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How is Royal handling sitting with table mates during Covid?

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8 minutes ago, Joseph2017China said:

Haven't seen a mask in church in a year.....plus, it's too hot to eat outside....most places only are inside.  But the difference is politics, not the virus, and who you want to follow.  If you follow the rules for mask, a cruise ship, is not the place to be on, especially if it leaves from Florida

Everyone on here is making their own decisions for what they are comfortable with doing at this point. I'm wearing a mask for the two weeks prior to my vacation (because I don't want COVID to interrupt my cruise), I'll wear it on the plane, and I'll have it with me on the boat. 

I understand that there are risks with me choosing to cruise, even though I tend to be quite cautious with COVID (I'm double vaxxed, boosted, and never had COVID), but I am content with the risks. But if I wear a mask on the cruise, does it really affect your cruise? No, it doesn't. Masks aren't required on cruises, so I understand the risk with that that carries, but I'm generally comfortable with the fact that nearly all passengers are vaccinated, many are boosted, and my family and myself are all vaccinated and boosted.

Edited by doppelganger2621
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19 hours ago, retired dude said:

things here in florida are not back to normal.....covid is running rampant, but people are blind to it. only 27% of the florida residents have been fully vaxed and boosters and they wonder why the rates are skyrocketing.....like ron white says:you can't fix stupid.

Only 27% of residents are fully boosted?   What exactly do you mean by fully?   By far, most people have been fully vaccinated.  Are the stats in FL on booster shoots that much different than the national average?  

Seems overall, most folks everywhere  don’t care to get booster after booster when it doesn’t do anything to stop infection.  My guess is FL is about average in booster shot %.   

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On 6/4/2022 at 2:44 PM, willing292 said:

They are not mixing passengers with others for dinner, unless they have linked their reservations.  

Of course they are. We requested a table for 10 near a window. All good.

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22 minutes ago, Joseph2017China said:

Haven't seen a mask in church in a year.....plus, it's too hot to eat outside....most places only are inside.  But the difference is politics, not the virus, and who you want to follow.  If you follow the rules for mask, a cruise ship, is not the place to be on, especially if it leaves from Florida

Not many mask wearers in my church.  Also, I beg to differ on your last comment as I sailed out of Bayonne on Anthem Easter sail and vast majority were non-mask wearers, other than the terminal.

Many Paxs are no longer as afraid and I'll give you an example.  We cruised  on Easter and the ship' sailing capacity was at 80% with some 1,200 children.  My kids have not sailed on Anthem and I gave them a guided tour on Monday as the weather was simply atrocious.  We passed by the indoor pool area and the place was mobbed.  The bars were some 8-10 deep and the pool was inundated with adults and children and hardly any place to swim.  Worse was the hot tubs, where there just have been some 2+ dozen adults and children at the same time.

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11 minutes ago, Tree_skier said:

You are right...  You can't fix stupid.



Screen Shot 2022-06-07 at 8.39.37 AM.png

Yep.  Had to look things up to verify what I’m sure I’ve read recently.  Only 7 states have higher than 40% that have been boosted.  The national average is 31%.   Most states center pretty close to that.  

The dominant majority have decided against a booster.  

Of course these stats don’t layer in how many people have had Covid.  I can hardly think of anyone I know that hasn’t been vaccinated or had covid.  Even those that are incredibly careful.  Most I know fall in both camps at this point because the vaccines don’t prevent infection from omicron and the omicron variants.  

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1 hour ago, doppelganger2621 said:

Everyone on here is making their own decisions for what they are comfortable with doing at this point. I'm wearing a mask for the two weeks prior to my vacation (because I don't want COVID to interrupt my cruise), I'll wear it on the plane, and I'll have it with me on the boat. 

I understand that there are risks with me choosing to cruise, even though I tend to be quite cautious with COVID (I'm double vaxxed, boosted, and never had COVID), but I am content with the risks. But if I wear a mask on the cruise, does it really affect your cruise? No, it doesn't. Masks aren't required on cruises, so I understand the risk with that that carries, but I'm generally comfortable with the fact that nearly all passengers are vaccinated, many are boosted, and my family and myself are all vaccinated and boosted.

Just some humor, I sailed out of Vancouver to AK and stepped into an elevator, completely full elevator, and the person next to me and husband....both with a mask on started fidgeting, and she said, I need to get off next floor, can't believe they jammed this elevator.  Now, did it affect my cruise?  No it did not, but most people that have moved on, don't care if a person, elects to mask or not.  But for whatever reason, it seems those with a mask, like to make comments that indicate the normal people are doing something wrong, and still endangering them.  As long as a person wears a mask, and accepts their surroundings, it is ok.  I could care less.  But don't take up space on an elevator, if you are afraid, now that affects my trip.

