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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday July 23rd, 2022


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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning (it's still morning here), thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  DH's uncle was a true cowboy - he broke his last horse when he was 83 and lived healthfully until his passing when he was 92.  Ice cream is a great vessel for other flavours.  Drowning prevention is so important; our son was awarded the Royal Lifesaving Award medallion a couple of years ago when he saved a young boy's life while we were all at a lake not far from Calgary.  Those swimming lessons early in life paid off.


It's been a difficult morning for us - we woke to the news that a dear cruising friend had passed away.  We met on our first trans-Atlantic in 2014 and although we lived thousands of miles apart, kept the friendship going by getting together a few times over the years.   You know how you meet people and you have a special bond?  That's how the 4 of us were; when we got together, it was like we just picked up from where we left off.  We'll always remember him at Happy Hour because he was always the first one of the 4 of us to get there to have a seat.  LOL  He will be missed, but Heaven will be a funnier place with him there now.


Today is a cool day, certainly not tank top and shorts weather; it looks like we may even get some rain later this afternoon, as the clouds are building and look very heavy with moisture.  I think I'll spend time indoors working on sewing more bags and/or knitting little blankets.  DH wants to use part of the afternoon to organize stuff in his garage - there's so much stuff!!!


@RowsbyI feel your pain having to cancel a cruise, but know you've made the right decision for now.

@StLouisCruiserscongrats to the Tigers; good luck for tomorrow!

@kazuyour flowers are always so beautiful, thanks for sharing them with us.

@summer slopea very Happy Birthday to you!


I like today's menu suggestion, but haven't ever made tortillas from scratch.  Our friends cooked up so many ribs yesterday that they sent home a care package for us, so all I have to do is make a potato salad this afternoon and we'll be set for dinner.  It's definitely going to be ribs and salad for the 2 of us on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra for the people of Ukraine and all who are providing aid - let's hope their grain does get distributed to the rest of the world.  We'll raise our glasses tonight to celebrate our friend and all who make up the happy list.  Stay safe, get your boosters, be well and wear masks when needed.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂




I'm so sorry to hear your sad news about your dear friend.

Our condolences to you and your friends family.

Congratulations for your son receiving a Royal life saving Medallion for saving a young life.

That was a very special thing he did and you must be so proud.


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Good morning and thanks everyone! 
@Quartzsite Cruiser @Cruising-alonggreat photos,. Our Holy land cruise was cancelled,. Hoping for next year.  
@cat shepard glad you had an all clear! 
@Rowsby I’m sorry you had to cancel, but I understand, probably wise.
@summer slope have a wonderful birthday!  
@ger_77 I’m sorry for your loss,  you can make very good friendships on cruises. 

We always celebrate Cowboys here! 

Edited by bennybear
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Good afternoon.  It is 2 pm and only 97F, but according to the weather app it feels like 101F.  The humidity is 34% and the dew point is 64F.  We have a good breeze and the afternoon clouds are building.  I just wish they'd drop some rain on us.


3 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning!  Happy Saturday!  And Happy Birthday to Dixie @summer slope!


Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, I loved your pictures today. The ones in Nazareth are interesting. I will probably never get there so thank you for sharing. 

I love corn tortillas and thank you Tina @0106 for both the history and recipes today. I have a favorite brand that I buy and I think they are very good, Guerrero. And we had tacos yesterday so we’ve celebrated already.  I’ve even tried the ones Lenda mentioned, the flour tortillas that you cook at home. They are very good, they are in the fresh section at the deli at Safeway. My son told me about them and they are really good for quesadillas. 

Have a great day everyone!


Sharon, I'm glad you liked the pictures. 


I'm pretty sure I get Guerrero ready to cook tortillas in Arizona.  It's a different brand in Texas.  We started getting the ready to cook ones because the ready to eat ones are too thick.


With all this talk about tortillas, I think we'll have fajitas tonight.


3 hours ago, summer slope said:

Happy Saturday.  Thank you all for the birthday wishes.  Staying home and doing carry-out.  Sorry for the cancelled vacations and those still suffering from Covid.

Watermelon Margarita cocktail:

1 1/2 parts Hornitos® Plata Tequila
1 part DeKuyper® Pucker® Watermelon Schnapps
1 part Fresh Lime Juice
1/2 part Simple Syrup (or Agave Syrup)
Garnish: Watermelon Slice

Combine all ingredients into an ice-filled shaker and shake until well chilled. Strain into a chilled margarita glass over fresh ice. Garnish with a watermelon slice, and salt the rim of the glass if you’d like.


