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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday March 3rd, 2023

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Good morning, 


I woke up to snow this morning - just a dusting - and it's now turned to rain. No snow to the north or south of us so just our convergent zone. Thankfully I don't have to head out until after 10:00 this morning and it should be warmed up by then. 

DH comes home today! He is ready and so am I as I switch over to full-time caregiver mode. He stood well yesterday and can transfer pretty easily so we should be fine. He still is having some swallowing issues and I'm supposed to get some thickened shakes for him but Walmart (where the speech person told me to) didn't carry them. I'll stop at Fred Meyer this morning. If not there's always Amazon! He doesn't need them except for meds taking and we can do that with pudding. Once he's home we'll have home health come in and will get speech services probably starting next week (they are on my call list this morning). 


I was told I could wait until Monday to have him come home and use up the last of the Medicare Days but this gives us the weekend to get back into our routines, our son will be here Monday morning to have Dad time while I go to water aerobics and then get a haircut, and DH is more than ready to be out the door of the facility. 


If someone wants to investigate a side job - handicap transport is a thriving business. Today's ride home is costing me $95.00 (11 miles) and the one to the wound care clinic on Wednesday is $222.00 (with our discount and 15 miles each way). Of course not covered by insurance. Oh well. Until his heel heals enough to walk it is what we have to do. 

Have a great Friday!



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3 hours ago, cunnorl said:

Good morning from a warm ( and not windy ) day at the beach

        I give a big salute to all caregivers. It is a huge job which takes its toll emotionally and physically. We care for our now 42 year old daughter. She is my heart. She has given us much more than we have done for her. I learned what is really important in life and not to sweat the small stuff. Below is a picture of her enjoying the balcony and a “yummy drink” on our recent cruise. 

Lovely photo.

She is worth all your caring you give her.

Graham x

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2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning from a cloudy but warmer 38 degree day. We expect rain later but all my relatives in the north will get snow it seems. Well we got a fairly good answer for the problem seen on the CT scan at the aorta. It is a fairly common thing and the specialist we will see soon will decide whether or not further intervention is needed. DH is already taking the medication needed and his other vital signs are stable. Phew!

We do have a few other tests to undergo due to other issues detected but will take a deep breath and try to relax. Thank you to all who expressed concern and sent good wishes. It truly helps at trying times.

Both of our dogs have figured out how to open the main front door but luckily the screen door is in the way so they can’t get out. Yet. We had an Airedale growing up that could open the fifties style refrigerator easily and did it a lot.

We have been to the port many times on BHB’s and usually rented a car to see the gorgeous beaches and lighthouses. I went swimming in June and the water was warmer than NY’s Jones Beach at the same time of year. Other people on the beach thought I was deranged.

Debbie,  @dfish,we made the lentil and mushroom pie last night and had a lot of satisfied customers. Thank you so much for presenting such appetizing recipes. I would love today’s recipe but no one else would be happy.

I salute the caretakers today and it was so nice of  @cunnorl to share her DD with us. It is true though that most of us will reach a time in life where someone needs our help.

Take care out there everyone

Excellent news Terry.

I am genuinely very happy for you both.



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3 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Place noodles in a large bowl and pour boiling water over to cover. Let noodles soak until tender but not mushy, 10–15 minutes; drain. Rinse under cold water; snip into 2" lengths with kitchen shears and return to bowl.

Step 2

Meanwhile, soak arame in ½ cup cold water in a small bowl until softened, 8–10 minutes. Drain; set aside.

Step 3

Whisk vinegar, soy sauce, mirin, lemon juice, chile, and oil in a large bowl. Transfer ⅓ cup lemon-chile shoyu to bowl with noodles and toss to coat. Add pear, sweet onion, yellowtail, mint, chives, reserved arame, and 2 tsp. sesame seeds to remaining shoyu in large bowl and gently toss; season with salt.


These are the instructions for the first recipe from the Bon Apetit site.


Thank you so much!  This looks pretty easy to do.  


3 hours ago, cunnorl said:

Good morning from a warm ( and not windy ) day at the beach

        I give a big salute to all caregivers. It is a huge job which takes its toll emotionally and physically. We care for our now 42 year old daughter. She is my heart. She has given us much more than we have done for her. I learned what is really important in life and not to sweat the small stuff. Below is a picture of her enjoying the balcony and a “yummy drink” on our recent cruise. 


How precious!  Thank you for sharing!


1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:


That's all my news - I'm not posting much these days, not a very happy time..  but I'll try to do better.  Love and prayers to you all.  

I'm sorry this isn't a happy time for you.  We all wish we could wave our magic wands.

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Well, here is my update.

Wayfair never showed.  Not happy.

I really think I have a dark cloud over my head.

They are making all kinds of excuses.  They cannot even give me a time when they will be here.  

I already gave away the old TV table so now I have nothing.

I am so annoyed.  

i guess I cannot expect everything to go right.

C’est la vie.


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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

On September 3, 2013, we visited the Anne of Green Gables House, the birthplace of Lucy Maud Montgomery, and the Confederation Bridge.  We enjoyed Lucy Maud's birthplace more than a house based on a fictional character.  It was a rainy day, but with a car, we had no problems.


The Anne of Green Gables House, but just the ones of the outside.





Lucy Maud Montgomery's birthplace.  She was born on November 30, 1874.  We could not take pictures inside.





A section of the Confederation Bridge outside the visitor's center.



Our next call to Charlottetown was on September 11.  This time, we took the shore excursion book information, and drove to the various lighthouses on the island.


Three of the many lighthouses on the island.





The ferry and a small harbor





Great photos Lenda.

Thank you for sharing them.


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2 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

@cunnorlthanks for sharing your lovely daughter with us. 

Back from Boca da Valaria already.  Tenders started at 8 am. We got there before 9.  In addition to the crayons a lady asked if we were going ashore and gave us three bags of swag from Effy, necklaces, wallets, paper pads and a bracelet.   For my labors I snagged an Amsterdam World voyage t shirt out of the swag bag.  didn't wait to find the kids with animals but just started handing it out.  It was a grab fest but I really tried to give the crayons to the toddlers.  Some of the adults with little ones got the rest of the swag.  Even the ship photographer caught the melee. They kept grabbing at me and my skin is paper thin so I told them no. I bought a beautiful t shirt and some animal photos for tomorrow.   






Nice photos Nancy.

