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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday February 4th, 2023


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Hi everyone!  It was minus 14 Celcius when I got up and now it's snowing and minus 11 Celcius.  

We went out for breakfast.  No ice cream involved.  We also did some grocery shopping. Still no ice cream involved.  We are having soup for supper.  Today's meal sounds good. I will pass on the drink and the wine. 

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We first visited Huatulco in the latter part of the 1990s in the pre-digital age.  Since then, we've been to Huatulco several times on BHBs.


Our first BHB to Huatulco was the Statendam in 2009 when we did b2b canal cruises.  The first visit, we signed up for the land and sea tour.  Unfortunately, we found out after were had been on the bus for an hour that the boat needed repairs and we would not be doing the sea portion.  We talked to the ShoreEx people when we got back, and the manager, Nyron, booked us on the 5 Bays Cruise on the next segment at no cost to us.  That was even more than we expected.


These are from the land tour




Just a few from the 5 Bays tour.



Not our boat, but a similar one



Returning to Huatulco





In 2014, we were on Veendam on a b2b canal cruise, but only stopped in Huatulco once.  The first picture is from the ship.  





In 2015, we were on Statendam on a canal cruise, on our way to Ft. Lauderdale to board the Ruby Princess.  The cruise sure beat flying.  😉





In 2020 on our last cruise before Covid and our last cruise on Rotterdam VI, we stopped in Huatulco twice on a b2b canal cruise.  This time, we opted to stay in town both times and just walked around for a while before enjoying one of the beach cafes and a coke.







The area to the left after passing the cafes and the church.  It was quiet and undiscovered.


A final view of town from the dockDSC08597.thumb.JPG.29b132b33369292c4584d6896d358628.JPG


Our home away from home for 32 days in 2020




We did the same tour only our bus broke down on the land portion --- had to wait for a replacement bus & that led to having to miss the sea portion --- no refund/no make-up excursion....next time we booked the same excursion, the port was cancelled for 2 medical evacs....had to go to PV to disembark those passengers.

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Good morning. It is warming a bit here....today's high should be about 45F and the temp when I walked the dogs earlier was 22F which felt absolutely balmy for early morning. We still have lots of snow on the ground.... if a groundhog had tried to emerge on the 2nd he should have needed  a shovel to make his way upward through 2 feet of snow. We will take as much sun as we can get right now although we do need more moisture for this winter's snow pack.


Talked with the vet yesterday about little Monty and he went over the ultrasound with me. It looks really good. We will just watch him for awhile. He seems to have a lot of psychological issues. Wish he could tell me about his past. I don't think it was good.


The meal of the day looks good in all variations. I think a cheeseburger pie is in order next week. And Huatulco is one of my favorite ports when doing the Panama Canal cruises. Need to think about these again.


Didn't get taxes done yesterday so that is next on my list for this morning. They should be pretty straight forward. Then off to the shelter to walk dogs, something I have not been doing much of due to the ice and the fact that most of the dogs we have right now are on the large size. The little dogs get adopted fast but the larger dogs tend to linger.


Take care all.



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Greetings and blessings to all, especially those in need of healing, comfort or hope…  Smooth travels for all who are away…. Warming trends to those where it is way too cold…. Congrats to all celebrating milestones and memories! Thanks to who make this thread so meaningful. 

I had never heard of Frost Quakes, and hope to never hear them for real!  Jacqui, you are stalwart! On so many levels!  (I don’t have a ‘hats off to you emoji, and not a good day to take one’s hat off, 😉). 

Good news from @rafinmd that you slept better through chemistry… but those drugs will slow the GI tract, so add to the regimen whatever is needed for that.  May you keep on the steady improvement track!  I may not be too far from you, I’m near MD 200, the Intercounty Connector, here for next 2 and a half weeks…. happy to come up if I can be of assistance. Email is my cc name sent via hot mail dot com. 

@ottahand7 thank you for your effort to share your voyage. I think your pictures are as close as I’ll get to Antarctica. Really appreciate you!  

And applause for all the other great pix!  I love stopping at Huatulco for the beach!  Lucky to have been a few times. First time I saw officers with machine guns at the beach!  Figured better to have them there than not!  

