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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday June 30th, 2023


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As an FYI - My kitty, Delilah, had thyroid issues in 2018 and we had her treated with radioactive iodine.  This treatment is a cure.  Her thyroid issues disappeared and she thrived for most of the five years until recently when her one kidney (she had only one kidney) finally failed.  She was 17 years old.  She did well.


For the treatment we had to take her to a special veterinary hospital a ways away and she had to remain in the hospital for a few days to dispel most of the radioactivity which was not easy on her and the treatment was expensive - both of which are something to consider.  We tried her on medication at the time and she did not do well with the meds.


My sister’s cat was also treated with radioactive iodine for her thyroid condition and lived well over five years past treatment when she finally passed at 19 years of age due to other issues.

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We've had our share of bad neighbors over the years.  Once the man next door was so paranoid about his property line he would come out and move a shovel that impinged on what he perceived his side of the "line" when landscapers were planting some plants on our side of the line.  And when we edged and mulched a bed of our spruce trees, he came over and spray painted an orange line on our property that he claimed was his.  Grass and mulch spray painted orange!   Didn't say a word just seemed to want to put us on notice.  He was several feet over his property line and that was definitely our property he was spray painting.  DH went next door and told him to stay off our property and that he was wrong about whose property that was.  Not fun to have neighbors like him.


Or the following one!


When we moved here the woman next door would take her dog out to do her business, without a leash, and follow Jazzy over to our house to accomplish it.  We have about 3 feet of pine straw along all sides of our house (keeps the red dirt of Georgia from splashing on foundation walls, staining it).  Jazzy would do her business in our pine straw bed right alongside our bathroom.  We have two windows looking out, one large one over the tub and another in the water closet room.  So we would see her out there 4 or 5 times a day!  Not using her lawn, just ours.  She picked up after Jazzy, but the point was why our yard?  Besides, she was a known busybody and I didn't appreciate her standing outside our windows trying to eavesdrop on our conversations.  DH went out one day and confronted her and she got huffy with him.  Said he was "ridiculous!!".  You be the judge.  She never spoke to us again. Thankfully a few years ago they moved away and Brenda and Paul moved in.  Much, much better!


Denise, if your neighbor you're having issues with is the one building a carport to within one inch of your property, then I can understand having a new survey.  And if they got nasty with you about it, good for you trying to protect yourself with the security system.  Surely there are laws against them building so close to the property line.  🙄

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Good morning all!

Another gorgeous morning here, sunny and heading for low-mid 70's again.  My favorite nursery is having a big sale and I'm trying to convince myself that I have no more room!  We'll see how long that lasts.  🤣


Interesting days, will pass on the red wine and meal.  I love Halibut but not with olives, dill or eggs.   The drink sounds good.  We have been to PEI a few times.

Happy Birthday Lou! @smitty34877  Good to hear that the bloodwork was improved today.

Happy Birthday to Brenda's DH!  @bennybear

Jacqui @kazu Gorgeous peonies!

@Denise T Sorry to hear you have neighbor issues.  Good neighbors are worth their weight in gold.

Debbie @dfish Very sorry to hear that Sue has another migraine.  

Paul @kochleffel Happy Retirement!

Gerry @ger_77 Darn about those dents. 😞  Hopefully they can fix it -- if not, I'd be insisting on a new door.

Jake @Crazy For Cats As others have said, if Jasper has a thyroid condition, it's easily treated.  One of our cats lived to be 17 on meds.

Karen @luvteaching Thanks for checking in, you have a beautiful day to be in La Conner.  Continued prayers.

Lorraine @cruising sister I'm glad to hear that baby Murphy is doing well.



Here are my photos from our 2 visits to Charlottetown.

In 2012 we rented a car and drove to Anne of Green Gables.




Anne's bedroom



Dining room






We took a long walk around the grounds and through the woods.





The second visit was in 2016 and we stayed in town, walked around, and visited the Beaconsfield House.  It was erected in 1877, presented to PEI by the government of Canada in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of its joining the Canadian Confederation.











