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Question about insurance


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I too buy it w/in 14 days so I can get the pre-existing conditions waiver. If anything should happen to my elderly parents who take lots of medications I would hate for the insurance company to deny the benefits.


Mardi Gras 4/1988

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I think it just a comfort thing for most people. After seeing someone airlifted from the ship, my first thought was "Man, I hope they have insurance". I have no idea what an airlift would cost but I'm sure it's not cheap. Buying insurance is really just like placing a bet before you get to the casino. If you buy it, you're betting that something might happen and you'll be paid.


Personally, I could just cut back a few hands of blackjack and still come out ahead having purchased insurance! icon_wink.gif


Carnival Miracle, April 04



'til my next cruise fix on the Victory!


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Welcome to my world, Chris!


I, too, never buy insurance. As is discussed on the "Man Airlifted off Spirit" thread, I find it unnecessary... especially traveling alone. Now, if I had kids or elderly with me, I might reconsider.


As I said on the other thread, the most costly and important coverage is medical. I checked my policy and BC/BS covers EVERYTHING the travel insurance does except for return home. Return home would be less than $1200 on spur of the moment from as far away as Aruba.


I'm one who doesn't buy into the scare tactics on the insurance. I have enough $$ to buy a swimsuit, a dress and some shorts if luggage is lost (you have to pay for it yourself ANYWAY and hope for reimbursement 60+ days after coming home).


I have enough for an "emergency" flight home.


BC/BS will air evac me if necessary and pre-approve all costs, so I have no out of pocket money needed for medical care.


Trip delay? I won't hear of it, but always have a back up plan on flights and times.


Cancellation? I'd have to have three broken legs and a broken arm to cancel.


Death on Board? Who cares? I'm dead!


I find the expense to be unnecessary considering the odds of something so drastic happening that I couldn't swing it financially on my own. Again, with the insurance, you STILL have to swing it financially on your own until you get home.


Otherwise, I enjoy the 14 or so foo foo drinks the insurance cost wouldn't allow me to enjoy otherwise.


Lido Deck Linda








Fantasy 2/6/2000

Victory 3/23/2003

Destiny 4/25/2004

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Linda: I wonder if all BC/BS are the same from state to state? My DH has pre-existing medical condition, so we just starting buying insurance again. We have BC/BS but I'm scared to trust a clerk on the phone giving me an answer that yes they will cover us medically whereever we are. I am glad you posted that info though, I will call my union and talk to benefits there. She should be able to talk to someone with clout that can answer that question. My new Monday project! Can't start something like that in the middle of the week! The air vac is the one that is in the back of my mind. So they loose my luggage, whoever finds the rags can have them! LOL. icon_biggrin.gif


Vision of the Seas 11/04

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Ooppss! Forget to say, the amount of premimum we pay per month, BC/BS should come get us themselves! Forget air vac!


Vision of the Seas 11/04

Carnival Spirit 10/03

Ecstasy 12/02

Ecstasy 05/02

Statendam 12/01

Norwegian Wind 12/00

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Luckily, I work for/with emergency room physicians (i do their administrative stuff), so we have the best BC/BS has to offer and it can't seem to be touched by other insurers or we'd switch (and it's fully paid by employer! icon_biggrin.gif). I think they have varied plans, though.


You should have a policy book explaining every benefit of your insurance. If not, ask for one at work so you have it handy.


And, besides, it's more fun to get all new crap in the Caribbean than to be stuck with your old crap and luggage from home! icon_biggrin.gif Since I take enough $$ to replace luggage and belongings "just in case" anyway, the benefit of the travel insurance just doesn't justify the cost.


Lido Deck Linda








Fantasy 2/6/2000

Victory 3/23/2003

Destiny 4/25/2004

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BS/BS may *say* that they cover worldwide, but the key here is to make sure that wherever you end up, that the facility PARTICIPATES with BS/BS. If they do not, then YOU have to pay out-of-pocket and wait for BS/BS to reimburse you.


