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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday December 14th, 2022


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3 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning from a very cold Tucson. It was 29F when I got up this morning. I didn’t sleep well either, I kept hearing the heater going on and off. 

Thank you all for your Happy Anniversary wishes. I can’t believe that I’m old enough to be married for 48 years.  Well, we were young. 

I finished decorating but am still missing a moose. We may have missed a box in the garage. We started collecting moose for Christmas a few years ago. I found an adorable one at the Christmas store in Quebec City and I put her in the kitchen windowsill along with the tree I bought on the Rotterdam last year. It broke away from the base when I packed it in our suitcase but Craig was able to fix it with Gorilla Glue. When we were in Las Vegas we bought a large moose from the Christmas store at the Bellagio. I still haven’t found the right spot for him and can’t seem to get him to sit right.  

Have a great day everyone!


A cute couple then and now!! Congratulations!

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'd like to see more good today, energy conservation is important, and I've never had roasted chestnuts (I recall vendors selling them while I was in Germany in the winter). I like the quote. I'd take the latkes without the parsnip, pass on the wine, and yes to the merlot.

I haven't been to Aomori.


It is partly sunny and 41F. We may get freezing rain tonight and tomorrow, from the storm. This morning I went to the grocery store and got most things I need for holiday dinner and BFF's stay. I will pick up the more perishable stuff next week. I noticed a lot more people wearing masks in the grocery store; I think the soaring flu numbers have something to do with it. Then since it was fairly nice out, I raked up leaves from the sidewalk, and the ones in the street the borough didn't collect since they said they were done last week. They skipped me two weeks in a row! Then just gathered all the recycling; I have a lot of boxes I'm getting rid of, plus the water heater cardboard box.


Prayers for all in the path of severe weather.


@Sharon in AZ Happy Anniversary! Lovely wedding photo of you two.

@summer slope Glad that you are negative, but so sorry to hear DH is still positive.

@MISTER 67 Good luck getting those charges reversed; frustrating, no doubt.

@GeorgeCharlie It looks like beautiful weather there. You had great photos from glacier alley too. When I was there it was misty and rainy; not great for photos, but still awesome.

@grapau27 The snow looks pretty. Being retired I stay in when it snows. It's good to hear you have no pain after the surgery.

@Cruzin Terri Good to hear that the cruise is working it's magic to make you feel better.

@ger_77 What is the butter tart slice? Can you share the recipe please?

@mamaofami It's good to hear that PT is helping your balance. Prayers for no side effects from the booster.

@StLouisCruisers I hope the odd noise stays away. I'm glad DD is doing ok after her foot surgery. 

@ottahand7 Oh no on having to replace the furnace, but as you say it'll be more efficient. Same with my new water heater, replacing the 28 year old one. I sure hope DB goes home today. 

@kochleffel Thank you for the explanation of Hanukkah foods.

@kazu Prayers that all 3 flights go well and no issues making connections.

@Cruising-along Beautiful Christmas village! And lots of work, no doubt.

@bennybear I hope DS has a mild case, and that you two stay negative. Yay on the new fridge. Lovely photos from Aomori. 

@AncientWanderer I'm glad you're feeling better and that Pocket is back home with you.

@XBGuy That's a great view to have from your home.

@marshhawk Sorry to hear about the doctor situation and it taking so long. Could you go to urgent care in the meantime? 

@smitty34877 I'm glad you were able to be scheduled so soon and hope you can get your medical clearance in time.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

Edited by JazzyV
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1 hour ago, AncientWanderer said:

today.  Many thanks for the kind anniversary wishes, but...it's not our anniversary!  It's only beautiful @Sharon in AZ's anniversary with her wonderful hubby, Craig.  I looked at Roy's list and not sure how the rumor got started.   I'm on the list for the icky Covid.  

Maxine, I didn’t think it was your Anniversary so held back on wishing you a Happy one. Thank you for your sweet remarks. Tell DH hello from us. 

And kick that covid!  Okay!?!

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Good afternoon Daily-ites. I went for my follow-up visit with the eye surgeon this morning & he's pleased with the progress on both eyes. I'm thrilled, things are so much sharper! He discontinued one of the eye drops, reduced the number of the drops of another & kept the third to a once a day, so I'm happy!