Original hardware









View of the Veendam





We had excellent lobster rolls for lunch






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1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning to all, 


I'm doing well and life goes on. Yesterday a friend was camping near the water in LaConner, WA so went and saw her, sat at a picnic table with an ice cream bar and enjoyed the water and the view. It was good for the soul. In the afternoon DS Jeff was here and we (mostly him - I was the straw boss) loaded tons of things off the back porch into the dumpster that was here for roofing. Who knew the back porch was so spacious? The dumpster is being picked up today. 

The death notice is in today's paper and I'll get the obituary to the funeral home over the next few days. I have it revamped but want Phil's sister to read it first and she hasn't gotten back to me. DS Jeff just says "looks good Mom.". I'll have a short version in the newspaper with a link to the funeral home website where I can put as much as I want. 

Today is banking, a stop at the Hallmark store and the grocery store then friends coming for a visit at 1:00 which I'm looking forward to. I'm a bit teary at times but overall doing ok.

Happy Friday and enjoy the day!



Good for you, Karen for dealing with the difficult things 💔. I am glad that you have friends visiting and moments of peace with your friend on the water.  Tears are inevitable, my friend.  Let them flow when they come.  Holding back doesn’t help.  Take care please 🙏🏻 ❤️ 



1 hour ago, cruising sister said:

Baby Murphy is doing good and the cardiac team advised them to do normal baby things with her while in the hospital until the surgery next Thursday. Her oxygen needs are minimal and she is able to feed a little. 


that’s good to hear.  My prayers continue for Baby Murphy 🙏🏻 



49 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Denise, if your neighbor you're having issues with is the one building a carport to within one inch of your property, then I can understand having a new survey.  And if they got nasty with you about it, good for you trying to protect yourself with the security system.  Surely there are laws against them building so close to the property line.  🙄


I thought the same thing when I read Denise’s post about the construction.  There are certainly laws here and I think in most municipalities.  Various reasons - including fire risk.


In our case - it’s a minimum of 6’ away from the line.  That applies to add on construction and even fencing to keep the deer out.

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

We've had our share of bad neighbors over the years.  Once the man next door was so paranoid about his property line he would come out and move a shovel that impinged on what he perceived his side of the "line" when landscapers were planting some plants on our side of the line.  And when we edged and mulched a bed of our spruce trees, he came over and spray painted an orange line on our property that he claimed was his.  Grass and mulch spray painted orange!   Didn't say a word just seemed to want to put us on notice.  He was several feet over his property line and that was definitely our property he was spray painting.  DH went next door and told him to stay off our property and that he was wrong about whose property that was.  Not fun to have neighbors like him.


Or the following one!


When we moved here the woman next door would take her dog out to do her business, without a leash, and follow Jazzy over to our house to accomplish it.  We have about 3 feet of pine straw along all sides of our house (keeps the red dirt of Georgia from splashing on foundation walls, staining it).  Jazzy would do her business in our pine straw bed right alongside our bathroom.  We have two windows looking out, one large one over the tub and another in the water closet room.  So we would see her out there 4 or 5 times a day!  Not using her lawn, just ours.  She picked up after Jazzy, but the point was why our yard?  Besides, she was a known busybody and I didn't appreciate her standing outside our windows trying to eavesdrop on our conversations.  DH went out one day and confronted her and she got huffy with him.  Said he was "ridiculous!!".  You be the judge.  She never spoke to us again. Thankfully a few years ago they moved away and Brenda and Paul moved in.  Much, much better!


Denise, if your neighbor you're having issues with is the one building a carport to within one inch of your property, then I can understand having a new survey.  And if they got nasty with you about it, good for you trying to protect yourself with the security system.  Surely there are laws against them building so close to the property line.  🙄

Sorry to hear about your past neighbours Sandi.

I can relate to some of your experiences with our next door neighbours Pauline's sister and her husband who are a nightmare.

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3 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

@smitty34877 A most happy birthday to Lou on his 75th🎈🎉🎂!  Hoping his treatment helps everybody!  

Happy birthday 🎂 to @bennybears DH!  

Happy retirement to Paul @kochleffel 🥂🌈🎈🎆


@luvteaching Terry, prayers for comfort and strength for you and your family. (((Warm Hugs))). 

