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Port Botany cruise terminal


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Others have provided good ideas of what to look for.


Two other key elements relate to 1. who is actually covered under the policy, and 2. make sure you are very clear on the exclusions (or where you need to pay for additional coverage, e.g., snow sports).

And remember, pre-existing conditions are just like the customs form —- declare, declare, declare.


Edited by Docker123
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1 hour ago, Aus Traveller said:

He says he doesn't eat the fish he catches. He releases them.🙂

at least somebody reads post , I do eat fish but I catch my own and only ceratin fish no bottom bat dwellers from any bays in Sydney region ..  or imported fish from Vietnam or other countries like china etc where there food standards are much lower than aust..


if anybody is watching channel 7 or  9 news right now have a look at the amount of pathetic smoke coming out of that cruise ship live in the background at circular quay  that is pathetic 

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1 hour ago, in rod we trust said:

at least somebody reads post , I do eat fish but I catch my own and only ceratin fish no bottom bat dwellers from any bays in Sydney region ..  or imported fish from Vietnam or other countries like china etc where there food standards are much lower than aust..


if anybody is watching channel 7 or  9 news right now have a look at the amount of pathetic smoke coming out of that cruise ship live in the background at circular quay  that is pathetic 

Now I am confused...you stated earlier that all the fish you catch you release but now you are saying you eat fish but catch your own..can’t have it both ways Roddy boy.

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23 minutes ago, gbenjo said:

Now I am confused...you stated earlier that all the fish you catch you release but now you are saying you eat fish but catch your own..can’t have it both ways Roddy boy.

all the fish in botany bay and Sydney harbor  yeah that's true I don't eat them .. many do tho .. I still eat fish I catch outside in the ocean

by the way did ya catch the news and seen all that terrible smoke billowing out of that cruise ship at circular quay  .. oh you might trying to ignore that bit..  sorry


Edited by in rod we trust
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19 minutes ago, in rod we trust said:

all the fish in botany bay and Sydney harbor  yeah that's true I don't eat them .. many do tho .. I still eat fish I catch outside in the ocean

by the way did ya catch the news and seen all that terrible smoke billowing out of that cruise ship at circular quay  .. oh you might trying to ignore that bit..  sorry


Ah I  see...just goes to  show when you don't have all the correct information  you can come to a wrong conclusion...if you know what I mean

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here is a live camera in Sydney just so you can see how much toxic co2 exhaust they spew out and this is just at port imagine when they are at full power ..

better to look in the day great tool to show the climate change people just how bad c02 emissions are from these ships https://balticlivecam.com/cameras/australia/sydney/sydney-harbour/

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3 minutes ago, MicCanberra said:

Why do you eat the fish you catch outside in the ocean, wouldn't they get soggy? Wouldn't it be too cold in winter?


ill catch about 2 tuna couple dolphin fish and that does me for the yr  the rest go back and is just for sport , I will also go Hawkesbury river and catch hairtail in winter as I like eating that fish.. I also go prawning as well up the central coast holiday house 

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50 minutes ago, in rod we trust said:


ill catch about 2 tuna couple dolphin fish and that does me for the yr  the rest go back and is just for sport , I will also go Hawkesbury river and catch hairtail in winter as I like eating that fish.. I also go prawning as well up the central coast holiday house 

So it sounds like you don't fish in Botany bay after all.

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10 minutes ago, MicCanberra said:

So it sounds like you don't fish in Botany bay after all.

 I fish there I take the girls to catch kingfish and slimy mackerel etc and nephews as well  as they love the fight of them , I keep catch slimy macks as bait for when hairtail season comes in the winter I also fish in Sydney harbor and Hawkesbury river, jervis bay , st George basin eden , Newcastle , south west rocks .. etc etc etc ,, I see how we must protect our beautiful bays .. not destroy them for a useless cruise ship terminal 


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1 hour ago, in rod we trust said:

only you can as you don't read anything 

So you can read redacted reports and make assumptions that, according to you, are the only correct ones ( they told us at the” meeting”)and that’s ok, but because some one else disagrees with you we are all wrong. Unfortunately  we have had to read post after post of your unsubstantiated dribble / drivel  but when someone points out your obvious inaccuracies  you just come out with more of the same.You or I or anybody else don’t know the real outcome of building the new terminal, we don’t even know where it will be built as yet, so any assumption is purely that.