I try to conserve energy by keeping the thermostat at 70 degrees when the heat is on. My son wanders around in a t-shirt & shorts , and complains about the cold. I tell him to put on more clothes!

I'm waiting to see whether we get the dreaded "wintry mix" tomorrow. I'm supposed to drive for Meals on Wheels, but they won't go out when school is cancelled or delayed for more than a couple of hours. I don't like driving on ice, so I'd rather not go....so do I sleep with my pajamas inside-out tonight, like the kids that hope for a snow day??

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46 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

The office cat has followed me into the den, and is now telling me I need to go to work,  and I would be at work if the hours hadn't been cut.  Zoom meeting tonight at 6.  Whooppee!


@smitty34877Great about the surgery getting scheduled!


I got a call this morning from the medical group regarding my request for a change of primary physician.  The doctor my friend Debbie told about will not take any one who wants to switch doctors.  Only new patients.  He said he had someone else that he could recommend, and that he would check with them and call me back.  Which he did within an hour, but I cant get in to see her until the end of January.  So I will continue coughing and  sucking on  cough drops for at least another month.  Getting two hours of sleep at a time, if I'm lucky.  I cough so hard, that I get cramps in my sides, and gasp for air, and this stinks.  Why the original doctor refused to treat me is one thing, why he couldn't refer me to an ENT is another.  The endocrinologist said that she could not refer me, it has to be from my primary, and that was a circle I no longer wanted to play in.  


Roasted chestnuts.  Yes I had them as a child when we lived in France.  I remember liking them, nutty texture, warm and a little sweet.  When we came back to the states, we lived and stayed in suburbia NJ and I never saw roasted chestnuts.  Lived in Boston, moved to St. Paul, back to NJ and then to the Atlanta area, and I still have never seen anyone sell roasted chestnuts.  I either need to find where I can buy some chestnuts, and learn to roast them myself, Or ...plan a trip back to France.



My boss sent me a text this week of a song -it was called Chipmunks roasting on an open Fire.  All I can say, is if you want a good hearty laugh, google it. oh it's sick.  but funny!  and totally politically incorrect.  just a warning.



I googled it, very funny.

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Wasnt Roatan dock crashed into by a ship several years ago?    The first time we went to Honduras, we couldnt dock at Mahogany Bay, and ended up in Coxen Hole, but since we had nothing planned, we enjoyed an empty pool, and a quiet ship.  The second time we got into Mahogany Bay , enjoyed the snorkeling, but wished we had gone back to Coxen Hole.

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Good afternoon.  I got the house cleaned in almost record time and before the physical therapist got here.  She is only coming twice this week, and thinks she'll discharge DH next week.


Finally, we have a bright, sunny day, and it's warm in the sun, IF you're out of the wind.  We have a very strong north wind, and it has a chilly bite to it.  Still, I'll take this over the gray, cloudy days of the last month to six weeks.


4 hours ago, kazu said:

Just a quick post.  I am at Dodge’s airport (as in get out of Dodge) awaiting my 1st plane of 3.


I’ll come back later when I have longer lay over time assuming I can get through U.S. Customs 😉. I downloaded the Mobile Passport App so hopefully it will be of some assistance 🤞 


Jacqui, I'm happy your are at the airport and about to board your first flight.  Have a safe and uneventful trip.  Enjoy your time in San Diego and on the Koningsdam.


4 hours ago, kochleffel said:

Just in case you need help with menu planning, here's an article about the most and least popular holidays foods, for the country as a whole and by state. I'm surprised to see that biscuits are the most popular Thanksgiving food in New York, since in this part of the country we're terrible at making them. Probably they're out of a tube. And I was surprised by the unpopularity of persimmon pudding; if persimmons grew wild here it would be my favorite.


To determine the most and least popular holiday foods across the country, we surveyed over 2,100 Americans, asking their opinions on Thanksgiving and Christmas foods, including entrees, sides, desserts, drinks, and even vegan alternatives. Read on to discover what we found.

Key Findings

  1. The least popular Thanksgiving foods are candied yams and sweet potato pie.
  2. The least popular Christmas foods are persimmon pudding and fruitcake.
  3. When it comes to vegan choices, 45% are willing to try a vegan turkey alternative this year.
  4. With costs top of mind, 69% will search for budget-friendly holiday meal options due to higher food prices.




