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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday July 2nd, 2023


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22 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

I'm late this morning, I got side-tracked doing cruise research and you know how that goes!

Our beautiful weather continues and slowly heating up to the mid 80's by Wednesday.  


I seem to be forgetting way too much lately.  Funny, just last night I read that WA state has the second most UFO sightings in the US.  No, I haven't ever seen a UFO but would like to.  @Nickelpenny thanks for sharing your experience, that must have been something to see!  Disabled Recreation Day is a worthy and important cause.


I'll pass on the meal (mushrooms and risotto), drink (coconut) and the red wine.  We haven't been to the port of the day.  


Yesterday I spent hours potting and re-potting and got all the annuals planted that I bought the day before.  Today we're going down to see DS and DDIL and see their progress -- they got new doors for the "barn" (storage building etc.) and he's starting a fence around the area DDIL has her vegetable garden.  It has been demolished by marauding rabbits and deer.  😞  


Debbie @dfish Sorry to hear about your sinus issues, hope you feel better soon!

Lorraine @cruising sister How sad about your aunt and sad about the hoarding too.  It makes it so hard for family trying to help.


Here are some photos of what's the latest to bloom in my yard.  I'm loving the Lilies and Astilbe especially.  Lots more Lilies coming too.






The Sweet Peas are just starting to bloom now. You can see  white flowers at the top right. 




Your flowers are gorgeous!  Do you have a fence to keep out the rabbits and deer?

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26 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

 We went on a lighthouse and winery excursion and fellow Dailyites Debbie @dfish and Carolyn and Henry @Cruising-along were on the tour also (and I think Edi @NextOne might have been also). Lots of fun but I remember not really liking the wine so I didn’t buy any but I did buy a glass. 


Sharon it was a fun day (and cruise!) Apparently I had no problem finding some wine to buy 😉  This is a SV and apple wine blend.  I do remember a lot of it was on the sweet side, but this one wasn't bad.


18 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Your flowers are gorgeous!  Do you have a fence to keep out the rabbits and deer?

Thank you so much Sandi!  Our back yard is fenced, not where these flowers are --  but we don't have a problem with rabbits and deer where we live -- but a huge problem with slugs.  That's an on-going battle. 😞  

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Sorry, I haven’t been on and will try to catch up later.


Ivan and I were at the emergency vet for too long.  I’m home and my wallet is a lot lighter.  I’m beat and he’s sleeping from the meds right now.  I might need to do the same 😔 

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2 minutes ago, kazu said:

Sorry, I haven’t been on and will try to catch up later.


Ivan and I were at the emergency vet for too long.  I’m home and my wallet is a lot lighter.  I’m beat and he’s sleeping from the meds right now.  I might need to do the same 😔 

😢 I hope everything will be alright.

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11 minutes ago, kazu said:

Sorry, I haven’t been on and will try to catch up later.


Ivan and I were at the emergency vet for too long.  I’m home and my wallet is a lot lighter.  I’m beat and he’s sleeping from the meds right now.  I might need to do the same 😔 


Oh no, that doesn't sound good.  I hope whatever is wrong will be helped by the meds and that you both get some good sleep.  Take care!



Graham @grapau27 I recall you saying this morning you've been to Olbia on a cruise?  Do you have photos to share?  We'd love to see some!

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Good morning Dailyites. Holy macaroni I am so late to the party today.


I skipped over today's Daily but will go back and read it later. I have been clipping our rose trees back and putting out grub killer and grass repairs.


I have something to add to our celebration list! We added on some cruise days to our Nov/Dec and now Jan Rotterdam cruise. We will be gone a whopping 53 days,  just sailing around the Carribean and Panama Canal. 


And some not exciting news.. (please don't put me on the prayer list) Last night I tried pulling Allen up our front step (in his wheelchair) and it fell back and Allen toppled on me with the chair. Luckily he landed on me and didn't get hurt. However I hurt my big toe big time and have some bumps and bruises. 


