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The Daily for Friday 02/04/2022


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Although I'm still within the time frame to edit my post above, it wouldn't let me make any changes, (the CC gremlins are active today!), so I'm putting this in a separate post just to give everyone a giggle.  Many of you will recognize the song.



Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Good morning friends!  It's raining and 61F but the temps will be falling all day (and tonight).  Thankfully no ice or snow in our forecast. There's a new "lake" on the fairway behind us, that wasn't there the other day when I shared a photo of it. It was quite a downpour overnight.  DD sent me a photo of the sleet buildup yesterday just before the heavy snow started around 6 pm in SW Ohio.  Looked to be 4 to 5 inches of sleet.  It's been snowing ever since.  Needless to say another snow day for the school districts.  No virtual classes, just a good old fashioned snow day.  DD lives on a steep hill so her driveway and street are treacherous.  But the upside is she has a magnificent view and can see I-285 about a mile away.  Probably not much traffic on the highway with most things shut.  Hoping everyone here stays safe and warm today.  


I love bubble gum though I never buy it.  I too remember the Topps baseball cards with the stick of gum.  I like stuffed mushrooms but never make them.  They're usually at the potluck gatherings I go to, or used to go to.  No plans to create a vacuum.  Have not been to Maputo, but will eventually on the Grand Africa cruise.  We had that port on August 4 so if anyone posted photos please do so again to refresh our memories.  TIA!  


Thanks Rich @richwmnfor the Daily and the update on the Volendam, my next BHB but such a long way off.  Thanks too for Roy @rafinmdfor the Care and Celebration lists.  Prayers were said earlier for all involved, and cheers to our people celebrating.  A shoutout to my buddy Joy @Seasick Sailor!  Miss you!  Carol @mamaofamiI find it appalling the hospital had no list of meds given to Sam yesterday.  What a position to put you in not knowing if he needed his meds last night or not!  And to Ann @cat shepardand Jacqui @kazumuch appreciation for your funny memes that help to lift our spirits during these trying times.  Jacqui, hope there is news on Marley, and I'm so happy the phone calls help to keep you and Jose in touch during such nasty weather.  Enjoy your chats!


Stay well, safe and warm today everyone.

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Good morning, everyone.  I can’t believe it’s Friday again!  😲


I used to like bubble gum but now I just like Dentyne Spearmint Ice.  You could say my tastes have been somewhat refined.  😜


Today’s meal reminds me that I have a fantastic recipe for Curried Tilapia.  I haven’t had it in years so maybe I should dig that out.  Love mushrooms, even stuffed, but they have to be stuffed with the right stuff.  Thank you, @0106, for not posting facts that would put me off them.  😂 1 million pounds per acre!  Can you imagine how many that is?  Because those things are light as a feather!


I hope those of you who got snow post some pictures!  It has been raining steadily for two days now.  That would have made a great pile of snow if Florida hadn’t sent us their weather instead.  I woke up to 15c/60f!  Of course, now that the temperature is dropping, the rain will dissipate.  I guess you could say we’re in the Goldilocks zone.


Have a great day, everyone!



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Good morning! We definitely had a gully washer around 2:00 AM with more rain in the forecast.

I still enjoy a chaw of bubble gum now and then. Still have many baseball cards from the fifties that I plan on giving to my grandson who is quite the baseball player. If only I hadn’t ruined many of them by attaching them to my Western Flyer wheel spokes to get the zroom effect!


Finished last Doctor’s visit yesterday and I’m good to go for awhile!🙏🤞


Thanks Rich and Roy! I enjoy celebrating TGIM, TGIT, TGIW, TGIT, TGIF, TGIS, TGIS!

Have a great and safe weekend.



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Last night, we had thunder and lightening, pouring rain, and the temps are going down all day.  Paradise... I wonder if all that standing water will turn into ice tonight.


Now, what to do about that cancelled cruise.  DH usually just tells me to book something. I did find a 6 days cruise out of Tampa, that goes to Belize, where I want to explore another Mayan ruin.  I am so hoping that this doesn't happen to our HAL cruise.  And for once, we can upgrade ourselves to a balcony.  LOL.  I guess that our days of repeat cruising twice a year, are coming to an end.


We love stuffed mushrooms.  Especially when they are stuffed with crab.  I love mushrooms cooked anyway they can be cooked, but I dont like them raw at all.  Well, time to get ready for the day.  Places to go, pizza to eat.



