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P&O Cruisers - What are things like where YOU are?

Host Sharon

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Whilst we are talking about the horrible things like no haircuts due to this lockdown 
we need to be mindful of the other dangers out there . Ok the figures have really fallen 
due to the closure of pubs and football grounds but we need to remind ourselves 
that this other devastating and little understood virus  is waiting out there to get 
us as soon as we step out again ... 

Man Flu – The Facts…

1. Man-Flu is more painful than childbirth. This is an irrefutable scientific fact*.
*(Based on a survey of over 100,000 men.)


2. Man-Flu is not ‘just a cold’. It is a condition so severe that the germs from a single

Man-Flu sneeze could wipe out entire tribes of people living in the rainforest. And

probably loads of monkeys too.


3. Women do not contract Man-Flu. At worst they suffer from what is medically recognised

as a ‘Mild Girly Sniffle’ – which, if a man caught, he would still be able to run, throw a ball,

tear the phone book in half and compete in all other kinds of manly activities.

4. Men do not ‘moan’ when they have Man-Flu. They emit involuntary groans of agony that

are entirely in proportion to the unbearable pain they are in.


5. Full recovery from Man-Flu will take place much quicker if their simple requests for care,

sympathy and regular cups of tea are met. Is that really so much to ask?

Florence Nightingale would have done it :classic_unsure:


6. More men die each year from MFN (Man-Flu Neglect) than lots and lots of other things.

(Like rabbit attacks or choking on toast).


7. Men suffering from Man-Flu want nothing more than to get out of bed and come to work,

but they are too selfless to risk spreading this awful condition amongst their friends and

colleagues. In this sense, they are the greatest heroes this country has ever known.


8. In 1982 scientists managed to simulate the agonising symptoms of full blown Man-Flu in

a female chimp. She became so ill that her head literally fell off.


9. Man-Flu germs are more powerful than He-Man, The Thundercats and The A-Team combined. They are too strong for weak, nasty tasting ‘lady medicines’ like Lemsip, so don’t bother trying to force them on a victim of Man-Flu.


10. While it may seem like a Man-Flu sufferer is just lying around enjoying "Scrap Heap Challenge" it is a commonly recognised medical fact that the exact pitch and frequency of Dick Strawbridge's voice has remarkable soothing powers.


Every minute in this country one man is struck down by Man-Flu. Women, all we ask is that each of you offers them a cup of tea, some kind words and your undivided attention and care. Then maybe, just maybe, we’ll beat this monstrous disease together…   Thank you :classic_smile:

                                 Stay safe lads it's still out there! :classic_ohmy:





Edited by kalos
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22 hours ago, Harry Peterson said:

I imagine most people will have seen this already today (and I apologise for wasting your time), but in case anyone hasn't, this is unmissable:





First time on today but just had to say I have watched this many times already last night and today; it makes me laugh so much!  When he says 'I'm not a cat ......'  - nothing has made me laugh like this for ages!

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If anyone’s looking for good films, this is on BBC2 on Sunday at 14.15:


A Matter of Life and Death


A British wartime aviator who cheats death must argue for his life before a celestial court.




Old, but very, very good and very well reviewed.

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2 hours ago, Adawn47 said:

He could be just reading and not posting. I did that a time or two as it helps to read what everyone's up to even if you don't feel like posting. I hope that's all it is.


That's what I am doing at the moment, just taking a break 🙂

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Well my day has suddenly gone downhill fast.

My friend 84,  was having problems with a kidney stone and was in quite some pain, so went into  the local hospital  on 30th January, and was then transferred to Pinderfields. They got things stabilised and said she would be in another week under observation and then allowed home with a view to an operation in one to two months, and it was a big relief. Five days later and her DIL has just been in touch to tell me that she had a covid test yesterday, and has contracted Covid while in hospital, is on the covid ward in a single room, and is going down today to have the  stone lasered to try to break it down. Her family have kept her safe for 12 months only for her to get it in hospital. She  already has breathing problems because of a damaged lung after undergoing radiation treatment a while ago. I've known her for 42 years and we're as close as sisters. I'm very concerned.


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2 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

Well my day has suddenly gone downhill fast.

My friend 84,  was having problems with a kidney stone and was in quite some pain, so went into  the local hospital  on 30th January, and was then transferred to Pinderfields. They got things stabilised and said she would be in another week under observation and then allowed home with a view to an operation in one to two months, and it was a big relief. Five days later and her DIL has just been in touch to tell me that she had a covid test yesterday, and has contracted Covid while in hospital, is on the covid ward in a single room, and is going down today to have the  stone lasered to try to break it down. Her family have kept her safe for 12 months only for her to get it in hospital. She  already has breathing problems because of a damaged lung after undergoing radiation treatment a while ago. I've known her for 42 years and we're as close as sisters. I'm very concerned.


Sorry to hear about your friend Avril.  Wishing her well.

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5 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

Well my day has suddenly gone downhill fast.