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1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and a big Thank You to all who post with interesting features.  The fish sounds good, but ours will probably be salmon tonight.  Last night we had chicken with glass noodles and a similar sauce, so the salmon will just be cooked plain.  It is raining now, and we need a lot of it, so, although the day is dark, I'm content.  Actually, I'm not, DD and DH are both having really bad health problems, so I shouldn't be complaining, but I'm annoyed the doctor told me that the current wisdom on Prolia is that once you start taking it, you have to continue for the rest of your life.  So I will have my shot next week, and hope it doesn't aggravate my leg, but I'm going to be researching how I can get off it in six months'  time.  I read somewhere on line that if you stop you have to take a bisphosphonate for at least three years after.  I could do that, although that is a nuisance, too.


We had a nice few days in snowy Bellingham, but didn't buy much.  The mall was missing a lot of stores that I used to like, and even Macy's was sparcely stocked.  It was nice to "eat out" and we had wine with dinner!   When we got back there were multiple messages from the urologist that Pat still has that pesky infection, and he is now on Cipro again - for 8 weeks.  I can't believe anyone has to take it for 8 weeks!  His surgery is next week.


I visited my neighbour yesterday, who had a knee replacement about 10 days ago.  She seems to be doing well, but her little shitzu, who I think is more than 17, is not doing well.  I think they will have to make that big decision soon.  He is such a dear, and used to love coming to visit us, as I always have little cut up bits of steak in the freezer for our puppy grand-dog. 


That's all my news - I'm not posting much these days, not a very happy time..  but I'll try to do better.  Love and prayers to you all.  

Best wishes for a successful operation next week for Pat.

Always nice to hear from you Ann and just post when you can.

Take care.

Graham xx

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Good morning all!

Our forecast shows a week of "frozen mix".  I think it's our weatherman's latest favorite description.  It covers it all, sleet, hail, you name it.


A big salute to all caregivers, and we have many on the Daily.  I want everyone to be happy too, and oh my what if pets had thumbs.  Our first cat was so long he could stand on his hind feet and open doors, but none of our other pets could.  That cat also played "fetch", so he was a bit unusual.


I'll pass on the drink  and meal.  Tonight will be leftovers from the cheesy tortellini we had last night.  Debbie @dfishit was a big hit and DH gave it 2 thumbs up.  Cheesy it is, yum.  I may be in the minority, but I prefer a little bit of oak in my chardonnay.  So I think I'd like the wine today.  We've been to Charlottetown twice, in 2012 and 2016.  It's a pleasant town and easily walkable.  The first time we rented a car and drove to Anne of Green Gables, and the 2nd time we just wandered around town and spent some time in Beaconsfield House.


I was awake last night from midnight until at least 2 (isn't it something to wake up, thinking it has to be at least 5am, to find out you've been asleep only a couple hours??)  


Dixie @summer slopeI'm so sorry your kitty is having problems.  Prayers that it will be easily treatable.


Terry @smitty34877I'm so glad the CT showed good news.


Charlene @cunnorlYour daughter is lovely, thanks for sharing the photo.


Vanessa @JazzyVthat must have been so scary when you couldn't breathe last night.  I hope it never happens again.


Ann @Vict0riannI'm so sorry your DD and DH both are having health problems.  Glad you had a good time in Bellingham.  


Here are my photos from our 2 visits to Charlottetown.

In 2012 we rented a car and drove to Anne of Green Gables.




Anne's bedroom



Dining room






We took a long walk around the grounds and through the woods.





The second visit was in 2016 and we stayed in town, walked around, and visited the Beaconsfield House.  It was erected in 1877, presented to PEI by the government of Canada in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of its joining the Canadian Confederation.











Original hardware









View of the Veendam





We had excellent lobster rolls for lunch








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6 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Our forecast shows a week of "frozen mix".  I think it's our weatherman's latest favorite description.  It covers it all, sleet, hail, you name it.


A big salute to all caregivers, and we have many on the Daily.  I want everyone to be happy too, and oh my what if pets had thumbs.  Our first cat was so long he could stand on his hind feet and open doors, but none of our other pets could.  That cat also played "fetch", so he was a bit unusual.


I'll pass on the drink  and meal.  Tonight will be leftovers from the cheesy tortellini we had last night.  Debbie @dfishit was a big hit and DH gave it 2 thumbs up.  Cheesy it is, yum.  I may be in the minority, but I prefer a little bit of oak in my chardonnay.  So I think I'd like the wine today.  We've been to Charlottetown twice, in 2012 and 2016.  It's a pleasant town and easily walkable.  The first time we rented a car and drove to Anne of Green Gables, and the 2nd time we just wandered around town and spent some time in Beaconsfield House.


I was awake last night from midnight until at least 2 (isn't it something to wake up, thinking it has to be at least 5am, to find out you've been asleep only a couple hours??)  


Dixie @summer slopeI'm so sorry your kitty is having problems.  Prayers that it will be easily treatable.


Terry @smitty34877I'm so glad the CT showed good news.


Charlene @cunnorlYour daughter is lovely, thanks for sharing the photo.


Vanessa @JazzyVthat must have been so scary when you couldn't breathe last night.  I hope it never happens again.


Ann @Vict0riannI'm so sorry your DD and DH both are having health problems.  Glad you had a good time in Bellingham.  


Here are my photos from our 2 visits to Charlottetown.

In 2012 we rented a car and drove to Anne of Green Gables.




Anne's bedroom



Dining room






We took a long walk around the grounds and through the woods.





The second visit was in 2016 and we stayed in town, walked around, and visited the Beaconsfield House.  It was erected in 1877, presented to PEI by the government of Canada in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of its joining the Canadian Confederation.











Original hardware









View of the Veendam





We had excellent lobster rolls for lunch








Lovely collection of photos.

Thank you for posting them.


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Not unexpected our breeze is now a wind, but as long as it's sunny, I'm happy.  It's been a busy morning on the Daily.


3 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning from a cloudy but warmer 38 degree day. We expect rain later but all my relatives in the north will get snow it seems. Well we got a fairly good answer for the problem seen on the CT scan at the aorta. It is a fairly common thing and the specialist we will see soon will decide whether or not further intervention is needed. DH is already taking the medication needed and his other vital signs are stable. Phew!

We do have a few other tests to undergo due to other issues detected but will take a deep breath and try to relax. Thank you to all who expressed concern and sent good wishes. It truly helps at trying times.

Both of our dogs have figured out how to open the main front door but luckily the screen door is in the way so they can’t get out. Yet. We had an Airedale growing up that could open the fifties style refrigerator easily and did it a lot.

