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organization of ov room -4 adult women sharing the room


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3 girlfriends and myself are sharing a ov room. Anyone have any organization or general advice. Trust me I explanined how tight it would be and they opted to get one ov room vs 2 inside rooms. Our budget did not allow 2 ov rooms. I will be using the spa to shower and get ready in. But I am by far the lowest maintenance one going( like i usuallly let my hair airdry its very thin)


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9 minutes ago, Canuker said:

Keep us posted.

Pre-cruise, cruising and post-cruise.

You could have the makings of a book here. Or a movie or TV series.



sure do let me add the one that said she could not do total darkeness wont eat at  fast food either. cruising in jan on the valor


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If you have not done so already with your booking, one thing you may want to do is confirm the bed configurations.  Quad rooms can be a combination of two singles and a double couch, or two singles and a double couch and a Murphy bed, or two singles and two Murphy beds.  Decide your preference for how you want the beds configured and have your travel agent or the cruise line check for stateroom availability to accommodate you.  If it were me I would want to know this and plan accordingly in advance.


Anyway you do it, four adults in a single stateroom with a single bathroom is going to be very tight and will require a fair amount of coordinating.  I wish you the best and hope your friendship endures!

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2 minutes ago, leaveitallbehind said:

If you have not done so already with your booking, one thing you may want to do is confirm the bed configurations.  Quad rooms can be a combination of two singles and a double couch, or two singles and a double couch and a Murphy bed, or two singles and two Murphy beds.  Decide your preference for how you want the beds configured and have your travel agent or the cruise line check for stateroom availability to accommodate you.  If it were me I would want to know this and plan accordingly in advance.


Anyway you do it, four adults in a single stateroom with a single bathroom is going to be very tight and will require a fair amount of coordinating.  I wish you the best and hope your friendship endures!

OP says it is Carnival Valor, so it will be twins with sofabed and bunk over it.  EM

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3 minutes ago, Essiesmom said:

OP says it is Carnival Valor, so it will be twins with sofabed and bunk over it.  EM


Her post indicating that hit the board as I was writing mine.  At least they will have separate beds and not be sharing a couch.

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3 minutes ago, Essiesmom said:

OP says it is Carnival Valor, so it will be twins with sofabed and bunk over it.  EM

yep and the one who had to have the ov is sleeping on the bunk. i  made it very clear i was taking one of the twin beads.


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6 minutes ago, Cruseforme said:

Isn’t this a duplicate post?   See original...



is there anything else we can discuss, that wasn’t discussed the first time?   

there are new user who maybe would not see my original post and I didn't get alot of orgnization advice  on my first post so sorry it bothers you but ot each their own.i felt like in the first post what would you  do before we booked. now we are booked and im trying to figure out how to organize without huring feels or being over whelmed


Edited by turning50
trying to make sure I worded it nicely
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The first thing is to sit down and think out what they might wear each day.  Is this a 4 or five day cruise?  Limit each to a carryon and a tote.  Are they going to spend most of the days at the pool?  Two bathing suits and coverups.  Then something different for dinner, that can be worn several times.  Three pairs of shoes at most.    Something cool for port days.  Limit toiletries.  the lack of bathroom storage may be the biggest hurdle.  Suitcases must be stored under the twin beds.  You don't need three changes of outfit per day.  EM

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56 minutes ago, Essiesmom said:

The first thing is to sit down and think out what they might wear each day.  Is this a 4 or five day cruise?  Limit each to a carryon and a tote.  Are they going to spend most of the days at the pool?  Two bathing suits and coverups.  Then something different for dinner, that can be worn several times.  Three pairs of shoes at most.    Something cool for port days.  Limit toiletries.  the lack of bathroom storage may be the biggest hurdle.  Suitcases must be stored under the twin beds.  You don't need three changes of outfit per day.  EM

Maybe each person have a small cardboard box that can sit on the floor somewhere that contains HABA's (health and beauty aids).

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There is no reason four MATURE people could not co-operate in the interest of having an enjoyable vacation at a bargain price.  It will require each to leave her princess persona at home (if it were four males, I would have used Alpha rather than princess) — and seriously limit what they ordinarily see as necessary privacy, space, bathroom usage, and other time.


