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The Daily for Saturday 06/18/2022


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I sometimes think Rich is psychic when he does The Daily.


I’ve been craving an Italian Sub for months, but have never been to a place where I could buy one.

Last night, I was and I did.  AND, it was delicious!!


Thank you, Rich and Roy and everyone else who contributes to The Daily.


Have a Wonderful Weekend and Stay Safe!!

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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  I love fishing; we used to have a friend who had a boat and we'd go out with him for hours, often catching our limit in perch and walleye.  We'd come back and he would clean all of them and then the feast would begin.  Sadly, he passed away a number of years ago and we haven't done much fishing since.  I'm usually pretty cool and calm, but I do remember panicking when our 3 year old son went missing in a department store.  I love picnics and look forward to summer when we can enjoy them - the only proviso now is that there has to be a picnic table.  Getting up and down off the ground isn't a fun experience any longer.  LOL


We had a hot and windy day yesterday and are expecting more of the same with higher temps today.  It's already 24C (75C) in the house and with the outdoor temps going up to 33 (95) I'm sure we'll be turning on the AC in a few hours.  We kept most of the main floor windows open through the night to help bring in cool air, but that won't last long.  I'm going to enjoy every degree though, as I keep reminding DH, we don't have to shovel heat.


In reading my post yesterday, it sounded like I was depriving DH of his favourite dessert by not making the lemonade pie.  What I didn't write is that I'm making it today so it's ready for Father's Day for him.  We enjoyed yesterday's lemon square with our friends, but it was too sweet for my taste - I like it more tart, and can control it by using more lemon juice.  


@Sharon in AZpacking up to go home is never fun - thanks for taking us along with you!

@HAL Sailergood news that DH's nephew has been moved out of ICU.


I like today's menu suggestion, but don't have everything needed to create it.  We haven't had sub sandwiches in absolutely ages, but I know there's a sub shop called Quizno's that makes great toasted subs and it's not far away.  I think I'll convince DH that we're having Italian subs tonight and we'll be heading over there for take-out because it's going to be too hot to cook.  It's looking like sub sandwiches will be on our table on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for the people of Ukraine and all who are providing aid, especially for the 2 volunteers who went to help and are now missing.  We'll clink our glasses together to salute all on the celebration list.  Be safe, wear masks when you need to, get your boosters, and stay well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



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My entire family loves to fish.  My BIL will go 100 miles to a canyon off shore in Ocean City with a boat with 1 engine and bring back tuna.  My DH fishes for rockfish from a canoe in the Susquehanna.  I like fishing for flounder from a kayak in Assawomen Bay.  









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Good morning everyone. I’ve been missing in action for a few days. Lots of computer issues and other things going wrong in the house. For the moment, all is fixed. I used to get Italian subs when I went to camp in Connecticut but they were called grinders. No matter how I try, I can never make them quite the same. Something about the spices .

Going to the pool today but just to sit around and talk. It’s not warm enough to go in yet.

Prayers for everyone on our list.

Stay safe everyone,


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Good Morning All,

Well, it’s Saturday. Today’s plans include shopping for a shirt for Dad for Father’s Day, and grocery shopping. Hope to finalize our menus and start packing for our Grand Canyon trip. We have a cabin reserved near the park, so we will be cooking in a microwave.


Last night I did a test run of cooking spaghetti noodles in it, and I think that will be the way I do pasta going forward. 13 minutes in a pyrex bowl with the lid on made perfect pasta without the hassle and risk of dealing with a large pot of boiling water.


Have a great day everyone!


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We are in Nashville for DH high school reunion today.  We were going to see four different households of relatives - but 3 have COVID (though one didn’t test): so we are skipping seeing them this trip and will be home sooner.

There is a lot of traffic on roads and motel prices are definitely higher.  So lots of travel and COVID.  Hopefully we will test negative for our 7/9 voyage of Vikings.  


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1 hour ago, mamaofami said:

Going to the pool today but just to sit around and talk. It’s not warm enough to go in yet.

You and I have chilly weather but it's 33/95 up in the frozen tundra.  Go figure.



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Good morning all!

Another drizzly morning in the PNW but some sunshine later today.


I've never been fishing, although DH has done a fair amount.  Love a good picnic, and try not to panic.  Like Gerry @ger_77I think the only time I have panicked is when I couldn't find our 5-year-old son for half an hour.  That will do it to a parent every time.  


Will pass on the drink and wine.  Like Debbie @dfish, there's too much bread for me in the meal today. 


The plan today is to start packing before the DGSs get here tomorrow so we'll be ready to leave for the ocean on Monday.  I'm probably bringing enough food for a week, but I'll be cooking all meals so we don't have to go to restaurants.  


