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The Daily for Thursday August 19, 2021


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On our 2015 Transatlantic on Caribbean Princess it was a lovely early fall day.  We walked to the Citadel first and then I noticed the Public Gardens on our map so we had to stop there.  One of my favorite things to visit in a city is their gardens.  Here is one of the entrances to the park.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVI4_wsrRgnnmpnBJKBfT7nb?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1443035046


Have to take a photo of the map in case we end up lost!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKMe254bE-sleXbWIcb05-7?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1443034982


See the ducks?00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLsX3RZonZwM1GvdKTLNbxQ?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1443035007






A ship!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIRhGQ0SkcNypSwrFo4uai1?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1443035019




Poor statues always have a pigeon or seagull on their heads, don't they?00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLtWibO8twuKLaZnSvnR_0E?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1443035034


There appeared to be a protest of some sort going on across the street.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIbWv2f-Voeqe4RBqSo5EBZ?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1443035040


I put my sunglasses on that day for obvious reasons, so what usually happens is it clouds up and/or rains right after.  That day we started getting heavy clouds so headed back towards the Caribbean Princess.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIqic8JRMjSyu1xap9HjIQx?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1443035075


Took a photo of this interesting piece of art as we walked by.



In front of the Cunard Centre00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIvDLjtxBfKDy5-Pw3dsoeH?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1443035079


And the Farmer's Market00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLP-QHX7NBVtVIYqFczBcOk?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1443035082




And an interesting boat going by00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLP227pUecTheXZeIgsR8wz?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1443035089

Edited by StLouisCruisers
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Good morning all!

Love that it is Aviation day. Unlike some of my family and friends, I love flying! I have been in everything from a two-seater Cessna on up. Biggest regret-that I never got to fly on the Concorde. My last flight was February 23 , 2020, flying home from Miami after a cruise. This is the longest time I’ve gone not flying in over 40 years. I miss it. 

When I was growing up, no matter the menu, there was always potatoes. I love them however they’re prepared.


How lucky all of us on the Daily have been to have taken photos all over the world. That said, I haven’t been to today’s destination, but I know you will all share some good pics.


I love a Chardonnay, even oaky ones. The drink matches the day, perfect. Frittatas are nice, you can throw in whatever veggies you have handy.


Here is more good news to balance our care list. (I think we have several teachers on here, so they should appreciate this.) A young friend from my church has been chosen teacher of the year from our district, plus she is a finalist (one of 17) for Missouri Teacher of the Year.  She is so thrilled. She is an English Language specialist. Her elementary school has a large immigrant population; 17 different languages. She has worked to fill the library with bilingual books in all the languages. She started a program (before Covid) of having neighbors from around the school come and meet the buses in the morning. We would each have a sign saying “good morning” in the different languages and we would greet each child individually. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Amanda, she really deserves this honor.


Prayers🙏Each day for those on our care list. And a smile and a toast 🍷 for all the good news.


Take care all,

St Louis Sal


P.S. Here is one of my favorite travel photos. Do you know where it’s from?


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Thanks for the Daily. Arrived home around eleven PM last night after an uneventful day of flying.


It’s going to be a long day for both of us as we recover from lack of sleep, time zones etc.


It was worth every minute and nice not having to start the day off wearing a mask.

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@kazu So glad your TA was able to straighten out your cruise.   Let the good news keep flowing.


We've been to Halifax several times on various BHBs.   On our second visit we rented a car and took off for Peggy's Cove.  We managed to arrive before the tour busses and had some good times climbing rocks and such.  




I even got a picture of the lighthouse without people in it.




We found a tranquil spot and watched the water for a while.




Then, we drove up to Ryer's Lobster where Sue had fun picking out her lunch.   Unfortunately, Ryers is no longer allowed to serve on the premises.  It is take out only.  




This lobster really couldn't be cooked for lunch.  He was display only and they were planning to return him to his ocean home.  


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15 minutes ago, VennDiagram said:

@grapau27 the lady who is featured in many of your pictures has a great sense of style.  She consistently looks **fabulous** I am in awe of her 🙂   Please pass that along.


>going back to "lurk" mode<

Thank you for your compliments for my dear wife Pauline.

She said thank you too.

It will be our 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday.

The time has just flown.

Kind Regards.


