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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday August 6th, 2022


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We were privileged to have visited Hiroshima with DS's in-laws a few years ago.  Very sobering to stand there and think about what happened.  While I'm not a fan of blues, that genre of music has a huge following.  Bless the farmworkers - just for a moment, try to imagine your grocery store produce department without them.  We were in Warnemunde on the Rotterdam during our Baltic cruise; DH and sons stayed in town while his daughter and I took the train to Rostock for the day.  


Tis a cool one out there this morning - we're down to single digits +7 (45), but it should warm up to a comfortable +24 (75) later today.  The news report yesterday included one from the Farmer's Almanac that tells us we should expect a "very cold" winter . . . oh joy.


@Tbay belated Happy Birthday to you and your DGS!

@kb4683 Happy Birthday to your DH!

@smitty34877I'm so pleased to hear Tana tested negative - let's hope she can begin to recover now.  And please don't overwork yourself - rest as much as possible. 


Not a lot on the agenda today, still trying to digest last night's amazing dinner.  Our friend is a great cook, but everything he does takes a-g-e-s and we eat very late.  We were invited for 5:30, but didn't sit down to dinner until 9.  Of course by the time we finished eating, it was nearly 11, so we got home around midnight and kind of tossed and turned all night.  I think today is going to be a very light day food-wise for both of us.  I'm thinking something simple like chicken caesar salads will be what's on our table on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra for the people of Ukraine and for the grain leaving their ports.  We'll clink the glasses to cheer on all who make up the celebration list.  Stay well, get your boosters, wear masks when needed and be safe.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



Edited by ger_77
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Today's sunrise is among my earliest from Cunard.  It was taken August 6, 2008 at the end of a trip that was primarily a Rovos Rail trip from Dar es Salam to Cape Town but the final leg was a return from Southampton on Queen Mary 2.





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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Remembering those lost at Hiroshima. I like some blues music and certainly appreciate farmworkers.

Funny quote. Maybe on the meal. Pass on the drink and wine (too pricey for me).

I've been to Germany, but not Berlin. Thanks in advance for any photos.


We had a good bit of rain yesterday, with some local flooding of roads and some unfortunate folks with feet of water in their basements. I'm glad I got that roof patching! I also got the quote for a new roof and eek! We're supposed to get rain off and on for the next few days.


Shaking my head at a news story. The police are looking for a grandmother. A 10 month old GC she was watching had a drug overdose, and a 3 and 9 year old tested positive for cocaine and fentanyl. She took off as EMT's were treating the baby with Naloxone. They found drugs, syringes, and other drug paraphernalia in the home. No mention of where the parents are.


@aliaschief Thanks for the great Scotland pics.

@MISTER 67 Good luck with the tests and Bon Voyage!

@rafinmd I like the new avatar! 

@Tbay Happy Birthday! Also to DGS.

@kb4683 Happy Birthday to your DH!

@cat shepard Good luck with getting that VeriFly account set up.

@smitty34877 It sounds like it will take a bit to get your stamina back; baby steps. Woohoo on Tana testing negative and feeling a bit better! 

@Heartgrove It sounds like a lovely train trip.

@1ANGELCAT I heard about that awful fire on the news. Good thoughts for Fluff and Ninja.

@ottahand7 Good going on the fish catches.

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for the picture of Sadie.

@bennybear Thank you for the Hiroshima photos.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

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Bright and sunny today. The rains when the come are spotty.


@JazzyV (no blue today, evidently) - I know what you mean about the roof. We just had ours done at the condo and it was between Yipe!! and "Wow!!!" and then some. At least the materials were available.


Hope all are well today...looks like the Covid is running its course in most cases. A second wave sort of swept through the shelter staff, but much less severe than before.


@Kazu (again no blue)....in thinking about Little Shadow, I am reminded of how dogs always seem to have problems with learning some behaviors and then, suddenly, the light goes on. I have been having some issues with Monty on the house training and suddenly, the past two days he seems to have grasped the idea and is trying to tell me that he needs out....NOW!!! Now I have to just pay attention. Hope Shadow is progressing.... it sounds like she is. All this is just so new to her and that trip from Egypt must have been terrifying. 


Have not been to the destination although I have been to Germany many times. Neither food nor drink appeal although that may be because my stomach has been a bit fussy the last few days.  I would probably be fine if someone set it in front of me.


And finally, for those who find they are slowing down on their cruising and traveling due to age.... I hear you. Have been looking at several cruises and realizing that at 85 I am not up to doing them. What is even harder is getting to the coast to join the ships. Right now the struggle of getting through airports just does not seem worth it. Hope I change my mind in the future. And then I think of Dolly. 





