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4-2-2021 CDC has issued new guidance

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12 minutes ago, DCGuy64 said:

Thanks to my wife, I began taking several vitamin supplements, including Vitamin D, in 2019. One of the reasons I believe my Covid-19 reaction was mild is, I believe, due to that. My personal doctor says he can't say one way or the other. I choose to believe it was a good thing to do.

my doctor told me, 5 years ago, based on blood workup,  to add Vit D because seniors become more deficient in that as they age, and Vit D is pretty important to immune system.

Looks like he was correct.

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18 minutes ago, JABTPS said:

I was on the 2020 Pacific Princess and though we had no Covid 19 cases, there were over 50+ passengers out  of our 650+ that said due to the cruise pause, they couldn't fly back to the USA from Perth due to a health issue!  That was incredible!  People on chemo, severe health issues, and on a  111 day cruise ship that could have jeopardize all others on completing our dream cruise!    We were very fortunate.

Now I don't have the information, but at the time ships were coming down with Covid cases, how many ships were sailing at the time and had no cases of Covid?  Possibly 100 to 150?  Just because your on a ship doesn't mean there's going to be a outbreak.

I believe only 2 of the 15 Celebrity ships had it. But you are directionally correct, in the absence of other detail. Monday AM quarterbacking is essential to understand what went right and wrong and then take corrective action for the future.


Edited by HMR74
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I am glad you guys have it all figured out. Sorry I spent time listening to all those idiot scientist and doctors, or reading all those stories about some of the half-million who died here in the US, or perused the actual data about masks developed by researchers all overcthe world. I should have just used logic!

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2 hours ago, mayleeman said:

I am glad you guys have it all figured out. Sorry I spent time listening to all those idiot scientist and doctors, or reading all those stories about some of the half-million who died here in the US, or perused the actual data about masks developed by researchers all overcthe world. I should have just used logic!

Well said!  As the daughter of someone who died of COVID through absolutely no fault of her own (nursing home patient in Florida) I agree whole-heartedly.  Our governor's lax approach to COVID restrictions and the carelessness of staff members at her facility that brought the virus in to the nursing home cost my mother her life.  I will never forgive that.  I believe in and follow the science and will continue to do so.

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On 4/6/2021 at 7:57 AM, smokeybandit said:


1) Cruise lines didn't expect bailout money

2) Airlines do a good job of avoiding paying taxes

1. Don’t  believe that an industry as large as the cruise industry didn’t lobby for bailout money. 
2. airlines don’t register their planes in foreign countries to avoid taxes and regulations. 

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52 minutes ago, rcclmiami said:

1. Don’t  believe that an industry as large as the cruise industry didn’t lobby for bailout money. 
2. airlines don’t register their planes in foreign countries to avoid taxes and regulations. 


You willing to pay double what you've been paying to go on a cruise? 🙂


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@harkinmr We were spared having having to lose my 91 year old mother to Covid only because she passed away 2 years ago. But we were with her through her final 36 hour hospitalization and had a chance to say goodbye. I grieve for anyone who lost a lived one while having to stay separated because of this damned virus (even if I know why it would have been necessary). Science has taught us the foe, and has helped show the way toward defeating it.  I hope you find solace in knowing that any suffering your mother might have had is over, and that she lives on in your heart and memories.

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56 minutes ago, mayleeman said:

@harkinmr We were spared having having to lose my 91 year old mother to Covid only because she passed away 2 years ago. But we were with her through her final 36 hour hospitalization and had a chance to say goodbye. I grieve for anyone who lost a lived one while having to stay separated because of this damned virus (even if I know why it would have been necessary). Science has taught us the foe, and has helped show the way toward defeating it.  I hope you find solace in knowing that any suffering your mother might have had is over, and that she lives on in your heart and memories.

Thank you for your kind words mayleeman  I was not able to be with my mother during her illness or as she passed.  It was awful for my family but worse for her having to be alone.  This has been a horrible year for so many.  I hope this country never forgets and pray that we have learned from it. 

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8 hours ago, rcclmiami said:

1. Don’t  believe that an industry as large as the cruise industry didn’t lobby for bailout money. 
2. airlines don’t register their planes in foreign countries to avoid taxes and regulations. 

1.  No one here will know what went on behind closed doors, but publicly CLIA stated from early on that they knew they wouldn't be getting anything

2. If an airline registers their planes in foreign countries, they cannot fly domestic routes, the same as the Jones Act and PVSA.  But foreign airlines benefit from the same tax exemption on US revenue as foreign ships.