@JazzyV Prayers for Ruth and all those who love her. She’s had a tough journey. I lost my BFF at 59. She and I were the same age. I still talk to her!  

I’ve enjoyed the Pinnacle Grill halibut but it’s too big!  

@ger_77 Oh no on the door dents. Not sure how to fix that…. I hope they can do something. 

@kazu Beautiful flowers!  

Everybody get well, heal up, and enjoy a safe holiday celebration weekend. Granddaughter and her DH are on their way. Busy weekend of projects here. At least the air is improving!  


PS. To @aliaschief, @grapau27, @Cruzin Terri… others who cruise lines others than HAL…. Is there classical music?  We’ve enjoyed some firm of classical music on NCL, Princess and Celebrity but not in years. Even Carnival had a string quartet when we began cruising in 2003, one of the reasons we kept cruising, but not anymore. Thanks for the updates!  

I have never heard classical music on P&O or Royal Caribbean ships.

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6 minutes ago, 57redbird said:

My cousin, Chris, can come off the rotation list....the glioblastoma took him to heaven at 3:30 a.m.  Prayers for his widow & family members, please.


I'm sorry to hear the sad news about Chris.  Yes indeed, prayers for the widow and family are on their way.  My condolences to you all.🙏

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6 minutes ago, 57redbird said:

My cousin, Chris, can come off the rotation list....the glioblastoma took him to heaven at 3:30 a.m.  Prayers for his widow & family members, please.

I'm sorry to hear your news about your cousin Chris.

Prayers 🙏 and condolences to all who loved him.


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Good afternoon.  It seems the third time is the charm, at least with the wonky battery.  The first two times it was checked the code read needs charging.  Today in big red letters it said bad, replace.  Since we got the battery February 28 and the date code was 12/22, we got a new battery for free.  Of course there was as quirk as I had to pay the core charge, then after a few more clicks on their computer, the core charge was refunded.  Hopefully, we now don't have to worry about the battery for several years.


4 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We enjoy heading out into the countryside to watch the Perseid meteorite showers in August, but don't want to rush summer away!  Handshakes are making their way back, but we're still cautious, even with several jabs and pokes.  Yay for National Organization for Women, giving us a voice.


It looks like a typical summer day starting out with clear skies, just a hint of a breeze and an expected high of +34 (93f), so that means the windows will stay open for about another hour or so, then we'll close everything up and likely turn on the A/C around mid afternoon.  I'm sorry so many of you are experiencing HOT as Hades weather, and poor quality air - I hope that changes soon for you.


@smitty34877please wish your DH Lou a very Happy Birthday and hope he can enjoy a treat, even though he's in the hospital.

@bennybear wishing your DH Happy Birthday as he celebrates another trip around the sun.

@kochleffelHappy Retirement Day to you - a couple of days ago I celebrated the 9th anniversary of closing my office door for the last time and I don't regret a minute of that decision.  Wishing you a long, happy, healthy retirement.

@kazu beautiful photos of your flowers, as usual.  I didn't know that deer won't touch peonies!

@Denise T that sounds scary, having to get security cameras and having your property line re-surveyed!


Had to call the door guy to report there are 2 small dents in our new door that I didn't see initially.  When I look at the photo taken just minutes after they left, you can definitely see one in the middle between the two panels and another just off to the lower left.  



Off to get my nail fill, then DH and I are going to start working on cleaning the windows on the deck, a few at a time (there are 16 large panes).  It's a thankless job, as most cleaning tasks are, but a necessary one if we want to see out when the sun is shining on the glass.  After that I think it'll be time to peruse the online menus because it's Friday night pizza night and I'm sure we'll be enjoying it in the pergola instead of the deck.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, I love the new door.  The color goes well with the house.  I'm sorry about the dents, but hopefully they can be pulled out.  We still have a large dent in the back door where the heavy 8 foot ladder fell into the door when a big gust of wind blew it over.  The ladder is now bungeed to a post in the port.  😁


3 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good Morning to All!


