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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday November 28th, 2022


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3 hours ago, ger_77 said:

We're having someone come to the house today to measure the front entry for a new door and sidelights.  Ours is original to the house (built in 1975), and doesn't fit the opening well, making it a real heat loss area in the winter.   We're currently having "discussions" as to whether we're going to have full length or half sidelights; I'm wanting half, DH wants full.  We'll see who compromises.  LOL


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


When I think of windows by the door, the full ones seem best if you have dogs and grandbabies that like to look out, otherwise I would never benefit from the bottom half and would go for the top only. 


I tried to not do black Friday and cyber Monday but I did give in and get a folding ladder as it was $50 off. Turn me loose in a hardware store and it's like some in a shoe store. I came home with a lot more then I planned to buy. But it was fun and I will use all of the items. 

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Good morning everyone, 


@JazzyVMy condolences across the miles. 


DH gave me some hope yesterday as he was so much more his old self. I gather, from anecdotal reports and his own admission, that he got tired of waiting for them to come and put him in the bed so he did it himself. The aides came in to do it and found him all set. He told them he did it himself, but they still asked around and nobody said they helped. Now they are keeping a close eye on him! Yesterday he walked 28 feet in the parallel bars (first walking in over a week) and his standing up was almost unassisted. Hope.....


We have snow in our forecast starting on Wednesday and I'm not much of a snow driver so we'll see how it goes. It's not supposed to accumulate to too much but it's the cold temperatures and the overnight freezing that bother me. I'm prepping DH for me not coming in as much or staying as long. I do have a care conference for him on Thursday. 


We have a light dusting of snow this morning but the sun is out. Today is going north to Bellingham for a few errands and tomorrow is taking care of banking and a few errands south in Mount Vernon and Burlington. That way I'm set for the rest of the week if Mother Nature isn't kind. 

Have a lovely day everyone!


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1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Just got our boarding times for Dec 11th.  Group A @ 11:00.


Any guesses as to what ship we will be embarking??



















Thank goodness it’s the Rotterdam!


1 hour ago, ottahand7 said:

@HAL SailerPrayers for your DSIL, she has gone through a lot and must be a tough woman.

Sandi and Dixie looks like you are enjoying your Amazon cruise, thanks for sharing the picture of you together.    Sandi thanks for letting us know those ancient TVs have been updated!

Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports.  I love French toast and today would be perfect day for it because we have macerated raspberries in the fridge.  Not to be because I have an ultrasound today and some blood work then we will probably head to the nearby tavern for lunch/dinner.   When I eat there I don't need any dinner.   I'll take my brisket on a roll with horseradish rather than sauerkraut.   The drink looks great minus the mint.  When I looked at the wine's name earlier I knew it would be pricy.  Looking forward to pictures of Mauritania.    Prayers for all on the care list, @JazzyV and for the people in Ukraine.  It is very dark and cold there right now.  

I didn't see my brother yesterday as I decided it was time to do a good housecleaning before the Ravens loss.  I got a call from DSIL about 11 and she asked if DB could go on oral meds instead of IV because he had Pic line issues again.   I explained he has a Pic line that goes directly into his heart because he needs the antibiotic into his blood constantly.   He has osteomyelitis or bone infection.  Since the bones have limited blood supply he needs the IV drug delivery.  The mess dragged on all afternoon.  His arm with the Pic was cold and clammy so they did an x-ray.   After that they decided they were going to move the Pic back to his left arm that had issues last week.  Then they had to wait for a specialized IV nurse to move the line.   She tried several times and it did not work.  Therefore he has no line in now and will be at the ER this morning to have one put in his chest.  My older sister saw him yesterday and he looked great and sitting up in a wheelchair but he was limited in movement due to the Pic line issue in his right arm.   It seems he is two steps forward and one and a half steps back.  So sad for him and my DSIL.  

Have a nice day!  Nancy 


How frustrating for your DB and family about the Pic line issues. I hope it gets resolved quickly so he can get better. 


