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The Daily for Thursday Jun 03, 2021


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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good afternoon, checking in on a blazing hot (34C) afternoon with an update.  Thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts, but sadly, my uncle left this earthly plane in the wee hours of the morning.  Fortunately they let my aunt in to sit with him and hold his hand during his last hour, so he wasn't alone. Although the family is devastated, we are grateful for the 90 years (and good ones at that!) he had on this earth, and the years we have all been able to share with him.  Good memories remain.


Stay safe, everyone.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



Oh, Gerry, that’s heartbreaking.💔  I am so glad they let his wife be with him for his last hours ♥️ And so sorry for your loss and how wife’s and family.  Hold onto those memories.  Our prayers are with you all 🙏🏻 

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1 hour ago, bennybear said:

Ok Garden club, my garlic didn’t come up,  did I plan too early, too late?  Or it just froze to death?


When did you plant your garlic, Brenda?  Normally it is planted in the Fall but can be planted in early March in the right zones but the results are not necessarily as good.


I would check out one of the cloves.  If it is firm with roots, it will sprout - you just need to be patient.


If your clove is rotten, it’s died.  Check your soil as cloves rot in wet soil.  And if you planted in the spring and the weather has really fluctuated (freeze, thaw, ice, etc) they can’t stand up to that often.


If your clove has a hole running through it and the sprout has eaten out it’s wireworms.  If it is wireworms try a harder shelled clove such as Bogatyr or Siberian.  Wireworms prefer the soft shelled garlic.


If you can’t find the clove, it’s been eaten, you have a problem with pests - look for signs of voles or moles.


Not sure if this is helpful or not but it’s all I’ve got. 😉 



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18 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

@St. Louis Sal I'm sorry, I must have glided right over the part where you said you'd taken a tumble and injured your tailbone.  My eyes sort of glazed over at the words "lumbar puncture", as I've had one, and don't recommend them on a regular basis. A tailbone injury nothing to joke about - hopefully yours is a slight injury and you'll heal quickly.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


Thanks, Gerry, for the kind words. I injured my tailbone many years ago and it took forever to heal. Keeping my fingers crossed this feels better faster. I can’t believe I’ve had 5 lumbar punctures now and have 4 more to go (2 more doses and 2 follow ups).


So sorry to hear about your uncle. 90 years is a wonderful span of time, but it’s never easy to lose a loved one no matter how long they’ve been with you. Take care.


St Louis Sal

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1 hour ago, bennybear said:

Good afterwards and thanks all!  
I’m sending hugs to @StLouisCruisers,  @ger_77 and @St. Louis Sal,  Covid has made life so much more difficult.   
I echo Ann’s suggestion for Yoga,  it does help with stress.  

We’ve been to Copenhagen twice, one on the Emerald in 2009,  so not with you folks.  no digital photos but we loved it,  we stayed in Nyhaven both times,  the last time in the amazing Admiral hotel right on the water in a decent size room.   Just found out yesterday you can order tea from Copenhagen online!  The things I learn from CC!  

Ok Garden club, my garlic didn’t come up,  did I plan too early, too late?  Or it just froze to death? 

It’s  scorching here, 33.9C or 95F in the back shade!  Stay cool! 


When did you plant it? It goes on in the fall, although we did plant some in the spring. The cloves may have rotted before sprouting. Did you get your sets from a nursery or did you plant what you bought in the store? We have had success with that but not if it originally came from China. That garlic is all messed up since it is shipped here in cold storage so it wants to sprout at the wrong time. So many questions, so many reasons.

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2 minutes ago, St. Louis Sal said:

I can’t believe I’ve had 5 lumbar punctures now and have 4 more to go (2 more doses and 2 follow ups).


Yikes!  Mine was a bit of a nightmare; the neurologist who performed it seemed very nervous (he wasn't just of med school, either), and at the end of it he was drenched in sweat.  I ended up with a 3 day headache that put any migraines I've had to shame.  Glad yours sound much easier to take.  Good vibes coming your way for the next 4!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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8 minutes ago, kazu said:


When did you plant your garlic, Brenda?  Normally it is planted in the Fall but can be planted in early March in the right zones but the results are not necessarily as good.


I would check out one of the cloves.  If it is firm with roots, it will sprout - you just need to be patient.


If your clove is rotten, it’s died.  Check your soil as cloves rot in wet soil.  And if you planted in the spring and the weather has really fluctuated (freeze, thaw, ice, etc) they can’t stand up to that often.


If your clove has a hole running through it and the sprout has eaten out it’s wireworms.  If it is wireworms try a harder shelled clove such as Bogatyr or Siberian.  Wireworms prefer the soft shelled garlic.


If you can’t find the clove, it’s been eaten, you have a problem with pests - look for signs of voles or moles.


