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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday June 20th, 2023


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Good morning. It is cloudy here and the humidity is starting to return. I took the dogs for a long walk and we were all feeling it by the time we got home.

We have not been to the port and I am not an ice cream soda fan. I also worked with many refuges over the years and their stories have resonated with me. It has to be so difficult to leave everything you know even when it is dangerous.

DD , DH and I  learned more about the months of chemotherapy ahead  in spite of chemo being placed in the body during the next surgery. As usual, DH had us cracking up in the car on the way home when he recommended stopping at one of the many Irish bars in the neighborhood. None of us drink any longer so it was not an option but if ever there was a day for a drink…..I guess we will just keep putting one foot in front of the other and hope for the best.

Take care those of you in the extreme heat now and of course all other Dailyites.

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Watermelon Mai Tai cocktail:


1 part Cruzan® Black Strap Rum
1 part DeKuyper® Pucker® Watermelon Schnapps
1 part Orange Juice
1 part Pineapple Juice
1 splash Grenadine

Pour Pucker® Watermelon Schnapps into glass. Fill with orange and pineapple juices.  Float grenadine over juice. Shake or stir. Float Cruzan® Black Strap Rum on top.


Screenshot 2023-06-20 at 9.31.39 AM.png

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Happy Tuesday.  Thanks for all of the info.  I'd take a root beer float rather than the soda.  The drink sounds good, and I saved the 2nd recipe...I have some shrimp in the freezer!  We see eagles at our Up-North home, and saw lots of them while in Alaska.  Prayers for the refuges, especially the people from Ukraine now.  We've had some busy days here.  Went to  DGD's softball game last night, her friend made a great play at 1st base.  They've all made great progress through the season, only 2 more games for the team.  Our local park has concerts, and they start this Thursday...looking forward to that!  @StLouisCruisersGood luck to Ren and his team today.  @kazuSorry to hear about Ivan, hoping he feels better soon.  It's so hard when you know they don't feel good.  @smitty34877Prayers for your DH and family.  Have a great day.  K

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Good morning here from the wet Oregon coast.  Our nesting eagles were up early. They have a very distinctive sound when communicating with each other.

I read the daily report often and enjoy catching up on al the news. Thank you to all who post.

Cheers to those celebrating.

Prayers to all on the list.  Including the 5 people on the missing submarine.  

A good day to remember the refugees.  

Stay well and safe everyone.






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I wouldn't mind an ice-cream soda, but I'd prefer a root beer float, which we always called a Boston cooler. IIRC, Ben Franklin thought that the turkey, not the bald eagle, should be our national bird. He called the bald eagle "a Bird of bad moral Character."


If "seafood" indicates shellfish,I'll have to pass on the fried rice, and the drink doesn't sound at all appealing. The wine is probably not obtainable here, so I might substitute the 2018 Pinot Noir Reserve from Heron Hill Winery. I haven't been to Papua New Guinea.


Last night was the last Talmud class with our rabbi, since he's moving away next week. The class has run for about seven years and a few people have attended the entire time. Although it has met on Zoom since 2020, last night was a hybrid session, with those who could attend in person doing so. I brought kosher Prosecco and I was not the only person who had that idea, so the class was even rowdier than usual. I suppose that people are supposed to be serious and reverent during Talmud study, but this group never has been and the tractate we've been studying doesn't invite a serious attitude, being all about hypothetical situations that have probably never arisen.









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Good morning to all. @kazuI hope Ivan is feeling better and it is just the change to new routines. You really do wish they could talk and tell you how they are feeling.


Summer has finally arrived here and while it does go down into the mid-40's at night, we are now seeing 80's during the day. No rain in our forecast for the next 10 days. I will lengthen the time the sprinkler system is on at night. The wildlife is moving down along river. Besides our usual number of deer, I saw a coyote in the yard yesterday and a neighbor up the road from me saw a mountain lion. I am going to be very careful walking the dogs and we will not leave the area next to our driveway at night. And, I had better get new batteries for my flashlight.


Otherwise things are plodding along as usual. I am getting things sorted very, very slowly. I have a box ready to be mailed to scottie rescue for their auction.... will probably do that tomorrow morning and 3 more bags ready for the thrift store. Not to mention the shredded papers that I am going to take to recycling. And in between, I am getting some books read that have been sitting on the shelf for awhile. Then those too will depart.







