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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday October 18th, 2022


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50 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Happy Birthday to Joy @Seasick Sailor and @SusieKIslandGirl!!!!  Enjoy your special day today! 🎈🧁🍾🥂🎉🎈


Graham @grapau27 — please give Pauline my wishes on the 4th memory of her Mother’s passing. Also, I think I know what you two are up to this week.  Something her Mother would want you to be doing.  I’ll keep your secret.  🤫

Thank you for your best wishes Sharon for Pauline's mam's 4th memory.

Pauline sends her love.

I hope you are both having a fantastic cruise.


Edited by grapau27
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27 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  It was 43F when I got up to use our treadmill, but the temps are still heading downward and one of my weather app says we are 39F.  So far we haven't turned the heat on, but the lows this week should dip into the 30's regularly so it might happen before November (our annual goal for using our furnace).


Yesterday we decided to run over to the Publix Pharmacy and get our flu shots.  While we were waiting DH said why don't we just get it over with and get our Covid booster shots, too.  It surprised me because I didn't think he wanted to get another booster.  But he agreed so I jumped up from my seat and asked if they could give us the booster shots too.  She checked and said they had two more doses available, so we ended up getting two shots each.  I guess they have to thaw out the booster vaccine and only remove so many from the freezer per day.  Anyway we are doing perfectly well, with only a slight soreness in the Moderna arm.  The flu shot doesn't hurt at all.  Glad that's over with!


Unfortunately when I was eating my breakfast I looked at my email on my phone and saw a very upsetting email from our friend in La Jolla, California.  His wife Beverly had a bad fall a few weeks ago and went to the hospital for four days with a concussion and a small subdural brain bleed.  She went home and several days later complained she couldn't breathe.  Her DH called 911 but as they were loading her into the ambulance her heart stopped.  Nothing could be done for her.  They believe it was a pulmonary embolism.   Our friend is devastated and shattered.  I gasped when I read this and ran to DH to tell him.  He is equally as upset as I am.  Please say a prayer for our friend and Beverly's family and friends (including us).  🙏


Thank you Rich @richwmnfor the Daily and Fleet Report.  I like meatloaf but there are so many variations you just never know how they will taste.  Our own recipe is our favorite of course.  No beard day is interesting.  I bet they have a Beard Day, too.  DH does not wear a beard, though he gets quite a stubble if he doesn't shave every day.  Sometimes I feel like I'm having information overload, especially when reading Explanation of Benefits statements each month.  I am horrible at figuring out insurance matters, and we're dealing with that right now.  Doctor's office was paid by insurance for something they didn't do, and the provider who actually did do the treatment has been denied because of it.  We're in the middle trying to get everything settled before the real provider sics the collection agency on us!


The quote is quite funny, and the arugula pizza looks good.  The port destination of Kirkwall, Scotland was posted a little over a year ago on Oct. 12, 2021.  I have skipped over that port it seems and never got there.  Here is a link to Oct. 12, 2021 for anyone who had photos there they want to retrieve.


Thanks Roy @rafinmdfor the Lists today.  I said my prayers before I heard about Beverly so will want to say more for her.  Prayers also for the Ukraine people, and Ian and Fiona affected people struggling to get things sorted.  Also the many members here on the list or their loved ones.  Cheers to the happy people on the Celebration list.  Have a wonderful cruise or celebration!


And let's hope we all have a safe and happy day.  You just never know what the coming days bring.

Sending our prayers 🙏 and condolences for you and your dear friends family Sandi.

So sorry to hear your news.



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Good morning from beautiful Southwest Florida.

My wife just made a nice meatloaf yesterday, how fitting. Meatloaf sandwiches coming up on later in the week.

We had the new water heater installed yesterday which was 1,400 dollars. Florida Power and Light insists that our high electric bill is due to a bum AC unit so we have someone coming out today to check the unit, regardless we needed the new water heater. New AC unit is probably going to run 4,500 dollars but the unit is 16 years old so I guess it's time. 

At least I was able to beat my age on the golf course yesterday by 2 shots with a smooth 74, didn't win any money as my partners all had bad rounds, was able to have 1 closest to the pin which was worth 5 dollars, I need some more winnings to pay for the new AC unit, LOL.

Thanks for The Daily, stay well and have a great day.

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Good Tuesday Morning!  Quite chilly this morning, and we did turn the heat on last night.  Set the thermostat at 67, and the heat came on around 5 this morning.  The office cat who for the last year has not left the area of the house where I work, came into the bedroom  and curled up on the bed last night. She used to sleep on my head, but when we set up the office, she just moved in there and stayed.  It was nice to see her somewhere else.


Meatloaf is my favorite meal, and I think one reason is I love meatloaf sandwiches,  easy meal to fix, and it feeds us for at least two dinners and two sandwich lunch days.



