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for fun: Do/Would you still put on all your makeup and decent clothes if you are quarantined


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Afternoon all!


I got my second Moderna vaccination today.  The setup was just as slick and fast as the first time:  drive up, get registered, drive into one of the studios (we were at a film studio) in groups of 3 vehicles, put out your arm, get the shot, drive out to the parking lot, wait 15 minutes.  It is a beautiful blue sky day and temp in the 40s, so I just listened to the radio and zoned out.  No issue having the window down (they wanted us to keep our window down in case they had to  attend to us.  


Watching pieces of the trial.  I can't watch it all - way too emotional.  I have empathy for the jurors who have to sit through all of the video and all the testimony.  And, empathy for the people who have testified - it must be horrble to have to relive all of that and get questioned about it.  


Since I was getting my vaccination today, I decided to have a good pasta dinner last night.  Picked up some buccatini al' amatriciana from a local place.  Really spicy, how I like it.  Now, I've got a beet salad with a chicken breast and roasted broccolini for dinner tonight.  Lots of my favorite flavored sparkling waters to keep hydrated with for the next few days.  


OOTD:  my pinkish Vuori joggers (my summer joggers for this year), my Snipurr Tshirt, and my Chucks.  I would have gone for a pair of shorts, but my legs are horrendously ghostly white and I'd frighten children who saw them!  



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Hi girls, .....tomorrow, tomorrow...........I get my 2nd shot tomorrow😃.


Kat, I have been watching and you are right, it has been getting quite emotional...Tears shed

every day from various witnesses (and those of us watching too).

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I forgot one more thing that is tomorrow.......not sure if any of you are SVU fans (I LOVE IT).........

tomorrow night Stabler and Benson are back together!😃...can't wait to watch!!!!!!!!!

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18 minutes ago, awhfy said:

4-3-21...should we be worried???

I hope not, that's when my DD is flying in!


On 3/28/2021 at 11:29 PM, purduemom1 said:

Christy, your hair looks great! Love the purple. Now if you can loose 15# by Thurs, please share your method😊. Seriously, you are going to have a wonderful, long awaited visit, no matter what. 


OMG! On Friday, we actually went to some stores just to look and not because there were things we needed to buy! It’s been sooo long since I’ve done that. Of course, masks were a constant reminder that we still need to be careful.

If I can figure it out, I'll be rich and I'll share my secret here. Best I've ever done was 23 pounds in two weeks when the ex and I separated. When I get that emotionally stressed, I don't eat. Realistically, if I could just quit the carbs and have my belly get a little flatter, I'd be happy. Hubby says he'll go back on low carb after our company leaves in a couple of weeks. I can't do it by myself since he does most of the cooking, plus, I need his buy-in. One person in a house of two has a difficult time trying to lose weight solo.


I've been doing some running around for several months, but I wear a mask even though I've been vaccinated. We do still have a mask mandate in NC, but I see more people without, even though all the stores still have signs up.


OOTD: denim shorts and an ice skating tshirt. It was in the mid 70s, and stormy. 

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Hi everyone :)


Sharon, those squirrels can fend for themselves lol ;)  Actually, they've gone back to eating the fallen fruit from our trees & all the other stuff available near us... everyone has citrus & avocado trees around here, so they do just fine :)  Actually right as we speak I'm watching a wild bunny nibbling on our grass... I do love our critters!  & btw,   your hand sanitizer holder sounds cute, & isn't it fun to be able to shop a little?


Cynthia, so glad to hear that you dodged those tornados, it's unbelievable how widespread & terrible the damage was... 


Kat, congrats on the 2nd shot!!  woo hoo!  & I have the blue Vuori joggers, they were my splurge last year, & worth every last expensive dime... most comfortable thing I've ever had.


Melody, you are back to Jeckyl & Hyde weather lol ;)   & I hadn't thought about the 4/3/21 thing...  seems like I should buy a lottery ticket or something


Lois, I've just watched the trial highlights on the nightly news... normally I would watch it, but I have been sick as a dog since Monday evening...  long story short, my trial site made me do a home deep swab, & a courier will pick up tomorrow...  crazy, just crazy...  I'm thinking food poisoning, they are suggesting possible variant exposure... either way, able to down some light soup & gatorade today, so all is well :)

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Good morning, Debbie, I hope you feel better soon! And I certainly hope it is not the virus!!!!!!!!!