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Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!   My ability to use CC has been scrambled with the internet mess up, so if  I read something, and  make no response, then go back and try to make a response, I cant.  So no speed reading. One person at a time.   


@dfishThanks for checking up on me. I had no internet, and there for no email.  Not sure if the Covid messed my diabetes up, but it has been high, and then this morning the sensor screamed LOW LOW!  And I have a lot of back pain near my shoulder blade., which makes my arm hurt and tingle.  Ee gads, I hope this isnt from getting OLD!


@kazuI hope Ivan starts feeling his frisky side again.


@ger_77The meal sound great!  Corn on the cob here is still $5.00 for 4 ears.  Too much for me!

@StLouisCruisersI hope that Ren has a very safe game today, if it's as hot there as @Quartzsite Cruiser says, it really isnt safe to play outside in it.  And @Quartzsite Cruiser I worry about you in that heat and humidity.  Seems right now, we just have humidity.  It never really got hot yesterday outside, but the house got way too warm.


I start work earlier now, so I dont get to be the one to run out and do morning errands (and sometimes get a really good lunch) Off to shower and then walk the neighbors dog.and then work.  Hummingbirds are feeding off my garden, and I can see them out the window.  So pretty.





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Good morning Daily family. Thank you for the HAL fleet report and all the daily information. And thank you all for caring and sharing.  Prayers for everyone who needs them.  Cheers for all the celebrations.


I hope everyone’s day is starting better than mine. 


Remember last week my front bumper liner was hanging and DSiL tacked it back up? Well, as I was driving to work I heard this wind noise as if I was in a storm but we had no wind. I could tell it was the car because the sound changed as the road dipped or I changed speeds. I stopped to get gas and look under the car. Yup, it fell down again.

So I’m at the car dealer and he’s seeing if it can be tacked into place or ??? Luckily, I have an understanding boss and he said I could telework today and take as much leave as necessary. I’ll be back later to report. 


Stay safe and healthy everyone. 

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Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks for all the news!   I can't prove where the Rotterdam is today, as my wandering AirTag has not been in touch with me since June 1, in Flam.  I wonder what it is up to!  Hope it's having a good time...


Here we keep busy, spending a lot of time at the hospital, I play games while I wait.  The hospital has good internet, but I find I panic with every setback and the games keep my mind elsewhere.  This morning we go to the outpatient clinic at 10 instead of 7:30, so I have time to post.  I'm thinking of you all, and hope things are going well.  

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Good morning all!

Another drizzly, cool morning here in the PNW.  Supposedly the weather will improve this week.  Won't complain though, since so many of you are going through high heat and humidity now.


Like so many others, I prefer a float (any kind -- I especially like an orange float) over a soda, we've seen many bald eagles flying overhead here, and prayers for all refugees.  I can just hear Jackie Gleason saying that 🙂  The meal sounds oh so yummy but yikes on the sodium content.  Not long ago I only watched carbs, now the sodium content is even more important to me. Tonight I won't be cooking though, DD is making dinner for us for delayed Fathers Day.  Last night we had the salmon with asparagus, rosemary and balsamic glaze.  It was good!  I added some orange peppers too.

The drink sounds good but will pass on the red wine.  Have never been to New Guinea.


I was too busy planning my wedding in 3 months so there was no possibility of attending the Newport Festival in '69 even though I did live in CA at the time.  

Prayers for the 5 people missing in the sub -- so sad, and it doesn't sound good if they aren't found soon.


Jacqui @kazu I hope Ivan feels much better today!

Sandi @StLouisCruisers Good luck to Ren's team today!


Yesterday I got the first bloom on my new Clematis (Dr. Ruppel).  It will meet and blend with the Jackmanii on the other side of the arbor.




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Well, it was a rainy day in London Town and not a day for the London Eye or a cruise on the Thames River as we had hoped.  We did get our wine though.  

At least we were able to get some rest and get over the jet lag before our cruise.  


Tomorrow our driver will pick us up at 9 am for the ride to Southampton.  It should take about 2 hours or so.  Tonight we will get all our stuff packed and ready to go.  


Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann and Dixie for all your contributions to keeping this thread going.  

I have not been to the port.

I remember Jackie Gleason’s quote.  Am I dating myself?  Since my room is a a Penthouse Suite, I am going to change it to “How Suite it is” for this cruise.