Interesting article.  I checked the different states where we have lived, and discovered they omitted Delaware.


3 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. @kazuGlad to hear you are on your way.


Cold here. This dog walking at below 0F is not fun, but at least both dogs went quickly this morning. They are fast learners. My biggest problem is wrestling them into coats. Bandit does not really need his, but little Monty just stand still and shakes if out without his and he can do that for a long time. I think his little feet are cold but there is nothing I can do about that. This morning we were in luck as there was a large bare spot of lawn for Monty to utilize so his little tush did not have to touch snow. And that is more information than you probably wanted to know.... but it shows how boring my life is right now.


Everyone take care. Keep those pictures of ports, past and present, coming.








Susan, I can relate to Monty wanting a snow free spot.  With us, it was even worse since we had dachshunds, and their undersides dragged in the snow.  They would not set a paw in the white stuff, and we finally had to let them do their business on the concrete car port, then clean it off.  Fortunately, we didn't get much snow where we lived in Texas.


2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

It's 32F and fog here this morning -- but dry until Saturday when we'll get some of that "frozen mix" AKA sleet. 😉  


First of all I have to address what Annie @marshhawktold us this morning about the neighbor who lets his dog run loose at night.  This hit close to home with me, a traumatic event when my beloved first cat was killed by 2 dogs running loose. 😞  They came right into our yard.  He was 17 pounds and strong, but no match for 2 big dogs.  Needless to say, when I hear about people like that I get very upset.  Annie, I so wish there was something you could do.  To add insult to injury, when we put in a complaint about the dogs, the pound (where they were taken) told me all they could do was let the owners know and it's up to them if they want to reach out to me. Yeah sure.   GRRRRRRR  "Nuff of that.  This happened over 40 years ago and is still very upsetting to me.  DH was out to sea, the life of a Navy wife...


Dixie @summer slopeI'm sorry your DH is still testing positive.  Just not fair!

Jacqui @kazuso glad to hear that you are "on your way"!!

Happy Anniversary to Sharon @Sharon in AZ,  Maxine @AncientWandererand their DH's!


This year I put up the Village early because I thought I'd be planning DH's birthday party in early December -- instead I got sick, so I'm very glad I put it up early.  Our youngest grandson asked that I put it ALL up (usually I just do a few sections a year).  When I put all of it up it takes up 3 6-foot tables. There's a mountain and ski scene, farm, downtown, town square/park, seafront w/lighthouse, and family neighborhood.






Have a great day everyone!






Carolyn, that's quite a set up.  The village looks great, and I can see why you don't always put everything out.


2 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all.   
@Sharon in AZhappy anniversary! 
@mamaofami glad you are cleared for your booster!

@StLouisCruisersglad your DD is doing well!  
@marshhawk we had a deer in our flower bed the other night that got spooked by coyotes!  Saw the coyote on our sidewalk! 
@kazu safe travels!
our DS tested positive last night, we saw him Sunday so now we wait and test, fingers crossed!  The new fridge is in the doorway!  

a few photos from lovely Aomori that we visited during cherry blossom time.  









Brenda, I'm sorry your DS tested positive, and hope neither of you test positive.


25 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'd like to see more good today, energy conservation is important, and I've never had roasted chestnuts (I recall vendors selling them while I was in Germany in the winter). I like the quote. I'd take the latkes without the parsnip, pass on the wine, and yes to the merlot.

I haven't been to Aomori.


It is partly sunny and 41F. We may get freezing rain tonight and tomorrow, from the storm. This morning I went to the grocery store and got most things I need for holiday dinner and BFF's stay. I will pick up the more perishable stuff next week. I noticed a lot more people wearing masks in the grocery store; I think the soaring flu numbers have something to do with it. Then since it was fairly nice out, I raked up leaves from the sidewalk, and the ones in the street the borough didn't collect since they said they were done last week. They skipped me two weeks in a row! Then just gathered all the recycling; I have a lot of boxes I'm getting rid of, plus the water heater cardboard box.


Prayers for all in the path of severe weather.


@Sharon in AZ Happy Anniversary! Lovely wedding photo of you two.

