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Hi Andy....haven't really recovered from the disappointment of not meeting you in the flesh on our April cruise....compete with our Jelly Baby suits!!

Apart from that me & my hubby are quite contented in our bubble although being put back into lock-down last week  has made it that we can't meet up with children & grandchildren even in the garden.


Good idea for a thread btw....cheerio 😄

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35 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

My late mam was type 2 diabetic.

6 was the perfect glucose level so 12 is a little high.

She started on Metformin tablets then was put on insulin as well.

She had a machine and had to ***** her finger twice a day and put the blood sample on a test paper into the machine to get her glucose count.

She always kept a boiled sweet in her bag because if her glucose level got to low she would have a hypo and the sweet got her glucose level back up.

If the glucose levels got to high this is where diabetes side affects can happen.

The insulin levels she had to take were constantly monitored.

It has been reported that losing weight and a very low calorie diet can reverse Type 2 but always best to check with your doctor.


Thank you. Her daughter Heather, is a nurse and she went round today to get rid of all the unhealthy foods and restock with the healthy. She said she was surprised by the small amount of unhealthy food she had to get rid of. Heather doesn’t seem overly concerned about her mum so I'll take my cue from her.


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2 hours ago, Adawn47 said:

Jean, what a gorgeous dog. Looks young and very alert. Unless your holding a treat in your hand while taking the photo😉. We stayed overnight in Anglesey many years ago while doing a tour around Wales. Stayed in a lovely hotel facing the water in Beau Maris.  Lovely little place. There's seal colony there and a lovey old castle too if memory serves.


We stayed in Anglesey in October .. a beautiful part of the world. Think the castle is  Beaumaris. From Anglesey you can get to some of the most beautiful parts of the country. If you need any suggestions just ask as we know this part of Wales really well as parents lived here for 22 yrs.  🙂

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56 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

Thank you. Her daughter Heather, is a nurse and she went round today to get rid of all the unhealthy foods and restock with the healthy. She said she was surprised by the small amount of unhealthy food she had to get rid of. Heather doesn’t seem overly concerned about her mum so I'll take my cue from her.


My Mother had type 2 for 40 years; she died 2 years ago aged 94 and three quarters, and not of diabetes. She did observe the rules, though, with the very occasional lapse.

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1 hour ago, janny444 said:

Hi Andy....haven't really recovered from the disappointment of not meeting you in the flesh on our April cruise....compete with our Jelly Baby suits!!

Apart from that me & my hubby are quite contented in our bubble although being put back into lock-down last week  has made it that we can't meet up with children & grandchildren even in the garden.


Good idea for a thread btw....cheerio 😄

Hi Janny, I'm sure we will meet again some sunny day... 

Glad you are both well. 


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On 8/7/2020 at 1:05 PM, Adawn47 said:

Thanks for asking. I'm sure this is not going to be a flippant,  tongue in cheek thread and it will be somewhere to discuss the more serious outcome of the situation we have all been thrown into. 

To begin, Frank and I and our family are all doing well. It was a little easier to cope with all the restrictions at first as you had hope that this would soon be over. As the months have gone on its becoming more and more difficult to believe this will get any better than it is now. I'm still optimistic, I'm that type of person, and am optimistically looking forward to next year. What I feel now is anger and frustration that fewer and fewer people are still following the guidelines and others couldn’t give a toss. Frank still won't venture out but does a lot in the garden when the weather permits. I've been to town a few times when I have to but that's not often.

We seem to have turned into hermits and having to rely on public transport doesn't help our situation. We've seen the great grandchildren a few times now and that's a bonus. To be really honest though Andy I feel as though we've been put under house arrest. My eldest daughter is on her way to hospital as we speak. The doctor seems to think it's costochondritis but wants to rule out other things first. I sound like a right Moaning Minnie and there are worse than me I know.

We'll there you go Andy. You asked for it.😆



I'll post this now the worry for your daughter has abated. What about a family picnic? You could choose somewhere you and Frank could get to on the bus or taxi. You could stay in your family groups, seperately but together. It's nice having something to shop for and I know you like cooking so you could do all the scones, cakes etc. Just having family time can make a world of difference and there isn't a big risk outside in the fresh air.

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I have just sat down and read all of the posts on this thread that have been since I last looked.  I have to thank Andy for starting it because it has generated so many lovely stories.

 You may never hear from me again, one of my crazy sisters bought us an "axe throwing experience" for Christmas and we have managed to book for tomorrow, she and her husband are doing it with us.  My sister has also booked lunch for us at a restaurant on the way back though she be being optimistic that none of us end up in A&E.  This will be the first time that we have eaten out since February. 