We will skip the F&B since we are eating and drinking whatever they are serving in the Lounge tonight.  


I will try to report each day—hopefully with photos.  


Hope everyone is having a good day.

Prayers for all, especially those on the Cares list.


God Bless,


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5 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Tuesday Daily, Rich.


Nice collection of days - especially National Bald Eagle Day & World Refugee Day.  We all need to band together to help the too many refugees.  Wouldn’t it be nice if the world was saner so that there were no refugees?


The meal & drink of the day sound intriguing.  And oh my on Jackie Gleason’s quote.  That brings back fond memories.  No one could say it like him.




Sorry I wasn’t on yesterday - I tried to follow along but my week was not off to a good start 😔  I had a long, worrisome (and expensive) day at the Emergency Vet.  Ivan was not right late Sunday afternoon - evening and when he wouldn’t eat or drink yesterday morning off we went.  I feared he was in pain.  I was right.  There may be another issue - but we hope not.  As long as he eats and drinks now and takes his meds, he will hopefully be ok.  My vet will be here in 3 weeks to take another blood profile and check.




The vet yesterday suspects he was not walked at the rate his previous owner claimed and suggested I keep his walks short with breaks in between to build up his muscle and stamina.  I postponed my appointment for today to be here with him and assuming all is good, we’ll do some gardening.


It’s tough facing this stuff alone, but it has to be done.  For my widow and widower friends, I posted this on FB as I think it is so true.  I thought I would share with you.




Prayers for those on the Care list & for those that need them and cheers 🥂 to those celebrating.




Have a good Tuesday everyone.

I'm so sorry to hear Ivan is unwell and hope the medications make him better.

Your piece on widow/widower reminds me of my late dad who just gave up and died 4 months after my lovely mam died.

You are very brave and I wish you all the best now and in the future.

Your Dailyite friends

Graham and Pauline x 


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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I like ice cream floats, although I haven't had one in a while. I'll salute our Hays Bald Eagles here, who've been a delight to watch raise 20 young eaglets over the years. It's sad to see refugees who leave their homes with nothing and need help. Ok, who else had Jackie Gleason's voice in their head as you read the quote? I would eat shrimp fried rice, but prefer pork. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to the Conflict Islands.


It's cloudy here, with some rain sprinkles. And more humid. This morning I had my first PT evaluation at the new place. It's very convenient, only 5 minutes away. She thinks my trouble with steps, getting in the car, etc is mainly deconditioning, so I have exercises to start and will go there twice a week. Just home and having my coffee.


On a sadder note, I heard from the DM of the mother/daughter British friends of BFF and mine. We met at Heathrow about 20 years ago on the way home from a trip. They were dressed in Penguins hockey gear and we spoke to them, thinking they were American. They came yearly to see the Pens play, and we became friends. The daughter was diagnosed with ovarian cancer a few years ago, and has been a warrior going through multiple surgeries and chemo. Nothing's working now, and any more surgery is too dangerous. The DM said her prognosis is now 6 months. So heartbreaking.


@kazu I hope Ivan will be ok. 

@StLouisCruisers Hoping for a good outcome for Ren and his team!

@Nickelpenny Welcome back, and safe travels back to AZ as you visit places along the way.

@aliaschief Great photos from your excursion.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Stay safe in that heat.

@ger_77 Congrats on booking a cruise!

@smitty34877 Prayers for DH to endure what he has to go through.

@durangoscots Wow on a mountain lion in the neighborhood! 

@marshhawk Feel better soon. 

@dobiemom I hope there's an easy fix for your car.

@Vict0riann I hope things are going well for Pat with all his medical appointments.

@Cruising-along Lovely clematis.

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad you're feeling more rested. Sorry your plans for London had to change, but the big day is tomorrow!


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


The Hays Bald Eagles

Bald Eagles in Pittsburgh PA


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My immediate neighborhood made the news a few days ago.  Our local police heroes rescued a cat on my street from a storm drain about 500 feet away from my house.  I walk right by the place almost every day:





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Sending hugs to @kazu  Hoping Ivan will be ok!  Grief never really ends.  
and more hugs to @smitty34877 these roads are hard and lonely at times.   I find cancer like the lines at Disneyland, there are so many twist and turns.  


I am inspired by the caring in this community and how so many are and have come to grips with life changing events with such grace!   Too many to mention. 

