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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday August 20th, 2022


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We're back from my getting my first shinlge vaccine shot.  I was surprised that it hurt more than other vaccines.  The pharmacist said others have made that  comment and wanted to know if it was a burning or stinging pain.  It was more of the latter, but really it was just intense.  Fortunately, it didn't hurt for long.  


The pharmacist mentioned that he'd heard the second shot is more of a problem with reactions.   He suggested if I had any reaction, even a sore arm, to wait until closed to the six month time to get the second shot.  Since the arm I got the shot in was already sore, I might not know if that is partly a reaction.  We'll see what happens tomorrow. 


I forgot to mention earlier that if the mosquitoes are biting me, and either DH or younger DD are close, then I know the mosquitoes are bad.  Those two are my mosquito repellent. 😉


4 hours ago, superoma said:

Good morning all. While I truly appreciate bees since without them our garden would not produce its bounty, yesterday was a bad day for one of our DDs as she got stung just above the eye while bike riding when a bee got caught between her helmet and her sunglasses. Will see her later today and hope the swelling has gone down.


it has been so dry here in Windsor that we have had virtually no mosquitoes this year. While the no mosquitoes is good, the so dry is not. We have huge cracks in the lawn (we don’t water the grass preferring to use the water for the garden). Rain promised today and for the next three days but so far the forecasts have not been accurate. 

we will be celebrating DH’s birthday(actual on Monday) today so I actually hope it doesn’t rain, at least until after supper. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Prayers where needed and will hoist a glass in celebration later for those celebrating.


I hope your DD's eye is better soon.  An early HAPPY BIRTHDAY  to your DH.


2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Last night after a rather rainy and cloudy day we were treated to a beautiful sunset on the North Sea.




Beautiful sunset.


2 hours ago, Overhead Fred said:

From our one stop in Nassau (Nieuw Statendam, 2019), we quite liked the port -














Fred, thanks for the pictures of Nassau.


2 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning to all. Rain predicted off and on today and the first shower hit just after I got back from walking the dogs. Bandit does not mind the rain.... but Monty Chi tells me he will melt if a single drop hits his back. Will make the in and outs interesting today. Timing is everything.


I will happily celebrate the bees, but will give the rest a pass. Am looking wistfully at the pictures.... have not been there.


Our contractor spent yesterday on the shelter roof supervising and I hope things are repaired. The tile work is to be redone in the next few days. We are in the final wrap up stage, but we need to get the shelter fully operational so we can open up fully and make dog adoptions easier for the public. 


While the search for Shadow was going on, I did not want to mention that we too had an escapee from a foster home. A very pregnant mutt (sort of houndish)  was picked up as a stray and went to a "maternity home" from which she managed to bolt shortly a day or two after arrival. She was found the next evening under an abandoned shed with her 7 lovely babies and is now safe inside where she belongs. She seems very content. The foster family felt sooooo guilty and are now showering her with love and attention. We may have a foster fail in the making.


Hope Shadow is doing well after her ordeal.




Susan, I hope the roof leak is finally fixed.  I'm happy the new mother and her 7 puppies were found.  The foster fail wouldn't be a total failure if the mother found a loving forever home.


1 hour ago, HAL Sailer said:

May I ask for prayers for DH's 89 year old sister? We have just learned that tests done yesterday show that the malignant melanoma found in a mole is evident elsewhere. The upcoming mole removal has changed to a much more invasive surgery and moved up to Monday. What was worrisome is now a very grave concern. 


(Note: This is DH's sister whose son had the horrid lawn mowing accident.)


All prayers are greatly appreciated,



Melisa, I'm sorry the melanoma has spread, and that your DSIL is facing a much more invasive surgery and probably other treatments.  Sending positive thoughts that she does well and can be cancer free.  BTW, how is her son doing in rehab?


54 minutes ago, CrabbyPatti said:

Oh, boy going to be a long week................what a "run on" sentence I wrote in above post!  LOL 



Denise, I hope you have cooler weather for the fair and your anniversary.


29 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks @richwmn for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Honey bees are important and hopefully making a comeback. I don't listen to the radio much, except in the car. The health department was just spraying for mosquitos around here as West Nile VIrus has been detected in some; and mosquitos love me so I try to always use a repellant.

I think the quote is sadly true.

I'll pass on the meal and wine, and take the drink.

I've been to Nassau once by air (in college) and on a Disney Cruise.


It's warm and sunny here today. Maybe a shower tonight, but serious storms tomorrow. I'm trying to tidy up around here as it's quite messy right now. My knee is not feeling good at times; the steroid injection helped some, but not great. I may look into the gel injection next month.


@aliaschief Thanks for sharing your journey with us.

@dfish You're quite the worker bee with all your painting!

