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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday June 29th, 2022


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@kazuI am sorry you are going to be delayed once again.  😥 Every news story about the airline woes makes it easier for me to convince John to drive to Fort Lauderdale for our 2023 cruise near New Year's.  


A day gardening and house work.  It will be beautiful here today.  I use my camera a lot and have an easy to use large lens Panasonic I use most of the time.  Thanks @dfishfor the recipes Lumpia look great just sound unappetizing.   


Thanks for the Daily Reports!  Prayers for all on Roy's care list and the 51 lost souls in San Antonio and for those recuperating in hospital.  Have a great day!




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Good morning! My sweetheart is back and that makes me happy. Went to Ruby Tuesday’s for their salad bar for dinner. No walking this AM as thunderstorms are near and we have a appointment with our financial advisor.

Interesting that on our upcoming Best of Norway cruise on Rotterdam they are offering the pop up specialty dinner DeLibre which I thought had run it’s course and retired. We have decided not to spend the $83.00 each. In the past we have done this meal but we’re never that impressed. I remember the deconstructed apple pie for desert. Take a perfect slice of apple pie break it up and voila it’s supposed to be wonderful! Me think not!

Lumpia is good for an appetizer not as a main course for me and I have always wanted to try the chocolate expresso martini. Maybe this next cruise. What I really miss is the famous   Flaming Spanish Coffee that was done table side. In the Pinnacle the flaming kabobs and steak Diane!  We were spoiled in those days!

On our recent Azamara cruise we enjoyed pool side BBQ’s cooked on Weber charcoal grills and tons of food and deserts presented and offered. This brought up questioning why can’t we still do this on Holland America? Nostalgia day remembering mussels being served around pool with Poutine on Canada cruises. Roasted pig at sea view pool etc. etc.

Still no change of flights so we are prepared to go for it Saturday. Hey! We’re retired and what else do we have to do?

Have a great day!



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1 hour ago, oakridger said:

I love lumpia!  It's the Filipino version of spring rolls.  I set the kitchen on fire the last time I tried to make them!!!  😲🔥  Since then, I just buy them at a Filipino store.


The only place I've eaten them is Alaska. There is a large Filipino community there, because when Chinese immigration was barred, there was a shift to Filipino workers.


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Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!


I so agree with @puppycanducruise.  The last 24 hours have definitely been a ☹️ for  @kazu.  You are in our thoughts and prayers that your flight actually leaves this time.



My friend got hired by the company I work for, she is coming over today to get a grasp of what the job entails. She and I will both be working on the Louisville Symphony campaign, start up date projected for July 5.  Well at least the training...maybe....


Hugs are wonderful!  The one thing that we all missed during the first two years of covid.



I like the quote, and I think Edison was referring to Heaven.


I still dont feel well, running a low grade fever, pain in my left side above the hip, and while I did go to bed early, I was up every two hours.


My suggestion for finding the lost key?  Was to get a metal detector.  But I know that it is no longer a problem.




I know that half the week is over, but I was told that we would be off on Friday, and then I got bumped into another campaign that will work on Friday.  I went from "Yippee a 4 day weekend" to ick, within one hour.


If I cant change the wind, I can adjust my sails.



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Since I've gotten an iPhone, I rarely use our camera - although DH still prefers to take photos of his thumb or finger with it when we travel.  Hug holiday is interesting; I wonder if bosses would object to people not coming in and declaring they thought it was a day off?  I remember playing in mud as a child - we had a low spot in our back yard that would always collect water, and children.  I also remember mom hosing us off before we could even come into the porch.  After a couple of drinks of the day, you could become a wide-awake drunk!


@kazumy heart goes out to you - and anyone traveling right now, especially through YYZ.  There was another spot about it on the late news last night and it's terrible.  I hope you get off the ground soon and that your luggage makes it home with you.

@St Pete Cruisersorry to hear you ended up with appendicitis - hopefully you were treated well in the hospital far from home and that you'll fully recover now that you're home.

@dfishI do love your hair colour, it really suits you.  However, that's a good base if you decide to add some eye catching highlights to it as well.


We've got clouds and wind this morning, but there's much excitement throughout the city, as it's the last day of school for elementary and high school students.  I'm sure there are many families packing the cars this morning, and will be heading out to the lakes for summer vacation as soon as the kids come through the front door.  And there will be a million of them on bikes and skateboards on the streets, so we'll have to keep a watchful eye.