I taught some of the early boat people who were escaping from Vietnam. I’ll never forget their stories.   My DS has worked with many refugees and supported them in their court hearings.   We are fortunate that we don’t really know what it’s like for them to leave their homes and risk so much.  




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Good afternoon.  I got my walk in fairly early this morning, since surprisingly, it wasn't really bad out with the good wind we had.  I really didn't even get hot.  After I ran my errands and got the mail from the cluster box, it was almost time to spend the rest of the day inside.  So far, I've caught up on a lot of paper work that I've let slide.


4 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I haven't had an ice cream soda in years - much prefer floats.  DH makes great floats out of almost any kind of pop; they always have a huge amount of foam, my favourite part.  We occasionally see bald eagles flying over the city - they really are majestic.  Bless the refugees; we all hope never to have to be in that position where we are forced by circumstances to leave all that is comfortable and familiar.


We heard the news yesterday about the missing submersible; I fear it may never be retrieved and feel terrible for those inside.  Being claustrophobic, just the thought of 5 people crammed into that little pod gives me the willies.  Prayers for all involved.


We finally made the decision to book another cruise - life is too short, we're losing too many friends, and it was just time.  We're booked on the Eurodam for 3 delightful weeks in January and were able to get a cabin we've had twice before in a location we're happy with, so the stars aligned.  It always feels good to have a cruise on the books, it's something to look forward to.


Not a lot on the agenda today, some laundry, maybe a trip to the Salvation Army thrift store to drop off more clothes and "things" no longer needed.  After that, I'm still continuing with my sewing coasters; I've already got 15 sets made and there is more fabric to go through!


@StLouisCruisers good luck to Ren's team today!

@kazu I do hope Ivan's ills are short lived and you can relax comfortably with him again.

@Cruzin Terri I hope you're feeling better and have more energy today.


I'd like to try today's drink, as watermelon is a lovely summertime treat, and would also enjoy the wine - an affordable red, yay!  I haven't made fried rice in a long time, but will wait for a cooler day to do so.  DH has requested burgers, so there are home made beef patties thawing in the fridge that he'll barbecue and we'll enjoy them with corn on the cob on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, good for you booking a cruise for next January.  


4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. It is cloudy here and the humidity is starting to return. I took the dogs for a long walk and we were all feeling it by the time we got home.

We have not been to the port and I am not an ice cream soda fan. I also worked with many refuges over the years and their stories have resonated with me. It has to be so difficult to leave everything you know even when it is dangerous.

DD , DH and I  learned more about the months of chemotherapy ahead  in spite of chemo being placed in the body during the next surgery. As usual, DH had us cracking up in the car on the way home when he recommended stopping at one of the many Irish bars in the neighborhood. None of us drink any longer so it was not an option but if ever there was a day for a drink…..I guess we will just keep putting one foot in front of the other and hope for the best.

Take care those of you in the extreme heat now and of course all other Dailyites.


Terry, I'm sorry your DH will have months of chemotherapy ahead of him, and sending good, positive thoughts that the chemo is not too rough on him.  You are fortunate to have such a loving and supportive family to help you both.


2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!   My ability to use CC has been scrambled with the internet mess up, so if  I read something, and  make no response, then go back and try to make a response, I cant.  So no speed reading. One person at a time.   


@dfishThanks for checking up on me. I had no internet, and there for no email.  Not sure if the Covid messed my diabetes up, but it has been high, and then this morning the sensor screamed LOW LOW!  And I have a lot of back pain near my shoulder blade., which makes my arm hurt and tingle.  Ee gads, I hope this isnt from getting OLD!


@kazuI hope Ivan starts feeling his frisky side again.


@ger_77The meal sound great!  Corn on the cob here is still $5.00 for 4 ears.  Too much for me!

@StLouisCruisersI hope that Ren has a very safe game today, if it's as hot there as @Quartzsite Cruiser says, it really isnt safe to play outside in it.  And @Quartzsite Cruiser I worry about you in that heat and humidity.  Seems right now, we just have humidity.  It never really got hot yesterday outside, but the house got way too warm.


I start work earlier now, so I dont get to be the one to run out and do morning errands (and sometimes get a really good lunch) Off to shower and then walk the neighbors dog.and then work.  Hummingbirds are feeding off my garden, and I can see them out the window.  So pretty.






Annie, I hope your diabetes numbers get straightened out and your back pain eases soon.


