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100 Shares of Carnival Stock Perk


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52 minutes ago, DGP1111 said:

If CCL opens as anticipated this morning, I've probably found my perfect escape hatch (even at a loss).  Minimal confidence, so it's time for me to skeedaddle.




Agree, sold a tad early, 50 cents a share more I could have gotten today, but I think carnival restart further away than some anticipate. Wasnt sure I wanted to hold thru this upcoming earnings call with nothing but meaningless future guidance. I cant see the upside when it will be 2 or 3 years to turn profitable. 


The large cash obc giveaway, cheers, will keep carnival from turning a profit for a while imo. Rcl better positioned. 

Edited by firefly333
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5 minutes ago, Denverdonkeys said:

buy the hype, sell the news. it is expected, the markets have already baked that in.


I'm just saying what I would do, not recommending anything to anyone else.  I've been trading since June and noticed that when they announce travel related good news, it temporarily makes the travel stocks go up. This is especially true with vaccine news.  So, maybe they won't go up after the news.  You never know.  I think there is a good chance they will do as they have done in the past few months.  We will see.  the stock market is unpredictable. 

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25 minutes ago, TNcruising02 said:


I'm just saying what I would do, not recommending anything to anyone else.  I've been trading since June and noticed that when they announce travel related good news, it temporarily makes the travel stocks go up. This is especially true with vaccine news.  So, maybe they won't go up after the news.  You never know.  I think there is a good chance they will do as they have done in the past few months.  We will see.  the stock market is unpredictable. 

Its dropped today below 23 so even a bounce on good news I'd bet it's still range bound. Even Yahoo finance says chart turned bearish. Not a huge chart person, doing candlesticks and all that other stuff, just think its run into too much resistance here to keep moving higher. Of course I too could be wrong, but have bought and sold stocks for about 40 years...and looked to me last week by friday was only small traders holding up the price. Used to be something where you could see size of bids and asks, not just the one, but it's a feeling that traders propping up the price. That niggling feeling which was telling me take the loss, buy back lower or something else. In fact this morning I'd have sold short if I could. Let's all watch and see if high 23s,24 are the short term top or not. 


I love stocks..I'm watching anyway..always good to see if your calls were right or wrong. Lets have some fun watching. 


5 day bearish chart. What I am calling range bound, though probably not the technical term you can see what I mean. When it runs into too much resistance and has to back up to take another run at the same top, or fall back again


Edited by firefly333
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Trading stocks is my new favorite thing. I have watched several stocks throughout the day, every day, since I first bought 100 shares of Carnival back in March.  It's a lot of fun. The only thing good about this year for me is trading stocks.  Hopefully, Carnival will bounce back once cruising begins again.  It will probably take some time.  

The Royal stock was golden.  I picked some up earlier in the year when it was in the low 20s.  Only 100 shares and sold for a nice profit.  Then saw it go up and down, up and down from 40s to 70.  I told myself if it ever got to the low 50s again, I was buying.  I bought in October and made a nice profit, but I should have held for a bigger payoff.  Anyway, trading stocks is much more fun than working 9 to 5.

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15 minutes ago, TNcruising02 said:

Trading stocks is my new favorite thing. I have watched several stocks throughout the day, every day, since I first bought 100 shares of Carnival back in March.  It's a lot of fun. The only thing good about this year for me is trading stocks.  Hopefully, Carnival will bounce back once cruising begins again.  It will probably take some time.  

The Royal stock was golden.  I picked some up earlier in the year when it was in the low 20s.  Only 100 shares and sold for a nice profit.  Then saw it go up and down, up and down from 40s to 70.  I told myself if it ever got to the low 50s again, I was buying.  I bought in October and made a nice profit, but I should have held for a bigger payoff.  Anyway, trading stocks is much more fun than working 9 to 5.

Just beware, ccl isnt the safest thing to trade with no earnings. It's much higher priced but as a for instance when CAT was range bound it had solid earnings, so i felt safe going in and out. Ccl imo will try 3 times to break thru resistance, perhaps a bounce as you say on vaccine news, when it cant break thru, rule of thumb, after 3 tries it should drop back further, I'd say could drop to 20 after 3 failed attempted. Google charting, and even if you dont become a chartist you want to know how the other day traders are seeing it. 


GE for instance has a bullish chart, learn charts


APT, got caught up in day traders frenzy, it's the one I had to sell, or I knew lose a lot of $$$. A lottery ticket.  If it drops a lot lower might buy back in. Tiny mask maker, now everyone has masks, dropping like a stone. 


