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Rancho Palos Verdes checking in here. I am "essential", so I go to work everyday. All vacations have been cancelled through May, which sucks but since everything is shut down it's OK. I see the 3 Carnival ships everyday as there is 1 docked and 2 are anchored in Long Beach. I see the Star and Royal when they are in port but they have been out and about quite a bit lately. The USS Mercy is currently docked where the Star usually is so I don't believe both ships will be in port at the same time any time soon. 

Hope all are doing well and this will be over soon enough.

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So after banning single use plastic bags from our stores, today I find out my cloth bags are banned.  I couldn’t even take them into the store.  Yes, it is back to plastic again.  On the positive side, I didn’t get charged for the plastic bags!

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1 hour ago, Northern Light said:


Have only read a few pages when a poster mentioned this youtube video of members of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra playing Copeland’s Applacian Spring. Watch and enjoy.

Forgive me if it has already been posted.





1 hour ago, Northern Light said:


Have only read a few pages when a poster mentioned this youtube video of members of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra playing Copeland’s Applacian Spring. Watch and enjoy.

Forgive me if it has already been posted.




So glad you enjoyed it! It sure brightened up the day


1 hour ago, Northern Light said:


Have only read a few pages when a poster mentioned this youtube video of members of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra playing Copeland’s Applacian Spring. Watch and enjoy.

Forgive me if it has already been posted.






1 hour ago, Northern Light said:


Have only read a few pages when a poster mentioned this youtube video of members of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra playing Copeland’s Applacian Spring. Watch and enjoy.

Forgive me if it has already been posted.




So glad you enjoyed it. 


1 hour ago, Northern Light said:


Have only read a few pages when a poster mentioned this youtube video of members of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra playing Copeland’s Applacian Spring. Watch and enjoy.

Forgive me if it has already been posted.




So glad you enjoyed it! 

Edited by CruzeQueen2
Too many copies of same page. Sorry!
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The orchestra music was delightful--thanks for sharing.  Like many of you, I 

feel so helpless.  I have not been outside our home for almost two weeks since the governor's stay at home policy.   DH can't golf as golf courses are closed so he is not dealing too easily with the solitude.  I have only left for short car or golf cart rides.  Luckily, we have had enough food and supplies except for a few friends getting milk, eggs and fresh fruit for us.  We are going on our first venture tomorrow morning as one supermarket opens at 6 for those of us who are older. Will be wearing our face masks and rubber gloves--have grocery list ready and will head first for TP, towels, flour and macaroni as think rest of items should not be difficult unless store is crowded.  So instead of embarking on the STAR tomorrow for a cruise to Sea of Cortez, I will be on a different adventure.  I watched the news tonight with sadness as USS MERCY pulled into LA port where STAR was scheduled tomorrow.  I was making my grocery list instead of checking my packing list.  


It seems like friends connections seems to be stronger during this crisis.  I have contacted a few cruising friends and childhood friends---more phone calls and emails from them.  Stay healthy!!😷


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sitting in my home office here in way too hot ( but better than cold ) central florida ...


plenty of tp, water, food, adult beverages, etc … our county still not on any kind of lockdown, shelter in place, curfews … yet

looking out my office window , I see a lot of new / different people walking , walking dogs, kids than usual … which may be due

to people either working from home, or worster temporarily laid off...


just an observation


and just read that the state of florida is setting up checkpoints for people who might be driving in from Louisiana to self-quarantine for 14 days … yeah, like that will work

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Central NC here. I've been mostly home for most of the month, somewhat voluntarily since I have mild chronic lung disease. I was exposed at work (tested negative) and work is closed for now. I work for an orthopedic group with a surgery center. They are planning on reopening on a limited basis to do "urgent elective" cased--broken bones and such--to keep those patients out of hospital beds.