A lot of deference and “after you” attitude will be necessary - I hope your lot are up to it.  There is no reason a great time cannot be had, but it will take self discipline.

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Between the four of you, definitely take along two over the door organizers. I have a couple from the dollar store that can be hung in the closet as they came with hangers rather than hooks. Great for shoes, toiletries, sunscreen, hair appliances, small purses, basically anything that can go on a dresser or desk.


Take small suitcases so that they might fit under the bed and be out of the way. Also great for storing your dirty laundry.


Find the public nearest public bathroom that everyone can take turns accessing.


At least two of you should make use of the free gym showers when you are getting ready for dinner. If I were you, I would definitely make use of it both morning and evening times. Would alleviate a lot of inner seething and stress for you!


Before the trip, have a very frank discussion about timings: going to bed; what’s a reasonable time for everyone for lights out; of shower use in the morning during early port days, etc.


Take along as much wrinkle free clothing as you can, as hanging space for four people will be limited. I would use packing cubes and keep most of my stuff in them.


Take wall magnets for papers, hats, lightweight jackets, lanyards, etc. Keep in mind that the weight listed on magnets is good only if they are attached to the ceiling and many of the lower weight ones will simply slide off the wall if an object is hung on them. So try for something that says at least 10 pounds or more.


Buy four small foldable desk cubes from the dollar store and keep them on the dresser or desk, one for each of you to throw in small, loose things.


Edited by h-sar
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19 hours ago, turning50 said:

...now we are booked and im trying to figure out how to organize without huring feels or being over whelmed.


What I say below is moralistic, merely my opinion.

My crystal ball is no better than the next.

This is supposed to be a vacation, where participants are supposed to / expect to enjoy it and feel a lot better afterwards for taking it. R&R.

Not a week-long, multi-person, stress test.

I think you are planning for failure - disaster, even. The only good thing I can see is that you are clearly concerned about this and are asking for input. I doubt you like what you've read so far and what I say below isn't going to help, I'm afraid:

You are spending a good deal of money, which you seem collectively to ill-afford, with the distinct possibility (probababilty?) that you will all be in worse state (re your ongoing friendship) than when you started.

Why take the risk, in the first place, of this happening?
Among four people, there are six different one-on-one relationships. The odds on at least one going sour are huge.
And "sour" is the right word: one bad apple could spoil the whole barrel.
What if it all goes pear-shaped (sorry!) on, say, day 2? Another 5 days of - it doesn't bear thinking about.

This venture could wind up costing you all a lot more than expected.

Am I missing something here? 


I know of two women who were bossom buddies for the longest time; they took a cruise in the same cabin and, well, that was that. They returned different people. 3 years ago and they still avoid each other.


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35 minutes ago, Canuker said:

What I say below is moralistic, merely my opinion.

My crystal ball is no better than the next.

This is supposed to be a vacation, where participants are supposed to / expect to enjoy it and feel a lot better afterwards for taking it. R&R.

Not a week-long, multi-person, stress test.

I think you are planning for failure - disaster, even. The only good thing I can see is that you are clearly concerned about this and are asking for input. I doubt you like what you've read so far and what I say below isn't going to help, I'm afraid:

You are spending a good deal of money, which you seem collectively to ill-afford, with the distinct possibility (probababilty?) that you will all be in worse state (re your ongoing friendship) than when you started.

Why take the risk, in the first place, of this happening?
Among four people, there are six different one-on-one relationships. The odds on at least one going sour are huge.
And "sour" is the right word: one bad apple could spoil the whole barrel.
What if it all goes pear-shaped (sorry!) on, say, day 2? Another 5 days of - it doesn't bear thinking about.

This venture could wind up costing you all a lot more than expected.

Am I missing something here? 


I know of two women who were bossom buddies for the longest time; they took a cruise in the same cabin and, well, that was that. They returned different people. 3 years ago and they still avoid each other.


She doesn't have to share a room with anyone. You may have just ruined her vacation without even meeting one of the participants. A little optimism goes a long way in setting up positive outcomes. No need to be so pessimistic. The fact that she is thinking about it shows she has considered the few negatives along with the many positives which could come from this trip. Some people are just better able to get along with others and play nice.

