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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday April 20th, 2023


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@cat shepardMy birthday is the 23rd, Sunday.  When I was growing up, it was the day my Dad's mom died, and the day, my Mom's Dad died, and we never had much of a celebration.  In fact my neighbors gave me my sweet 16 party.  Now that I am an orphan, I remember my grandparents with love, but I have also learned to celebrate my life. (actually now it's the being alive).


I learned to re create the holidays, that make them happy.😸

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Jacqui @kazu loved the Snoopy meme today!  DH laughed out loud when he saw it.  I'm sending it to my DB and twin to brighten up their day, too.  Sorry about the lost lug nut key.  Shame on the dealership for misplacing it!


Debbie @dfish alright - you've convinced me to use the lemon!  The first recipe looks very good.  At least no one tried to throw a few lemon quarters on top of the tortellini and asparagus.  Good luck at your surgeon appointment today.


Same wish for Annie @marshhawk and Chuck today at his appointment.   I hope you can work out a way to get your med cheaper, and it's nice of the nurse to provide you some free.  Glad you can celebrate your birthday all week long.  


Joy @Seasick Sailor maybe the clone you saw is the same one on the WC with Rich.  That is if the Koningsdam cruise didn't overlap with the WC.  Wouldn't that be a coincidence?


Terry @smitty34877 also wishing you and your DH good luck and good news at his Dr. appointment.  Lots of doctor appointments happening on the Daily!  I'm happy Tana and the aide are getting along and giving you a break from the stress and strain.



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Good morning Dailyites. A beautiful morning here in Georgetown. 


Thanks @JazzyV for being the keeper of prayers and cheers. Have a wonderful cruise. Prayers to @Mr. Boston on the loss of your brother. Safe travels. Prayers to all who need a spiritual lift today.


We took advantage of the $1 down cruise payment. Almost.. as we are going on a few back to backs and one is during holiday. 


Last night we had a few visitors. One lady came by who is a recent stroke patient. We talked about the healing process and how Allen came through his 2 strokes. Just because you can't walk doesn't mean you can't live a happy life. I think it lifted her spirits and gave her hope. 


Today we are babysitting our little neighbor dog as her parents are on an all day hike. @kazu Jacqui we nearly adopted a mini chocolate poodle last week. By the time the lady returned our call the little guy was already taken. I wasn't sure if I felt saddened or relieved. We will have this little one for 3 weeks next month, so we will continue to think things over on getting a pup.


Tonight is girls game night. Playing Mahjongg and a new card game.


Wishing everyone a peaceful, beautiful day. Prayers also lifted for today's tornado victims.

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Good morning everyone.

Thank you to Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the Daily and Fleet Report.

I like the quote.

Interesting collection of days.  Chinese Language Day—i think I will stick to English and Spanish.  that is the best I can do.  Right now I do not know anyone who looks like me.  That may be a good thing.  i always appreciate volunteers.

I will give the food a pass since I had pasta the last two days and have to take a rest from that.

The libations sound good.


Prayers for all on the cares list and cheers for those celebrating.


Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyV for your untiring devotion to the lists during Roy’s recuperation.  You deserve the cruise you are embarking on tomorrow.  BON VOYAGE!


I am happy to report that as we speak the glass is being installed in our shower.  That will complete all the work in the house.  i have one more bill to pay and that is it.  The contractor is DONE.

FINALLY! And it is about time.  

However, we are still in the process of getting our lives back together.


Tomorrow Jim’s car goes to Carvana and we will get a nice check for almost the amount we paid for it in 2019 when we bought it.  That is not bad.  I know DH is somewhat sad, but he is facing the reality that it is for the best.


One of these days the new dryer will arrive.


That is all I have for now

Take care and stay safe.

God Bless,


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Good morning. Just woke up and got through the night without cold medicine and no symptoms. We had a very nice visit yesterday in Huatulco, Mexico. Started as a bus tour but was mainly a walking tour. We sampled several types and flavors of Mescal Tequila, dipped local bread in chocolate and yes sampled tasty roasted grasshoppers.

A quick walk through a beautiful church with a beautiful blue and painted ceiling.

To each their own but I hate tours where people are more interested in shopping than touring. Always have to wait for them and the tour gets behind schedule. We just are not shoppers and we are trying to get rid of our junk not buy more. The tour took us to a restaurant overlooking the beach and we had shrimp tacos. Enough food that we ate lightly in MDR last night. Received an invitation to attend what we heard was the first Mariners lunch which we will not attend. We are going to a premium wine tasting today.

@JazzyVVanessa thanks for filling in with the Care and Celebration list and may you have a wonderful and well deserved cruise. 
Here’s some pics from yesterday’s port of call. One interesting tidbit about Huatulco is that over a 1,000 Canadians tend to spend their winters here. Clean and safe town and Cartel is not active in this region according to our guide who is a school teacher who loves her city with a passion.

Thanks Sandi and all who contribute. Meme’s to follow.