Long story about our first visit there, 2004, only our second cruise. We were on (old) Regal Princess, LA to FL. Left Huatulco 1pm headed to Costa Rica. Headed into stormy weather across the Bay of Tehuantepec +20’ waves, +70 winds…. Then a critical medical emergency onboard. Captain turned us towards Santa Cruz It was just before first dinner seating. Ship leaned so bad they lost all the place settings, 1100 glasses on the MDR floor. The liquor shelves in the bars, and the perfume and figurines shops had high losses. TVs came off walls. In our room the water glasses slid and shattered. No serious injuries!  MDR cleaned up and reset in 25 minutes!  
BUT Santa Cruz port closed!  So we had to head back to Huatulco!  Disembarked the patient and left again, 1am. Lost 12 hours. Had to miss Costa Rica port so as to make our Canal time. Oh well…. BUT many passengers were livid. Petitions going around questioning  credentials of medical officer, demanding his resignation!  As an EMT I was stunned!  Wrote a letter of appreciation to the Captain. Got invited to a personal Bridge tour! Yay for me!  And we heard the patient was air lifted to Houston with a good prognosis.  

Cold is ebbing here and we’ll be in the balmy 20s F. Going to brave it into downtown DC for the symphony tonight!  Kennedy Center is another of the many reasons we chose to move to Maryland!  Life is good!  



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2 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

We just came back from the Shackleton lecture and it was great. I had read the book Endurance right before this cruise so to be in the area these explorers survived was moving. 

Bad news began our talk. Captain Arno came on the speakers and the weather has worsened in the Drake Passage.  We will not be going to the Falklands on the 6th but will head directly to Argentina. He warned of high waves beginning around 3 and then another low pressure system again tomorrow.  I will miss seeing the King Penguins but it will be my excuse to repeat this cruise in the future.  

Here are some views of Deception Island and it's environs.  

@smitty34877glad to hear Tana is feeling better. @StLouisCruisersthank for the pic of Deception Island in better weather. 




Nancy, that's such a bummer not going to the Falklands.  I know there's always a good chance of missing it, but I'm sorry to hear the GSA&A won't be able to.  Nice that you have such a great attitude about it though and I hope you do get there on your next cruise to the area.




2 hours ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from a cool but sunny day at the beach

     Not going to say anything about our weather, too many people up north that are really suffering due to the cold.

       Have not been to todays port- Thank you Sandi for the pictures

        THe meat pie recipes look interesting, might have to give one a try. Would love ice cream for breakfast. Ice cream is my downfall. Would take that over anything else.

         @ottahand7 Thank you for your beautiful pictures and report of your trip. We are on the October trip so have been following with great anticipation.

         @cat shepard Glad your physical went well. I have never heard of that type of therapy to rebuild bone.  I would be cautious.

          Going to a lecture today at the library. The speaker just returned from a humanitarian trip to Ukraine. I debated going because I thought it would be sad and hard to watch. But in the end I decided to go.

     Stay safe and warm to all of my Northern friends.





Charlene, your lecture today sounds like a good one.  I understand about it being difficult to sit through but good for you to show your support for the speaker. 





2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Daily-ites. 

I hope everyone enjoyed their day yesterday. Sandi thank you for coming forward with the all important friendly Daily. 


Terry I'm happy to see Tana having an appetite. Prayers for all on Sandi's list, including Jacqui, Sarah, all our Ukrainian friends, Kathi, and especially our Roy.


Last month we had ice cream for breakfast! We got home late after our cruise so didn't stop at the market. Next morning making coffee and realized we had no cream. Our freezer came to the rescue by having vanilla caramel swirl ice cream. It was pretty darn good. 


Yesterday I slipped on our tile floor and hit my elbow and rib. Don't know if I bruised a rib or pulled a muscle, but it hurts like 😫 Very difficult to get my sweetheart up and ready. 


Tonight is pork chops. I want to come up with a new sauce though. I get tired of plain gravy..


Take care my friends. Be kind and pray for those who are braving the freezing, dangerous weather.

Oh no Joy!  I'm sad to hear you slipped on the tile floor and hurt yourself.  We've had way too many falls here haven't we?  You might have to give in and see your doctor and get checked out.  Hope your weather gets back to normal too so those mailboxes thaw out!  Take care!





1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

Happy Saturday.  I slept well, and the last bit of time was able to use my left side as well as my right,  I have oxycodene that says half pill every 4 hours,  I only use it at night and the first 2 nights only one dose, but yesterday I did  the first half at 4:30 and the other at 9:30,  I think that's what finally allowed me to sleep on the left side.  Not really much improvement but I think my muscle tone is SLIGHTLY better. 


