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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday August 18th, 2022


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1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

We'll get a high of 86 F today, but with a cloud cover so I'm thinking humidity.  Good day to stay inside and catch up on the laundry!


Interesting days and if I wrote poetry it would definitely be bad poetry.  Will pass on the meal but the wine and drink both sound good.  We'll go to Noumea on the Grand Australia '24, I look forward to any photos.  


I'm still a bit shaken from some news DD shared with us.  On the first day of their road trip to Crater Lake they heard a strange "whump whump" sound as they were driving.  They pulled over and discovered that 3 of the 4 lug nuts on a tire were gone!!  All we can think is that someone either wanted that tire and was interrupted  or was pulling a terrible sick joke (DSIL parks in a large parking lot in Seattle for work).  Long story short, the tire guy told them it was a miracle that they were ok.  So I'm saying a lot of prayers of thanks right now!!  


Gerry @ger_77I was glad to hear that you're feeling better this morning.  As for the appetite loss, our DD lost 10 pounds when she had Covid (!!) so I'm not surprised to hear the reports of no appetite.


Sandi @StLouisCruisersyou are so right about the timing of smoke alarms' batteries.  Why is that???  Living in GA you probably haven't had this, but we've also noticed that on very cold nights it seems to happen even more.  When we were gone on a long cruise a few years ago, my neighbor (who was checking on our house while we were gone) noticed a chirping coming from the smoke alarm in our bedroom.  Bless her heart, she changed the battery for us.


Terri @Cruzin TerriI'm so sorry to hear about your neighbor.


@1ANGELCATsending good wishes for a good outcome from Fluff's surgery.


@RedneckBobI'll say it again, I love your stories and humor!





Simply amazing that the tire didn't come off with only having 1 lug nut, glad that no one was hurt in what could have been a terrible accident. 

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@kazuYou are always in my prayers and thoughts.  I hope today resolves with some peace.


DH strongly suggested that since we cant open the desk drawers any more that we (me) clean them out.  Years of birthday, Christmas, Easter cards were tossed.  Games were put in the den,  Travel memorabilia was bagged up, no more pamphlets floating around in the desk.  And all my annual H& R Block envelopes are now all together.  


I found letters from my fathers friends after he passed, I saved, I found a letter from DH on why he was breaking up with me (didn't work) from 2000.  I tossed that one, didn't want him to read and rethink the last 22 years.  Valentines from my grandparents from 1965.    And I found a letter from the American Poetry Press that wanted to use one of my poems in an audio recording.  I read the poem.  It was pretty darn good.  There were hundreds of song lyrics and poems in that desk.  There may be still a web site that gives you a type of poem to write every day, and submit. I did that the first two years at my old job, when calls were not coming in.  DH says I should publish, alas, I really want to write poetry that will offend those from my past, so I quit writing.  Maybe I need an alias...like Annie Marshhawk!


By the way, the three ginger cats, and the two grays were highly offended that they did not get their own day yesterday.  I wonder if there is a Ginger Cat day?


My neck does feel better today, problem is the pain is coming from my left side, up into the neck, not the other way round.  Guess I really do need to see a doc. No appetite, and eating makes it hurt worse anyway.  I already have had my appendix out, so not sure what is going on.

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33 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Too late to edit my post, but I said 3 of the 4 lug nuts and it should have said 3 of the 5 were removed.  Shows how much I know about lug nuts!  😄 

Hopefully there was at least 1 or possibly 2 locking nuts on each wheel to prevent the theft of the wheel.


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26 minutes ago, MISTER 67 said:

Simply amazing that the tire didn't come off with only having 1 lug nut, glad that no one was hurt in what could have been a terrible accident. 

Thank you, as the tire guy said, it was a miracle.  I did correct my post later (after editing expired) I should have written 3 of 5 lug nuts but it still was a miracle.  

15 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Hopefully there was at least 1 or possibly 2 locking nuts on each wheel to prevent the theft of the wheel.