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3 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good morning from a sunny 48°F North East England.

Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisersfor your dedication to this daily thread.

I went to the muscular skeletal unit at 08.30am this morning and my hips were assessed.

Hip replacement is needed but I asked for specific strength exercises to do as the waiting list is up to 1 year and I want to put off as long as possible.

Paulines sister looks very much like Pauline.

I will give today's food  a miss until I see what Debbie @dfish shows.

Prayers 🙏 for everyone who is on the care list to be well.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day.




Graham - so sorry about your hip issues.  Prayers for you to heal and that the strength exercises work for you.  Katherine 

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Good morning all. @JazzyVa great big thank you for taking care of the lists all this time and for giving me guidance on how to continue. I will do my best. Have a great cruise and enjoy Germany. I just hope the weather cooperates in Germany. 

Prayers for those that need them and a shoutout to those celebrating. I hope to publish the care list between 7 and 7:30 edt and I hope that is ok. That seems to be the general time I get up.


warming up today but expecting rain over the next couple of days. April has been dry unlike last year when we were having our fence installed and the back yard was so flooded the fast setting cement took two days to harden! 

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Good Morning from a windy and cool day at the beach

      Suppose to be warming up, very unusual weather for this time of year. 

  Volunteers are very important and they seem to be a dying breed. I am on the volunteer board of the local library and it is always the same people doing everything. I get it, peoplaeare busy but..

We have a very strong familial resemblance in our family. A couple of us could pass as twins.

     We went through Fiordland National Park on our last trip. Just beautiful and our weather was wonderful. My pictures are very similar to Sandi`s.

       I am playing golf this afternoon, hope the wind settles down.


Stay safe and enjoy today




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5 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning. Just woke up and got through the night without cold medicine and no symptoms. We had a very nice visit yesterday in Huatulco, Mexico. Started as a bus tour but was mainly a walking tour. We sampled several types and flavors of Mescal Tequila, dipped local bread in chocolate and yes sampled tasty roasted grasshoppers.

A quick walk through a beautiful church with a beautiful blue and painted ceiling.

To each their own but I hate tours where people are more interested in shopping than touring. Always have to wait for them and the tour gets behind schedule. We just are not shoppers and we are trying to get rid of our junk not buy more. The tour took us to a restaurant overlooking the beach and we had shrimp tacos. Enough food that we ate lightly in MDR last night. Received an invitation to attend what we heard was the first Mariners lunch which we will not attend. We are going to a premium wine tasting today.

@JazzyVVanessa thanks for filling in with the Care and Celebration list and may you have a wonderful and well deserved cruise. 
Here’s some pics from yesterday’s port of call. One interesting tidbit about Huatulco is that over a 1,000 Canadians tend to spend their winters here. Clean and safe town and Cartel is not active in this region according to our guide who is a school teacher who loves her city with a passion.

Thanks Sandi and all who contribute. Meme’s to follow.



The roasted grasshoppers look great! Right now we have hundreds of these creatures in our yard which means everyday the Sandhill Cranes are dining in our yard 24/7 or what I call 31!

We were at Huatulco once and probably dined at the same beach restaurant. Several of the passengers from the ship got ripped off for paying too much for drinks! Did not know prices before ordering.

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1 hour ago, Denise T said:

Good morning, everyone. Thank for the Daily and Fleet report. 38 days until I sail away to Alaska. I really need this vacation. 

Should be sunny and 75 in this part of Pennsylvania. Today is a relatively light workday and then I am off for the weekend. The joys of owning your own business and teaching at online universities is that you can make your own schedule. 

This weekend I will be getting the vegetable gardens ready. also working on getting the back patio cleaned and ready for the warm weather to sit out with a cocktail at the end of the day. 

Praying for those on the care list. 

Hope everyone has a safe and healthy day. 

Denise, if you are comfortable sharing which cruise you are on in 38 days I will add you to our list. I apologize if you told us but I missed it. And if you don’t want to share, that is ok, too. Have a great day.

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Good morning,

I woke up to thunderstorms. We need the rain as  my sprinkler system is not turned on yet. The sun should peek out by noon. 

Thanks to everyone who makes this thread possible. Bin voyage for the lucky few who are cruising this weekend. I am getting a little nervous when I think that in 2 weeks I will be in Barcelona. 

Jacqui I know how you feel when you have to do chores DH did. I realize I was a kept women for most of our marriage. The last year I slowly took over things so I may have transitioned a little easier. 

I am headed off to PT. They will do another evaluation to see if I need more. She claims I am an overachiever. I just want to be strong for my trip. 

Prayers for those on the care list. Have a great day. 

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19 minutes ago, superoma said:

Good morning all. @JazzyVa great big thank you for taking care of the lists all this time and for giving me guidance on how to continue. I will do my best. Have a great cruise and enjoy Germany. I just hope the weather cooperates in Germany. 