@StLouisCruisers will you be able to post the thread from at sea or do we need another volunteer?



Nice to hear the meds have helped you sleep some at night.  Thank goodness the muscle tone has shown a little bit of improvement.  Keep doing what you're doing. 


As for posting from the ship I don't think I should attempt that.  We don't know how well the internet will be and don't want a lot of confusion each morning.  So since several people asked if I needed help I'm sure there will be offers again.  I can do it through Thursday if necessary but we leave way too early Friday to do it since we have a 650 mile drive ahead of us.  The Daily and Fleet Report isn't difficult since Rich did all the work setting it up.  Just copy and paste it from the halfacts.com/Daily site.  The Care and Celebration lists require someone keep up on everyone's posting.  Make notes and prepare it by evening, and then copy and paste it from a word document.  If two people want to help they could split it up and do one or the other.  I'll leave it up to all of you to decide who has the time and inclination!  Thanks in advance everyone.



1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I love ice cream and would gladly eat it for breakfast, but I'm trying to be strict with my diet right now, sigh. Not sure how to create a vacuum. I like some stuffed mushrooms at restaurants. Interesting quote. I like the meal and drink. Pass on the wine.

I was offshore at Huatulco on my PC cruise, where there was an emergency medical disembarkation.


We had a lovely -4F this AM. Now up to a balmy 11F and it's sunny. My bedroom was only 59 when I went to sleep, despite the thermostat at 64 for overnight, so on went the electric blanket! 


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up today, our lists, and the Huatulco photos.

@ottahand7 Thanks for the great photos. We couldn't see anything when we passed Deception Island due to dense fog, and couldn't go inside. Sorry to hear you're missing the Falklands.

@kazu Interesting the sounds our houses can make; living in a 100+ year old house I hear lots of noises.

@0106 Thanks for the rest of the quote; that does make more sense.

@smitty34877 Good news that Tana feels like eating! How is your hip doing?

@dfish Thanks for the recipes.

@Cruzin Terri Safe travels tomorrow. It certainly sounds like you had a lot going on yesterday; you deserve a vacation! 

@Seasick Sailor Oh no on slipping on the tile floor! I hope your pain eases up quickly.

@rafinmd Good news that you slept well last night. I hope your progress continues.

@kochleffel Sounds like a lot of party people on your cruise.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List.

Take care everyone.


A few pics from offshore at Huatulco







Passenger being taken to a waiting ambulance on the pier



Thanks for your photos Vanessa.  Too bad about the medevac.  Boy, your bedroom sounds a bit too chilly for me.  We put our heat at 65 at night in winter.  The heating bills are crazy these days.





51 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Last night, the sky was the clearest it's been in several months.  DH had his small telescope set up to catch the Green Comet since we finally had a clear night.  The full moon did not interfere with the telescope pictures, but when I tried to look at it with the naked eye or even binoculars, the moon caused problems.  I may have seen it as a fuzzy spot, but I can't be sure.


This is the picture DH captured with the telescope last night.




It really is green isn't it?  Thank Steve for sharing it.  And thanks for the Huatulco photos today.





12 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

The parfait was delicious 


Wow!  That looks huge!  Did you finish it?  I always seem to have room for ice cream.😋

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7 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

Greetings and blessings to all, especially those in need of healing, comfort or hope…  Smooth travels for all who are away…. Warming trends to those where it is way too cold…. Congrats to all celebrating milestones and memories! Thanks to who make this thread so meaningful. 

I had never heard of Frost Quakes, and hope to never hear them for real!  Jacqui, you are stalwart! On so many levels!  (I don’t have a ‘hats off to you emoji, and not a good day to take one’s hat off, 😉). 

Good news from @rafinmd that you slept better through chemistry… but those drugs will slow the GI tract, so add to the regimen whatever is needed for that.  May you keep on the steady improvement track!  I may not be too far from you, I’m near MD 200, the Intercounty Connector, here for next 2 and a half weeks…. happy to come up if I can be of assistance. Email is my cc name sent via hot mail dot com. 

@ottahand7 thank you for your effort to share your voyage. I think your pictures are as close as I’ll get to Antarctica. Really appreciate you!  

