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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday September 12th, 2022


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I haven't had a chocolate milkshake in ages, so will have to change that.  We weren't into video games, but our son and grandsons certainly enjoy them.  Don't you think every day should be a day of encouragement?


On our SE Asia cruise in 2019, the Maasdam stopped at Laem Chabang where DH and I took a private tour with about 10 other people into Bangkok.  Remember the song by Murray Head "One Night In Bangkok"?  Well we can actually say we did spend one night there.  It was an intense tour with oppressive heat, but the memories will remain forever - the flower market, the floating market, the night market (see a pattern here?), the many palaces, deities, and even accidentally coming across a g-i-a-n-t monitor lizard (I abhor reptiles) as we were walking to one of the sites.  Wonderful memories, but photos are on my iPad and I'm on my PC, so they aren't available.


@kazuit looks like you had a beautiful day for Jose's celebration.  I have a question for you, were you a caterer in a previous life?  You have tons of dishes and glassware that I'm pretty sure you said you'd brought up from downstairs . . .    If I were doing what you did, I'd either be renting or using disposables!


Not a lot on the agenda today, just laundry and getting the house ready for us to leave for a few days.  Laundry, cleaning out the fridge, getting some plants put together for the neighbour to water, etc.  I love today's menu suggestion, but we're going to be grazing tonight so we don't have any food to store, so it'll be leftovers on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is hurting, cheers for the celebrations.  Stay safe, everyone!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



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Happy Monday!  Well we made it.  We left Michigan's UP at 8:11 Eastern and made it home by 5:45.   Just in time for the second half of DF's favorite Minnesota Vikings where they beat the Packers.  I had to follow my Ravens game by following plays on my phone.  I loaded the plants just as the 2" of rain on Saturday winded down and all fit.  I will send some pics from my phone.  All are unloaded as is the whole truck.   I have to go pick up the mail and get some vegetables etc.   No laundry, when we leave the cabin we leave in in the hamper and do it when we return.    

@kazuAll your hard work paid off your remembrance celebration for Jose was beautiful.  It looked like a wonderful tribute!

@marshhawk Have a wonderful cruise.  

Thank you for the Daily Reports!  Prayers for all on our care list and for continued success in the battles in Eastern Ukraine.   I will check in later.    Have a wonderful day! 

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Thanks @rafinmd@jimgev @mamaofami 🙂 


1 hour ago, cunnorl said:

       @kazu   Your tribute looks wonderful. I hope that your friends and family can begin to bring you peace.


Thank you.


1 hour ago, cunnorl said:

      I had the "new" booster on Saturday. It kicked my butt. I have never had a reaction to a vaccine . My family received it on Friday and was fine. I woke in the middle of the night with a wicked headache and chills.


Sorry to hear it.  Glad you have recovered 👍 


@dfish@superoma @4966and556@aliaschief Thank you for your kind comments.


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Jacqui @kazuwhat a wonderful Celebration of Life you had for Jose! 


Thank you


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I hope you had someone to help with the cooking (besides the beautiful cakes you mentioned), or did you get some dishes catered? 


I did the cooking aside from the Brie which my sister prepped.


58 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

@kazu, Jacqui, I enjoyed seeing the pictures of your beautiful outdoor space set up for the Celebration of Life. I am glad your sister and BIL were with you as it had  to be both a happy and a sad occasion.Did you make all the food?


Thanks & yes to the food.


54 minutes ago, puppycanducruise said:

@kazuThank you for sharing pictures of the Celebration of Life.  I'm sure you now have even more memories to cherish.  


Thank you and a very happy birthday to your Mum


17 minutes ago, ger_77 said:


@kazuit looks like you had a beautiful day for Jose's celebration.  I have a question for you, were you a caterer in a previous life?  You have tons of dishes and glassware that I'm pretty sure you said you'd brought up from downstairs . . .    If I were doing what you did, I'd either be renting or using disposables!


No, I was not a caterer.  Jose was an impeccable host and would constantly buy more glasses and serving stuff if we had more people than dishes & glassware 😉


We just always felt that food was much nicer on real plates and drinks or wine nicer in real glasses 😉  


We traditionally had a summer party every year and yes, we used china, cutlery and glasses.  I will probably be giving some of it away at some stage as I doubt I can pull off a large party of this magnitude without help.  


There’s a lot to do deck wise - additional tables, chairs, etc.besides the cooking and cleaning - grateful to have had help from a kind neighbour and my BIL.


Safe travels, Gerry.

