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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday April 29th, 2023


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Good morning. Sadly it’s kick us off the ship day. It was a great cruise which is true of all our cruises if one has the right attitude.

What a demographic change on ship last night. Apparently there was many one night cruisers onboard. Lot’s of families including children. It was like date night. The dining room must have been a zoo as the specialty restaurants were sparsely used.

We dined in Canelleto with Kirk and Barbara and called it a night.

Headed to Pinnacle for early breakfast. 

Thanks for the Report and list. Bruce



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@RMLincolnBefore I forget, the symphony that was Playing the Cosmos with the photos from Hubble.  Dont be scared of this, we saw Holsts the Planets with Hubble photographs.  I loved the music, but the photos on large screen were worth every penny !  Seeing them on the computer of the TV, just dont do them justice.


Brain back to fuzz again, have to set up for work.

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Good morning, everyone!   


The fuschia plant is inside waiting for the temps to go up a bit more before it heads outside for the day.  I do wonder if the transition from inside to outside is a bit much for it.  Oh, well, I only have to keep it alive and healthy until tomorrow.  


Today Sue arrives with the moving truck.  She has four guys helping her so loading and loading should go quickly and smoothly.  She will go back up to the rental tonight to clean it before turning over the key to her landlord.  I'm a little concerned about how much she is bringing down.  We are almost at our limit here!  She tends to be a bit of a hoarder so I'm hoping she thinned the load down a bit.  We'll find out!


If it isn't designated so, paella should be the national dish of Spain.  Restaurant after restaurant offers their version of it and they all differ.   


Paella valenciana is the traditional paella of the Valencia region, believed to be the original recipe, and consists of round-grain rice, bajoqueta and tavella (varieties of green beans), rabbit, chicken, sometimes duck, and garrofó (a variety of lima or butter bean), cooked in olive oil and chicken broth. The dish is sometimes seasoned with whole rosemary branches. Traditionally, the yellow color comes from saffron, but turmeric and calendula can be used as substitutes. Artichoke hearts and stems may be used as seasonal ingredients. Most paella cooks use bomba rice, but Valencians tend to use a cultivar known as senia.


Paella de marisco (seafood paella) replaces meat with seafood and omits beans and green vegetables, while paella mixta (mixed paella) combines meat from livestock, seafood, vegetables, and sometimes beans, with the traditional rice.


I saw ads for black paella made with black ink from squid in Barcelona.  When Gloria made paella at home it was almost a clean out the fridge type of meal.  All of it was good.  Today's paella is a vegetable paella.  So, your vegetarian family members can chow down!  https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/a36973210/vegetarian-paella-recipe/




Most of the variation in these recipes will be due to the vegetables used.  You can use what you like, even carrots!   https://thefeedfeed.com/lasmariacocinillas/paella-de-verduras-with-red-pepper-zucchini-artichokes




Saffron is what is used to give the rice the yellow color.  If you don't have saffron (it is very expensive), you can use turmeric to color the rice. Just be careful as it stains easily.    https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/food-network-kitchen/vegetable-paella-recipe-1972902




Hoping @kazu Jacqui is feeling better today.  Wishing you all a wonderful day!




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Good Morning.  I usually read the Dailies but rarely post.  But today the pictures of Istanbul made me smile.  I went to Istanbul in 2007 way before I took my first cruise.  And some of the pictures I have in my collection!!  Thanks for the walk down memory lane this morning!!  


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1 minute ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good Morning.  I usually read the Dailies but rarely post.  But today the pictures of Istanbul made me smile.  I went to Istanbul in 2007 way before I took my first cruise.  And some of the pictures I have in my collection!!  Thanks for the walk down memory lane this morning!!  


Thank you for sharing with us!  We hope to hear more from you!

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Good Saturday morning, a later start for me because I stayed up until past 11:30 last night watching the draft.   Another afternoon of it and it will be over.   

Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports Sandi and Rich.   Thank you everyone for the lovely photos of Istanbul.    @dfish thank you for the Paella recipes.  We had a Spanish head chef on the Volendam and Paella was featured in the Lido almost weekly, sometimes two different ones.  John loved them.   The wine is too pricy and the cocktail is again one that I would probably drink too quickly.  @superoma thank you for keeping out Cares and Celebrations lists.    Prayers for those who are healing from recent surgeries, those just not feeling well and the people of Ukraine,   

We have a beautiful morning so I am going to start digging the holes for my Winterberries as we have rain and cold coming for the next few days.   Have a nice Saturday!  Nancy 

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Unfortunately, most of the independent bookstores in our city are gone, replaced by the big names.  When we did road trips, we often stopped in small centres and found their book stores just to see what they had.  The skies are clear, so hopefully they'll stay that way and we can enjoy seeing the stars tonight.  Dance Day?  I'll leave the radio on and convince DH that we need to take a spin around the kitchen.  He'll like that.  LOL


I put a post on FB the other day that DH thought I should share with my CC friends; he thought you might enjoy it:
I just found out we haven't been invited to the King's coronation.

It looks like we'll be keeping the kitchen clock we were going to give him.

Now I wish we'd bought an air fryer.


I love paella, having consumed a lot of it whenever we've been in Barcelona, I know I'd like today's drink of the day, and if I could afford it, would like to try today's wine.  Today DH and his son are heading out of town to bring back the roofless car from it's winter storage.  That means my car, which has been lounging about in the garage, will be relegated to the driveway once more.


Not a lot happening today, just putting the finishing touches on the deck for the season.  I'll likely make a butter tart slice to serve for lunch at tomorrow's meeting, but that's all I need to do for it.  Dinner tonight will be breaded pork chops, baked mini potatoes and green beans served on the deck.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them, cheers to all with celebrations.  BTW, today is Willie Nelson's 90th birthday - what a guy!


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



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Good Saturday morning.


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting up the thread today. 
@superoma Great job on the Lists!

Another night of rocking and rolling; I thought I’d roll out of bed! Today is quieter. Day 4 of crossing the Atlantic. 

@Nickelpenny Welcome to the FR/Daily!


Prayers for those in need and Cheers to those with something to Celebrate!


The view before dinner last night. IMG_2578.thumb.jpeg.cc0447f5857a529dc6467e2c633a7bbb.jpeg



Edited by JazzyV
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Good morning again.  Our temperature has reached 57F, but with the 20 mph wind, it feels like 53F. The prediction is for 22mph winds before they slow down into the teens.  It's a good day to get caught up on some computer work.  


I remember several wonderful independent bookstores in my home town.  Sadly, the big chains bookstores starting driving them out of business, and Amazon is finishing the job.  The only independent bookstore I know about is the used book store in Waco.  I doubt if we will dance today.  We'll both celebrate international astronomy day.  Our clear skies should provide some good stargazing, but the wind will rule out using the telescopes.  It's surprising how clear the sky can look, but how blurry telescope images look when there is even a little bit of wind.


I like the Kissinger quote, and I felt that way last fall with all that was going on on the medical front.


We've enjoyed paella in several cities in Spain.  I have a recipe for paella, but would rather have someone else make it for me.  We'll pass on the drink, but would like to try the wine if it weren't for the price.


We enjoyed our day in Istanbul on Prinsendam in 2008,  We were supposed to be there in 2016 on Prinsendam, but the Black Sea cruise was canceled after the failed coupe a few weeks earlier.  We were glad we took a very comprehensive ship's tour the day we were in Istanbul.  For once it saved us time by avoiding the long lines to enter the sites.


The history of the day is interesting about the Berlin Wall being torn down.  However, on November 9, 1989, the head of the East German Communist Party lifted travel restrictions for East Germans.  This was after the people took to the streets of East Berlin on October 9, 1989, demanding freedom.


@kazu  Jacqui, I hope you are feeling better today.

@marshhawk  Annie, the last I heard last night, the storms were headed toward Houston and the Gulf of Mexico.  I guess they decided to turn east to visit you.  I hope they are not as strong as the ones in Texas yesterday.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I'm glad your friend made it home safely in that storm.  When we was pictures of the traffic backed up on I-35, we commented we wouldn't want to be in that mess.  I'm also happy your little bird and her nest survived the storm.