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42 minutes ago, *Miss G* said:

Good morning, everyone.  I can’t believe it’s Friday again!  😲


I used to like bubble gum but now I just like Dentyne Spearmint Ice.  You could say my tastes have been somewhat refined.  😜


Today’s meal reminds me that I have a fantastic recipe for Curried Tilapia.  I haven’t had it in years so maybe I should dig that out.  Love mushrooms, even stuffed, but they have to be stuffed with the right stuff.  Thank you, @0106, for not posting facts that would put me off them.  😂 1 million pounds per acre!  Can you imagine how many that is?  Because those things are light as a feather!


I hope those of you who got snow post some pictures!  It has been raining steadily for two days now.  That would have made a great pile of snow if Florida hadn’t sent us their weather instead.  I woke up to 15c/60f!  Of course, now that the temperature is dropping, the rain will dissipate.  I guess you could say we’re in the Goldilocks zone.


Have a great day, everyone!



Your wish is my command. The view out my front door 


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Good morning all!

Another rainy day, and then we're headed for some drier weather upwards of 50F.  I'm looking forward to getting out in the garden to see what's popping up.  I noticed the first Crocus yesterday, always a nice sign that spring is coming!  The Daffodils have been poking up for awhile now.  


I guess I'm a real dud today, I'll pass on everything and have never been to this port. 

Today a trip to Total Wine is on the agenda, and continuing to work on getting cruises booked.  


Have a great day everyone!

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Good Morning and thank you all for the lists. 

I used to love Bazooka bubble gum - they had the little cartoon papers in them. The closest I come to creating a vacuum is putting a mechanical one together from the store. I like mushrooms about as much as I like whiskey…


Interesting quote.


I like curry dishes, but maybe with chicken or pork. Not a fan of fish. 

The drink sounds fabulous!


I’m pretty sure I would like the wine too…


Interesting port - maybe someday I will get there. 

All we had from the latest weather front was a lot of rain. I can handle that!


Love the cat memes. Cats are my favorite people. 😻


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Good morning  to all.It is getting colder here with a wintry mix Yesterday's  rain melted the dirty snowpiles but I think we will have an icy mess here.

@mamaofami,Carol I am alarmed by what the hospital did when you called.It is so dangerous with medication and trying to control CHF.I would let the doctor know about  it.I hope things are calmer today. for you and Sam.

@kazu,Jacqui,the winter is really packing a punch for your area.I hope your shoveling assistance  can get to you promptly. I was happy to see  that you booked a cruise.It is so important  to have something to  look forward to in difficult  times.


I love mushrooms in any form and planned a spinach and mushroom quiche for the group dinner.I would love the fish recipe but doubt anyone else would join me.


My DB collected baseball cards and would share the bubble gum with the rest of us.I wonder what happened to  all those cards.

We have not been to the port.

Today is a good day to stay in and I hope all can stay safe in this widespread storm.



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Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


No vacuums being created here today. I still chew bubblegum once in a while. I love mushrooms stuffed or not, but agree with @marshhawk I don't care for them raw.


I like the quote. Not a fan of curry usually, but DD in Florida makes dishes with curry that I enjoy so I think I'll send the recipe links to her.


@richwmn in case you don't already know this, and I want to share with everyone that I received another email from our NA waiter who says most of the crew has been changed out and the NA is scheduled to sail February 12th.


@kazu I just want to say that your posts seem happier and I can't help but think it's a reflection of how you are feeling even though you still have SOOOOO much going on in your life.


@mamaofami what a nightmare you have had to deal with. The aid and insurance situations are bad enough...then to add the hospital's abhorrent attitude is just, sorry I don't even know what to call it. Anyway, know you are in our thoughts and prayers.


@ger_77 so is the snow you get the light fluffy stuff most of the time?


@grapau27 thank you for the explanation of days, especially create a vacuum. I learned quite a bit from that. By the way, I'm missing pictures of you and Pauline...your smiling faces always bring cheer especially on a grey day.


Third day of rain here today. As @StLouisCruisers

said, the temperature will continue to drop throughout the day. Our Safety Director has already sent out warnings that the roads in the community will most likely close sometime this evening as we are expecting the low to be in the 20's.


Off to do a little cleaning, some work on the puzzle and knitting.


Have a safe and warm Friday.


🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

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3 minutes ago, JAM37 said:

u I just want to say that your posts seem happier and I can't help but think it's a reflection of how you are feeling even though you still have SOOOOO much going on in your life.



Thanks.  Can’t really say I’m a lot happier (although seeing DH was a relief).  I’m probably slowly starting to accept my fate whether I like it or not.  Just trying to put a smile on everyone’s face that has been so kind to me.  