We have been to the port many times on BHB’s and usually rented a car to see the gorgeous beaches and lighthouses. I went swimming in June and the water was warmer than NY’s Jones Beach at the same time of year. Other people on the beach thought I was deranged.

Debbie,  @dfish,we made the lentil and mushroom pie last night and had a lot of satisfied customers. Thank you so much for presenting such appetizing recipes. I would love today’s recipe but no one else would be happy.

I salute the caretakers today and it was so nice of  @cunnorl to share her DD with us. It is true though that most of us will reach a time in life where someone needs our help.

Take care out there everyone


Terry, I'm glad that the problem at the aorta is fairly common that your DH is already taking the medication needed along with all his vital signs being normal.  I hope the specialist wants to just keep an eye on the problem.  I hope the other tests also have good outcomes.


3 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

@cunnorlthanks for sharing your lovely daughter with us. 

Back from Boca da Valaria already.  Tenders started at 8 am. We got there before 9.  In addition to the crayons a lady asked if we were going ashore and gave us three bags of swag from Effy, necklaces, wallets, paper pads and a bracelet.   For my labors I snagged an Amsterdam World voyage t shirt out of the swag bag.  didn't wait to find the kids with animals but just started handing it out.  It was a grab fest but I really tried to give the crayons to the toddlers.  Some of the adults with little ones got the rest of the swag.  Even the ship photographer caught the melee. They kept grabbing at me and my skin is paper thin so I told them no. I bought a beautiful t shirt and some animal photos for tomorrow.   







Nancy, thanks for the pictures.  The kids seem happy, and the moms should enjoy the swag.


3 hours ago, richwmn said:

Our fearless leader (aka Captain) announced at sailaway that we have to skip Madagascar, so the next four days are at sea



Rich, I'm sorry you have to miss Madagascar due to weather an other issues.


2 hours ago, Lady Hudson said:

Good morning all.  Thanks for all who participate on this thread.


Just returned home from our cruise.  A good time was had by all.  Saw the Eurodam drydocked in Grand Bahama. Went to Senor Frogs there and it was a mad house.  Under an afghan now as I wait for the house to warm up but at least no snow in the forecast.


Roy — glad you seem to be recovering well.  Just left your Baltimore and got out before the rain.  Katherine 


Welcome home, Katherine.


2 hours ago, kazu said:

LOL Lenda - I hear you.  Miko (my poodle - RIP) could open cabinet doors, reach anything on any table or counter.  He was a real bundle of trouble (in the good way).  With thumbs he would have been real trouble.  He would have figured out the fridge 😂  He was left handed too.  In fact most of my dogs were - no idea why.



Jacqui, that's interesting that most of your dogs were left pawed.  Our other dogs, including the Dalmatian's litter mate, did not show a paw presence.  Our smallest dachshund could get her way with "the look" and if not she's sit up on her haunches, flap her front legs, and trash talk us.  I was very glad I did not speak dachshund.  😄


2 hours ago, kochleffel said:


I don't know, either. I do know that, in general, female cats are right-pawed and male cats are left-pawed.



Paul, that's very interesting about the cats.


2 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good Friday morning to all.

i am happy to report that the tilers are here and working hard.  They expect to have the tiling work finished by Wednesday or Thursday.  They tell me that they will be here everyday but Sunday at 8am.  Guess I will not be able to be in my PJs into late morning for the next week or so.


Got a late start as I had a lot of people moving about in the house.  

Then of course, there has been a big trial going on here in the Low Country of South Carolina and I had to watch the sentencing of Alex Murdaugh.  The guy got the book thrown at him and he deserved what he got in my opinion and it appears the opinion of everyone else around these parts.


Now I am waiting for the guy from Wayfair to show up to put my TV table together.  I already gave away the old one.  One of the tilers was happy to take it off our hands.


Thank you Sandi for the Daily and Fleet Report.  

The days are interesting 

All caregivers deserve recognition.  We cared for my Mom for 11 years prior to her death and we cared for Jim’s brother for 40 years. He passed away in October of 2021.  It is not an easy job, but a labor of love.  Hats off to all those who take on this responsibility.  

Everyone wants to be happy and wants others to be happy and it gives us joy to make others happy.

Not sure about “If pets have thumbs”. Thank you @grapau27for the explanation.


I like the quote.

Never been to the port.


Prayers for all on the Cares list, 

@rafinmd hope you are doing better.

@smitty34877prayers for your DH and his medical issues.  Also prayers for Tana

@StLouisCruisers prayers for your DB with his diagnosis and treatments.

Also prayers for @mamaofami, @Scrapnana, @NextOne, and @lazey1, and @kazu

the people of Ukraine, New Zealand, victims of the earthquake and the train derailment in Greece.

If I missed anyone, I’m sorry.  


As I write this, I have lots of Mexican music coming from the bathroom.  As long as they are working, I don’t care what they play.,


I have to get ready for the guy from Wayfair.

More later.

Have a good day and stay safe.

God Bless,



Terri, happy day that the tilers are there.


2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and a big Thank You to all who post with interesting features.  The fish sounds good, but ours will probably be salmon tonight.  Last night we had chicken with glass noodles and a similar sauce, so the salmon will just be cooked plain.  It is raining now, and we need a lot of it, so, although the day is dark, I'm content.  Actually, I'm not, DD and DH are both having really bad health problems, so I shouldn't be complaining, but I'm annoyed the doctor told me that the current wisdom on Prolia is that once you start taking it, you have to continue for the rest of your life.  So I will have my shot next week, and hope it doesn't aggravate my leg, but I'm going to be researching how I can get off it in six months'  time.  I read somewhere on line that if you stop you have to take a bisphosphonate for at least three years after.  I could do that, although that is a nuisance, too.


We had a nice few days in snowy Bellingham, but didn't buy much.  The mall was missing a lot of stores that I used to like, and even Macy's was sparcely stocked.  It was nice to "eat out" and we had wine with dinner!   When we got back there were multiple messages from the urologist that Pat still has that pesky infection, and he is now on Cipro again - for 8 weeks.  I can't believe anyone has to take it for 8 weeks!  His surgery is next week.


I visited my neighbour yesterday, who had a knee replacement about 10 days ago.  She seems to be doing well, but her little shitzu, who I think is more than 17, is not doing well.  I think they will have to make that big decision soon.  He is such a dear, and used to love coming to visit us, as I always have little cut up bits of steak in the freezer for our puppy grand-dog. 


That's all my news - I'm not posting much these days, not a very happy time..  but I'll try to do better.  Love and prayers to you all.  