Edited by chengkp75
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19 hours ago, mayleeman said:

I am glad you guys have it all figured out. Sorry I spent time listening to all those idiot scientist and doctors, or reading all those stories about some of the half-million who died here in the US, or perused the actual data about masks developed by researchers all overcthe world. I should have just used logic!

perhaps you just listened to the wrong (but idiot)scientists and Doctors about masks and treatments, especially the ones featured in the media. There are other Doctors and Scientists  that view things differently that have had a great deal of (quiet) success (and I wonder why the get censored). I know off too many people who have recovered from the Chinese virus using ivermectin and HCQ protocols and a strong immune system. In fact, after the full year is up, and 550,000 deaths fully (6)  or partially related (94%) to covid,  the CDC has acknowledged an 80% success rate with Ivermectin. Ivermectin was available a year ago and could have saved 80% of the 500,000 plus it  the CDC, and Media was so stubborn in not looking into it. And that's the logic of it, an open mind. And the govt is short on open minds


and the tie in to cruises and lockdowns is the CDC NIH, WHO and People like Fauci are driving this crisis without even considering other opinions. And why we have this tread to discuss the aspects of it. We would not have reached this point if they, and others,  opened their eyes and brains to Ivermectin and HCQ. And the cruise lines, armed with Ivervectin and HCQ last summer would have been sailing already. And the now 1 year lockdowns and the side effects , emotional and physical  (including the downside of masks nobody wants to discuss, cause that would be an admission of guilt) and financial could have been significantly reduced.


And again, 14 months into this and CDC has said bupkis, nada  about Vitamin d or other easy low risk way to mitigate risk.


For the people with open minds and can think out of the box, and may even be  proactive and do seek "second opinions" and not abdicate personal responsibility:







Ivermectin is stlll not recommended by CDC, nor is HCQ which is slightly less effective and about the same in very low risk side effects after 60 years of use-- its fully vested in the vaccines .


but we have a vaccine under the EAU4 months now and we have no clue as to the side effects nor efficacy or how boosters will be needed or how mutants/varients (lets wordsmith everything to make people , who need thicker skin, feel better) . But the Pharma companies are indemnified (chew on that) for the vaccines.

BTW-possibly the  worst recommendation fro the CDC , Fauci and Birx was if you felt a fever and like you had covid, go home for  a couple a days to see how it turns out--they were concerned about crowding hospitals. Turns out that the risk there manifests after 2-3 days  --the damage to lungs sets in quickly so you need treatment fast and there again, having HCQ or Ivermectin gets you started fast- they forgot to admit they were wrong on that too.


Time to enjoy Saturday--but assuming I am a next cruise, I will take Ivermectin and HCQ and Vitamin DC  Zinc  and other recently added vitamins. Just a logical move to be safe.

Just in case I get censored here for having a minority opinion, so be it.

Edited by HMR74
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We are on HCQ as a prophylaxis and will not take any of the mRNA "vaccines" under any circumstances.  If we are forced to, in order to cruise, we will consider taking the J&J vaccine (at least it is a real vaccine) but will hold out as long as we can.  If others just understood that WE are the safest people in the room, as the virus cannot survive in our bodies....but few do.

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12 minutes ago, RFerrington said:

We are on HCQ as a prophylaxis and will not take any of the mRNA "vaccines" under any circumstances.  If we are forced to, in order to cruise, we will consider taking the J&J vaccine (at least it is a real vaccine) but will hold out as long as we can.  If others just understood that WE are the safest people in the room, as the virus cannot survive in our bodies....but few do.

I have taken the Pfizer  shots, and it was a difficult decision.  Made easier because I am in the at risk age group, and an Israel study showed it was more effective with few side effects for the seniors than those under 65.


As well, I know a number of Doctors/Physicians/Surgeons, most of whom said they were taking the Pfizer shots as they felt the risks were outweighed by the  benefits-yet they do maintain the strategy of keeping your immune system strong.


One of the Physicians believes totally on natural healing, but his liability  insurance company  would not cover him if he did not become "traditional"


My Doctor, who told me to add Vit D 4-5 years ago, when I asked about  The HCQ and Ivermectin Protocals said he could not give me a prescription , but then a minute later said if I happened to get it else where it would not  be a concern to him, and that was code that the mega practice he was in told them all not to do it.


In bed with big pharma, I guess.


Did you know that Teva was prepared to send the US 100,000,000 HCQ prescriptions no charge, but the US (CDC or FDA) refused.


Imagine if the ships were stocked with HCQ And Ivermectin , and highly suggested cruisers being their own bottles of Vitamin D with (might 5000 IU a day be better than an apple a day.) which would have reduced cases and the severity of the cases.


And now we are learning that being out in the fresh air and sunlight definitely helps


People have to start thinking for themselves. Not rely so much on government and media, many of whom are  Empty Suits and got to their positions due to the Peter Principle.


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1 hour ago, RFerrington said:

If we are forced to, in order to cruise, we will consider taking the J&J vaccine (at least it is a real vaccine)

You do realize that all the FDA-authorized vaccines do the exact same thing right? They just do it in different ways.

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27 minutes ago, smokeybandit said:

You do realize that all the FDA-authorized vaccines do the exact same thing right? They just do it in different ways.