2 hours ago, dobiemom said:

Good morning Daily family. Thank you for the HAL fleet report and all the daily information. And thank you all for caring and sharing.  Prayers for everyone who needs them.  Cheers for all the celebrations.


I hope everyone’s day is starting better than mine. 


Remember last week my front bumper liner was hanging and DSiL tacked it back up? Well, as I was driving to work I heard this wind noise as if I was in a storm but we had no wind. I could tell it was the car because the sound changed as the road dipped or I changed speeds. I stopped to get gas and look under the car. Yup, it fell down again.

So I’m at the car dealer and he’s seeing if it can be tacked into place or ??? Luckily, I have an understanding boss and he said I could telework today and take as much leave as necessary. I’ll be back later to report. 


Stay safe and healthy everyone. 


I hope you can get the bumper fixed and at a reasonable cost.


1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks for all the news!   I can't prove where the Rotterdam is today, as my wandering AirTag has not been in touch with me since June 1, in Flam.  I wonder what it is up to!  Hope it's having a good time...


Here we keep busy, spending a lot of time at the hospital, I play games while I wait.  The hospital has good internet, but I find I panic with every setback and the games keep my mind elsewhere.  This morning we go to the outpatient clinic at 10 instead of 7:30, so I have time to post.  I'm thinking of you all, and hope things are going well.  


Ann, I'm sorry you are both having to spend so much time at the hospital, but I hope it means things are becoming better.  Playing games and reading helps me when I have too much unpleasantness on my mind.


1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Another drizzly, cool morning here in the PNW.  Supposedly the weather will improve this week.  Won't complain though, since so many of you are going through high heat and humidity now.


Like so many others, I prefer a float (any kind -- I especially like an orange float) over a soda, we've seen many bald eagles flying overhead here, and prayers for all refugees.  I can just hear Jackie Gleason saying that 🙂  The meal sounds oh so yummy but yikes on the sodium content.  Not long ago I only watched carbs, now the sodium content is even more important to me. Tonight I won't be cooking though, DD is making dinner for us for delayed Fathers Day.  Last night we had the salmon with asparagus, rosemary and balsamic glaze.  It was good!  I added some orange peppers too.

The drink sounds good but will pass on the red wine.  Have never been to New Guinea.


I was too busy planning my wedding in 3 months so there was no possibility of attending the Newport Festival in '69 even though I did live in CA at the time.  

Prayers for the 5 people missing in the sub -- so sad, and it doesn't sound good if they aren't found soon.


Jacqui @kazu I hope Ivan feels much better today!

Sandi @StLouisCruisers Good luck to Ren's team today!


Yesterday I got the first bloom on my new Clematis (Dr. Ruppel).  It will meet and blend with the Jackmanii on the other side of the arbor.





A very pretty flower, Carolyn.


1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, it was a rainy day in London Town and not a day for the London Eye or a cruise on the Thames River as we had hoped.  We did get our wine though.  

At least we were able to get some rest and get over the jet lag before our cruise.  


Tomorrow our driver will pick us up at 9 am for the ride to Southampton.  It should take about 2 hours or so.  Tonight we will get all our stuff packed and ready to go.  


Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann and Dixie for all your contributions to keeping this thread going.  

I have not been to the port.

I remember Jackie Gleason’s quote.  Am I dating myself?  Since my room is a a Penthouse Suite, I am going to change it to “How Suite it is” for this cruise.


We will skip the F&B since we are eating and drinking whatever they are serving in the Lounge tonight.  


I will try to report each day—hopefully with photos.  


Hope everyone is having a good day.

Prayers for all, especially those on the Cares list.


God Bless,



Terri, I'm sorry the London weather did not cooperate today.  You'll just have to book a few more days in London in the future.  I'm glad you both got some rest and the wine.  Safe travels to Southampton tomorrow.


55 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

I'm so sorry to hear Ivan is unwell and hope the medications make him better.

Your piece on widow/widower reminds me of my late dad who just gave up and died 4 months after my lovely mam died.

You are very brave and I wish you all the best now and in the future.

Your Dailyite friends

Graham and Pauline x 



Graham, my grandfather officially died of a heart attack about 11 months after my grandmother died.  However, my father and I believed the real cause was loneliness and a broken heart.  We tried to see him as often as possible, especially my father, but it just wasn't enough.