Ann, I'm sorry Pat and your DD both are having medical serious medical problems.  I hope they are better soon, and that you get the Prolia issue resolved.  I'm glad your neighbor is doing well, but sorry her cat is not doing well.


1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


I woke up to snow this morning - just a dusting - and it's now turned to rain. No snow to the north or south of us so just our convergent zone. Thankfully I don't have to head out until after 10:00 this morning and it should be warmed up by then. 

DH comes home today! He is ready and so am I as I switch over to full-time caregiver mode. He stood well yesterday and can transfer pretty easily so we should be fine. He still is having some swallowing issues and I'm supposed to get some thickened shakes for him but Walmart (where the speech person told me to) didn't carry them. I'll stop at Fred Meyer this morning. If not there's always Amazon! He doesn't need them except for meds taking and we can do that with pudding. Once he's home we'll have home health come in and will get speech services probably starting next week (they are on my call list this morning). 


I was told I could wait until Monday to have him come home and use up the last of the Medicare Days but this gives us the weekend to get back into our routines, our son will be here Monday morning to have Dad time while I go to water aerobics and then get a haircut, and DH is more than ready to be out the door of the facility. 


If someone wants to investigate a side job - handicap transport is a thriving business. Today's ride home is costing me $95.00 (11 miles) and the one to the wound care clinic on Wednesday is $222.00 (with our discount and 15 miles each way). Of course not covered by insurance. Oh well. Until his heel heals enough to walk it is what we have to do. 

Have a great Friday!




Karen, great news that your DH will be home today.  Glad you will be having home health and speech therapy come in once he's home.


46 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, here is my update.

Wayfair never showed.  Not happy.

I really think I have a dark cloud over my head.

They are making all kinds of excuses.  They cannot even give me a time when they will be here.  

I already gave away the old TV table so now I have nothing.

I am so annoyed.  

i guess I cannot expect everything to go right.

C’est la vie.




Terri, just an idea.  Maybe on their lunch break or at the end of the day, the tilers could assemble the tv table, especially with a little incentive.  



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Happy TGIF, everyone.  It's brisk out here in San Diego.  Unusually cold for us.  This afternoon we are meeting friends at a new-to-the-area event, The Great Junk Hunt in Del Mar, followed by dinner at one of our really good Mexican restaurants in Solana Beach.  For years there has been a good antique show in Del Mar.  This is, I guess, down the scale, but should be fun.


I'll gladly salute caregivers and definitely want everyone to be happy.  Not sure about the thumbs on the pets.  🤷‍♀️   The drink, wine and meal all sound good.

Great photos today of Charlottestown.  What a lovely place it is.  We will be back there, God willing, in the fall of 2024.


@1ANGELCAT, what an eye-opener you had this morning with the police knocking on the door.  Sounds scary.

@kochleffel, do take it easy.  I did too many things after having covid beginning of December and it took a long time to fully recover.  I was still coughing until just about last weekend.  All clear now, though.  I think it was bugs on top of a weakened system.  Nobody needs that.

@cunnorl, thank you for your post about DD.  It's precious.  You have mentioned her before and have come to mind sometimes when thinking about our own young DGS and what the future holds for him.  You've been inspiring.  The loving people here on the Daily really do make an impact they're probably not even aware of.

@smitty34877, that's great that nothing was too alarming about your DH.  Sigh of relief there for sure.

@ottahand7, thanks for the photos from Boca da Valaria.  It looks like you had an interesting day!

@richwmn, darn on missing Madagascar.  Sounds like you guys were mentally prepared for this, though.  I've really been enjoying your "live from" thread.  It's interesting to read all the threads and see how people enjoy their cruise in different ways.

@Lady HudsonWelcome home.

@Cruzin Terri, that stinks that Wayfair never showed up.

@TiogaCruiser, I hear ya about the wet ground. Seriously crazy weather this year.

@Vict0riann, I hope your DH and DD are on the mend soon and that you feel more upbeat.

@luvteaching, that is wonderful that your DH is coming home.  😊


Everyone, thanks for the jokes and great photos.  Prayers for those having difficulties and cheers to those having better times.  Wishing all a lovely day.


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6 hours ago, summer slope said:

Good Friday morning.  Heading to Winter Haven this morning to have an ultrasound on my precious kitty.  X-rays showed a mass in her colon.  She is 17.5 years old and I'm very worried.


Orchard Twist cocktail:


1 part Jim Beam® Apple
1 part Cranberry Juice
Splash Club Soda
Garnish with Lime Wedges

Build over ice, garnish with a lime wedge.


Screenshot 2023-03-03 at 6.47.52 AM.png

Dixie, I'm sorry about your kitty.  I hope the ultrasound shows nothing serious.




5 hours ago, JazzyV said:


Today’s care list:

Roy recovering from pneumonia

Smitty34877’s DH undergoing medical evaluations

StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis

Family of a member of the Nieuw Statendam entertainment team who passed in a diving accident in Curacao

Death of Seasick Sailor’s neighbor

Citizens of Ukraine/New Zealand/Earthquake victims/Greek train crash victims

From the rotation:

NextOne’s upcoming cardiology appointment 

Lazey1 with multiple medical issues

Tana’s pulmonary issues

Mamaofami with medical issues

Scrapnana undergoing chemotherapy


Celebrations and Shout outs:

Luvteaching’s DH’s continued improvement and hospital release this week

Quartzsite Cruiser’s DH’s good report from the surgeon

Cruzin Terri’s contractor and tilers at her house today

Cruising-along’s positive visit with the nephrologist

Welcome home Cruising sister!

Welcome home Lady Hudson!

1 days for Suslor (Zaandam 3/4 to 3/18)

2 days for TAW1963 (Ruby Princess 3/5 to 3/12)


Mr. Boston (Celebrity Millennium to 3/4), RMLincoln family cruise (Rotterdam to 3/8), SusieKIslandGirl (Noordam to 3/11), Cruisercl (NCL Bliss to 3/12), ottahand7 and Lindaler (Volendam to 3/18), Seasick Sailor and 57redbird (Koningsdam to 3/25), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea


Thank you for posting our Care and Celebration lists for us today.  Great job!👍




5 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

Good morning from Boca da Valaria.  We will be going ashore soon to deliver about 6 pounds Crayola 12 packs for the kids.  I bought them for $.25 and $.50 on clearance at Walmart in October. I hope they have access to paper.  It is partly cloudy but a big storm brewing to the north. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet Reports Sandi and thanks to Dixie, Debbie, Vanessa and for the wine reports too.  Prayers for all on our Care list and the people of Ukraine.  

