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SS Future Re-Open Plan: Timing, Testing Needs??!!


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Yesterday afternoon, I received this message from Silversea: "Please click on the button below to take this short survey.  It should take less than 10 minutes to complete.  You can also copy and paste the URL below into your browser if you'd prefer:


In general, they asked a number of good questions.  Specifically, they were seeking my reactions and interests for certain "closer to home" sailing itineraries in North America, the Caribbean, etc.  Generally, many of these were not as much of interest to us as the ports were either boring and/or places that we have already visited.  


There were a couple of "open-ended" questions where I offered these reactions and concerns:


"Many world-wide questions need to be addressed, including the growing Covid variants, levels of vaccinations available within countries to be visited, etc.  Your outlined plan is still fairly shallow and incomplete for the overall, BIGGER picture concerns.  Are SS and RCL listening??"


"Will just ship excursions be the only option allowed for leaving the ship when in port?  At what price level and rules?  Will miss seeing the friendly faces of the staff and other passengers!!  For world-wide ports to be visited, what levels of vaccination and protections will those countries be able to offer? When?"


Any others received and responded to this Silversea marketing survey?  Reactions to my comments?  What are your biggest "NEEDS to KNOW" before you are all-in to resume sailing around the world with Silversea?


THANKS!  Enjoy!  Terry in Ohio


Completed 2019 summer with Calgary, Jasper/Banff National Parks, Western Canada Rocky Mountaineer rail adventure, Vancouver, sailing up to Alaska on Silver Musse, post-cruise excursion to Denali, etc.  Many visuals and details from our first in these scenic areas!  Live/blog: 


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Once we receive our 2nd dose in 2 months time, we would be good to go I think. But we are not travelling abroad until 2022, and they say that those 70+ will be given a booster jab this autumn, but that does not include us. So will we still be safe without that?


It is all too depressing. And lockdown is getting us all down. I can understand young people getting together on beaches etc.

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From the Wall Street Journal yesterday evening, they had this headline: CDC Wants Cruise Ship Workers Vaccinated for Covid-19, but Doesn’t Say When Voyages Might Resume” with this sub-headline: "Latest round of instructions continues health agency’s go-slow approach to cruises."


Here are some of their story highlights: “The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is recommending that ship and port workers be vaccinated against Covid-19 before leisure cruises begin again, but didn’t set a specific date for when those voyages might resume.  The CDC issued guidelines Friday that provide a roadmap for developing agreements with port and local health authorities for how to deal with coronavirus outbreaks that might occur once ships are back on the water.  The latest round of instructions continues the health agency’s go-slow approach to cruises. U.S. passenger ships have been sidelined for more than a year and the industry fears another lost summer of business.  'Just today, CDC announced vaccinated Americans could safely travel internationally,' said Capt. John Murray, chief executive officer of Port Canaveral, the world’s second-busiest cruise port. 'We’re disappointed that this guidance for the cruise industry appears to be nothing more than an incremental step ... with no definitive or target start date.' ”


Here is more from this comprehensive WSJ story: "The CDC said its phased approach to resuming cruises helps ensure that operations are safe, especially with variants of the virus still emerging. As part of the revised guidelines, it is recommending that anyone associated with cruises—from the on-board personnel to port workers to passengers—be vaccinated against Covid-19. Once cruise lines have a clear sense of when they can set sail from the U.S., industry officials said it would take months to comply with CDC rules and recall their workers, who are spread all over the world."


If the port workers where you board (and return) are required to have the vaccine, then what those many workers in and around for all of the ports where your ship will be stopping/visiting?


Full story at:



THANKS!  Enjoy!  Terry in Ohio


Barcelona/Med: June 2011, with stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Great visuals with key highlights, tips, etc. Live/blog now at 253,033 views.


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This Survey has also been circulated in the UK relating to Around UK Cruises. My reaction was very similar to your Terry in that I am not keen to have to take an organised excursion in Ports that we know well - also the substantial change in the on board atmosphere by way of substantially less Socialising which is what Silversea is all about. 

I cannot see Cruising returning to what we have enjoyed up to now for some considerable time. The UK Government have now added The Philippines to the Unacceptable List so what impact this has on Crewing is interesting.

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When I try to open the survey it just says it has expired.  There is a list of all the cruise lines only sailing with passengers who have been vaccinated. Silversea at the minute just says under evaluation.  I would only be happy to sail if they were enforcing it so I’m not sure how it will all work out.  I don’t trust the tests as my brother tested negative and he definitely had COVID. 