Thank you for the information.  Love meteors.  I was working in Rock Springs, WY and would drive back home to South Dakota at night (after working 6 days in a row), the Perseid meteor shower was going on.  In the dark, dark drive on the very lonely road - it was beautiful!!  I used to give handshakes but made a mistake once in Saudi and outstretched my hand to a male.  Oops!! Very cautious after that!!  Women should have a day EVERY day!!


Happy retirement to @kochleffel.  And Happy Birthday to all those celebrating that milestone today.  


Thoughts to all on the care list (so many 😞 )


I went to PEI on my last cruise.  Walked around Charlottetown and thoroughly enjoyed myself.


Today is a rest day for me.  Having been catching up on stuff since returning home.  Gone almost 4 weeks so some things to take care of!!


Have a great day everyone.















The best display of the Perseid meteor shower I've seen was about 10 pm in Price, Utah, when I took the dogs out for the last time that night.  The meteors were "flying by, every few seconds.


2 hours ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Jasper yelled all the way to the doctor.  He lost a half pound since his last check.  The doctor suspect’s thyroid issue but will wait for the test results before deciding on a plan of action.


Jake, I hope the blood work shows that Jasper's problem is his thyroid.  Medicines can do wonders for thyroid problems in cats and humans, as I've learned first hand.


2 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning to all, 


I'm doing well and life goes on. Yesterday a friend was camping near the water in LaConner, WA so went and saw her, sat at a picnic table with an ice cream bar and enjoyed the water and the view. It was good for the soul. In the afternoon DS Jeff was here and we (mostly him - I was the straw boss) loaded tons of things off the back porch into the dumpster that was here for roofing. Who knew the back porch was so spacious? The dumpster is being picked up today. 

The death notice is in today's paper and I'll get the obituary to the funeral home over the next few days. I have it revamped but want Phil's sister to read it first and she hasn't gotten back to me. DS Jeff just says "looks good Mom.". I'll have a short version in the newspaper with a link to the funeral home website where I can put as much as I want. 

Today is banking, a stop at the Hallmark store and the grocery store then friends coming for a visit at 1:00 which I'm looking forward to. I'm a bit teary at times but overall doing ok.

Happy Friday and enjoy the day!



Karen, thank you for checking in, and it's good to know you are doing well.  It's nice that you have your son and friends to help and to keep you company, but who give you "me" time when needed  You have all your Daily family here for you too.  ((((HUGS))))


2 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

Happy Birthday to the hubby’s and Happy Retirement to @kochleffel
Baby Murphy is doing good and the cardiac team advised them to do normal baby things with her while in the hospital until the surgery next Thursday. Her oxygen needs are minimal and she is able to feed a little. 
Prayers to those in need and have a great day. 


Lorraine, that is good news that Murphy is doing all, and that her parents can do normal baby stuff with her.  Best wishes and positive thoughts for a safe and successful surgery next Thursday and for a quick recovery.


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

We've had our share of bad neighbors over the years.  Once the man next door was so paranoid about his property line he would come out and move a shovel that impinged on what he perceived his side of the "line" when landscapers were planting some plants on our side of the line.  And when we edged and mulched a bed of our spruce trees, he came over and spray painted an orange line on our property that he claimed was his.  Grass and mulch spray painted orange!   Didn't say a word just seemed to want to put us on notice.  He was several feet over his property line and that was definitely our property he was spray painting.  DH went next door and told him to stay off our property and that he was wrong about whose property that was.  Not fun to have neighbors like him.


Or the following one!


When we moved here the woman next door would take her dog out to do her business, without a leash, and follow Jazzy over to our house to accomplish it.  We have about 3 feet of pine straw along all sides of our house (keeps the red dirt of Georgia from splashing on foundation walls, staining it).  Jazzy would do her business in our pine straw bed right alongside our bathroom.  We have two windows looking out, one large one over the tub and another in the water closet room.  So we would see her out there 4 or 5 times a day!  Not using her lawn, just ours.  She picked up after Jazzy, but the point was why our yard?  Besides, she was a known busybody and I didn't appreciate her standing outside our windows trying to eavesdrop on our conversations.  DH went out one day and confronted her and she got huffy with him.  Said he was "ridiculous!!".  You be the judge.  She never spoke to us again. Thankfully a few years ago they moved away and Brenda and Paul moved in.  Much, much better!