And applause for all the other great pix!  I love stopping at Huatulco for the beach!  Lucky to have been a few times. First time I saw officers with machine guns at the beach!  Figured better to have them there than not!  

Long story about our first visit there, 2004, only our second cruise. We were on (old) Regal Princess, LA to FL. Left Huatulco 1pm headed to Costa Rica. Headed into stormy weather across the Bay of Tehuantepec +20’ waves, +70 winds…. Then a critical medical emergency onboard. Captain turned us towards Santa Cruz It was just before first dinner seating. Ship leaned so bad they lost all the place settings, 1100 glasses on the MDR floor. The liquor shelves in the bars, and the perfume and figurines shops had high losses. TVs came off walls. In our room the water glasses slid and shattered. No serious injuries!  MDR cleaned up and reset in 25 minutes!  
BUT Santa Cruz port closed!  So we had to head back to Huatulco!  Disembarked the patient and left again, 1am. Lost 12 hours. Had to miss Costa Rica port so as to make our Canal time. Oh well…. BUT many passengers were livid. Petitions going around questioning  credentials of medical officer, demanding his resignation!  As an EMT I was stunned!  Wrote a letter of appreciation to the Captain. Got invited to a personal Bridge tour! Yay for me!  And we heard the patient was air lifted to Houston with a good prognosis.  

Cold is ebbing here and we’ll be in the balmy 20s F. Going to brave it into downtown DC for the symphony tonight!  Kennedy Center is another of the many reasons we chose to move to Maryland!  Life is good!  

Ever been to Strathmore?





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3 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Ever been to Strathmore?





Not yet, hoping to figure that out. Have several sets of tickets for chamber music and national symphony. Maybe Strathmore would be easier to get to?  Finding the trek into DC a bit long…. but worth it. Might be easier to go up to Baltimore if there’s parking. We drive to Metro for DC, then 2 trains plus the shuttle. Hour and a half. Like it was to drive from our mountain location into Albuquerque 🤣

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8 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

Not yet, hoping to figure that out. Have several sets of tickets for chamber music and national symphony. Maybe Strathmore would be easier to get to?  Finding the trek into DC a bit long…. but worth it. Might be easier to go up to Baltimore if there’s parking. We drive to Metro for DC, then 2 trains plus the shuttle. Hour and a half. Like it was to drive from our mountain location into Albuquerque 🤣

I would think it would be easy:


  • Strathmore is located immediately adjacent to the Grosvenor-Strathmore Metro station, on Metro’s Red Line.
  • Follow the walkway out of the Metro station to the left entrance of the Metro Garage



Within a stones throw form the beltway @ highways to Frederick.



Edited by rafinmd
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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Last night, the sky was the clearest it's been in several months.  DH had his small telescope set up to catch the Green Comet since we finally had a clear night.  The full moon did not interfere with the telescope pictures, but when I tried to look at it with the naked eye or even binoculars, the moon caused problems.  I may have seen it as a fuzzy spot, but I can't be sure.


This is the picture DH captured with the telescope last night.





How amazing! I was hoping you would be lucky! Thank you for sharing!

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19 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

As for posting from the ship I don't think I should attempt that.  We don't know how well the internet will be and don't want a lot of confusion each morning.  So since several people asked if I needed help I'm sure there will be offers again.  I can do it through Thursday if necessary but we leave way too early Friday to do it since we have a 650 mile drive ahead of us.  The Daily and Fleet Report isn't difficult since Rich did all the work setting it up.  Just copy and paste it from the halfacts.com/Daily site.  The Care and Celebration lists require someone keep up on everyone's posting.  Make notes and prepare it by evening, and then copy and paste it from a word document.  If two people want to help they could split it up and do one or the other.  I'll leave it up to all of you to decide who has the time and inclination!  Thanks in advance everyone.



Thanks for your photos Vanessa.  Too bad about the medevac.  Boy, your bedroom sounds a bit too chilly for me.  We put our heat at 65 at night in winter.  The heating bills are crazy these days.


Sandi, I can help with the Care and Celebration Lists. As for as starting the Fleet Report/Daily, I'm not up early enough, since I tend to stay up late.


I know heating bills are crazy. The low temp was no doubt due to the cold, wind, drafty windows and probably not enough insulation.

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32 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

Petitions going around questioning  credentials of medical officer, demanding his resignation!