I needed to fill up the gas tank as we have 2 VA related appointments in Killeen tomorrow. My sweet husband has been hankering for purple hull peas,  ham, and corn bread, so the peas are on the stove.


Debbie @dfish have you tried a neti pot for your allergies? It worked wonders for me when I lived in Montana. 


I try not to be forgetful and write everything on my calendar and my phone. We have had so much going on I couldn't remember half of it.








Have a great day! Prayers! Congratulations! Happy Hour! (that's for me..)


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26 minutes ago, kazu said:

Sorry, I haven’t been on and will try to catch up later.


Ivan and I were at the emergency vet for too long.  I’m home and my wallet is a lot lighter.  I’m beat and he’s sleeping from the meds right now.  I might need to do the same 😔 

I know that wallet lightening experience all too well. Hope he is ok (and you too).



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I didn't realize it's UFO day. Allen and I were driving back from Rama New Mexico on our way home to Arizona.  We were on a long, empty stretch of road, dark as pitch. We both noticed at once a quick beam of light above us and our car shuddered for several seconds. It was over in seconds. UFO?? 

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Good evening from somewhere in the North Sea where we continue to rock and roll.  It has been like this all day and there is no sign of it letting up.  Tomorrow we are supposed to be in Kristiansand and that is a tender port.  The high of 56 degrees F and a low of 51 F.  Not exactly summer weather.  I have my doubts that we will be calling at that port tomorrow, however we will see.

We had dinner in the Polo Grill (steakhouse) tonight.  It was a challenge to eat and drink with all the shaking going on.  the restaurant is on deck 14 aft–the ship has 15 decks.  So it was not easy.

Anyway, my steak was very good as was everything else.


Jim has a cold and I am hoping it doesn’t get worse.  


i think another sea day is in our future. 


Will check in later.

Have a good evening everyone.



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1 hour ago, kazu said:

Sorry, I haven’t been on and will try to catch up later.


Ivan and I were at the emergency vet for too long.  I’m home and my wallet is a lot lighter.  I’m beat and he’s sleeping from the meds right now.  I might need to do the same 😔 

I am praying all will be well.


@Seasick Sailor yikes.  Hope you heal quickly 


gorgeous flower’s Carolyn 


sounds like yesterday was un lucky for several of us.     The damage to our trailer and truck is more than we first realized


Edited by bennybear
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1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Sharon it was a fun day (and cruise!) Apparently I had no problem finding some wine to buy 😉  This is a SV and apple wine blend.  I do remember a lot of it was on the sweet side, but this one wasn't bad.


Thank you so much Sandi!  Our back yard is fenced, not where these flowers are --  but we don't have a problem with rabbits and deer where we live -- but a huge problem with slugs.  That's an on-going battle. 😞  

I think that’s why I didn’t care for it so much, a bit too sweet. 


55 minutes ago, kazu said:

Sorry, I haven’t been on and will try to catch up later.


Ivan and I were at the emergency vet for too long.  I’m home and my wallet is a lot lighter.  I’m beat and he’s sleeping from the meds right now.  I might need to do the same 😔 

Oh dear Jacqui, thinking of Ivan and hope all is well. A nap sounds good. 


28 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. Holy macaroni I am so late to the party today.


I skipped over today's Daily but will go back and read it later. I have been clipping our rose trees back and putting out grub killer and grass repairs.


I have something to add to our celebration list! We added on some cruise days to our Nov/Dec and now Jan Rotterdam cruise. We will be gone a whopping 53 days,  just sailing around the Carribean and Panama Canal. 


And some not exciting news.. (please don't put me on the prayer list) Last night I tried pulling Allen up our front step (in his wheelchair) and it fell back and Allen toppled on me with the chair. Luckily he landed on me and didn't get hurt. However I hurt my big toe big time and have some bumps and bruises. 