@summer slope Glad that you are negative, but so sorry to hear DH is still positive.

@MISTER 67 Good luck getting those charges reversed; frustrating, no doubt.

@GeorgeCharlie It looks like beautiful weather there. You had great photos from glacier alley too. When I was there it was misty and rainy; not great for photos, but still awesome.

@grapau27 The snow looks pretty. Being retired I stay in when it snows. It's good to hear you have no pain after the surgery.

@Cruzin Terri Good to hear that the cruise is working it's magic to make you feel better.

@ger_77 What is the butter tart slice? Can you share the recipe please?

@mamaofami It's good to hear that PT is helping your balance. Prayers for no side effects from the booster.

@StLouisCruisers I hope the odd noise stays away. I'm glad DD is doing ok after her foot surgery. 

@ottahand7 Oh no on having to replace the furnace, but as you say it'll be more efficient. Same with my new water heater, replacing the 28 year old one. I sure hope DB goes home today. 

@kochleffel Thank you for the explanation of Hanukkah foods.

@kazu Prayers that all 3 flights go well and no issues making connections.

@Cruising-along Beautiful Christmas village! And lots of work, no doubt.

@bennybear I hope DS has a mild case, and that you two stay negative. Yay on the new fridge. Lovely photos from Aomori. 

@AncientWanderer I'm glad you're feeling better and that Pocket is back home with you.

@XBGuy That's a great view to have from your home.

@marshhawk Sorry to hear about the doctor situation and it taking so long. Could you go to urgent care in the meantime? 

@smitty34877 I'm glad you were able to be scheduled so soon and hope you can get your medical clearance in time.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.


Vanessa, sounds like you had a busy day, and got a lot accomplished.  



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1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Lol --- I did wonder.  But Debbie @dfishsaid in post #31 that it is your anniversary and I've never known Debbie to be wrong. 😅  I thought I'd missed it somewhere. 🙂  


Thank you for your kind words about my Village.  There are 40 major buildings and countless smaller buildings and accessories.  That's why I don't put everything up every year -- but when a grandchild asks....  😉  


And I have no idea where I got it.  Maybe I just decided that Maxine @AncientWanderer needed a day of celebration.  Or, more likely, I hadn't had enough coffee yet.  Anyways, @Sharon in AZ Sharon, I hope I didn't take too much away from your day and Maxine, take advantage and party hearty.


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Roasted chestnuts.  Yes I had them as a child when we lived in France.  I remember liking them, nutty texture, warm and a little sweet.  When we came back to the states, we lived and stayed in suburbia NJ and I never saw roasted chestnuts.  Lived in Boston, moved to St. Paul, back to NJ and then to the Atlanta area, and I still have never seen anyone sell roasted chestnuts.  I either need to find where I can buy some chestnuts, and learn to roast them myself, Or ...plan a trip back to France.


One year at Christmas time we made Dad go out and get chestnuts and a chestnut roaster so we could roast them on an open fire in the fireplace.  We also made everyone sit in the living room and sing that song while we roasted them.  They were ok, but we never asked for them again.


I did get to the grocery store!  And, I think I have almost everything for Christmas dinner.  I know I don't want to go back to the store in the last few days before Christmas.  Early next week will be the latest I will go.  

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@bennybearTell you what with the recent coyote attacks across the country,  I could be a moose and be spooked by coyotes.  Yes we have them,  my friends had spotted some while driving home using our back streets at night, but not to the extreme of the loose dogs.  Hope they don't mate. There would be a bunch of coyotepits... or bullties.  I am not fond of pitbulls, but I am not alone in that. In fact in this county if the police see a loose dog and even think it's a pit bull, it's shoot to kill.  Which of course will never happen in this hood, as the police do not like to even drive around here or to a crime when it happens in this neighborhood.  


Well I'm in the midst of laundry and I just put the lights on the tree, now to decorate the rest of the office, I mean living room.

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Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in.  Hopefully @kazu is well on her way to San Diego by now, escaping Mother Nature's wrath.


A busy morning - did some grocery shopping when the flyers first come out before things get picked over or bought out.  I finished the Little Logs and made a huge batch of Puppy Chow for DS.