53 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I like ice cream floats, although I haven't had one in a while. I'll salute our Hays Bald Eagles here, who've been a delight to watch raise 20 young eaglets over the years. It's sad to see refugees who leave their homes with nothing and need help. Ok, who else had Jackie Gleason's voice in their head as you read the quote? I would eat shrimp fried rice, but prefer pork. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to the Conflict Islands.


It's cloudy here, with some rain sprinkles. And more humid. This morning I had my first PT evaluation at the new place. It's very convenient, only 5 minutes away. She thinks my trouble with steps, getting in the car, etc is mainly deconditioning, so I have exercises to start and will go there twice a week. Just home and having my coffee.


On a sadder note, I heard from the DM of the mother/daughter British friends of BFF and mine. We met at Heathrow about 20 years ago on the way home from a trip. They were dressed in Penguins hockey gear and we spoke to them, thinking they were American. They came yearly to see the Pens play, and we became friends. The daughter was diagnosed with ovarian cancer a few years ago, and has been a warrior going through multiple surgeries and chemo. Nothing's working now, and any more surgery is too dangerous. The DM said her prognosis is now 6 months. So heartbreaking.


@kazu I hope Ivan will be ok. 

@StLouisCruisers Hoping for a good outcome for Ren and his team!

@Nickelpenny Welcome back, and safe travels back to AZ as you visit places along the way.

@aliaschief Great photos from your excursion.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Stay safe in that heat.

@ger_77 Congrats on booking a cruise!

@smitty34877 Prayers for DH to endure what he has to go through.

@durangoscots Wow on a mountain lion in the neighborhood! 

@marshhawk Feel better soon. 

@dobiemom I hope there's an easy fix for your car.

@Vict0riann I hope things are going well for Pat with all his medical appointments.

@Cruising-along Lovely clematis.

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad you're feeling more rested. Sorry your plans for London had to change, but the big day is tomorrow!


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


The Hays Bald Eagles

Bald Eagles in Pittsburgh PA



Vanessa, I'm sorry your friend is not responding to the treatment anymore.  I hope she and her mother have a good support system over the coming months and that she can be kept comfortable.


@marshhawk Annie, and @JazzyV, Vanessa, and all the others who have expressed concern about my working outside during this heatwave, rest assured I am being very careful.  I get outside as early as possible while the temperatures are in the 70s and low 80s to get everything done early and while at least part of the yard is still in the shade.  I also keep a cooler with a bottle of water and ice which I use to refill my large insulated cup often, I wear loose clothes, a hat with a big brim and when it starts warming up, I use a cooling towel which really helps.  Also, I don't forget the sunscreen.  Even then, there are times when I take a few minutes to rest in the shade and cool off.  The concern expressed by everyone is heartwarming and shows what a great group we have here.


If people did not get out early during our summers, which seem to be starting earlier each year, nothing would get done.  This sign outside an Austin restaurant sums up our summers.





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21 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon.  I got my walk in fairly early this morning, since surprisingly, it wasn't really bad out with the good wind we had.  I really didn't even get hot.  After I ran my errands and got the mail from the cluster box, it was almost time to spend the rest of the day inside.  So far, I've caught up on a lot of paper work that I've let slide.



Gerry, good for you booking a cruise for next January.  



Terry, I'm sorry your DH will have months of chemotherapy ahead of him, and sending good, positive thoughts that the chemo is not too rough on him.  You are fortunate to have such a loving and supportive family to help you both.



Annie, I hope your diabetes numbers get straightened out and your back pain eases soon.



I hope you can get the bumper fixed and at a reasonable cost.



Ann, I'm sorry you are both having to spend so much time at the hospital, but I hope it means things are becoming better.  Playing games and reading helps me when I have too much unpleasantness on my mind.



A very pretty flower, Carolyn.



Terri, I'm sorry the London weather did not cooperate today.  You'll just have to book a few more days in London in the future.  I'm glad you both got some rest and the wine.  Safe travels to Southampton tomorrow.



Graham, my grandfather officially died of a heart attack about 11 months after my grandmother died.  However, my father and I believed the real cause was loneliness and a broken heart.  We tried to see him as often as possible, especially my father, but it just wasn't enough.



Vanessa, I'm sorry your friend is not responding to the treatment anymore.  I hope she and her mother have a good support system over the coming months and that she can be kept comfortable.