Counties and towns have been issuing  shelter-at-home orders since the governor wouldn't, but he finally issued one and the entire state is self-quarantined now. We're only planning on going out for groceries (we're almost out of coffee!) and when I go back to work. Hubby is retired.


I'm seeing lots of neighbors out walking/running/biking with kids and/or dogs. Husband is seeing lots of chalkwork on sidewalks when he gets the mail.


All our state universities have converted to on-line learning only and it's been a rough transition as I try to finish my last semester. I've been online, but all clinical experiences have been cancelled so I lost nearly a third of my required hours. First world problems, right?

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First of all, thank you CruzeQueen2 for your comments about the symphony which sent me online to search for the video.   Apparently it took two days to put everything together.   It buoyed my spirits watching it so promptly started to forward to friends.  In these strange times, we need positive things to help us thru.  Just finished a cup of tea along with a Princess chocolate from our last cruise in September.    DH gave me his every night so I squirreled them both away to bring home (his and my chocolates not him!).  I enjoy a piece of chocolate every once in a while to remind me how much we have enjoyed our cruises.   At this point we are unsure whether we will cruise again but count ourselves so very lucky to cruised many times and to see so many amazing places.    Also lucky to have maintained some of the friendships we developed on board.  


I am also grateful that we are heading into spring and not the beginning of winter.  It is good to step outside and have a walk.   Social spacing happens (like crossing the road) when encountering others and just give a wave and a smile.  While my cataract surgery was cancelled, I am fine to go longer.    Again, grateful that I am not dealing with something more serious and treatment being on hold.

We will very much miss not being with our grandson when he turns 4 in a few weeks but grateful to have Facetime.   I read him books but running out of material.  L0L!   Our 18 month granddaughter is oblivious to it all.   Sure do feel for their parents though as are both trying to work from home and keep the kids occupied.  Again grateful that they can do this and have not lost their jobs (and hopefully won't).


This thread was great idea.  Stay well everyone.








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We have worries. Last year my daughter and her husband made plans to leave where they are and move up north. We would help them move (into our house!) and we would take the first month to go camping. This would give them time to find somewhere (they are hoping to purchase a small home) and for him to find work and it would also help to keep from making me crazy. (My daughter can be "difficult" to live with and her husband... Best not go there.) He's HVAC certified so, with all the rebuilding from the Camp Fire, there should be work. (Fingers crossed...)


Flash forward to now. We are supposed to help them move on April 3rd. His current job vanished very recently when, due to COVID-19, the employer closed and he has already done the paperwork to pull funds from his pension toward purchasing a place to live. I'm worried about traveling to get them, helping them move, having more people come into our home, etc. Additionally, the campgrounds have all closed so our plan to disappear for a month have gone by the wayside. GAH! My daughter and her husband will make me totally crazy. Our youngest grand daughter (18 months) will complicate matters as well. (I'm working on some child-proofing today but it will be a major change. It's been just the two of us for a very long time.) We will suddenly have 5 people in the house and we are supposed to "shelter in place". (We haven't been to the grocery store in more than 2 weeks.) Both my daughter and her husband smoke. I quit cold turkey (unfiltered Camels) 30-plus years ago and really am not a fan of smoking. (They will, of course, be confined to smoking outside. No way will we allow it in the house.)


I worry that we will get the virus while doing the trip to move them or that they will bring it with them into our home. (The trip will be April 3rd - 5th.) We aren't real old but neither are we real young - 67 & 68 - which makes us prime candidates for this crud. This seems to me to be a classic "between a rock and a hard place" as we can't bail out on them but don't want to fulfill our prior promise. They have made serious life-change plans based on our previous promise to assist. There is no way we can not follow through.  I guess we just have to hope for the best.