@JazzyVhere's my mom's recipe for Butter Tart Slice; it's simple - if it isn't easy, I can't make it, so here you go:


2 cups flour                                                                                    1 cup sugar (I use 3/4 cup)

1 egg                                                                                                1 tsp baking powder

1 cup butter/margarine

Filling:  2 cups raisins                                                                  1/2 cup sugar

2 Tbsps flour                                                                                  1 cup boiling water

a squeeze of lemon juice (fresh or bottled)

 a few drops of vanilla

Combine first 5 ingredients and pat 3/4 of mixture into a greased 9 x 13 pan.  Combine filling ingredients except vanilla and cook until thick.  Stir in vanilla and pour over base in pan.  Top with remaining crumb mixture and bake at 350 until brown, about 30 minutes.

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52 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

I checked the different states where we have lived, and discovered they omitted Delaware.

So they did! I wonder how they constructed the survey, because some of the results are strange. Also, it's noteworthy that some foods are the most popular in one state and least popular in another.


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22 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

@JazzyVhere's my mom's recipe for Butter Tart Slice; it's simple - if it isn't easy, I can't make it, so here you go:


2 cups flour                                                                                    1 cup sugar (I use 3/4 cup)

1 egg                                                                                                1 tsp baking powder

1 cup butter/margarine

Filling:  2 cups raisins                                                                  1/2 cup sugar

2 Tbsps flour                                                                                  1 cup boiling water

a squeeze of lemon juice (fresh or bottled)

 a few drops of vanilla

Combine first 5 ingredients and pat 3/4 of mixture into a greased 9 x 13 pan.  Combine filling ingredients except vanilla and cook until thick.  Stir in vanilla and pour over base in pan.  Top with remaining crumb mixture and bake at 350 until brown, about 30 minutes.

Thank you! I've put it in my computer recipe file.

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1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

@bennybearTell you what with the recent coyote attacks across the country,  I could be a moose and be spooked by coyotes.  Yes we have them,  my friends had spotted some while driving home using our back streets at night, but not to the extreme of the loose dogs.  Hope they don't mate. There would be a bunch of coyotepits... or bullties.  I am not fond of pitbulls, but I am not alone in that. In fact in this county if the police see a loose dog and even think it's a pit bull, it's shoot to kill.  Which of course will never happen in this hood, as the police do not like to even drive around here or to a crime when it happens in this neighborhood.  


Well I'm in the midst of laundry and I just put the lights on the tree, now to decorate the rest of the office, I mean living room.

Yikes! Pit bulls should never be on the loose!   An elderly lady was actually killed by two that got out of their yard in our city!  So tragic and needless. 

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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in.  Hopefully @kazu is well on her way to San Diego by now, escaping Mother Nature's wrath.


A busy morning - did some grocery shopping when the flyers first come out before things get picked over or bought out.  I finished the Little Logs and made a huge batch of Puppy Chow for DS.


@JazzyVhere's my mom's recipe for Butter Tart Slice; it's simple - if it isn't easy, I can't make it, so here you go:


2 cups flour                                                                                    1 cup sugar (I use 3/4 cup)

1 egg                                                                                                1 tsp baking powder

1 cup butter/margarine

Filling:  2 cups raisins                                                                  1/2 cup sugar

2 Tbsps flour                                                                                  1 cup boiling water

a squeeze of lemon juice (fresh or bottled)

 a few drops of vanilla

Combine first 5 ingredients and pat 3/4 of mixture into a greased 9 x 13 pan.  Combine filling ingredients except vanilla and cook until thick.  Stir in vanilla and pour over base in pan.  Top with remaining crumb mixture and bake at 350 until brown, about 30 minutes.

You read my mind!

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13 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Yikes! Pit bulls should never be on the loose!   An elderly lady was actually killed by two that got out of their yard in our city!  So tragic and needless. 

I absolutely agree about Pit Bulls.

It is so sad hearing an elderly lady was killed by 2 of them escaping from their yard.

I love all animals but question why anyone would want a Pit Bull with their fearsome jaws and reputation.




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No dog should run loose in a neighborhood.  That being said, I have two friends that have adopted pit bull puppies from a shelter and they are the sweetest dogs.  They are loyal and affectionate.  Unfortunately,  some owners train pit bulls to fight or to be guard dogs, because of this they have a bad reputation.  I believe that it is how you raise the dog.  I hope @durangoscots can weigh in with an opinion on pit bulls.  

