  Suggest that we allow the poster to interpret the policy the way they wish.  This will make "tipping threads" short and sweet.  The same could go for other contentious threads - just quote the policy.


Still would like to know more about the "Crew Welfare Fund".  


Regent's wording does not say that guests should donate to the crew fund, it says that they "should be encouraged" (by whom I wonder?) to donate to the crew fund.  This is very strange wording in a "policy" supposedly directed to guests. If Regent wants to discourage tipping staff directly it should say something such as, "Instead of tipping crew directly, guests should donate to the Crew Welfare Fund."  


One reason these threads keep getting rehashed is because the policy in its written form is ambiguous.  Secondly while "Crew Welfare Fund" sounds like something to help staff in a meaningful way, it is negated by the description that the welfare fund is for crew parties.  Not that entertainment via parties can't be meaningful, but I would guess that more people would want to donate to a "welfare" fund than a "party" fund.  The implication of the two terms are quite different.  


49 minutes ago, ronrick1943 said:


OK, that said-  Regent it is OK with cruise passengers giving crew members gratuities and it's perfectly all right for them to accept those gratuities.  So Gratuities are included, however if a passenger wants to give additional gratuities no one on this board should be upset.  Regent condones the practice of additional gratuities.  


I think this sums it up.  Regent management is okay with staff accepting tips, otherwise management would preclude such tipping in a statement and via enforcement of a no tipping policy.  Management obviously knows what is going on in dining rooms and with money being slipped to maitre d's, bartenders, etc., so the policy is to accept those practices.


This same debate keeps coming up over and over.  If Regent doesn't want direct tipping of staff it would clarify the language and have rules in place to enforce the policy.

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17 hours ago, ronrick1943 said:


You're blaming the wrong people, Regent has to have a policy and follow that policy.  It's their ship, their employees, their policy.  Regent should be responsible - not the cruising public.  


They have a policy.  It is too bad that people can't just abide by it without having Regent go all draconian on their employees.  If something is wrong it is wrong, even when there aren't consequences.  You are placing blame incorrectly.  It is wrong to offer the tip.  IMO

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16 hours ago, freddie said:

The statement from the Regent website quoted by Juno56 is not a "policy" unless that word is synonymous with "a vague cop-out that does not provide adequate guidance for passengers".   The phrase "should be encouraged" is ambiguous and conditional.

I heartily agree with the posters who have suggested that Regent should make it clear whether the acceptance of tips by the crew is appropriate or is prohibited.


The Regent statement seems crystal clear as to the expectation for the passengers.  And if the pax simply follow the policy none of these other 'issues' arise.  

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I just had a long, long post written about tipping on Regent and tipping in general and I ended up deleting it because it would just invite more discussion with no resolution of the issue at hand.


Suffice it to say that people seem to be 'reading into' Regent's policy on gratuities but it's readily apparent to me that the wording in that 'policy' is an attempt to discourage direct tipping of their employees without actually telling passengers not to tip.  I feel that if you still tip stewards/butlers/bartenders/etc. directly, it does a disservice to the rest of the crew as well as the other passengers (like me) who are trying to live by their interpretation of Regent's policy on gratuities.  I try to go by the 'spirit and intent' of that statement rather than some deep interpretation of what Regent is trying to imply...


I realize that some of you will still tip.  I disagree with that choice, but hey, it's your money.  Feel free to do with it what you wish.

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16 hours ago, wcsdkqh said:

Disagree with tipping on Regent. ............................ Those individuals who choose to tip are part of the problem. They are changing expectations of the crew that will ultimately change level of service they provide.


Part of what problem? Don't know how to tell your this, but I personally know some Regent/Radisson passengers have been tipping crew (extra) on Regent since I first sailed with in 2001. (48/700+) And some of the tips are substantial.


If you think that the crew receiving tips would have any effect with their service to you, you would have seen it already, a long time ago. So where is the problem?


Maybe there is a one-off instance with a crew member fishing for a tip, but I have never seen it ,nor heard about it form anyone I have sailed with on Regent. (Note Spa staff are not included.)




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It seems that, once again, posters are trying to decide what Regent means and questioning what other posters have observed.  Why on earth can't the "official policy" stand on its' own without argument?


Posters are intelligent and can decide for themselves what the policy means. It does not matter what was done yesterday, a year ago or 10 years ago.  This is the policy now.  This isn't about agreeing or disagreeing with anyone or trying to sway others to believe (or interpret the policy) the way that each of us do.  


Does anyone else realize how ridiculous it is to argue the same points for months/years on end?  

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4 minutes ago, Travelcat2 said:

It seems that, once again, posters are trying to decide what Regent means and questioning what other posters have observed.  Why on earth can't the "official policy" stand on its' own without argument?


Posters are intelligent and can decide for themselves what the policy means. It does not matter what was done yesterday, a year ago or 10 years ago.  This is the policy now.  This isn't about agreeing or disagreeing with anyone or trying to sway others to believe (or interpret the policy) the way that each of us do.  


Does anyone else realize how ridiculous it is to argue the same points for months/years on end?  


TC2. I really agree with you, however if Regent isn't willing to "enforce" this policy with their employees--Regent is letting it go.  Passengers shouldn't be the ones that enforce these rules/policies.  It's no different than the dress policy, if Regent doesn't enforce it, then so what.  Regent is the company, not the passenger, therefore Regent needs to be the enforcer.  Until that happens people will do what's right for them.  Actually CruisetheCs post #43 has it right, IMO.

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