@StLouisCruisersSandi, I am so sorry about the loss of your friend.  Head injuries are so dangerous.  When DH fell and fractured his skull in 2018 they kept him in the hospital for a week, but getting his brain to actually work?  took over a year.  Not sure if they had kept your friend longer they might have found the blood clot?    Who knows,  injuries like that are just hard to post diagnose.  My prayers are with you and her family.


@0106I appreciate your most excellent food reviews and menus.  I HATE ARUGALA.  I might be the only person in the world who hates arugula, but I married another arugula hater.  So there are two of us.


to @Seasick Sailor and @SusieKIslandGirl  -our twins-Have a great Day



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Good morning sweet friends. Thank you for the birthday wishes. Happy birthday to my "twin" @SusieKIslandGirl


Yesterday my sister and I went for a hike. We took one of our trails over the creeks and thru the woods.. It had rained the night before and our shoes had inches of mud caked on them. Then we all went to lunch. Met another couple that joined us and stayed 3 hours chatting. We were the only ones out on the patio.


Today we are having lunch downtown and doing some shopping. Looks like it will be beautiful weather.


Sandi I'm so sorry to hear about your stunning loss of Beverly. My prayers go out to you and her family.


Roy, did I miss where Sabine went or do you know she just took another job?


Wishing all those on a BHB a wonderful voyage. Prayers, blessings and cheers. 

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Good morning from Jacksonville.

Just finished breakfast.  Going to pack up and get on our way to Bluffton to our house.

Going to unpack and repack and head over to Hilton Head to an apartment set up by the insurance.

Hopefully tomorrow I will start to be able to post regularly.

Have a good day everyone.

God Bless,


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47 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

@StLouisCruisers, so sorry to hear about Beverly.  Prayers for you and all her family.




2 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

@StLouisCruisers, Sandi, I am so sorry about your friend Beverly. sending prayers for her family and for the two of you. It is so hard to receive news like that via email as well.

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Good morning everyone. It’s hard to believe it’s going to be 36 degrees tonight. Guess I don’t have to worry about my outside plants anymore.

Prayers for so many on our. Are list, for the people of Ukraine and for those recovering from the hurricane.

Stay safe ,


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Although I don't make it very often, our family loves my meatloaf.  DH had a beard for a while, but shaved it off, leaving his mustache, which he's had since before we were dating.  There are times when I have to turn off the tv because it is serious information overload, and much of it is disturbing.  


Well it appears we don't have to try to walk or swim to Barcelona - KLM came through with an alternate flight for us - woo hoo!  It gives us slightly longer layovers both in Calgary and Amsterdam, but considering the fact that there have been long delays at Schiphol airport, that isn't a bad thing.  We may have enough time to enjoy a bit of the Crown Lounge experience this time.


@Seasick Sailor and @SusieKIslandGirl, wishing you both a very Happy Birthday with many returns of the day!

@StLouisCruiserswhat terrible news about your friend; my condolences to you and her family - what a shock.

@grapau27sending hugs and good thoughts to Pauline today; every year the anniversary day of their passing brings back good and sad memories.  My own mom passed away 37 years ago and I still miss her.


I don't mind arugula in a salad or on pizza; some find it terribly bitter, just as some find cilantro tastes like soap.  I didn't have anything really planned for dinner this evening, but friends called last night wanting to take us out to celebrate a birthday, so it looks like we'll be carb-loading this week with a trip tonight to the Old Spaghetti Factory.  Not sure what we'll be having, but I'm sure it will include lots of chat and laughter.  And wine.


Prayers for those who are hurting, cheers to all who have celebrations going on.  Stay safe, everyone!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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26 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

@StLouisCruisers, Sandi, I am so sorry about your friend Beverly. sending prayers for her family and for the two of you. It is so hard to receive news like that via email as well.


24 minutes ago, mamaofami said:


@StLouisCruiserssorry about Beverly, so sad.  


1 hour ago, puppycanducruise said:

@Seasick Sailor @SusieKIslandGirl Happy Birthday! 🎂🥂

Happy birthday!  

DH and I met 10/18/74!  We are going out to dinner tonight with friends, then I will go to Tosca with the women.  DH doesn’t go to Operas and I have season tickets this year.  

Best wishes to all!

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9 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Although I don't make it very often, our family loves my meatloaf.  DH had a beard for a while, but shaved it off, leaving his mustache, which he's had since before we were dating.  There are times when I have to turn off the tv because it is serious information overload, and much of it is disturbing.  


Well it appears we don't have to try to walk or swim to Barcelona - KLM came through with an alternate flight for us - woo hoo!  It gives us slightly longer layovers both in Calgary and Amsterdam, but considering the fact that there have been long delays at Schiphol airport, that isn't a bad thing.  We may have enough time to enjoy a bit of the Crown Lounge experience this time.