Food continues to be great. Last night was a tasty seafood spring roll and smoked carne asada which we pounced on before photos. Tonight crispy Asian duck for main course and chicken Tikka as a starter. I have had to go back to fasting so I eat my first meal in the Lido at lunch and dinner.  Cutting way back on 50% off Happy Hour too. 

We finally spotted some pink dolphins.  Have a wonderful Friday!  Nancy 

Boat with a lady holding a sloth, Boca da Valaria, sunrise today, sunset and spring roll from dinner. 










Nancy, thanks for the photos of your arrival in Boca da Valeria today.  Beautiful sunrise and sunset.  I'm so glad to hear you got to see the pink dolphins!




4 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Well this morning is off to a great start. Just had the police knocking on the door saying they had a 911 call from this number. No , we haven’t used the phone yet. Ok just had to check it out.

    If my cats had thumbs, they could open their own cans of food and jars of treats all the time 😃🐾

    Eurodam is on the PEV schedule to arrive at 10 pm tonight. 
Blessings and prayers to all on our lists 

What a weird thing to happen with the 911 call.  Thankfully you were okay!😅




4 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!


A big salute to all of our caretakers here on the Daily.  It seems most of us are at that point in life where we have all been or are caretakers.  I was caretaker to both my parents in their final illnesses and considered it an honor.  


We're still not sure how much snow we'll get today.  I guess we'll know when it comes.  We have been downgraded from a warning to an advisory, so I look at that as a good development.  I have my exercise class this morning and a haircut this afternoon.  Then, Farkle Friday!


Today's meal was a tough one.  I only found one recipe that was on numerous sites.  Well, the ingredients were listed on many sites, but not the directions.  It can be found on Epicurious and Bon Appetit, but they both want money from me to see the directions.  I get a big message that says Kitchen Closed when I go to those sites.  


A yellowtail may be any of several different species of fish. Most commonly the yellowtail amberjack Seriola lalandi is meant. In the context of sushi, yellowtail usually refers to the Japanese amberjack, Yellowtail_Amberjack_1_e7b49cab25.jpg.77ee952286563c269241479b53e391bd.jpg


Glass noodles are also called cellophane noodles.   https://www.thespruceeats.com/what-are-glass-noodles-4800942




Here is the ingredient list for the dish.  I think I could figure out how to make it without the directions.  Maybe someone has a subscription to one of the sites that has those directions.   https://www.punchfork.com/recipe/Yellowtail-with-Glass-Noodles-and-Pear-Bon-Appetit




Here is a yellowtail noodle salad.  You could substitute the glass noodles for the rice noodles and add some pear to it.   https://wildplanetfoods.com/blogs/recipes/yellowtail-rice-noodle-salad




And here is a glass noodle salad with vegetables and tuna.  Tuna is not the same as yellowtail, but you could use the yellowtail in this salad in place of the tuna.  Or, just go with the tuna. It may be easier to find.  https://eatsmarter.com/recipes/glass-noodle-salad-with-vegetables-and-tuna-fish




This last recipe isn't even close to the Meal of the Day, but it looked good to me and you could make this with your favorite variety of fish.   https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/fresh-yellowtail-fillet-with-lime-and-ginger-recipe-1923833




I can see draping some of those glass noodles over the dish above, can't you?   


Healing thoughts and hugs to all those who are suffering from a medical malady.  Let's hope @smitty34877 Terry gets some good news about her DH's health woes.  @lazey1 and @mamaofami hope both of you are feeling better soon.  Wishes for @luvteaching's DH to successfully transfer home and wishing comfort for Tana.  It goes without saying that we want @rafinmd Roy and @kazu Jacqui to continue their recovery.   Let's also celebrate @Cruzin Terri's tilers coming out today!   And, Wayfair is coming to put together the TV table.  If I left someone out it is because I'm still on the first cup of coffee.  It wasn't on purpose.


Wishing you all a wonderful day.  

Hope you have a great Farkle Friday with your family tonight.  Plenty of new chairs to seat everyone.




4 hours ago, Rowsby said:

Our Paws did have thumbs....very useable thumbs....that occasionally got him in a bit of trouble...!!


And....was only a svelte 17 pounds...:)


Paws 7-6-17.jpg

Great cat photo.  So interesting about the thumbs.




3 hours ago, cunnorl said:

Good morning from a warm ( and not windy ) day at the beach

        I give a big salute to all caregivers. It is a huge job which takes its toll emotionally and physically. We care for our now 42 year old daughter. She is my heart. She has given us much more than we have done for her. I learned what is really important in life and not to sweat the small stuff. Below is a picture of her enjoying the balcony and a “yummy drink” on our recent cruise. 

What a nice photo of your sweet daughter enjoying her cruise.  That's the life!




2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning from a cloudy but warmer 38 degree day. We expect rain later but all my relatives in the north will get snow it seems. Well we got a fairly good answer for the problem seen on the CT scan at the aorta. It is a fairly common thing and the specialist we will see soon will decide whether or not further intervention is needed. DH is already taking the medication needed and his other vital signs are stable. Phew!

We do have a few other tests to undergo due to other issues detected but will take a deep breath and try to relax. Thank you to all who expressed concern and sent good wishes. It truly helps at trying times.

Both of our dogs have figured out how to open the main front door but luckily the screen door is in the way so they can’t get out. Yet. We had an Airedale growing up that could open the fifties style refrigerator easily and did it a lot.

We have been to the port many times on BHB’s and usually rented a car to see the gorgeous beaches and lighthouses. I went swimming in June and the water was warmer than NY’s Jones Beach at the same time of year. Other people on the beach thought I was deranged.

Debbie,  @dfish,we made the lentil and mushroom pie last night and had a lot of satisfied customers. Thank you so much for presenting such appetizing recipes. I would love today’s recipe but no one else would be happy.

I salute the caretakers today and it was so nice of  @cunnorl to share her DD with us. It is true though that most of us will reach a time in life where someone needs our help.

Take care out there everyone

I'm very glad your DH's medical report yesterday was good news.  Hopefully the remainder of the tests come back good as well.🙏




2 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

@cunnorlthanks for sharing your lovely daughter with us. 

Back from Boca da Valaria already.  Tenders started at 8 am. We got there before 9.  In addition to the crayons a lady asked if we were going ashore and gave us three bags of swag from Effy, necklaces, wallets, paper pads and a bracelet.   For my labors I snagged an Amsterdam World voyage t shirt out of the swag bag.  didn't wait to find the kids with animals but just started handing it out.  It was a grab fest but I really tried to give the crayons to the toddlers.  Some of the adults with little ones got the rest of the swag.  Even the ship photographer caught the melee. They kept grabbing at me and my skin is paper thin so I told them no. I bought a beautiful t shirt and some animal photos for tomorrow.   