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Good morning Dailyites. It was 68 this morning! Warming to 91. A long, hot summer. 


Jacqui such a beautiful celebration for Jose. Looks like many hours were put into food, drink and memories. I noticed Teddy in one of your pictures.


Sandi you and Dennis seemed to have traveled the world! Is there a place that is still on your bucket list?


Thanks to Roy, Rich, and F and B ladies for your Daily input.


Last night we had some friends over then we took off on Elvis to see the new pickleball courts. Tonight is game night. There will be 8 to play Mexican Train and share a birthday cake for one in our group.


Saying prayers for all on Roy's list, the Queen and family, and all the people of Ukraine. Bon Voyage to those embarking today.



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3 hours ago, puppycanducruise said:

Good morning.  Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report.


It's still dark.  I couldn't sleep.  We've got a chance of rain today.

It's my mum's 85th birthday.  We spent yesterday afternoon with her.  Had some prosecco and cake.  We had take out Chinese food for supper.  Bertie chased the squirrels from her yard.  It was a nice time together.


I haven't had a milk shake in years, thanks for the suggestion.  I don't play many video games.  I encourage everyone to have a wonderful day

Love the quote.

I love roast chicken especially with mashed potatoes and gravy.  Yum.  

I hope the drink is tasty.  Not sure about a wine with "vulture" in the name.


Prayers for everyone.

Stay safe.


Happy 85th birthday to your mam Melanie.


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Dearest Jacqui,

Beautiful, just beautiful!!!

I remember how welcoming you made me feel when I first joined CC back in 2009!!! I have traveled through you and Jose over all these years

and remember how you both enjoyed your wonderful parties in your backyard and all of your photos and pictures of Jose  and his chili 🌶 peppers!! Your adventures at sea and videos of both of you kicking up your heels dancing which was fun to watch!! Your blog on Oceania all your pictures and how the butler set up for Jose’s birthday on board!!  And how you enjoyed buying new shoes on your travels as well as Jose and dressed to the nines!!

The food porns of both of you and your gatherings of fellow friends on board the ships! So this morning I had my celebration of memories of both of you!!

Your an amazing person Jacqui and Jose is the love of your life. God bless you both and THANKYOU❤️


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Good Morning All,

We continue with cloud cover and humidity, and even got some rain last evening as the edges of Kay came through. our local OLLI program begins its fall semester this week.

@kazu It looks like you had a very lovely remembrance for Jose. Praying for comfort and peace for you.



Today’s Wine:


Cantina di Venosa 2018 Balì (Aglianico del Vultur


Today it’s an aglianico, Italian Red, from southern Italy. It was rated #86 in the top 100 Best Buy’s for 2021 for Wine Enthusiast. I’m finding it for $14.


There's good concentration to the aromas of bramble berry, wild cherry, violet and hibiscus, offering an enticing mix of fruit and earth elements. The medium-bodied palate is juicy in tart cherry and blackberry flavors, with pretty floral accents on the sides. The tannins are resolved yet supportive while bright acidity and a tangy mineral note push everything along. ALEXANDER PEARTREE


Have a great day everyone!



Edited by TiogaCruiser
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Thanks to all who contribute to the Daily report. I haven't had a chocolate milkshake for a bit, but maybe I can convince DD to make one-spiked with peppermint schnapps, of course-tonight.

Every day should be a day of encouragement, don't you think? Positive encouragement might help stop the negative divisiveness that is rampant today.

We had chicken last night, so the leftovers will be added to the skillet pasta dish in the fridge for DH and I. DD will just have the pasta.

@kazu what a lovely Celebration of Life that you had for José! I hope that it brought you joy and comfort to share with your family and friends.

Happy 85th birthday to your mom @puppycanducruise!

I loved the pictures of Bangkok, @StLouisCruisers Thank you.

It's another perfect day here in SW Ontario. DH and I are going for our 4th booster today....the day that they finally announce the bi-valent one, but since we'll be cruising 🤞  when the dates open, we've opted to boost up now. We'll catch the next one once enough time has gone by.

Prayers for those that need them, even if they don't know they do and Blessings to everyone. Have a wonderful day!



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Good morning from central Texas.  It was very pleasant this morning when we took a golf cart ride around our little community.  This is the last day our high will be in the mid-80sF.  Beginning tomorrow, we'll be in the 90sF, but that sure beats the triple digit highs we had in June and July.