2 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good morning, I received an email from HAL for cyber Monday, $25 deposit, crew gratuity and up to 40% off. I did not look at the specific dates.

I got it also, however it’s for my DM’s account and it’s a casino offer. She will probably never cruise again at 93, but I don’t have the heart to cancel her account. 


2 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:


A week ago, DSIL had a loop recorder inserted to monitor for heart AFib after her cancer brain scan showed stroke activity and a blood clot was found in her jugular vein. Friday, during the holiday weekend, the monitoring group called to warn that AFib had occurred and she should go immediately to ER at the slightest sign of an issue. Last night, they contacted her about more AFib activity, another ER advisory, and to schedule her immediately with her cardiologist.


Metastatic melanoma, stroke activity, jugular blood clot, AFib -- at age 90, she is somehow keeping hope alive. 


Thank you all for keeping her in your prayers and thanks @rafinmd for keeping DSIL on the Rotation.


We are still in SWFL but prepared to head north as needed,


She sure is keeping hope alive!  Prayers are being said for her. 

Jacqui @kazu, would you be willing to share which hotel in San Diego?   We are thinking of doing a land vacation in the spring and not sure we want to use our usual hotel. I don’t think I can get Craig on another cruise out of San Diego after the disembarkation fiasco we had last year. 

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Good morning all!

It's warmed up (ha) to 36 this morning, but will get down to 26 tonight.  Some frozen mix/snow in the forecast.  A good day to stay in and try to get ready for Christmas.  I got started on the decorating yesterday but didn't get very far. With DSIL's visit coming up soon I know I have to get as much done now as I can.


I'll probably be doing some Cyber Monday shopping, but would have even if it was just any old Monday.  The kids are starting to give me their Christmas lists so I'm trying to get that done.


I like French Toast but don't have it often.  Will pass on the meal and red wine, the drink sounds good but may be too sweet.  


Debbie @dfishgood luck today with the new doctor.  We love our gas log fireplace, it's double-sided and really heats up the whole house.  In fact it's so warm I don't have it on long if we're downstairs near it.


Vanessa @JazzyVmy deepest condolences to you and all of your BFF's family.  What a blessing that you and he were able to be with him all day.


Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserhurrah on your DH's progress and that he'll be able to come home soon!


Melisa @HAL Sailersending prayers for your DSIL.


Karen @luvteachinggreat news about your DH's improvement!





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2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

BFF and I spent a tiring 7 hours at his Dad's bedside yesterday. Then we left...having said goodbyes... the hospital called to tell us he had passed at 11:30. BFF went back alone for one last goodbye. He is now quite overwhelmed with all that has to be done. I'll go with him tomorrow to the funeral home to make arrangements.

Please accept my 🙏prayers🙏 for your BFF's DF's soul and for each of you, too. May the Daily-ites' prayer and care surround you both as you move through these difficult hours.

With sympathy,


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2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

BFF and I spent a tiring 7 hours at his Dad's bedside yesterday. Then we left in the evening for dinner, having said our goodbyes, and went home. At about 11:45 pm the hospital called to tell us he had passed at 11:30. BFF went back alone for one last goodbye. He is now quite overwhelmed with all that has to be done. I'll go with him tomorrow to the funeral home to make arrangements. I appreciate all the prayers and support from the Daily family.


Oh Vanessa, so sorry to hear this 😢 My condolences to your BFF, family and to you.  How kind of you to help with the arrangements and support your BFF ♥️  
This is a very hard time and I know your BFF will appreciate all you have done as painful as it is ♥️ 


2 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

Therefore he has no line in now and will be at the ER this morning to have one put in his chest.  My older sister saw him yesterday and he looked great and sitting up in a wheelchair but he was limited in movement due to the Pic line issue in his right arm.   It seems he is two steps forward and one and a half steps back.  So sad for him and my DSIL.  