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Good morning from another hot day in central Texas.  Everything is about ready for DD and DSIL's visit.  The red, white and blue salad and lemonade pie are made, and the chicken I'll roast for dinner is thawing.  I even blew all the debris that blows in when we have south winds out of the port .


Hiroshima and Nagasaki are worth remembering.  We have visited Hiroshima twice and were moved by the memorials and their peace museum.  I like blues in moderation, but I'm really a rock n roll girl.  Farmworkers deserve their own day as they do so much so we can eat fresh food.


The Rick Riordan quote is interesting.  He is mainly known for writing children's books, but he wrote a series of books for adults featuring a detective from San Antonio, which I enjoyed.


We'll pass on the meal and the drink.  The wine sounds nice, but pricey.


We were in Warnemunde in 2016 on Prinsendam, and at the end of a Marco Polo cruise in 2005.  After the cruise, we took the train to Berlin as part of the cruise package and spent two nights there.


@MISTER 67 and @rafinmd Roy, I like the new avatars.

@smitty34877  Terry, that is good news that Tana is now negative and has improved.  Take it easy until your stamina returns.

@1ANGELCAT  That fire and loss of lives is terrible, and I feel for the fireman who lost family.

@bennybear  Thanks for the pictures of Hiroshima.



These are my pictures from Berlin taken on August 28 and 29, 2005. At the end of the Marcel Polo cruise, the passengers boarded a private train to a station in what was east Berlin.  We were traveling with friends, and the four of us managed to get one of the private rooms for the trip.  Once we were in Berlin, there was a bus tour of Berlin and a riverboat tour on the River Spree.  The next day, three of us took a bus to the Brandenburg Gate.  Our friend left us there, and we continued to the Holocaust Memorial, and a self tour of the city.


We saw this part of the wall in the former East Berlin.



This section was in west Berlin, IIRC.


The next three pictures were taken from the bus at various points on our tour, so the quality is not great.




Checkpoint Charlie.  The bus stopped there for a photo op, and we returned the next day to visit the museum shown in the picture right behind the picture of the US GI.  It was a very interesting museum and there were a lot of displays about escapes from East Berlin.






These pictures are from our second day in Berlin.  The Brandenburg Gate and a plaque in the line that marks the location of the Berlin Wall.  The line runs along any part of the wall where the actual wall was torn down.




The Holocaust Memorial 



One of the big intersections in Berlin and the rooftop garden area of a department store's buffet.



The shell of this bombed out church was left as a reminder of the war, and the very modern new church beside it.


We took a tram out to the 1936 Olympic Stadium.  It was closed, so we could not go inside.



Looking from one of the museums on an island in the River Spree between East and West Berlin.  We visited the museum and saw Nefertiti.   For being several millenniums old, she is in good shape.  They also have many other Egyptian artifacts.



The River Spree




Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good morning all!

The PNW is slowly heating up again, after getting down to the low 70's F.  It still will only get up to the mid 80's for a few days and back down again.  Not bad.  I wouldn't mind if the rest of our summer stays this way.


All very worth days today.  I'll pass on the meal and red wine, but the drink sounds pretty good.  We were in Berlin in 2014 on the Eurodam.  Hopefully I found some photos that don't duplicate what Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserhas posted.  My next-door neighbor and friend of 28 years came here from Berlin about 30 years ago.  Her family is still there.  She doesn't have much love for the city and is happy here.


My day will be filled with gardening and resting up until the next day with the DGSs, coming up on Monday, then another overnight on Thursday.  Also will need to replenish food before then 😉  Those boys can eat! 


Terry @smitty34877that is wonderful news that Tana has now tested negative!  


Charlottenburg Palace



Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church



Olympic Stadium from 1936






Victory Column


This shows where part of the Berlin Wall once stood




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Thanks Rich and all for their contributions. I have been here, just reading. Yesterday I read and just as I was getting ready to post phone calls, knocks on the door and outside activities. I am getting to know my new city. Traffic is different. It seems like they have their own style of driving. Maybe it is the narrow streets with trees right at the curbs. 

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In 2016 on our last Baltic cruise on Prinsendam, we were in Warnemunde on August 1.  Since we had been to Berlin, we decided to rent a car and visit some of the towns to the west.  The weather that day was a mixed bag of sun, heavy clouds and rain.  Most of the rain was while we were on the autobahn.


That day we visited Lubeck, Schwerin, Wismir, Bad Doberan, and Rostock. 


Our first stop was Lubeck, the furthest west we drove.  It is an old walled city known for its gothic style red brick buildings.  In Medieval times it was the capital of the Hanseatic League.  Only the city gate remains of the wall, and it has a decided list as one side is sinking.


The back side of the city gate


The first building you see after passing the city gate.