Like many others, it's been too long since I had a chocolate milk shake.  We have played video games, but not recently.  In fact, we got the first one, Pong, way back when.  Encouragement day is another that should be celebrated and practiced everyday.


The Oscar Wilde quote is interesting, but I'm not sure how I feel about it.


Roasted chickens is good comfort food, and I have a hen in the freezer, but it will wait for another day.  Tonight we'll be having King Ranch chicken.  We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds interesting.


We have been to Laem Chabang and Bangkok twice.  The first time was in 2000 on the world cruise on P&O Oriana.  In 2003, we flew to Bangkok to spend two days before boarding the old Regal Princess for a 30 day cruise to Rome.  I'll share pictures from both visits in later posts.


@kazu  Jacqui, thank you for the pictures of Jose's celebration of life.  Your deck and gardens looked lovely for the occasion, as did the food.  Everyone in the pictures seemed to be enjoying themselves.  You can be proud of the hard work you did to honor Jose.

@puppycanducruise   HAPPY 85TH BIRTHDAY! to your mother.

@cunnorl  Charlene, I'm glad you are feeling better today.  My second booster was also the first time I've ever had a reaction to a vaccine.  I consider it a small price to pay for the protection I get.

@dfish  Debbie, I hope the pictures of your house turnout perfectly and help you get a quick sale.  You deserve to rest today.



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As I write this my eyes are watering, and I don't think it is all from the smoke. I think they started watering when I was reading @kazu Jacqui's post about Jose's celebration of life. May the Lord bless you and keep you at peace, Jacqui.

An update on the Bolt Creek Fire: at this time, I am happy to report there has been no loss of life and the only structures lost so far have been a chicken coop and a small outbuilding. The evacuation notice levels have stayed steady for the past 24 hours. Those under mandatory evacuation have not been allowed to return to their homes. We have gone from the Red Flag Warning conditions (high wind and low humidity) to having low/slow winds and high humidity. We even got some rain last night and this morning. There are multiple agencies working on this fire. Coordination has been remarkably good between DNR, NFS, FEMA, all the local fire departments and sheriffs from both King and Snohomish Counties, contracted firefighters (both public and private), air support from multiple jurisdictions, etc.

Containment reports range from 0% to 2%, but that is fluid. The fire is still moving, but not as fast as it moved during the Red Flag conditions. Power is out in the region and won't even be assessed for when PSE can begin work until they can get safety clearance to enter the fire area. Highway 2 remains closed both directions west of Skykomish. I did hear one train go through town last night (we usually get about 25 trains per day) and I am sure that BNSF and Amtrak are losing money on the track closure.

Most of us have generators (because we are used to power outages in winter) but the local gas station does not have an approved generator, so we travel 35 miles east to replenish our generator fuel supply. I think my DW and I will combine today's gas run with a stop at the 59'er Diner in Leavenworth and celebrate Chocolate Milkshake Day.

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4 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Monday Daily, Rich.


I’m going to try to start the week off right by posting but warning - it’s a long one. 😝 


I’ll happily celebrate the day of encouragement.  Many people need it.  Love today’s quote and chicken sounds like a good idea for dinner to go with all my other leftovers.


My sister and BIL came down for a visit for a couple of days so I decided to do Jose’s Celebration of Life while they were here and could help and share the memories.


Both of my sweet sisters gave me flowers for the occasion





I put them to good use on the two tables.


My sister & BIL were shocked when they arrived Saturday morning and saw I already had the tables set up.


For the buffet - each silverware setting was in a plastic bag and wrapped with a serviette for safety.




On the right had side of that pic are the jams for those that came




This table was for Jose’s tribute, dessert, tea and coffee




The pergola just needs the ice bucket and the liquor & red wine added.




And the glasses are all set up on the teak tables.  There were pictures of memories of Jose on all the umbrella stands & the back wall.




We had a very good turnout - about 38 people.  We really had more chairs than shown - a lot just like the pergola 😉 






And happily, several people spoke and shared their memories




And of course, there was food!  Endless appetizers - my sister & I were like a well oiled machine (except for the delay in the paella heating up)








And lots of food for the meal.




Tons of dessert - my friend and her daughter made the 2 lovely cakes and I had help from a dear friend with more dessert.




Everyone seemed to enjoy and thought it was well done.  My sister said it was the best Celebration of Life she has been to.  I’m pretty sure she’s prejudiced though 😉 

but I did the best I could.


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a great Monday everyone!

It looks like everyone had an amazing time.

Beautiful garden and photos.



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5 hours ago, puppycanducruise said:

Good morning.  Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report.