Have a nice day!  Nancy 


Prayer for him and your DSIL and you 🙏 


28 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Jacqui @kazu, would you be willing to share which hotel in San Diego?   We are thinking of doing a land vacation in the spring and not sure we want to use our usual hotel. I don’t think I can get Craig on another cruise out of San Diego after the disembarkation fiasco we had last year. 


Of course - if you know when you are going - book today since they have a sale.  Type CYBER in the promo code.  It’s The Westgate - #4 on tripadvisor.  My friends stay there often and recommended it to me and it looks beautiful.  Prices are very reasonable IMO.  Here is the link - https://www.westgatehotel.com/

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Good morning and thanks all!   
My deepest condolences Vanessa to your and your BFF!  Glad you were able to spend time together earlier in the day.  May you both find strength and peace.   
I am sorry so many are struggling here, sending my care and concern.

Have fun on the cruise Sandi and Dixie! 
@ger_77 have fun deciding on the new door,  I like both, depending on the main door.   We replaced ours several years ago, but it could use an update now,  but it’s the cost of a nice cruise.  
Well the house is quiet now that our little houseguest is gone.  Seems appropriate that the photo is upside down,  sorry, lol!




Edited by bennybear
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15 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!   
My deepest condolences Vanessa to your and your BFF!  Glad you were able to spend time together earlier in the day.  May you both find strength and peace.   
I am sorry so many are struggling here, sending my care and concern.

Have fun on the cruise Sandi and Dixie! 
@ger_77 have fun deciding on the new door,  I like both, depending on the main door.   We replaced ours several years ago, but it could use an update now,  but it’s the cost of a nice cruise.  
Well the house is quiet now that our little houseguest is gone.  Seems appropriate that the photo is upside down,  sorry, lol!





Your “little” houseguest is too beautiful/handsome to be upside down. 😉 




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Good morning again.  They are keeping DH busy today, and he is improving everyday.  Both doctors came to see him today, and we think it was for a last visit before the team evaluation tomorrow.  With his physical improvement  and improvement with his BP and heart rate issues, we don't foresee any problems tomorrow.


For once I bought something on Cyber Monday, well actually last night.  Since some of our outdoor lights were not working, we needed new ones.  I found some solar Christmas lights I liked and ordered them.  I like not having to mess with extension cords, remote contols or timers.  These will go in the bushes, so no ladders either. 


In 2020, with covid raging, we along with the DDs and their guys decided to stop exchanging gifts.  It was getting almost impossible to shop for each other anyway.


5 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Monday Morning Dailyites!  DH and I have dental appointments this morning.  Our favorite Thai restaurant is between the dentist and our house so we will stop on the way home and get lunch.  


I have not received my work schedule for this week yet.  Probably because I forgot to send in my hours from Saturday.


We had Ruebens for lunch yesterday, and we will have them again for dinner tonight.  A beef brisket french dip sounds great, but with sauerkraut?   Thinking my TX DH would say NO!


@StLouisCruisersIf I had known there would have been a run off I would have booked a cruise this time of year.  DH always loves Christmas cruises.  The ads are about to put me over the edge.


@rafinmdI think we can take Jesse off the list .  He has overcome his fear about the treatment, he is doing the radiation, and has had some problems with low white cell count, but is doing the chemo now weekly.  When they can.  He decided he would rather be alive, than dead.  This is a good sign.  A much better attitude.


The sky is clear and blue, the winds have died down, the temp says 47, and I think the weather will be normal for the end of November.  Knowing that the south will be getting severe weather mid week, does not make me happy.  Grandpa always said the clearer the sky, the worse the storm.


@JazzyVyou and your BFF are in my prayers.




Annie, I don't know about your TX DH,  but no sauerkraut on Texas barbecue brisket.  Just yuck!  😖


4 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Monday Daily, Rich.


A bit late to the party this morning - I guess I was celebrating Cyber Monday since I was trying to fix my reservation for my hotel in San Diego and discovered they had a Cyber Monday sale.  Yippee!  I got a slightly nicer room, added the breakfast I needed and it’s still more than $100 less for the 3 nights than it was before.  Maybe this is a sign?