GE is what the chart says will go up from here, not ccl. Charts are important to learn. Just a example. Doesnt mean it's worth more, but traders will jump on a positive chart. Ccl imo is dead right now. 


Look at the chart for ge, dont buy, just a example of a very bullish chart. There are free chart courses. I still look at pe, and peg and all those boring technicals 


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6 hours ago, firefly333 said:

Agree, sold a tad early, 50 cents a share more I could have gotten today, but I think carnival restart further away than some anticipate . . . 



Kept 100 and shed 500 ($24, which seemed like a 'nice round number') 😊 😊


1 hour ago, Denverdonkeys said:

buy the hype, sell the news . . .


I've somehow never heard that phrase, which made me chuckle (as it can be SO true). Thanks for introducing me to it. 😉



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54 minutes ago, TNcruising02 said:

Trading stocks is my new favorite thing. I have watched several stocks throughout the day, every day, since I first bought 100 shares of Carnival back in March.  It's a lot of fun. The only thing good about this year for me is trading stocks.  Hopefully, Carnival will bounce back once cruising begins again.  It will probably take some time.  

The Royal stock was golden.  I picked some up earlier in the year when it was in the low 20s.  Only 100 shares and sold for a nice profit.  Then saw it go up and down, up and down from 40s to 70.  I told myself if it ever got to the low 50s again, I was buying.  I bought in October and made a nice profit, but I should have held for a bigger payoff.  Anyway, trading stocks is much more fun than working 9 to 5.


Short term taxes are going to kill most of your profit.

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1 minute ago, DGP1111 said:


Kept 100 and shed 500 ($24, which seemed like a 'nice round number') 😊 😊



I've somehow never heard that phrase, which made me chuckle (as it can be SO true). Thanks for introducing me to it. 😉



Yea I'm just saying you need to feel you know something special to buy when the chart says sell. Like you think earnings will be spectacular. A new produce will come out. Something not built into the chart. 


Yea buy the hype..vaccine coming, sell the news, vaccine here. Lots of old adages. Catching a falling knife, you might get cut, I.e. might go even lower. Dead cat bounce. Even a falling knife, often has a dead cat bounce the next day before it dies. 


All good adages

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11 hours ago, TNcruising02 said:

True.  Taxes cut into it, but I am still way ahead.  

paying 25% on gains is better than saving 25% on losses. I don't understand people who don't try and make a profit due to taxes. taxes wont flip you to a loss, that's not how it works. I know there are some different scenarios of too much income impacts other issues.

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1 hour ago, Denverdonkeys said:

paying 25% on gains is better than saving 25% on losses. I don't understand people who don't try and make a profit due to taxes. taxes wont flip you to a loss, that's not how it works. I know there are some different scenarios of too much income impacts other issues.

Yes, I just 99% buy and hold except for rare cases. Taxes just complicated many thing. Aarp was doing my taxes free, but wouldnt if I trade a lot. Signed up for medicare when I turned 65, had no idea it was based on income. Thought it was a fixed amt. Sold ONE stock the next year, got mad at sbux doing needle drops and other things and sold it all I had held many years. Medicare more than tripled in cost. Was paying quarterly (hadn't applied to ss until this year) so wasnt being deducted, and they changed billing to every month, lots more trouble to remember to manually pay.


If I needed more money to live on I might trade more actively, idk. But taxes and being careful not to hit wash rule and stuff, I quit trading actively. I do watch daily tbh. I want to know how the price of oil is moving and other signals. I now try to buy dividend stocks and live off dividends. ..which is why I originally bought ccl ...for the dividend. No dividend for a while, is why I choose to find the best exit pt I can find. Oil stocks will grow again, and pay nice dividends, drugs etc. Unless it pays a good dividend or is a growth stock, it doesnt fit right now. Now I hunt dividends. 

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39 minutes ago, firefly333 said:

Yes, I just 99% buy and hold except for rare cases. Taxes just complicated many thing.

Your posts earlier about medicare were new information for me. I am too young to know much about medicare and means testing. I find that interesting that we have that as a government policy, but I suppose it makes to ensure Medicare's survival (maybe, I don't know?!).


There are times to gains, and losses, and times to take losses to offset gains for tax purposes. But the misunderstanding of taxes and how they work frustrates me a lot. Like for example when people complain about a raise puts them in a higher tax bracket and therefore they net less income. That doesn't happen unless there are other situations at play (like your medicare example or happening to lose a tax credit).


