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Woman attacked on RCL ?


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The Alaska cruise disappearance was a woman named Merrian Carver. From the reports I have seen (which could be inaccurate) she booked the ship a few weeks before departing, she did not notify her family of the trip - that would be her parents and her 13 year old daughter who apparently lived with her father in England. Within 2 days of sailing the cabin attendant notified his supervisor that her room was untouched. the supervisor told him to mind his own business. Her seapass card was never used. Her belongings were neatly arranged in the cabin - a small overnight bag with her tip money laid out for the week. At the end of the cruise, her clothes were packed and stored and eventually given to charity. I saw some reports that the woman had a history of depression and there was no evidence of foul play. The cruise line - Celebrity - settled with the family and fired the supervisor who made the stupid decision. Did they mishandle it? Yes. Could they have prevented this apparent suicide? No. Did the woman not fill out her emergency contact information? Most reports say no but that has not been verified to my knowledge.


Obviously a sad tragic story but X did not "cause" this death.



I didn't read where anyone said X caused this death. I can say they absolutely handled the situation poorly. What makes the "apparent suicide" so apparent?

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oops sorry - repetitive info, I didn't see that there was a second page.


One question - at a hotel, resort, bar etc - when a drunk is being taken care of by "friends", I don't believe personnel ever see them back to their room. As long as they don't allow them behind the wheel of a car, they are not going to interfere with private behavior and choice of companions. George Smith was being assisted by 4 men at 4 am and was being taken to a room. That's not unusual behavior. Irresponsible perhaps but not unusual.

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Weez - I used the term apparent because that is what the indications are. I agree that many adults do not tell their parents of travel plans. I do and ask that they tell me too! Better safe than sorry. And I apologize if this sounds insensitive given this case, but to go on a vacation ALONE and tell no one, let alone your 13 year old child is irresponsible. Even if you are not the custodial parent, your child should ALWAYS be able to reach you. Her behavior and planning appears to be well thought out. That is why I use the term apparent. I also feel her only taking a small overnight bag (which I believe is not in dispute) and her laying out in advance the tips showed a great deal of thought in covering all bases.


I mean no disrespect for this woman but I am convinced based on the evidence known on the case that she was responsible for her disappearance. I hope she has found peace. And I hope her family will too. And I think X boo boo'd terribly on it but the media is making all these cases into one sensationalistic "Danger on the High Seas" and that is just not true.

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Obviously a sad tragic story but X did not "cause" this death.

I don't think that anyone is saying they did. Just saying that they were negligent in the way they handled it and totally unfeeling and uncooperative towards the family after they were contacted. Personally, I think that not reporting the missing passenger to the authorities was an act of gross negligence on their part.

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And I think X boo boo'd terribly on it but the media is making all these cases into one sensationalistic "Danger on the High Seas" and that is just not true.

I tend to agree that the media is sensationalizing the reports, but when you get organizations as uncaring as the cruise lines appear to be, any publicity that will get them to start dealing with people and the authorities in a more cooperative way can only be positive.

It took many fines and law suits to get the cruiselines to stop polluting the seas, maybe now they will start cooperating more on disappearances.

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You know, I'm not even going to bother reading your rather long missive, because the first sentence told me where you were going with it, but I will say that I am entitled to my opinion, and do not feel the need to justify it to you, or anyone else for that matter.


I will not be rude to you or the person with the duct tape ..which I personally agree with. I definitely need to shut up. I hate the time I have wasted on these replies. I have a Life. But I am also concerned when I feel things are overlooked that are important and apply to many of us. the trouble is... People do not bother to read or respond to what you intelligently question. which is what a discussion and debate is. The same things are repeated over and over.


The cruise industry has millions of passengers a year. How many murders, rapes, attacks occur? Virtually None..So why Are so many of you in such Fear that these topics are being discussed??


As for you referring to my massive posts...it is a bit rich seeing as you are on all of these threads non stop. The main reason that they are so long... is the fact stated above. Have you replied to the Two Points I was trying to make? NO.


I standby the opinion that a person drunk beyond his ability to stand up and care for himself, should have been escorted to his cabin in safety by ships security. This is Not saying that RC.. or anyone else.. is responsible for his drinking. This is just a safety issue. Instead, they let all 5 drunks wander around in the early hours of the morning and disturb a lot of other people in their cabins and get into trouble. Just my opinion. the missing Celebrity cruise woman.. not reported... speaks for itself. If, of course, all facts are correct as we know them.