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21 minutes ago, in rod we trust said:

Hong Kong is not Sydney...the Asian cruise market is different to the Australian cruise market. This is an apple and this is an orange.But hey don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story. Lies, damn lies and statistics. 

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9 hours ago, in rod we trust said:

I  doubt that considering  the cruise industry is trying to destroy botany and cayman island as well as many other places on the planet ..


you would be boycotting any cruise line that wants to rip up the environment .. only when people start be responsible will things change by boycotting they would pull out of the idea and tell governments we don want any eco system or natural , or indigenous people's land destroyed.. 


Your claims get wilder and wilder. I guess that's desperation as all your previous claims get squashed.


Why on earth would any cruise line want to destroy Botany Bay, Cayman Island or anywhere else for that matter?? It makes no sense.


You've gone from plain wrong to just wildly bizarrely wrong with these latest claims.

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9 hours ago, in rod we trust said:


for all I care they can go under the bridge and get stuck who cares about it I don't study how big all ships that come into the harbor  as when im in the harbor I always see them at white bay or barangaroo  when that was a terminal .. phill Collins report was for garden island not botany bay ..he was at our meeting 


no matter what way you present it your just clutching at straws ..   as there is no reason as to why they would risk a whole bay just for royal carribean oasis class ships .. I thing   good that has come out of these bushfires is people are now more aware of government destruction and in  favour big companies over the environment .. and the change is coming so thank god for that.. people are starting is change maybe not couple of you's on here that still rather a cruise port for  convenience  no matter what is destroyed to get it .. that's just selfish .. destroy your own country for your convenience  .. how great is that ..  id be ashamed of that  ..


I don't live anywhere near botany but yet still don't want to see it destroyed , I cruise when I can might not be as much or as regular as some of you blokes  , but at least im willing to save our country and the land I love over cruising .. 


That's been obvious to date, hence the nimbyism. You're not here to come up with any solution, or discuss pros and cons, or even look at any commonsense solution. You're just here to oppose because you don't want it where you go fishing, which is pure nimbyism.


Oh, and _I'm_ clutching at straws?? <rofl> You make claims that have no basis in reality... The only reason the two locations at Botany Bay are on the radar is because of Collins report. You clearly have no idea...

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2 hours ago, gbenjo said:

Hong Kong is not Sydney...the Asian cruise market is different to the Australian cruise market. This is an apple and this is an orange.But hey don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story. Lies, damn lies and statistics. 


Plus that was the old airport, so there's no environmental harm. In fact the opposite, as they built the largest rooftop garden there which many visit, and given the shortage of space in Hong Kong that's a real environmental plus.


But it's back to the attempts to create fear, uncertainty and doubt by him by just posting random, unrelated things and hoping someone, somewhere gets scared by all his negativity. Same old tactics when he actually doesn't have anything better to support his argument.

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27 minutes ago, The_Big_M said:

In fact the opposite, as they built the largest rooftop garden there which many visit, and given the shortage of space in Hong Kong that's a real environmental plus.


Actually Hong Kong is very much undeveloped (some even argue underdeveloped). Only up to 25% of the land in Hong Kong has been urbanised or built on due to certain land legislation. 

Hong Kong Facts


I am guessing though when China takes over for better or worst they will rectify this fact. 

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3 hours ago, The_Big_M said:


That's been obvious to date, hence the nimbyism. You're not here to come up with any solution, or discuss pros and cons, or even look at any commonsense solution. You're just here to oppose because you don't want it where you go fishing, which is pure nimbyism.


Oh, and _I'm_ clutching at straws?? <rofl> You make claims that have no basis in reality... The only reason the two locations at Botany Bay are on the radar is because of Collins report. You clearly have no idea...