Love French Toast as a treat and a happy Independence day to Mauritania 👍 


Love the Jung quote and yum on today’s meal suggestion 👍 


The Bay of Fundy is making sure we are blessed with rain instead of the snow those North of us are having.



Yay, good news you have improved so much.  Hope you are 100% soon 🤞 



Good luck with your visit with the surgeon tomorrow.  Hope he gives you his blessing for your golf games 🤞 



A very happy anniversary to your twin and her DH 🙂. 53 years of wedded bliss - how wonderful!



Great picture!



You are smart to be prepared Carol ‘in case’.  Hoping you stay negative and planning for the worst means that things have turned out for the best 🙏🏻 



Oh my heavens - she has so many challenges and is such a fighter - she does indeed keep hope alive 👍 


My prayers continue for her and all of you 🙏🏻 



I completely agree with you.  It just takes one bad apple (or thoughtless person that doesn’t let people know).


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and a 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.




Have a great Monday everyone and stay safe!


Jacqui, that is good news about the hotel Cyber Monday sale letting you upgrade the room, add breakfast and still save money.


4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning everyone. @StLouisCruisers and @summer slope, Sandi and Dixie, I loved the photo of the two of you and hope you both continue to enjoy your cruise.

@JazzyV, Vanessa, I hope your BFF’s  DF has found peace and that the two of you are managing . It is a very difficult time but good you are all together.

@Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, I was so happy to read of Steve’s progress. I am sure you are both anxious for Thursday to come. It certainly has been a long journey for you both.

@MISTER 67, good luck at the Doc’s  tomorrow! I am sure the golf course calls to you….


We love French Toast here  but it sure is nice on a BHB.We have not been 5o the port.I won’t be buying anything on Cyber Monday. We have scaled back the whole gift giving thing dramatically and we will all find it less stressful.

Sending my best wishes to all of you



Terry, we are getting anxious for Thursday, especially DH.  As a former therapist, you know there is still work to be done and more healing.  I'm just so glad to see so much progress.


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I like Cyber Monday, love French toast! (but don't make it at home) and salute Mauritanian independence. Good quote. The meal sounds good. Pass on the drink. I can't afford the wine!

I haven't been to Port Louis, Mauritius.


BFF and I spent a tiring 7 hours at his Dad's bedside yesterday. Then we left in the evening for dinner, having said our goodbyes, and went home. At about 11:45 pm the hospital called to tell us he had passed at 11:30. BFF went back alone for one last goodbye. He is now quite overwhelmed with all that has to be done. I'll go with him tomorrow to the funeral home to make arrangements. I appreciate all the prayers and support from the Daily family.


@seagarsmoker Good to hear you're 90%. Don't overdo it!

@MISTER 67 Good luck at the hand surgeon tomorrow and I hope he/she gives the ok to golf.

@StLouisCruisers Thank you. Happy Anniversary to your twin and her DH. Nice picture of you and Dixie.

@mamaofami I hope you stay well. Sorry you have to miss events and appointments.

@HAL Sailer Prayers for DSIL and all she is enduring.

@Cruzin Terri Thanks for giving me the brand of the furniture and for the prayers. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser I was happy to read of DH's progress and that he should be coming home soon.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.


Vanessa, our condolences to you, BFF and all who knew DF.  It was good you both could be with him and say goodbye.  Thank you for the good wishes for DH.


3 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

@HAL SailerPrayers for your DSIL, she has gone through a lot and must be a tough woman.

Sandi and Dixie looks like you are enjoying your Amazon cruise, thanks for sharing the picture of you together.    Sandi thanks for letting us know those ancient TVs have been updated!

Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports.  I love French toast and today would be perfect day for it because we have macerated raspberries in the fridge.  Not to be because I have an ultrasound today and some blood work then we will probably head to the nearby tavern for lunch/dinner.   When I eat there I don't need any dinner.   I'll take my brisket on a roll with horseradish rather than sauerkraut.   The drink looks great minus the mint.  When I looked at the wine's name earlier I knew it would be pricy.  Looking forward to pictures of Mauritania.    Prayers for all on the care list, @JazzyV and for the people in Ukraine.  It is very dark and cold there right now.  