@aliaschief  Bruce, enjoy your day in Seattle, and safe travels home tomorrow.

@dfish  Debbie, I hope Sue's move goes smoothly.  Thanks for the explanations of the different types of paella.  We enjoyed a seafood paella in Alicante, and a vegetable one in Minorca.  We saw someone with the black paella, but that did not look appealing.

@Nickelpenny  Thank you for your picture.  Welcome to the Fleet/Daily, and we hope you will join us often.

@ger_77  Gerry, thanks for the reminder of Willie Nelson's birthday.  He was born in our county not far from where we live.  Not only is he a good entertainer, he also does a lot for those in need.  On January 1, 1993, our 101 year old courthouse was heavily damaged by an electrical fire.  The seven story clock tower in the middle of the building collapsed into the basement.  Fortunately, it was rebuilt with donations from around the world, and from proceeds of two concerts sponsor by Willie.  We saw his tour buses around the courthouse on the day of one of the concerts.  An interesting side note is the flooring on the main floor was rebuilt with the flooring that was taken from the state capitol when it was refurbished.  This is the courthouse in 2022, and I think one of the prettiest in the state.

Hill County Courthouse Hillsboro Wiki (1 of 1).jpg


@JazzyV  Vanessa, I hope you have smooth seas for the rest of your cruise.



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We are home - have been for a couple of days, but we've been sooo busy with Pat's pre-op checks and tests that my mind has definitely been elsewhere.  But we have the day off today, and hope to have a visit with Copper John this evening, if I can just sort out where we should go.  The city is so full of people on this beautiful weekend.  


This is the closest I come to astronaut day...




And a bit of Irish humour..







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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


I don't remember the name for this feature, but if you put your thumb in the hole and could rotate it 360 degrees without it coming out of the hole, you were supposed to have good luck.




We were in Istanbul in 2012 on the Nieuw Amsterdam.


Some info on the above.






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Good morning, 

We had a gorgeous day yesterday with temps in the mid-70s and lots of sunshine and today promises to be the same. It's the last weekend of the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival and we locals stay a long ways away from the fields! I stopped in at our local Hallmark in downtown Mt. Vernon yesterday, left there at 10;30 and the main drag was full of cars that early and the offramps were backed up. 


My favorite independent book store is Parnassus Books in Ketchikan. It's just off the end of Creek Street and has great local books, note cards, etc. It's a "must do" stop every time we're there! 

DH wasn't doing great on Thursday with a temp of 101 and very sleepy. However, when I got there yesterday he was bright eyed and chatty, eating well, etc. He's been moved to thin liquids which is good. He was also helped into the wheelchair, went down to the gym and stood up in the parallel bars, with assistance, 4 times. It's a start - and a good one. Then we went outside and walked a bit and enjoyed the sunshine. 

His facility is 50 miles south of us and the drive down is usually right at 50 minutes - 1 hour. The drive home is usually right around an hour as I leave at the start of rush hour. Anyway, last night it took 2 1/2 hours to get home! It took almost 1 1/2 hours to just get out of Everett! I was tired and not a happy camper when I got in the driveway. I needed wine!!


Have a great day everyone! I'm taking a day off from Everett tomorrow but going in the opposite direction. A friend and I are heading to Canada to see my mom (she's 96.5 and a going concern), do a bit of shopping, go out for lunch, then head to a friend's house for a visit before driving back down. 



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Good morning from HOME!


We got home around midnight from our amazing cruise...39 days on Grand Princess, with 3 days in Melbourne before.  We've never been away for 6 weeks before, but will consider it again, it was wonderful!  Australia was great, Samoa, Tahiti and Hawaii were all wonderful...however, we missed all of New Zealand because of Covid (7 days quarantine per NZ rules).  Guess we'll have to go back!  The ship was very nice, but had a problem with power and A/C in one zone.  All the guests from that zone were moved to other cabins for a week (luckily we were not sailing full, only 1700 passengers). Because of the problem, we were ALL given 50% of our cruise fare in FCC!!!  So that, in addition to our Covid week, means we have a good amount of credits on Princess for another cruise. Have to start looking....


