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The Daily for Saturday 03/26/2022


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Another bright, sunny, Colorado morning. Highs in lower 70's predicted. I am going to try to take it easy for the next couple of days as I am feeling a bit draggy. It is allergy season, but I may do a home test for Covid if my drippy nose persists. All in all, looks like life as usual for Springtime in the Rockies... snow next week, maybe. Sorry to hear about the covid increases on the cruises. That would be a real bummer. Although as a single, it might be the only time I would have a balcony cabin.


And the above reminds me of my one visit to Albany, Australia. The final world cruise of the QE2. The only thing I saw of Albany (which looks like a lovely town) was 1) the pharmacy and 2) the farewell sendoff at the pier. I had the worst cold I have ever had in my life. Actually, many of the passengers had it. The coughing was awful- we sounded like a chorus of seals. There was a shuttle to the town center and I took it to the pharmacy for meds.... then back to the ship. The pharmacist was very helpful and also very busy since many of us were in thing begging relief. I did stagger out on deck to listen to the band send us on our way for the the ship's final exit from Australia. I loved that ship.






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Good afternoon everyone. @alliaschief so sorry you tested positive. A bummer anytime but especially on a cruise.Sorry to hear about Pauline too. My 14 year old niece in NY also tested positive. They are talking about the next variant being more contagious than Omicron. My physician says this virus is going to stick around like the flu. I hope he’s wrong. 
So sorry to hear about Marley. Jacqui has had so much to cope with. Wishing her strength as she continues on her journey which is one she never wanted to be on.

Please stay safe everyone,



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Good morning and thanks all. Sorry to hear about all the Covid, hope it is mild.  I know so many with it right now,  the BA2 variant is more infectious again than the original Omicrom.  Be careful! 
thanks for the photos Sandi,  how were the seas when you circumnavigated Australia? 

Baby Camilla is gorgeous, hope to see our new grand nephew tomorrow.  

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Good afternoon all , this is Tony , sailingdutchy reporting from our isolation cabin .

Thank you all yesterday and today for your kind remarks to us because of me testing positive .  I can tell you it was and still is a big shock to me to get that phone call ,  I can still hardly believe it also because we have been quite careful where a lot of other guests are not , they just do not adhere to some simple rules like having to wear a mask in an elevator which usually is crowded . The Captain mentioned that the rules will be tightened up again and they should .

I am very happy to say that so far I hardly have any symptoms , temperature is normal and just have a very slight cough once in a while , which is normal for me on a cruise due to all of the air conditioning . 

We had such a great time on board in the best Cabin we have ever occupied , the Signature Suite , so right now we feel very cramped in a small veranda. We also had such a good time with our new friends Fred and Mitzi going to our favorite specialty restaurants to be served by some very familiar people and also with Arie and Cheryl with whom we did a couple of nice tours .


Club Orange for as long as it lasted was also a success as long as the daily price is reasonable . fresh Orange Juice and or Mimosas are rated high on DW list . 


So now DW Martha and I are waiting to see where they will dump us in Florida until I have two negative days in a row , we have a number of questions for the front office and I also hope that Martha made the right decision to join me in isolation and will stay negative .

We will miss the next 10 day cruise to the ABC islands that are always so special to us and we had looked forward to. 

So thank you all , hope to get off the care list soon because others will need that more than we do. 

Have a great weekend everybody and to our good friends Ann and Pat @VictOriann enjoy your cruise you will be fine ! 

When I get home I hope to post some nice pictures from the Nieuw Statendam 


Tony & Martha 😍



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I'm one of those folks who look for all those little articles about Covid, you know the ones that are not making the news, because every one is sick of hearing about being sick.  I nag the DH about wearing a mask, I nag my friends about wearing a mask,  and while I have three cruises booked, I'm still anxious because I'm tired of seeing people being tired about caring for others.  I have lost friendships  over the last two years, they think I'm weird for being afraid of Covid. I am not scared of Covid, I'm scared of them.  I read this morning about the waiting game the government is playing right now about getting our second booster.  They don't want it out too early because it might not be right, and if they put it out too late, well, then it's too late.


