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for fun: Do/Would you still put on all your makeup and decent clothes if you are quarantined


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Good afternoon!


Yesterday, I had my first good walk in a long time.  I've felt decent for a couple of days (outside of random eye issues still - going back in in 2 weeks), so I figured I'd try out the "outdoor walk" feature of my Apple Watch.   It was a loop that I always do that's 2 miles.  Man, when I got to the other side of the loop. I got hit with a major headwind the whole way back!!  It wasn't even a tailwind going out.  That made it interesting.   2 miles was a major accomplishment.  But, I ended up with a little asthma attack when I got home.  Not a big one, but sucked on my inhaler and all was good.   What was weird - I went to bed about 11pm and slept straight through until 11:30am!!!  At least it was a good dream.  I think I'll wait until tomorrow to go walking again.  

The data from the Watch was pretty interesting: altitude minimum/maximum, pace, steps, heart rate minimum/maximum, calories.  Kind of fun to see.  My iPhone was shuffling music, so I had a very interesting playlist going, from Andrea Bocelli to Boz Scaggs to some country and some hip hop that I didn't recognize.  I almost wanted to keep walking to see what popped up next.  


We've got a wildfire down in one of our canyons that is one of our ways out of here, 15 miles away.  So, we've got the nasty smoke in the air again.  Ugh.  But, it is still fire season, so no surprise.  As long as a fire doesn't start in Parley's Canyon (I-80), we're good.  Otherwise, it's either stay at home or take the multi-hour detour up north and around.  I think I'll stay home.  


I think it's going to be a rather pedestrian dinner tonight - broil some chicken and put it in some salad.  My brain won't think of much more.  OOTD; just my knee-length sweats and a Tshirt.  

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I made a big pot of rigatoni bolognese last night (it was national pasta day, least I could do....:classic_biggrin:).  Not sure if we will devour the leftovers tonight or do something else.


We had a beautiful weekend here weatherwise. My zero-gravity sunbed arrived and I have enjoyed being outside both yesterday and today.


On a less exciting note, I decided to go clean out my file cabinets -- got started on that, and will keep working on it bit by bit. I now have a growing bag of things to be shredded...:classic_huh:



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Hello Everyone, again I’m behind with all the posts but wanted to pop in and make a few comments. I know I will most likely miss some but here goes.


Debbie, thanks for you contribution to the vaccine cause. I look forward to your updates. The process sounds very involved but that does serve to give all of us reassurance so that everyone will get the vaccine. I see that Moderna is also in phase 3 with over 80 US trial sites. They aren’t going to ask for approval until a significant number of their participants get the virus and they figure out the percentage of those who received the vaccine. There may be other vaccines going thru trials also but these two seem to be in the forefront now. So hopefully there will be effective choices and adequate availability. 

Great that your washer is back in service-laundromat trips aren’t a great idea right now! I haven’t done anything about the microwave, we are using our back up but I really don’t like that it takes up counter space. My list of things that will need to be taken care of eventually is growing!


Purplehays, yes, that is a beautiful yellow. It looks like you did a great job with the peels.


Kat, we too took advantage of some better air quality all last week. Walking and working outside. Today the air quality is not good but as the temps cool off later this week I’m hoping that the air improves. The fires are still burning but smoke hasn’t been too bad. I ordered outdoor furniture covers so I won’t have to keep cleaning the furniture cushions every time the smoke comes our way. The arrived the next day.

I have thought about using Whole Foods pick up and even put things in my cart. Then I saw that they asked for permission to substitute and in most cases I didn’t care for any of the choices. I could say no substitutes but then I was afraid that my total order would be under the required $35 so I didn’t order. I think I will need to wait until my order is large enough so a few cancelled items won’t be a problem. There are always several WF shoppers in the store and ours is set up with refrigerated storage cases for the orders.

Sounds like you got in a good amount of exercise with that hike and a headwind! Hope you are doing ok today.


Today I plan to do some multi day cooking. If I have to turn on the oven, I might as well take advantage.  Just need to adjust the different cooking temps. 

Did a family Zoom this morning so I put on  make up. My supply seems to last forever these days.


Take care everyone,

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Cynthia, I too should be cleaning out the file cabinet. I’m always unsure of what to keep and what to shred. I recently needed to pull out a dental EOB that was 10 years old and was able to find it. So that just reinforces my tendency to keep instead of getting rid of! Unfortunately I know I can’t keep it all!