It's still dark.  I couldn't sleep.  We've got a chance of rain today.

It's my mum's 85th birthday.  We spent yesterday afternoon with her.  Had some prosecco and cake.  We had take out Chinese food for supper.  Bertie chased the squirrels from her yard.  It was a nice time together.


I haven't had a milk shake in years, thanks for the suggestion.  I don't play many video games.  I encourage everyone to have a wonderful day

Love the quote.

I love roast chicken especially with mashed potatoes and gravy.  Yum.  

I hope the drink is tasty.  Not sure about a wine with "vulture" in the name.


Prayers for everyone.

Stay safe.


Wishing your Mum very  Happy Birthday and  many more.


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5 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Monday Daily, Rich.


I’m going to try to start the week off right by posting but warning - it’s a long one. 😝 


I’ll happily celebrate the day of encouragement.  Many people need it.  Love today’s quote and chicken sounds like a good idea for dinner to go with all my other leftovers.


My sister and BIL came down for a visit for a couple of days so I decided to do Jose’s Celebration of Life while they were here and could help and share the memories.


Both of my sweet sisters gave me flowers for the occasion





I put them to good use on the two tables.


My sister & BIL were shocked when they arrived Saturday morning and saw I already had the tables set up.


For the buffet - each silverware setting was in a plastic bag and wrapped with a serviette for safety.




On the right had side of that pic are the jams for those that came




This table was for Jose’s tribute, dessert, tea and coffee




The pergola just needs the ice bucket and the liquor & red wine added.




And the glasses are all set up on the teak tables.  There were pictures of memories of Jose on all the umbrella stands & the back wall.




We had a very good turnout - about 38 people.  We really had more chairs than shown - a lot just like the pergola 😉 






And happily, several people spoke and shared their memories




And of course, there was food!  Endless appetizers - my sister & I were like a well oiled machine (except for the delay in the paella heating up)








And lots of food for the meal.




Tons of dessert - my friend and her daughter made the 2 lovely cakes and I had help from a dear friend with more dessert.




Everyone seemed to enjoy and thought it was well done.  My sister said it was the best Celebration of Life she has been to.  I’m pretty sure she’s prejudiced though 😉 

but I did the best I could.


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a great Monday everyone!

You should  of  all be  very  proud as I   am sure Jose was

looking down  from  Heaven  and I agree with your Sister.



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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I used to love chocolate milk shakes and Frostys; haven't had one in years. Not much of a video game person, although I've played games on the PC. We should try to encourage people, especially children.

Great quote.

I like roasted chicken, although I tend to buy it rather than make it. Growing up, it was my Mother's favorite Sunday dinner; usually in the oven, but sometimes on a rotisserie spit on the grill.  I like the drink and wine.

I haven't been to Laem Chabang (Bangkok). My roommate from the first 2 years of college is Thai and has wanted me to come there to visit. We haven't seen each other in over 40 years.


It's cloudy today, humid, and there are supposed to be thunder storms later. I'm just doing small stuff around the house.


@puppycanducruise Happy 85th Birthday to your DM!  

@marshhawk Bon Voyage!

@kazu With all your hard work, the setup for Jose's Celebration of Life looks lovely. I'm glad it was so well attended and that people shared their memories. The food and desserts look wonderful too. I hope it was healing for all. Thanks for sharing your photos.

@dfish You deserve a day off, with all the hard work you've been doing on the house. Fingers crossed you get the house in Michigan.

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for the great Thailand photos. 

@ottahand7 Good to hear you made it safely home. 

@HAL4NOW Continued prayers for all those threatened by the Bolt Creek Fire. Good thing you have a generator!


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

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3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

After long flights we arrived in Bangkok on April 10, 2010.  We stayed at the Princess Cruise Line hotel, Shangri-La which was absolutely outstanding.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJzaX7rckfAdVKc56x3CsgjVZV51t4MhjbEwRNyGscOgg?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1662986402


Our view of the Chao Phraya river from our room.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJeulQ3Cf0zicXG9Uq5j8zx5cYdfB3jRoL_VZILaXEufg?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1615996598


We used the express river boats to get around.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLRtSvsvoCnsVDOMiPJRH_lUnDnu4gHHWpfyYq5WwzmNg?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1615996850


We took the boat to the Grand Palace.  Of course the weather was very hot and humid so it was quite draining to be out in the sun too long.  Due to civil unrest hotel tours were cancelled so we went on our own.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIvuusZqHqVRnzqikCxyiNq?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1615996749
















