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36 crew test positive for Covid on MS Roald Amundsen


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Back to the Norovirus comparison again? Not really a valid comparison. Having seen the comparison one more time I decided to check the numbers. It is true that Norovirus kills 200,000 a year world wide, out of 685,000,000 cases. So far in the US alone there are 157,000 deaths out of 4,750,000 cases. World wide there are 689,000 deaths from Covid 19 out of 18,000,000 cases. Can we please put this lame to the extreme comparison to rest?

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2 hours ago, Lonedaddy said:

You neglected to discuss the denominator.  That while it is responsible for 200,000 deaths per year it also is one of the most widespread illnesses with about 685 million cases per year. A mortality rate of .03% compared to COVID-19's rate of between .6 to 1%.  Even then most of those deaths occur in 3rd countries with poor medical systems with young children especially vulnerable.  In the US you have about 20 million cases leading to 900 deaths at .0045% death rate.


Lets see currently in the US you have 4.8 million confirmed cases with 158,000 deaths.  That does not even go into what they are now finding out about other health impacts such as one study finding that 70% of covid patients (even those with mild cases not requiring admission to the hospital) have detectable heart damage weeks after their recovery. Just today it was announced that one of the MLB players is dropping out for the season due to heart issues that are thought to be related to his recent COVID case.  Then you have those the impacts on blood clotting, kidney disease, neurological impacts.


Noro compares to COVID  like a sprained ankle compares to a leg amputation.  In other words not a relevant comparison at all.

Edited by npcl
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3 hours ago, Lonedaddy said:

Norovirus is responsible for approximately 200,000 deaths globally.

At the current rate, Covid deaths in the US alone will surpass that number within the first year. Globally, the numbers could easily be six times the number of deaths from Covid.


On 8/2/2020 at 12:06 PM, Lonedaddy said:

What is the difference between getting covid and noro?

To answer your earlier question, you probably have a six times greater likelihood of dying from Covid. Additionally, even if you survive, the experience and long-term effects of Covid can be far worse. 

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1 hour ago, npcl said:

You neglected to discuss the denominator.  That while it is responsible for 200,000 deaths per year it also is one of the most widespread illnesses with about 685 million cases per year. A mortality rate of .03% compared to COVID-19's rate of between .6 to 1%.  Even then most of those deaths occur in 3rd countries with poor medical systems with young children especially vulnerable.  In the US you have about 20 million cases leading to 900 deaths at .0045% death rate.


Lets see currently in the US you have 4.8 million confirmed cases with 158,000 deaths.  That does not even go into what they are now finding out about other health impacts such as one study finding that 70% of covid patients (even those with mild cases not requiring admission to the hospital) have detectable heart damage weeks after their recovery. Just today it was announced that one of the MLB players is dropping out for the season due to heart issues that are thought to be related to his recent COVID case.  Then you have those the impacts on blood clotting, kidney disease, neurological impacts.


Noro compares to COVID  like a sprained ankle compares to a leg amputation.  In other words not a relevant comparison at all.

then lets compare covid to influenza but nobody wants to do that

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3 minutes ago, Lonedaddy said:

then lets compare covid to influenza but nobody wants to do that

We can compare covid to influenza but the numbers clearly show COVID is an order of magnitude worse, not even counting on the other health impact.  In every category mortalityy, number of hospitalizations, length of hospitalizations, consumption of medical resources, rate of spread COVID is quite a bit worse than influenza.  If you add on top of it the other impacts that are related long term cardio, neurological, kidney disease, blood sugar elevation, inflammatory issues, etc.    One can compare, but again not really in the same ballpark.

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21 minutes ago, Lonedaddy said:

then lets compare covid to influenza but nobody wants to do that


??? everyone has been doing that from day one.  The data is in.  COVID is leaps and bounds worse by every metric, hospitalizations, deaths, long term morbidity, especially among younger people compared to influenza.  


You've just already decided your conclusion and are unwilling to look at real data.


I used to try to make long research posts, but it's a waste of my time because you aren't going to read it or believe it.


One of the effects of COVID is no one in the world is going to think of the US as an example of anything anymore. Forget lead from behind we won't even be able to lead at all.

Edited by UnorigionalName
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20 hours ago, Covepointcruiser said:

I thought all the passengers were from Polynesia so the case must be from Tahiti.   


Just a followup to my previous answer that international guests were onboard this Paul Gauguin sailing - the positive case is reported to be an American 😔


As posted by CC Managing Editor Cruise Critic Chris: "The line confirmed to us that the passenger was a 22-year-old asymptomatic American". 


Another article also reports:

"Two weeks after the reopening of commercial flights to international tourists in French Polynesia, a first suspected case of Covid-19 has been detected in an American tourist cruising aboard the Paul Gauguin ship following a positive self-test from the Malardé Institute, then a new test carried out by the Polynesian health authorities".