By folks with no knowledge of the patient’s condition or the medical resources available? I suppose they would have let the patient die rather than have any inconvenience themselves?

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Good morning everyone and Happy Saturday. Great collection of days today. I love stuffed mushrooms. I like ice cream but probably not for breakfast unless it was in my iced coffee kind of like a float. Meat pie sounds good too and back in our early years of marriage I made the impossible pie one a lot, it uses biscuit mix like Bisquick, and is easy to make. I stopped making it when I started cooking more and made a conscious decision to stop using so many prepared ingredients like canned soup, etc. 


Joy @Seasick Sailor, ouch on your fall and I hope your ribs feel better soon. You may have just bruised it really bad. I was thinking about a different sauce for your pork chops and I sometimes make smothered pork chops, it’s gravy but has peppers and onions in it. I’ve made this one:  https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ree-drummond/smothered-pork-chops-3111103


Roy @rafinmd, good to hear you had a better night sleep and it sounds like you are improving. Baby steps. 

We were in Huatulco on our Volendam Panama Canal cruise April 2000. I think all we have are video tapes. We took a tour much like the boat tour Lenda @Quartzsite Cruisermentioned and one reason why I don’t drink tequila anymore. Enough said. 

Sandi @StLouisCruisers, thank you for all your help in starting the Daily and Lists. I hope you have a great cruise!  I would offer to help but don’t get up early enough, and since I live in the west it’s even later for most of the Daily family. 

Have a great day everyone!

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Roy thanks for the update. Glad to hear you slept better. 

It is 3 pm and as predicted by the captain it is getting rough. I left the gym at 1 because I was beginning to feel it then. Perfect night for an Argentine wine dinner in the Pinnacle tonight.   Have a great afternoon. Nancy


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Good morning all!

No ice cream here to eat for breakfast, and good as it sounds, I shouldn't anyway!  The meal sounds good to me, especially the last recipe.  I just need to see if I have any Bisquick because it isn't something I usually have on hand.  I'd like the wine if someone else is buying, pass on the pumpkin spice drink.  


Yesterday I got all the walls taped and prepped, furniture moved, and ready to start painting today.  Can't back out now!  DH also got more paint, because I think I'll do the guest bathroom right off that area too.


A few days ago I got an email from what looked like it really was from HAL, I'll post it below.  What do you think?  I said I would do it, (sending no private info). It then said I would hear from someone about the group and then a day or two later got an email from "Amber" to join this group giving opinions.  Something just seems off to me, why "Amber" and not someone's whole name if they are in fact with HAL?  What do you think?


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And this came from "Amber".  Has anyone heard of Crowdstack??



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Terry @smitty34877that's great news that Tana's appetite is coming back.

Joy @Seasick SailorOh no on the fall!  I hope the pain isn't too bad and goes away before long.

Roy @rafinmdSo glad to hear you had a better night!

Lenda @Quartzsite CruiserThank you thank you and your DH for the Green Comet photo.  As always, our clouds rolled in the day before the comet became visible so I really appreciate this.

Edited by Cruising-along
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Good morning to all from (almost) Wellington NZ. It is another overcast day today and a bit chilly.


The entertainment for the last two days has been very good. A singer from Australia, Debra Kitzah and Contare a group of 4 singers.


A bit of a request, and I don't really know who to direct it to. On several occasions there have been posts to the Daily mentioning similar threads on other lines, most recently RCI and P & O I think. I have never been able to find them. I'm just interested in seeing what they are. If someone could point me to one I'd appreciate it.



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51 minutes ago, JazzyV said:


Sandi, I can help with the Care and Celebration Lists. As for as starting the Fleet Report/Daily, I'm not up early enough, since I tend to stay up late.


I know heating bills are crazy. The low temp was no doubt due to the cold, wind, drafty windows and probably not enough insulation.

That would help a lot Vanessa.  I agree, the person posting should be up early on the East Coast.  Unless you're John @Copper10-8who stays up until the early hours West Coast time).  Someone will help, don't worry.



23 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning everyone and Happy Saturday. Great collection of days today. I love stuffed mushrooms. I like ice cream but probably not for breakfast unless it was in my iced coffee kind of like a float. Meat pie sounds good too and back in our early years of marriage I made the impossible pie one a lot, it uses biscuit mix like Bisquick, and is easy to make. I stopped making it when I started cooking more and made a conscious decision to stop using so many prepared ingredients like canned soup, etc. 


