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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday August 5th, 2023


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Good afternoon from Qaqortoq, Greenland.


We went ashore mid morning and walked all over town.  The place is kind of over run with two ships in town.  We did make it out to the Great Lake.  Kids were swimming in it.  Brrrrrr!  No t-shirts here in sizes we need.  























Prayers for those who need them and wishing everyone a wonderful day. @cunnorl Happy Anniversary!

@Mr. Boston  Happy Retirement!


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Good morning all!

We have clouds this morning so we'll see if we get the rain that is predicted over the next few days.

As I said a couple days ago, I only drink dark beer (preferably Guinness) and only if I'm having pizza or Mexican food or if it's a very hot day 😉 😄 (so not often).


I'm all for underwear every day, but will pass on the oysters.  The quote -- I can think of 2 things I'm afraid of, heights and bees (allergic).  During gardening season I do deal with my fear of bees every day.  I do love a good Lemon Drop, and finally we have a white wine!  Will pass on the meal, but would take a taste if someone made it for me.  Have never been to Hakodate.


Today is grocery shopping, finishing the laundry I started yesterday, more cruise planning.  I'm feeling bad this morning because DH and I decided to bow out of a private tour that is turning out to just not be what we originally signed up for.  It originally was for 4 hours, now it's turned into 8+ hours and nearly doubled in price.  The price isn't the problem as much as now we'd be meeting over an hour before the tour starts (to all get on the same tender) so this would be a long, hot day.  Thankfully there's a waitlist, so I don't think it will take long at all to find others to take our place and she has 7 months to do it.  I just know it would be a long, hot tiring day for us.


@cunnorl Charlene Happy Anniversary to you and your DH!

@Mr. Boston Happy first day of retirement!


We took the Guinness factory tour when we were in Dublin.  (No, I didn't drink both of these, I'm holding DH's drink too) 🤣





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Good morning, barely.  I had just finished writing when everything went poof.  I must have hit the wrong key.


I was early enough this morning that I had more shade than normal while mowing and trimming the grass.  The earlier time and lower humidity made for a more pleasant time working on the yard.  In spite of our hot temperatures, in desperation, I trimmed the overgrown marigolds.  It will be interesting to to see if they survive.  I also found the one remaining zinnia under one of the marigolds.  It can now get some sun and water, so maybe it will survive too.  I wish our weather was cooler so I could sit out side and enjoy the yard while it is looking good.  Maybe this fall.


4 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

I have been reading the Daily but have not posted. Still no news on baby Murphy. I have not been asking to let them have some privacy. This is so sad. I am hoping for a miracle. 

DGS greeted me yesterday telling he missed me. That warmed my heart. DGD crawled up in my bed and stated she was spending the night until her parents heading for the door. I give her another six months and she will be brave enough. 

@cruzn single I am glad your move is going well. I clearly remember the same thought process a year ago when I moved. I am very happy I moved and I hope you will be too. 

Prayers for those on our list and others in need. Smooth sailing and loads of fun for the lucky ones cruising. Have a great day everyone. 


Lorraine, I too am hoping no news is good news, and hoping for a miracle in the form of a complete recovery that leads to a normal live for Baby Murphy.  Sending positive thoughts for strength for the family as they support Baby Murphy.


3 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Saturday Morning Dailyites!


I have to work a couple of hours, DH needs to print out some paperwork, and then we decided to go the Fernbank Science Center Museum.  DH got me a membership for my birthday (back in April) and we have not been yet.  Something to do, on a warm muggy day.  We are meeting up with our friend Debbie for dinner at Vietvanna tonight.  And then go grocery shopping.


I had my test, and my second to last training session last night.  I had my boss on speaker phone, and Tazi cat got on the desk and howled at Mark. How embarrassing.  He asked me if that was the cat who attends the zoom meetings, and I said yes. (it's mostly her back end that attends the zoom meetings)



Beer bloats me, but there is nothing like a good NA beer to quench a thirst on a hot day. I love oysters, but will only eat them in months that have an R in them, and underwear?  I wont really celebrate that as a day...I wear them, I wash them, I dry them, they have their own drawer to sit in whats to celebrate?  They seem to get enough attention.


@RMLincolnHurray on booking the cruises yesterday, i can't wait to read what the second cruise is!!


@richwmnI along with @rafinmd are concerned-is the New Amsterdam lost at sea?  Or is this a test to see if we are actually paying attention?  


@Mr. BostonI think that MOnday morning is when the retirement will really hit, so make breakfast plans.


Not sure of the quote, mainly because I dont have to go look for things that scare me.  They happen daily on their own.  When DH was put on his chemo it was 8k a month, he was on it for probably far too long, but his doctor got him approved for a grant. It was a new drug, and we found out about from the wife of a childhood friend. I think DH was on it for 8 years.  The grant did not end, but after the radiation two years ago, they thought they had all the cancer.  Obviously they did not.


As far as retiring, ha! DH had a heart attack in 2019, May, and in August I got laid off, with the rest of the office because the Arts center I worked for decided to go to Ticket master to handle tickets. I decided since I was 65, and DH might like a wife to be home with him, that I would just retire instead of going to look for another job.  That lasted two weeks.  I wanted to go to the senior center, I wanted to go for walks, I wanted to go do things, and I drove him crazy.  He was used to his own "me" time, so I called my old boss (the part time telemarketing boss) and started back to work. I didnt work 40-60 hours a week, but it did get me out of the house.  And then Covid hit Atlanta, the office was closed by the police (we had an office that was the lower level of a condo complex) and I didnt work for a year.  (this was my retirement)  When the arts started performing again, we started calling again from home.  DH said it sounded pretty easy, so now both of us work, and there went that retirement..