I needed to fill up the gas tank as we have 2 VA related appointments in Killeen tomorrow. My sweet husband has been hankering for purple hull peas,  ham, and corn bread, so the peas are on the stove.


Debbie @dfish have you tried a neti pot for your allergies? It worked wonders for me when I lived in Montana. 


I try not to be forgetful and write everything on my calendar and my phone. We have had so much going on I couldn't remember half of it.








Have a great day! Prayers! Congratulations! Happy Hour! (that's for me..)


Congratulations on the extra days added to your cruise!  Wish I could join. Ouch on the topple and sorry you will probably have some aches and pains and bruises. Thank goodness Allen is okay.  And what are purple hulled peas??


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41 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Oh no, that doesn't sound good.  I hope whatever is wrong will be helped by the meds and that you both get some good sleep.  Take care!



Graham @grapau27 I recall you saying this morning you've been to Olbia on a cruise?  Do you have photos to share?  We'd love to see some!

It was June 2003 when we sailed on MS  Sunbird which was originally Royal Caribbean

MS Song of America.

Those days I recorded everything on our camcorder and rarely took photos.

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

In 2018, we arrived in Cagliari on the beautiful Prinsendam doing the Grand Mediterranean and Africa cruise.  Another beautiful sunny April day just like before.  On this trip we did our own walking tour of the city and enjoyed it very much.  There are some hills here so if you can't walk up a gentle incline, I don't recommend you try this.


Heading out we saw a beautiful statue.  We love statues, churches and cannons!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIPSNT4S1NGC4BwH1m12_eL?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526084639


Using our HAL provided map we headed up this hill on a lovely sidewalk as the Europeans do best.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLKs8_Abmg7lC04YRHhdZiT?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526134197


To our right we saw ruins of the ancient ampitheater.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJKsa5ifJyGBmJpr9mq2QLm?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526134172


Still heading up the hill.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJLpQDBwWbxp2ZvF5U3WstZ?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526134264


How about this cobblestone street?00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJH1csnwby5bhpRn7TtLcMc?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526134291


The 2018 version of the Cathedral of Santa Maria.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJJ1Cx4rU-aP_FNxvZHPsje?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526084657


No service going on but so busy inside!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIzwLQSorX2Wxiu-cpC7BbW?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526084675




The ceiling





Here's the overlook we stood at last time we were here.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIZMWitpfSaGXes1anHb0Rt?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526134609


The view of the Prinsendam and the other ships in port.  Looks like MSC and Carnival.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKa5daMqZmvZbewFypYkzdB?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526134430


Walking downhill going back to the ship.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJtGuyMrDiLFmQtBooPykxs?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526084703


A view again of the city from the Prinsendam.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIJZV9EfOUU1I9ekWZHL2-0?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526134661




It takes a while to start a new port of the day photo travelogue but it's fun to see some places we haven't looked at before on the Daily.  Now I think I'll go back to my chore today of weeding out old emails from my inbox.  I'm up to 2017 now!

Great photos Sandi.

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46 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. Holy macaroni I am so late to the party today.


I skipped over today's Daily but will go back and read it later. I have been clipping our rose trees back and putting out grub killer and grass repairs.


I have something to add to our celebration list! We added on some cruise days to our Nov/Dec and now Jan Rotterdam cruise. We will be gone a whopping 53 days,  just sailing around the Carribean and Panama Canal. 


And some not exciting news.. (please don't put me on the prayer list) Last night I tried pulling Allen up our front step (in his wheelchair) and it fell back and Allen toppled on me with the chair. Luckily he landed on me and didn't get hurt. However I hurt my big toe big time and have some bumps and bruises. 


I needed to fill up the gas tank as we have 2 VA related appointments in Killeen tomorrow. My sweet husband has been hankering for purple hull peas,  ham, and corn bread, so the peas are on the stove.


Debbie @dfish have you tried a neti pot for your allergies? It worked wonders for me when I lived in Montana. 