Joy @Seasick Sailor, ouch on your fall and I hope your ribs feel better soon. You may have just bruised it really bad. I was thinking about a different sauce for your pork chops and I sometimes make smothered pork chops, it’s gravy but has peppers and onions in it. I’ve made this one:  https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ree-drummond/smothered-pork-chops-3111103


Roy @rafinmd, good to hear you had a better night sleep and it sounds like you are improving. Baby steps. 

We were in Huatulco on our Volendam Panama Canal cruise April 2000. I think all we have are video tapes. We took a tour much like the boat tour Lenda @Quartzsite Cruisermentioned and one reason why I don’t drink tequila anymore. Enough said. 

Sandi @StLouisCruisers, thank you for all your help in starting the Daily and Lists. I hope you have a great cruise!  I would offer to help but don’t get up early enough, and since I live in the west it’s even later for most of the Daily family. 

Have a great day everyone!

Thanks, I agree we need an early riser to get things going.  It will all work out.




13 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

No ice cream here to eat for breakfast, and good as it sounds, I shouldn't anyway!  The meal sounds good to me, especially the last recipe.  I just need to see if I have any Bisquick because it isn't something I usually have on hand.  I'd like the wine if someone else is buying, pass on the pumpkin spice drink.  


Yesterday I got all the walls taped and prepped, furniture moved, and ready to start painting today.  Can't back out now!  DH also got more paint, because I think I'll do the guest bathroom right off that area too.


A few days ago I got an email from what looked like it really was from HAL, I'll post it below.  What do you think?  I said I would do it, (sending no private info). It then said I would hear from someone about the group and then a day or two later got an email from "Amber" to join this group giving opinions.  Something just seems off to me, why "Amber" and not someone's whole name if they are in fact with HAL?  What do you think?


Holland America Line  

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As a valued Holland America Line guest, you're invited to join the private Holland America Line insider community!

Participation in the online community offers a unique opportunity to regularly share your thoughts and opinions with Holland America. It is a space for you and other guests to provide feedback through polls and surveys, test new ideas to improve the guest experience, and participate in your own discussions with like-minded guests. It is an opportunity to exchange comments about your experiences and initiate ideas about the latest in cruising and travel with Holland America Line.

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And this came from "Amber".  Has anyone heard of Crowdstack??



Invitation to Join Holland America Line Private Community

You've been invited by Amber to join the Crowdstack listed below.

Message From Amber

Thanks for your interest in the Holland America Line insiders community. Just follow the instructions here to get started. We can't wait to meet you!


Please do not reply to this email.


Terry @smitty34877that's great news that Tana's appetite is coming back.

Joy @Seasick SailorOh no on the fall!  I hope the pain isn't too bad and goes away before long.

Roy @rafinmdSo glad to hear you had a better night!

Lenda @Quartzsite CruiserThank you thank you and your DH for the Green Comet photo.  As always, our clouds rolled in the day before the comet became visible so I really appreciate this.

I think it sounds legit.  Maybe they just don't want their full names on the web.





6 minutes ago, richwmn said:

Good morning to all from (almost) Wellington NZ. It is another overcast day today and a bit chilly.


The entertainment for the last two days has been very good. A singer from Australia, Debra Kitzah and Contare a group of 4 singers.


A bit of a request, and I don't really know who to direct it to. On several occasions there have been posts to the Daily mentioning similar threads on other lines, most recently RCI and P & O I think. I have never been able to find them. I'm just interested in seeing what they are. If someone could point me to one I'd appreciate it.



Rich, that was Graham.  I feel like a detective and hope Graham doesn't mind, but all I did was click on his name and check his activity like I do when I copy and paste the previous dates you posted our destination of the day.  It shows the P&O thread called "What Are Things Like Where You Are?"  The second one was Royal Caribbean and it's basically the same "How Are Things Where You Are?  

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Good morning and thanks all!  Yikes on yup the frost quakes!  I’ve never heard of them although our house can creak and groan at times! 

@ottahand7sorry you will miss the king penguins,  our friends are just ahead of you by a few days on the sapphire princess and different weather.  Like your thinking a good reason to return!