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Hi girls, well, I have a few things this week. Tuesday morning is my follow up with the GI Specialist who treated me

in the hospital.

Wednesday I am having lunch with a good friend that I used to work with.


And tomorrow.......Well,  Kamala Harris is coming here and I have been trying to find out about it but none

of the local news stations have updated information about it.  I would love to go see her.


And the MOST important thing I am doing this week? We have early in person VOTING starting tomorrow!

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19 hours ago, Lois R said:

Hi girls, well, I have a few things this week. Tuesday morning is my follow up with the GI Specialist who treated me

in the hospital.

Wednesday I am having lunch with a good friend that I used to work with.


And tomorrow.......Well,  Kamala Harris is coming here and I have been trying to find out about it but none

of the local news stations have updated information about it.  I would love to go see her.


And the MOST important thing I am doing this week? We have early in person VOTING starting tomorrow!

I tried to search around, but I could only find this:

Early Vote Mobilization Event with Kamala Harris in Jacksonville, FL
Start Time: 4:40 PM ET

The one that same day in Orlando is a drive-in, but no mention of that for JAX.   See if you can call your local Dem office for better details  I wish I could help more.  

Lois - I hope the followup goes well. 


Dam* Cynthia - you had to mention a big ole' honkin' pot of Bolognese?????     I had TJ's green chile and corn pie (from the frozen section).  It was kind of like a corn soufflé but with a kick.  It's going to go into my "buy" list from now on.  


Feeling good again today (minus the eye, still).  I'm hoping this is me turning the corner on this long haul stuff.  I'll be out walking again this evening.  


I have to go out to pick up a med refill and drop off my ballot at the ballot box today.  No one will notice, but I'm going to wear my Chuck Taylors, Sweaty Betty leggings and my "and yet she persisted" t-shirt,  no election law violation


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Hi Kat, I have reached out and an updated news account came out........she is not seeing anyone in the public

"live"........the event will be live streamed on my favorite news station so maybe I will watch it that way. It says

there are no planned public appearances scheduled. 

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13 minutes ago, Lois R said:

Hi Kat, I have reached out and an updated news account came out........she is not seeing anyone in the public

"live"........the event will be live streamed on my favorite news station so maybe I will watch it that way. It says

there are no planned public appearances scheduled. 


bummer.  But at least you get it live on TV.


We're all ballots by mail here in UT, also.  But, we have convenient drop boxes also.  One is just a little less than a mile away.    

We have a major uptick in COVID here unfortunately.  The ICU beds in town are 100%, the ones down at the U hosptal are at 98%.  People behaving badly.  My county is medium red, but 2 of the 3 surrounding us are dark red.  Those are also the counties who have people who do not wear masks as a statement (Sen. Mike Lee is from there).  Sigh.  And, we're about 2 months out from the opening of our Winter Season.  I may just bail on working any more and put in for my Social Security.  I took out of my 401K to get through until it was time to get my job back, but I don't know if I want to work for all those tourists coming in from 
God knows where with Lord knows what illnesses.  I have no antbodies (of course my luck would give me a short time), so re-infection could happen.   I want to hide in a cave!!!


I changed my mind on today's tshirt: I'm wearing my Smokey Bear "Resist" shirt in recognition of the firefighters on the line down the canyon here in Utah and in Colorado.  Our one nearby is fortunately (as fortunate as a fire can be) is on the East side of the canyon, where no houses or buildings are - everything built is on the West side.  Hopefully, it will stay that way.  Unfortunately, no roads in to the area and it's a very steep, narrow canyon, making it rough for ground crews.  There are 2 of the SEATs helping out, but all the air assistance is spread out all over the West.  

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2 hours ago, cruise kitty said:

Hi there, happy Monday everyone 🙂   We are 100% mail in ballots, but I'm going to hand deliver ours to the registar recorders office today, not taking any chances 😉

We hand delivered ours last week too


very heavy smoke in the air again & closest fire (of the 3 or is it 4) is 3 hours from us

Edited by awhfy
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Hi girls,  I must say I am loving my George Foreman grill!.........I have used it at least 4 times and tonight I grilled

fish----less than 5 minutes and it was perfect😀........one of my better purchases for sure!

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7 hours ago, Lois R said:


Nice going, Lois! One of our local news stations even did a story on FL voting. Showed the long lines and people waiting with umbrellas. Did you have to wait a long time?