My friend 84,  was having problems with a kidney stone and was in quite some pain, so went into  the local hospital  on 30th January, and was then transferred to Pinderfields. They got things stabilised and said she would be in another week under observation and then allowed home with a view to an operation in one to two months, and it was a big relief. Five days later and her DIL has just been in touch to tell me that she had a covid test yesterday, and has contracted Covid while in hospital, is on the covid ward in a single room, and is going down today to have the  stone lasered to try to break it down. Her family have kept her safe for 12 months only for her to get it in hospital. She  already has breathing problems because of a damaged lung after undergoing radiation treatment a while ago. I've known her for 42 years and we're as close as sisters. I'm very concerned.


I’m so sorry to hear about your friend Avril. Hopefully she will recover from the op and Covid quickly.

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1 minute ago, Adawn47 said:

Well my day has suddenly gone downhill fast.

My friend 84,  was having problems with a kidney stone and was in quite some pain, so went into  the local hospital  on 30th January, and was then transferred to Pinderfields. They got things stabilised and said she would be in another week under observation and then allowed home with a view to an operation in one to two months, and it was a big relief. Five days later and her DIL has just been in touch to tell me that she had a covid test yesterday, and has contracted Covid while in hospital, is on the covid ward in a single room, and is going down today to have the  stone lasered to try to break it down. Her family have kept her safe for 12 months only for her to get it in hospital. She  already has breathing problems because of a damaged lung after undergoing radiation treatment a while ago. I've known her for 42 years and we're as close as sisters. I'm very concerned.



Sorry to hear this Avril and you have every right to be concerned about her But  we know

what rules we play by  don't we :classic_smile: We cross every bridge when we come to them .

So lets look for the positives .. The good news is they deem her fit enough to go and have 

the ultra sound op on her stones . If she was in a very bad way would they do this ? :classic_unsure:

Also she is surrounded by a great medical team by being in hospital, who will give her 

medication and help her fight off the covid . So chin up and you support her and we will

support you . We wish your friend good luck Avril ,stay safe . :classic_love:

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17 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

Well my day has suddenly gone downhill fast.

My friend 84,  was having problems with a kidney stone and was in quite some pain, so went into  the local hospital  on 30th January, and was then transferred to Pinderfields. They got things stabilised and said she would be in another week under observation and then allowed home with a view to an operation in one to two months, and it was a big relief. Five days later and her DIL has just been in touch to tell me that she had a covid test yesterday, and has contracted Covid while in hospital, is on the covid ward in a single room, and is going down today to have the  stone lasered to try to break it down. Her family have kept her safe for 12 months only for her to get it in hospital. She  already has breathing problems because of a damaged lung after undergoing radiation treatment a while ago. I've known her for 42 years and we're as close as sisters. I'm very concerned.


Sorry to hear about your friend Avril. I hope lasering the stone works and that she recovers from covid quickly

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22 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

Well my day has suddenly gone downhill fast.

My friend 84,  was having problems with a kidney stone and was in quite some pain, so went into  the local hospital  on 30th January, and was then transferred to Pinderfields. They got things stabilised and said she would be in another week under observation and then allowed home with a view to an operation in one to two months, and it was a big relief. Five days later and her DIL has just been in touch to tell me that she had a covid test yesterday, and has contracted Covid while in hospital, is on the covid ward in a single room, and is going down today to have the  stone lasered to try to break it down. Her family have kept her safe for 12 months only for her to get it in hospital. She  already has breathing problems because of a damaged lung after undergoing radiation treatment a while ago. I've known her for 42 years and we're as close as sisters. I'm very concerned.



I'm sorry to hear this too Avril.  As you were posting, I was on a Zoom call with friends and we were talking about the people we know who have caught Covid in hospital. 3 out of the 6 of us knew someone personally to whom this has happened, in different parts of the country too.  It's frightening!

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27 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

Well my day has suddenly gone downhill fast.

My friend 84,  was having problems with a kidney stone and was in quite some pain, so went into  the local hospital  on 30th January, and was then transferred to Pinderfields. They got things stabilised and said she would be in another week under observation and then allowed home with a view to an operation in one to two months, and it was a big relief. Five days later and her DIL has just been in touch to tell me that she had a covid test yesterday, and has contracted Covid while in hospital, is on the covid ward in a single room, and is going down today to have the  stone lasered to try to break it down. Her family have kept her safe for 12 months only for her to get it in hospital. She  already has breathing problems because of a damaged lung after undergoing radiation treatment a while ago. I've known her for 42 years and we're as close as sisters. I'm very concerned.


Sorry to hear about your friend Avril.

Hopefully they can sort the kidney stone today and her covid19 is mild so she can get home soon.


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Lots of positive thoughts for your friend Avril.  I was reading today about two new treatments (using repurposed drugs, originally developed for asthma and arthritis) which are really helping treat Covid, keeping people out of intensive care and shortening the acute phase.



and on another, frivolous, tack A Matter of Life and Death is a classic.  One of the best, like African Queen, Brief Encounter and Casablanca

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42 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

Well my day has suddenly gone downhill fast.