@cat shepard I have a friend doing the vibration, don’t think it can hurt,  I’ve done a couple of things that really helped me,  one is eating several prunes a day. Something in them,  the other is using hiking poles,  I really increased the bone density in my spine without meds.  Best of luck! 


Edited by bennybear
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@Cruising-along I got that email too. Started the survey. It seemed legit. Then partway into it, it evaporated!  Said come back in 10 minutes and try again. I went back to email for the link and the email was gone too. Very strange. I’ll watch for email from Amber 😉

@rafinmd thanks for the Strathmore directions. Was only on the Shady Grove side of the Red line once, saw the station. We’re closer to the Glenmont end but can drive over to Shady Grove just as easily.  Would be easier!  

Good to see that you see to be feeling better! 👍

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4 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Daily-ites. 

I hope everyone enjoyed their day yesterday. Sandi thank you for coming forward with the all important friendly Daily. 


Terry I'm happy to see Tana having an appetite. Prayers for all on Sandi's list, including Jacqui, Sarah, all our Ukrainian friends, Kathi, and especially our Roy.


Last month we had ice cream for breakfast! We got home late after our cruise so didn't stop at the market. Next morning making coffee and realized we had no cream. Our freezer came to the rescue by having vanilla caramel swirl ice cream. It was pretty darn good. 


Yesterday I slipped on our tile floor and hit my elbow and rib. Don't know if I bruised a rib or pulled a muscle, but it hurts like 😫 Very difficult to get my sweetheart up and ready. 


Tonight is pork chops. I want to come up with a new sauce though. I get tired of plain gravy..


Take care my friends. Be kind and pray for those who are braving the freezing, dangerous weather.

I'm so sorry to hear about your accident yesterday Joy.

I hope you are feeling a lot better today.

Take care and regards to Allen 


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19 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Rich, that was Graham.  I feel like a detective and hope Graham doesn't mind, but all I did was click on his name and check his activity like I do when I copy and paste the previous dates you posted our destination of the day.  It shows the P&O thread called "What Are Things Like Where You Are?"  The second one was Royal Caribbean and it's basically the same "How Are Things Where You Are?  

I see now. I just looked and the RCI version has 3440 pages and P&O has 1700. We have one as well with about 20 pages. When Covid first started the hosts started those pages for all lines, probably to keep up interest. The Daily was well established at that time, so ours didn't take off. Some of the forums still have them, some don't.


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3 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We first visited Huatulco in the latter part of the 1990s in the pre-digital age.  Since then, we've been to Huatulco several times on BHBs.


Our first BHB to Huatulco was the Statendam in 2009 when we did b2b canal cruises.  The first visit, we signed up for the land and sea tour.  Unfortunately, we found out after were had been on the bus for an hour that the boat needed repairs and we would not be doing the sea portion.  We talked to the ShoreEx people when we got back, and the manager, Nyron, booked us on the 5 Bays Cruise on the next segment at no cost to us.  That was even more than we expected.


These are from the land tour




Just a few from the 5 Bays tour.



Not our boat, but a similar one



Returning to Huatulco





In 2014, we were on Veendam on a b2b canal cruise, but only stopped in Huatulco once.  The first picture is from the ship.  





In 2015, we were on Statendam on a canal cruise, on our way to Ft. Lauderdale to board the Ruby Princess.  The cruise sure beat flying.  😉





In 2020 on our last cruise before Covid and our last cruise on Rotterdam VI, we stopped in Huatulco twice on a b2b canal cruise.  This time, we opted to stay in town both times and just walked around for a while before enjoying one of the beach cafes and a coke.







The area to the left after passing the cafes and the church.  It was quiet and undiscovered.


A final view of town from the dockDSC08597.thumb.JPG.29b132b33369292c4584d6896d358628.JPG


Our home away from home for 32 days in 2020




Amazing photos Lenda.


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52 minutes ago, richwmn said:

Good morning to all from (almost) Wellington NZ. It is another overcast day today and a bit chilly.


The entertainment for the last two days has been very good. A singer from Australia, Debra Kitzah and Contare a group of 4 singers.


A bit of a request, and I don't really know who to direct it to. On several occasions there have been posts to the Daily mentioning similar threads on other lines, most recently RCI and P & O I think. I have never been able to find them. I'm just interested in seeing what they are. If someone could point me to one I'd appreciate it.



This is the 2 Rich.

Happy to help.





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