It might have been the building above, but somewhere nearby, we were at a high point and these are pictures of Lubeck and the Trave River.




This picture was probably taken in Wismir.


Schwerin Castle   We could not find a parking place, so we did not tour the castle.



The area cross from the bridge to the castle.  


I believe these were taken in Bad Doberan, and we just made it back to the car before it stated raining again.




On the way back to the ship, we drove around Rostock, but did not find anything interesting to stop to see.  We also drove around Warnemunde, and  this is the church.





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Well, bummer.  DD mentioned a hair appointment today, but somehow we thought it was a different time, and they were coming today.  We just talked to her, and the appointment is this afternoon, so they will be here tomorrow not today.  At least, the salad and pie are ready, and the chicken will definitely be thawed by the time I start cooking it.


Now, I just need to come up with something for supper today.



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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Remembering those lost at Hiroshima. I like some blues music and certainly appreciate farmworkers.

Funny quote. Maybe on the meal. Pass on the drink and wine (too pricey for me).

I've been to Germany, but not Berlin. Thanks in advance for any photos.


We had a good bit of rain yesterday, with some local flooding of roads and some unfortunate folks with feet of water in their basements. I'm glad I got that roof patching! I also got the quote for a new roof and eek! We're supposed to get rain off and on for the next few days.


Shaking my head at a news story. The police are looking for a grandmother. A 10 month old GC she was watching had a drug overdose, and a 3 and 9 year old tested positive for cocaine and fentanyl. She took off as EMT's were treating the baby with Naloxone. They found drugs, syringes, and other drug paraphernalia in the home. No mention of where the parents are.


@aliaschief Thanks for the great Scotland pics.

@MISTER 67 Good luck with the tests and Bon Voyage!

@rafinmd I like the new avatar! 

@Tbay Happy Birthday! Also to DGS.

@kb4683 Happy Birthday to your DH!

@cat shepard Good luck with getting that VeriFly account set up.

@smitty34877 It sounds like it will take a bit to get your stamina back; baby steps. Woohoo on Tana testing negative and feeling a bit better! 

@Heartgrove It sounds like a lovely train trip.

@1ANGELCAT I heard about that awful fire on the news. Good thoughts for Fluff and Ninja.

@ottahand7 Good going on the fish catches.

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for the picture of Sadie.

@bennybear Thank you for the Hiroshima photos.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

Negative on our Rapid Tests, good to go.

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5 hours ago, kb4683 said:

Good Morning, Dailyites!


It's a beautiful morning here in Central Florida, currently 77F with a predicted high of only 91 😉.  Of course, we are supposed to also have our daily round of thunderstorms this afternoon.


Thank you to all for your contributions, caring and sharing.


@TbayHappy Birthday to you and your DGS.  You are also sharing your birthday with a very special man -- my DH (Jim)❣️



Happy birthday to your husband.


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6 hours ago, MISTER 67 said:

Good morning from beautiful Southwest Florida.

Funny quote today.

Good selection of days

The meal is something I would try.

I'm not sure about the drink though I do love apple pie.

We have never been to Germany.

We are off to Fort Myers in a few minutes for our Covid Rapid Test as we sail tomorrow on the Equinox out of Port Everglades. Next cruise is on December 4th on the Nieuw Amsterdam.

Thanks for The Daily, stay well and have a great day.

Best wishes for your test and then I hope you have an amazing cruise on Equinox.

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1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

Bright and sunny today. The rains when the come are spotty.


@JazzyV (no blue today, evidently) - I know what you mean about the roof. We just had ours done at the condo and it was between Yipe!! and "Wow!!!" and then some. At least the materials were available.


Hope all are well today...looks like the Covid is running its course in most cases. A second wave sort of swept through the shelter staff, but much less severe than before.


@Kazu (again no blue)....in thinking about Little Shadow, I am reminded of how dogs always seem to have problems with learning some behaviors and then, suddenly, the light goes on. I have been having some issues with Monty on the house training and suddenly, the past two days he seems to have grasped the idea and is trying to tell me that he needs out....NOW!!! Now I have to just pay attention. Hope Shadow is progressing.... it sounds like she is. All this is just so new to her and that trip from Egypt must have been terrifying. 


Have not been to the destination although I have been to Germany many times. Neither food nor drink appeal although that may be because my stomach has been a bit fussy the last few days.  I would probably be fine if someone set it in front of me.


And finally, for those who find they are slowing down on their cruising and traveling due to age.... I hear you. Have been looking at several cruises and realizing that at 85 I am not up to doing them. What is even harder is getting to the coast to join the ships. Right now the struggle of getting through airports just does not seem worth it. Hope I change my mind in the future. And then I think of Dolly. 






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