My friend 84,  was having problems with a kidney stone and was in quite some pain, so went into  the local hospital  on 30th January, and was then transferred to Pinderfields. They got things stabilised and said she would be in another week under observation and then allowed home with a view to an operation in one to two months, and it was a big relief. Five days later and her DIL has just been in touch to tell me that she had a covid test yesterday, and has contracted Covid while in hospital, is on the covid ward in a single room, and is going down today to have the  stone lasered to try to break it down. Her family have kept her safe for 12 months only for her to get it in hospital. She  already has breathing problems because of a damaged lung after undergoing radiation treatment a while ago. I've known her for 42 years and we're as close as sisters. I'm very concerned.


So sorry to hear this. Sending good wishes to both of you. 


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55 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

Well my day has suddenly gone downhill fast.

My friend 84,  was having problems with a kidney stone and was in quite some pain, so went into  the local hospital  on 30th January, and was then transferred to Pinderfields. They got things stabilised and said she would be in another week under observation and then allowed home with a view to an operation in one to two months, and it was a big relief. Five days later and her DIL has just been in touch to tell me that she had a covid test yesterday, and has contracted Covid while in hospital, is on the covid ward in a single room, and is going down today to have the  stone lasered to try to break it down. Her family have kept her safe for 12 months only for her to get it in hospital. She  already has breathing problems because of a damaged lung after undergoing radiation treatment a while ago. I've known her for 42 years and we're as close as sisters. I'm very concerned.


Sorry to hear this Avril, I hope that she gets through it all. 

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1 hour ago, Adawn47 said:

Well my day has suddenly gone downhill fast.

My friend 84,  was having problems with a kidney stone and was in quite some pain, so went into  the local hospital  on 30th January, and was then transferred to Pinderfields. They got things stabilised and said she would be in another week under observation and then allowed home with a view to an operation in one to two months, and it was a big relief. Five days later and her DIL has just been in touch to tell me that she had a covid test yesterday, and has contracted Covid while in hospital, is on the covid ward in a single room, and is going down today to have the  stone lasered to try to break it down. Her family have kept her safe for 12 months only for her to get it in hospital. She  already has breathing problems because of a damaged lung after undergoing radiation treatment a while ago. I've known her for 42 years and we're as close as sisters. I'm very concerned.


Very worrying Avril. I do hope she recovers. 42 years is a very long friendship. Jane.x

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I should have had a busy day today but I only managed to go for my Novavax appointment my this morning.  When I got back the optician had called to cancel my appointment, so I have to call to rearrange when they reopen on Wednesday next week,  We were in the car going to the dentist when I got a call cancelling that appointment for both of us due to having to do a deep clean due to being contacted by track and trace to tell them that a patient had been confirmed with covid.

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28 minutes ago, Eddie99 said:

I’m afraid my teeth are missing out during the outbreak.  I have turned down hygienist appointments - just take extra pains with cleaning and interdental work myself

It feels, to me, too great a potential exposure 

I moved my dental appointments last week. Partly for the reason you quote and partly that I live an hour away and didn’t feel the journey could be justified (unless an emergency). I’m just praying nothing goes wrong or drops out until start of April when new appointment is.

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1 hour ago, Adawn47 said:

Well my day has suddenly gone downhill fast.

My friend 84,  was having problems with a kidney stone and was in quite some pain, so went into  the local hospital  on 30th January, and was then transferred to Pinderfields. They got things stabilised and said she would be in another week under observation and then allowed home with a view to an operation in one to two months, and it was a big relief. Five days later and her DIL has just been in touch to tell me that she had a covid test yesterday, and has contracted Covid while in hospital, is on the covid ward in a single room, and is going down today to have the  stone lasered to try to break it down. Her family have kept her safe for 12 months only for her to get it in hospital. She  already has breathing problems because of a damaged lung after undergoing radiation treatment a while ago. I've known her for 42 years and we're as close as sisters. I'm very concerned.


If there was a heart button on this or a virtual hug caption I would send one. Thoughts and prayers are with your friend. Just so sad when those who have been kept safe for so long catch COVID when they at their most vulnerable. 

Take care xx

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50 minutes ago, Josy1953 said:

I should have had a busy day today but I only managed to go for my Novavax appointment my this morning.  When I got back the optician had called to cancel my appointment, so I have to call to rearrange when they reopen on Wednesday next week,  We were in the car going to the dentist when I got a call cancelling that appointment for both of us due to having to do a deep clean due to being contacted by track and trace to tell them that a patient had been confirmed with covid.

But that gives you another 2 days of contact with the outside world.

My Vaccine trial appointment seemed to go well today, I hope yours did as well. Will you be continuing in the trial in some way even though you have been unblinded?


When we arrrived, we stood outside a room with three people in it, were you by any chance one of the three? My random guess, based on absolutely nothing was that you were the lady in the middle of the row. Probably completely wrong!

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