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C19 Vaccination Cards for US Citizens on the Horizon


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5 minutes ago, MommaBear55 said:

Most states have that, I had to look up patients in the shared state databases and had to provide the "look up" info before I could prescribe any schedule II medications. Maine also has a state data base for vaccines, but more for tracking vaccine batches and to make sure school kids are vaccinated. 


No doubt there are. My point is, they exist and they can scale them up if needed.


They could farm it out to Bezos. Alexa knows everything about me.

Edited by John&LaLa
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I'll just put this out there - how many of us use Apple Pay or Google Pay, even to store loyalty cards?  I'm SURE Apple and Google are looking into finding a way to utilize their apps for this.  It would have to be "tokenized" like your credit cards are and somehow tied back a database though.  Maybe it would be entered similar to a credit card, where it "talks" to a host that can authenticate the data being provided and then generates the "token" on the device based on the verification.  You'd have to have a backup verification method in case you need to reset or replace your phone before the verification is no longer needed.  Just like the final "token" for your credit card, your actual status could be stored on your device but never communicated to the Google or Apple servers.


For those not familiar with how this works, here goes (based on Google Pay as that's my familiarity)- 

Open the app.  Tap to add a card.  A camera window opens, place the card within that camera window and it reads the card number, your name and the expiry date to auto fill the form.  It asks for the CVV number, you enter that.  The app then communicates to the bank, gets the bank's terms of use for digital payment which you then need to "read" and accept.  You then (this might be before the terms, I don't recall) get a text or other verification method, which gives you a code to enter in the appropriate spot.  A "virtual" card number is generated for use on the mobile device.


CLEAR, as noted earlier in the thread, is working on something also.  It was shown on NBC Nightly News the other night (I posted about it in a similar thread on the NCL board), they would need to have some way to verify your vaccination status prior to having it show in the app.  As CLEAR is already accepted at many sports stadiums and airports this could be the best hope for something universal.

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2 hours ago, hallux said:

I'll just put this out there - how many of us use Apple Pay or Google Pay, even to store loyalty cards?  I'm SURE Apple and Google are looking into finding a way to utilize their apps for this.  It would have to be "tokenized" like your credit cards are and somehow tied back a database though.  Maybe it would be entered similar to a credit card, where it "talks" to a host that can authenticate the data being provided and then generates the "token" on the device based on the verification.  You'd have to have a backup verification method in case you need to reset or replace your phone before the verification is no longer needed.  Just like the final "token" for your credit card, your actual status could be stored on your device but never communicated to the Google or Apple servers.


For those not familiar with how this works, here goes (based on Google Pay as that's my familiarity)- 

Open the app.  Tap to add a card.  A camera window opens, place the card within that camera window and it reads the card number, your name and the expiry date to auto fill the form.  It asks for the CVV number, you enter that.  The app then communicates to the bank, gets the bank's terms of use for digital payment which you then need to "read" and accept.  You then (this might be before the terms, I don't recall) get a text or other verification method, which gives you a code to enter in the appropriate spot.  A "virtual" card number is generated for use on the mobile device.


CLEAR, as noted earlier in the thread, is working on something also.  It was shown on NBC Nightly News the other night (I posted about it in a similar thread on the NCL board), they would need to have some way to verify your vaccination status prior to having it show in the app.  As CLEAR is already accepted at many sports stadiums and airports this could be the best hope for something universal.


Apple or Google or Amazon or Fitbit know everything about us.  Our heart rate, our level of exercise, our eating habits and likely they can predict when we'll die which is why they collect all that to sell data to insurance companies who can adjust our rates.


So I guess the consensus is they own us anyways, might as well let them track our vaccines too.  

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19 hours ago, nelblu said:

Vaccination cards will be issued to track of C!9 shots.  This is in coordination with

DOD, CDC & HHS.   Also a way for Cruise Lines, Airlines, etc. in case they require proof before traveling.


See the following article,

Covid-19 Vaccination Recipients Will Receive Vaccine Card - Travel Codex

“Everyone will be issued a written card that they can put in their wallet that will tell them what they had and when their next dose is due" Not really anything official, no Bar Code. Me, looks like same shot card I used yrs ago for other vaccines and used as reminder what you had/needed in future... As the Vaccine won't be Federally required in USA doubt Travel will require it. Kids wont get Vaccine at least another yr if developed, approved and needed. Then people in my Group, healthy, young-er, not an Essential Workers, were on bottom of Vaccine priority list. So after 200 million others get theirs first i can get a "shot" Goal is try get 70% US pop shots, polls are at 50% said they will get them...

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I have absolutely no issue with having to get a card showing you have had a Covid vaccine. Currently (certainly in the UK) some dodgy folks are offering fake cards for sale -




It’s actually quite common to have to carry a proof of vaccine card. When I was working in Africa few years ago, if I did not have my Yellow Fever card, I was not getting into the country.


Pretty certain the Royal and numerous airlines and possibly countries will not be allowing anyone in if they do not have proof of vaccination and rightly so in my humble point of view.