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad you're starting to feel better after the booster. Thinking of you as you attend your neighbor's memorial service.

@ottahand7 What a pretty landscape up there.

@superoma I hope DD's ok and the pain and swelling subside quickly. Early Happy Birthday to your DH!

@HAL Sailer I interpret the quote the same way. Many prayers for DH's sister. Sad to hear this news and I hope the treatment is effective.

@durangoscots Fingers crossed for no more roof leaks! 


Prayers for the Care List and a toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.


A few pictures from my stop in Nassau on Disney Wonder in 2007.




Interesting Decor inside Atlantis






Paradise Lagoon



Ships in dock in Nassau




Vanessa, I'm sorry the steroid shot is not working as well.  I enjoyed the pictures of Atlantis.  We visited there on two of our stops in Nassau.  A very interesting resort.


21 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Love honey bees; when we still owned the farm, a honey producer set up a number of hives on the property, then gifted us with a bunch of honey at the end of each year.  It was a win win situation.  I'm pretty sure I've had a radio on almost every day of my life - I recall studying for exams with the radio going and my mother couldn't understand how I could do that.  Mosquitos don't always go for me - they used to head for DH when he was on a particular blood pressure medication.


I recall going to Atlantis Resort when we docked in Nassau in July, 1989 on our first ever cruise.  We've returned to Nassau a couple of times since then and those experiences have been fraught with drug pushing or people wanting to braid my short hair.  Now if it's a port stop, it becomes a ship day for us.


7 days in and I'm still testing positive - and still feeling tired.  DH isn't out of the woods yet, as he got up a couple of hours ago and is now napping on the deck, so the fatigue hasn't left him either.  Sure wish there was a magic bullet to take care of this feeling; I'm not used to just hanging around.


Sending prayers for @HAL Sailer's sister in law that the surgery is successful.  


Food still isn't appealing to either of us, so unless our not quite daughter's Dad sends over more today, we'll each have another couple of teaspoonfuls of yesterday's fare.  On the upside, it's a great way to lose the "quaran-ten" that I gained during the lockdown.  LOL


Stay safe everyone, see you tomorrow.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



Gerry, I'm sorry you're still testing positive, and that you both are still fatigued.  Hope tomorrow is a better day for both of you.  We've had good visits in Nassau and ones like you described,


2 hours ago, summer slope said:

Not bees but a visitor to our eco park this morning. When he flew away the whole underside of his wings was bright pink. 




Lovely bird.


@grapau27  An early HAPPY 41ST ANNIVERSARY to both of you.





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2 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:

May I ask for prayers for DH's 89 year old sister? We have just learned that tests done yesterday show that the malignant melanoma found in a mole is evident elsewhere. The upcoming mole removal has changed to a much more invasive surgery and moved up to Monday. What was worrisome is now a very grave concern. 


(Note: This is DH's sister whose son had the horrid lawn mowing accident.)


All prayers are greatly appreciated,



Melisa your DSIL is in my prayer book. Blessings,  Joy

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2 hours ago, CrabbyPatti said:

Good Morning Everyone!


    Going to be another warm one here today and for the next week.  Bit worried about the heat as Monday starts our county fair.  Always harder on the kids and critters when it is so hot ( and parents!)

      Love the honeybees, I am allergic, but still appreciate them, just cautious when I am out.


     Last night we went to dinner and I had a drink with dinner told hubby it would taste better on a ship!  We will celebrate our 44th Anniversary on Friday while at the fair.  I help with the grands and critters and his mens group from church makes and sells waffle cones with ice cream as a charity fundraiser.  So we will toast with a waffle cone and ice cream on Friday!

@grapau27 Congrats to you and Pauline on your 41st Anniversary on Monday! 

@cat shepard I think I might be that OCD picture by the end of fair week.


Stay safe and healthy everyone, I'll check in when I can this week.



1 hour ago, irishjim said:

I wish  you  and  Pauline a  wonderful Anniversary and many  many




1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We're back from my getting my first shinlge vaccine shot.  I was surprised that it hurt more than other vaccines.  The pharmacist said others have made that  comment and wanted to know if it was a burning or stinging pain.  It was more of the latter, but really it was just intense.  Fortunately, it didn't hurt for long.  


The pharmacist mentioned that he'd heard the second shot is more of a problem with reactions.   He suggested if I had any reaction, even a sore arm, to wait until closed to the six month time to get the second shot.  Since the arm I got the shot in was already sore, I might not know if that is partly a reaction.  We'll see what happens tomorrow. 


I forgot to mention earlier that if the mosquitoes are biting me, and either DH or younger DD are close, then I know the mosquitoes are bad.  Those two are my mosquito repellent. 😉



I hope your DD's eye is better soon.  An early HAPPY BIRTHDAY  to your DH.