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Carol.. not a flame on you (or anyone else) but your post is the recent place I saw it.


Where is the number ONE coming from anyway.. I think I saw RCI mention that but not sure. From what I read, the cabin steward brought it to his supervisors attention and the supervisor said not to say anything.


When I was taking math class that's TWO isn't it? and not only that the two make it a conspiracy.


(I also agree on the captain/seapass thing you said)


Cheers for your support...I really do hate getting drawn into these arguments. The ONE I referred to was in response to a post quite a few back where it was commented that RC/ Celebrity were being hinted as covering up. It was infact "Simply SomeOne Not Following Procedures" was that persons response.


It was indeed the cabin steward that first reported her missing.. on the second day I believe. The size of her baggage, I do not recall reading about. It was stated here on this thread..that it was a small bag of some sort..leading again to suicide theory. It was stated in the original story.. that her belongings had been packed up and some items given to charity. That made it sound more substantial to me. In either case...it is the reporting of her missing that is the question! Not the case of suicide. Which is indeed very sad for all concerned.

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I will not be rude to you or the person with the duct tape ..which I personally agree with. I definitely need to shut up.



Yikes!!! You so misunderstood LOL I didn't mean YOU needed the duct tape ..... honest. Read back and see where I first mentioned it. It wasn't directed at you. :)

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As for you referring to my massive posts...it is a bit rich seeing as you are on all of these threads non stop. The main reason that they are so long... is the fact stated above. Have you replied to the Two Points I was trying to make? NO.


I didn't say anything about "massive" post. I said I will not reply to your long MISSIVE. That means a "letter"..
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Yikes!!! You so misunderstood LOL I didn't mean YOU needed the duct tape ..... honest. Read back and see where I first mentioned it. It wasn't directed at you. :)


Hi SissasMomE...No problem if you had meant the duct tape to shut me up... The posters and the Family would probably think it was a Good Idea. Also the main reason I am here in cold old England at nearly 1am..on the cc site. Crazy isn't it. Don't get a chance to state my views much.. with 3 young adult kids and their partners around, always telling me what's what, I really do need a Life... don't I ? Carol

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The Alaska cruise disappearance was a woman named Merrian Carver. From the reports I have seen (which could be inaccurate) she booked the ship a few weeks before departing, she did not notify her family of the trip - that would be her parents and her 13 year old daughter who apparently lived with her father in England. Within 2 days of sailing the cabin attendant notified his supervisor that her room was untouched. .


Common sense tells me this is NOT a suicide! If it were me, I'd do a jump at the end of a cruise, not the beginning ;)



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I didn't say anything about "massive" post. I said I will not reply to your long MISSIVE. That means a "letter"..


1 corona 4u..I will just say a goodnight and wish you well..there really are an awful lot of things we all should be doing instead of spending hours and hours..fighting the same battle.


I do know what missive means...English was my best subject for what it is worth. I also know what massive means...big and large..another way of describing my long, letter- like posts. I always find I need to put in a lot of detail in an attempt to make my point clear. Consider yourselves lucky..at one time I always forgot to put in the paragraphs..so it really did run on and on.


There has never been any question regarding cruising which I love, or the safety issue...I couldn't feel happier or safer onboard ship...or the Quality of RC... and the product that they offer. Which is excellent. Their ships are the best as far as I am concerned.


Luckily these cases that are of so much interest and intrigue... that we are discussing here on cc...is mainly due to the fact that they are such a rare occurence. Let us ALL Thank God For That!

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..there really are an awful lot of things we all should be doing instead of spending hours and hours..fighting the same battle.

Yes, there are, like trying to figure out how Man U, Arsenal and Liverpool are going to catch Chelsea. After todays results, I think I'll stick to figuring out why RCI has such a massive cover up programme. 1corona4u, that is massive, not missive.

Where in England are you from?

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Yes, there are, like trying to figure out how Man U, Arsenal and Liverpool are going to catch Chelsea. After todays results, I think I'll stick to figuring out why RCI has such a massive cover up programme. 1corona4u, that is massive, not missive.

Where in England are you from?


Hi JBond....Thanks for your reply. I live in central England..not far from Nottingham.. and only a half hour or so from where Neil Entwistle has fled after the death of his beautiful wife and baby daughter. That really is a heartbreaking story..Baby Lillian is absolutely gorgeous. It is so hard to accept that he could be responsible for killing them. However, If it is a revenge attack for a dodgy business deal on his part, he is still responsible imo What a terrible loss.