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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  I love flying because it means we're going on a holiday - it's been too long since we've had the opportunity to do so.  Growing up, the only meal of the day that didn't include potatoes was breakfast; I'm amazed at the amount of time my mother put into creating different ways of serving them.  So many photos taken through the years; the one thing we have to do is go through them and start writing on the back who is in them.  I'm sure we've all inherited photos from our parents that although they are historic, we have no idea who the people are, or where they were taken.


Well it is mid-August, so our temperatures have dipped already; this morning we woke to +10C (50F), so we've gone from capris and tank tops to jeans and bunny hugs.  We took a drive into the country last night and saw that many farmers are beginning harvest - those that have a crop left to actually harvest.  A few hours to the south of us, farmers are reporting almost more grasshoppers in the combine than grain kernels.  


@cat shepardgood luck with your big reveal today; I'm sure it will feel great!

@kazu your hibiscus is so pretty - you really have a way with plants!  Also, great news about having your cruise with all the perks successfully transferred to next year.


I like today's menu suggestions, especially @rafinmd's rack of lamb, but that will have to wait until we're on a BHB.  For us tonight, it looks like there are a lot of veggies in the fridge that need to be used, so I'll be putting together a chicken stir-fry for dinner.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Raising the glasses tonight to celebrate all on the positive list (which is just a teeny big longer than the unhappy list).  Be well, stay safe, wash your hands, wear your masks, and hydrate!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Good morning from central Texas where it is supposed to be very humid.  Our dew point is 79F.


In honor of photo day, I plan to spend the day inside working on my photos 📷 some more.  As with @StLouisCruisers Sandi, with the digital age, I tend to take too many pictures, so I'm in the process of weeding the duplicates and fuzzy ones.


Aviation has certainly changed the world.  I don’t mind flying; it's the packing and hassle getting on the plane I don't like.  We, like @St. Louis Sal regret not taking the Concord.  In the early 1990s, we along with the DDs and two of their friends got to ride in the Goodyear blimp.


We too like potatoes in most forms.


Always liked Louis Armstrong and his music.  The quote says it all.


The meal sounds good, but we'll pass on the wine.  Waiting to see what the drink of the day is like.


We've been to Halifax about eight or nine times, mostly on BHBs, and we rented cars many times.  I look and see what different pictures I can find.


@aliaschief Welcome home.

@smitty34877 and @mamaofami  Terry and Carol, glad you were spared being in the path of a tornado.

@kazu  Jacqui, great news that your TA got your cruise straightened out.  Your rescued plants are beautiful.

@dfish  Debbie, good to have a plumber/handyman in the neighborhood.  WOW!  That lobster is huge.

@cat shepard  Good luck with the zombie leg and saying goodbye to the brace.

@ger_77 Gerry, we inherited some old photo albums of relatives who we don't know who they are or which side of my family they belong.  Seeing these albums, I started naming who was in pictures about 30 years ago.




Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good morning!


We've been to Halifax on the Eurodam in 2010.  We did get to Peggy's Cove, and also visited the Titanic Museum and the Fairview Lawn Cemetery, where the Titanic passengers are buried.  The graves are in the shape of a ship, with a gap where the iceberg had hit.  It was very moving, especially the grave to the unknown children.






Hope everyone has a wonderful day.  Prayers for those needing them, and cheers to our celebration list.  Stay safe!!



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Good morning, all! I love potatoes, and look forward to celebrating aviation with a trip to Mexico in November. It’s been so long since we’ve travelled at all! So World Photos can resume at that point! Much truth to today’s quote, although I like ‘Start the day with coffee, end the day with wine’ even more. The frittata sounds good, especially since I’m feeding a vegetarian right now. I haven’t been to Halifax, but will be there on the Zaandam in October 2022. Pictures are much appreciated!

@cat shepardAnn, my fingers are crossed for your reveal. It will be so good to get rid of that big clunky thing you’ve been lugging around!

@kazuJacqui, I’m with you on disliking oaked  Chardonnay. I always thought Chardonnay was a waste of ground that could be growing useful grapes until I tasted unoaked Chardonnay. Wow! Light, crisp, wonderful! Unoaked Chardonnay is now one of my favourites, and the rare time I see it on a wine list, that’s what I go for. AND did you know Chardonnay is one of the three varieties of grapes blended in making champagne? @smitty34877your description of the dogs reaction to the cell phone alert made me laugh. You may have stayed put, but you made sure the whole neighborhood was alerted to the tornado warning. I hope they appreciated your heroic actions on their behalf!