I like today's menu suggestion, but because it's cooler out today, I think I'll bring up a container of frozen stew and reheat it for us for dinner tonight.  Stew and a side salad will be what's served on our deck this evening.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra for the people of Ukraine who refuse to give up.  We'll clink the glasses together to celebrate all on the happy list.  Get your boosters, stay well, wear masks when needed and be safe.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Espresso Martini:

2 ounces vodka
1/2 ounce coffee liqueur (usually Kahlúa)
1 ounce espresso, freshly brewed (or cold brew concentrate)
1/2 ounce simple syrup
Garnish: coffee beans

Add vodka, coffee liqueur, espresso and simple syrup to a shaker filled with ice and shake until well-chilled.
Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
Garnish with 3 coffee beans.


Screen Shot 2022-06-29 at 8.48.55 AM.png

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Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report, and thank you Debbie for today's recipes. And thank you all for being here! 


Time to start planning on which camera lenses to take with on our upcoming October-November cruises. First though is my nieces wedding in July. For that I will bring my full kit as we are driving.


I switched to Sony mirrorless cameras three years ago and have three bodies (A6000, A6400, and A6500) for Sue and I to use. It is the lenses that are the weight to be carried though. What I have been doing is upgrading the "glass" each trip we take. Last year for Iceland I purchased the Sony 70-350mm G lens for some nice telephoto shots. Currently I am looking at the Sony 16-55mm F2.8 G lens.  With that lens, I would only need to take two lenses. A handy lens that I do use is the 7artisans 18mm F6.3 lens that actually replaces a camera body cap. So slim with that lens , I can slip it into a pocket.


Stay Safe!


- Jack

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Good morning. It is warm here today but seems less humid,always a wonderful thing. I have two dogs  here who love to find  mud and usually do.Cameras are to be celebrated  but I am not known for skill in that area.My DH taught me the joys of hugging as I did not grow up in a "huggy" family.I saw my brother last week and we had a good laugh about finally learning something valuable in our older years. 

I worked with a lot of Filipina  nurses and therapists and loved when they brought their tasty dishes to departmental parties. I would love to try the recipe soon as it sounds great.

@dfish,Debbie, your hair looks great and thanks as usual for our recipes.I decided to try yesterday's  florentine meatballs for tonight with rice.

@kazu, Hope you get home soon.A long rest is in order.

Take care everyone 



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Good Morning All,

I’ve missed the Daily (and most other news) since Saturday, the day before we left home. So will catch up after we return, or while DH drives and we have cell service. 

We’ll celebrate Camera Day today while I exercise my iPhone’s camera. My Nikon D5500 is my tool of choice, but yesterday my rebuilt Tamron lens gave out again. I just had it repaired as the autofocus wouldn’t work. (I had gotten sand in it last summer. My fault.) They don’t make that lens in a DX format anymore, so we’ll see what Tamron has to say. May replace with another lens or go to mirrorless if they are discontinuing support of the DX family. It’s challenging to find a Nikon DSLR that is comfortable in my smaller format hands.


If you ask us, North Rim Grand Canyon has it all over the south. We have 1 more night here, then move to Cameron Trading Post. ( I believe @Quartzsite Cruiser may have talked about the place a couple years back? Or was it someone else?). Anyway, here’s a few shots from the trip so far:

Hmmm. That will have to wait. My internet cnx isn’t allowing upload.


Have a great day everyone!


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Good morning Dailyites. Oh the drama for our Jacqui's flight! Please get home safely!!


Prayers lifted for our Daily family and our Daily's friends and family. Ron had to go to another hospital for a special test and then back to the original hospital. Waiting to see what the next step will be. He was given morphine for the pain.


Our neighbors had their front yard planted with shrubs and beautiful flowers about 2 weeks ago. The deer came through last night and mowed through it! When I walked this morning the couple were out taking pictures of the carnage. 


Not much to do today but laundry, teach Mahjongg, and sweet hubby wants pork steaks for dinner. 


Prayers,  Cheers, and Blessings 





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Good morning, friends.   Up early here — already took Pocket for a long walk before it gets too hot.

There were a lot of Filipino families at our kids’ school and they brought lumpia to many events.  They were delicious— usually done like the one Debbie shows with both pork and shrimp.   I was given a good recipe, but it is like Debbie’s.   Need to make some! 😋


I cannot believe what’s going on with the airlines.  DH is still brave about travel, but I’m in Lenda’s camp — take nice cruises out of close ports, San Diego or Los Angeles.  I’ll be grateful for just that.