@cat shepardthat wine does sound good but it is a bit out of my price range, too 😉 


2 hours ago, dfish said:


It is a snowy morning here.   Schools are all closed and side roads are still full of snow.  I shoveled twice yesterday to try to keep up with the snow.  Plow company never came.  Hopefully, they'll make it today.  Otherwise I'll be looking for a new company.


Hopefully it was just the road conditions that kept your plow away 🤞 and he shows up today.   🤞 


3 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Jacqui,the winter is really packing a punch for your area.I hope your shoveling assistance  can get to you promptly. I


I don’t expect my shovelling assistance until at least tomorrow - it will be snowing / icing all through today and tonight.  They will have to dig themselves out first before they can help me. 😉 

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2 hours ago, 0106 said:

In honor of stuffed mushroom day, a few facts about mushrooms I learned in Kennett Square PA. 


·       Mushrooms are the #1 cash crop in PA.

·       One acre of land can produce 1 million pounds of mushrooms annually

·       Mushrooms are good for you.  They can help in the fight against cancer; they have anti- aging properties; they can reduce the odds of cognitive decline.

We lived 7 miles south of the PA border, with several mushroom farms nearby. What a smell!  The owners of the house we rented put several truck loads of mushroom soil in the yard in an attempt to grow grass. What did grow.....you could almost see it growing!

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32 minutes ago, JAM37 said:

Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


No vacuums being created here today. I still chew bubblegum once in a while. I love mushrooms stuffed or not, but agree with @marshhawk I don't care for them raw.


I like the quote. Not a fan of curry usually, but DD in Florida makes dishes with curry that I enjoy so I think I'll send the recipe links to her.


@richwmn in case you don't already know this, and I want to share with everyone that I received another email from our NA waiter who says most of the crew has been changed out and the NA is scheduled to sail February 12th.


@kazu I just want to say that your posts seem happier and I can't help but think it's a reflection of how you are feeling even though you still have SOOOOO much going on in your life.


@mamaofami what a nightmare you have had to deal with. The aid and insurance situations are bad enough...then to add the hospital's abhorrent attitude is just, sorry I don't even know what to call it. Anyway, know you are in our thoughts and prayers.


@ger_77 so is the snow you get the light fluffy stuff most of the time?


@grapau27 thank you for the explanation of days, especially create a vacuum. I learned quite a bit from that. By the way, I'm missing pictures of you and Pauline...your smiling faces always bring cheer especially on a grey day.


Third day of rain here today. As @StLouisCruisers

said, the temperature will continue to drop throughout the day. Our Safety Director has already sent out warnings that the roads in the community will most likely close sometime this evening as we are expecting the low to be in the 20's.


Off to do a little cleaning, some work on the puzzle and knitting.


Have a safe and warm Friday.


🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

Thank you Julia.

I was asked on another thread about our afternoon tea in the sky bar at the Hotel Burj Al Arab in Dubai so these were some photos from my TripAdvisor review.

We had been on RC Vision of the seas in February 2017 and had a couple of nights post cruise in Dubai.





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34 minutes ago, kazu said:

I’m probably slowly starting to accept my fate whether I like it or not.  Just trying to put a smile on everyone’s face that has been so kind to me.


@kazu   Please remember to treat yourself gently. We're here for you.  Lean on the prayer, care, and hugs we all continue to send -- whether your news is good or difficult.


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Good morning everyone, 


It's a somewhat wet morning here in the Pacific Northwest. None of today's events speak to me but that's fine. 

Positives: DH had his last infusion last Friday and his PICC line out on Saturday. Monday DS came and almost finished the ramp. We still need a few more pickets and then the non-skid surface applied. Wednesday afternoon we had our new mattress and base delivered. This time I wrote the date on the tag so I'd know when I start thinking we need a new one (the date was 2/2/22). 

Not-so-positives: Wednesday evening 911 was called as DH was talking in gibberish for most of his words. Off he went via medic unit to the local hospital in a freezing rain. I stayed home and talked to the hospital then went in yesterday morning. He got into the ER at 1:00 AM and we finally were admitted (after tests including an MRI) at 3:00 PM. For most of the time he was the only one in the ER. He can get some intelligible words out and then it dissolves into nonsense. He uses inflections, etc. so you know he's asking a question or excited about something. His MRI isn't showing anything so still no reason for this. I'm heading in shortly (I'm allowed in) and will encourage looking at infections, etc. We shall see. I just talked to the nurse and he's eating well and in good spirits but his speech is still garbled. 


He keeps our life intersting! Have a good Friday everyone and I'll be checking back at the end of the day. I also get new tires installed on the car today so will leave the hospital for a couple of hours and then head back. 