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20 hours ago, nomad098 said:


Great you can travel around the US, all that's needed now is for all the countries that cruise lines go to or airlines fly to, to  accept them as genuine official documents like a passport or driving licence. Will the US then reciprocate the same type of vaccination/appointment cards from all the other places in the world.


The vaccination card shows you have had the vaccine, it does not answer all the other medical questions that are still up in the air and we may not know for years.


In the UK they are supposed to be used as a reminder, a way to contact authorities if you have a reaction and to quickly check which vaccine and batch you have had so you do not cross match vaccines in the future not as legal proof of immunity.


Who holds the registry to check these are genuine in your own country and who can access it, who holds legal responsibility for your personal data protection, will foreign nations have access to other countries databases of those vaccinated to check if there is an outbreak on land or at sea.


Who will bear the responsibility for medical exemption certificate, who is or will be medically exempt.


Who bears the cost of all this administration? so private companies can operate


So many issues yet to be resolved in regards to international travel.


A International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP) card may be the answer but there may be issues transcribing your appointment card onto an internationally recognised document



And the thousands that participated in the trials.  And the tens of millions who have already had it. Yeah - it sounds good on paper until you start thinking through it.  Our Government can't do much in a hot minute, let alone create a whole new bureaucracy.  And we're starting vaccinations in 3...2...1

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10 hours ago, hallux said:

I'll just put this out there - how many of us use Apple Pay or Google Pay, even to store loyalty cards?  I'm SURE Apple and Google are looking into finding a way to utilize their apps for this.  It would have to be "tokenized" like your credit cards are and somehow tied back a database though.  Maybe it would be entered similar to a credit card, where it "talks" to a host that can authenticate the data being provided and then generates the "token" on the device based on the verification.  You'd have to have a backup verification method in case you need to reset or replace your phone before the verification is no longer needed.  Just like the final "token" for your credit card, your actual status could be stored on your device but never communicated to the Google or Apple servers.


For those not familiar with how this works, here goes (based on Google Pay as that's my familiarity)- 

Open the app.  Tap to add a card.  A camera window opens, place the card within that camera window and it reads the card number, your name and the expiry date to auto fill the form.  It asks for the CVV number, you enter that.  The app then communicates to the bank, gets the bank's terms of use for digital payment which you then need to "read" and accept.  You then (this might be before the terms, I don't recall) get a text or other verification method, which gives you a code to enter in the appropriate spot.  A "virtual" card number is generated for use on the mobile device.


CLEAR, as noted earlier in the thread, is working on something also.  It was shown on NBC Nightly News the other night (I posted about it in a similar thread on the NCL board), they would need to have some way to verify your vaccination status prior to having it show in the app.  As CLEAR is already accepted at many sports stadiums and airports this could be the best hope for something universal.

Google and Apple know everything about you.  I'm not inclined to give them more info.

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3 hours ago, ONECRUISER said:

“Everyone will be issued a written card that they can put in their wallet that will tell them what they had and when their next dose is due" Not really anything official, no Bar Code. Me, looks like same shot card I used yrs ago for other vaccines and used as reminder what you had/needed in future... As the Vaccine won't be Federally required in USA doubt Travel will require it. Kids wont get Vaccine at least another yr if developed, approved and needed. Then people in my Group, healthy, young-er, not an Essential Workers, were on bottom of Vaccine priority list. So after 200 million others get theirs first i can get a "shot" Goal is try get 70% US pop shots, polls are at 50% said they will get them...

Exactly. I don't know why everyone is trying to reinvent the wheel here. We have had vaccination records forever. They are needed to enter school. Some vaccinations have been needed, some recommend, to enter certain countries. Forging records has not been some big issue in the past. Now, all of a sudden, we need data bases, bar codes, QR codes, tattoos, micro chips and whatever else people's imaginations can come up with.


People need to get ouside and breathe some fresh air.

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4 minutes ago, Ocean Boy said:

Exactly. I don't know why everyone is trying to reinvent the wheel here. We have had vaccination records forever. They are needed to enter school. Some vaccinations have been needed, some recommend, to enter certain countries. Forging records has not been some big issue in the past. Now, all of a sudden, we need data bases, bar codes, QR codes, tattoos, micro chips and whatever else people's imaginations can come up with.


People need to get ouside and breathe some fresh air.

But you have to admit we have never had to deal with something like Covid and I personally don't have enough faith in many of  the people who aren't willing to take the vaccine to not use a fake vaccination card if they are required to cruise, buy a concert ticket, or just function normally in everyday life.

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Our school district (Scottsdale) requires incoming students to be vaccinated, but in practice it's an honor system where they accept an assurance of the vaccinations that have been obtained.  If they tried to review written proof, they'd be vetting 10,000 different pieces of paper, as there is no uniformity (plus 10,000 explanations why written proof was lost or unavailable).  They just aren't set up for that.  