Screen Shot 2022-07-23 at 12.02.32 PM.png




3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

A salute to cowboys. The only vanilla ice cream I like is Breyer's; I like other flavors more. Drowning prevention is so important; we've sadly had a couple of child drownings in pools this summer. 

Great quote. I've never made tortillas. Pass on the drink and wine.

I've never been to Haifa. Thanks for the photos @Quartzsite Cruiser.


It's already 86 and sunny here, in the 90's later. There was just a severe thunderstorm alert from now until 7PM. I had a nice (but $$$) dinner out with BFF last evening. No big plans for today; maybe I'll catch up on some stuff on the DVR.


@Rowsby Sad, but you have to do what you feel comfortable doing.

@StLouisCruisers Go Tigers! Sorry to hear the heat was so oppressive, even in the morning.

@kazu Love the flowers.

@summer slope Happy Birthday!

@dfish It sounds like you're having a great time!


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.


Vaneesa, I'm glad you and BFF had a nice dinner for his birthday.   Also, I'm glad you liked the pictures.


5 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

The Tigers won 2 to 1 against the St. Louis team.  It was a very hard game against a good team, but the heat was oppressive and no breeze, full sun.  One Tiger went down retching and bringing his water back up.  Tomorrow is the finals against an Iowa team at 7:30 am.  I hope it's not a nail biter like today's was!


Great news that the Tigers won.  Hope tomorrow the weather is better for them.


4 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I wish I could have edited the last post to add this photo I saw on a Facebook page.  This is the Tigers at an event Monday at Wide World of Sports in Orlando before the games began on Tuesday.


Look at our female athlete Chloe in the middle.  I often wonder what the other teams think when they see the mighty Tigers show up with Chloe.  They are an equal opportunity team for sure!  She was out there today in the second half keeping up with the boys.  Ren is two players to her right (sixth from the left as we look at it).May be an image of 12 people and people standing




Good picture of the Tigers.


2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good evening.

We have just got home after a lovely 2 night break.

We visited York indoor Designer outlet and another lovely outdoor shopping outlet.






Graham, I suspected you two were not home.


2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Amazing photos Lenda.

Thank you so much for sharing them.



Thank you, Graham.


1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning (it's still morning here), thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  DH's uncle was a true cowboy - he broke his last horse when he was 83 and lived healthfully until his passing when he was 92.  Ice cream is a great vessel for other flavours.  Drowning prevention is so important; our son was awarded the Royal Lifesaving Award medallion a couple of years ago when he saved a young boy's life while we were all at a lake not far from Calgary.  Those swimming lessons early in life paid off.


It's been a difficult morning for us - we woke to the news that a dear cruising friend had passed away.  We met on our first trans-Atlantic in 2014 and although we lived thousands of miles apart, kept the friendship going by getting together a few times over the years.   You know how you meet people and you have a special bond?  That's how the 4 of us were; when we got together, it was like we just picked up from where we left off.  We'll always remember him at Happy Hour because he was always the first one of the 4 of us to get there to have a seat.  LOL  He will be missed, but Heaven will be a funnier place with him there now.


Today is a cool day, certainly not tank top and shorts weather; it looks like we may even get some rain later this afternoon, as the clouds are building and look very heavy with moisture.  I think I'll spend time indoors working on sewing more bags and/or knitting little blankets.  DH wants to use part of the afternoon to organize stuff in his garage - there's so much stuff!!!


@RowsbyI feel your pain having to cancel a cruise, but know you've made the right decision for now.

@StLouisCruiserscongrats to the Tigers; good luck for tomorrow!

@kazuyour flowers are always so beautiful, thanks for sharing them with us.

@summer slopea very Happy Birthday to you!


I like today's menu suggestion, but haven't ever made tortillas from scratch.  Our friends cooked up so many ribs yesterday that they sent home a care package for us, so all I have to do is make a potato salad this afternoon and we'll be set for dinner.  It's definitely going to be ribs and salad for the 2 of us on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra for the people of Ukraine and all who are providing aid - let's hope their grain does get distributed to the rest of the world.  We'll raise our glasses tonight to celebrate our friend and all who make up the happy list.  Stay safe, get your boosters, be well and wear masks when needed.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂





Gerry, our condolences on the loss of your cruising friend.  We've lost several over the past years, and we miss them like ypu will miss your friend.  Our thoughts are with you  both and ypur friend's family.


Gerry, congratulations on your DS getting the Royal Lifesaving medal.  It was good that he was at the right place at the right time, and knew what he needed tto do.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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I've been taking things slow today and taking my time catching up on the Daily.  And been busy talking to DD, and texting with other family.  Lots of comments to make and a few photos to present.


