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The Daily for Tuesday 05/24/2022


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1 minute ago, summer slope said:

Good morning.  Don't have a tiara, not interested in Escargot, but have 2 brothers.  Love one, tolerate the other.  I really can relate to the quote, that fit my mother to a tee.  Will pass on the meal.  Have not been to Grenada.  Have fun to our group who are meeting up tomorrow.

Major prayers to our care list.  A whoohoo to our celebrations.

Please continue to stay safe.

Makers Mark Sour:

2 parts Maker's Mark® Bourbon
1 part Simple Syrup
1/2 part Lemon Juice
Garnish: Cherries

Add Maker’s Mark® Bourbon, lemon juice and simple syrup into an ice-filled shaker and shake until well chilled. Strain into a rocks glass over fresh ice. Garnish with a slice of lemon, top with a cherry and serve.


Screen Shot 2022-05-24 at 9.59.07 AM.png

I like them

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Good morning to everyone..... I and back from the dog shows!!! I have missed you. New Mexico was hot and smoky. I am trying to catch up and will write more later. This morning I have an appointment with the dermatologist. And my kitchen is still under renovation.... they are always too optimistic about the time needed . Bandit was very happy to come home from the spa although he always seems to have a good time and never shows any reluctance to go. 



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Good morning all! Another nice day here in NW Washington. It's supposed to get up to the mid 60's F.  Slowly but surely it's warming up.


I've never had a tiara, no thanks on the escargot -- too much of a reminder of all the snails I do battle with in the garden. 🐌  No brothers, but I have 2 BILs.  Love the Erma Bombeck quote and miss her.  Not sure about the meal, will pass on the wine and drink. Have never been to Grenada.  Thanks for the photos!


DH and I have our suitcases out for our trip to Yellowstone next week.  So I'll be slowly adding things to mine, but most of the packing will have to be done in the last couple days.  We're doing all carry-on so it will all have to fit in 2 smallish bags. Looks like typical spring weather there, cold nights and cool-warm days.   Excited to have DD, DSIL and the grandsons coming with us!  DS and DDIL would love to go, but are up to their necks with renovations on the house and work.  Maybe next time.


Have a great day everyone!





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@dfish Debbie, great recipe - I didn’t know you could buy chickpea flour.  I love Carribbean rotis and once made the rotis  from chickpeas which was a lot of trouble.  Then I made chicken curry  for them, a long time ago.


my DH is scheduled for surgery today at 1:30,  I have to leave him off and come back in about 4-5 hours when they call.  Thanks to everyone for the support and kind comments.



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Good morning from a cloudy and windy central Texas.. We got some thunder and a little rain overnight.  There is still a prediction for severe thunderstorms this evening into tomorrow morning.


DH has tow bothers, and they talk on the phone fairly often.  DH and I both like escargot, but they don't like me.  DH has them on BHBs.  I had a tiara at one time, and like @cunnorl, we wore ours to dances, mainly in junior high school.  


The Erma Bombeck quote is true, and I always enjoyed her writing.


Like @kazu Jacqui, @dfish  Debbie lost me at chickpeas.  We'll pass on the drink too, but the wine sounds nice.  We've enjoyed many bottles of Cotes du Rhone wine, just not this particular one.


We have been to Grenada twice, but once was in the pre-digital age.  I'll look for the pictures I posted on October 2, 2021.


@kazu  Jacqui, the flowers are lovely, and I like the tiara memes.

@marshhawk  Ann, I think you made the correct decision for your health and happiness.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I'll wish you an early  🎈 BON YOYAGE 🥂 since tomorrow will probably be hectic, and you may not have time to read the Daily.  Hope your tests come back negative.  Thanks for sharing more pictures of cute Gracie.

@ger_77 Gerry, safe travels tomorrow to what will be a bittersweet goodbye to your uncle.

@Cruising-along  Carolyn, I know you will have a great time in Yellowstone.

@kb4683  Woo-Hoo on the negative tests.  🛳️ BON VOYAGE 🍾 tomorrow.

@durangoscots  Susan, welcome home.  Hope they finish the kitchen renovation soon.