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The latest forecast is for less snow than the earlier forecasts said: three inches tomorrow, one inch overnight, and another inch during the day on Friday. Because of a problem with the garage-door opener, I don't always put my car in the garage, but I did so this evening. I don't have to go out tomorrow--it's a work day, but the work that needs attention can be done from home--yet I may have to shovel snow several times, because of deliveries via both UPS and Fedex that are coming.



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2 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in.  Hopefully @kazu is well on her way to San Diego by now, escaping Mother Nature's wrath.


A busy morning - did some grocery shopping when the flyers first come out before things get picked over or bought out.  I finished the Little Logs and made a huge batch of Puppy Chow for DS.


@JazzyVhere's my mom's recipe for Butter Tart Slice; it's simple - if it isn't easy, I can't make it, so here you go:


2 cups flour                                                                                    1 cup sugar (I use 3/4 cup)

1 egg                                                                                                1 tsp baking powder

1 cup butter/margarine

Filling:  2 cups raisins                                                                  1/2 cup sugar

2 Tbsps flour                                                                                  1 cup boiling water

a squeeze of lemon juice (fresh or bottled)

 a few drops of vanilla

Combine first 5 ingredients and pat 3/4 of mixture into a greased 9 x 13 pan.  Combine filling ingredients except vanilla and cook until thick.  Stir in vanilla and pour over base in pan.  Top with remaining crumb mixture and bake at 350 until brown, about 30 minutes.

Those sound so good!   Thanks!


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25 minutes ago, 0106 said:

No dog should run loose in a neighborhood.  That being said, I have two friends that have adopted pit bull puppies from a shelter and they are the sweetest dogs.  They are loyal and affectionate.  Unfortunately,  some owners train pit bulls to fight or to be guard dogs, because of this they have a bad reputation.  I believe that it is how you raise the dog.  I hope @durangoscots can weigh in with an opinion on pit bulls.  

Don't get me started. The majority of the dogs in shelters here are Pitties. And I will be the first to admit there are some really nice ones.... but many are from breeders who did not select their breeding stock for disposition, and a fair number are aggressive. And those jaws are strong. We just had to euthanize one who dug out under a fence to attack a jogger. On the other side of that.... that particular owner has a long history with us of irresponsible dog ownership. We would love it if he were prohibited from dog ownership for awhile. Anyway, sweet though some are... and some breeds classified under the heading of Pit Bull are shown in AKC performance and conformation with no issues being around people and other dogs .... I still would not have one. Off the soap box now.



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@bennybear, @marshhawk, @0106, @durangoscots Even small domesticated dogs can create problems for deer and elk in deep snow and a good crust. The dogs can run over the snow while the deer and elk sink into the snow. No matter how sweet and nice and cuddly any of us think our pets are, they can be a danger to wildlife when left unchecked. It isn't really problem breeds; it is problem owners.

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40 minutes ago, HAL4NOW said:

@bennybear, @marshhawk, @0106, @durangoscots Even small domesticated dogs can create problems for deer and elk in deep snow and a good crust. The dogs can run over the snow while the deer and elk sink into the snow. No matter how sweet and nice and cuddly any of us think our pets are, they can be a danger to wildlife when left unchecked. It isn't really problem breeds; it is problem owners.

Agreed. No dogs should be running loose. They can all get in trouble. The terriers that I used to have could easily mistake a small pet animal for a rodent. And here a dog chasing livestock, or wild game, can be shot. However, at least in our area, few dogs go after people as frequently as pit bulls seem to.... if they are running free. In the case of our jogger.... he was in a public area and the dog was in its own yard and went for him by going under the fence and with those jaws it did far more damage than say a spaniel would do.

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I started to go back through the Daily and thank each of you individually for your Happy Anniversary wishes but realized that it would end up being too long to post. So I apologize but please know that Craig & I really appreciate all your wishes. 

Our lamb chops came out beautifully and were very delicious. Craig made his famous mashed potatoes too. This picture doesn’t do the chops justice. 


Oh, I almost forgot— Craig brought home a dozen red roses after seeing the dermatologist this morning. Beautiful. 

Edited by Sharon in AZ
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