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The Daily for Sunday August 08, 2021


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CC gremlins strike again.  😱 I was editing my post, but it turned into a new post.  The easiest solution was to delete the portion that was tposted earlier, instead of a double post.


All our cats and grandcats have crossed the rainbow 🌈 bridge.  We've watched some of the Olympics and I thought they were better than I expected.  An interesting bit of trivia I saw last night.  Out of 600,000 Covid-19 tests at the Olympics, there were about 660 positive results, while Japan's cases were rapidly increasing.   We like zucchini, but haven't had it in quite  a while.


@mamaofami  Carol, sorry you are fighting the insurance company.

@DeeniEncinitas Welcome back from your adventures.

@StLouisCruisers Sandi, sorry your back is bothering you.

@St. Louis Sal. Glad you enjoyed your night out. 



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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We have enjoyed watching the Olympics this past week. We are watching the closing ceremonies now, one of my favourite parts, seeing the athletes relaxed and having fun after they have all competed so hard.

We were at the cottage the first week and weren’t able to watch. A cruise friend from Australia sent us daily updates. We looked forward to the news and the connection with her.

Safe travels to all those fortunate to be cruising now. Thank you for this wonderful thread.

Enjoy your day.


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Good morning all - woke to beautiful sunshine which is a bit of a surprise.  Weather predictions made me think it would still be raining, but it must have moved through quickly.  Hope the sunshine holds - husband and I are headed to our first 'big crowd' event since the pandemic started...Phillies/Mets game in Philadelphia.  Husband is a life-long Mets fan so we're hoping that they can pull out a win from this weekend series.


Can't say that I've ever had the opportunity to try any Korean dish but would be curious to see what was included.  Guessing it's pretty spicy?  That seems to be what I've always heard about cuisine from this region.


Dessert wines haven't made significant headway into my wine list, but there's always room for more...

No photo description available.


@grapau27 your patio looks so inviting - perfect spot to enjoy a beautiful day!




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Good  morning  fellow  Dailyites. I  was  so  pleased  to  see  the  return  of  @DeeniEncinitas and  to  hear  that  all  is  well  with  her. Everyday  is  Cat  Celebration  Day  around  here as  there  are  4  indoor  kitties  in  DD's  side  of  the  house  and  3  outdoor  cats. The  guest  dog is  still  not  used  to  so  many  felines  and  tries  to  chase  them  while  our  dog just  wants  them  to  play. They  do  not  want  to  play....I  will  happily  salute  both  the  Olympics  and  zucchini.


It  is  a  cloudy  day  here  with  some  rain  on  and  off  earlier. I  am  perusing  recipes  again  to  find  something  our  young  guest  will  like  for  dinner. DS  gave  me  a  few  ideas as  he  as  2  almost  11  year  olds  to  please  at  home. If  any  of  you  want  to  pass  along  an  idea, I  would  be  grateful. This  kid  is  going  through  a  hard  time  and  we  are  trying  to  support  him  as  best  we  can . DH  and  I  are  feeling  a  little  "old"  at  the  moment.


We  have  only  been  to  India  in  my  dreams. Looking  forward  to  pictures.


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Thanks for the Daily, Rich and our Sunday smile 🙂 


Interesting collection of days.  We’re certainly watching the Olympic closing ceremony.  International Cat Day?  I thought every day was cat day 😉 




After all, anyone who has had cats know they rule!




Love that quote by Mark Twain - even if he was actually misquoted 😉 


The meal suggestion sounds good if I do some adaptation to it.


A bit of gloating - as our little garden centre was getting ready to close, I spotted some hibiscus that weren’t there before that were looking pretty sad.  I was told they  had been in the store and not cared for & needed a lot of TLC.  She said I could probably save them and offered them both to me for $5.  I needed more hibiscus like I needed a hole in the head, but I couldn’t resist.  They are now gloriously green and starting to bloom.  




They day lilies are still trying to show off.







I batch of jam & 3 of pickles done yesterday.  With luck, I’ll finish the rest of the jam & preserves today 🤞 


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a great Sunday everyone!!!




Stay safe and don’t forget your 😷


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Good morning from the beautiful MS Nieuw Amsterdam. Having a pretty sunrise and enough movement you know your at sea.