Wonderful photos of the local people during your visit.  I know they must have loved your offerings.  Not sure I'd want to stand too close to the boy with the baby alligator/crocodile/caiman.




2 hours ago, richwmn said:

Our fearless leader (aka Captain) announced at sailaway that we have to skip Madagascar, so the next four days are at sea


Thank you for that update.  I'll make a note to myself to change the Fleet Report tomorrow.  But it sure is a bummer not visiting there.😒




2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

In 2013, our last visit to PEI was on September 17.  We had a beautiful, sunny day to drive around the island.


I'm not sure where these were taken, but it was on the north shore of the island, and probably near the northern most point.  They were putting in wind generators near a lighthouse.




We timed our visit to the Anne of Green Gables Museum so we were there between buses from the ship.  We left when we saw a bus approaching.  It is a museum of a period house, and a working farm owned by relatives of Lucy Maud Montgomery.




A local catching some sun by the side of the road on a beautiful day.




Scenes from our drive around the island and back to Charlottetown




Charlottetown from the Veendam's top deck.






Thank you for sharing your photos from all the Charlottetown visits.  You are very lucky to make all those port visits since I've heard weather is often an issue there.  At least that's what I've been told and was the reason our cruise didn't make it there.




2 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

Do you remember?


Way back in July 2010 the Regis and Kelly morning show was televising from Charlottetown PEI next to the harbor. The Maasdam sailed into the harbor and tooted its horn while being televised.

Bob, I do remember that!  Back in those days, I watched Regis and Kelly every day and remember how beautiful the setting was for that day's show.  That's one reason I wanted to go there.




1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good Friday morning to all.

i am happy to report that the tilers are here and working hard.  They expect to have the tiling work finished by Wednesday or Thursday.  They tell me that they will be here everyday but Sunday at 8am.  Guess I will not be able to be in my PJs into late morning for the next week or so.


Got a late start as I had a lot of people moving about in the house.  

Then of course, there has been a big trial going on here in the Low Country of South Carolina and I had to watch the sentencing of Alex Murdaugh.  The guy got the book thrown at him and he deserved what he got in my opinion and it appears the opinion of everyone else around these parts.


Now I am waiting for the guy from Wayfair to show up to put my TV table together.  I already gave away the old one.  One of the tilers was happy to take it off our hands.


Thank you Sandi for the Daily and Fleet Report.  

The days are interesting 

All caregivers deserve recognition.  We cared for my Mom for 11 years prior to her death and we cared for Jim’s brother for 40 years. He passed away in October of 2021.  It is not an easy job, but a labor of love.  Hats off to all those who take on this responsibility.  

Everyone wants to be happy and wants others to be happy and it gives us joy to make others happy.

Not sure about “If pets have thumbs”. Thank you @grapau27for the explanation.


I like the quote.

Never been to the port.


Prayers for all on the Cares list, 

@rafinmd hope you are doing better.

@smitty34877prayers for your DH and his medical issues.  Also prayers for Tana

@StLouisCruisers prayers for your DB with his diagnosis and treatments.

Also prayers for @mamaofami, @Scrapnana, @NextOne, and @lazey1, and @kazu

the people of Ukraine, New Zealand, victims of the earthquake and the train derailment in Greece.

If I missed anyone, I’m sorry.  


As I write this, I have lots of Mexican music coming from the bathroom.  As long as they are working, I don’t care what they play.,


I have to get ready for the guy from Wayfair.

More later.

Have a good day and stay safe.

God Bless,


Great news about the tilers!  Now no one has to get after them.  You may learn to love the Mexican music by middle of next week.  LOL  You are right about the trial in South Carolina.  Everybody has had their eyes glued to the news reports on that case.




1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and a big Thank You to all who post with interesting features.  The fish sounds good, but ours will probably be salmon tonight.  Last night we had chicken with glass noodles and a similar sauce, so the salmon will just be cooked plain.  It is raining now, and we need a lot of it, so, although the day is dark, I'm content.  Actually, I'm not, DD and DH are both having really bad health problems, so I shouldn't be complaining, but I'm annoyed the doctor told me that the current wisdom on Prolia is that once you start taking it, you have to continue for the rest of your life.  So I will have my shot next week, and hope it doesn't aggravate my leg, but I'm going to be researching how I can get off it in six months'  time.  I read somewhere on line that if you stop you have to take a bisphosphonate for at least three years after.  I could do that, although that is a nuisance, too.


We had a nice few days in snowy Bellingham, but didn't buy much.  The mall was missing a lot of stores that I used to like, and even Macy's was sparcely stocked.  It was nice to "eat out" and we had wine with dinner!   When we got back there were multiple messages from the urologist that Pat still has that pesky infection, and he is now on Cipro again - for 8 weeks.  I can't believe anyone has to take it for 8 weeks!  His surgery is next week.


I visited my neighbour yesterday, who had a knee replacement about 10 days ago.  She seems to be doing well, but her little shitzu, who I think is more than 17, is not doing well.  I think they will have to make that big decision soon.  He is such a dear, and used to love coming to visit us, as I always have little cut up bits of steak in the freezer for our puppy grand-dog. 


That's all my news - I'm not posting much these days, not a very happy time..  but I'll try to do better.  Love and prayers to you all.  

Ann, I'm very sorry to hear your DH and DD are having health problems.  That's a lot!  Not to mention the Prolia dilemma.  I hope things turn around soon for all of you and that we see you here more often.




1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

Caregivers are special and should be appreciated every day! It would be wonderful if everyone could be happy. If pets had thumbs they'd get into all kinds of mischief! Interesting quote. I'll pass on the meal (fish is a no for me), drink and wine.

I haven't been to Charlottetown.


It's cloudy and we're supposed to get high winds this afternoon and heavy rain; there's also a winter storm watch. Hopefully no power issues due to the wind. I had a weird night. I woke up at 4 to go to the bathroom, then felt like I couldn't breathe when I put my CPAP back on. I gave it 2 tries, then left it off and fell back asleep. I ended up getting about 9 hours of sleep total, waking up occasionally (I posted the Care List during one of those times, lol).


@StLouisCruisers Thank you for our start this morning. 

@rafinmd I'm glad you got home before the cold rain starts. 

@summer slope So sorry to hear about your kitty's issue; I hope it's easily treatable.