Denise, if your neighbor you're having issues with is the one building a carport to within one inch of your property, then I can understand having a new survey.  And if they got nasty with you about it, good for you trying to protect yourself with the security system.  Surely there are laws against them building so close to the property line.  🙄


We have had a couple of crazy neighbors, one who got mad at us when we asked her to try to keep her dogs from barking since they were outside our DD's window when she was a baby.  She thought we were unreasonable and were the problem.  Her husband on the other hand, was a very nice man, who we wondered how he put up with her.  Another neighbor called one night to complain about our orange cat doing their business in her yard.  She wouldn't listen to me that yes we had cats, but not and orange cat.  I can't honestly say our cats did not use her yard as a litter box.  BTW, our lot here has been surveyed three times, and none of the surveys agree on the property lines.  Fortunately, we get along with our neighbors.


16 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

I have never heard classical music on P&O or Royal Caribbean ships.


Graham, things must have changed on P&O since 2000.  On the 2000 world cruise on Oriana, there was a room dedicated to classical music, and it was packed almost every night.




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22 minutes ago, 57redbird said:

My cousin, Chris, can come off the rotation list....the glioblastoma took him to heaven at 3:30 a.m.  Prayers for his widow & family members, please.


Our sincere condolences to Chris's widow and family along with you and your family on Chris's passing.  






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2 hours ago, arzz said:

As an FYI - My kitty, Delilah, had thyroid issues in 2018 and we had her treated with radioactive iodine.  This treatment is a cure.  Her thyroid issues disappeared and she thrived for most of the five years until recently when her one kidney (she had only one kidney) finally failed.  She was 17 years old.  She did well.


For the treatment we had to take her to a special veterinary hospital a ways away and she had to remain in the hospital for a few days to dispel most of the radioactivity which was not easy on her and the treatment was expensive - both of which are something to consider.  We tried her on medication at the time and she did not do well with the meds.


My sister’s cat was also treated with radioactive iodine for her thyroid condition and lived well over five years past treatment when she finally passed at 19 years of age due to other issues.

My experience with Sasha was very much the same. I took her to the Cornell vet school for radioactive iodine therapy and she spent five days there. They let her come home a little early and told me not to let her lie on or next to me for another week, but she must have been angry with me, because she didn't try.

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1 hour ago, 57redbird said:

My cousin, Chris, can come off the rotation list....the glioblastoma took him to heaven at 3:30 a.m.  Prayers for his widow & family members, please.

Prayers for his family and friends. 😢🙏 

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Well, I haven't committed a mass murder YET, with two hours to go.


I missed handshakes during the shutdown, and they haven't fully rebounded. Regarding the debate on evolution, it is more settled in the UK and Europe than it seems to be in the US. For about 15 years I've organized Evolution Shabbat, and now its successor Religion and Science Shabbat, at the synagogue. To be clear, this is a real thing, under the aegis of The Clergy Letter Project.


BTW, I'm considering enrolling for a graduate certificate in eco-spirituality through what used to be Hartford Seminary.


I'll be ready for the halibut at about 6:00 p.m., if anyone wants to bring an order to me. I'm not sure that I want to know what the drink is, and for the wine I could substitute one from Lamoreaux Landing.







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1 hour ago, 57redbird said:

My cousin, Chris, can come off the rotation list....the glioblastoma took him to heaven at 3:30 a.m.  Prayers for his widow & family members, please.


Oh I am so very sorry to hear about Chris’s passing 😔. My prayers for him, his widow, family & you 🙏🏻 My condolences. 




6 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

Well, I haven't committed a mass murder YET, with two hours to go.


I missed handshakes during the shutdown, and they haven't fully rebounded. Regarding the debate on evolution, it is more settled in the UK and Europe than it seems to be in the US. For about 15 years I've organized Evolution Shabbat, and now its successor Religion and Science Shabbat, at the synagogue. To be clear, this is a real thing, under the aegis of The Clergy Letter Project.


BTW, I'm considering enrolling for a graduate certificate in eco-spirituality through what used to be Hartford Seminary.