Christy, it is hard losing weight even when it is just one person in the home.......I feel you though.


Well, in 2 hours I will be getting my 2nd shot! Wooohooooooooo👍


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Got my shot, got my shot😃😃😃...so all done now!


The pharmacy was SLAMMED this time........they were running 45 minutes behind....oh well.

I figured it would be busier than my first shot since the state lowered the age range since that

time. I got there about 10:45 (11:00am appt)........didn't get the shot till 11:45.


And I have some other good news......the premium went down on my Health Insurance today😃

How fun is that LOL...by 100 bucks a month!!!!!!!  If you have health insurance with the gov't,

check your plans----many of them have reduced premiums since the American Rescue Plan

was implemented.

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Purple Hays - I wish I had the guts to do that to my hair!!  But, I could only do some Merlot red stripes throughout.  I have to keep it "natural" just in case I go back to work in the Winter.  Maybe when I decide to actually fully retire...


Cruise Kitty - yep, the Vuoris are so comfy!!!  Kind of like wearing a Tshirt on your legs!  Being the "Sierra Heather" color, they are a little too colorful to wear at work.  But, my last day is the 11th, so not a big deal.  I'll be taking them with me when I go down to Zion NP in 18 days!  


I still have a few pounds to lose from COVID, maybe 5.  I try on certain clothes from 2 years ago and how they fit let me know how the weight loss is going.   I remember doing the "Divorce 15" also way back.  Not my favorite way go have lost weight.  


Vaccination update:  My arm is sore.  I couldn't sleep all night.  So far, that's it.  I'm really tired, but that's from not sleeping.  I did drink a lot of fluids last night and I have a lot more to drink today.   Good luck Lois!!!  

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5 hours ago, slidergirl said:

Purple Hays - I wish I had the guts to do that to my hair!!  But, I could only do some Merlot red stripes throughout.  I have to keep it "natural" just in case I go back to work in the Winter.  Maybe when I decide to actually fully retire...

You could always do temporary color. It washes out in about 20 or so washes.


10 hours ago, Lois R said:

Christy, it is hard losing weight even when it is just one person in the home.......I feel you though.


Since Hubby does most of the grocery shopping and cooking, I'm kind of at his mercy. By myself, I tend to get what works for me. I told him he can eat all the carbs he wants, but he has to hide them from me. If I know they're there, I'll eat them. Plus, I plan to start skating after my daughter goes back to CA (that way, I don't have to lie if she asks about it) and walking. I hope the weight goes away then.


Opened second batch or limoncello today. It's even better than the first one.


My new passport came today.  I deliberately wore the shirt and hoped the photo wouldn't cut the wording off. (I'll have to try an edit to add the pictures).


OOTD: Shorts and tie dye shirt in the house, WHBM jeans and wrap with a velvet strip when we went to the grocery store.





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I spoke too soon.  Da&m.  In the past few hours, I've developed a little fever and a irritating headache.  Looks like Tylenol and Gatorade Zero for dinner.  I tried Pedialyte but it tastes disgusting. 


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11 hours ago, slidergirl said:

I spoke too soon.  Da&m.  In the past few hours, I've developed a little fever and a irritating headache.  Looks like Tylenol and Gatorade Zero for dinner.  I tried Pedialyte but it tastes disgusting. 


That’s what I did Tylenol & Gatorade Zero. I felt crummy for about 12 hours but then it goes away 

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Good morning, guess I am lucky.....I don't feel bad at all.....well, the arm is a little sore but 

no other issues.  And to be honest, I slept really well last night!

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It’s great to see everyone getting vaccinated, Cynthia only 4 days to go!  Debbie, I hope you are feeling better and your test is negative!  

Our oldest son is driving his family down on Monday which means the 5 year old will be here for a week.  Chaos always ensues when he is around but the quiet will be overwhelming when he leaves!😂.  Eli loves animals of all kinds so we are taking him to Disney’s  Animal Kingdom  for a day.  I am hoping for mild temps as masks are required.