@Cat in my lap  Best wishes that your DH's outpatient surgery goes smoothly.




Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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On our first visit to Grenada in the 1990s, we walked into town and around the harbor.  Once we got passed all the people outside the gate trying to sell tours, we enjoyed our walk.  On the way back to the ship, we talked to one person who offered to take us to a snorkeling beach in his boat and pick us up a couple of hours later.  After we went to the ship and changed and got our snorkeling gear, we took him up on his offer.  It was pleasant time snorkeling until it started pouring rain, and it was a cold boat ride back to the ship.


In 2015, with the new cruise terminal and a better arrangement of vendors outside the gate, the situation was a lot better.  As it was their Independence Day, everyone was in a good mood and celebrating.


Both times we've been to Grenada, I bought spices, which are so much better than you can get in the grocery stores.  In 2015, when I told the Customs official I was bringing spices back, he asked if the were whole or ground.  Fortunately, I had the ground spices, as he would have confiscated the whole spices.


 I only have pictures from our call on February 6, 2015, on the Ruby Princess.  That day, we took the tourist train around town, then checked out a local grocery store and bought some cokes for the ship.


The view as we approached the port.



Our transportation for the day.  DH and I along with one other person were in the last row and were facing backwards.  It was easy to get pictures of where we had been.



Town which was getting ready for Independence Day celebrations.







We went up the big hill behind downtown, but came back through this tunnel.





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29 minutes ago, Cat in my lap said:

my DH is scheduled for surgery today at 1:30,  I have to leave him off and come back in about 4-5 hours when they call.  Thanks to everyone for the support and kind comments.


Prayers for successful surgery and a quick recovery for your DH 🙏🏻 


1 hour ago, kb4683 said:




YIPPEE 🙂. Bon Voyage!  





32 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

DH and I have our suitcases out for our trip to Yellowstone next week.  So I'll be slowly adding things to mine, but most of the packing will have to be done in the last couple days.  We're doing all carry-on so it will all have to fit in 2 smallish bags. Looks like typical spring weather there, cold nights and cool-warm days.   Excited to have DD, DSIL and the grandsons coming with us!  


Your trip sounds wonderful.  Have fun packing and very safe travels next week.


3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  Two hours until our rapid test appointments.  Getting nervous!  


Hoping you fail (negative).  I know they will be so Bon Voyage 🙂 




3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:




She is just so sweet.  ♥️ 


@ger_77Gerry - wishing you very safe travels tomorrow as you make the sad trip to lay your uncle to rest 💔 


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This morning at the doc's I did something I have always wanted to do.  I arrived on time (I had verifed the appointment the day before).  The young man behind the desk got my paperwork, asked to make copies of my current insurance, and then the woman next to him told him I wasn't on the schedule.  Someone had cancelled my appointment.  Ok I arrived at 8:45 the original appointment time, and the woman yesterday told me it was at nine.  The young man said he would squeeze me in, 30 minutes later, I told him thanks for the trouble, but time is money, and I am worth more than being cancelled, and ignored.  He told me to have a nice day.  You too, I said, and left.  And that is the end of that doctor.  But I will send him a letter.  And copy Medicare and Aetna in the event that they try to bill them.


I'm too old to take crap-I can give it out, but I wont accept it.



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I am a nervous wreck here!  The woman at Walgreen's said 2 to 3 hours (website says 2 hours).  


My results came back NEGATIVE at 11:11 am.   YAY!


It's been 2+ hours since we took the test, and 50 minutes since my results came back, but DH's still haven't come in!  At 12:50 it will be 3 hours and if they don't come back by then, he is going to call them.  He may have to test again.  Cross fingers and say a prayer it's not lost!



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We arrived home safely and on time yesterday. I guess the time zones got to me again as I slept to ten AM this morning. Lot’s on schedule with unpacking, grocery shopping and mail sorting for starters.


Nice to hear negative test results and that folks are going or on cruises. It’s time to get back to sea and make up for lost time.


Prayers for those on Care list. Thanks to Rich and to all who contribute to my Daily read.