@marshhawk Annie, and @JazzyV, Vanessa, and all the others who have expressed concern about my working outside during this heatwave, rest assured I am being very careful.  I get outside as early as possible while the temperatures are in the 70s and low 80s to get everything done early and while at least part of the yard is still in the shade.  I also keep a cooler with a bottle of water and ice which I use to refill my large insulated cup often, I wear loose clothes, a hat with a big brim and when it starts warming up, I use a cooling towel which really helps.  Also, I don't forget the sunscreen.  Even then, there are times when I take a few minutes to rest in the shade and cool off.  The concern expressed by everyone is heartwarming and shows what a great group we have here.


If people did not get out early during our summers, which seem to be starting earlier each year, nothing would get done.  This sign outside an Austin restaurant sums up our summers.





Thank you Lenda.

I called on my dad every day and Pauline came with me after work for a couple of hours every night.

I paid a nephew to stay with him a 3-4 nights a week and bought them takeaway's for their tea's.

Dad was so reliant on mam he was totally lost and heartbroken.

He had low blood pressure so I got an ambulance and they took him to hospital.

He fell and hit his head in hospital and died seconds after we got to his hospital bed.



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2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I like ice cream floats, although I haven't had one in a while. I'll salute our Hays Bald Eagles here, who've been a delight to watch raise 20 young eaglets over the years. It's sad to see refugees who leave their homes with nothing and need help. Ok, who else had Jackie Gleason's voice in their head as you read the quote? I would eat shrimp fried rice, but prefer pork. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to the Conflict Islands.


It's cloudy here, with some rain sprinkles. And more humid. This morning I had my first PT evaluation at the new place. It's very convenient, only 5 minutes away. She thinks my trouble with steps, getting in the car, etc is mainly deconditioning, so I have exercises to start and will go there twice a week. Just home and having my coffee.


On a sadder note, I heard from the DM of the mother/daughter British friends of BFF and mine. We met at Heathrow about 20 years ago on the way home from a trip. They were dressed in Penguins hockey gear and we spoke to them, thinking they were American. They came yearly to see the Pens play, and we became friends. The daughter was diagnosed with ovarian cancer a few years ago, and has been a warrior going through multiple surgeries and chemo. Nothing's working now, and any more surgery is too dangerous. The DM said her prognosis is now 6 months. So heartbreaking.


@kazu I hope Ivan will be ok. 

@StLouisCruisers Hoping for a good outcome for Ren and his team!

@Nickelpenny Welcome back, and safe travels back to AZ as you visit places along the way.

@aliaschief Great photos from your excursion.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Stay safe in that heat.

@ger_77 Congrats on booking a cruise!

@smitty34877 Prayers for DH to endure what he has to go through.

@durangoscots Wow on a mountain lion in the neighborhood! 

@marshhawk Feel better soon. 

@dobiemom I hope there's an easy fix for your car.

@Vict0riann I hope things are going well for Pat with all his medical appointments.

@Cruising-along Lovely clematis.

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad you're feeling more rested. Sorry your plans for London had to change, but the big day is tomorrow!


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


The Hays Bald Eagles

Bald Eagles in Pittsburgh PA


Prayers 🙏 offered for your friend Vanessa.

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Good afternoon,


@Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda and others who are dealing with extreme heat, I am glad you are all being wise and getting chores done very early.  We walk early to avoid the heat and it is nothing like you are dealing with.  


The turkeys are back today.  We thought they were living across the street and had just come for a visit, but perhaps they like the new look of the house and want new digs.  Chippie, the resident chipmunk climbs up on the deck and gives them what for and that encourages the cardinal that lives in the trees off the deck to chime in as well.  It can get quite loud here in the yard with all our wildlife.  Last night at dusk we were visited by a strange animal.  I thought it was a cat, but it had a racoon face and it didn't have a normal cat tail.  As soon as Sue went outside on the deck it slunk away.  Probably just as well.  We don't need a fight between it and Mama Turkey.  


Today we went to Eagle Ridge Nature Center and hiked some of their trails.  There was a wonderful breeze while we were there.  Each trail segment is short, but they interconnect and you can get a good hike out of it.  














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6 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. It is cloudy here and the humidity is starting to return. I took the dogs for a long walk and we were all feeling it by the time we got home.

We have not been to the port and I am not an ice cream soda fan. I also worked with many refuges over the years and their stories have resonated with me. It has to be so difficult to leave everything you know even when it is dangerous.