I am so sorry for my Daily family who have come down with this over the last week.  I know you have been boostered, and should only get a mild case, but it's still a case you shouldn't have gotten, if everyone else was doing the right thing.  


I think I'm done venting now.  



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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily @richwmn and to all contributors.

Of course one thinks of Spock's Live Long and Prosper, being a Star Trek fan. Hmmm, what holiday do I want? Spinach is ok.

Interesting quote.

I'll pass on the meal and the drink. I've never had a GSM wine.

I've been to Australia, but not Albany. Thanks for the pictures.


There was a little snow on the roofs this morning, but it's gone now; more snow this afternoon with temps in the 30's. I went and got my 4th Moderna shot (booster) a bit ago. It was a half dose, unlike the 3rd shot which was a full dose. Hopefully less side effects, but I never had any truly bad ones. !!! My crown didn't even make it 12 hours!!! It went on at 8:30 yesterday morning and came off during dinner at 7PM (eating pizza). I"ll call on Monday and I guess they'll use the 3D model they generated to make a new one. The dentist says he's never seen this before. Again, the adhesive sticks to my tooth great, but not to the crown. Go figure.


@Heartgrove Congrats to Sue on being the May featured artist at the Co-op Gallery.

@kazu Prayers for Jose and you.

@StLouisCruisers Continued prayers for Jen and Buddy.

@smitty34877 Miss Camilla is a charmer! She always looks so alert.

@aliaschief Oh no, sorry to hear of the positive Covid test. I hope your symptoms remain mild.

@grapau27 Sorry to hear that Pauline tested positive, but I'm glad she is feeling better.

@sailingdutchy I'm glad you are feeling pretty good, but sad that this happened and that you will miss the next cruise to the ABC islands.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Extra prayers for Ukraine and its people.

Stay safe, and wear your mask when indicated.

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I just finished reading yesterday’s Daily and wanted to congratulate Roy @rafinmd on his test results. Great job!  And your cruise over the 4th of July sounds awesome. Enjoy!


Also for Tony @sailingdutchy — sorry to hear you are positive for Covid. What a bummer to have your lovely cruise shortened. Can’t wait to see your pictures when you post them. Take care and get well quickly!

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Good morning, all! I’ve always been a Star Trek fan. I like spinach BUT if I were to make my own holiday, it would NOT be Spinach Day. 
Edit - I really like today’s quote. When my DD’s were small, we knew a couple that would not allow their children to read fairytales, or fiction of any kind. They didn’t want their children believing things that weren’t true. Needless to say, the children grew up to believe that anything you read is true, because that’s what they were taught growing up. Fairy tales not only develop the imagination, they teach a child to take what they read or hear with a grain of salt.
Yesterday was spent cutting and pulling blackberry vines out of the walnut tree. I had completely cleared the tree in September. The fact that they can grow that high over the course of winter, and a cold one at that, is a little scary. 
Prayers to all who need them. It’s been a difficult week week for many in our Daily family!

Happy Saturday, especially happy for those boarding a BHB today!


Edited by Horizon chaser 1957
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Mrs. XBGuy sent these to me.  I think they are hilarious










Although it just dawned on me that many readers from England may be appalled by Americans' idea of what bacon should be,  Sorry.  I still think it's funny.

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Thanks for our Saturday Daily, Rich.


another Star Trek fan here (and Picard) so I love the “Live long and prosper”.  If I were to create a holiday it would be Daily-ite Day as everyone here is so kind and caring.  Thank you everyone for your very kind words on Marley’s passing.


My morning was a difficult one.  Woke up and automatically went to the door to let the dog out and stopped remembering I had no one to let out 😔 I didn’t want to slip up and forget the Bon Voyage for today so went to post it and guess what?  No sailing on the HAL site.  it must have been a changed sailing and the person listed didn’t tell me.


When I got to the hospital, I went to put the car keys in my pocket and of course, Marley’s bags were still there for clean up on our walk.  Reached into the other pocket to get a kleenex and his treats from yesterday were still there.  Painful.  I think I had better check all the coats and get the bags out (there’s probably at least one in every coat.   LOL.