Sue @Rowsbysometimes we have to do what we feel is best for us, like you're doing canceling that Waikiki trip until another time.  Wait until you feel really comfortable.

Ann @cat shepardcongrats on 18 months clear from your skin melanoma.  Loved the fan meme from the girls.  So appropriate!

Dixie @summer slopeHappy birthday!  Hope it's a good one!

Ann @marshhawkgood idea to limit your driving.  We do the same thing.  We try to go out once a week!  But sometimes we have doctor, dentist, eye or hair appointments, etc. and that adds on.  Since we were on the cruise for 5 weeks, we haven't gotten gas in our cars since May.  Before the end of July we need to use up some Kroger fuel points so will fill up one of the cars.  The real reason gas prices have dipped since mid June is less demand.  Most of us are watching the frequency of driving using up gas.

Carolyn @Cruising-alongI'm sorry earlier I gave someone else credit for one of your photos in Haifa.  That's what happens when you're distracted like I have been today.  

Gerry @ger_77I'm really sorry you lost your good cruising buddy!  I've lost two in the past year and know how sad I feel about that.  Treasure the memories.  Nice story about your son winning the award for saving a young life at the lake.  You must be very proud of him!!!

Graham @grapau27I know you two enjoyed your shopping trip.  And all the great food!

Jacqui @kazuI'm excited to hear you will be seeing Shadow earlier than you thought.  I know you will do a great job helping her transition to her new home.  Today I've been watching the new season of Cesar Millan's progrem Better Human Better Dog.  I could see several things that might help DD with Sadie and suggested she watch the shows.  She agreed.  They all start Puppy Kindergarten in mid August.  Parents need to know what they're doing wrong too, I guess!  Oh, I have the photo now of Sadie terrified of walking along the street the other day.  First time!  Look at the panic on her face!



Also DD told me that Sadie is always feeling too warm, so she spends lots of time in front of a fan or sitting on the AC vents at home.  I think she gets a puppy grooming Monday so will have slightly less fur which might help.  Here she is chilling!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKASMZ82KI53lyIz5SGlWVgVZV51t4MhjbEwRNyGscOgg?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1658603575


Thanks to all for the warm wishes for the Tigers and Ren.  I hope the boys are getting lots of cool downtime today so they're ready for tomorrow morning.  One more game.  If it doesn't work out tomorrow we will still be proud of these boys and Chloe.  All are only 15 years old.  Ren has been playing on soccer teams with one of his teammates since they were 5 years old.  2/3rds of their lives!  LOL!


Hope everyone here is having a wonderful Saturday.  I also want to thank all for their Haifa photos.  It was a wonderful place to visit and we will never forget it.

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19 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I've been taking things slow today and taking my time catching up on the Daily.  And been busy talking to DD, and texting with other family.  Lots of comments to make and a few photos to present.


Sue @Rowsbysometimes we have to do what we feel is best for us, like you're doing canceling that Waikiki trip until another time.  Wait until you feel really comfortable.

Ann @cat shepardcongrats on 18 months clear from your skin melanoma.  Loved the fan meme from the girls.  So appropriate!

Dixie @summer slopeHappy birthday!  Hope it's a good one!

Ann @marshhawkgood idea to limit your driving.  We do the same thing.  We try to go out once a week!  But sometimes we have doctor, dentist, eye or hair appointments, etc. and that adds on.  Since we were on the cruise for 5 weeks, we haven't gotten gas in our cars since May.  Before the end of July we need to use up some Kroger fuel points so will fill up one of the cars.  The real reason gas prices have dipped since mid June is less demand.  Most of us are watching the frequency of driving using up gas.

Carolyn @Cruising-alongI'm sorry earlier I gave someone else credit for one of your photos in Haifa.  That's what happens when you're distracted like I have been today.  

Gerry @ger_77I'm really sorry you lost your good cruising buddy!  I've lost two in the past year and know how sad I feel about that.  Treasure the memories.  Nice story about your son winning the award for saving a young life at the lake.  You must be very proud of him!!!

Graham @grapau27I know you two enjoyed your shopping trip.  And all the great food!

Jacqui @kazuI'm excited to hear you will be seeing Shadow earlier than you thought.  I know you will do a great job helping her transition to her new home.  Today I've been watching the new season of Cesar Millan's progrem Better Human Better Dog.  I could see several things that might help DD with Sadie and suggested she watch the shows.  She agreed.  They all start Puppy Kindergarten in mid August.  Parents need to know what they're doing wrong too, I guess!  Oh, I have the photo now of Sadie terrified of walking along the street the other day.  First time!  Look at the panic on her face!