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51 minutes ago, Lonedaddy said:

then lets compare covid to influenza but nobody wants to do that

I know!

I bet I haven't seen more than like a hundred or so studies that compare COVID to seasonal influenza!! And they DARE to have the same conclusions.

Time for this obfuscation to end is NOW!

Edited by ECCruise
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I'm not sure what comparisons of SARS-CoV-2  with influenza viruses or noroviruses or anything else is accomplishing at this point.  Here or anywhere.  Just a meaningless talking point in my view.  I think back in Feb/March time frame perhaps it was an interesting comparison to Influenza but now the world is far beyond that.  

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17 hours ago, Fouremco said:

In some areas of social media, post/videos/tweets containing disinformation about COVID-19 can be deleted or flagged as containing false information. Too bad that CC doesn't have similar functionality. 

Fouremco I definitely understand your concern but.......We are discussing COVID -19 here because of its severe impact on cruising.  And potential COVID vaccines for the same reason. We also at times discuss norovirus on these boards because of occasional ship outbreaks.  Anyway the Cruise Critic boards are not about an editor or member flagging something or banning something about COVID as false medical information.  It is a cruise board.  So it is entirely up to all of us to view posts as coming from a highly diverse set of backgrounds and opinions.  Some very medically accurate and some not at all.  And try to set the record straight with our own opinions if we feel a need to do so.  And perhaps others will agree (or not).  I think the majority of posts get things right.  Sort of like cruise reviews.  I look at a lot of them and don't focus on the one or two negative ones.  I also tend to put more of my personal credence in posts from others I have learned to respect. Like you Fouremco.   And not waste my energy on others.

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Ugh another cruise with a possible problem - this one on a Seadream sailing. Fingers crossed everyone tests negative:


(Translated with google translate)


A Danish passenger who was on the previous cruise has been confirmed infected with corona. Thus, all passengers on SeaDream 1 have been told to stay in the cabin.


"The cruise ship Seadream 1 may have covid-19 infection on board, and the ship is now routed to Bodø, FHI writes in a press release. According to the Norwegian Directorate of Health, the ship will arrive in Bodø around 02 o'clock on Wednesday night.


- Neither crew nor passengers are allowed to go ashore, and are kept on board the ship, says mayor Ida Pinnerød in Bodø municipality in a press release.


According to the municipality, there are 123 passengers and 85 in the crew. According to the municipality, all crew members must be tested before the samples are analyzed at Nordland Hospital. The test results are not expected until Wednesday evening. Communications consultant Tord Berthinussen tells VG that tents will probably be set up on the quay for testing.


A passenger VG has talked about on board praises both the captain and other crew for the handling after it became known on Tuesday that a passenger who was on the previous cruise from 21 July to 2 August has now been confirmed infected.


Passengers and crew from two cruises must be quarantined


The passenger left the ship in Tromsø and traveled to Denmark on 2 August. The passengers who are now on board must therefore from now on stay in the cabin. They went on the ship the same day.


- According to information we have received, the person has no symptoms, and we can not say with certainty in what period of time the person has been exposed to infection, says department director Line Vold in FHI in the press release on Tuesday night.


All passengers from previous and ongoing sailings and the crew now receive information from the shipping company about how to behave. Everyone must complete a 10-day quarantine and be encouraged to test themselves.


FHI is now working with the passenger lists to notify municipalities that have had passengers on the ship.


No drama on board

- For the time being, we do not know if we will be quarantined in Bodø or what will happen next with us, but there is no drama, the passenger says.


In a letter from SeaDream that VG has seen, it is stated that the infected person had no symptoms, and that the infection was discovered during a routine check on arrival in Denmark. At the same time, the company states that they are in dialogue with both FHI and the Norwegian Directorate of Health.


So far, VG has not succeeded in getting a comment from SeaDream".




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On 8/3/2020 at 3:37 PM, Fouremco said:

In some areas of social media, post/videos/tweets containing disinformation about COVID-19 can be deleted or flagged as containing false information. Too bad that CC doesn't have similar functionality. 


And some social media does not.  FB has decided that they will not be the arbiter of truth and they will let the population sort out the truth.  I prefer that model.  Having a censor seldom provides a single viewpoint and seldom sorts out the truth.  The CC community is more than capable of exposing false information.

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13 hours ago, SeaHunt said:

Ugh another cruise with a possible problem - this one on a Seadream sailing. Fingers crossed everyone tests negative:


(Translated with google translate)


A Danish passenger who was on the previous cruise has been confirmed infected with corona. Thus, all passengers on SeaDream 1 have been told to stay in the cabin.