I haven’t been without a pet for decades so this is unlike any loss I have had before.  Bear with me and I will try to be more cheerful and have more memes


There is a woman here rescuing dogs from Egypt that are abused there.  My friend has reached out to her and she will take my dog beds, treats, etc.

I could return the probiotics, etc but I’d rather see them go to someone who needs them and, honestly, I don’t need the grief of having to tell them my last dog died.  There are boxes filled for her.


@smitty34877lovely picture of Camilla. 👍 


3 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Well my cruise is pretty much over as I have tested positive for Covid. I have elected to stay on board and go into quarantine on a balcony cabin.


I woke up with some congestion and scratchy throat. Well, this is a bummer but it is what it is.


I am so very sorry to hear this, Bruce. 😞 I hope your symptoms are mild and you test negative very soon 🤞 


@grapau27so sorry to hear Pauline’s results.  I hope she recovers quickly with few symptoms 🤞 


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.  


Have a good Saturday everyone!  Stay safe & please don’t forget your mask when needed.

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Good morning to all Dailyites and Happy Saturday!  For once I can actually contribute something.  For Make your own Holiday, how about "Surprise" 80th Birthday Party for Mary Kay". My birthday is next week, but my step-daughter has organized this "surprise". I wish it wasn't happening, but she loves this kind of thing, and I am IT.


My hugs and prayers go out to @kazuand @erewhonfor their losses of such special fur babies.  I have been through some of these awful times so grieve with you.  As I am sure you know, your fur babies felt your special love.


@smitty34877, Miss Camilla is beautiful.  She is so alert looking, and can't wait to see her as she grows up.  Such beautiful dark hair.  Thanks so much for sharing her with us.


I spent the early part of the week worrying about a medical test.  Results came out okay, for which I am thankful.  Now, next week is my first visit with a new cardiologist.  I was not happy when my old cardiology practice was dissolved, and unfortunately can't follow my previous doc.  Hence, a new one, so will have to see how that works out!  And, now I have learned two more foods I shouldn't eat due to high iron.  My red blood cell count (a problem that is unavoidable) is way too high, so I need to avoid such foods.  Major problem when they serve liver and onions on a BHB!


@rafinmd, your improving PSA results were so great.  I do understand your concern.  Just before my DH passed away, I was insisting on a PSA test because he had other symptoms, but all was okay.  All of his late problems were just related to his IPF.


So sorry to read of the COVID cases our "family" is experiencing on cruise ships or shortly thereafter.  Hope everyone has a mild case, such as I had after being on the Zuiderdam.


Many thanks to all who contribute to this safe, and caring community!  Have a great day.

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Tony @sailingdutchy~~could be a false positive???😲 This happened to my husband's aunt when she was in FL and she 'redid" the test. We were 100% certain that there was no way she could have Covid. 👍Turned out she was actually negative. 

Could you request for another test onboard?


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👍Thank you for The Daily, Rich @richwmnand to Roy @rafinmdfor the Care and Celebration Lists.

😥 I'm saddened to hear about our family of cruisers testing positive while on their voyages.🚢

🙏Prayers to all in need and to the brave people of Ukraine.🙏 Also, to the countries that are welcoming the flow of refugees.


P.S. We were in Albany on a HAL circumnavigation in 2014.


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3 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

@grapau27I hope that Pauline stays feeling well and she is on the mend.  @aliaschiefI am so sorry you caught COVID on ship.  We sweated our test before our leg 2.  People were still mask mandated before our test.  I think COVID will be very slow to pull her claws out of us.   Stay well everyone and wear your masks.  


3 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

@grapau27,I am sorry to hear Pauline is positive.I hope she can get over this quickly.


3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning from a cloudy day in the PNW.  

Good collection of days.  I'll pass on the meal, don't care for pasta with beans.  Last night's fish fry was a hit!  (I did the Rachael Ray version) but in my deep fryer.  Will pass on the red wine, the drink sounds good. I like raw spinach in salads, cooked not so much.  I agree with Debbie @dfishthat the Pinnacle spinach is ... ew.  


We will hopefully be in Albany, Australia on the '24 Grand Australia.  Thank you @tjcox9and @StLouisCruisersfor the great photos!