I totally agree that some system to verify COVID vaccination could be set up.  But vaccinations start Monday, three days from now, and there appears to be no system beyond giving people paper reminder cards.  

Edited by junglejane
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2 hours ago, Tippyton said:

And the thousands that participated in the trials.  And the tens of millions who have already had it. Yeah - it sounds good on paper until you start thinking through it.  Our Government can't do much in a hot minute, let alone create a whole new bureaucracy.  And we're starting vaccinations in 3...2...1

Read my post back a page or two where I discuss Gov acquisitions and how it works.  Gov regulations and oversight make it very difficult to do anything quickly.  All thanks to Congress over the years, not the agencies themselves.

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21 minutes ago, junglejane said:

and there appears to be no system beyond giving people paper reminder cards. 

To be fair - those are reminder cards for coming back to get the second shot.  Until the second shot is administered a person wouldn't considered vaccinated.  Except for those in the trials, we have 3 weeks until people in the US can start to be considered vaccinated so we really have 3 weeks until the final documents are revealed.

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15 hours ago, John&LaLa said:


FL has an opioid database that all pharmacies use

Thanks to the opioid epidemic so they can keep people from obtaining multiple prescriptions from multiple providers or counterfeiting prescriptions.  And to top it off, opioids are tracked and can only be prescribed by pain Dr's.  My MIL has had a fentanyl patch for years and only her pain Dr can prescribe it now. That was a change from just three or so years ago.  I was given 1/2 dose of IV fentanyl by the EMT when I broke and dislocated my ankle and dislocated my kneecap because I'd never had it and they wanted to watch for allergic reaction.  In the hospital ER, they gave me dilaudid (made me so sick) and a prescription for hydrocodone that I never took.  There's a lot of hesitancy to prescribe opioids but those that are addicted will do anything to get it, including Dr and ER shopping.


Current vaccine databases are only to track what batch was given to whom in case there was an issue with a batch.  What I see happening is you will be asked to confirm if you've had the vaccine and when and then have to sign something.  Kind of like they used to do the health forms.   What I do not see is the travel industry having any ability to look into our health records.  HIIPA already covers you for anything like that, so unless you give permission to someone, they can't just see it.  I think some are overthinking this.  At some point, there will be herd immunity and they won't be as concerned anyway.

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2 hours ago, Ocean Boy said:

Exactly. I don't know why everyone is trying to reinvent the wheel here. We have had vaccination records forever. They are needed to enter school. Some vaccinations have been needed, some recommend, to enter certain countries. Forging records has not been some big issue in the past. Now, all of a sudden, we need data bases, bar codes, QR codes, tattoos, micro chips and whatever else people's imaginations can come up with.


People need to get ouside and breathe some fresh air.

The only ones trying to reinvent the wheel are the ones who are addicted to discussing vaccines on cruise critic.

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1 hour ago, BND said:

Thanks to the opioid epidemic so they can keep people from obtaining multiple prescriptions from multiple providers or counterfeiting prescriptions.  And to top it off, opioids are tracked and can only be prescribed by pain Dr's.  


FL has relaxed that. My PCP can prescribe them now.

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2 hours ago, BND said:

  And to top it off, opioids are tracked and can only be prescribed by pain Dr's. 


This is not true.  A lot of doctors are still prescribing opioids.  Probably most are allowed.  At some point patients with chronic high levels of pain that require larger quantities of meds are usually sent over to pain Management.   I don't know if this is a law, insurance rule or just the doctor comfort level.


I know a person with severe pain that goes to a pain management.  They need to give a urine sample each office visit to insure they are using the medication themselves.  I guess they want to make sure your not selling it.

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53 minutes ago, fred30 said:

This is not true.  A lot of doctors are still prescribing opioids.  Probably most are allowed.  At some point patients with chronic high levels of pain that require larger quantities of meds are usually sent over to pain Management.   I don't know if this is a law, insurance rule or just the doctor comfort level.


I know a person with severe pain that goes to a pain management.  They need to give a urine sample each office visit to insure they are using the medication themselves.  I guess they want to make sure your not selling it.

In NJ marijuana is also prescribed.😄

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6 hours ago, Ocean Boy said:

whatever else people's imaginations can come up with.

I think that this the is key phrase.  The whole vaccination record discussion has reached Orwellian levels.  A CCW is a little cardboard card that you keep in your wallet. I don't expect vaccination records to be anymore onerous. Suspecting vaccination card fraud to be a widespread problem is just the product on people imagination.  

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Good Lord they track my Clartin-D purchases across state lines surely to goodness they could very simply track who has been immunized.


I never realized how closely they monitored it until a couple years ago, driving east from Fresno to OKC I stopped in Albuquerque at a Walmart and bought a 30 pack.  My allergies were off the chart bad so I had taken a two pills a few times during the course of the month.  When I went to the local CVS outside of OKC they told me they couldn't sell me another package until it had been 30 days since my last purchase.  


For good or for evil, I have absolutely no doubt in the governments ability to track who and what they want to track.

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