Also DD told me that Sadie is always feeling too warm, so she spends lots of time in front of a fan or sitting on the AC vents at home.  I think she gets a puppy grooming Monday so will have slightly less fur which might help.  Here she is chilling!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKASMZ82KI53lyIz5SGlWVgVZV51t4MhjbEwRNyGscOgg?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1658603575


Thanks to all for the warm wishes for the Tigers and Ren.  I hope the boys are getting lots of cool downtime today so they're ready for tomorrow morning.  One more game.  If it doesn't work out tomorrow we will still be proud of these boys and Chloe.  All are only 15 years old.  Ren has been playing on soccer teams with one of his teammates since they were 5 years old.  2/3rds of their lives!  LOL!


Hope everyone here is having a wonderful Saturday.  I also want to thank all for their Haifa photos.  It was a wonderful place to visit and we will never forget it.

Sadie is beautiful.

Well done to Ren and his team.

The outdoor shopping outlet was a cloth market in the 18th century.

There are independent shops behind every window.


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We had storms roll through with high winds a bit ago. My power has been out for about half an hour so far. Fortunately the temperature went down from 91 to 68 and I have the window open. 

@ger_77 So sorry to hear of the death of your friend. My condolences. And congrats to your DS on the Lifesaving medal. 
@StLouisCruisers Oh the look on Sadie’s face when she was out on the street! 



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@ger_77 I'm sorry to hear about your cruise buddy.


Sandi, Sadie does look a bit confused. Sweet girl.


Jacqui do you know Shadows eta? I'll be cheering for her!! She has no idea what an awesome life she will have with her forever mom! (Please Lord, hope Shadow is not a digger)

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7 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

We had storms roll through with high winds a bit ago. My power has been out for about half an hour so far. Fortunately the temperature went down from 91 to 68 and I have the window open. 

@ger_77 So sorry to hear of the death of your friend. My condolences. And congrats to your DS on the Lifesaving medal. 
@StLouisCruisers Oh the look on Sadie’s face when she was out on the street! 




I hope that power comes back on very quickly for you.  I always worry about spoiled food when it drags on and on for hours, a day, etc.


About Sadie, I know...funny how they can show their feelings so clearly.  I didn't know what to think when I saw that photo.  Poor baby has a lot to learn!  She's only just turned 4 months old yesterday.



2 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

@ger_77 I'm sorry to hear about your cruise buddy.


Sandi, Sadie does look a bit confused. Sweet girl.


Jacqui do you know Shadows eta? I'll be cheering for her!! She has no idea what an awesome life she will have with her forever mom! (Please Lord, hope Shadow is not a digger)


Confused is a good word for it!

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24 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Jacqui @kazuI'm excited to hear you will be seeing Shadow earlier than you thought.  I know you will do a great job helping her transition to her new home. 


Thanks - I hope so.  


24 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Today I've been watching the new season of Cesar Millan's progrem Better Human Better Dog.  I could see several things that might help DD with Sadie and suggested she watch the shows.  She agreed.  They all start Puppy Kindergarten in mid August.  Parents need to know what they're doing wrong too, I guess!


Absolutely - it’s basically “train the trainer”.  Sadly there are no courses for a dog of Shadow’s age so we’ll see how I can do.  LOL


24 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


  Oh, I have the photo now of Sadie terrified of walking along the street the other day.  First time!  Look at the panic on her face!




OMG she looks petrified - like the first time I tried to take Fox years ago.  Fortunately she had the boys and I couldn’t deprive those two of the walk so she came along as she literally dug her claws into the pavement.


If Sadie is hot a lot, I”m wondering is it’s too hot for her for a walk if she is susceptible?  Just a wild and crazy thought.



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28 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Carolyn @Cruising-alongI'm sorry earlier I gave someone else credit for one of your photos in Haifa.  That's what happens when you're distracted like I have been today.  

Oh Sandi, no problem!  In fact I didn't catch it earlier anyway!  😉  

Adorable photos of Sadie.  ❤️

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8 minutes ago, kazu said:


Thanks - I hope so.  



Absolutely - it’s basically “train the trainer”.  Sadly there are no courses for a dog of Shadow’s age so we’ll see how I can do.  LOL



OMG she looks petrified - like the first time I tried to take Fox years ago.  Fortunately she had the boys and I couldn’t deprive those two of the walk so she came along as she literally dug her claws into the pavement.


If Sadie is hot a lot, I”m wondering is it’s too hot for her for a walk if she is susceptible?  Just a wild and crazy thought.