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1 hour ago, worldtraveller99 said:

Once we receive our 2nd dose in 2 months time, we would be good to go I think. But we are not travelling abroad until 2022, and they say that those 70+ will be given a booster jab this autumn, but that does not include us. So will we still be safe without that?   It is all too depressing. And lockdown is getting us all down. I can understand young people getting together on beaches etc.


For our London friend, don't get too depressed or down!  Relief with the vaccine is coming and we are closer to a re-opening.  But, sadly, it is taking much, much longer to happen than what we imagined or guessed a year ago.   


From the Associated Press/AP and the Seattle Times this morning, they had this headline: “Italy may be in Easter lockdown, but the party’s on at sea” with these highlights: “Italy may be in a strict coronavirus lockdown this Easter with travel restricted between regions and new quarantines imposed. But a few miles offshore, guests aboard the MSC Grandiosa cruise ship are shimmying to Latin music on deck and sipping cocktails by the pool.   In one of the anomalies of lockdowns that have shuttered hotels and resorts around the world, the Grandiosa has been plying the Mediterranean Sea this winter with seven-night cruises, a lonely flag-bearer of the global cruise industry.  Passengers and crew are tested before and during cruises. Mask mandates, temperature checks, contact-tracing wristbands and frequent cleaning of the ship are all designed to prevent outbreaks. Passengers from outside Italy must arrive with negative COVID-19 tests taken within 48 hours of their departures and only residents of Europe’s Schengen countries plus Romania, Croatia and Bulgaria are permitted to book under COVID-19 insurance policies.  On Wednesday, the Grandiosa left the Italian port of Civitavecchia for its weeklong Easter cruise, with 2,000 of its 6,000-passenger capacity and stops planned in Naples and Valletta, Malta, before returning to its home port in Genoa.  Passengers welcomed the semblance of normalcy brought on by the freedom to eat in a restaurant or sit poolside without a mask, even if the virus is still a present concern.”


Here is more from this AP reporting: "The pandemic has plunged global cruise ship passenger numbers from a record 30 million in 2019 to more than 350,000 since July 2020, according to Cruise Lines International, the world’s largest cruise industry association representing 95% of ocean-going cruise capacity. Currently, fewer than 20 ships are operating globally, a small fraction of CLIA’s members’ fleets of 270 ships.  The United States could be among the last cruise ship markets to reopen, possibly not until fall, and not until 2022 in Alaska. Two Royal Caribbean cruise lines that normally sail out of Miami opted instead to launch sailings in June from the Caribbean, where governments are eager to revive their tourism-based economies despite activist concerns about the health and environmental impact."


Full story at:



THANKS!  Enjoy!  Terry in Ohio


Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise from Copenhagen, July 2010, to the top of Europe. Scenic visuals with key tips. Live/blog at 241,735 views.


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1 hour ago, Lois R said:

I never got a survey.........I wonder if they are only sending it to certain customers.


For Lois, with these types of marketing surveys, they do not send it out to everyone in their large database.  They might send it out to only 5%, 10% or 15% of the file in order to receive back a "representative sampling" that is valid and meaningful.  Appreciate the follow-ups and comments from Mayflower1 and Tudorcruisers.


 From the New York Times Travel Section yesterday, they had this headline: “What to Know About the C.D.C. Guidelines on Vaccinated Travel" with this sub-headline: "In updated recommendations, the federal health agency said both domestic and international travel was low risk for fully vaccinated Americans. But travel remains far from simple.”


Here are some of their key story highlights: “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its guidance for fully vaccinated Americans on Friday, saying that traveling both domestically and internationally was low risk.  Still, the C.D.C. is not recommending travel at this time because of the rising number of cases of the coronavirus, both at home and abroad.”


Here are a couple of key questions that their reporter answers: "Can I go abroad?  Yes, but only to countries that will have you. Most of Europe is still off-limits to American citizens, although some countries such as Iceland are allowing in vaccinated visitors from the United States and elsewhere. Other places like Turkey, Croatia and Montenegro and have been welcoming Americans with negative test results, while Greece plans to open up to fully vaccinated tourists and other foreigners with a negative test in May.  Many Caribbean nations have reopened to American tourists, but each has its own coronavirus protocols and entry requirements.   How are they going to check that I’m fully vaccinated?  Right now, the best way to prove that you have been vaccinated is to show your vaccine card.  Digital vaccine and health certificates showing that people have been vaccinated or tested are in various stages of development around the world and are expected, eventually, to be widely used to speed up travel.  The subject of 'vaccine passports' is currently one of the most hotly debated topics within the travel industry, with questions over the equity of their use and concerns over health and data privacy."