@HAL Sailerthat's wonderful news that your DH's nephew is now out of ICU.  Continued prayers for his recovery.

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Good afternoon from HOT central Texas.  I tried to do a couple of things outside this morning before it got too hot.  I had to give up on the last project and come inside.  It was warming fast, and the wind we've been having seems to have disappeared just when it was needed to make being outside bearable.  


We haven't gone fishing in nearly 50 years.  We tried fishing in the Laguna Madre between Corpus Christi and Padre Island when we lived there.  It seemed the fish saw us coming and went to the other shore.  We also did some fishing in the bay and Gulf of Mexico with slightly better luck.  I even hooked a good size grouper and fought it for more than a hour before he either got the hook our or broke the line.


We haven't had a picnic since the girls left home, but sometimes when we're in the motorhome, we'll eat outside at the picnic table.  The only time I came close to panicking like some others was when older DD wandered off in a department store.  She didn't get far, but it was a scary few minutes.


I disagree with at least part of today's quote.  Yes, it is easy to remember the really painful moments, but it is also easy to remember the really sweet moments.


We like subs, but don't have them too often, and even less now that we don't go into restaurants.  The wine sounds good, and we've enjoyed many good wines from Chile.  However, we'll pass on the drink.


When we first started cruising back in the pre-digital dark ages, we cruised mostly in the Caribbean and visited Guadeloupe at least twice. We enjoyed our time there, but the pictures are buried in albums.


@cat shepard  Ann, I hope you feel better soon.  Please retest just to be on the safe side.


@Sharon in AZ  Sharon, safe travels home tomorrow.  I'll miss your pictures of Venice.


@HAL Sailer  That is very good news that DH's nephew is out of ICU.  It is good news that DH's sister's son is coming today and that plans for help for her are coming together.


@kazu  YIKES!, 😱, about the flight cancellation.  Airline travel is a mess right now.  Hope Jose's BFF enjoys the things your are giving him.


@ger_77  Gerry, thanks for the recipe yesterday.  Last night, DH asked when I'm going to make it.  The ingredients were added to the grocery list, and the recipe has been saved.


@Cruzin Terri  It's good you had a good night's sleep last night after the storms.


@Heartgrove  I'm glad you made it home safely.  Having a retired priest that knew your sister surely made the service more personal.  I hope the new rehab can help your brother and that he is still with you when your return in six weeks for the wedding.


@Norseh2o  I hope the weather in Honfleur is better then next time you are there.


@mamaofami  Carol, we missed you the last few days.  It's good everything is fixed.


@TiogaCruiser  I just might try cooking pasta in the microwave instead of waiting for a big pot of water to boil.


@Cat in my lap  Enjoy your DH's reunion.  I'm sorry so many of your relatives have Covid.


@rafinmd  Roy, yes, the weather this year is crazy.  It was in the 90sF here before noon.



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Good morning, Dailyites, and many thanks to Rich, Roy, and all who post.  Funny, I dreamt last night that I got a Subway sandwich.  I couldn't decide on the length.  Rich definitely is psychic!


I will say my prayers today for those on this thread who are ailing, or have relatives ailing, lots of worries.  I have to wonder if things will ever go back to the way they were.    


I still have my cold, but am improving.  My temperature seems to go up in the afternoon and I get achy, but I tested myself again, even tickled the back of my throat, and I'm negative.  Just realized we leave 2 weeks from today and I need to get cracking, but I don't have much energy.  The problem is going to be 5 flights, visiting with a lot of different people, some unvaccinated, for two weeks, and then having to test before boarding.  We will be lucky if we get away with it.  


It rained during the night, and is overcast and drizzly now.  I can't believe we still have the winter duvet on the bed, and I'm wearing my winter dressing gown!  Yesterday I did see the first sign up for local strawberries, so they must be ripening finally.   It's evidently hot in Europe, so I am having a really difficult time deciding what to pack.  I suppose whatever I pack, it will be the wrong thing!.

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

I'm not a person that fishes, although I went deep sea fishing once while in college in Boston (I caught a lobster trap!). I won't panic today, and a picnic would be nice but won't happen today.

Not sure I agree with the quote.

I used to love good Italian subs; now I'd eat the inside without the bread. Pass on the drink, but I'll take the wine (when my dry June is over). I haven't been to today's destination. Thanks for any pictures.


The weather is lovely today. Upper 60's, sunny, a bit windy, and less humid. I may putter in the yard later, once I'm finished doing laundry. BFF and I did go out to eat yesterday and sat outside. It was quite pleasant in the covered patio. But the place was preparing for the Father's Day weekend by having large grills outside and the smoke was blowing toward the patio. They finally moved the grills. But I was coughing last evening when I got home; I think just from the smoke. I am fine today.