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Me again. My dermatologist appointment got cancelled..... someone evidently totaled a deer and their car on the way in to work this morning and so they asked if I would mind rescheduling to Thursday. Fine with me. I will continue trying to bring some order out of the chaos in my house....the cabinet arrangements are different from what I had. I am doing a second round of tossing.... and trying to put the essentials where I can find them.  I struggled yesterday with shopping as "they" have rearranged my local grocery store - rearranging is not good for this old lady...it takes me forever to locate things as I wander the aisles. And they have added additional shelves ....up.... and I am short. 


The dog shows went well. There were some glitches and a number of the volunteers did not show up but I think the exhibitors were happy. With the lack of volunteers I really wracked up the fitbit steps but that is ok. I slept well at night.


Sending best wishes to all who need them and happy cruising to those who are bound away. @marchhawk - you are so right to cut back. No one needs to be overdoing. 






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3 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I am a nervous wreck here!  The woman at Walgreen's said 2 to 3 hours (website says 2 hours).  


My results came back NEGATIVE at 11:11 am.   YAY!


It's been 2+ hours since we took the test, and 50 minutes since my results came back, but DH's still haven't come in!  At 12:50 it will be 3 hours and if they don't come back by then, he is going to call them.  He may have to test again.  Cross fingers and say a prayer it's not lost!



Oh, Sandi 😱. I would be a nervous wreck, too!   🥳 on your negative and🤞 for a negative for DH — and SOON!

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It was a beautiful day on Rhodes but I saw no cats (or elephants--from my Greek lessons I expected to see elephants everywhere).


The synagogue is the oldest in Greece.





Edited by kochleffel
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Okay, DH called and waited on hold for the pharmacy, and finally the woman answers.  He asks her if she knows what happened to his results since I already had mine.  She said "Oh I just got busy.  You'll get the results soon!"  


Can you believe it?  Busy doing the front register and delaying sending out Covid test results.  Obviously just a technician and not the pharmacist.  


Five excruciating minutes later the results arrived.  NEGATIVE like mine.  So finally I can relax a little bit.  My poor stomach with all this stress!


Thanks for your support everyone.  @kb4683 Kay, do you know if I need to do anything with our negative results, like on the Princess Medallion app?  I haven't even thought that far ahead.

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@StLouisCruisers  edited to congratulate both of you!  Some people have no empathy, so they do not understand how their actions, or in this case- inactions, affect others.  


So I survived kickboxing. I might not have been elegant, and I might not have been able to get as low as some of my fellow classmates. - but I could keep up. I was literally drenched in sweat. I had to shower and wash my hair before I was even presentable enough to take Bindi out. 😎 I foresee a dip in my pool later. 

And in honor of Tiara Day, here’s a pic from my “unofficial” retirement luncheon. The tiara is a bit hard to make out. And NO that is not real fur.


Edited by cat shepard
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Good afternoon everyone.  Thanks for the daily report and recipes and lists.  Crowns off to tiaras and escargot.  My brother and I rarely speak, maybe today no promises though.  That’s a funny quote by Erma Bombeck.  The meal suggestion sounds nice and light.  The drink sound very nice as well.  I haven’t been to today’s port in a long time but I remember the delicious nutmeg ice cream!  Prayers for everyone on our list today.  Cheers to all of you celebrating happy events!

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@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, glad the test results were negative.  Sorry for the wait, especially for your DH.  Now, please take a deep breath or two or three and relax.  Tomorrow you will be on Island Princess and heading for a wonderful 35 day adventure.


@marshhawk  Ann, how can someone cancel someone else's appointment that was confirmed the day before?  Definitely time to find a new doctor.  Hope you find a one you like and who is a good fit for you.


I thought today we could all use some more laughs, so I'm borrowing from Facebook again.

May be a cartoon of text


This for our cat lovers and dog lovers, who probably have had the same feeling at times.

May be an image of cat and text that says 'OMG, THE DOG FARTED! LEMME OUT! LEMME OUT!'


This one is really corny but funny.

May be an image of 4 people and text that says 'Gravity is isthe the most fundamental forceintheuniverse in the universe What would happen if you took it away? You'd have nothing left but gravy.'




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