Full story at:



THANKS!  Enjoy!  Terry in Ohio


Sydney to NZ/Auckland Adventure, live/blog 2014 sampling/details with many exciting visuals and key highlights.  On page 23, post #571, see a complete index for all of the pictures, postings.  Now at 232,988 views.


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I did some research on the latest CDC guidance. Here are some interesting pieces. Credit to Tony for pointing me in the right direction. Tony’s quite animated and does daily updates and good work, even if if it took me a couple videos to “get” him!


April 2, 2021


For purposes of these instructions, CDC considers cruise ships to constitute a residential congregate setting.


So, cruises are like apartments according to the CDC. What does the CDC say about apartments, etc.?


April 2, 2021


Fully vaccinated residents of non-healthcare congregate settings

Fully vaccinated residents of non-healthcare congregate settings (e.g., correctional and detention facilities, group homes) should continue to quarantine for 14 days and be tested for SARS-CoV-2 following an exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19. This is because residential congregate settings may face high turnover of residents, a higher risk of transmission, and challenges in maintaining recommended physical distancing.

Fully vaccinated employees of non-healthcare congregate settings and other high-density workplaces

Fully vaccinated employees of non-healthcare congregate settings and other high-density workplaces (e.g., meat and poultry processing and manufacturing plants) with no COVID-like symptoms do not need to quarantine following an exposure; however testing following an exposure and through routine workplace screening programs (if present) is still recommended.


February 25, 2021


This is a very long document so I didn’t copy and paste the whole thing.


Communal spaces, community activities, and close living quarters in multifamily housing increase the risk of getting and spreading the virus

COVID-19 is mostly spread person-to-person through respiratory droplets released when people cough, sneeze, or talk. Less commonly, COVID-19 may also be acquired when someone touches a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touches their nose, mouth, or eyes. COVID-19 may be spread by people who are not showing symptoms. Therefore, personal prevention practices such as social distancing, using masks, frequent handwashing with soap and water or hand sanitizing when handwashing with soap and water is not possible, cough etiquette, and staying home when sick, are important to reduce COVID-19. Other environmental prevention practices, such as environmental cleaning and disinfection, are also important. Administrators can take clear-cut actions to help lower the risk of COVID-19 exposure and spread in their communities and at their facilities.


Also, this:

Wait at least 24 hours since previous tenants left before cleaning and disinfecting in preparation for a new individual/family moving in. If 24 hours is not feasible, wait as long as possible.



At least this gives the cruise ines something to shoot for and argue against, rather than just silence. This is a step forward, maybe two steps forward and one back.


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In another development, NCL has written the CDC to say they’ve met the requirements and want the CSO lifted so they can sail out of the US on July 4, 2021. 



The letter doesn’t address some things like the 12 hour rule on gangways and terminal, or test cruises. But I like the hard, quick return volley to the CDC that forces them to respond. Keep up the pressure! I am curious to see if the other big lines follow suit. 

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10 minutes ago, CruiserFromMaine said:

In another development, NCL has written the CDC to say they’ve met the requirements and want the CSO lifted so they can sail out of the US on July 4, 2021. 


Great above sharing from our Maine friend.  Yes, something is happening out there to cause the cruise line stocks to jump so much this morning.  See added info below.  


From the Wall Street Journal"s sister publication of Barron's late this morning, they had this headline: “The CDC Didn’t Say When Cruises Can Start Again. Why Carnival and Other Stocks Are Gaining.” with these highlights: “Cruise stocks were up at least 5% in early trading even as one Wall Street analyst said Friday’s update of the CDC’s conditional sailing order for cruise ships 'fell short of expectations for the industry and investors.'  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s update did not specify when sailing out of U.S. reports will resume.  'With no timing component, and only incremental in nature, this update disappointed the industry,' observed Brandt Montour of J.P. Morgan in a research note.  The cruise stocks, however, climbed Monday amid a rally for the broader market.  Separately, in a letter to the CDC on Monday, Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings CEO Frank Del Rio said the company will require '100% vaccination of guests and crew during initial relaunch consistent with CDC guidance on international travel.' ”