We get so spolied by just having to flash the card and not ever having to write a check that we do not realize that it doesn't work that way in the rest of the world, especially some of the backwater places that cruise ships visit.


Tom <--- Curmudgeon of the Seas


Eleven cruises so far. Up next:

Shhhh, it's a surprise!


And then:

Carnival Spirit 12/10/05 Mexican Riviera


Perhaps something else as well. Watch this space.


Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, and work when somebody's watching.

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Linda: You are awesome. Just happened to know right where that policy was! Just never got around to reading it, would rather be on cruise critic board. LOL. BUT, first paragraph says "Members are covered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for emergency services anywhere in the WORLD!" Guess air vac would apply. I'm gonna make a copy of that page and put it in my cruise folder with documents, passports and the such! Thank you for getting me off my butt to check this stuff out....Foofoos all around!


Vision of the Seas 11/04

Carnival Spirit 10/03

Ecstasy 12/02

Ecstasy 05/02

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Tom: You are absolutely right. That was the next paragraph, "If you use a non-participating provider, blah, blah, blah." Could you please find me a BC/BS participating provider Mr. Air vac pilot? Please? But its a start.


Vision of the Seas 11/04

Carnival Spirit 10/03

Ecstasy 12/02

Ecstasy 05/02

Statendam 12/01

Norwegian Wind 12/00

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SS: Also take the page on "AMBULANCES". Mine specifically states "AIR EVAC" as covered.


Tom: BC/BS will approve payment anywhere in the world as long as the hospital is 'real' and the physician 'licensed'.


A small co-pay might be needed for NON participating facilities, I would have to check (policy is at home, i'm faking it at work).


Certainly, however, I would not be scaring up $10K+ for a hospital bill as long as I'm covered on my current policy.


Lido Deck Linda








Fantasy 2/6/2000

Victory 3/23/2003

Destiny 4/25/2004

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I'd pay good money to be able to watch you try to convince the voodoo/witch doctor in Roatan that your card will pay him/her the 30 gazillion limpanas that he/she wants before performing any procedures.


BS/BS "approving" payment is one thing, convincing the locals to ACCEPT it in lieu of CASH is another. These people operate on hard currency cash basis accounting. "Insurance receivables" are a completely foreign concept.


Tom <--- Curmudgeon of the Seas


Eleven cruises so far. Up next:

Shhhh, it's a surprise!


And then:

Carnival Spirit 12/10/05 Mexican Riviera


Perhaps something else as well. Watch this space.


Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, and work when somebody's watching.

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Linda: Mine only states ambulance, but if the ship doctor tells me we gotta get off his boat, and the only way to go is by air vac, I would think that would be a pretty good argument. Guess we will roll the dice on that one!


Vision of the Seas 11/04

Carnival Spirit 10/03

Ecstasy 12/02

Ecstasy 05/02

Statendam 12/01

Norwegian Wind 12/00

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Tom: I'll bring my policy on Saturday and we can analyze it page by page icon_biggrin.gif.


FURTHER, I don't intend to see voodoo and/or witch doctors. Just nice American ones who know the BC/BS name!


And my 'hard currency' in UNFAILING U.S. dollars would be more valuable than ANY amount of lampanas (you know how much their value fluctuates! icon_wink.gif) Lampanas are also cumbersome to carry around, make change for, and convert to greenbacks. They should do away with lampanas altogether.


Well, the POINT of all this, I guess is that the Travel Insurance does NOT cover me any better than my own insurance for medical, whether it's pay up front or not.


The Travel Insurance folks aren't wiring lampanas to Roatan any quicker than BC is.


Lido Deck Linda








Fantasy 2/6/2000

Victory 3/23/2003

Destiny 4/25/2004

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SS: Look further! It MUST say somewhere more about ambulances! Do they give a mile radius limit or anything?