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This is really a high class problem.  Four friends in tight quarters on a cruise.  Sounds like the makings of a great time.  Go forward with a positive attitude and you will all probably have some terrific stories to tell.  


Just don't plug all the hair dryers in at the same time or you guys might be blamed for the power outage on deck 6!!  Hahaha

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3 hours ago, 2wheelin said:

She doesn't have to share a room with anyone. You may have just ruined her vacation without even meeting one of the participants. A little optimism goes a long way in setting up positive outcomes. No need to be so pessimistic. The fact that she is thinking about it shows she has considered the few negatives along with the many positives which could come from this trip. Some people are just better able to get along with others and play nice.

"Prepare for the worst; hope for the best."

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2 minutes ago, 2wheelin said:

Prepare for the best, keeping an open mind.

If one doesn't prepare for the worst then it's unlikely that one will have a plan.  I'm 72 and have adult kids and grands and I want to be careful to not set them up unnecessarily for something 'bad.'

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Lord help you if you and your friends are not naturally neat and tidy!  But here are a few of my recommendations:

1) All of you should plan your wardrobe and shower schedule in advance.

2) Bring an over the door shoe bag to organize your toiletries.

3) Bring a power strip so that all of you can plug in your cell phones and such.

4) Plan the method you will use to communicate with each other whenever you become separated.

5) Bring ear plugs and eye cover in case you want to take a nap or in case any of you snore.

6) Come to some kind of consensus about what time you plan to wake up.  You may think it would be possible for each of you to wake up at the time you choose, but you will find that in such a small room it is impossible for one person to get up and move around without waking the other three.

I hope you and your Besties have a great cruise!

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I haven’t shared a quad room with friends since my college years, but back then, going from a dorm room to a cabin with bunks wasn’t that much different. At my age now (in my 40’s), I can see myself sharing a cabin with one friend but not 3 others. People get too set in their ways as they age to be flexible enough to share confined spaces and adjust accordingly for extended periods of time. 


But you’ve already made that decision. I think that the main thing to do is to manage expectations so that everybody is on the same boat (pun intended 😉) and so that there are no surprises. You don’t want anybody to get on the ship and realize then that there’s not enough space for their 3-4 suitcases, or that there’s only one tiny bathroom where they can’t have all their toiletries spread out on the counter, or that someone will need to climb up a ladder. Talk about privacy issues, sleep habits, hygiene habits (who likes to shower when, what time does everybody like to go to bed, get up, even bathroom usage). Knowing what to expect will minimize the possibility of any snags that may ruin the cruise for others. 

Prepare yourself for “worst case scenarios”. As someone said, expect the worst, but hope for the best. That way you’ll come back from the cruise saying “we’ll, that wasn’t as bad as I thought, let’s do it again!” rather than “well that sucked and I’m never doing it again, and I’m deleting these 3 people from my friends list and blocking them on my social media 😂”. 

Edited by Tapi
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I "survived" the same scenario on a Carnival ship about 10 years ago while on a 40th birthday cruise with 11 of us (two rooms of 4 and one lucky room of 3) - and I did it without any of the over-the-door organizers/collapsible cubes/magnet hook paraphernalia!


Strangely enough, I don't recall storage being a big issue.  We kept a minimal amount of stuff out of our suitcases and stored the rest inside (and the suitcases out of the way and under the beds).  One of my cabin mates even brought one of those bullet blender things and we had a nice frozen drink set up all week!  We kept our toiletries stored in our cosmetic bags, so they weren't all over the bathroom counter, and we got ready in shifts (never had a need to use spa showers).  We also utilized the balcony space and had the dividers open between our 3 cabins - that gave the illusion of more space.  It was one of the best trips we've taken (we travel together every year).  One issue that arose in the other cabin of 4, that we still joke about today, was one of the women's need to keep the thermostat on a high degree because she's always cold.  Everyone else in the room was sweating to death!  I will say that this was a 5 night cruise and not sure I'd want to do a transatlantic sharing a room with 3 others, but 5 nights worked just fine.

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I should also add that several in our group were on a budget at the time, so this was the cheapest was to get everyone on a cruise.  10 years later, as much as I love these women, I would pay extra to only have one cabin mate 🙂 

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