Here is more from the NCLH CEO letter to the CDC: "It adds that Norwegian is 'optimistic the CDC will agree that mandatory vaccination requirements eliminate the need for the [conditional sailing order] and therefore requests for the lifting of the order for Norwegian’s vessels, allowing them to cruise from U.S. ports starting July 4.'  The CDC’s update of its conditional sailing order called on the cruise companies to incorporate vaccinations into their plans but stopped short of requiring vaccinations.  In his research note Sunday, Montour wrote that he saw the CDC’s update 'as a modest negative for [cruise] shares near term, as this update fell short of our and investor expectations, and the eventual timing of a restart seems slightly less certain now than it did two weeks ago”–though it was uncertain at that time as well."


My betting/guessing is that the CDC will still move slower than what Del Rio and other cruise executives desire for a July 4th re-start. Am I right or wrong?  What is your speculation/opinion? 


Full story at:



THANKS!  Enjoy!  Terry in Ohio


Venice: Loving It & Why??!!  Is one of your future desires or past favorites? See these many visual samples for its great history and architecture.  This posting is now at 90,148 views.



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Does so much of this current Covid situation seem confusing with many "experts" not agreeing and/or headed in different directions?  


From CNN Cable News and a local TV station this morning, they had this headline: “US races to vaccinate for virus as potential fourth surge looms” with these highlights: “An infectious disease expert described the current state of the coronavirus pandemic as a Category 5 hurricane.  That opinion is not shared by some other experts, who believe we are getting closer to the end of the tunnel.  'We will see in the next two weeks the highest number of cases reported globally since the beginning of the pandemic,'  said Dr. Michael Osterholm with the University of Minnesota.  The U.S. passed a huge milestone this weekend, averaging more than 3 million COVID vaccine shots in arms per day.   But even as the country’s vaccination efforts persist, some health experts worry the increase of COVID-19 variants puts the country on the cusp of a surge in cases.  'There isn’t a country in the world right now that has seen a big increase in this B117 that is not locking down. We are the exception,' Osterholm said. 'Now, I understand the absolute resistance in this country to even consider that. You know, it’s kind of trying to drink barbed wire. But the bottom-line message is the virus is going to do what it’s going to do, and we’re going to have to respond somehow.' ”


In this same story, they have this somewhat different viewpoint from another medical "expert": " 'I don’t think it’s going to be a true fourth wave,' said Dr. Scott Gottlieb, former FDA commissioner. 'I think the Biden administration can allocate to parts of the country that look hot right now. But if we could get two or three weeks of around 3 million vaccines a day that’s going to be a true backstop against a true fourth surge.' "


Full story at:



THANKS!  Enjoy!  Terry in Ohio


Amazon River-Caribbean 2015 adventure live/blog starting in Barbados. Many visuals from this amazing river and Caribbean Islands (Dutch ABC's, St. Barts, Dominica, Grenada, San Juan, etc.).  Now at 68,256 views:


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Regarding the vaccination progress...


After a seemingly slow start, the US is doing very well in its vaccine distribution. The chart below summarizes our progress since 1/31/21 compared to Canada and Europe, who are about a month behind the US. Also, the European stats include the UK, so ex-UK, Europe would be even slower. The UK has taken an approach to prioritize first shots and spread out the time between jabs. Australia barely registered so I left them off. 


Good for us! It’s certainly been a huge effort, with some bumps along the way but it would feel even worse if we were playing catch up. Clearly, the effort has paid off. And now many states are opening up vaccines to those 16 and over, and testing has begun on the 12-15 year old group. 


The next goal is the rest of the world. 


This shows percentage of population with at least one shot. Source is https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations




Vaccine progress.pdf

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   I expect NCL is getting frustrated.  How safe does he have to prove that a cruise is???  Bars are open, resturants are open, schools, churches. Even some long term care facilities have terrible vax acceptance rates within the staff.  Efficacy is thru the roof in keeping people from serious and fatal Covid infections.  And CDC is reluctant to say in transmission ( but 80% at least) is reduced with vaccination.

  A cruise with 100% passengers and crew vaccinated.  Where on land, can you get that kind of compliance??


If anyone wants a great source of thoughtful discussions, I've been following Dr Bob Wachter UCSFsince March/April last year.  He is temporarily hosting the podcast Inthebubble, while Andy Slavitt is a little busy.


Listen to Inthebubble.  You'll be so glad you did.  Any episode is fantastic.