We had a delightful dinner in the Tamarind with John and Maria. Great conversations!


Wearing a mask is nothing new yet there are a few who are either ignorant or defiant.


Ship is sparkling and the crew is as wonderful as ever.

We are quite content to sit on our verhandha and enjoy our love of being at sea.


Neptune is opening in 30 than breakfast in the Pinnacle at eight!


Life is good! Thanks for the Daily.

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Sunday blessings to our Daily family. Thank you Rich for another week of sharing our lives together. I'm so happy Denise is back. All is right now.


Thank you Roy for your lists and the story about your early cruise days.


Last night decided to hop on Elvis and have a salad at the pub. Afterwards a night cap at friends then sat on our patio with a beautiful breeze. Nothing planned today but a market run.


Zucchini day.. our Pastor would remind us to keep our car windows up or we'd have a bag of zucchini on the seat when we got out of church. And it was true!




We tried catching Olympic games and still have some recorded. It was disheartening to see some athletes turn their backs on their countries. 


Rich where's a picture of your fur babies? I'm sure Callie would smile for the camera.




Blessings,  Cheers and Prayers 


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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

We are at the age where getting up off the sofa or out of bed is accompanied by grunts!  😣

We had this exact same discussion with our dinner guests last evening!  Seems it just comes with the territory. 😔 

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I have a sunset today rather than a sunrise ( posted that day's sunrise one year ago today).  It's from a round trip Alaska cruise, Vancouver to Seward on the Radiance of the Seas, a couple of days in Seward, and then a return to Vancouver on the Statendam.  I left Vancouver August 8 and saw the sun go down after dinner.





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32 minutes ago, msmayor said:

Can't say that I've ever had the opportunity to try any Korean dish but would be curious to see what was included.  Guessing it's pretty spicy?  That seems to be what I've always heard about cuisine from this region.

Not necessarily spicy although it can be. Even kimchee may or may not be (hot) spicy. Just uses different spices so the flavors are different. But very tasty! 😋

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44 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Oh my gosh. I Googled Bombay to read about it and an almost exact picture of the one you took popped up!





Imagine that, Joy!  Pictures off the internet!😂


That is a nice building however, for Mumbai.

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Good morning!!!!! I am early this morning since I woke with the dawn. Don't know why - just did. It is sunny but we have heavy smoke from those terrible California fires.


I posted yesterday but I think it slipped away into Cyberspace. Nothing of importance there so I let it go. I am spending a couple hours a day at the shelter while our Director is out and another Board member and I are working on getting budgets together (not my favorite activity). We have some cute pups and kitties in for me to play with and the macaws are still with us. I do read the Daily and cheer on those that need support. Am glad to see that list has gotten smaller. And of course I follow along on the Alaska cruises even though I am terribly jealous. Maybe next year.


Have not been to today's port. I really do need a World Cruise in my future. Maybe someday in the not too distant future.





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1 hour ago, msmayor said:

Good morning all - woke to beautiful sunshine which is a bit of a surprise.  Weather predictions made me think it would still be raining, but it must have moved through quickly.  Hope the sunshine holds - husband and I are headed to our first 'big crowd' event since the pandemic started...Phillies/Mets game in Philadelphia.  Husband is a life-long Mets fan so we're hoping that they can pull out a win from this weekend series.


Can't say that I've ever had the opportunity to try any Korean dish but would be curious to see what was included.  Guessing it's pretty spicy?  That seems to be what I've always heard about cuisine from this region.


Dessert wines haven't made significant headway into my wine list, but there's always room for more...

No photo description available.


@grapau27 your patio looks so inviting - perfect spot to enjoy a beautiful day!




Thank you.


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15 minutes ago, durangoscots said:



Have not been to today's port. I really do need a World Cruise in my future. Maybe someday in the not too distant future.





I had to smile when I read your quote, Susan.  I haven’t been too many of the ports that are posted.  Looking at the pictures, I think, “I would like to see that in person.”  So, maybe a World Cruise has to be scheduled!


Stay Safe, Everyone!!

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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning from the beautiful MS Nieuw Amsterdam. Having a pretty sunrise and enough movement you know your at sea.


We had a delightful dinner in the Tamarind with John and Maria. Great conversations!