@Seasick Sailor and @SusieKIslandGirl, wishing you both a very Happy Birthday with many returns of the day!

@StLouisCruiserswhat terrible news about your friend; my condolences to you and her family - what a shock.

@grapau27sending hugs and good thoughts to Pauline today; every year the anniversary day of their passing brings back good and sad memories.  My own mom passed away 37 years ago and I still miss her.


I don't mind arugula in a salad or on pizza; some find it terribly bitter, just as some find cilantro tastes like soap.  I didn't have anything really planned for dinner this evening, but friends called last night wanting to take us out to celebrate a birthday, so it looks like we'll be carb-loading this week with a trip tonight to the Old Spaghetti Factory.  Not sure what we'll be having, but I'm sure it will include lots of chat and laughter.  And wine.


Prayers for those who are hurting, cheers to all who have celebrations going on.  Stay safe, everyone!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


Thank you Gerry.


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Good Morning All,

We had a cool night, typical of fall, and what appears to be a lovely but hot day (90) brewing. DH and I slept on the downstairs couch as I got the carpet cleaned yesterday and they are still damp. So the heat is welcome today.


@StLouisCruisers Sending condolences to you and Beverly’s family. How sad.


@0106 @dfishThank you for the recipes and commentary. I printed out 2 of the recipes and plan to make them later this week. I’m still quite challenged on using a pizza peel. I did it twice perfectly. That was some years ago.

A couple of weeks ago I added a section to my planner for Recipes to Try. I’m now registering each one as I make copies and coming back to peruse the list when I get into an “I don’t know what to make” jag. I have several listings now from the Daily. 


Have a great day everyone!


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Quickly dropping in as I had to borrow a computer since I am on the road. Celebrated my Sister's birthday yesterday with a meal at the Olney Grill. Had crabcakes....and they were wonderful. I am still stuffed. Think it will be light meals for the next few days. I love real Maryland crabcakes.



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4 hours ago, rafinmd said:

From the rotation:
HAL Sailer Sister in Law with aggressive cancer therapy


Thanks @rafinmd for continuing Ardis on the Rotation. As the Daily-ites know, she had not wanted her brother (my DH) to visit. But, after her most recent (and not good) oncology report, she agreed we could come.


We visited yesterday. I made lunch, my DH selected a bouquet, and we took in a cake for a slightly delayed 90th Birthday celebration. Ardis was tickled as she hadn't had a party.


It was a good day. DH caught up with his sister while I cooked, they had a frank talk about her prognosis, and the tears shared as we left included some tears of joy about the time together.


And, today's blessing is that my DH remembers where we went yesterday and the time he spent with his sister.


After the long day and four hour drive home, I slept in and have not caught up with Monday's or today's posts. Part of our city is without power due to heavy winds and I now see power trucks on the street below our condo, so I hope I can catch up without delay...


Thank you, ALL, for your continued care and prayer for my DSIL.



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@Seasick Sailorand @SusieKIslandGirl Wishing you both a wonderful birthday!!  🍾🎂🥳

@StLouisCruisersSandi so sorry about the sudden loss of your friend Beverly.   Sincerest sympathy to you and her family. 

Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports!  I love meatloaf sadly DF doesn't care for it.   My local meat market has a tasty premade one and it is great for a easy hot dinner.   DF has a beard and sometimes every day seems like information overload.   A good quote for today!    The pizzas look very tasty!  So does the Key Lime Pie Martini another one to ask for at Happy Hour on a BHB!  The vino looks great too, I love value Italian red wines.   I have never been to today's port.  Prayers for all on our care list, thinking of Pauline again today @grapau27.  I miss my mother so much.   She passed way too soon at age 77 in 1997.   Prayers for all cleaning up from the hurricanes and for the people of Ukraine.  So much misery has rained down them with winter coming.   Happy cruising to all on cruises or about to be.  We are 68 days out from ours.   

I am late this morning as we had a big project.  The cooler on our wine cellar failed and it was a lot of carpentry and heavy lifting to get the new one in place.   My wine will appreciate it since the last one hasn't worked since mid-summer.   Thankfully I have a cool, deep basement.   It is terribly windy and cold and spitting rain here.  I took packing out to our trash trolley sitting at the road for pickup.  My neighbor's had blown over so I righted hers.   When I came up from the basement mine had blown over.  Back out in the cold.  A strange year, we are very cold but haven't had a freeze yet this fall.   All my plant sale plants are looking really perky since they haven't been frosted behind the garage.   Since we are cloudy they probably have another week and it may reach 70 this weekend!  🙂  Have a wonderful day!!   

Giant dragonfly 73022.JPG

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