Beautiful sunset.



Fred, thanks for the pictures of Nassau.



Susan, I hope the roof leak is finally fixed.  I'm happy the new mother and her 7 puppies were found.  The foster fail wouldn't be a total failure if the mother found a loving forever home.



Melisa, I'm sorry the melanoma has spread, and that your DSIL is facing a much more invasive surgery and probably other treatments.  Sending positive thoughts that she does well and can be cancer free.  BTW, how is her son doing in rehab?



Denise, I hope you have cooler weather for the fair and your anniversary.



Vanessa, I'm sorry the steroid shot is not working as well.  I enjoyed the pictures of Atlantis.  We visited there on two of our stops in Nassau.  A very interesting resort.



Gerry, I'm sorry you're still testing positive, and that you both are still fatigued.  Hope tomorrow is a better day for both of you.  We've had good visits in Nassau and ones like you described,



Lovely bird.


@grapau27  An early HAPPY 41ST ANNIVERSARY to both of you.





Thank you for all your early anniversary wishes.

Pauline has to go to work on Monday but we will celebrate in our favourite Italian restaurant on Tuesday with our Sarah.

The picture is Pauline and her late dad leaving her mam and dad's house 


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3 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

@ger_77 Sorry you're still testing positive and that you're both still very fatigued. Just rest and recuperate.

@grapau27 Pauline was a beautiful bride on her wedding day. Great picture of her and her Father.

Thank you Vanessa.

Pauline is beautiful and lovely natured just like her late dad was.


Edited by grapau27
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@Overhead Fred, this photo of yours is a real classic:




That whole area has been demolished and will be replaced by a new cruise terminal which I think is designed primarily for ships homeporting in Nassau. 

I'm adding a couple of photos of somewhat off the beaten path places that I have enjoyed in Nassau.  The first is the Public Library which was a favorite of mine in the days when internet was purchased by the minute.  The library had very fast wifi; it was not free but you could buy a pass for the day for about 2 hours and get a LOT done in a short time.  The library was originally the town jail with about 8 cells arranged in a circle around a small central core.  The cells are not really changed but the gates are now gone and the bunks are replaced by tables and bookshelves.  You kind of needed to clear out a space for your laptop but once done the service was great:




The other is the Queens Staircase, a series of 66 steps leading up to Fort Fincastle, the highest point on the island.  It was carved out of the rock by slave labor in 1793-4.  It was later named in honor of Queen Victoria who was instrumental in freeing the slaves.





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35 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

@Overhead Fred, this photo of yours is a real classic:




That whole area has been demolished and will be replaced by a new cruise terminal which I think is designed primarily for ships homeporting in Nassau. 



Funny, I have that same photo from my cruise in 2007, that I didn't post earlier.


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Nassau has the best pier to watch pier runners.   In all the times we have been, we have seen at least 4 people get left behind.  They either cant tell time, or got confused on what ship they came from.


Cozumel runs a close second on pier runners.  It's either rum or tequila that are somehow involved.

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4 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Interesting Decor inside Atlantis

I have been to Nassau many times; we frequently have to fly through in order to get to the Out Islands of the Bahamas.   My very first cruise with my husband was to Nassau,  neither of us can remember the name of the cruise line.  We also boarded several Windjammer cruises in Nassau.  I took my niece for a quick trip one Christmas.  Seeing the decorations at Atlantis reminded me of the Christmas tree at Graycliff.DFFD6D21-D98A-4610-BFEF-2F2BFC08BF9B.thumb.jpeg.b0b72927573e7ff255666747c9ca70d3.jpeg




Best food in Nassau can be found at Arawak Cay Fish Fry.  Don’t miss it if you’re on Nassau.  My favorite Bahamian dish conch salad.C1132E45-4C3D-44C3-AE5B-3F4DA678C527.jpeg.2bde69eb1a09a0fb717a5224d152505d.jpeg


Whole fried fish from my favorite shack “Oh Andros”



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I've gotten about a third of the applesauce finished, I guess it's going to take 3 days to get it all done.  I've gotten to the age that I won't push myself, not worth it 😉  That and even though it's cooler today, the humidity is higher (nothing like some of you get, but we aren't used to it here).  


Melissa @HAL Sailer  I'm sorry your DH's sister's melanoma has spread.  Prayers for successful treatment and that she can be cancer-free.

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1 hour ago, CrabbyPatti said:

@marshhawk  Call me a terrible person but during the Covid lockdown,  When the weather was bad I spent a lot of time watching various you tube videos about pier runners! It helped lighten the time when we were "stuck" at home!


You are not  a  terrible person.

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@HAL Sailer I am so sorry to hear of your DSIL's diagnosis.  Prayers that they can successfully treat this and that she tolerates the surgery well.  