We also have lots of official drop boxes in CA. We usually just drop ours in the box in front of our county’s election office then we know that it will be promptly picked up. I also signed up for our ballot notification service. After a ballet is picked up the bar code is scanned and a text or email is sent to let that voter that their ballot has been accepted and will be counted.

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Hi Sharon, the line was about 1/2 hour wait.........so not too bad.  We always have early voting at many

of our libraries.  And there is one right near me.   We must have seen the same thing on the news as it looked like

South Florida had rain this morning (not unusual for Florida).  And it seems MANY folks around the entire country

are doing their civic duty early this time around too!

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Good morning,  Kat.....you won't believe this (but you probably will),  after trying to find out about the Harris stop

yesterday, I found out (after of course) she was not a 5 minute drive from where I live....it was a drive up event too!!!!

We have a University near me called UNF (University of North Florida) and she was right there..........Not sure how 

nobody knew that---unless the campaign really kept it under wraps until the last minute.  Oh well.........

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6 hours ago, Lois R said:

Good morning,  Kat.....you won't believe this (but you probably will),  after trying to find out about the Harris stop

yesterday, I found out (after of course) she was not a 5 minute drive from where I live....it was a drive up event too!!!!

We have a University near me called UNF (University of North Florida) and she was right there..........Not sure how 

nobody knew that---unless the campaign really kept it under wraps until the last minute.  Oh well.........

Lois - wow.  So close!!!  

Did you see the video of her on one of the stages, umbrella up, dancing in the rain?  It was just so uninhibited.  And, she was wearing her Chucks (her tennis shoes)!!!


I may have to go out and buy a George Foreman Grill now!!!  My problem would be that I'd want to make panini all the time and it's a no-no with my type 2.  Chicken, yes.  What else?  Pork chops?  Grilled veggies?  


Lots of wind again today - it rattles my windows.  Not good for the fire.  Not good for me tryng to walk that loop again.  But, I'll get out there.  I'll have to judge which way the wind is blowing and start out against the wind to make it easier at the end.  Right now, the wind is blowing the smoke in the opposite direction.  But I can still see that brownish stuff just at the top of the hill, so a shift can bring it back this way. 


Nothing going on again today, except waiting for the trash truck to pick up my trash.   With the wind, I have to be sure to get it fast when it's empty or I'll be chasing it all over.  I've put flourescent pink duct tape on the handles so I can tell my can from the others.  Also helps if someone "accidentally" takes my can (it's $75 to get a new one!!!).  

So, my OOTD is back to those new Lululemon sweats and my Ron Jon Surf Tshirt.  If i go out, I'll switch to my Woolx long sleeve shirt that helps keep me from the wind.  


a Pix of me with my ballot.  I couldn't wait for my hair to dry itself, so I blow dried it straight...  Me and my Blenders sunglasses and a Johnny Was mask.  




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Kat, you said you were thinking about filing for social security. Why don’t you file on your ex-husband’s social security (doesn’t affect his at all). Then when you turn 70 you can change it to yours (or keep it at his, whichever is higher)

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43 minutes ago, awhfy said:

Kat, you said you were thinking about filing for social security. Why don’t you file on your ex-husband’s social security (doesn’t affect his at all). Then when you turn 70 you can change it to yours (or keep it at his, whichever is higher)

That was the first thing I checked on back in April (when I became eligible).  A few years ago, I could have. But, there was a change in the rules where you have to be under a certain percentage of what the ex is to get it.  Thanks to my first career in Software, I'm near the top.  He's in Software, too, and he is at the top.  His benefit is only  $400/month more than mine, so I don't qualify.   That's why I wanted to keep working in the Winter - so I could gather a little discretionary income without diving into my 401K.   

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1 hour ago, slidergirl said:

That was the first thing I checked on back in April (when I became eligible).  A few years ago, I could have. But, there was a change in the rules where you have to be under a certain percentage of what the ex is to get it.  Thanks to my first career in Software, I'm near the top.  He's in Software, too, and he is at the top.  His benefit is only  $400/month more than mine, so I don't qualify.   That's why I wanted to keep working in the Winter - so I could gather a little discretionary income without diving into my 401K.   

I’d check again, there have been Really recent changes. It’s kind of like talking to one customer service person, not liking the answer calling back & getting a different answer. All you’d be out would be a phone call 

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