Happy Thursday all! I’m off to watch the Ketchikan webcam for the BHB that should be arriving soon!


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Good morning,

Foggy and damp here today so I am delaying any outside work for a while.  

Love potatoes anyway but we only have them as a special treat.  Need to watch our carb intake!  

The meal for today looks great.  

We have been to Halifax twice and enjoyed our trip out to Peggy's cove. Pictures brought back a lot of good memories.  

Thanks for all the news Rich.  Roy, appreciate you keeping the lists.  

Prayers and cheers to all.  

Have an awesome day.  This week is flying by.  

Stay well and safe.


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1 hour ago, kazu said:


Remember the sad hibiscus plants I rescued?  They are blooming away 🙂 


I got a piece of good news yesterday afternoon.  My TA called and after 6 weeks of fighting, she has gotten our cruise transferred successfully - perks, OBC and all to the sailing next year 👍   She really had to fight and went right up the ladder.  She’s put countless hours in (for which I feel badly) but I am every so grateful she was willing to do so. ♥️ 


I envy you the hibiscus. They are one of the few flowers that make wonderful botanical prints instead of leaving a dull blot on the fabric.


You illustrate perfectly the importance of having a good TA. A bad TA, or your own compute  can do a perfectly adequate job IF NOTHING GOES WRONG. The moment anything goes south, a really good TA is worth their weight in gold!

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Just popping in with a quick update, before heading out with Bindi.


Doc said he could still see the fracture line - barely. So another two weeks in the brace. He thinks I might be able to get rid of it totally then. 


BUT, I now have a 40 degree bend, so no more zombie leg!  It feels amazing. I will never take bending my knee for granted again.


Stay well everyone!

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4 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

Just popping in with a quick update, before heading out with Bindi.


Doc said he could still see the fracture line - barely. So another two weeks in the brace. He thinks I might be able to get rid of it totally then. 


BUT, I now have a 40 degree bend, so no more zombie leg!  It feels amazing. I will never take bending my knee for granted again.


Stay well everyone!

Sounds like mostly good news.  Hope the next 2 weeks fly by.



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@Horizon chaser 1957,I just saw my next door neighbor and she told me that between the phone making a scary noise and all neighborhood  doggies barking she was sure it was the end of the world.....we were lucky nothing actually  touched down here.I only remember  two tornados in our area on my 67  years.

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Top of the morning Rich. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet report. Many thanks to all who contribute. Roy I'm hoping you are well this morning. 


Jacqui so good to know you got your cruise straightened out. What a great TA you have. Ann I'm hoping all goes well with your cast removal. 


My sweet husband flew helicopters for 29 years. Will raise a glass to all aviators tonight.


I love potatoes, just not with cheese added. I make an old Bohemian recipe for potato pancakes my grandmother made. We love them! 



Loved our cruise from Quebec to Boston on NCL Gem.  Ate lobster whenever we could. Prayers and Cheers 


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5 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I will be off line this afternoon and into the evening.  PET scan this afternoon, then a Fire Department board meeting and then walking (no exercise permitted before the scan).



I hope everything is well with your PET scan Roy.

Best wishes.


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16 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

Just popping in with a quick update, before heading out with Bindi.


Doc said he could still see the fracture line - barely. So another two weeks in the brace. He thinks I might be able to get rid of it totally then. 


BUT, I now have a 40 degree bend, so no more zombie leg!  It feels amazing. I will never take bending my knee for granted again.


Stay well everyone!


Ann, while not the news you wanted, it is not totally bad.  The fracture is healing and you now have a 40 degree bend.  Hope that without the zombie knee, the next two weeks fly by.

13 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I will be off line this afternoon and into the evening.  PET scan this afternoon, then a Fire Department board meeting and then walking (no exercise permitted before the scan).



 Roy, hope the PET scan goes smoothly and shows no surprises.

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👍Thank you Rich @richwmn for The Daily and to Roy @rafinmd for both the Care and Celebration Lists.

😊We've enjoyed driving around Nova Scotia as well as cities in New Brunswick....also remember several cruises visiting Halifax for the day.

✈This year we've had two opportunities to fly to Maui.🌺

🙏Prayers for all in need.


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