Not sure if this is helpful or not but it’s all I’ve got. 😉 



Sorry kazu, I posted before I read your excellent post

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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good afternoon, checking in on a blazing hot (34C) afternoon with an update.  Thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts, but sadly, my uncle left this earthly plane in the wee hours of the morning.  Fortunately they let my aunt in to sit with him and hold his hand during his last hour, so he wasn't alone. Although the family is devastated, we are grateful for the 90 years (and good ones at that!) he had on this earth, and the years we have all been able to share with him.  Good memories remain.


Stay safe, everyone.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


Condolances Gerry, so glad your aunt was allowed to be with him.

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9 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning everyone!  Thank you @richwmnfor our Daily today, @rafinmdfor the Celebration List, and @kazufor our Care/Prayer List.  And to all who post here, thank you for taking the time and getting to know one another.  


Our days of celebration are fun but my favorite is Love Conquers All Day.  There needs to be more love in this world!


Copenhagen is a popular port and I'm happy to have seen it at least 4 times.  Like @daisybertieon our first trip there we stayed in a hotel near the train station and Tivoli Gardens, and it was sooooo tiny there was barely a spot to put our luggage.  Just enough room to walk around the bed!  Our cruise ship cabin felt large in comparison.  My favorite photo from our first day in Copenhagen is Nyhavn which we all probably took one just like it.  I see one already posted!  But this photo made the cover of my cruise photo book.  I love the colors and the beautiful blue sky.enhance


Yesterday I heard news of my sister.  She is usually non verbal now, though if you speak to her she will mumble her brief reply.  It's difficult to understand her.  Her respirations have declined to 4 per minute and that is worrisome.  She no longer eats.  They are having the priest come visit and he will give her Last Rites I would guess.  When I was with her Saturday morning she was speaking clearly although you could tell she was tired.  She had eaten grapes and part of a muffin when I arrived!  My twin had sent along a ziploc bag of homemade chocolate chip cookies and they were delicious.  I offered one to my nephew, and Nancy said "What about me?"  We laughed and said of course you can have one.  She nibbled on it and seemed to enjoy it.  I don't think she's had much if anything to eat since then.  Anyway, after that I texted my son (Nancy is his godmother) and asked if he wanted to FaceTime with Nancy since she was so verbal.  He had been asking about that prior.  So he did FaceTime her and they had a nice chat.  Much love was exchanged between them on that call and I think that's about the last time she's been so awake.  By the time I left for the airport Nancy was dozing off and unable to keep her eyes open long.  She started declining Saturday night.  I'm keeping that morning in my heart.  I don't expect her to last much longer.  It would be a miracle if she did.  🙏

Continuing prayers for your sister Nancy, you and your entire family. I’m glad you got to visit with her, it’s always good to have time for reminiscing and goodbye. God bless and give you peace at this time.


St Louis Sal

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5 minutes ago, superoma said:

Sorry kazu, I posted before I read your excellent post


No need to apologize at all.  The more opinions and suggestions, the better 😉 

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We have been to Copenhagen five times beginning in 2003 on the Rotterdam, on what was the precursor of the VOV.  In 2005, the Marco Polo overnighted in Copenhagen, and we were then three times on the Prinsendam, 2011, 2016 and 1017.  


These pictures are a compilation from all the cruises, and there may be a couple of repeats, (after all, it is repeat day), but they are different views.


In 2003, we did the ship tour of the three major castles, but I only remember Kornberg as being one of them.  Here are two of the outside in the rain, and one as we sailed passed on our way into port two years later, when we had much better weather.





We have done the Ho-Ho a couple of times and the Ho-Ho boat once.  On one of the times on the Ho-Ho, we toured the Carlsberg brewery.  It was okay, but I'd suggest waiting until Dublin to go through Guinness.


From the drop off point, you could either walk or take the wagon..



A few pictures from the tour.





In 2005, on the overnight when we were on Marco Polo, we went to Tivoli Gardens and had dinner. We wound up at a Norwegian cafe/deli.  One of the things I tried was reindeer sausage, and it was good.  The nighttime visit was in August, so it was still light fairly late then.




We also went back to Tivoli on one of our Prinsendam cruises.  These pictures are for the Garden Club.




On one of our cruises, I think it was 2011, we got off the Ho-Ho and walked through Christiania, an international community and commune of squatters that started in 1971, and was known for its cannabis trade.  The government cracked down on the trade in 2004, but when we walked through, several people tried to sell us some.  It was an interesting experience.



On picture from our Ho-Ho boat ride.



The main pedestrian street.  Somewhere on that street is our favorite bakery with the best Danish.




A couple of times when we were in Copenhagen, we happened on a special event or group performing in the City Hall Square.  One such event was a food festival, but it was mainly fish, which the locals seemed to enjoy.