I was trying to follow the Daily on my phone, but I definitely prefer the computer for size and keyboard. Prayers for everyone with challenges, and I lifted a glass (or two, or three...) every day for all celebrating.


Guess I have to open the suitcases and put stuff away...tough to get back to reality!


Have a great day,


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Good morning all!
This is our last full day at home before our short cruise out of Vancouver.  Tomorrow we'll go to Bellingham, have dinner with BFF and her DH and spend the night there.  With the Tulip Festival traffic this last weekend, we want to be well north of it so we don't miss our cruise on Monday!  Plus it's an early sailing, 3:00.  It's a 3-hour drive in good traffic, but with the tulip festival it would take much longer.


Interesting collection of days.  I immediately thought of my dear Dad for Astronomy Day.  Then I thought of Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser's DH and how much my Dad would love to look through his telescope.  Dad had one back in the early 60's (and you know how much they've improved since then!) We spent many nights looking through it.


The drink sounds ok, but will pass on the meal and red wine.  We've been to Istanbul twice, it's one of my favorite ports.  But like the last couple times, I won't post photos because it was pre-digital and they would be too much like Sandi @StLouisCruisersand Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser's photos already posted.


Yesterday DH took care of two wasp and yellow jacket nests on the house.  So glad to have that taken care of.  I'm allergic to all bee stings (not good for a gardener!) and especially wasp stings.  


Today is also Junior Ranger Day.  Here are photos of the DGSs getting their patches in Yellowstone.


A few years ago, getting his first patch.



Both of them last year getting their Bison patches.





I hope everyone has a great day!



Edited by Cruising-along
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I heard what sounded like a tank driving up my street so went to peek out the window.  It was my neighbor's Wanderlodge motorhome and they are leaving tomorrow for their 6 month drive across the country.  During their trek they will stop in Vancouver, BC to take an Alaskan cruise on Volendam.  Wednesday, July 19.  Their 23 year old daughter will go along for most of the trip except for a while.  She wants to get into acting and will be filming in June for 2 or 3 weeks back here in Georgia so will come and go at that time.  I believe she knows the film maker.  Anyway, they are loading the motorhome today and I snapped a pic from my front steps.  They will attach a trailer to the back of the motorhome and haul the SUV that's shown in the driveway with them.  That is my old Acura MDX SUV that I drove for 18 years and they've had it two years now.  Still looking good!  (miss it 😢).  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJMavnAix3VZcEpPCucY5ijKwg5ydwHipy3aIZBf9dNYQ?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1682779263

I'm sure they'll have many tales to tell after this trip!  I told them I want a photo of the whole shebang before they leave.  Can you imagine passing someone and trying to get back in the right hand lane?  




4 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Great photos Sandi.

Lovely photo of you and Dennis.



Thanks Graham!




4 hours ago, ski ww said:

We were also on that Black Sea cruise in  2014, we did a private tour in Istanbul.



 That was certainly a beautiful day!  I'm so glad we went on that cruise.  Remember after leaving Istanbul and sailing north in the Bosporus Strait, we'd just moved into the Black Sea when a boat approached to medevac a sick patient?  I believe it was dinner time when that happened.  Very sad they had to miss the rest of the wonderful cruise.




3 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Saturday Morning Dailyites!


@StLouisCruisers I love your pictures.  I was talking with an AZ patron the other day, and she said, of all the places in the world to go, Istanbul to her was the most beautiful.


@Quartzsite CruiserI hope that you are safe from the storms, and that all is good there, but did you have to send them to Atlanta?  They are to get here tonight.


DH said last night that he wanted to get up early for a donut run, as it was an F1 race weekend.  The alarm went off at 6....one of us is up.  And a race starts at 7:30, we will watch the replay, and I start work at 9:30...as far as I know.  I havent checked recent texts.






Thanks Annie for your comments about the pictures and the story about your AZ patron.  Istanbul was really something!