@St. Louis Sal Good to hear from you. Sorry to hear of the Covid illnesses in the family. 

@cat shepard Feel better!

@Sharon in AZ Thanks for the pictures. I'm sure you're sad to leave. Safe travels.

@HAL Sailer Great news that DH's nephew was moved out of ICU and that help is arriving for your SIL. 

@kazu Flying seems so difficult these days with all the cancellations.

@Heartgrove I'm glad you made it home safely through that weather. That was wonderful of the priest to come back for your sister's mass; and the playing of music so meaningful to her. Prayers for your brother.

@Cruzin Terri Good to hear you slept well. 

@Cat in my lap Sorry to hear of the relatives with Covid.

@StLouisCruisers I hope you and DH are doing ok.

@Vict0riann I hope you feel better soon so that you can prepare for your trip.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone!


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Good evening from Venice!  I can’t believe this is our last night here. And I can’t believe how much I love this place. I was able to take a short nap, clean up and pack before going to our Altana for a glass of wine. Right now we are back at Alla Strega, an old place from before that we are happy is still open. This is our third time here. It’s lovely. 

We like to eat in the courtyard. Those really are grapes. 







Thank goodness our flight is at 11:00 am. 

I have a multitude of pictures that I haven’t shared so I’m going to post more when I get home. I’ll try to check in between flights. Dreading London……


Have a good evening everyone!

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Well.... we are still waiting on the predicted rains. We did have a couple of very short little showers yesterday and last night, but hardly enough to wet the ground. I understand that things were much better to our north and to the south. Today is the 20th anniversary of the Missionary Ridge fire which was the largest in this area to date and the 7th largest in state history. Weather that year was very much like our current weather. 


So far a very uneventful day. Like others I usually eat the inside of the subs and these days I get my hamburgers with no buns. That used to be what I ordered for the dogs. Have two large boxes of "stuff" ready to leave here - one to the thrift store at the shelter and one to a scottish terrier rescue auction. I am working on it.... but I am seem slower and slower or, as a friend of mine says, it takes me longer and longer to do less and less.


Best wishes and positive thoughts to all.



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Just checking in for the afternoon - wow, it's hot out there!  I turned on the air conditioner for the first time this year, as it's +26 in the house and +32 outside.  We've got a hot wind blowing, which usually means we'll get thunderstorms, but here on the "frozen tundra" you never know, it could stir up a small tornado as well.  


@kazudon't you just hate those emails from the airlines?  They never bring good news, just stress.

@erewhonI'm sorry I didn't see your reply until just a few minutes ago - the pudding mix is 102 grams (the 4 serving size), and the lemonade is 295 ml which usually makes a single pitcher full.  Hope this helps.


Hope everyone is having a good Saturday afternoon - see y'all tomorrow!



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Thanks to @richwmn for the Daily, to @rafinmd for the photo, and the Care and Celebration lists.

Thanks for the food and drink recipes.  It's raining today, so no picnics here.  

Have not been to today's port.

@Copper10-8 thanks for the humour.

@HAL Sailer thanks for letting us know that your DH's nephew is out of the ICU.  Hope he continues to make such good progress.

@Sharon in AZ thanks for sharing your great photos of Venice. Safe travelling home.

@ger_77 thank you for replying to my post, will check items in the supermarket.   That lemonade concentrate,  I hope to find some in our supermarket. 

Stay  safe, take care everyone, remember to wear your mask.!



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I thought I had posted yesterday that I was going to have fish and chips for dinner, although it would be grilled salmon and frozen french fries, but the post disappeared into the ether.


For today, I was ready to go with Roy's alternative, as take-out, but the restaurant was featuring prime rib. My justification for it was that I had an acupuncture session yesterday, and the TCM practitioner thought that I had a deficiency of yin; the beef came with asparagus, which increases yin. He said that raw oysters, which the restaurant also had, are the best food to increase yin, but I don't eat shellfish.



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@Heartgrove your sister’s funeral sounds perfect and like it suited her personality so well. ♥️   Prayers for your brother 🙏🏻 


12 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Have two large boxes of "stuff" ready to leave here - one to the thrift store at the shelter and one to a scottish terrier rescue auction. I am working on it.... but I am seem slower and slower or, as a friend of mine says, it takes me longer and longer to do less and less.


I resemble that remark of your friends and know exactly how you feel 😉  I have the same problem doing a lot of Jose’s stuff.  You are not alone.


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