Thank you Graham.  DH also said they should get locking nuts -- will pass it on to them 🙂  

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51 minutes ago, kazu said:

Good afternoon everyone.


Just a quick update and a vent if you don’t mind too much.

It was a long night last night.  

The supposed rescue team was not out yesterday looking for Shadow.  It was pouring rain and I mean pouring.  they don’t work in that weather.  But Liz was out there searching.  Then, as she was leaving she found out there was a sighting at a different gate that she wasn’t advised of and she drove home crying.


The ‘rescue team’ plans to set a Live trap to catch her.  And, once they catch her she will be tossed in a crate and taken somewhere to “decompress”.  She will completely freak out and possibly damage her legs more.  Liz has asked them to please not do that.  She needs to be soothed not caged.  I know how she reacts to a crate.  One attempt here and it was put away.  She regressed and it took 3 days to bring her back to the point I had her before.  If they put her in a room with a floor she can’t walk on and no “outside” she will lose what spirit she has left.

Liz has a new sighting and is back out there desperately trying to find her before the Live trap gets set up.


She wants me here in case anyone personally messages me with any info so I can get it to her ASAP.

I am going to have to do some digging to see what wonderful thing I can get for her that will give her joy.  Her dedication and determination to help this dog is beyond words and measure.


I don’t know who is sadder and angrier - her or me.


I’ll try to be back tomorrow, more attentive and following everyone’s day.  Today I’m not good at that stuff.

If it has stopped raining, have them put her bed out in the area where she was seen. That helps keep them in one area for rescue.



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1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

We'll get a high of 86 F today, but with a cloud cover so I'm thinking humidity.  Good day to stay inside and catch up on the laundry!


Interesting days and if I wrote poetry it would definitely be bad poetry.  Will pass on the meal but the wine and drink both sound good.  We'll go to Noumea on the Grand Australia '24, I look forward to any photos.  


I'm still a bit shaken from some news DD shared with us.  On the first day of their road trip to Crater Lake they heard a strange "whump whump" sound as they were driving.  They pulled over and discovered that 3 of the 4 lug nuts on a tire were gone!!  All we can think is that someone either wanted that tire and was interrupted  or was pulling a terrible sick joke (DSIL parks in a large parking lot in Seattle for work).  Long story short, the tire guy told them it was a miracle that they were ok.  So I'm saying a lot of prayers of thanks right now!!  



Your DD was so, so lucky! I had the misfortune back around 1980 of passing another car just as their last remaining lug nut broke off their left front wheel. It acted like a projectile as it hit my windshield right in line with the passenger seat and my ex. I quickly braked to avoid the bouncing wheel and tire while the other car skidded to a stop luckily staying in it's lane. My Jeep needed a new windshield and we ended up at the side of the road waiting for the county sheriff to file a report. No injuries though!

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7 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

If it has stopped raining, have them put her bed out in the area where she was seen. That helps keep them in one area for rescue.




Thanks Susan,


It’s going to rain until Saturday, sadly.  

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1 hour ago, kazu said:

Good afternoon everyone.


Just a quick update and a vent if you don’t mind too much.

It was a long night last night.  

The supposed rescue team was not out yesterday looking for Shadow.  It was pouring rain and I mean pouring.  they don’t work in that weather.  But Liz was out there searching.  Then, as she was leaving she found out there was a sighting at a different gate that she wasn’t advised of and she drove home crying.


The ‘rescue team’ plans to set a Live trap to catch her.  And, once they catch her she will be tossed in a crate and taken somewhere to “decompress”.  She will completely freak out and possibly damage her legs more.  Liz has asked them to please not do that.  She needs to be soothed not caged.  I know how she reacts to a crate.  One attempt here and it was put away.  She regressed and it took 3 days to bring her back to the point I had her before.  If they put her in a room with a floor she can’t walk on and no “outside” she will lose what spirit she has left.

