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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday April 17th, 2023


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Good morning. Will soon be arriving in El Salvador where we are booked on a Hal excursion to visit some Mayan ruins.

@Mr. Boston Sorry to hear you have lost your brother. Prayers and sympathies to you and your family.

We dined in the Pinnacle last night and walked away stuffed. Tonight is the Canelleto Chef’s dinner.

On sea days they have been having a movie in the main Showroom.

Not much time this morning. Need to get ready, have a coffee and a light nosh in the Neptune.

We have been to today’s port also on the Maasdam.

Thanks for the report and have a great week.




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Good morning all,

My deepest condolences @Mr. Boston so sad for all who loved him. 

The wind finally died down and it looks like sun. We had a hail storm this weekend. It was the first for the grands so we quickly ran out and they had a blast until it started to come down harder. 

I will pass on the food and drink. I have not been to the port and I find myself having a blah blah blah day a lot. I am petrified of bats and rabies. 

I am starting to pull things together for my NS cruise. Many of the items I will use on the GA cruise in January. I have now lowered my expectations to 5lbs from the original 10lbs. We will see how that goes! 

Prayers to all on the care list and have a great day. 

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Good morning. It is raining here but I got a decent doggie walk in before it started. It is only in the mid fifties now.I salute bats but try to avoid them.I have watched them hanging upside down on the backyard shed and appreciate the bugs they devour. Blah blah blah day is made for me. I have three seriously large closets that need to be cleaned and think  about it but continue to close the door and walk away.Will today be the day? The Boston Marathon was always so exciting to watch in person in my college days. I hope it doesn’t rain the whole time for the runners today.

Sandi @StLouisCruisers, I enjoy trying out the new recipes on my family and they seem to enjoy it. I can certainly tell when not to make a certain recipe again! Tana enjoys picking out the meals everyday and tries to assist in the chopping and prep when she feels up to it. Today’s meal is similar to one I make regularly and it would be popular if I made it today.However, we have quiches to consume tonight as they were requested by the teenager yesterday. He is my most difficult customer as his likes and dislikes change constantly. It is a small thing  and he is very polite about it.

Have a great day everyone.

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Thanks for our Monday Daily, Sandi.


Good collection of days.  Bats are important to the environment - just keep them outside of my house, please. 🤞 I think Blah Blah Blah day is made for me, too.  So many 1/2 started things.  Time to buckle down and try to get something finished.




I like the Emerson quote but it’s still nice to remember moments in the past.  I’ll pass on the meal and wine (it’s red). 




Today will indeed  be a “try to finish what you started day”.  We’ll see how I make out.  About the only thing I finished yesterday was the spread sheet for the 2024 cruise - priorities 😉 


Rain called for tonight - sounds like a lot and the Saint John River is already swollen.  Yikes.


2 hours ago, Mr. Boston said:

  I am sadly reporting that my younger brother who had suffered from mental illness took his own life yesterday morning.  He leaves behind two young daughters, my mother and an ex wife who are heartbroken, as well as my three sisters and me. 


I am so very sorry to hear your sad news.  Absolutely heartbreaking that your brother’s mental illness caused him to take his own life 💔 My deepest condolences and prayers for you, your family and  he has left behind. 🙏🏻 


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and a toast 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.




Have a great Monday everyone !!!!!

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@Mr. Boston so sorry for your loss. 


Not much going on here. I can't really do much at all, but each day I am feeling better. I am now able to walk for a much longer time, though sitting is still an issue.  


Thank you for all the dailies who keep this going. I enjoy seeing the pictures of all the different ports, some of which I doubt I will ever visit in person.  

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Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info SLC.


The Port of the day; I experienced my most memorable snorkel experience ever. Sorry, no photos, but I did take underwater pictures but it looked not in focus. Hear’s why. At dock paid $25 for hour snorkel adventure at the coral aquarium garden. Did this twice. The boat took us to a place less than a mile from the dock. Snorkeled for a while, it was nice, but not excellent, so I ask boat operator was there any place to go to see lots of fish. He replied by saying go over to the boat, a HAL excursion, about 100 yards away. Well I snorkeled over there and it was amazing. It was a glass bottom boat with an anchor some 30 ft to the bottom with fish food on the rope. The best way to describe it, it look like a tornado with 100’s of fish circling the rope, with sharks circling the fish and a couple of ells next to the anchor. Probably never see something like it again.

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Good morning.  Prayers for all in need.  Mr Boston - so sorry for your loss.  