Thank you @smitty34877for another adorable photo of little Camilla! 

I'm sorry to hear that @aliaschiefand Pauline @grapau27have tested positive for Covid.  Prayers that symptoms remain mild.


2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

@grapau27what a shame for Pauline to come down with the virus after your wonderful cruise!  I seem to hear a lot more lately about positive cases.  I hope Pauline and all the rest of our CC friends have only minor symptoms.


Love the new Camilla photo Terry @smitty34877!!  She's so darn cute!


2 hours ago, dfish said:


Spinach and beets contain high amounts of oxalate.  The majority of kidney stones are calcium oxalate, so there is the problem.   Spinach, beets, almonds, and rhubarb are the major culprits.



Maybe not.  I hope not.  I'm sorry you have tested positive and hope you have a very mild case with no lingering after effects.   



I am so sorry Pauline has tested positive.  I hope she has a very light case and recovers quickly and fully.


2 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning everyone and Happy Saturday!


@erewhon and @kazu I am so sorry for the loss of your fur babies. 

To Graham‘s Pauline @grapau27 & Bruce @aliaschief Gosh!  I hope you both have mild symptoms. What a bummer!


Take care everyone and have a great day!


1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily @richwmn and to all contributors.

Of course one thinks of Spock's Live Long and Prosper, being a Star Trek fan. Hmmm, what holiday do I want? Spinach is ok.

Interesting quote.

I'll pass on the meal and the drink. I've never had a GSM wine.

I've been to Australia, but not Albany. Thanks for the pictures.


There was a little snow on the roofs this morning, but it's gone now; more snow this afternoon with temps in the 30's. I went and got my 4th Moderna shot (booster) a bit ago. It was a half dose, unlike the 3rd shot which was a full dose. Hopefully less side effects, but I never had any truly bad ones. !!! My crown didn't even make it 12 hours!!! It went on at 8:30 yesterday morning and came off during dinner at 7PM (eating pizza). I"ll call on Monday and I guess they'll use the 3D model they generated to make a new one. The dentist says he's never seen this before. Again, the adhesive sticks to my tooth great, but not to the crown. Go figure.


@Heartgrove Congrats to Sue on being the May featured artist at the Co-op Gallery.

@kazu Prayers for Jose and you.

@StLouisCruisers Continued prayers for Jen and Buddy.

@smitty34877 Miss Camilla is a charmer! She always looks so alert.

@aliaschief Oh no, sorry to hear of the positive Covid test. I hope your symptoms remain mild.

@grapau27 Sorry to hear that Pauline tested positive, but I'm glad she is feeling better.

@sailingdutchy I'm glad you are feeling pretty good, but sad that this happened and that you will miss the next cruise to the ABC islands.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Extra prayers for Ukraine and its people.

Stay safe, and wear your mask when indicated.


40 minutes ago, irishjim said:



37 minutes ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Saturday Daily, Rich.


another Star Trek fan here (and Picard) so I love the “Live long and prosper”.  If I were to create a holiday it would be Daily-ite Day as everyone here is so kind and caring.  Thank you everyone for your very kind words on Marley’s passing.


My morning was a difficult one.  Woke up and automatically went to the door to let the dog out and stopped remembering I had no one to let out 😔 I didn’t want to slip up and forget the Bon Voyage for today so went to post it and guess what?  No sailing on the HAL site.  it must have been a changed sailing and the person listed didn’t tell me.


When I got to the hospital, I went to put the car keys in my pocket and of course, Marley’s bags were still there for clean up on our walk.  Reached into the other pocket to get a kleenex and his treats from yesterday were still there.  Painful.  I think I had better check all the coats and get the bags out (there’s probably at least one in every coat.   LOL.


I haven’t been without a pet for decades so this is unlike any loss I have had before.  Bear with me and I will try to be more cheerful and have more memes


There is a woman here rescuing dogs from Egypt that are abused there.  My friend has reached out to her and she will take my dog beds, treats, etc.

I could return the probiotics, etc but I’d rather see them go to someone who needs them and, honestly, I don’t need the grief of having to tell them my last dog died.  There are boxes filled for her.