Liz has a new sighting and is back out there desperately trying to find her before the Live trap gets set up.


She wants me here in case anyone personally messages me with any info so I can get it to her ASAP.

I am going to have to do some digging to see what wonderful thing I can get for her that will give her joy.  Her dedication and determination to help this dog is beyond words and measure.


I don’t know who is sadder and angrier - her or me.


I’ll try to be back tomorrow, more attentive and following everyone’s day.  Today I’m not good at that stuff.


Thank you for the update, Jacqui.  I sure hope Liz is successful and finds Shadow before she ends up in a crate.   Bless both of you for caring so much.  Many people would have just shrugged it off and said, so sad.  


48 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Thanks to all of you that expressed your condolences for my neighbor.  i will pass it on to her family. As I said previously, her husband passed away in 2019 and one of her sons passed away in July 2021.  

May she Rest In Peace.


My condolences on the loss of your neighbor.  May she rest in peace now.

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Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report, and thank you Debbie for today's recipes. And thank you all for being here! 


The new mother and daughter just arrived home from the hospital. Everybody is doing fine. Lily can now try out the new bassinet that Sue and DSIL bought for her.


Stay Safe!


- Jack



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4 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

So does anyone else agree with me that smoke detectors only start chirping at night? 

The smoke detectors at our condo seem to start while we are gone. 

The first time, we arrived just as all of the local stores were closing, and we didn't have any replacement batteries. It did its little beep thing all night, even with the battery taken out. I was at the store when it opened at 6AM to solve that problem.

The second time the smoke detector went into its beeping stage we found out by email from the maintenance department. It had been going for a couple days and some neighbors were concerned. The head guy went into the condo, tried changing the battery (which was only a few months old) and when that didn't work, he changed out the unit for a new detector. 

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47 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:


Your DD was so, so lucky! I had the misfortune back around 1980 of passing another car just as their last remaining lug nut broke off their left front wheel. It acted like a projectile as it hit my windshield right in line with the passenger seat and my ex. I quickly braked to avoid the bouncing wheel and tire while the other car skidded to a stop luckily staying in it's lane. My Jeep needed a new windshield and we ended up at the side of the road waiting for the county sheriff to file a report. No injuries though!

Wow, that's amazing!  So glad nobody was hurt.  Careful, safe driving.

Yes, it would have been DD, DSIL and both our grandsons.  I hate to even think what could have happened. 😞  


Thank you for posting the photo of your adorable Lily!  


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1 hour ago, kazu said:

Good afternoon everyone.


Just a quick update and a vent if you don’t mind too much.

It was a long night last night.  

The supposed rescue team was not out yesterday looking for Shadow.  It was pouring rain and I mean pouring.  they don’t work in that weather.  But Liz was out there searching.  Then, as she was leaving she found out there was a sighting at a different gate that she wasn’t advised of and she drove home crying.


The ‘rescue team’ plans to set a Live trap to catch her.  And, once they catch her she will be tossed in a crate and taken somewhere to “decompress”.  She will completely freak out and possibly damage her legs more.  Liz has asked them to please not do that.  She needs to be soothed not caged.  I know how she reacts to a crate.  One attempt here and it was put away.  She regressed and it took 3 days to bring her back to the point I had her before.  If they put her in a room with a floor she can’t walk on and no “outside” she will lose what spirit she has left.

Liz has a new sighting and is back out there desperately trying to find her before the Live trap gets set up.


She wants me here in case anyone personally messages me with any info so I can get it to her ASAP.

I am going to have to do some digging to see what wonderful thing I can get for her that will give her joy.  Her dedication and determination to help this dog is beyond words and measure.


I don’t know who is sadder and angrier - her or me.


I’ll try to be back tomorrow, more attentive and following everyone’s day.  Today I’m not good at that stuff.