Cloudy here today.  I would like to do some walking and general housekeeping.  My baseball team game is not played until 10 tonight.  I am seeing not a lot of sleep in my future.


Have a great day.  Katherine 

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43 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning. Will soon be arriving in El Salvador where we are booked on a Hal excursion to visit some Mayan ruins.

@Mr. Boston Sorry to hear you have lost your brother. Prayers and sympathies to you and your family.

We dined in the Pinnacle last night and walked away stuffed. Tonight is the Canelleto Chef’s dinner.

On sea days they have been having a movie in the main Showroom.

Not much time this morning. Need to get ready, have a coffee and a light nosh in the Neptune.

We have been to today’s port also on the Maasdam.

Thanks for the report and have a great week.




Ok, I get it, another reference to me!


And as far as the gray hair for grandma, the youngsters now refer to us a q-tips!

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  In the summer we frequently see bats swooping through our yard at dusk, enjoying their nightly feast.  I have lots of things that are only partially completed, but there just never seems to be enough hours in the day.  I applaud those who put their bodies through the rigors of a Boston Marathon, but if you ever see me running, try to keep up, because it isn't good.


@Mr. Bostonplease accept my sympathies on the loss of your brother; mental illness doesn't just affect the individual, it involves the whole family and is heartbreaking when it ends this way.  You and your family will be in my prayers as you go through the coming week.


Today will be a busy day getting the house ready, as our elderly (85+) friends are coming from out of town tomorrow for medical appointments.  They have a 4 hour drive (they take turns) to get here, so will be tired, but they still want to do some shopping before having dinner.  Over the next couple of days we'll take them around to the places they want and need to go, thus relieving them of having to "drive in the city".  The only fly in the ointment is that we're expecting bad weather; there's a Colorado Low coming in that over the next couple of days will be dropping up to 7" of heavy, wet snow.  I know they're not going to want to go home on Thursday if there's snow, so we'll have them as houseguests a little longer, which is fine, as they're easy to entertain - we'll pull out the Sequence game to help pass the time.


I'm just going to say no on today's menu suggestion, as it doesn't appeal to me at all.  Pretty sure I'd like the wine, but it's a little pricey.  We're going to get our 3rd Covid booster at noon today, so I think while we're out, we'll pick up a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store that will be served along with tiny baked potatoes and a salad at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




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@Mr. Boston  Our sincerest condolences to you and your family on your brother's death.  All of your family will be in our thoughts during these difficult days.  Safe travels to Michigan.


Even with all the advances in medicine, mental illness is still greatly misunderstood, even by the family of and those suffering from mental illness.  I'm very sorry his illness led to such a sad ending.


I hope you and your family can find comfort in being together and remembering the good times.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good Morning Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report.  It’s a cool overcast day.  The workers arrived this morning shortly after 7 to dig the trench around the extension.  If the rain holds off they should complete the project today and then no more critters under the house!  I’ll pass on today’s meal suggestion even though they look tempting, it’s leftover turkey today.

@Mr. Boston my condolences on the loss of your brother.  
After chatting with @dfishlast week I think I’m going to book Canaletto for the first night of our May cruise.  I hope everyone has a good day today.



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Thank you for the Monday Daily.  


I will celebrate bats for helping us control pests without using pesticides.  Texas A & M explains benefits of bats

Texas bats consume some mosquitoes, Hurley said, but their diets consist primarily of moths, including corn earworm and armyworm moths, and beetles. This diet plays a large role in controlling insect pests in agriculture. It is estimated Texas bats eat enough insects to save producers over $1.4 billion annually in pest control costs alone. 
I have visited the Bat Bridge in Austin, a truly awesome sight.E54F9259-61C5-421B-AC86-0731AA7081FF.jpeg.f3ff5dc0b78863d9f6d831139d0119e7.jpeg


The bombing at the Boston Marathon occurred 10 years ago.  A survivor set up The Brittany Fund to provide financial support to survivors of trauma so they can focus on their physical and emotional recovery.  This is a wonderful example of how helping others can help us all recover from trauma.


Positive thoughts to the experience losses and suffering. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.

Edited by 0106
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I appreciate bats, but like Jacqui I prefer that they stay out of the house. The Emerson quotation sounds like the attitude of an 8th-grader.


Bean tacos would be OK with me. The drink, not so much. I'd consider a tarragon-flavored drink but not anything with serrano peppers. This is another that seems to have been invented to sell Maker's Mark, which should be drunk as it is or with just a little water or soda.