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It’s been a manic 4 months work wise. Went to work on both the bank holiday Fridays we had. 
I now know what it must feel like working in a call centre with the number of client calls I answered, but it’s given me immense job satisfaction dispelling all the misinformation be banded about.

Currently in Madrid staying with my DD and SIL and chilling in the heat!

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8 minutes ago, Josy1953 said:

I have just sat down and read all of the posts on this thread that have been since I last looked.  I have to thank Andy for starting it because it has generated so many lovely stories.

 You may never hear from me again, one of my crazy sisters bought us an "axe throwing experience" for Christmas and we have managed to book for tomorrow, she and her husband are doing it with us.  My sister has also booked lunch for us at a restaurant on the way back though she be being optimistic that none of us end up in A&E.  This will be the first time that we have eaten out since February. 

😱 good luck! And enjoy your lunch.

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32 minutes ago, Josy1953 said:

I have just sat down and read all of the posts on this thread that have been since I last looked.  I have to thank Andy for starting it because it has generated so many lovely stories.

 You may never hear from me again, one of my crazy sisters bought us an "axe throwing experience" for Christmas and we have managed to book for tomorrow, she and her husband are doing it with us.  My sister has also booked lunch for us at a restaurant on the way back though she be being optimistic that none of us end up in A&E.  This will be the first time that we have eaten out since February. 

I have to say as presents go, that one is pretty 'up there'.

I bet you all have a great time.

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31 minutes ago, Josy1953 said:

I have just sat down and read all of the posts on this thread that have been since I last looked.  I have to thank Andy for starting it because it has generated so many lovely stories.

 You may never hear from me again, one of my crazy sisters bought us an "axe throwing experience" for Christmas and we have managed to book for tomorrow, she and her husband are doing it with us.  My sister has also booked lunch for us at a restaurant on the way back though she be being optimistic that none of us end up in A&E.  This will be the first time that we have eaten out since February. 

Enjoy your 'axe throwing experience' tomorrow, and do you mind if I give you a little piece of advice?  "Duck."




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Avril- glad your daughter is feeling better and has a diagnosis now. I always feel the limbo of not knowing is awful. Hope frank can feel safe to venture out soon. 


andy- glad you and Michelle are ok. I think I remember you being worried about your job and Michelle’s health. Just gotta keep thinking the only way is up


daimian- didn’t know your boy was adopted. Would never have guessed either from your photos and blogs. I believe It’s a very special thing to adopt. 

presto- you work in education right? The schools, least the ones I know of, were all doing as much as they could. I now know how hard teaching is for my kids. Imagine that but 30 of them! All the bashing they did is probably more for stories to sell. Anything bad tends to get published than the good. 

me and my family are all good considering. I’m a bit of a grumpy 🐄 general so this hasn’t helped. Hated homeschooling. Can not wait for them to get back but I wish they were going back to what they had before. I hate it that they will miss out on parties,school trips and even something so simple as playing with a different year group. My eldest was also in the year above class as she is the most advanced on her spelling/grammar but this now means she won’t be able to be pushed as she has to stay in her bubble. My nephew is out of hospital and doing well so that’s good. My gran who is 88 is still going strong. 
there are some big things such as loss in wages and shift changes that are pants but all four of us are ok and that’s the main thing. We are enjoying bbqs in the garden. 
spending some good time together when I’m not at work. 
my work is ok maybe a little stressful. Hubby will be back in September same as the kids. 

I just really need holidays. On a different site I’m on they talked about wasting money on shoes for example and apart from going out for dinner I really don’t. All my pennies go to holidays and then I plan them, as andy know for my spreadsheets and itineraries. It’s my hobby I suppose. Plus the kids don’t help telling me they wanna go back to Disney. I need things to work towards and I don’t feel like I have that until this is over. 

I do worry there might not be a cure and that it might just be norm like flu eventually. Also worrying about what we will be paying back in the future from all this. 

my biggest bug at the moment is masks. Just can’t do it. Got the petrol pump yesterday and the card but didn’t work. Had to go in and I really don’t like wearing one at all so am basically avoiding places that need one. Apart from one little freak out at the start of the pandemic I don’t think I have been too worried. 

don’t get half these rules either so I generally try and stay away from most news things but I get a million emails from CC so something always pops up and brings me back in. 
usually kalos being funny 😁 


just hope this time next year we can be back to discussing menus and what clothes we should be wearing. 

anyway I’ve waffled. 

you lovely people have kept me sane. There aren’t many people I have in my day to day life and quite a few of you have kept my head above water quite a few times when looking at the same 4 walls has nearly drove me crazy so thank you 😊 

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10 hours ago, Josy1953 said:

I have just sat down and read all of the posts on this thread that have been since I last looked.  I have to thank Andy for starting it because it has generated so many lovely stories.