"The cruise ship Seadream 1 may have covid-19 infection on board, and the ship is now routed to Bodø, FHI writes in a press release. According to the Norwegian Directorate of Health, the ship will arrive in Bodø around 02 o'clock on Wednesday night.


- Neither crew nor passengers are allowed to go ashore, and are kept on board the ship, says mayor Ida Pinnerød in Bodø municipality in a press release.


According to the municipality, there are 123 passengers and 85 in the crew. According to the municipality, all crew members must be tested before the samples are analyzed at Nordland Hospital. The test results are not expected until Wednesday evening. Communications consultant Tord Berthinussen tells VG that tents will probably be set up on the quay for testing.


A passenger VG has talked about on board praises both the captain and other crew for the handling after it became known on Tuesday that a passenger who was on the previous cruise from 21 July to 2 August has now been confirmed infected.


Passengers and crew from two cruises must be quarantined


The passenger left the ship in Tromsø and traveled to Denmark on 2 August. The passengers who are now on board must therefore from now on stay in the cabin. They went on the ship the same day.


- According to information we have received, the person has no symptoms, and we can not say with certainty in what period of time the person has been exposed to infection, says department director Line Vold in FHI in the press release on Tuesday night.


All passengers from previous and ongoing sailings and the crew now receive information from the shipping company about how to behave. Everyone must complete a 10-day quarantine and be encouraged to test themselves.


FHI is now working with the passenger lists to notify municipalities that have had passengers on the ship.


No drama on board

- For the time being, we do not know if we will be quarantined in Bodø or what will happen next with us, but there is no drama, the passenger says.


In a letter from SeaDream that VG has seen, it is stated that the infected person had no symptoms, and that the infection was discovered during a routine check on arrival in Denmark. At the same time, the company states that they are in dialogue with both FHI and the Norwegian Directorate of Health.


So far, VG has not succeeded in getting a comment from SeaDream".




As long as everybody believes that the "cruise or no cruise standard" on ships translates back to a single positive test result on board, even if asympomatic, and quarantine of the ship is the result, then there will be no cruising.  The virus is in every population at a minimum of 1% according to random population studies.  Most ships resuming cruising will report at least one or more positive tests.  This is inevitable.  Even with an eventual vaccine the virus will be around for years.  The world is still focused on the all-or-none pandemic standard of positive tests.  This discussion needs to be moved forward at some point soon into what might be a more reasonable standard to live with and cruise with.  

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7 hours ago, ipeeinthepool said:

And some social media does not.  FB has decided that they will not be the arbiter of truth and they will let the population sort out the truth.  I prefer that model.  Having a censor seldom provides a single viewpoint and seldom sorts out the truth.  The CC community is more than capable of exposing false information.


FB is actively removing misinformation, but it can take a while for them to suss it out.  There are lots of bad actors out there purposely & constantly pushing out bad information for various reasons.  You have a couple on CC doing the same thing, either to get a rise out of people or because they're willfully ignorant & parroting the false info they found online.



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Now also a Viking Star crewmember in Norway:



105 people on board the cruise ship "Viking Star" must be tested after infection has been proven among the crew.


A person on board a ship in Ålesund is infected with coronavirus. Reiarlaget Viking Cruises confirms to NRK that the person in question is part of the crew on board the cruise ship «Viking Star», which has a doctor in circulation since the end of March.


It is unclear where the person became infected.

- We do not know. What we do know is that the person in question took a test in their home country before leaving for Norway, which was negative. The person in question came on board the ship on July 17 and was then quarantined in his cabin for 14 days, the Norwegian spokesman for the reiar team, Jon Mørland, told NRK.


Took three tests

After ten days on board the cruise ship, the person was tested again for corona. A test that was also negative.

- The person in question was then at work, with minimal contact with the others in the crew. When the person started to feel bad, he took another test, Mørland said.


The third test showed that the person is infected with covid-19. The person was tested on board and now sits isolated in his cabin.


The person is part of a crew of 105 people. The ship is in storage and the crew has been isolated in the boat during the entire storage period.




According to the reiar team, the crew did not go ashore during the storage period.

- During the corona era, we have been very concerned about not getting infection on board. There has also been extremely strict and little contact between the crew and persons on land these four months, says Mørland.



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According to the Norwegian TV2 News, the status when it came to COVID-19 and MS Roald Amundsen, is that yesterday a total of 53 were infected (37 crew and 16 passengers).

Of these, four from the crew and one passenger are now treated in the University Hospital in Tromsø.


The article also gives the somewhat surprising information that the Municipal Chief Physican i Tromsø , says that Roald Amundsen's two doctors have been relieved from their duties. The reason is explained by the fact that a proper co-operation has not been achieved with the two doctors.









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