I'll be ready for the halibut at about 6:00 p.m., if anyone wants to bring an order to me. I'm not sure that I want to know what the drink is, and for the wine I could substitute one from Lamoreaux Landing.








Good for you for considering the post graduate work 👍 👏 


And thanks for the cartoon. Jose loved that series and would cut it out of the newspaper (before I got to read it) every day and bring it to me with a chuckle.  that’s one of the good ones 🙂 

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I haven't seen a meteor, but have a watch with a meteorite dial. Still not shaking hands. NOW has championed women's causes. Not sure about the quote. Pass on the meal (fish) and I'll take the drink and wine. I haven't been to PEI, but will visit next October 2024 on a Boston, Main, Canada cruise.


Just getting around to posting. I wanted to get the lawn mowed, and was afraid it would rain this afternoon. Also storms tomorrow and Sunday. When I woke up this AM the AQI was over 200. It was supposed to go down by this afternoon. So I donned a KN95 mask and went at it. The level was around 180, now down to 165. It's humid here, and I was sweating and tired by noon. But I had PT at 1PM. I pushed through PT and can now relax. One side of my throat is sore; I don't know if it's related to the air. Hopefully I'm not getting sick, and I'll take a zinc lozenge to try to ward off anything. And my crown feels loose. But all small things compared to what others are going through.


@kazu Your flowers are awesome, as usual.

@Denise T Ugh on the neighbor situation. Mine on either side are ok, but do nothing to their yards, so I'm always trimming back their unruly stuff, and when I have tree trimming done I have their encroaching tree limbs done too. Nice PEI photos.

@Crazy For Cats Hopefully Jasper's issue is easy to fix; I hear an overactive thyroid is pretty common in cats.

@smitty34877 Happy 75th Birthday to Lou! I'm glad to hear his bloodwork is improved and I hope he's feeling better. I hope you can get some help at home this weekend in caring for Tana.

@aliaschief I'm glad you're home safely and I'm sure you're tired.

@dfish Sorry to hear Sue has another migraine headache. I've been having headaches and I'm trying to discover if they're weather/air related or the new med I'm on.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos from PEI. I hope the battery issue is now a non-issue.

@Heartgrove Thanks for the PEI photos.

@ger_77 Sorry to hear your door isn't perfect; they should fix it (maybe like they pull dents in cars?) or put in a new one.

@Nickelpenny Thanks for sharing your PEI photos.

@kochleffel Happy Retirement Day!

@luvteaching Karen, hugs and prayers for you. I'm glad you have friends and family to support you.

@cruising sister Good to hear that little Murphy is doing well.

@bennybear Happy Birthday to your DH!

@Cruising-along Nice photos. That lobster roll looks yummy; I've never had one, yet.

@57redbird My condolences to you, his widow and family on the passing of your cousin Chris.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.


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1 hour ago, 57redbird said:

My cousin, Chris, can come off the rotation list....the glioblastoma took him to heaven at 3:30 a.m.  Prayers for his widow & family members, please.


My condolences to you and your family on your loss of Chris.  Hugs to all.


1 hour ago, 57redbird said:

@dfish  re: Sue's migraines....have her start taking Vitamin B2 (not 12) 100 mg twice a day....that has  dramatically reduced mine to maybe 2 a year & not severe ones.

I will let her know.  She takes some meds to help prevent them, but it is a very low dosage and the doctor told her to keep a log of the headaches and they will adjust the meds.  Maybe the B2 is the missing link.


Story Hour this morning was a huge success.  They had a craft to go along with the stories and after that we went to the bubble station and made bubbles.  The spray park was an even bigger success this afternoon.  







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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon.  It seems the third time is the charm, at least with the wonky battery.  The first two times it was checked the code read needs charging.  Today in big red letters it said bad, replace.  Since we got the battery February 28 and the date code was 12/22, we got a new battery for free.  Of course there was as quirk as I had to pay the core charge, then after a few more clicks on their computer, the core charge was refunded.  Hopefully, we now don't have to worry about the battery for several years.