It's like people telling me they keep a mortgage for the tax deduction. Stupidly worded. You can say that you believe the after tax interest rate on a mortgage is worth paying to use that money for other things (investing maybe?). But you need to recognize the risk that actually represents.


end rant- back to cruising!

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43 minutes ago, Denverdonkeys said:

Your posts earlier about medicare were new information for me. I am too young to know much about medicare and means testing. I find that interesting that we have that as a government policy, but I suppose it makes to ensure Medicare's survival (maybe, I don't know)


It's like people telling me they keep a mortgage for the tax deduction. Stupidly worded. You can say that you believe the after tax interest rate on a mortgage is worth paying to use that money for other things (investing maybe?). But you need to recognize the risk that actually represents.



Well here is something else to consider. If you buy and hold and write a living trust, and you die, the other trustees dont owe taxes on the gains).  My dad has stocks since forever there is no record any more of what he paid so the irs assumes you paid 0, and its 100% taxable, so for him to sell a stock, taxes do matter.


Medicare from what I can gather part A is free, other parts say c and d seemed to have a flat rate of 148 a month, but I see commercials all the time to put in and see if you qualify to have this refunded, I'm assuming lower income. On top of that, say around 76k for single filers, the higher rates kick in, maybe 4 or 5 brackets. They send you a form with the brackets and which one your income fell into. 


My parents, my dad worked and retired from NASA and at the time took private insurance. He had his hip replaced about age 90. His blue cross blue shield and part A medicare wouldnt pay for more days for him to stay in the medical place he was in. In order to switch from private insurance to medicare parts c and d, we were told he would have to pay all the way back to age 65. About a extra 1200 a month. I sure was quick to sign up. Lesson learned from my parents who are stuck with private insurance. Not Medicare complete which I have., so I think it is important to understand before you hit 65.


My parents are now 102 and 94 and last year we rewrote their living trust. I think your viewpoint is over simplistic because you are younger. Tax planning is important. 


Lol I quit working (again hahaha) about 18 years ago and live off my stocks, so I dont qualify for a mortgage. My income is way up or down depending if I sell a stock or not that year. I finally bought a house here, paid cash, for house and new car lately. When you dont have a regular job those applications to borrow a nightmare, you cant say well I will make this amount this year. 


If you trade stocks and houses enough and get in a higher bracket, look into living trusts, protect yourself and your loved ones from taxes. ..just saying i agree, i think you dont get taxes at higher brackets. And why you would want to dodge them... i think kids dont learn enough about finances, and often thought i could teach them a lot.


Have you ever sold short? Let's say you decided 23.00 is now upper resistance, when it tries to push above 23.00 you would sell short whatever it is, someone above said 1000 shares short. Then when it drops 50 cents, buy to cover (your short). He said he was doing 50 cent movements. Worked going up. Look at the slide down trying to find new support price. 


Never play with options. To me that's pure gambling. I only buy long, a few times for fun I will sell short. For instance since I cant touch ccl for 30 days, I would have clicked to sell short rcl at 83, then when it hits your goal, click buy to cover. 


Edited by firefly333
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20 minutes ago, Denverdonkeys said:

How does the IRS apply wash sale rules for CCL and CUK? could you go short CUK and avoid tripping the CCL wash sale? not many companies have 2 listings so close to identical, but here it would be an option possibly.

Not taking chance but I dont want to do anything questionable, that's why when I sold ccl, i would have switched to a short sale of rcl, another completely different stock but will react similar. Sorry dont know. 


Ccl still searching for some support. ..continuing to drop. 


Btw why options are such a gamble is time. They lose value so fast in a short time. Unless you are a pro dont touch options. Anyway, not for me. Go long or go short, do your homework, but I stay away from options. Pure gambling. 


Oil trending up right now. The trend is your friend. Another old adage. 

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My mom has medicare and she did say that when she makes more money, her premiums go up.  I've got a  401K account that is managed and never mess with that money.  The money I spend trading stocks is not something I need for bills or retirement, so maybe that's what makes it fun for me.  If I was too scared to invest or couldn't risk holding the stocks for a long period of time until they recover, I wouldn't be trading.

I've always liked math, so I found it pretty neat once I started buying stocks to see the fluctuations and the possibilities.  Anyway, trading isn't for everyone.  I am thankful that I have the time to watch certain stocks daily, hourly, and even by the minute.  LOL.  