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It is 9:30....on a sunny bright day.... and the temp has made it up to 3F. Hate to think of what it was when Bandit and I ventured forth this morning at sunrise. Let us just say it was a very quick walk. Will head out again in about another hour.


Haven't been to today's destination.Never liked gum (my Mom was no fan and generally would not let us have it). The only thing I can really identify with today are the mushrooms which I love in any form.


Work is starting on our shelter with the electrical upgrade scheduled for Tuesday afternoon. We will have to shut down the shelter and the thrift store for about 4 hours. Glad to see things moving albeit slowly.


Take care all. Watch out for ice and other hazards.



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Good morning, all! I love mushroom, stuffed or otherwise. One week today we leave for Palm Springs. When the day comes, I hope to be out of here fast enough to create a vacuum in our wake! We hope to visit Maputo on the GA this fall, and the GWV next year.

Yesterday I finished printing a shirt for DDs birthday. It is a disaster. Aside from the prints not coming out the way I hoped, the shirt itself is a gauzy fabric that simply disintegrated right down the center fold. There are beautiful red Japanese maple prints across the shoulders and yoke, but it kind of needs the rest of the shirt to be there.

Happy Friday, everyone. If only we were all aboard a BHB!


Edited by Horizon chaser 1957
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Thank you, @superoma and @puppycanducruise, for the snow pictures!  I just love looking at snow.


@luvteaching, I am so sorry to hear of your husband’s emergency.  I hope they are able to sort things out and he shows improvement.


This rain has demotivated me and made me fuzzy.  I have had three cups of coffee and I usually only have one!  Still fuzzy, so I guess I will give myself a good talking to and get my butt up off the couch.  Although it would be lovely to sit here reading all day.  Ciao ciao.

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22 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning everyone, 


It's a somewhat wet morning here in the Pacific Northwest. None of today's events speak to me but that's fine. 

Positives: DH had his last infusion last Friday and his PICC line out on Saturday. Monday DS came and almost finished the ramp. We still need a few more pickets and then the non-skid surface applied. Wednesday afternoon we had our new mattress and base delivered. This time I wrote the date on the tag so I'd know when I start thinking we need a new one (the date was 2/2/22). 

Not-so-positives: Wednesday evening 911 was called as DH was talking in gibberish for most of his words. Off he went via medic unit to the local hospital in a freezing rain. I stayed home and talked to the hospital then went in yesterday morning. He got into the ER at 1:00 AM and we finally were admitted (after tests including an MRI) at 3:00 PM. For most of the time he was the only one in the ER. He can get some intelligible words out and then it dissolves into nonsense. He uses inflections, etc. so you know he's asking a question or excited about something. His MRI isn't showing anything so still no reason for this. I'm heading in shortly (I'm allowed in) and will encourage looking at infections, etc. We shall see. I just talked to the nurse and he's eating well and in good spirits but his speech is still garbled. 


He keeps our life intersting! Have a good Friday everyone and I'll be checking back at the end of the day. I also get new tires installed on the car today so will leave the hospital for a couple of hours and then head back. 



Sending prayers 🙏 that your DH is given the all clear Karen.


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27 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning everyone, 


It's a somewhat wet morning here in the Pacific Northwest. None of today's events speak to me but that's fine. 

Positives: DH had his last infusion last Friday and his PICC line out on Saturday. Monday DS came and almost finished the ramp. We still need a few more pickets and then the non-skid surface applied. Wednesday afternoon we had our new mattress and base delivered. This time I wrote the date on the tag so I'd know when I start thinking we need a new one (the date was 2/2/22). 

Not-so-positives: Wednesday evening 911 was called as DH was talking in gibberish for most of his words. Off he went via medic unit to the local hospital in a freezing rain. I stayed home and talked to the hospital then went in yesterday morning. He got into the ER at 1:00 AM and we finally were admitted (after tests including an MRI) at 3:00 PM. For most of the time he was the only one in the ER. He can get some intelligible words out and then it dissolves into nonsense. He uses inflections, etc. so you know he's asking a question or excited about something. His MRI isn't showing anything so still no reason for this. I'm heading in shortly (I'm allowed in) and will encourage looking at infections, etc. We shall see. I just talked to the nurse and he's eating well and in good spirits but his speech is still garbled. 


He keeps our life intersting! Have a good Friday everyone and I'll be checking back at the end of the day. I also get new tires installed on the car today so will leave the hospital for a couple of hours and then head back. 




Karen, I'm so sorry to hear the latest news about your DH.  I'm hoping they can figure out what is causing the problem and do something to fix it.  Prayers for both of you!

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