Lido Deck Linda








Fantasy 2/6/2000

Victory 3/23/2003

Destiny 4/25/2004

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It will probably make much more sense reading it after a few shots of sambuca.


Tom <--- Curmudgeon of the Seas


Eleven cruises so far. Up next:

Shhhh, it's a surprise!


And then:

Carnival Spirit 12/10/05 Mexican Riviera


Perhaps something else as well. Watch this space.


Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, and work when somebody's watching.

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Linda: Did not see any other mention of ambulance cept we would pay 20% of cost, which is for provider/non-provider. Also, its says annual maximum out of pocket $1000 per individual for provider and $2000 per individual for non-provider. So, DH and I are thinking the most we would have to pay would be the $2000, or have we been dreaming about too many foofoo drinks?


Vision of the Seas 11/04

Carnival Spirit 10/03

Ecstasy 12/02

Ecstasy 05/02

Statendam 12/01

Norwegian Wind 12/00

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SS: You'll have to bring your policy to the Michigan Meet & Greet on Saturday. Tom and I will be analyzing mine over shots of Sambuca and we can do yours side by side.


I think insurance will pay for your flight!!! icon_biggrin.gif


Lido Deck Linda








Fantasy 2/6/2000

Victory 3/23/2003

Destiny 4/25/2004

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by eerbeek:

Welcome to my world, Chris!


BC/BS will air evac me if necessary and pre-approve all costs, so I have no out of pocket money needed for medical care.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


If you are financially able to do those things that is fine. I have no argument with that at all. But, unless your BC/BS pays 100%, then you will have some out of pocket expense when you get home. And speaking of home, what if that "emergency flight home" is in a medivac jet from Aruba? icon_frown.gif


I just think most people are not willing or do not want to end up having to write a check for 8,9, or 10K icon_eek.gif dollars to cover their portion of the costs when it can be covered for a $60 or so insurance premium. I don't buy travel/med insurance because I am scared that something is going to happen. I buy it to insure the IF something does happen, my family's financial stability will not be in jeopardy and I won't spend the next 5 years or more paying off medical bills or leave my family owing a fortune.


You are at an advantage of traveling alone, but when you have a companion as I do, that $1200 flight home becomes $2400 and so on.


Having to buy additional clothes and supplies is not going to break me either if my luggage is lost, but coverage is nice to have just in case. There are other perks of travel/med insurance policies that I wouldn't necessarily influence me into buying the insurance, so I just consider them icing on the cake. The medical and travel coverage is my priority.


I am not arguing your points. They are well thought out and valid. You have your own reasons for not buying the insurance and rightfully so. It is a personal choice based on one's own financial strength and the amount of risk one is willing to accept.


But for those of us who haven't quite reached that financial independence pinnacle and have kids at home and in school and are doing all we can to work and save to get to take a cruise, I think the insurance is a wise and sound investment. JMHO. icon_biggrin.gif


Facation Fanatic


Fantasy - 6/02 Bahamas

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by eerbeek:

SS: You'll have to bring your policy to the Michigan Meet & Greet on Saturday. Tom and I will be analyzing mine over shots of Sambuca and we can do yours side by side.


I think insurance will pay for your flight!!! icon_biggrin.gif


Lido Deck Linda <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Linda: Thanks for the invite! As much as I would love to take the "Air vac" jet, DH doesn't fly. We must stay on the west coast! icon_biggrin.gif But you have given me foofoo drink (food) for thought. I will check with benefits and let them answer these important questions for me. Thats what they get paid for. I'm sure your interpretations will change as the evening goes on! Enjoy. icon_eek.gif


Vision of the Seas 11/04

Carnival Spirit 10/03

Ecstasy 12/02

Ecstasy 05/02

Statendam 12/01

Norwegian Wind 12/00

Viking Serenade 09/00

Rhapsody of the Seas 12/99

Holiday 01/98

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