Prayers for those that need them and a shoutout to those celebrating. I hope to publish the care list between 7 and 7:30 edt and I hope that is ok. That seems to be the general time I get up.


warming up today but expecting rain over the next couple of days. April has been dry unlike last year when we were having our fence installed and the back yard was so flooded the fast setting cement took two days to harden! 


Speaking of cement, a cement truck just went up my street.  Someone a few doors up is obviously doing some additions to their backyard.  


Anyway Eva, just wanted to say thank you in advance for stepping up and relieving Vanessa @JazzyV of her duties on the C&C list.  She will surely enjoy her nice cruise and 3 weeks in Germany!!




11 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

May get a smile or chuckle here’s today’s MeMe’s.




Very funny memes today Bruce!  Glad to hear you're feeling better. 




Well, I've been trying to study the chart shown on the WC thread by Inside Cabin.  Very hard to read with the blue lights shining on the screen during the presentation.  I can see I don't need to sign up for the 133 day Pole to Pole cruise even if it only goes as far north as Honningsvag and no where near Spitsbergen or Ny Alesund.  DH wouldn't approve of that long a cruise, and I think we've probably been to 95% of the ports already.  A few are on the itinerary this summer.  We are definitely slowing down on cruising with only one on the books.  Unheard of a few years ago.🤷‍♀️

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38 minutes ago, Lady Hudson said:

Graham - so sorry about your hip issues.  Prayers for you to heal and that the strength exercises work for you.  Katherine 

Thank you for your kind sentiments Katherine.

I hope you are both well and have a fantastic cruise on the lovely Anthem of the sea's.


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Good morning from the lovely Volendam at sea. I’ve overheard many anytime dining passengers complaining about MDR waits at dinner. I am so happy that I have fixed main dinner. I’ve had no problems and my server knows what wine I want and that I have a small appetite. So Carolyn @Cruising-along, I hope you have a fixed seating arranged for your cruise. 

I have a dear Chinese friend I’ve known since high school. She taught me a few phrases but I only remember one. I had to look up the spelling since I only know it phonetically.  Tuō xié — take your shoes off. 

Vanessa @JazzyV, enjoy your cruise!


This morning I’m going to a Panama Canal talk. The first sea day there was a talk on the History of the Panama Canal, today is what to see and not miss. 

The burrata and beets were delightful last night. 


Have a great day everyone!

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50 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

The roasted grasshoppers look great! Right now we have hundreds of these creatures in our yard which means everyday the Sandhill Cranes are dining in our yard 24/7 or what I call 31!

We were at Huatulco once and probably dined at the same beach restaurant. Several of the passengers from the ship got ripped off for paying too much for drinks! Did not know prices before ordering.

Morning Bob, Drinks were included in tour but limited.

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Thanks for the locations of the Holland America Line fleet, and all the daily information.  Prayers 🙏 for the Care List and Cheers 🎉 for the Celebration List. And thank you all for caring and sharing. 


I have a post-op appointment this morning. I’ll be back later with an update. 

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Good morning from a cloudy with a few sun breaks and windy central Texas.  It is currently 72 F and will reach about 79F this afternoon.  The forecast now says our rain will start about 2 pm.


Chinese language day won't be celebrated here since we do not know any Chinese words.  I don't think I have a look alike, but volunteers deserve recognition every day.  


The Emily Dickinson quote is interesting and requires more thought.


The meal looks good, but we'll pass. Tonight we're having stuffed peppers with our wine.  We'll pass on the drink (peanut butter) and the wine.


Sadly, we have not been to Fjordland National Park or Milford Sound.


@grapau27  Graham, I hope the exercises will help with your hips.  Have they suggested steroid shots for the hips?

@marshhawk  Annie, I'm glad the nurse can get you free samples of the needed drug.  I hope your DH gets a good report from the doctor.

@dfish  Debbie, I hope the surgery can be done soon so you will be fully recovered for your cruise this summer.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, great news that the last of the work on the house is finished today.  🥂 🍾

@superoma  Eva, thank you for stepping in and taking over the lists while Vanessa @JazzyV is enjoying a much deserved cruise and trip to Germany.

@smitty34877  Terry, I hope the doctor has a simple plan to fix your DH's problem.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, is tomorrow a travel day?  If so, safe travels.




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@marshhawk you largely opened my eyes to what great health insurance I have,  I looked up Trelegy on GoodRx and was surprised at how expensive as I pay only a small fraction of that.  Before Trelegy I was on a combination of Pulmicort, Spiriva Handihaler, and Serevent Discus.  You might want to talk about these with your pulmonologist and see if there is one of them that would help you, although it looks like any combination of 2 of them would cost more than Spiriva.


@Sharon in AZ I would strongly urge you to move around the ship to many viewpoints.  I have a couple of favorite views.  One is from the lowest deck inside where you get a very closeup view of the lock walls and gates and gradually emerge into daylight but I think that is exclusively cabins on the Volendam,  The other is the passage between the Miguel and Miraflores Locks where you can look up at ships headed to/from the new locks.



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