I am ready to hit the road painting tomorrow.  Everything is taped and draped.  I had to take down some wallpaper and sand the walls.  Then, try getting it all up off the floor.  I vacuumed, I swept, I swiffered, and I got down on the floor with a wet rag and wiped it up.  


@Cruising-alongI didn't know about the stuff you can buy to harden paint.  I was following the directions from the county hazardous waste disposal website.  I'm not sure what kind of hazardous waste they accept, but it isn't paint, lighter fluid, paint thinner, brake fluid, garden fertilizers and weed killers, etc.  I think they just tell us that stuff is hazardous.  

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9 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Last night after a rather rainy and cloudy day we were treated to a beautiful sunset on the North Sea.



I am looking at an aft Neptune next Jun and would like to hear from you how the motion/vibration is being aft.  The cabin would be on deck 5 not sure if it makes a difference.  This view looks amazing.   We have sailed in aft cabins several times (other cruiselines) so know what to expect. We are 1st time HAL cruisers.  How is the North Sea for cruising?  



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2nd attempt at posting the pictures my DH graciously downloaded for me.


I will do it in 2 posts, and not one.  The Nassau or Bahamian Zoo was probably a treasure to the country 30 years ago, but it isn't flashy, it isn't fast, and it's never really advertised as an excursion.  It is however a precious spot that I hope will be there forever.


I chose it because our friends are not beach people.  We thought it would be a nice lazy kind of day, without all the rushing around, and we were right.  So here goes the second attempt.  Starting with a parrot, and two of the many peacocks who roam the grounds.









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part two...the flamingos.  The original owner of the zoo fed them twice a day, he had quite a few to feed, and instead of leaving them behind in some type of cage, he fed them twice a day in front of a crowd.  


The flamingoes are held back stage like great actors, and stroll out right on time for the audience.  The audience sits in four bleachers, the flamingos circle the "stage" and then split up into 4 groups, one group in front of each bleacher.  And then someone from each section is invited to come down and be a flamingo.  There were only the 4 of us in the bleacher, and none of them wanted to do it, so I did.  I did not make a good flamingo,   and I hope that none of them took it personally.






After failing Flamingo 101, we were off to see the lorees. I am probably spelling them incorrectly.  You enter an enclosed cage.  And once the group is in, and no other creature is in, they open the other side of the cage, and you are with the birds.  DH had a bird in one hand, and he took the pictures with the other.






They gave you apples to feed them (I dont think that apples are native to the Bahamas)  But they really loved them, eating the sweet part, not eating the skin.






You left the cage the same way you came in.  NO taking a bird home with you!

Actually I think I would have taken this one-



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9 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:

May I ask for prayers for DH's 89 year old sister? We have just learned that tests done yesterday show that the malignant melanoma found in a mole is evident elsewhere. The upcoming mole removal has changed to a much more invasive surgery and moved up to Monday. What was worrisome is now a very grave concern. 

Sending prayers and positive thoughts.

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1 hour ago, Skicruiser55 said:

I am looking at an aft Neptune next Jun and would like to hear from you how the motion/vibration is being aft.  The cabin would be on deck 5 not sure if it makes a difference.  This view looks amazing.   We have sailed in aft cabins several times (other cruiselines) so know what to expect. We are 1st time HAL cruisers.  How is the North Sea for cruising?  



Some people love them.  As for me, once was enough.  I will never do it again.  Motion was too much and very windy.  We were on deck 4.  Like a wind tunnel.


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Thank you Daily-ites for the prayers and well-wishers for my DH's sister/my DSIL. Her melanoma's significant spread will require her doctors to make tough decisions during Monday's surgery and lead to equally tough choices for her after as the balance between quantity and quality of life for an 89 year old is sought. 


Your caring messages are deeply appreciated now just as when Ardis' son was severely injured in his June mowing accident.  BTW, Curt's physical recovery continues, he has regained most life skills, and he plans to take an active role in his mother's care.


Thank you for your encouragement,


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36 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:

Thank you Daily-ites for the prayers and well-wishers for my DH's sister/my DSIL. Her melanoma's significant spread will require her doctors to make tough decisions during Monday's surgery and lead to equally tough choices for her after as the balance between quantity and quality of life for an 89 year old is sought. 


Your caring messages are deeply appreciated now just as when Ardis' son was severely injured in his June mowing accident.  BTW, Curt's physical recovery continues, he has regained most life skills, and he plans to take an active role in his mother's care.


Thank you for your encouragement,



Melisa, I'm sorry such difficult choices will have to be made during and after your DSIL's surgery.  I'm sending positive thoughts the doctors and your DSIL will do what is best for her.


Thank you for the update on Curt.  That is very good news that he's made such good progress nand that he will be able to help his mother.  



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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