I didn't see my brother yesterday as I decided it was time to do a good housecleaning before the Ravens loss.  I got a call from DSIL about 11 and she asked if DB could go on oral meds instead of IV because he had Pic line issues again.   I explained he has a Pic line that goes directly into his heart because he needs the antibiotic into his blood constantly.   He has osteomyelitis or bone infection.  Since the bones have limited blood supply he needs the IV drug delivery.  The mess dragged on all afternoon.  His arm with the Pic was cold and clammy so they did an x-ray.   After that they decided they were going to move the Pic back to his left arm that had issues last week.  Then they had to wait for a specialized IV nurse to move the line.   She tried several times and it did not work.  Therefore he has no line in now and will be at the ER this morning to have one put in his chest.  My older sister saw him yesterday and he looked great and sitting up in a wheelchair but he was limited in movement due to the Pic line issue in his right arm.   It seems he is two steps forward and one and a half steps back.  So sad for him and my DSIL.  

Have a nice day!  Nancy 


Nancy, I understand how you're feeling, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.  It may seem like it's a long way off, but over time there will be more steps forward than steps back.  I hope they get the infection under control and cleared up quickly.


5 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:


A week ago, DSIL had a loop recorder inserted to monitor for heart AFib after her cancer brain scan showed stroke activity and a blood clot was found in her jugular vein. Friday, during the holiday weekend, the monitoring group called to warn that AFib had occurred and she should go immediately to ER at the slightest sign of an issue. Last night, they contacted her about more AFib activity, another ER advisory, and to schedule her immediately with her cardiologist.


Metastatic melanoma, stroke activity, jugular blood clot, AFib -- at age 90, she is somehow keeping hope alive. 


Thank you all for keeping her in your prayers and thanks @rafinmd for keeping DSIL on the Rotation.


We are still in SWFL but prepared to head north as needed,



Melisa, your DSIL must be an amazing and strong woman.  She is definitely keeping herself and hope alive.  Sending positive thoughts and best wishes to all of you for strength during this difficult time.  How is her son doing after his horrific accendent?



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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@JazzyVsincere condolences to you and your bff. It was good you were able to be home for his father’s passing.


@Quartzsite Cruiserfingers crossed the evaluation goes well and dh can go home. 

Picking up supplies tomorrow for Christmas baking . Hope to start on the weekend. I am only making three recipes this year. Lebkuchen will be the star of the show. The jury is still out on whether or not I will decorate for Christmas this year. I did hand the wreaths on the doors. We’ll see what else comes out once I finish baking, 


I’ve lost track of who else i wanted to note. Just note that you are in my prayers if you are struggling and will hoist a glass later in celebration with those celebrating! 

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5 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

It seems he is two steps forward and one and a half steps back.  So sad for him and my DSIL.


Add my 🙏prayers🙏 for your DB, DSIL, his medical team, and wishes that he will soon be taking leaps forward to healthy outcomes.


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hello all.

Thanks for the daily.

FYI, if anyone is thinking of looking or booking over on Princess for the $1 deposits today only, well it is a mess.  I spent 2 hours going around and around and getting a room and then not getting to put payment in etc etc.  Just a real mess.  

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

...They are keeping DH busy today, and he is improving everyday.  Both doctors came to see him today, and we think it was for a last visit before the team evaluation tomorrow.  With his physical improvement  and improvement with his BP and heart rate issues, we don't foresee any problems tomorrow.

Melisa, your DSIL must be an amazing and strong woman.  She is definitely keeping herself and hope alive.  Sending positive thoughts and best wishes to all of you for strength during this difficult time.  How is her son doing after his horrific accident?



@Quartzsite Cruiser, such great news about your DH. I remember so clearly the day my DH passed his rehab eval and could come home. Probably no happier day than our wedding day! You and DH will be in my 🙏prayers🙏 that all goes as expected!