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4 hours ago, doppelganger2621 said:

I am content with the risks. But if I wear a mask on the cruise, does it really affect your cruise? No, it doesn't. 


Why even make that statement?  I have NEVER seen or heard of anyone complaining about other people wearing masks.  What I have seen and experienced are people reacting to others who are NOT wearing a mask.  Those reactions range from dirty looks, to rude comments, verbal confrontations, and (rarely) physical altercations.  


I only wear a mask when absolutely required.  I do see a few people still wearing masks in public, but I don't give them a second thought.  I assume they have a reason for it and that's their own business.  It does not affect me at all.  


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5 hours ago, Joseph2017China said:

Haven't seen a mask in church in a year.....plus, it's too hot to eat outside....most places only are inside.

I don't know why you felt the need to mention any of this, as if it were relevant or interesting in light of what I said.  I was speaking about my own area, where it is not too hot to eat outside the mask-wearers are what they are.  I made no comment about anywhere else.


I also doubt you have a source on your claim that "most places" (nationwide?  worldwide?) are "only . . . inside."  That is certainly not the case in my areas of Seattle and NY, which are the places I am qualified to comment on.


5 hours ago, Joseph2017China said:

But the difference is politics, not the virus, and who you want to follow.  If you follow the rules for mask, a cruise ship, is not the place to be on, especially if it leaves from Florida

I do not view it as political at all.  I view it as risk management, at least as practiced by myself.

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54 minutes ago, rudeney said:


Why even make that statement?  I have NEVER seen or heard of anyone complaining about other people wearing masks.  What I have seen and experienced are people reacting to others who are NOT wearing a mask.  Those reactions range from dirty looks, to rude comments, verbal confrontations, and (rarely) physical altercations.  


I only wear a mask when absolutely required.  I do see a few people still wearing masks in public, but I don't give them a second thought.  I assume they have a reason for it and that's their own business.  It does not affect me at all.  



Except for the person they responded to going off on a massive tangent saying because someone wears a mask they somehow shouldn't be a cruise. 


But sure.... You never see it lol. 


There is absolutely a subsection of people who get all upset people someone wears a mask. Otherwise you wouldn't have people purposely coughing on people and such. 


Both extreme sides have their nut jobs. 


Difference is lots of times in the past the ones complaining about people not wearing masks were outlining a policy by the local government or business that people didn't obey and forced minimum wage workers to confront them instead of following the rules. 

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24 minutes ago, J0Y0US said:


Except for the person they responded to going off on a massive tangent saying because someone wears a mask they somehow shouldn't be a cruise. 


But sure.... You never see it lol. 


There is absolutely a subsection of people who get all upset people someone wears a mask. Otherwise you wouldn't have people purposely coughing on people and such. 


Both extreme sides have their nut jobs. 


Difference is lots of times in the past the ones complaining about people not wearing masks were outlining a policy by the local government or business that people didn't obey and forced minimum wage workers to confront them instead of following the rules. 


Absolutely I have never seen anyone purposely coughing on others.  I guess i just don't go places where people are so rude.  And I do go to walmart quite often, so if it was going to happen, I'd expect to see it there.  


As far as people complaining about non-masked persons, I still see this even though we have no mandates in my area (in fact many medical facilities are now mask-optional).  A few weeks back, I was in a hotel elevator and the door opened with a masked couple about to get on until they saw me with no mask.  The man said something to the effect of, "Honey, we'll take the next one where we don't have to deal with these inconsiderate people getting everyone sick."  I don't care if they don't want to ride in the elevator with me, just don't admonish me for not wearing a mask when it is not required.  

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On 6/6/2022 at 1:50 PM, Joseph2017China said:

I live in Florida, and things are normal.  0.05% of people get it, which is far lower than a normal flu season.  Your number is also off.  67% is fully  vaccinated in Florida. Also like all viruses, it will go up and down, but it certainly is not running rampant.  Most people don't even think about it around me.


For the poster, ships are running close to capacity, and basically everything is back to normal.  Some changes happened, but seating, dinner, shows, chair hogs, and elevators are normal.  


OP started thread about current sitting policy in view of ongoing covid spread on cruise ships (at rate exponentially higher than similar places landside)


Can you please abide by CC policy (it's in RED banner above)?


Or at least stop posting incorrect information?


You are welcome to opt to do or believe  whatever you like to do but please don't insult others with lies.


OP had a reasonable question about current on board policy  

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On 6/6/2022 at 1:31 PM, retired dude said:

things here in florida are not back to normal.....covid is running rampant, but people are blind to it. only 27% of the florida residents have been fully vaxed and boosters and they wonder why the rates are skyrocketing.....like ron white says:you can't fix stupid.

Vaccines don’t stop the spread of Covid 

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5 hours ago, hal2008 said:


OP started thread about current sitting policy in view of ongoing covid spread on cruise ships (at rate exponentially higher than similar places landside)


Can you please abide by CC policy (it's in RED banner above)?