@smitty34877lovely picture of Camilla. 👍 



I am so very sorry to hear this, Bruce. 😞 I hope your symptoms are mild and you test negative very soon 🤞 


@grapau27so sorry to hear Pauline’s results.  I hope she recovers quickly with few symptoms 🤞 


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.  


Have a good Saturday everyone!  Stay safe & please don’t forget your mask when needed.


33 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

@grapau27Sorry to hear about Pauline.  I hope her symptoms are mile and she gets over the cough real soon.  I hope you stay well,.

Take care,


Thank you all for your lovely kind concerns for Pauline.

You are all so caring and loving.

Early last week we hardly got any sleep because she was coughing a lot during the night and was overheating so we had the bedroom window open wide.

She is a lot better yesterday and today but still coughing although a lot less and a little breathless when she over does things.

Graham x



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Good morning from the Koningsdam.  We're sitting off Santa Barbara, and I'm not sure about going ashore today.  It is very overcast and foggy.  We can see a little more of town but still not much.  DH has been to Santa Barbara, but I haven't.  I may wait until next week to go ashore.


Our covid test was very early this morning, and we're both negative. 👍 Sadly, I cannot say the same of at least one person who was tested shortly before we were.  We think there are other cases on board as several people were coughing in the Lido this morning.  Fortunately, all but 40 are getting off tomorrow, and now two more will be leaving after one tested positive. 


Sadly, more and more people on board don't wear their masks even in the elevators.  They are still required in the tenders.  I hope the Captain tightens the mask requirements, but I'm not holding my breath.  To avoid unnecessary risk, we spend most of our time in the cabin and have a table for two in the MDR.


We wear our masks whenever we leave the cabin.  In places where we are not sitting close to others we might remove our masks, but probably not so much now.  About the only time we took off our masks on shore was in the golf cart yesterday.  Otherwise, we stay masked when off the ship.


An interesting collection of days.  I hope to live long and prosper with good health.  For my holiday, I think I'll also celebrate International Dailyite Day, and honor a place and group who have greatly helped make the last two years better. I'll take my spinach raw in a salad, but don't serve me cooked spinach.  Ironically, spinach must not be too expensive and is plentiful since it shows up almost everyday at dinner.


The quote is very true, and we read to our DDs everyday until they could read on their own.


We'll pass on the meal, drink  and wine.  


We have not been to Albany, Australia, but hope to get there someday.  @tjcox9 and @StLouisCruisers Thank you for sharing your pictures.


@kazu  Jacqui, I wish there was a way to ease your pain.  I know that losing your last pet is even harder. When our Nikki died, we donated her beds to an animal rescue shelter where they would use them for dogs recovering from surgery.  Know that we all are mourning Marley, and are sending love and big virtual hugs.

@smitty34877  Terry, thaks for another great picture of Camilla.

@grapau27  Graham, I'm sorry Pauline has Covid, and I hope she is over it soon.  I also hope you continue to test negative.  Your new cruise sounds nice.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I'm sorry you tested positive.  I hope it is a mild case, and you feel better soon.

@summer slope  The air fryer I have is Emeri's that looks a lot like the InstantPot or PowerXL that has three racks.  At the time I bought it, it seemed the sturdiest and best built.  I have not been disappointed with it.  I'm not sure if that model is still available. 




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53 minutes ago, kazu said:

I haven’t been without a pet for decades so this is unlike any loss I have had before.  Bear with me and I will try to be more cheerful and have more memes


Jacqui, our prayers are with you as you experience a totally different type of "empty nest" experience. With everything you are going through regarding Jose, and then having to make a very difficult decision out of love for Marley, your life has been changed. May God fill any emptiness that is trying to creep into your heart and thoughts. May you experience that Peace that surpasses all understanding. May the plants and flowers of your heart blossom and flourish during this season.

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Catching up with The Daily this morning in the Crow’s Nest on the Zuiderdam. Missed celebrating Waffles Day yesterday with a waffle, but have certainly had my share of waffles on this nice 35 day cruise. Spinach is good, especially fresh as a salad with bacon & egg, enjoyed a few Star Trek episodes, & enjoy reading a fairy tale, especially with children! A view of the ship’s library, no fairy tales?!


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