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5 hours ago, firefly333 said:

Well here is something else to consider. If you buy and hold and write a living trust, and you die, the other trustees dont owe taxes on the gains).  My dad has stocks since forever there is no record any more of what he paid so the irs assumes you paid 0, and its 100% taxable, so for him to sell a stock, taxes do matter.


Medicare from what I can gather part A is free, other parts say c and d seemed to have a flat rate of 148 a month, but I see commercials all the time to put in and see if you qualify to have this refunded, I'm assuming lower income. On top of that, say around 76k for single filers, the higher rates kick in, maybe 4 or 5 brackets. They send you a form with the brackets and which one your income fell into. 


My parents, my dad worked and retired from NASA and at the time took private insurance. He had his hip replaced about age 90. His blue cross blue shield and part A medicare wouldnt pay for more days for him to stay in the medical place he was in. In order to switch from private insurance to medicare parts c and d, we were told he would have to pay all the way back to age 65. About a extra 1200 a month. I sure was quick to sign up. Lesson learned from my parents who are stuck with private insurance. Not Medicare complete which I have., so I think it is important to understand before you hit 65.


My parents are now 102 and 94 and last year we rewrote their living trust. I think your viewpoint is over simplistic because you are younger. Tax planning is important. 


Lol I quit working (again hahaha) about 18 years ago and live off my stocks, so I dont qualify for a mortgage. My income is way up or down depending if I sell a stock or not that year. I finally bought a house here, paid cash, for house and new car lately. When you dont have a regular job those applications to borrow a nightmare, you cant say well I will make this amount this year. 


If you trade stocks and houses enough and get in a higher bracket, look into living trusts, protect yourself and your loved ones from taxes. ..just saying i agree, i think you dont get taxes at higher brackets. And why you would want to dodge them... i think kids dont learn enough about finances, and often thought i could teach them a lot.


Have you ever sold short? Let's say you decided 23.00 is now upper resistance, when it tries to push above 23.00 you would sell short whatever it is, someone above said 1000 shares short. Then when it drops 50 cents, buy to cover (your short). He said he was doing 50 cent movements. Worked going up. Look at the slide down trying to find new support price. 


Never play with options. To me that's pure gambling. I only buy long, a few times for fun I will sell short. For instance since I cant touch ccl for 30 days, I would have clicked to sell short rcl at 83, then when it hits your goal, click buy to cover. 


Options are only dangerous if you buy them.  CCL is the perfect setup to sell Options, with extremely high IV.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/30/2020 at 8:06 PM, TomCruise48 said:

This perk is subject to renewal annually by the board of directors.  It has a long history of being renewed, but with the current situation, there is no guarantee that it will be renewed in the future.

That's been my experience over the past ten years - it doesn't cost them much (and you don't get that much - some OBC depending on cruise length) but ...I did sell out back when it was north of $50 and repurchased it a few months ago at close to $12, so the stock's been a good investment for me. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/10/2020 at 2:32 PM, firefly333 said:

Not taking chance but I dont want to do anything questionable, that's why when I sold ccl, i would have switched to a short sale of rcl, another completely different stock but will react similar. Sorry dont know. 


Ccl still searching for some support. ..continuing to drop. 


Btw why options are such a gamble is time. They lose value so fast in a short time. Unless you are a pro dont touch options. Anyway, not for me. Go long or go short, do your homework, but I stay away from options. Pure gambling. 


Oil trending up right now. The trend is your friend. Another old adage. 

I have been trying to follow y'alls conversation 🥴  I just bought my first stock -- ccl when it dropped to $10 and disney when it was $80.  So I really don't know much about it.  But I feel like I am drowning listening (well in actuality reading) your conversation.  I toyed with the idea of purchasing more stock to sell and make money but I now realize it is not that easy and I really have no clue as to what I am doing.  So I guess I won't be doing that.  Wow, just wow!

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On 1/6/2021 at 6:24 AM, cruisecrazypat said:

How do I apply for this credit?


Please provide by email1, fax or by mail your complete legal name, reservation/booking number, ship and sailing date, along with proof of ownership of Carnival Corporation or Carnival plc shares (for example, photocopy of shareholder proxy card, a dividend tax voucher or a current brokerage or nominee statement with your current mailing address and your brokerage account number blacked out) no later than 3 weeks prior to your sail date to your travel agent or to the cruise line you have selected below. 1If you chose to email, you do so at your own risk and with the knowledge that email is inherently an insecure method of communication.
Guest Administration
3655 N.W. 87th Avenue
Miami, FL 33178
Tel 800 438 6744 ext. 70450 / Fax 305 406 6102
Email: shareholders@carnival.com

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