2 hours ago, superoma said:

Saturday April 29 care and celebration list


Roy recovering from pneumonia and getting stronger

Jodiesme1 mother and Her DH with Covid in Guatemala 

Mamaofami’s dh with pneumonia but improving

Lazey1 getting colitis flair under control before cruise

Cruising sister toe issues needing to clear before cruise

Cruzn single stepson with melanoma and other issues

Kazu recuperating

Cruzn single recuperating 

Crabby Patti caring for DF  who is no longer ambulatory

St Pete cruise in Hawaiian hospital


Too many shooting victims

Citizens of Ukraine and the Sudan 

Evacuees from Sudan 


From the rotation:


Tanya’s pulmonary issues

Summer Slope’s friend with a brain injury

Scrapnana getting chemotherapy

NextOne needing valve surgery 




Rafinmd’s good report from the Oncologist, Podiatrist and Pulmonologist

Vict0riann’s week in Ireland

Cruzn single stepson with successful non cancerous tumour removal

NextOne not needing any procedures, July cruise is on!

Luvteaching DH making progress on mobility

Dobiemom extending her sleeping to 6+ hours

Dfish DS retiring and moving in!

Fleet week in Fort Lauderdale

Surgery date for smitty34877 DH

Father David on a pilgrimage for 3 weeks (May 21)

Bennybear feeling better


Welcome back sailingdutchy 



Many Dailyites cruising or with upcoming cruises


 1 day Lobsternight anniversary cruise and vow renewal (Nieuw Amsterdam 4/30 to 5/7)

3 days for HAL4NOW (Koningsdam 5/1 to 5/6)

3 days Cruising-along (Koningsdam 5/1 to 5/6)

4 days Lazey1 (Volendam 5/2 to 5/10)

4 days Sharon in az (volendam 5/2 to 5/10)(5/10 to 5/17) 





Oceansaway17 (Vision of the Seas to 5/1)

Lady Hudson (Anthem of the Seas to 5/1)

St Pete Cruiser (Noordam to 5/2), 

TiogaCruiser (Volendam to 5/2), 

Overhead Fred’s Anniversary cruise (Rotterdam to 5/6), AV8rix (Volendam to 5/6), 

Dismomx5 (Volendam to 5/6), 

USN59-79 (Westerdam to 5/7), 

Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12), 

Sharon in AZ (Volendam to 5/17) at sea

Jazzyv cruise (celebrity apex) and vacation to 5/28


Great job, Eva!  Thanks again.




1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. 

A cool, windy morning here. Our storms seem to be over for now. My girlfriend was driving back from Austin during the hail storm and said it sounded like bullets hitting her car. Our little bird made a good nest in our rose bush. She was on it through the storm and she never left it.


Thanks Sandi for those unbelievable pictures. I would love to visit there someday. 


I love to star gaze. When I was little I would go outside and lay on the lawn and watch the stars. I saw many falling stars. I currently have the star tracker app on my phone.




Prayers lifted to our Daily family. The growing list makes me sad. 


Today is a good day for Farmer's market and lunch. Just a quick stop at the grocery and we will be having steak and a salad later.


Have a blessed day. Be kind.


Hi Joy!  Thanks for the compliment and I hope you get to Istanbul too.  You and Allen have a wonderful day!




1 hour ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good Morning.  I usually read the Dailies but rarely post.  But today the pictures of Istanbul made me smile.  I went to Istanbul in 2007 way before I took my first cruise.  And some of the pictures I have in my collection!!  Thanks for the walk down memory lane this morning!!  



Nice to see you posting today @Nickelpenny.  Thank you for your comments about the photos!




1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Unfortunately, most of the independent bookstores in our city are gone, replaced by the big names.  When we did road trips, we often stopped in small centres and found their book stores just to see what they had.  The skies are clear, so hopefully they'll stay that way and we can enjoy seeing the stars tonight.  Dance Day?  I'll leave the radio on and convince DH that we need to take a spin around the kitchen.  He'll like that.  LOL


I put a post on FB the other day that DH thought I should share with my CC friends; he thought you might enjoy it:
I just found out we haven't been invited to the King's coronation.