On our way back to the hotel we took a larger ferry.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLKOP0myCXfhMGs3DOR2-KRldMTLfbtJ__wYVBQ_4iTow?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1615996920






From our hotel we would walk to restaurants.  This is what a busy street in Bangkok typically looks like.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIgn3gkv2dIHvrSZAy67eye?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1274835909


That is what it looked like when we walked to a Thai restaurant recommended to us.  We were able to find a mild dish that our cruising friends liked, as well as myself.  But here is where our friends liked eating best.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVL_KrDad-i-mczLVg4FEDSbaAUrgnwgvQnZ_1RWb7NZPA?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1615996625


When walking up to the hotel lobby you could begin to feel the air conditioning from about this far away!  Yes it was HOT out, and yes they had the AC cranked down to frigid temperatures!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKQ_vMzt8kzBDs5Xijh_9iuUnDnu4gHHWpfyYq5WwzmNg?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1662986413


We had entertainment in the lobby.  This group of youths danced for us!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVK-pwV6lsGwArYlfz4BE8pb?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1615996660




A truly gorgeous hotel.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKeZZzGOcBzrT1FST-kFn5xVZV51t4MhjbEwRNyGscOgg?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1615996670




After several nights spent at this hotel, we rode a Princess transfer bus about 1 1/2 hours (maybe 2) to Laem Chabang.  Unfortunately after about 10 minutes the AC on the bus broke down, and we suffered terribly along the way.  They had to stop to purchase cold water to hand out.  The windows would not open so it was sweltering inside.  We must have all lost 5 pounds!  Princess refunded us our charges for that transfer which is only fair.  Here is Laem Chabang, taken from the ship.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLczyySCV-QPWv68UTGQghwqCe7ffHDJpwno-pEcjtJnw?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1615995869


Skyscrapers off in the distance.  Bangkok I would guess.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIkahfrOkawwRGpKr8YcSJN4xJ2Twu75QF_jizMkB1ZdA?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1615995875


All in all, a very interesting visit to Thailand.



Amazing photos Sandi.

Sorry to hear your bus transfer was so uncomfortable.


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Good morning all!

There's less smoke in the air here today and yesterday and I can feel the higher humidity in the last couple days.  A little cooler today too.  Thank you @HAL4NOWfor the fire update and information about highway 2.  Much appreciated.  Enjoy that milkshake at the 59er Diner!  We have reservations to stay at one of their cabins with the grandsons on Saturday and are watching that highway closure.  We could take 90, but it would take longer--- and with 2 rambunctious kids in the backseat....😉 We plan to take them to Lake Wenatchee State Park to play by the water before settling into our cabin. And of course milkshakes at the Diner will be included.  🙂  


When I have a milkshake (not often) it's always chocolate.  I don't play video games, but both our DS and DDIL work for large international video game companies and are doing very well. Every day should be a day of encouragement.  Good quote, the meal and drink both sound good but will pass on the red wine. Have never been to Bangkok on a cruise, but DH was there in the Navy many years ago.


Jacqui @kazuyour Celebration of Life for Jose looked amazingly perfect.  Everything was absolutely gorgeous.  You did yourself proud and I know he was looking down and smiling. Thank you for sharing your photos.


Melanie @puppycanducruisebelated Happy Birthday to your Dear Mother.







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4 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

 Thanks Debbie @dfishfor those gorgeous photos and delicious recipes of the roasted chickens.  Fingers crossed your offer is accepted in Midland!   


This was an easy recipe to find!   Rich likes to challenge us to expand our horizons.  

We are hopeful on the house in Midland.


4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:


@dfish, I hope the photo taking goes well and that you can enjoy a rest. Thanks for the recipes today. We always use the foolproof Ina Garten recipe and will do so today as the Executive chef decrees. I just need to figure out something for the vegetarians.



You can't go wrong with Ina!


1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


@dfish  Debbie, I hope the pictures of your house turnout perfectly and help you get a quick sale.  You deserve to rest today.



Thank you!   Picture taking is done, papers signed and there is a sign in the front yard.  The realtor thinks this will be an easy sell.  I sure hope he's correct!!!


19 minutes ago, JazzyV said:


@dfish You deserve a day off, with all the hard work you've been doing on the house. Fingers crossed you get the house in Michigan.


I am really enjoying being able to relax this afternoon.  Thank you!  May go out to dinner with friends.  


Surely things will work out with the Michigan house since I have the Dailyites behind me.


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