@kazu Wow on all that snow! I'm glad you have someone to shovel for you. 

@ottahand7 I hope the kids enjoy the crayons and others the swag. Thanks for the photos.

@1ANGELCAT That's scary having the police knocking on the door like that.

@cunnorl Thank you for sharing the picture of your daughter enjoying a cruise.

@Quartzsite Cruiser I'm glad you weren't impacted by the weather. Thanks for the Charlottetown photos.

@smitty34877 Good news about DH. I'm sure you're relieved. 

@richwmn I heard there's a cyclone that's causing Madagascar to be skipped. Too bad. 

@TiogaCruiser I hope your DF's procedure goes well. And the crepe paper flowers you're making are lovely.

@Cruzin Terri Happy Dance that the tilers are there! And I hope the Wayfair people get there too.

@Vict0riann Prayers for your DD and Pat with their health problems. And I hope you get a solution about the Prolia.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List.

Be well everyone.






Nine hours sleep!  That's at least two nights' worth for me.  Hope that type of sleep routine continues for you.




56 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


I woke up to snow this morning - just a dusting - and it's now turned to rain. No snow to the north or south of us so just our convergent zone. Thankfully I don't have to head out until after 10:00 this morning and it should be warmed up by then. 

DH comes home today! He is ready and so am I as I switch over to full-time caregiver mode. He stood well yesterday and can transfer pretty easily so we should be fine. He still is having some swallowing issues and I'm supposed to get some thickened shakes for him but Walmart (where the speech person told me to) didn't carry them. I'll stop at Fred Meyer this morning. If not there's always Amazon! He doesn't need them except for meds taking and we can do that with pudding. Once he's home we'll have home health come in and will get speech services probably starting next week (they are on my call list this morning). 


I was told I could wait until Monday to have him come home and use up the last of the Medicare Days but this gives us the weekend to get back into our routines, our son will be here Monday morning to have Dad time while I go to water aerobics and then get a haircut, and DH is more than ready to be out the door of the facility. 


If someone wants to investigate a side job - handicap transport is a thriving business. Today's ride home is costing me $95.00 (11 miles) and the one to the wound care clinic on Wednesday is $222.00 (with our discount and 15 miles each way). Of course not covered by insurance. Oh well. Until his heel heals enough to walk it is what we have to do. 

Have a great Friday!



Karen, I'm happy for you that DH is coming home finally.  It's been a while.  I hope his heel continues to get better so he can walk again.  Good luck!




8 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, here is my update.

Wayfair never showed.  Not happy.

I really think I have a dark cloud over my head.

They are making all kinds of excuses.  They cannot even give me a time when they will be here.  

I already gave away the old TV table so now I have nothing.

I am so annoyed.  

i guess I cannot expect everything to go right.

C’est la vie.


What??  How dare they renege on the deal?  Call them and be the squeaky wheel.🤬



55 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Our forecast shows a week of "frozen mix".  I think it's our weatherman's latest favorite description.  It covers it all, sleet, hail, you name it.


A big salute to all caregivers, and we have many on the Daily.  I want everyone to be happy too, and oh my what if pets had thumbs.  Our first cat was so long he could stand on his hind feet and open doors, but none of our other pets could.  That cat also played "fetch", so he was a bit unusual.


I'll pass on the drink  and meal.  Tonight will be leftovers from the cheesy tortellini we had last night.  Debbie @dfishit was a big hit and DH gave it 2 thumbs up.  Cheesy it is, yum.  I may be in the minority, but I prefer a little bit of oak in my chardonnay.  So I think I'd like the wine today.  We've been to Charlottetown twice, in 2012 and 2016.  It's a pleasant town and easily walkable.  The first time we rented a car and drove to Anne of Green Gables, and the 2nd time we just wandered around town and spent some time in Beaconsfield House.


I was awake last night from midnight until at least 2 (isn't it something to wake up, thinking it has to be at least 5am, to find out you've been asleep only a couple hours??)  


Dixie @summer slopeI'm so sorry your kitty is having problems.  Prayers that it will be easily treatable.


Terry @smitty34877I'm so glad the CT showed good news.


Charlene @cunnorlYour daughter is lovely, thanks for sharing the photo.


Vanessa @JazzyVthat must have been so scary when you couldn't breathe last night.  I hope it never happens again.


Ann @Vict0riannI'm so sorry your DD and DH both are having health problems.  Glad you had a good time in Bellingham.  


Here are my photos from our 2 visits to Charlottetown.

In 2012 we rented a car and drove to Anne of Green Gables.




Anne's bedroom



Dining room






We took a long walk around the grounds and through the woods.





The second visit was in 2016 and we stayed in town, walked around, and visited the Beaconsfield House.  It was erected in 1877, presented to PEI by the government of Canada in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of its joining the Canadian Confederation.











Original hardware









View of the Veendam





We had excellent lobster rolls for lunch



Thank you so much for your great photos in Charlottetown.  Interesting seeing the decor inside.  I totally agree, it's not good when you wake up at 12, 1 or 2 am and find out you have only slept a few hours.




33 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Not unexpected our breeze is now a wind, but as long as it's sunny, I'm happy.  It's been a busy morning on the Daily.



Terry, I'm glad that the problem at the aorta is fairly common that your DH is already taking the medication needed along with all his vital signs being normal.  I hope the specialist wants to just keep an eye on the problem.  I hope the other tests also have good outcomes.



Nancy, thanks for the pictures.  The kids seem happy, and the moms should enjoy the swag.



Rich, I'm sorry you have to miss Madagascar due to weather an other issues.



Welcome home, Katherine.



Jacqui, that's interesting that most of your dogs were left pawed.  Our other dogs, including the Dalmatian's litter mate, did not show a paw presence.  Our smallest dachshund could get her way with "the look" and if not she's sit up on her haunches, flap her front legs, and trash talk us.  I was very glad I did not speak dachshund.  😄



Paul, that's very interesting about the cats.



Terri, happy day that the tilers are there.



Ann, I'm sorry Pat and your DD both are having medical serious medical problems.  I hope they are better soon, and that you get the Prolia issue resolved.  I'm glad your neighbor is doing well, but sorry her cat is not doing well.



Karen, great news that your DH will be home today.  Glad you will be having home health and speech therapy come in once he's home.




Terri, just an idea.  Maybe on their lunch break or at the end of the day, the tilers could assemble the tv table, especially with a little incentive.  



Good idea Lenda about the tilers helping out by assembling the table.  Hopefully Terri didn't already pay Wayfair, and she can hand some bills over to the tilers instead.  They may be interested.💲

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21 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Dixie, I'm sorry about your kitty.  I hope the ultrasound shows nothing serious.