After my husband booked the DR trip, I decided to go crazy and book a cruise on Celebrity sailing in August from St. Marteen.  Celebrity is starting these sailings in June so I am hopeful they will have any glitches worked out by then. I have really missed sailing, very excited for this.  

Temps are cool in FL today, OOTD will be  long sleeved tshirt with capris & flip flops. We are meeting with a realtor to look at a condo so I am even wearing a little makeup and earrings.  

Have a great weekend!



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Hi Sherri, it was really cold this morning in this part of the state.........like 40 degrees.........😲

Now they are saying by next Friday it will be up to 80.............crazy weather!


Hope you have fun with your grandson😃

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4 hours ago, Lois R said:

Good morning, guess I am lucky.....I don't feel bad at all.....well, the arm is a little sore but 

no other issues.  And to be honest, I slept really well last night!

Good for you!!!  It seems to be the roll of the dice for after-effects.   Just keep an eye on things as it can sneak up on you anytime from 24-72 hours.  


I still have a little bit of the headache left.  My fever broke sometime during the night - I was really sweating.  Fortunately, work is REALLY slow and my boss told me to stay home.  She said her son had the same issue last week so she knows how I feel.


Supposed to be warm and sunny today - 65 degrees.  Maybe I'll take out my lounge chair and sit in the sun and listen to some tunes.  Tomorrow it might get up to 70!!!!  Tank top and shorts, except I have to go to work, so long sleeve T and leggings.   



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23 hours ago, slidergirl said:

It seems to be the roll of the dice for after-effects.


I have heard anecdotally from a number of sources that those who had covid previously tend to have more significant post-vac effects...


Yesterday I had a half-day off work. Made my own version of traditional southern Easter meal -- spiral sliced ham, biscuits, saffron rice, a very refreshing salad with cucumber, tomato, radish and parsley (picked up from Passover seders...) potato salad, and coconut cake.  I figure we can eat off this all weekend, lol.  DS is over the moon.



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Hi Cynthia,🙂 the meal sounds delicious.  Funny, I have eaten Passover dinners my entire childhood into my adulthood but have never heard of that salad.

Learn something new all the time!


For any of you interested.......STAPLES will laminate your vaccination card for FREE😃

Had mine done today!

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Well, the boss wasn't in and my co-worker just left and I'm all alone...


I decided to be a little rebel today with my wardrobe.  Hey, it's Spring and it was sunny and warm.  OOTD:  black Tshirt under my green "flood-length" overalls and my black Chucks.  I got up early enough today to let my hair curl back up a little (my right side likes to curl, my left side goes rather limp) so I looked rather Old Hippie Lady-like.  6 more work days, 8 actual days left and I can dress like this every day without a care!


Vaccination-wise:  I have a wisp of the headache left, but that's all.  It wasn't all that bad overall.  


I made myself breakfast for dinner last night:  my last pieces of bacon, 2 pieces of avocado toast and made 2 over easy eggs to put on the toast.  I need to do this more often!   Tonight it'll be a big salad with the leftover avocado and some shredded cheese.  Dessert will be the home-made "Reese cup" that our one private chef brought yesterday for us.  I wasn't here, so I get to have mine tonight!  My co-worker said it's super-rich!!!  


Lois - Remember - if you got the Moderna, you got the microchip in the 2nd dose, but it won't activate for 2 weeks.  If you want to do something bad, better do it now!!!  😜

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3 hours ago, Lois R said:

Hi Cynthia,🙂 the meal sounds delicious.  Funny, I have eaten Passover dinners my entire childhood into my adulthood but have never heard of that salad.

Learn something new all the time!



Here's a recipe that's pretty close to what I have -- I have also been known to use it for summer picnics with addition of some feta cheese:



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24 minutes ago, cruisemom42 said:


Here's a recipe that's pretty close to what I have -- I have also been known to use it for summer picnics with addition of some feta cheese:



Looks really good😃but not anything my Mom made for our Passover Seder.

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