Or at least stop posting incorrect information?


You are welcome to opt to do or believe  whatever you like to do but please don't insult others with lies.


OP had a reasonable question about current on board policy  

I had answered the question that on board, all past and normal policies are in effect.  Others started bashing various sets of numbers etc.  This was started as a covid discussion, wondering if people sit together or not because of the spread of covid.  It has turned into, a discussion, if you are worried about the numbers, than you might want to wait basically.  There was much incorrect info on this thread, but the the number one item that is true, is that cruises are now pretty much normal.  Based on many responses so far, I would say, many people agree that those that ask these questions, and those that will wear a mask, seem to think the majority should also.  What really needs to happen is that all discussions about COVID need to be removed period, even if it starts with a question, what all the ships doing.  The discussion is going to stray, and not a single response, had legit info on facts, including mine.  However, the one thing is still in common.......ships are normal. 

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On 6/7/2022 at 2:46 AM, dleahy4444 said:

We were given the option to sit at a shared table which we did, knowing that everyone at the table was fully vaxxed and had tested negative in order to board.


The current CDC threshold is 90% vaccinated for "highly vaccinated" status.  Does Royal go above and beyond requiring 100%?  Really asking, not a comment disguised as fake question 😀

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On 6/6/2022 at 4:33 PM, baelor said:

Yep; fully vaxxed and boosted pretty much as early as possible (also flu shot).  I had successfully avoided it since 2020 LOL.  Not a great way to spend the days after my graduation + my birthday.

Sorry, that really sucks. Knock on wood, I have been covid free for over 2 years with no vaccine. Just had to start getting mine for our upcoming cruise. Not happy but I want to cruise now after 2 cancellations so I have no choice.

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On 6/6/2022 at 5:11 PM, LaCal said:

I don’t sit with strangers at the same table on land either 🤣🤣


And if you followed the Alaska sailings like I have and saw that every sailing so far has loads of Covid cases of both crew and guests then it might change some peoples minds about things 


But others like you don’t seem to care one way or the other if you get Covid or not 

Ahhhh...have been with others since May of 2020 and large crowds since May of 2021 and not vaccinated. If I get it, I get it and really not worried, no. I will have to get vaccinated to cruise which I am not happy about as I have relied on my immune system this past 2 + years and have been fine. Only thing I have to be vaccinated for but it is what it is.

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On 6/6/2022 at 9:08 PM, J0Y0US said:


I rarely am next to other people on land. Going on Quantum will likely be the most congested place I have been since January 2020 and I have been on 2 cruises and 2 WDW trips. 


I know your trying to be a smart-ass but reality is plenty of us don't live in apartments or major cities and possibly even work from home or in work places that are very spread out. 


Oh editing to add I am not at buffets or sitting at the same table as strangers for dinner.


Question is do you ask to sit with strangers when you go to the local Applebees? Lol

Not at Applebees but I do sit with strangers at Hibachi lol. 

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We are on Mariner right now. Even though there are signs to social distance everywhere, there is no social distancing. No one except a few here and there and crew wear masks. Elevators packed. Dining rooms and restaurants full. Bars, lounges full. Full ship and crew. No one mentions covid or norovirus-haven’t heard of any cases. In other words, life is normal. Excellent food, lots of activities, beautiful weather. Life is sweet. If you are worried about virus, maybe it’s too soon for you to cruise.  

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23 hours ago, topnole said:

Yep.  Had to look things up to verify what I’m sure I’ve read recently.  Only 7 states have higher than 40% that have been boosted.  The national average is 31%.   Most states center pretty close to that.  

The dominant majority have decided against a booster.  

Of course these stats don’t layer in how many people have had Covid.  I can hardly think of anyone I know that hasn’t been vaccinated or had covid.  Even those that are incredibly careful.  Most I know fall in both camps at this point because the vaccines don’t prevent infection from omicron and the omicron variants.  

Me!!! Not vaccinated and never got covid. Have been tested for work too so for months I know I at least didn't have it then 🙂

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1 hour ago, mpk said:

Does Royal go above and beyond requiring 100%? 

No - they can't with the number of kids allowed. Also, given that they just lifted the 12-17 aged kids vaccination requirement in one of the European ports, that allowance may be going up in the US as well.

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3 hours ago, mpk said:


The current CDC threshold is 90% vaccinated for "highly vaccinated" status.  Does Royal go above and beyond requiring 100%?  Really asking, not a comment disguised as fake question 😀

My understanding is that everyone over 12 needs to be fully vaxxed. Onboard there are children that are not vaxxed and at the beginning of the return to sailing those families were seated in a different area. I don’t know if that is still the practice, but when I have sat with others it has all been adults.

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