I believe the J&J is a bit safer and a bit less effective. But that all is in the absence of the usual 3-5 year trials. As more than one person has noted, we now have 150 million US persons in the trial. I just hope it does not come back to bite us. Hope is not a preferred strategy.


but everything in life is a trade off.


But look at NY and CA, VS Texas and FL-they went in different directions and as of now the data supports FL and TX methodology (Hmm, a good portion of US cruise ports are in those states) . I would say FL and TX have the benefit of a good climate to help, but then again Calif has a pretty good climate.

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On 4/9/2021 at 12:59 PM, HMR74 said:

my doctor told me, 5 years ago, based on blood workup,  to add Vit D because seniors become more deficient in that as they age, and Vit D is pretty important to immune system.

Looks like he was correct.

This is the biggest of all the crimes being perpetuated by the government, the CDC, and MSM, and the CDC is still silent on the matter.  You want to save black lives?  Tell them to add Vitamin D to their diet.  SMH.

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Can someone please tell me how to block certain posters? Does the option only appear on the desktop version of CC? I cannot find anything on my mobile version viewed on my Samsung Galaxy 9. This thread desperately need to allow us to play "Whack-a-Poster".

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1 hour ago, HMR74 said:

I believe the J&J is a bit safer and a bit less effective. But that all is in the absence of the usual 3-5 year trials. As more than one person has noted, we now have 150 million US persons in the trial. I just hope it does not come back to bite us. Hope is not a preferred strategy.


but everything in life is a trade off.


But look at NY and CA, VS Texas and FL-they went in different directions and as of now the data supports FL and TX methodology (Hmm, a good portion of US cruise ports are in those states) . I would say FL and TX have the benefit of a good climate to help, but then again Calif has a pretty good climate.

In my state, due to so many adverse reactions that are requiring hospitalizations, use of the J&J has been temporarily suspended.  The big vaccine drives are only giving the mRNA vaccines now.  Several states are reporting shutting down the use of the J&J till further investigation can be done.

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On 4/9/2021 at 10:46 AM, HMR74 said:

and speaking of credibility, this link on masks should raise eyebrows. I am not afraid to go on a cruise now, esp since I have the vaccines,  but am afraid if I have to wear a mask


This post is not intended in any way to be critical of you.  But I believe you've been the victim of dangerous misinformation.  I'm not going to repeat your link, nor go over the whole article, but illustrate the point using one of the links in it.


Near the end, the article says the following:


"We close by reiterating the warning in the JAMA publication that 'Face masks should not be worn by healthy individuals to protect themselves from acquiring respiratory infection because there is no evidence to suggest that face masks worn by healthy individuals are effective in preventing people from becoming ill.' "


The link brings you an outdated March 4, 2020 picture-poster piece of patient education, not a research paper.  It's not in any way a 'warning', and has nothing to do with the 'dangers' of masks.


The article you reference says absolutely nothing about the abundant evidence from actual peer-reviewed studies, published in JAMA, that masks can help prevent covid.  Nor does it mention that the FDA tests and certifies masks for covid protection. 


Unfortunately, it is a slimy piece of faux-academic window dressing designed to provide support for a political point of view.  If the article had been submitted for publication in an actual scientific journal instead of a political shop, the deceptions in the piece would have been caught by the reviewers.


As I've said before, I believe this kind of misinformation may have caused thousands of Covid deaths last winter, maybe more.  We'll probably never know for sure. But one thing I can be sure of.  If this article is typical, I wouldn't trust anything published by this 'Institute'.


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48 minutes ago, Shorewalk Holmes said:


This post is not intended in any way to be critical of you.  But I believe you've been the victim of dangerous misinformation.  I'm not going to repeat your link, nor go over the whole article, but illustrate the point using one of the links in it.


Near the end, the article says the following:


"We close by reiterating the warning in the JAMA publication that 'Face masks should not be worn by healthy individuals to protect themselves from acquiring respiratory infection because there is no evidence to suggest that face masks worn by healthy individuals are effective in preventing people from becoming ill.' "


The link brings you an outdated March 4, 2020 picture-poster piece of patient education, not a research paper.  It's not in any way a 'warning', and has nothing to do with the 'dangers' of masks.


The article you reference says absolutely nothing about the abundant evidence from actual peer-reviewed studies, published in JAMA, that masks can help prevent covid.  Nor does it mention that the FDA tests and certifies masks for covid protection. 


Unfortunately, it is a slimy piece of faux-academic window dressing designed to provide support for a political point of view.  If the article had been submitted for publication in an actual scientific journal instead of a political shop, the deceptions in the piece would have been caught by the reviewers.


As I've said before, I believe this kind of misinformation may have caused thousands of Covid deaths last winter, maybe more.  We'll probably never know for sure. But one thing I can be sure of.  If this article is typical, I wouldn't trust anything published by this 'Institute'.




Your patience is absolutely remarkable.  God bless!

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