 You may never hear from me again, one of my crazy sisters bought us an "axe throwing experience" for Christmas and we have managed to book for tomorrow, she and her husband are doing it with us.  My sister has also booked lunch for us at a restaurant on the way back though she be being optimistic that none of us end up in A&E.  This will be the first time that we have eaten out since February. 

What a fantastic gift. 

I don't think I will buy it for Michelle though, I may become the target... 😊

Have a great time. 


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10 hours ago, Esprit said:

It’s been a manic 4 months work wise. Went to work on both the bank holiday Fridays we had. 
I now know what it must feel like working in a call centre with the number of client calls I answered, but it’s given me immense job satisfaction dispelling all the misinformation be banded about.

Currently in Madrid staying with my DD and SIL and chilling in the heat!

Enjoy your much deserved break and keep safe. 


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8 hours ago, Vampiress88 said:

Avril- glad your daughter is feeling better and has a diagnosis now. I always feel the limbo of not knowing is awful. Hope frank can feel safe to venture out soon. 


andy- glad you and Michelle are ok. I think I remember you being worried about your job and Michelle’s health. Just gotta keep thinking the only way is up


daimian- didn’t know your boy was adopted. Would never have guessed either from your photos and blogs. I believe It’s a very special thing to adopt. 

presto- you work in education right? The schools, least the ones I know of, were all doing as much as they could. I now know how hard teaching is for my kids. Imagine that but 30 of them! All the bashing they did is probably more for stories to sell. Anything bad tends to get published than the good. 

me and my family are all good considering. I’m a bit of a grumpy 🐄 general so this hasn’t helped. Hated homeschooling. Can not wait for them to get back but I wish they were going back to what they had before. I hate it that they will miss out on parties,school trips and even something so simple as playing with a different year group. My eldest was also in the year above class as she is the most advanced on her spelling/grammar but this now means she won’t be able to be pushed as she has to stay in her bubble. My nephew is out of hospital and doing well so that’s good. My gran who is 88 is still going strong. 
there are some big things such as loss in wages and shift changes that are pants but all four of us are ok and that’s the main thing. We are enjoying bbqs in the garden. 
spending some good time together when I’m not at work. 
my work is ok maybe a little stressful. Hubby will be back in September same as the kids. 

I just really need holidays. On a different site I’m on they talked about wasting money on shoes for example and apart from going out for dinner I really don’t. All my pennies go to holidays and then I plan them, as andy know for my spreadsheets and itineraries. It’s my hobby I suppose. Plus the kids don’t help telling me they wanna go back to Disney. I need things to work towards and I don’t feel like I have that until this is over. 

I do worry there might not be a cure and that it might just be norm like flu eventually. Also worrying about what we will be paying back in the future from all this. 

my biggest bug at the moment is masks. Just can’t do it. Got the petrol pump yesterday and the card but didn’t work. Had to go in and I really don’t like wearing one at all so am basically avoiding places that need one. Apart from one little freak out at the start of the pandemic I don’t think I have been too worried. 

don’t get half these rules either so I generally try and stay away from most news things but I get a million emails from CC so something always pops up and brings me back in. 
usually kalos being funny 😁 


just hope this time next year we can be back to discussing menus and what clothes we should be wearing. 

anyway I’ve waffled. 

you lovely people have kept me sane. There aren’t many people I have in my day to day life and quite a few of you have kept my head above water quite a few times when looking at the same 4 walls has nearly drove me crazy so thank you 😊 

As usual, another honest, open post from our Vamp, thank you. 

We all just have to do our best with what we have at the moment. It is pretty crappy when we realise how much has changed, but it is not worth stressing about things we can't change or how it used to be, easier said than done for some though. 

I don't think life will ever be how it was, or at least not for a long time, so I suppose we have to learn to adapt. 

Keep doing your best for your beautiful family. 



Ps... Missing the spreadsheet & planning updates😊

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21 minutes ago, AndyMichelle said:

As usual, another honest, open post from our Vamp, thank you. 

We all just have to do our best with what we have at the moment. It is pretty crappy when we realise how much has changed, but it is not worth stressing about things we can't change or how it used to be, easier said than done for some though. 

I don't think life will ever be how it was, or at least not for a long time, so I suppose we have to learn to adapt. 

Keep doing your best for your beautiful family. 



Ps... Missing the spreadsheet & planning updates😊

This thread is brilliant in that we are seeing and hearing the real people rather than just a name posting.

Thanks Andy and best wishes to Michelle too.


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22 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

This thread is brilliant in that we are seeing and hearing the real people rather than just a name posting.