Wearing a mask is nothing new yet there are a few who are either ignorant or defiant.


Ship is sparkling and the crew is as wonderful as ever.

We are quite content to sit on our verhandha and enjoy our love of being at sea.


Neptune is opening in 30 than breakfast in the Pinnacle at eight!


Life is good! Thanks for the Daily.

Sounds fantastic.

Thanks for posting.


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Good Morning,


It's a chilly morning, I actually had to close the window.  It will be short-lived, the temps will gradually rise and we're supposed to be near 100 by the end of the week.  Less concerned now that we're air conditioned. 


Took a break yesterday from posting with only a few sporadic comments, but no daily and no test discussion except for in our roll call.  I miss the daily when I don't post to it.  


Yes to zucchini.  Yes to cats.  No to the Olympics, I'm lucky if I have 2 hours of TV a day available to me.

Thanks to all the posters and contributors.  Thoughts and prayers to all. 


On the agenda for today, laundry, some correspondence, and a bit of bill paying.


Have a great day everybody!





Edited by atexsix
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4 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you for the Sunday Daily, Rich.  A salute to Cats and the Olympics.  I'll pass on the Zucchini but the Chicken Bowl sounds interesting.  I love the Mark Twain quote.  I've  been to Mumbai just once, on Queen Elizabeth.  There will be a bit of a story to my Alternative Menu Selection so I'll do that a bit later.


Today’s care list:


Welfare of furloughed crews
Western wildfires    
NextOne DDIL with long haul Covid
From the rotation:
Krazy Kruizer DH Joe
Tana back in the hospital


The care list is blissfully short; I hope I didn't miss anything major.


Celebrations and Shoutouts

Welcome aboard KayS, cruiseMGM and 12cruise2
Front Line Health Care Workers
Aliaschief, bobpatj, and Copper10_8 on a BHB
Livestreaming of StLouisCruisere’s Grandson Graduation
Ger_77's family visit
HighlandChaser1957's nimble handling of phone scam
Grahan’s football team
Welcome home garlictown
Welcome to Maui, Denise
and Staff Captain Sabine, HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)







I also noticed the care list was shorter than usual, that's a good thing, especially after the last couple of weeks. 

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It is a pleasant, cool morning in the Seattle area.  I planted four varieties of squash, mostly zucchini a couple months ago.  Getting a lot of orange blossoms, but no squash.  One of the first to bloom had a small squash on it, but it disappeared.  Possibly our local rabbit.  Here is what they look like this morning:  Perhaps  a garden member can tell me what I am doing wrong.P1010289.thumb.JPG.1adb22a51094dfeac258ec66ad3309cf.JPG

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I visited Mumbai on Queen Victoria April 1, 2010, my first cruise on a ship of a Vista/Signature design.  I had booked a tour called "The Buddhist Trail", and started out just driving through Mumbai and I was not impressed.IMG_0940.thumb.JPG.17b039965b7c0d06458c73dc35fbc959.JPG


The main stop was a site called Kanheri Buddhist Caves, dating from about 100BC to 1100AD.  To me the site was very reminiscent of Petra although smaller and somewhat less elaborate.  Still it was very much a wow experience for me:







I have one other major memory from that day.  I had been assigned to a dinner table with a couple of chronic complainers.  They had booked Cunard on a cruise that never strayed far from the equator were constantly complaining about not liking to dress up and about the heat.  In particular on that day they were complaining about not all the buses (or coaches) being air conditioned and saying "If they can't all be air conditioned, none should be".  Really?  As it turned out I was on one of the buses without A/C and in my case it was not too bad as we had the windows open and were moving most to the time.  I do hope that what air conditioned buses there were got dedicated to tours that stayed in the city and had few stops where people got off.  That couple ate in the lido most nights which was actually fine with me as their empty chairs were probably better company than they were.




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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

I have a sunset today rather than a sunrise ( posted that day's sunrise one year ago today).  It's from a round trip Alaska cruise, Vancouver to Seward on the Radiance of the Seas, a couple of days in Seward, and then a return to Vancouver on the Statendam.  I left Vancouver August 8 and saw the sun go down after dinner.





I recognized this Pacific Northwest sunset before even reading where it was, the clouds converging around the mountains with sunshine off to one side is how it looks for at least half the year.

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