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3 hours ago, TLCOhio said:

Does so much of this current Covid situation seem confusing with many "experts" not agreeing and/or headed in different directions?  


From CNN Cable News and a local TV station this morning, they had this headline: “US races to vaccinate for virus as potential fourth surge looms” with these highlights: “An infectious disease expert described the current state of the coronavirus pandemic as a Category 5 hurricane.  That opinion is not shared by some other experts, who believe we are getting closer to the end of the tunnel.  'We will see in the next two weeks the highest number of cases reported globally since the beginning of the pandemic,'  said Dr. Michael Osterholm with the University of Minnesota.  The U.S. passed a huge milestone this weekend, averaging more than 3 million COVID vaccine shots in arms per day.   But even as the country’s vaccination efforts persist, some health experts worry the increase of COVID-19 variants puts the country on the cusp of a surge in cases.  'There isn’t a country in the world right now that has seen a big increase in this B117 that is not locking down. We are the exception,' Osterholm said. 'Now, I understand the absolute resistance in this country to even consider that. You know, it’s kind of trying to drink barbed wire. But the bottom-line message is the virus is going to do what it’s going to do, and we’re going to have to respond somehow.' ”


In this same story, they have this somewhat different viewpoint from another medical "expert": " 'I don’t think it’s going to be a true fourth wave,' said Dr. Scott Gottlieb, former FDA commissioner. 'I think the Biden administration can allocate to parts of the country that look hot right now. But if we could get two or three weeks of around 3 million vaccines a day that’s going to be a true backstop against a true fourth surge.' "


Full story at:



THANKS!  Enjoy!  Terry in Ohio


Amazon River-Caribbean 2015 adventure live/blog starting in Barbados. Many visuals from this amazing river and Caribbean Islands (Dutch ABC's, St. Barts, Dominica, Grenada, San Juan, etc.).  Now at 68,256 views:


Because medicine requires interpretation of facts and makes predictions about future events. It’s not “just facts”. So each “expert” has their own spin. Dr.Osterholm has been predicting doom since January 2020 whereas Dr.Gottlieb has always had a more nuanced interpretation.

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I'm proud of the doctors and scientists working though this, whatever their perspective.  They have done an incredible job!  Every so often I have to stop and remind myself - this situation is unprecedented.  Plagues aren't, of course, but the tools we have to fight back against them certainly are.  I think disagreements among experts when in uncharted waters is to be expected.

My optimistic perspective is that gradually a consensus will arise, and the open sharing of ideas and data will help ensure that consensus is on (or close to) target.

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Just saw this from https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-04-06/carnival-threatens-to-move-ships-abroad-amid-cdc-obstacles

Sounds very promising!


“CDC is committed to working with the cruise industry and seaport partners to resume cruising following the phased approach outlined in the conditional sailing order,” CDC spokeswoman Jade Fulce said in a response to questions about Carnival. “This goal aligns with the desire to resume passenger operations in the United States expressed by many major cruise ship operators and travelers; hopefully, by mid-summer with restricted revenue sailings.”


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3 minutes ago, CruiserFromMaine said:

Just saw this from https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-04-06/carnival-threatens-to-move-ships-abroad-amid-cdc-obstacles

Sounds very promising!


“CDC is committed to working with the cruise industry and seaport partners to resume cruising following the phased approach outlined in the conditional sailing order,” CDC spokeswoman Jade Fulce said in a response to questions about Carnival. “This goal aligns with the desire to resume passenger operations in the United States expressed by many major cruise ship operators and travelers; hopefully, by mid-summer with restricted revenue sailings.”


Ya but I think most of us are concerned with international cruises and not US ports. 

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I’m posting this because I just have to laugh. I hope you will find it pretty silly. Global Entry was work up front, just precisely to speed me through the airport on the way to, and especially back home, from my travels. In their infinite wisdom, these folks think it would be oh so much better to do an interview with a CBP officer at the tail end. Aargh.


Dear Global Entry Applicant,

Instead of scheduling an appointment at a Global Entry Enrollment Center, you have the unique opportunity to interview for Global Entry when you return from your next international trip.

What is Enrollment on Arrival? Global Entry applicants who are conditionally-approved can complete their interviews, the last step of the Global Entry process, while they are clearing through United States Customs and Border Protection or Pre-Clearance. 

Enrollment on Arrival (EoA) is ONLY available at participating international airports in the United States and select Pre-Clearance locations and is NOT available on domestic connections.