My husband is a Chelsea fan..so if Man U, Arsenal, and Liverpool are trying to catch up...that must be Good news for Him.


As regarding the missive/massive....I was referring to the many posts I've been sending on this thread. Trying to raise a couple questions and find other peoples' opinions on those points. Many and long..thus massive posts. Whereas, 1Corona4u was referring to that one particuliar post that was lengthy. No misunderstanding.. 1Coruna4u at all... simply a different choice of words.


Thanks for your support. I am not trying to upset, or get in fights, with anyone. We are ALL in the same Boat, pardon the pun. As I say...these incidents are very rare considering the many millions of cruisers all over the US, Canada, the Uk, Europe etc. The Vast Majority return having had a safe, happy cruise...with their only complaint being not enough lobster or not enough deck chairs. regards, Carol

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As regarding the missive/massive....I was referring to the many posts I've been sending on this thread. Trying to raise a couple questions and find other peoples' opinions on those points. Many and long..thus massive posts. Whereas, 1Corona4u was referring to that one particuliar post that was lengthy. No misunderstanding.. 1Coruna4u at all... simply a different choice of words.
I think what you might have had was a Massive Missive... meaning your missive was massive. We COULD bring in Dr. Seuss to explain it, but lets just say it was a long letter, and get back to beating the dead horse.


Wow.. I almost typed in 'dead hores' (transposing my e and s!) THAT would have got something started!!:D ... Good thing I didn't say it:D

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Time for a change.... I think we definitely should focus on "WHY" you transposed those letters in that manner...could be a Very interesting discussion. LOL
We could start out with my current "Skill Set" does NOT include spelling or typing... and then move on to my being downright lazy. My guess is that the "W" is silent.
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To clarify what I stated - as a stockholder and a big fan of X, the Alaska incident was hideously mishandled by the line I agree. But the media brought this case from 2004 back up to make its case that there is some massive <smile> cruise line problem of missing passengers. And the cruise line did settle with the family and even though it does not take away the pain of her loss it may have sent a message to the lines. This case does not have any bearing on HOW passengers go missing which is the central slant of the media at this time.


orange - LOL

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The article I read about the woman on the alaska cruise said she did not take much luggage with her. For Alaska that is alittle unusual to me. I agree the housekeeping supervisor handled the situation badly but you can not say it was a coverup because one person does not do their job right.


Just sitting here at work today 2 people have not follow company policy. Is the company trying to cover anything no just one person whi did not do there job right. The housekeeping supervisor was fired. Now I have to go and decided what to do about my 2 employees.


Oh and remember people are free to express their opnions just as people are free to agree or disagree. Just as long as it is not rude. If someone wants to stickup for the cruiseline they can and we can agree or disagree. It is called Freedon of speech.

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....I agree the housekeeping supervisor handled the situation badly but you can not say it was a coverup because one person does not do their job right.....


.....The housekeeping supervisor was fired.

The housekeeping supervisor handled the situation very badly, agreed. But RCI handled it even worse by not reporting her disappearance to the authorities. That's far more than one person. That is gross negligence by RCI and smells of cover up. The housekeeping supervisor was fired, the sacrificial lamb.

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....I agree the housekeeping supervisor handled the situation badly but you can not say it was a coverup because one person does not do their job right.....


.....The housekeeping supervisor was fired.

The housekeeping supervisor handled the situation very badly, agreed. But RCI handled it even worse by not reporting her disappearance to the authorities. That's far more than one person. That is gross negligence by RCI and smells of cover up. The housekeeping supervisor was fired, the sacrificial lamb.
jbond..I agree...lamb. and at least a cover (of their butt)

rcicruiser... didn't the supervisor tell the steward "don't say anything"...to me thats a coverup.. of some sort.

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The article I read about the woman on the alaska cruise said she did not take much luggage with her. For Alaska that is alittle unusual to me. I agree the housekeeping supervisor handled the situation badly but you can not say it was a coverup because one person does not do their job right.


It's not about one person doing his/her job right. Do you think they make you swipe the seapasses (with a photo confirmation check to make sure you are the right person) everytime you get on and off the ship for nothing?


More people than the cabin steward and his boss knew that this woman got on the ship and never got off.


Listen, I love RCI, but the handling of the Alaska cruise situation was absolutely totally irresponsible.



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