EDIT: Dang, I read this over and I really sound like a crabby old man and a fussbudget. (How's that for an archaic word?) Sorry for grumping at you all. 🙄


Edited by Thrak
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26 minutes ago, Thrak said:

We have worries. Last year my daughter and her husband made plans to leave where they are and move up north. We would help them move (into our house!) and we would take the first month to go camping. This would give them time to find somewhere (they are hoping to purchase a small home) and for him to find work and it would also help to keep from making me crazy

wasn't that when the fires were raging in Chico  (deleted )… and you wanted 


yeah , lots of peoples plans / lives changed … so has ours - but ...

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17 minutes ago, voljeep said:

wasn't that when the fires were raging in Chico and you were going on a 30 day cruise … and you wanted them to sit/protect your house ?


Nope. Our daughter currently lives in Lompoc. When my niece's house burned in Paradise she, her husband, and her daughter moved into my house. (The fire never came into Chico.) We had a cruise planned and we left so they had a good base from which to plan. It was an extremely hard and traumatic time for them but they were very grateful to have somewhere to go. During the month we were cruising they figured out how to go forward. They ended up purchasing a large 5th wheel to live in and then not too long ago purchased a house and are all settled in.

Edited by Thrak
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26 minutes ago, Thrak said:


Nope. Our daughter currently lives in Lompoc. When my niece's house burned in Paradise she, her husband, and her daughter moved into my house. (The fire never came into Chico.) We had a cruise planned and we left so they had a good base from which to plan. It was an extremely hard and traumatic time for them but they were very grateful to have somewhere to go. During the month we were cruising they figured out how to go forward. They ended up purchasing a large 5th wheel to live in and then not too long ago purchased a house and are all settled in.

Does your niece still have te 5th wheel? Maybe your daugter can rent it from her?

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1 hour ago, Thrak said:

....  Dang, I read this over and I really sound like a crabby old man and a fussbudget. (How's that for an archaic word?) Sorry for grumping at you all.


You did not sound crabby to me at all, you sounded like a concerned father with valid reasons for your concerns.  There is little I could say to help, you have a good handle on the issues, but let me just mention that there will be light at the end of the tunnel and you and your family will get through this.  Hang in there, my friend.

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Thrak- not crabby to me either.  Good luck with establishing firm house rules before they get in the door!  Hopefully you can wash your hands like crazy during the move and have your kids wipe down everything they bring into the house for their daily living needs until they can leave the nest.  Good luck and please let us know how it’s going. 

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Still surviving here but the coronavirus is still on the grow in Wisconsin!  My home town Kenosha, Wi has 24 cases and Milwaukee just 30 miles north of us has over 500 cases. Wisconsin as a whole has over 1,000 cases. We are hunkered down most of the day except for our morning walks. Getting some projects done around the house, rented a carpet cleaner and cleaned the carpets on Thursday. I miss watching the Brewers play baseball, opening day would had been yesterday at Miller Park.  Hope everyone is doing there part to beat this virus sooner than later. Stay safe.


Cheers - Ken & Darlene


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50 minutes ago, LoriPhil said:

Thrak- not crabby to me either.  Good luck with establishing firm house rules before they get in the door!  Hopefully you can wash your hands like crazy during the move and have your kids wipe down everything they bring into the house for their daily living needs until they can leave the nest.  Good luck and please let us know how it’s going. 


Not sure where we can get disinfecting wipes. The stores where she lives have nothing. I don't know about here as the only time we went to the store was a couple of weeks ago and there were empty shelves all over the store. We will have to try going out early for the "senior hours" and see what can be had. Of course once they are here we will need to shop with/for them as well and they can't go in during the "senior hours". We will, of necessity, figure it out. Compared to those who were in the fires we are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of the game. Perspective is important.

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We are in Southern British Columbia and right now BC’s numbers climb albeit slowly not near what some countries have.  Most of our stores are closed, just essential services like grocery, gas, banks etc like most places.  I work in healthcare albeit not on the frontlines but nevertheless still having to walk into the hospital and it feels almost like “into the line of Fire”.  It’s a very weird feeling and my heart goes out to all those truly on the frontlines.  