Thank you for posting our Care and Celebration lists for us today.  Great job!👍




Nancy, thanks for the photos of your arrival in Boca da Valeria today.  Beautiful sunrise and sunset.  I'm so glad to hear you got to see the pink dolphins!




What a weird thing to happen with the 911 call.  Thankfully you were okay!😅




Hope you have a great Farkle Friday with your family tonight.  Plenty of new chairs to seat everyone.




Great cat photo.  So interesting about the thumbs.




What a nice photo of your sweet daughter enjoying her cruise.  That's the life!




I'm very glad your DH's medical report yesterday was good news.  Hopefully the remainder of the tests come back good as well.🙏




Wonderful photos of the local people during your visit.  I know they must have loved your offerings.  Not sure I'd want to stand too close to the boy with the baby alligator/crocodile/caiman.




Thank you for that update.  I'll make a note to myself to change the Fleet Report tomorrow.  But it sure is a bummer not visiting there.😒




Thank you for sharing your photos from all the Charlottetown visits.  You are very lucky to make all those port visits since I've heard weather is often an issue there.  At least that's what I've been told and was the reason our cruise didn't make it there.




Bob, I do remember that!  Back in those days, I watched Regis and Kelly every day and remember how beautiful the setting was for that day's show.  That's one reason I wanted to go there.




Great news about the tilers!  Now no one has to get after them.  You may learn to love the Mexican music by middle of next week.  LOL  You are right about the trial in South Carolina.  Everybody has had their eyes glued to the news reports on that case.




Ann, I'm very sorry to hear your DH and DD are having health problems.  That's a lot!  Not to mention the Prolia dilemma.  I hope things turn around soon for all of you and that we see you here more often.







Nine hours sleep!  That's at least two nights' worth for me.  Hope that type of sleep routine continues for you.




Karen, I'm happy for you that DH is coming home finally.  It's been a while.  I hope his heel continues to get better so he can walk again.  Good luck!




What??  How dare they renege on the deal?  Call them and be the squeaky wheel.🤬



Thank you so much for your great photos in Charlottetown.  Interesting seeing the decor inside.  I totally agree, it's not good when you wake up at 12, 1 or 2 am and find out you have only slept a few hours.




Good idea Lenda about the tilers helping out by assembling the table.  Hopefully Terri didn't already pay Wayfair, and she can hand some bills over to the tilers instead.  They may be interested.💲

Here is post on HAL back in JULY 2010 of the Maasdam at Charlotterown



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Good morning and thanks all!  We spent some time on PEI in a lovely cabin on a beach with a dairy farm.  It was so lovely and DH took our son fishing on the Grand Banks, we had the best seafood chowder.  And I too remember Regis and Kathy Lee visiting when the Maasdam did.


LOL I think our dear granddog has figured out the thumb/dew claw, she can even open a dead bolt and let herself outside! 

I too salute caregivers who seem to be legion on the daily!  
@cunnorlhow lovely to see your DD enjoying her time onboard.  
@smitty34877glad there was some good news, praying the other issues will also be easily treated.

@Vict0riannI am sorry this is so tough,  I too have read you can’t just go off, but perhaps a switch?  Praying that this is resolved soon without issues for you, and that the pain doesn’t return.

perhaps ask for another opinion?  


The jacarandas are just coming into bloom, one of my favourite trees!  It’s fun to dream what trees I would grow at my dream property,  better than figuring out packing at the dreaded 3 am! 


Edited by bennybear
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@Cruising-along, your Christmas village looked so good this year.  I never put one up because I was down with Covid early December.  So I decided to put a few things out for the winter to spring transition.  There’s a pub, a tea shop and a fish and chips shop…as well as a bee-keeping operation.  That makes a village, right?

If anyone else here is a “Little House” fan, you have a great hobby. 😉



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11 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:

@Cruising-along, your Christmas village looked so good this year.  I never put one up because I was down with Covid early December.  So I decided to put a few things out for the winter to spring transition.  There’s a pub, a tea shop and a fish and chips shop…as well as a bee-keeping operation.  That makes a village, right?

If anyone else here is a “Little House” fan, you have a great hobby. 😉



Very nice, I love it!  I'm thinking DD would like to have that bee-keeping operation, she raises mason bees. 😄

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good idea Lenda about the tilers helping out by assembling the table.  Hopefully Terri didn't already pay Wayfair, and she can hand some bills over to the tilers instead.  They may be interested.💲


Thanks, Sandi.  Remember, one of the tiler's has her old tv table already.



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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Terri, just an idea.  Maybe on their lunch break or at the end of the day, the tilers could assemble the tv table, especially with a little incentive.  

Not when I have paid Wayfair for the service and they will not refund the money.  They just want to change the date,.


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12 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Not when I have paid Wayfair for the service and they will not refund the money.  They just want to change the date,.



Terri, I don't blame under the circumstances.  It was just an idea incase you hadn't already paid to have it assembled.



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36 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Terri, I don't blame under the circumstances.  It was just an idea incase you hadn't already paid to have it assembled.



Well, it would have been a great idea if they hadn't charged her for the service already.  Still don't know how they can explain not showing up today.  I'd be furious too!


Anyway, I wanted to add that we are having some tornado warnings and thunderstorm warnings in Georgia right now.  The worst of it right at the moment is northwest of Atlanta.  Nothing declared for our county south of Atlanta yet, but I hope Annie @marshhawkdoesn't have any problems later on.  She's east of Atlanta if I'm not messing up my geography.  There could also be a lot of power outages in the state due to the high winds in the thunderstorms.  I expect some thunderstorms to come through here later so let's all pray for things to die down.  Things are still a wreck from the tornado in mid January.  

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2 hours ago, AncientWanderer said:

@kochleffel, do take it easy.  I did too many things after having covid beginning of December and it took a long time to fully recover.  I was still coughing until just about last weekend.  All clear now, though.  I think it was bugs on top of a weakened system.  Nobody needs that.


Yes. Except for a short trip to the grocery, I've done almost nothing all day, but with the norovirus or whatever coming right on top of covid, I think I need adequate nutrition in addition to rest. I had a respiratory illness in January 2020 -- not at all like covid, though -- that lingered for a very long time.


Services at the synagogue tonight and tomorrow will be only virtual. It's raining now and according to the forecast that will alternate with YKW at least through noon tomorrow. It could all melt, or it could all freeze. Or both, which is probably the worst outcome.



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