It looks like we'll be keeping the kitchen clock we were going to give him.

Now I wish we'd bought an air fryer.


I love paella, having consumed a lot of it whenever we've been in Barcelona, I know I'd like today's drink of the day, and if I could afford it, would like to try today's wine.  Today DH and his son are heading out of town to bring back the roofless car from it's winter storage.  That means my car, which has been lounging about in the garage, will be relegated to the driveway once more.


Not a lot happening today, just putting the finishing touches on the deck for the season.  I'll likely make a butter tart slice to serve for lunch at tomorrow's meeting, but that's all I need to do for it.  Dinner tonight will be breaded pork chops, baked mini potatoes and green beans served on the deck.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them, cheers to all with celebrations.  BTW, today is Willie Nelson's 90th birthday - what a guy!


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




Wow!  Willie Nelson is 90?  I wouldn't have thought so, but that's amazing.  Thanks!  Perhaps your invitation to the coronation was lost in the mail.  Their loss - no new kitchen clock.  🤣




1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good Saturday morning.


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting up the thread today. 
@superoma Great job on the Lists!

Another night of rocking and rolling; I thought I’d roll out of bed! Today is quieter. Day 4 of crossing the Atlantic. 

@Nickelpenny Welcome to the FR/Daily!


Prayers for those in need and Cheers to those with something to Celebrate!


The view before dinner last night. IMG_2578.thumb.jpeg.cc0447f5857a529dc6467e2c633a7bbb.jpeg




That's a beautiful photo!  A keeper.  Glad the rolling seas don't seem to make you seasick.  I've felt like I was going to roll out of bed on a ship a time or two.  Hope you're having a super time.  



Lenda, thank you for your photos of Istanbul today.  Great place to visit.

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Good Afternoon Everyone, thanks for the daily fleet report.  I do like today’s meal suggestion and I get paella when we are in San Juan.  It’s a cool overcast day today with rain coming at some point.  I made a trip to Aldi and then we cleaned the garage out.  We also did some yard work and now it’s time for lunch.  I hope everyone has a good day today.


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3 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning. Sadly it’s kick us off the ship day. It was a great cruise which is true of all our cruises if one has the right attitude.

What a demographic change on ship last night. Apparently there was many one night cruisers onboard. Lot’s of families including children. It was like date night. The dining room must have been a zoo as the specialty restaurants were sparsely used.

We dined in Canelleto with Kirk and Barbara and called it a night.

Headed to Pinnacle for early breakfast. 

Thanks for the Report and list. Bruce



Great to hear the cruise was great. We board the Eurodam in November!


By the way, the cartoon living the dream 1952. I don’t understand. It looks like my TV today! 😀

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Good morning.  Dance Day is not for me, as I unfortunately have no rhythm.  But love astronomy and Independent book stores.

Today DD and I are going to see a Harry Potter movie at the fancy new theater that serves real food.  I’ve got my Ravenclaw colors on.  Then later we’re having something quite like paella at DD’s house.  She has a lot of citrus in bloom in her backyard and it smells wonderful, so it’s the first al fresco dining of the summer, to enjoy that brief bloom period.


The photos of Istanbul are truly beautiful today. Sure would love to go there.  Wonder if that will ever happen?  Meanwhile, there’s this…




Many thanks to our Daily team and all contributors.  I hope those who are unwell are feeling better.   Wishing all a joyful Saturday!

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Good Morning Everyone!


Half way through packing for our NA cruise tomorrow, quite excited. Can't imagine what we will forget this time. Guess I will be off this board for a week as I will not have an internet package, but will catch up on my return.


Of course when packing my medications yesterday I could not find a refill I knew I had. Spent the better part of 2 hours searching the house.  I knew this would happen but went to the pharmacy for an emergency 10 day refill.  Within half an hour I found the supply, under clothes on the bed.  So typical.


Well the cats know something is up.  The dreaded suitcases. Fun to sit in but worrying. Wishing everyone the best

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