I am on holidays as we were to be on the Island Princess going through the Panama now, so in light of us not going thought I would entertain my Facebook friends and am currently doing a “live from” on our cruise.  I’m using pics from previous cruises and making it fun as I go along.  I’m getting a good response and it keeps my brain thinking what to add for the next day while making friends laugh.  


Stay safe everyone... until we cruise again.



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13 minutes ago, PrincessDano said:

We are in Southern British Columbia and right now BC’s numbers climb albeit slowly not near what some countries have.  Most of our stores are closed, just essential services like grocery, gas, banks etc like most places.  I work in healthcare albeit not on the frontlines but nevertheless still having to walk into the hospital and it feels almost like “into the line of Fire”.  It’s a very weird feeling and my heart goes out to all those truly on the frontlines.  

I am on holidays as we were to be on the Island Princess going through the Panama now, so in light of us not going thought I would entertain my Facebook friends and am currently doing a “live from” on our cruise.  I’m using pics from previous cruises and making it fun as I go along.  I’m getting a good response and it keeps my brain thinking what to add for the next day while making friends laugh.  


Stay safe everyone... until we cruise again.



So creative! Have fun. Best wishes for good health , in Canada. I like your idea to post past pics. Enjoy your virtual voyage.

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23 hours ago, Thrak said:


Not sure where we can get disinfecting wipes. The stores where she lives have nothing. I don't know about here as the only time we went to the store was a couple of weeks ago and there were empty shelves all over the store. We will have to try going out early for the "senior hours" and see what can be had. Of course once they are here we will need to shop with/for them as well and they can't go in during the "senior hours". We will, of necessity, figure it out. Compared to those who were in the fires we are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of the game. Perspective is important.

So...you actually can make your own wipEs...may be equally hard to get what up need but ....paper towels...cut roll in half.  Mix 2 cups water , a table spoon of dish soap and a cup of at least 70% rubbing alcohol or 140 proof vodka  Pour over the roll in a Tupperware or other container. When the paper towels are wet the tube will pull out and you should be able to pull up one wipe at a time from the center. 
OR. If you can get baby wipes add either 140 proof vodka or 70% or higher alcohol to them.  I think you need to add either some melted coconut oil or some aloe or these will be very drying.  U can use them on your hands or to clean up. Add some dish soap if you want more grease cutting power.

hope that helps someone out there

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This thread is a great idea, so thank you!  I enjoyed reading everyone's posts and will read all that are yet to come.

I guess except for when we go on vacation (first and last cruise was May 2019) or family gatherings, we do not do the social thing at all.  We do not have anyone in school, do not go to sporting events, do not go to church, do not belong to anywhere that we need to attend meetings, do not go to parks or other recreation, so in this way, we hermits have been preparing for this for years.  Also, before this, I was one of those OCD people who washed my hands up to a dozen times a day.

We get deep snow and often ice for seven to eight months out of the year.  About the only time I do venture out is when we need to go to the grocery store or pharmacy (or very occasionally to the Post Office to mail something).  Since we are retired, no jobs we need to go to.  About every six months hubby has to go 100 miles to the Boise VAMC (which he had to go five days ago as he had to have tests done for an issue he has at the moment).

I feel for everyone who is restricted and dealing with the sudden change this virus has brought into your lives, either by not being able to enjoy your normal activities, having to greatly adjust your work situations and for your financial worries.  May this virus die off soon so that all can get back to their normal lives and regain some balance.

In the meantime, might I suggest typing in "Princess" (or other cruise line) "Cruises" into the You Tube search bar?  There are probably over a hundred various virtual cruises you can go on with people who have taken the time to video record their own cruises.  If you are looking for land trips even in other countries, you can do a search on various dash cam road trips.  There are many of those, too, that I find enjoyable.

In the meantime, may all of you and your loved ones stay healthy, safe, as happy as you can be and find comfort in some new things to explore while we ride through this together.


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