And, thanks for remembering and asking about my DSIL's son's recovery.  Between his always unique personality and his 'mind-altering' time as a roadie touring with an international rock band, it is hard to know how much of his noticeable changes are from oxygen deprivation during the accident and how much is prior lifestyle plus aging.


He has resumed driving and is very attentive to his mother's medical appointment schedule. Friends make sure they eat well as his limited kitchen skills are impacted by his shortened attention span. DSIL (a retired RN) is currently handling her daily medical regimen. If the time comes that she can't, he won't be a reliable aide.


And, I truly don't know how well he will cope when the day comes that he no longer has his mother's guidance. 

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Hello all,


Thank you @summer slopeDixie for the photos taken today in Santarem.  That heat was really draining and we napped for quite a while after lunch.  When we were waiting for a tender to return to the ship one of those large local tenders arrived at the dock and no one could get off due to the height difference of the dock and their floor level.  What a mess that was!  We never did see anyone get off.  I'm sure it was a tour group.  Hope to hear on the ship how that all turned out. 


By the way when we got back to our room after getting off our tender, a male nurse was standing outside the room next to us.  Uh, oh!  We asked one of our room stewards if he was allowed in that room now and he said no.  We're back to wearing our masks walking around the ship.


@marshhawkAnnie, I feel sorry for you having to see all those ads for the runoff.  We checked Informed Delivery and our absentee ballots arrived at our home a few days ago.  Not much help to us as they would have had to arrive by Nov. 17 in order for us to fill them out. 


@JazzyVVanessa, my sympathy on the passing of your BFF's DF last night.  I'm sure you're both glad you got back to spend his final days with him.  I hope the planning wasn't as bad you had thought it would be. 


@ottahand7Nancy, sorry to hear of all the problems with your DB's pic line.  I hope things start to improve at a faster rate for him.  He's certainly had a lot of problems with this.


Unfortunately, I've run out of time and get myself out of the door.  Keeping busy here.  Thanks for all the nice comments about twin's anniversary and the photo of Dixie and I.  We had fun chatting and the guys did too.

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Dailyites!  Which one of you bakers left flour all over my stove top?  It wasn't me, the only thing I baked all week was a Marie Callendar Pumpkin Pie.  And yet?  there are tell tale signs that someone was baking!  How far can flour travel?  It has been windy, wind coming in from the west.


Speaking of which, I checked a web site, and a friend I had worked with was having ear problems, to the point, where she was in pain and thought she heard fluid in her ear.  She is an artist, paints birds,, raises chickens, and she was in so much pain she couldn't paint.  So she went to the doc and he found ....a feather in her ear from her molting parrot.


My hearing has  been getting much worse, wonder if I have fur balls....


@lindalerThere is nothing so romantic as a walk through a hardware store.  My dad used to take me to the hardware store every Saturday morning, the smell of sawdust is just pure heaven to me.  What great memories of childhood.  Buckets of nails, and bolts and screws, such tiny things that hold the house and home together.


@JazzyVI am so sorry about your BFF's father.  I know that you are both glad that you came home to be with him.  And you are such a good friend to help your BFF out at this time.  Hugs to both of you.


@Quartzsite CruiserIt really does sound like your DH will be coming home this week!  Great news!  


Well, I have to go prep dinner for DH to assemble.  I'm working 6-9:30 tonight.  Way past my bedtime.  Well not my bedtime, but at least my ability to think time.

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I don't think we've seen anything on Port Louis yet.  I'm running way behind but here's my blog post from 2014:




I see from the last sentence that age was creeping up on me over 8 years ago.



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9 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good morning, I received an email from HAL for cyber Monday, $25 deposit, crew gratuity and up to 40% off. I did not look at the specific dates.

Thank you for reminding us to look at the HAL site. I booked a 21-day Panama Canal cruise that will include my DW's birthday in April of 2024. Love the $25 deposits and we also received $400 OBC for early booking.

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