I have stated many facts and even mentioned using Newcastle or port kembla even eden    but as for some of you's its not in Sydney and you only want a port of convenience .. so don't tell me about pro's and con's ive stated facts of con's and even got the port authority report to see there pro's about it but all of it has been redacted .. if there are pro's that would be good for the environment why not release it to silence people like me and sway my and others opinion .. as I mentioned its not a national security matter so why hide the report..  tell me what pro's you have of it destroying a bay dredging cancer causing toxins and stirring them thru out the whole bay that families swim in.dumping the seabed spoil off the coast to be washed back up onto Sydney beaches . destroying what little beach the indigenous people in Sydney basin use today. disrupt the whole eco system of the  bay kill fish stocks with the dredging, destroy sea grass beds , build a massive new breakwall that will deflect  the swell and wave pattern and under currents in a different direction that will impact the south side kurnell area ..  have it built less than 50 mtrs from gas storage containers and gas storage caverns built under botany bay .. there are also  pipe lines under yarra bay..  have all that toxic co2 , sulphur and nox pollution from ship stacks blowing across the bay or into the local suburb , increased traffic congestion as its already at grid lock at botany ..  I have left more negative stuff out or I would be here all morning post it up..


so tell me the pro's other than a port of  convenience for you ..  

Edited by in rod we trust
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6 hours ago, gbenjo said:

So you can read redacted reports and make assumptions that, according to you, are the only correct ones ( they told us at the” meeting”)and that’s ok, but because some one else disagrees with you we are all wrong. Unfortunately  we have had to read post after post of your unsubstantiated dribble / drivel  but when someone points out your obvious inaccuracies  you just come out with more of the same.You or I or anybody else don’t know the real outcome of building the new terminal, we don’t even know where it will be built as yet, so any assumption is purely that.

 you asked for a report of why I think royal carribean wanted it there .. I posted one in black and white for you to read the ceo of royal carribean stating they are lobbying the nsw gov to build it and would also contribute to the port building .. the facts you asked but you choose to ignore it  .. so if you choose to ignore facts  or read it but yet call people's black and white facts for all to see dribble ..  look who is in denial about real facts whats wrong will it upset you or will you see that im right .. either way you still choose to ignore facts about the whole thing.. 

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49 minutes ago, in rod we trust said:

I have stated many facts and even mentioned using Newcastle or port kembla even eden    but as for some of you's its not in Sydney and you only want a port of convenience .. so don't tell me about pro's and con's ive stated facts of con's and even got the port authority report to see there pro's about it but all of it has been redacted .. if there are pro's that would be good for the environment why not release it to silence people like me and sway my and others opinion .. as I mentioned its not a national security matter so why hide the report..  tell me what pro's you have of it destroying a bay dredging cancer causing toxins and stirring them thru out the whole bay that families swim in.dumping the seabed spoil off the coast to be washed back up onto Sydney beaches . destroying what little beach the indigenous people in Sydney basin use today. disrupt the whole eco system of the  bay kill fish stocks with the dredging, destroy sea grass beds , build a massive new breakwall that will deflect  the swell and wave pattern and under currents in a different direction that will impact the south side kurnell area ..  have it built less than 50 mtrs from gas storage containers and gas storage caverns built under botany bay .. there are also  pipe lines under yarra bay..  have all that toxic co2 , sulphur and nox pollution from ship stacks blowing across the bay or into the local suburb , increased traffic congestion as its already at grid lock at botany ..  I have left more negative stuff out or I would be here all morning post it up..


so tell me the pro's other than a port of  convenience for you ..  

here are just a few more for you before I go to work or I would have to take day off mentioning all the negatives 


Sydney pilots association have voiced the there concerns about plane safety due to excessive height of these mega ships..they do not want it there at all..

the bay has a  height limit of 48 mtrs from water line to top of ship ..oasis class is 72 mtrs  above water line.. some ships have been denied entry due to low level take offs due to  bush fire smoke . 

dolphins use that bay seals use that bay , there is a colony of endangered seahorses that live there  and no where else .

breakwall would change the tidal flow into that area and block off entry to the bay for dolphins and seals not to mention they would disappear again from the dredging , 

tidal flow changes  from breakwall will kill of 400 yr old coral reefs as mentioned by scientist that study that reef .

the whole of botany bay is exposed to dangerous winds and tides and bad swells  2mtr during summer  and in the past, tug boats have had to put ships out to sea and also struggled doing so . 

other smaller cruise lines have said they would rather stick to Sydney harbor than botany bay as there passengers want to see the harbor not botany ..

if the pax cannot be built there passengers would have to be bussed to a near by facility to be processed  as stated by port authority report. 

the EPA has advised against dredging anymore of botany bay as not to disturb those cancer causing toxins.. 

there is still more 


but for now I want to read your pros for building it there ..

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