DD , DH and I  learned more about the months of chemotherapy ahead  in spite of chemo being placed in the body during the next surgery. As usual, DH had us cracking up in the car on the way home when he recommended stopping at one of the many Irish bars in the neighborhood. None of us drink any longer so it was not an option but if ever there was a day for a drink…..I guess we will just keep putting one foot in front of the other and hope for the best.

Take care those of you in the extreme heat now and of course all other Dailyites.

Sending you all our prayers 🙏 and kind thoughts for your DHs recovery.

Our good wishes to Tana too.

Graham and Pauline x

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Good afternoon from the beautiful Santa Catalina Mountains where it’s breezy. Unfortunately a fire broke out during the night, probably due to lightning which we awoke to at about 2:00am and lasted for a while. It’s now called the Ventana fire, Ventana Canyon is a popular area and the fire is about 2 miles north of that area. We have quite the vantage point of viewing the helicopters filling up their water buckets in the lake and taking them to the fire. A new one comes about every 20-30 minutes. 



Many of the trails have been closed and also the lake but there hasn’t been an evacuation order yet. 

We love fried rice and make it often but usually with just bacon. We are having hotdogs today and some of us will put chili on theirs. 

Jacqui @kazu, I hope Ivan feels better soon. Blue has episodes of feeling under the weather but we think it’s because he eats something he shouldn’t. Maybe he was dehydrated from the walking he wasn’t used to. 

Bruce @aliaschief, your cruise looks amazing!  Thank you for the pictures. 

Have a great day everyone!

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Well, gang, I am home and trying to catch up on the Daily.  I found out the results of the soccer game around noon and it was GOOD news!  The Jags beat Miami 2 - 0!  No penalty kicks today.  First goal Colton passed to Ren who scored, and the second goal Ren passed to Colton who scored.  The final four teams will play Thursday morning at 8:30 a.m. central so it shouldn't be terribly hot.  DS said it wasn't too bad this morning either.  He also said Ren was on fire today play wise, and I hope that's true Thursday as well.  Some days you just play better than other days..  So hotels and flights have been rearranged and now they wait until Thursday to see if they continue on to the finals.  Thursday they play the Irvine, California team FC Strikers.  Thank you to all who wished Ren and his team best wishes.  Your support helped!


Jacqui @kazu I'm sorry to hear Ivan is under the weather.  I hope the shorter walks to build up stamina is the ticket to his recovery.

Vanessa @JazzyV what a pity your friend has reached the end of what medical science can do to help her with her ovarian cancer.  I hope your PT exercises will begin to help with your discomfort.  

Marcia @dobiemom good luck with that car repair today.  Never fun!

Annie @marshhawk sorry to hear you aren't 100% right now.  Feel better soon.

Ann @Vict0riann sorry to hear you are spending so much time at the hospital.  I hope things begin to look up soon for you and Pat.

Roy @rafinmd thank goodness the cat owner was able to rescue her cat with the police help.  The story reminded me of what happened when someone in our neighborhood was moving away, and their indoor cat got out on moving day.  No one could find the poor cat for days and days.  Meanwhile one of the former homeowners kept coming back to search for the cat.  I emailed them and suggested they search the sewer on the street and they did.  They would even sit in their car at night near the sewer and call to the cat, put food out for it, etc.  Within a day or two they heard the cat nearby and found it in the sewer scared to death.  What a relief!  The reason I suggested the sewer is a few years earlier I saw a feral cat leading her kittens out of one of those sewers near our Amenity Center.  They grew up in the Amenity Center parking lot in the dumpster enclosure.  Beautiful cats by the way, and they looked quite healthy.  Probably catching mice in the nearby wild area and around those dumpsters.




Edited by StLouisCruisers
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I finally looked up my mother’s rhubarb pie recipe. A bit lighter in calories, I think.

3 cups rhubarb, cut into 1 inch pieces 

2 eggs, slightly beaten 

1 1/2 cups sugar ( more or less on your sweetness preference)

1/4 cup flour


Mix flour and sugar together, then mix with eggs. Add rhubarb and mix well.


Add to pie shell and cover with a lattice pastry. 

Bake at 425 degrees-15 minutes

Lower temp and continue baking 30 minutes at 350 degrees.


It was a prize winner many years ago.

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