We never expected to see a musical group dressed as American Indians and playing native American music.  We never learned if they were locals or if they really were Native Americans, but they sure looked like the latter



Many of the wind generators off the coast.





Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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3 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

On one of our cruises, I think it was 2011, we got off the Ho-Ho and walked through Christiania, an international community and commune of squatters that started in 1971, and was known for its cannibals' trade.  The government cracked down on the trade in 2004, but when we walked through, several people tried to sell us some.  It was an interesting experience.


Cannibals?   I sat up straight when I saw that, especially when you said they tried to sell you some.   I am assuming it was supposed to be cannabis.   

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10 minutes ago, dfish said:


Cannibals?   I sat up straight when I saw that, especially when you said they tried to sell you some.   I am assuming it was supposed to be cannabis.   

Thanks for catching that.  Darn auto correct.  We wouldn't have bought the cannibals either.  😁


Sorry about the double posts.  I tried to post this on my iPad, and it messed up, and I couldn't edit it.  



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@St. Louis Sal, @ger_77 and @StLouisCruisers thinking of you 3 and sending prayers and a long distance hug!🙏💗

😉In Copenhagen, we also walked around Christiana but no photos were allowed inside. The Danish singer, Lukas Forchhammer (aka Lukas Graham) grew up in the commune. 🎶 🎶 Remember his song 7 Years?



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40 minutes ago, kazu said:


No need to apologize at all.  The more opinions and suggestions, the better 😉 

Exactly! Thanks Jacqui and


I did plant in the fall around when I put my tulips in,  I used local very healthy Alberta garlic bulbs.  
But this was my first attempt and only one came up,  so I will dig some  up to check.  

thank you!   

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My late husband and I flew into Copenhagen in the middle of a drenching rain storm and were taken immediately to catch our cruise on the Eurodam, Aug.2008. As we left the port the storm got worst and the dining room had to be closed because of the rocking and rolling. There was a row of bottles of liquor that fell breaking all of the bottles. This was my one and only time of being sea sick.  The next day was wonderful and we completed the Baltic portion of our cruise coming back to Copenhagen where it was again raining but not a heavy rain. We did a ship tour saw Tivoli Garden, The Little Mermaid and the Royal Palace before returning to the Eurodam for the TransAtlantic portion. This was the inaugral transatlantic for the Eurodam.  This 26 day cruise was in celebration of our 50th anniversary.

No photos that I can post. All our photos were taken on Canon AE1.


Edited by lazey1
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Good afternoon. Just a quick hello.  Our lives are becoming more normal by the day and with that comes all of the busyness of normal life.   

Prayers for those who are suffering, I hope you find comfort.   
Gratitude to those who make our lives better 

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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Thanks for catching that.  Darn auto correct.  We wouldn't have bought the cannibals either.  😁


Sorry about the double posts.  I tried to post this on my iPad, and it messed up, and I couldn't edit it.  



I thought it was funny.   All kinds of things crossed my mind like, it took them until 2004 to crack down on the cannibals?   Sometimes Auto Correct serves a purpose and it brightened my day.

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Good Afternoon,

Sending condolences to @ger_77and hugs to @StLouisCruisers.


Today flew by. Am just now heading up the hill for a ride. Gotta celebrate Bike Day!


I’m fortunate to have 2: a mountain bike which is my normal ride and a Dutch ebike, that I’ve been using for errands. The later is getting less use these days, as there’s more traffic and I’m a chicken.


I really fell hard  for the Dutch bikes when we were in Amsterdam. All my friends told me to expect a lot, so the shear number wasn’t a surprise. What got my heart going was they look old. Classic. We took a bike tour run by an ex-pat, and he said while many were really antiques, the frames were still being made.

So when we got back, and my heart was still wrapped around one of those Oma Fiets, I kept looking for a way to import one. Long story short, I decided on a Gazelle, which was already being imported as a partner with Santa Cruz. I ended up with a transport, because it is set up to haul loads, and not the traditional Granny bike. She’s a big girl and weighs in at 63 lb without her battery. And she ride like a dream. 

Edited by TiogaCruiser
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4 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good afternoon, checking in on a blazing hot (34C) afternoon with an update.  Thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts, but sadly, my uncle left this earthly plane in the wee hours of the morning.  Fortunately they let my aunt in to sit with him and hold his hand during his last hour, so he wasn't alone. Although the family is devastated, we are grateful for the 90 years (and good ones at that!) he had on this earth, and the years we have all been able to share with him.  Good memories remain.


Stay safe, everyone.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


Gerry, my deepest condolences on the loss of your uncle. It was a blessing for him that your aunt was able to be with him at the end and hold his hand. And she was able to say goodbye. I’m glad you are able to cherish the memories you have with him.

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