I'd enjoy the wine; I think that the Dundee Hills produce the best Pinot Noir in the world, but it's beyond my means. Decades ago I wrote a wine column in that area, but Archery Summit was founded much more recently. I haven't been to French Polynesia.


The other day I mentioned digging and replanting narcissi. Here is a photo from this date a couple years ago (these are already past their prime this year).



On the cat topic: my house is not ready for a new cat, but I'm keeping an eye on the two bonded pairs in shelters near here. Meanwhile, an orange tabby has been hanging around, and I sort of wonder whether he wants to be adopted and whether Sasha sent him.



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Good morning from sunny and for the moment calm central Texas.  It currently 59F up from the 49F when I got up.  It should reach 78F this afternoon.  Last night, after working in the yard, I slept 7 hours with only waking up once.  Maybe the three glasses of red wine and two ibuprofen helped.


As others have said, I appreciate bats for keeping the bug population under control, but would prefer them to spend their days someplace away from our house.  We have not been in Austin when the bats fly out from under the Congress Street bridge spanning the Colorado River and what was Town Lake, but is now Lady Bird Lake.  We have seen the bats flying out of Carlsbad Caverns at dust, and it is an awesome sight.  I should act on Blah, Blah, Blah day and do some of the projects that have been on hold for the last couple of years.  Maybe in a few days.  😉  I hope the runners in the Boston Marathon have a good day and a safe marathon.


The Emerson quote is accurately true, but reliving good times and planning for the future are also important.


We'll pass on the meal, but DD and DSIL fixed black bean quesadillas for us, and honestly, we didn't miss the meat.  The way they fixed the beans could be used in the tacos.  We'll pass on the drink, but I would like to try the wine except it is more than I'm willing to pay for a bottle of wine.


We were in today's port in 2004 on Tahitian Princess.  I look for my pictures to repost in a few minutes. 


@richwmn  Rich, thanks for reminding us about what happened today in history.

@grapau27  Thank you for the explanation of Blah, Blah, Blah day.  There is not enough time in the day to complete all the projects in one day.  They will get done -- eventually.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, your neighbors, Brenda and Paul, are in for quite an adventure.  Traveling by motorhome, especially towing a car, is a great way to see the country, since you have your home with you.  We tow a car behind our motorhome, but would not want to mess with a trailer for the car.

@grapau27  Graham, I agree with you about mental illness being often unseen by others, and it affects the friends and family as well as the person with the illness.  We need to do more to erase the stigma of this terrible illness.

@0106  Tina, thanks for the information from TAMU about bats, and for the picture from Austin.

@kochleffel  Paul, thanks for the picture of the narcissi.  They are lovely.  Maybe the orange cat is the one for you instead of the bonded pair.





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We were in Avatoru on Tahitian Princess in 2004.  We wanted to try snorkeling on our visit, but the snorkeling tours from the ship and from the dock were all sold out.  We did find a place on the bus to the pearl farm.


These are our pictures of our visit to the pearl farm.



Seeding the oysters





The oysters were placed in mesh bags which were hung from racks over the water where they were kept until the pearls were formed.





Working on the pearls



Inside the church



Both times this was the port of the day, we were on the Koningsdam, and I didn't have many pictures on my tablet in 2022.



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3 hours ago, Mr. Boston said:

Good morning everyone from a cool, rainy Ogunquit, Maine.  I’ll be brief this morning by saying that I appreciate the work that bats do and that I hope to get to today’s port some day.  I am sadly reporting that my younger brother who had suffered from mental illness took his own life yesterday morning.  He leaves behind two young daughters, my mother and an ex wife who are heartbroken, as well as my three sisters and me. I’ll be off the grid this week as I travel to northern Michigan to try and help make sense of the situation and attend his funeral.  I ask for your prayers and kind thoughts during this sad time because I know that you are generous with them.  

I am so terribly sorry to hear this. This is such a hard situation to deal with. My sincere condolences.



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Good morning to all,

After taking a few days away from the Daily I figured I had better post and let you all know that I am still alive.

All is well, but really busy.  I have not been on CC at all.  Just working all day trying to get things done.

Still waiting for our glass shower doors.


As I have said in the past, it is all falling on my shoulders and I am exhausted.

No more whining.  

Today I have to go to the Podiatrist as I now have an ingrown toenail that hurts like hell.


@Mr. Boston Please accept my sincere condolences to you and your family on the loss of your brother.  You are all in my prayers.  Having lived through this difficult situation, I realize the toll it takes on one’s family.


Prayers for all on the cares list and cheers to those celebrating.

Have a great day,

God Bless,


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