I really hope Liz is successful at locating Shadow very soon!   The poor thing is probably not enjoying that rainy weather.  Also we don't want her to be captured in a live trap after all she's been through.  I know you'll rest easier knowing she's been found, too.  Prayers for all of you involved.🙏




27 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report, and thank you Debbie for today's recipes. And thank you all for being here! 


The new mother and daughter just arrived home from the hospital. Everybody is doing fine. Lily can now try out the new bassinet that Sue and DSIL bought for her.


Stay Safe!


- Jack



Look how proud Mom is of little Lily!  Thanks for showing us.  She's such a pretty baby.




24 minutes ago, HAL4NOW said:

The smoke detectors at our condo seem to start while we are gone. 

The first time, we arrived just as all of the local stores were closing, and we didn't have any replacement batteries. It did its little beep thing all night, even with the battery taken out. I was at the store when it opened at 6AM to solve that problem.

The second time the smoke detector went into its beeping stage we found out by email from the maintenance department. It had been going for a couple days and some neighbors were concerned. The head guy went into the condo, tried changing the battery (which was only a few months old) and when that didn't work, he changed out the unit for a new detector. 


I was trying to figure out the furthest spot in the house from that chirping detector, when it stopped its chirping.  I figured it would be the "napping" room in the lower level, with a white noise machine turned up to unsafe decibels.  I cannot stand that noise. Meanwhile DH had been sleeping through it for 45 minutes already.😱

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1 hour ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report, and thank you Debbie for today's recipes. And thank you all for being here! 


The new mother and daughter just arrived home from the hospital. Everybody is doing fine. Lily can now try out the new bassinet that Sue and DSIL bought for her.


Stay Safe!


- Jack




Adorable tiny little peanut! Lily looks happy to be home.

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1 hour ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report, and thank you Debbie for today's recipes. And thank you all for being here! 


The new mother and daughter just arrived home from the hospital. Everybody is doing fine. Lily can now try out the new bassinet that Sue and DSIL bought for her.


Stay Safe!


- Jack



Lovely photo Jack.

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

No thanks to bad poetry. Serendipity happens. Helium is important in keeping the MRI magnets cool.

Another great Gandhi quote.

I like and have made the meal; love pina coladas. I'll pass on the wine.

I haven't been to Noumea. I guess no one's been there to post photos.


I'm late today. It's sunny and warm today, after a foggy start. Not much going on with me. I now see 5 people from the HS reunion have reported becoming Covid positive. 


@kazu Prayers for you and for Shadow. Bless Liz for trying to find her in the pouring rain and again today. That plan for her to "decompress" doesn't sound very humane. I hope the wrist is less painful.

@ger_77 I'm glad you and DH are coming along.

@RedneckBob Haha 👍👍

@Cruzin Terri Good luck with the booster shots. My condolences on the passing of your neighbor; it sounds like she had a lot of heartache before this latest illness.

@1ANGELCAT I hope Fluff sailed through the surgery.

@StLouisCruisers Yes, batteries always go out in the middle of the night! Mine are hard-wired into the security system, so I don't have to worry about that any more. I'm glad DS arrived safely.

@smitty34877 I hope you all regain pleasure in eating soon.

@marshhawk Great story and it was serendipity.

@Cruising-along I'm so glad DD is ok! Years ago I was going on a road trip and heard something similar. I pulled into the first auto garage I could find, and the lug nuts were loose. I'd had the yearly inspection a few days before, and they'd not tightened them after pulling the wheel! I was just thankful I wasn't on the highway yet, and was only going 25 mph. Now I always check.

@bennybear Sorry to hear of the wasp sting. 

@Heartgrove Wonderful picture of Lily and her DM.

@Seasick Sailor Good news that it's raining!


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Try to stay safe everyone.