Many thanks to our contributors here.  Thoughts and prayers are with all.


For our trivia fans….




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Good morning everyone, happy hump day.  Today will be my last post until we return from our cruise to Bermuda on the Celebrity Summit this Sunday.  We’re heading down to Jersey City tomorrow to visit with some friends that we haven't seen since before the pandemic hit.  With all of the air travel woes I’m glad that we’ll be taking the train down instead.  I like camera day and hug holiday days but not so sure that I’ll be celebrating mud today.  I like today’s quote, that’s how I feel about the horizon when on a ship.  I’d really like to meal suggestion as an appetizer.  I’ve had today’s drink before and it was very good.  Haven’t been to today’s port so I’ll have to enjoy it through the photos.  Prayers for everyone on our prayer list.  Cheers to all of you celebrating happy events!  Have a nice holiday weekend and safe travels to all that will be traveling. 🛳️

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Good morning to all.

Thank you to Rich and Roy for the lists.

I am posting now while my ISP is cooperating.  We expect thunderstorms again today and that could mean that all communications (TV, phone, internet) shuts down.  

I like two of the three days.  

Camera Day—I love taking photos.  I have a DSLR, which I rarely use because of the weight, a point and shoot and my new iPhone,, which gets most of the use these days. I took the DSLR with me on the last cruise and because of our quarantine, hardly used it.  What a waste!

Hug Day—I am always happy to get a hug and will gladly give one as well.  A big hug to all of you, my Dailyite friends.

International Mud Day—I’ll pass on that.  I don’t like getting down and dirty.


A bit puzzled by the quote.  I guess Edison was referring to heaven.

I will pass on the meal and the drink.


I have not been to the port, but have a cruise to Norway next year.


Prayers for those on the cares list.

@kazu I hope you are finally on your flight and will be home shortly,

@mamaofamiprayers for Sam’s recovery,

@St Pete Cruiser prayers for a speedy recovery from the appendectomy.,

@Heartgrovecontinued prayers for your brother

@HAL Sailer more prayers for your nephew and his recovery from his mowing accident.


Cheers to those celebrating.

@dfish I like the hair color.

@rafinmdglad you have another cruise booked.

@aliaschiefdid you try the washing machine for the keys?


The plane situation has me concerned.  We usually drive to Miami for our departures.  Last year we decided that the drive was getting a bit more than we would like, so I booked flights for our cruise in December.  Now I’m wondering whether I did the right thing.  We are doing 18 days from Dec. 10 to the 28.  I guess getting down there won’t be bad but thinking that getting back from Miami to Jacksonville may be a problem on Dec. 28.  Might be stuck in Miami for a few days.  We have non-refundable tickets so we don’t have much of a choice unless the airline cancels the flight.  Just something else to worry about.


Prayers for all those who need them.  i hope everyone has a good day and stays safe.

God Bless,


Edited by Cruzin Terri
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3 hours ago, dfish said:

I would be right there for those mussels.  They were excellent when I had them in Charlottetown.   Check out the shopping in the terminal for me.


There are shops in the terminal.  Probably about half of the previous years.

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Good morning all!

Good collections of days.  DH has a camera and all the fancy attachments -- I just use my iPhone and am happy with that.  Our family are all big huggers, haven't "enjoyed" mud since I was a child and made mud pies.  


I fell in love with Lumpia back when DH was in the Navy and a Filipino friend taught me how to make it.  Lots of work!!  I still love it, but have found that our Navy Commissary carries an excellent frozen product that is just as good. The Filipino employees agree.   We have it often for family get-togethers, and there never seems to be enough because everyone loves it so much.

Debbie's first recipe is closest to the one I got from our friend.


Will pass on the wine, the drink sounds really good but if I had any I would be awake for 4 days!  I can't even drink decaf in the evening.


On the agenda today is lunch with my BFF.  We try to get together mid-way between our towns once/month, but I think we missed a month or two this time.


@kazuWe're all happy you're finally on that plane!  Even on a good day I detest flying, and really wish we could drive to our next cruise....just looked it up and it would take us 47 hours 😞  DH would never go for that.


@TiogaCruiserthank you for the photos from the Grand Canyon.  Excellent photos!  We were there last year and also to the Cameron Trading Post.  And yes, someone here did recommend stopping there.



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