Gerry, I love the new door.  The color goes well with the house.  I'm sorry about the dents, but hopefully they can be pulled out.  We still have a large dent in the back door where the heavy 8 foot ladder fell into the door when a big gust of wind blew it over.  The ladder is now bungeed to a post in the port.  😁



The best display of the Perseid meteor shower I've seen was about 10 pm in Price, Utah, when I took the dogs out for the last time that night.  The meteors were "flying by, every few seconds.



Jake, I hope the blood work shows that Jasper's problem is his thyroid.  Medicines can do wonders for thyroid problems in cats and humans, as I've learned first hand.



Karen, thank you for checking in, and it's good to know you are doing well.  It's nice that you have your son and friends to help and to keep you company, but who give you "me" time when needed  You have all your Daily family here for you too.  ((((HUGS))))



Lorraine, that is good news that Murphy is doing all, and that her parents can do normal baby stuff with her.  Best wishes and positive thoughts for a safe and successful surgery next Thursday and for a quick recovery.



We have had a couple of crazy neighbors, one who got mad at us when we asked her to try to keep her dogs from barking since they were outside our DD's window when she was a baby.  She thought we were unreasonable and were the problem.  Her husband on the other hand, was a very nice man, who we wondered how he put up with her.  Another neighbor called one night to complain about our orange cat doing their business in her yard.  She wouldn't listen to me that yes we had cats, but not and orange cat.  I can't honestly say our cats did not use her yard as a litter box.  BTW, our lot here has been surveyed three times, and none of the surveys agree on the property lines.  Fortunately, we get along with our neighbors.



Graham, things must have changed on P&O since 2000.  On the 2000 world cruise on Oriana, there was a room dedicated to classical music, and it was packed almost every night.




Oriana,Adonia and Oceana have been sold.

P&O newer ships since 2008 have been 114,000+ tons and aimed at younger clients.

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4 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Oriana,Adonia and Oceana have been sold.

P&O newer ships since 2008 have been 114,000+ tons and aimed at younger clients.


While I knew that Oriana was an old ship compared to the newer ones, I did not realize she had been sold.  She was relatively new when we sailed on her, and she was a lovely ship.  Do you know who bought her?



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6 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


While I knew that Oriana was an old ship compared to the newer ones, I did not realize she had been sold.  She was relatively new when we sailed on her, and she was a lovely ship.  Do you know who bought her?





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Good Afternoon My Dailyite Friends!  the back is so much better, and the hand while still going numb in not bothering me as much, I just really have to be careful on the computer,


Neighbors....my neighbor on my right, speaks Vietnamese only. my neighbor on my left is from Jamaica, she has a temper on her, and her husband went totally crazy after their son died.  I thought I knew grief before but this man went absolutely bonkers.  One day when it was in the 20's he was walking around in the street wearing a speedo and his wife's fur coat.  She had the locks put on the outside of the house, so he could not get out.  She put him in for observation, but he left and made it home in the dead of winter in his jammies and bare feet and thought our house was his house.  He was trying to open a door that wasn't there (he was in our yucca , and was bleeding everywhere)  Chuck took him over to his house, got the wife to open the door and after that he was seen no more.  He was institutionalized, and ended up committing suicide.  Very sad.


My first husband and I bought a modern house in the early 80's.  On a cul de sac.  if I went out with the dog at night, and then go back in the house i would get a phone call about how cute my night gown was.  There were not many people who lived on the street, but I went to all of them and asked the wives if they had also gotten any strange calls at night.  Only one said no.  So I told her to tell her husband to stop calling the women in the neighborhood at night. And the calls stopped.  I wasn't sad to leave he ex, and I wasn't sad to leave that neighborhood.


@Crazy For Cats I am sorry that your cat may be ill.  I had to take Furnando to an appointment this week, and the vet said he had gained half a pound, and he was getting to be a rather hefty cat.  He still after two years is very much a stray cat, and is grateful for every bit of food he sees.

@57redbirdI am very sorry to read about your cousin.  My prayers are for his family.


And now, my arm hurts, so it's time go.  I am glad that I finally could post something.  I'm reading it all.


Our company is giving us a 4 day weekend, arghh, i needed to make up time, and had a ton of call backs....i will be back to work on Wednesday, till then a vacation!  and Formula 1





Edited by marshhawk
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