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I visited Noumea February 12, 2018 on the Crystal Serenity.  I had 2 tours that day a morning helicopter tour and an afternoon "tour train".  I'll start with a birds eye view of the town:




A fortress:




Many of the tourist facilities are villas right on the water:




The "Train":



and the highest point in the island, Ouemo battery:



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Good afternoon.  It’s been a long day.  After I finished cleaning the house, I got the bright (?) idea to trim and mow the grass.  It was cloudy and cooler than it will be tomorrow morning.  There was a breeze which slowed down just after I started mowing, and to top it off, the sun came out.  I got the yard done with a couple of brakes to cool off.  Now that I've finished, the clouds are back and the breeze has picked up.  At least, it's comfortable enough to sit outside while I cool down.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, we've had the smoke detectors go off about 2 am, and a couple of times just after we'd changed the batteries.  It turns out a spider or a moth had gotten in the smoke detector and caused it to go off.  This was in Quartzsite where the detectors have batteries and are hard wired too.  To make matters worse, the are interconnected so if one goes off, the all go off.  Imagine three alarms at once in a small house.


@marshhawk  Ann, that was serendipitous that your DH's boss was your old friend.


@ger_77  Gerry, I glad all of you are feeling better, and that your almost daughter and her family are feeding you.


@Cruzin Terri  Terri, our condolences to you and your neighbor's family on her passing.  I hope her death was pain free and peaceful.


@Cruising-along  Carolyn, I'm happy that your DD and family found the problem before there was an accident.  They were very lucky in deed.  Years ago, we took my car to the dealer just outside Houston to be serviced.  DH was going to drive home while I drove the other car. Just as he was leaving at looked back and saw the left front tire wobbling. I know people thought I was nuts running across the parking lot yelling at DH.  Luckily, he heard me and stopped. The mechanic had put the lugnuts on, but forgot to tighten them with the impact wrench. I hate to think what would have happened if DH made it onto I-45 in rush hour traffic.


@bennybear  I hope your feeling better after the wasp sting.


@richwmn   Rich, I remember that Roger Miller song, and now, I can't get it out of my head. 😉


@kazu  Jacqui, I hope Liz can find Shadow before they set the live trap.  Maybe it will look too much like a crate, and she won't go in it. 🤞 Liz is a treasure, and it's good she is so dedicated to the welfare of Shadow and other dogs.  I can't understand the rescue group's thinking to plan something that will traumatize a dog that has already been traumatized.  Frankly, I not sure if they are really thinking about the welfare of the dogs they are rescuing.  BTW, feel free to vent, and we'll vent with you.


@Seasick Sailor  Joy, great news you are getting rain.  I hope the prediction for several days of rain for both of us holds true.


@rafinmd  Roy, thank you for the pictures of today's port.  Hopefully, we'll get there some day.


@Heartgrove  Jack, thanks for the picture of our new Daily baby.  Your DD and Lily look good and happy to be home.




Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good Evening Everyone, thanks for the daily fleet report.  Today was an in office day.  A meeting that was scheduled for 1 1/2 hours went over by 45 minutes.  @dfish thanks for the pictures and recipes they look good.


@marshhawk ginger appreciation day is September 1.


I hope that everyone has a nice evening.


Raven and my nephew have quickly bonded.


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Good evening everyone.  Thanks for the daily report, lists and recipes. I think that I would be a bad poet.  Love serendipity day and helium as it inflates birthday balloons 🎈. What a great quote, I may need to print that out.  The meal and drink sound very nice but hubby is taking me out for my birthday dinner so I’ll have to pass.  Prayers for everyone on today’s prayer list.  Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events! 🥂

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It is a record warm day here in the Pacific Northwest - 91F.  I am kind of a geeky person, so when helium was mentioned, I was reminded what I have recently been reading about Helium 3, an isotope of helium.  It is rare and unusual as it two protons and 1 neutron and seems to have possibilities as an energy source in nuclear fusion.  The assumption is that it would be safe as no radiation would be emitted.  It is very rare on earth, but not so much on the surface of the moon.  On earth it is produced from the nuclear breakdown of tritium, which is an isotope of hydrogen and used for glow in the dark watch dials and hydrogen bombs.  Guess that is enough geekiness for today.


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