Thanks Andy and best wishes to Michelle too.


Thanks Graham, it's nice to hear people's stories, not just what they are doing, but how it affects them. 

Not sure us riff raff can talk to you now without curtseying though, since we found out you are nearly Royal... 😊


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1 hour ago, AndyMichelle said:

As usual, another honest, open post from our Vamp, thank you. 

We all just have to do our best with what we have at the moment. It is pretty crappy when we realise how much has changed, but it is not worth stressing about things we can't change or how it used to be, easier said than done for some though. 

I don't think life will ever be how it was, or at least not for a long time, so I suppose we have to learn to adapt. 

Keep doing your best for your beautiful family. 



Ps... Missing the spreadsheet & planning updates😊

my spreadsheets look a little different this month. 

it’s basically how many times can we go to the pub for half price


so it’s miller & carter mon,tues,wed 

and beans on toast for rest of week 😂 

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I have not posted on this thread to date mainly because I have so little to complain about,  none of our family and friends have had any encounters with Covid.  In fact our best friends DIL, who is a physio at our local hospital, commented that even at the height of the pandemic it was eerily quiet at work.  So it seemed as though Covid had by-passed Huddersfield until our misfortune to be part of Kirklees thrust us into special measures.  But even that is not causing us too much discomfort, especially as it has coincided with both sets of grandchildren being away on staycations.

Even the lockdown period changed very little for us,  we had few problem getting delivery slots from Sainsburys, we did miss the occasional Sunday lunches at our 2 son's houses. but video calls kept us up to date with both families, and as soon as we were allowed we did meet up again, until the current restrictions were imposed.

However since my wife's stroke 10 years ago cruising has become our main holiday outlet , we have done the occasional holiday park or hotel stay with our families, but we do find that cruises are by far the most relaxing and enjoyable holidays.  So I suppose our major concern is whether and when we can re-start cruising again, as planning and preparing for our 2 or 3 cruise holidays per year is what has kept us cheerful, and why I keep chiding wowzz, and others, not to be so pessimistic. 


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27 minutes ago, terrierjohn said:

I have not posted on this thread to date mainly because I have so little to complain about,  none of our family and friends have had any encounters with Covid.  In fact our best friends DIL, who is a physio at our local hospital, commented that even at the height of the pandemic it was eerily quiet at work.  So it seemed as though Covid had by-passed Huddersfield until our misfortune to be part of Kirklees thrust us into special measures.  But even that is not causing us too much discomfort, especially as it has coincided with both sets of grandchildren being away on staycations.

Even the lockdown period changed very little for us,  we had few problem getting delivery slots from Sainsburys, we did miss the occasional Sunday lunches at our 2 son's houses. but video calls kept us up to date with both families, and as soon as we were allowed we did meet up again, until the current restrictions were imposed.

However since my wife's stroke 10 years ago cruising has become our main holiday outlet , we have done the occasional holiday park or hotel stay with our families, but we do find that cruises are by far the most relaxing and enjoyable holidays.  So I suppose our major concern is whether and when we can re-start cruising again, as planning and preparing for our 2 or 3 cruise holidays per year is what has kept us cheerful, and why I keep chiding wowzz, and others, not to be so pessimistic. 


Great Post John, thank you. 

We like to know about peoples normality as well as highs and lows. 

It explains thought processes in other posts so we understand a little better. 

Keep chiding Wowzz, his purpose in life is to bring us all down to earth and our purpose is to throw tomatoes at him😊

Glad you are keeping safe and well and let's hope we can get back to cruising ASAP. 


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1 hour ago, Vampiress88 said:

my spreadsheets look a little different this month. 

it’s basically how many times can we go to the pub for half price


so it’s miller & carter mon,tues,wed 

and beans on toast for rest of week 😂 

I like Miller & Carter, but what is that great big chunk of lettuce all about? 


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14 minutes ago, AndyMichelle said:

I like Miller & Carter, but what is that great big chunk of lettuce all about? 


And what happened to the fried onion loaf then they went all healthy and couldn't fry it any more. Now if that had been P&O there would have been a mutiny and endless threads about it !!!! Like you all am missing the research though and the endless spread sheets. We have a cruise booked for April but cant see us going to be honest. Also have a land holiday booked for Sorrento August 2021 ........ its not the place it is the flying ... no thanks. It will be Costa del Statica for us 🙂

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Morning all.  Well I believe last night was just as bad.  Police called, car park strewn with bottles, fights.  I'm sure it's the Ibiza/Magaluf brigade.  Not our usual crowd.  It's absolutely manic here today.  More visitors than I have ever seen in 17 years here.  I can see this running into October!!

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