You know I wondered if the sidewalk was too warm for her tender paws.  She's used to the backyard, but she has to walk across a wood deck and paverstone patio to get to the grass, and those are usually very hot in the sun.  I will mention that to DD.  Plus the heat itself.  Thanks for thinking of it!

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7 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


You know I wondered if the sidewalk was too warm for her tender paws.  She's used to the backyard, but she has to walk across a wood deck and paverstone patio to get to the grass, and those are usually very hot in the sun.  I will mention that to DD.  Plus the heat itself.  Thanks for thinking of it!

Doggie boots might help Sandi.


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24 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


You know I wondered if the sidewalk was too warm for her tender paws.  She's used to the backyard, but she has to walk across a wood deck and paverstone patio to get to the grass, and those are usually very hot in the sun.  I will mention that to DD.  Plus the heat itself.  Thanks for thinking of it!


There’s a big difference between a deck and paver-stone on a patio and a sidewalk & pavement.

If you can’t step on the pavement in your bare feet or hold your hand on it (for at least 30 seconds to a minute) your dog should not be on it.  If I still had my dogs, we would take a short walk later but it would be on my neighbour’s grass (they understand). But with today’s weather they would only be out for ‘business’ until the sun was lower and the temps dropped.

Sadie is just a young pup and she is subject to heat stroke even more than an adult.  I don’t know how hot is there - but this is the gage I use.




I know few dogs that will wear boots or covering in hot weather and since one of the only place dogs sweat is through their feet (Paws) - that’s debatable.  I never used them in 22 years.  

Heat is traumatic for a puppy.  Her walk needs to be early AM or late PM (or both) if it is hot.  Forgive me - I don’t mean to sound like a lecturer - but this is something I know about - heat is nearly more dangerous for dogs than cold.

Mea culpa for the long post.

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27 minutes ago, kazu said:


There’s a big difference between a deck and paver-stone on a patio and a sidewalk & pavement.

If you can’t step on the pavement in your bare feet or hold your hand on it (for at least 30 seconds to a minute) your dog should not be on it.  If I still had my dogs, we would take a short walk later but it would be on my neighbour’s grass (they understand). But with today’s weather they would only be out for ‘business’ until the sun was lower and the temps dropped.

Sadie is just a young pup and she is subject to heat stroke even more than an adult.  I don’t know how hot is there - but this is the gage I use.




I know few dogs that will wear boots or covering in hot weather and since one of the only place dogs sweat is through their feet (Paws) - that’s debatable.  I never used them in 22 years.  

Heat is traumatic for a puppy.  Her walk needs to be early AM or late PM (or both) if it is hot.  Forgive me - I don’t mean to sound like a lecturer - but this is something I know about - heat is nearly more dangerous for dogs than cold.

Mea culpa for the long post.


No worries about the long post!  Yes, it has definitely been hot in Ohio this month.  Right now they are 31C or 87F.  I'm pretty sure it was evening, but even so she is a young puppy so they should take into consideration the information you showed above.  They definitely want what's best for Sadie!

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@StLouisCruisersSadie is so cute!  On hot days, I take Bertie for a walk early in the morning before the pavement gets too hot.  I wish he would wear boots in the winter to protect his feet from ice and the salt, but I couldn't get him to wear them.  I think that is something that must be taught to a puppy not an adult dog.  It would probably be good to protect the tender feet in the hot summer too.

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5 minutes ago, puppycanducruise said:

@StLouisCruisersSadie is so cute!  On hot days, I take Bertie for a walk early in the morning before the pavement gets too hot.  I wish he would wear boots in the winter to protect his feet from ice and the salt, but I couldn't get him to wear them.  I think that is something that must be taught to a puppy not an adult dog.  It would probably be good to protect the tender feet in the hot summer too.


I agree with you Melanie.  Taking her for a walk early in the morning would be more comfortable for the human as well.😉

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10 hours ago, MISTER 67 said:

Too bad there aren't  round trip cruises from Florida to the Mediterranean.



HAL used to have the 49-day "Atlantic Adventurer", departing from Fort Lauderdale, ALL AROUND the Med, then returning to Fort Lauderdale.  Was a WONDERFUL itinerary.  Can't imagine why it was discontinued -- think about 2017 or so.

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Good hot and humid evening. One more day of this and then stormy on Monday afternoon. 
Well, we also lost power this afternoon, probably for about 1 hour. All good now🤞
Blessings and prayers to all on our lists ❤️🙏🎉

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I’m just checking in.  We are home after two days of driving.

I have days of posts to read.

Thank you all for your well wishes while we were away.

I promise to catch up tomorrow and do a real post.

Really tired and happy to be sleeping in my own bed tonight.

God bless,


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