I try not to be forgetful and write everything on my calendar and my phone. We have had so much going on I couldn't remember half of it.








Have a great day! Prayers! Congratulations! Happy Hour! (that's for me..)


I'm sorry to hear you had an accident with Allen's wheelchair Joy.

I hope you haven't broken any bones and you are soon better.

Congratulations on your cruise extension.

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35 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good evening from somewhere in the North Sea where we continue to rock and roll.  It has been like this all day and there is no sign of it letting up.  Tomorrow we are supposed to be in Kristiansand and that is a tender port.  The high of 56 degrees F and a low of 51 F.  Not exactly summer weather.  I have my doubts that we will be calling at that port tomorrow, however we will see.

We had dinner in the Polo Grill (steakhouse) tonight.  It was a challenge to eat and drink with all the shaking going on.  the restaurant is on deck 14 aft–the ship has 15 decks.  So it was not easy.

Anyway, my steak was very good as was everything else.


Jim has a cold and I am hoping it doesn’t get worse.  


i think another sea day is in our future. 


Will check in later.

Have a good evening everyone.



Hi Terri.

You should be able to dock in Kristiansand.

The North Sea can be very rough or like a millpond.



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14 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Hi Terri.

You should be able to dock in Kristiansand.

The North Sea can be very rough or like a millpond.




The Sky Princess is scheduled for Kristiansand tomorrow along with the Oceania ship and it's a lot bigger than Terri's ship.  Fingers crossed both ships fit at the docks!


Oh Joy @Seasick Sailor, I'm sorry to hear about the tip over yesterday with Allen's wheelchair!  I'm thankful he's all right but what about you?  I hope that never happens again.  Be safe!

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11 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


The Sky Princess is scheduled for Kristiansand tomorrow along with the Oceania ship and it's a lot bigger than Terri's ship.  Fingers crossed both ships fit at the docks!


Oh Joy @Seasick Sailor, I'm sorry to hear about the tip over yesterday with Allen's wheelchair!  I'm thankful he's all right but what about you?  I hope that never happens again.  Be safe!

🤞for Terri tomorrow.


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1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

😢 I hope everything will be alright.


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Oh no, that doesn't sound good.  I hope whatever is wrong will be helped by the meds and that you both get some good sleep.  Take care!




1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

I know that wallet lightening experience all too well. Hope he is ok (and you too).




51 minutes ago, bennybear said:

I am praying all will be well.


49 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Oh dear Jacqui, thinking of Ivan and hope all is well. A nap sounds good. 


3 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

@kazu Jacqui, I’m sorry to hear you’re going through more tribulations. Prayers all works out. Take care of yourself.


thanks for all the kind thoughts.

Hopefully, the meds do the trick.  X-Ray done to make sure nothing abdominal due to how sudden it was.  Just like before but worse 😢  Nothing in them but his arthritis issues.


My regular vets are here on Friday to do a new blood profile due to his results at the last emergency vet and give him a good going over (booked earlier).  

I’m stupid but I was in tears today.  He is such a good, sweet boy and doesn’t deserve to be in pain.  If the meds don’t work, I”m not sure what is next 😔.   I just hope when he wakes up, I see some serious improvement 🙏 


It’s been raining here endlessly so hopefully all the damp weather is what the issue is 🙏 

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1 minute ago, kazu said:








thanks for all the kind thoughts.

Hopefully, the meds do the trick.  X-Ray done to make sure nothing abdominal due to how sudden it was.  Just like before but worse 😢  Nothing in them but his arthritis issues.


My regular vets are here on Friday to do a new blood profile due to his results at the last emergency vet and give him a good going over (booked earlier).  

I’m stupid but I was in tears today.  He is such a good, sweet boy and doesn’t deserve to be in pain.  If the meds don’t work, I”m not sure what is next 😔.   I just hope when he wakes up, I see some serious improvement 🙏 


It’s been raining here endlessly so hopefully all the damp weather is what the issue is 🙏 


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