Enrollment on Arrival is now available at the following locations: 

Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS)

Abu Dhabi international Airport (AUH)

Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix in Oranjestad, Aruba (AUA)

Baltimore/Washington International Airport (MWI)

Boston Logan International Airport (BOS)

Buffalo Niagara International Airport (BUF)

Calgary International Airport (YYC)

Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT)

Chicago Midway Airport (MDW)

Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG)

Cleveland Hopkins International Airport (CLE) 

Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFW)

Denver International Airport (DEN)

Detroit Metropolitan International Airport (DTW)

Dublin Airport (DUB)

Edmonton International Airport (YEG)

Fairbanks International Airport (FAI)

Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL)

Fresno Yosemite International Airport (FAT)

George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) in Houston

Halifax International Airport (YHZ)

Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL)

Honolulu International Airport (HNL)

John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York (JFK)

John Glenn Columbus International Airport (CMH)

Kansas City International Airport (MCI)

Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)

Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport (MSY)

Metropolitan Oakland International Airport (OAK)

McCarren International Airport (LAS) in Las Vegas

Miami International Airport (MIA)

Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport (MSP)

Montreal-Pierre Elliot Trudeau International Airport (YUL)

Luis Munoz Marin International Airport San Juan (SJU)

Lynden Pindling Nassau International Airport (NAS)

Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR)

Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport(SJC)

O'Hare International Airport (ORD) in Chicago

Orlando International Airport (MCO)

OrlandoSanford International Airport (SFB)

Ottawa International Airport (YOW)

Philadelphia International Airport (PHL)

Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX)

Portland International Airport (PDX)

Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU)

Reno-Tahoe International Airport (RNO) 

Sacramento International Airport (SMF) 

Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC)

San Antonio International Airport (SAT)

San Diego International Airport (SAN)

San Francisco International Airport (SFO)

Seattle Tacoma International Airport (SEA)

Shannon Airport (SNN)

St. George’s Bermuda International Airport (BDA) 

St. Louis Lambert International Airport (STL) 

Tampa International Airport (TPA)

Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport (ANC)

Toronto Pearson International Airport (YYZ)

Vancouver International Airport (YVR)

Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD)

William P. Hobby Airport (HOU) in Houston

Winnipeg James Armstrong international Airport(YWG)

Check the CBP.gov website for an updated list of participating airports.

What do I do when I land in the international terminal? Follow the signage directing you to CBP officers who can complete your Global Entry interview during your admissibility inspection. In addition to your entry document (e.g., your passport), you will need documents providing evidence of residency. Examples are driver's license (if the address is current), mortgage statement, rental payment statement, utility bill, etc. This is not required for minors. 

If you would like to save time and effort, then join the thousands of other conditionally-approved Global Entry applicants and participated in Enrollment on Arrival.

This is an automated email.

Please do not reply.


To which I say, “Don’t worry, I won’t!”. No shortage of geniuses over there at Global Entry. Can’t wait to see what they’ll want for Nexus, maybe a layover in Canada for an interview with CCDP and a two week quarantine in a hotel? Hey, that’s a way to get the hotels up and running! Shoulda been an insultant, with ideas like that.




Doc Ruth

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1 hour ago, docruth said:

In their infinite wisdom, these folks think it would be oh so much better to do an interview with a CBP officer at the tail end. Aargh.

FWIW, I had this situation a couple years ago; was very hard to get an appointment and so they recommended doing the “Enrollment on Arrival”.  We landed in Miami and (no joke) they couldn’t do the interview unless we had more than 3 hours to wait.  Our connecting flight prevented us from taking that option.  If you’re landing back from overseas at your home airport, it may work out well; if connecting seems pretty useless.  In my case I ended up waiting a couple months for an appointment to open up locally.  


Apologies in advance for varying from the thread topic....

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23 minutes ago, QueSeraSera said:

Just received the email - our June 14 Silver Moon cruise out of Barcelona is cancelled.


Sorry to hear. I actually just checked the SS website for an update and there wasn't one yet. Expect one soon...

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JP, just posted this on another thread (maybe we will have Moon in Greece this summer)


On FB a canceled guest said that the Moon's summer itineraries (June thru early Sept) will now be Greece.  The Resumption of itineraries page on SS website is now updated as of April 8 and says the Moon's first voyage is in June. However, the main SS website shows no summer itineraries--yet.


Believe something in the Silversea itinerary kitchen for the Moon this summer is in the oven.

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