Annie, I hope you enjoy your visit to the Fernbank Science Center Museum and your dinner with your friend Debbie.


3 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning.It is more humid today and we are expecting  temperatures  in yhe higher eighties.I enjoyed beer( way too much!) in my younger days.I am sure there are many to celebrate this day.Underwear day reminds me of a crazy staff member who felt the need to tell us " Friday is commando day".I needed someone  to explain what that was and tried to stay out of the discussions.I was the oldest person in the department  at that time and was not interested  in group participation. 

I agree with Mrs Roosevelt  and have had lots of days when this is applicable. 

The salads all look good and this would be nice with the chicken dish planned for dinner.

@cunnorl, A very Happy Anniversary  to you both.

@grapau27, Graham, thanks for the lovely picture today

@marshhawk, Annie,  We are trying any and all available food groups to entice DH to eat.I very much appreciate  your suggestions  abd prior experience. Last night the teenager informed Grandpa that he was eating " like a kid" and we all had a good laugh.We reminded him that we all remember  his peculiar  eating as a child.

@ger_77 Enjoy your family visit!


Terry, I hope you find some foods that your DH not only can eat, but can enjoy.  When DH was in rehab before they discovered the blood clot he was not hungry.  The clot had the affect of making most things taste bad and rancid.  They gave him Boost at least three times a day, along with ice cream for lunch.


3 hours ago, 0106 said:

@marshhawk @smitty34877 

I am usually not comfortable sharing my personal life on a public forum but felt the need to reach out to both of you.  What you are doing for your DHs is amazing.  You are navigating this challenging time with positivity.  Remember to take care of yourself.


My DH had head and neck cancer and was treated with chemo and radiation 8 years ago. It was a hard road because the radiation burned has throat and he lost the ability to salivate. I was desperate to get him to eat.  I got several cookbooks specifically for cancer patients that contained many tips.  It was important that his food be very soft and very moist.  He used a lot ranch dressing.  I began making Magic Mineral Broth and Bone Broth.  He could not tolerate any spice; he loved things that were extremely sweet.  Stainless steel utensils impacted his taste so we began to use plastic.  Unfortunately, he lost 40 pounds and required a feeding tube which he had for 6 months.  Fortunately, he doesn’t remember most of this period in his life and most important he has been cancer free for the past 8 years!


Tina, I'm happy your DH has been cancer free for 8 years.


2 hours ago, Overhead Fred said:

We have been enjoying "International" beers at the cottage for the last few weeks! Heading back to MN tomorrow. 




Safe travels tomorrow, Fred and Mitzi.


2 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Happy Saturday all!  
@cunnorl 💞 Happy Anniversary!  Anniversaries are such an accomplishment, and there will never be enough of them. Enjoy it together!  

Underwear Day. Hmmm. As an EMT I learned that too many people don’t wear underwear. 😱


I enjoyed many a beer in my younger days. Not anymore. Haven’t been to Japan. Probably won’t be going that far away anymore. Loved pasta salads, so versatile and satisfying but rarely indulge in the carbs anymore. 

Well @marshhawk Annie, here’s the cruise scoop:  DH is VERY glad we got through this eyes surgery and ready for living life and having some fun, so he found a cheap cruise out of NY to Quebec and back on NCL Joy. It’s a B2B so technically 2 cruises, one is 9 nights, other is 7 nights. We had cancelled our car trip to Newfoundland for the 4th year in a row- cancer then COVID, moving cross country, more COVID… This cruise will stop in western NL but not near our friends in east NL so that trip will wait until 2024. I’ve always wanted to do the New England Canada cruise so this is a good opportunity. It’s coming up fast and we’ll be gone part of August so even faster. But living life when we can!  It’ll be interesting to try NCL again, did 3 in the distant past and they were all fine, but times have changed and we’ll learn that we, as only Gold level, probably won’t get into the better shows because the reservations will be full. We’re not in the premium rooms, very happy for a plain balcony!  But it’ll be a good break and we’ll see some new places. And see the grandkids where we’ll leave our car north of the city and train in to Manhattan. I’m excited!  They’ll cook! We’ll eat. 

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope! And those waiting… the hardest part!  And new paths for Chuck and Lou and Mr Boston everyone experiencing a shift in life, because Shift Happens!  
Cheers to those celebrating. Life is Good!  
Smooth travels to all who are away especially our cruisers. 

@JazzyV Vanessa, thanks for all your help keeping track of us. DH can be on the rotation, still hoping to get off the itchy eye drops!  Our cruise is Sept 4-20, NCL Joy!  Hoping you will be out of pain soon, pain is exhausting. Praying for a new path for you!  

Everybody remember, Today is a good day to be happy!  

One more thought:  A pastor that helped me through a tough divorce was happy to hear I was getting married again. He said that’s GREAT!  I said yes, but it’s pretty scary. He said, “Most great things ARE scary!” That was 1992. Life with DH Richard is Amazing!   And I was sure scared about moving cross country 2021 but I’m really so glad we did, it was for all the best reasons. But I’m not up for doing scary things every day!  


Maureen, just being on a ship will be rejuvenating.  When we did out b2b2b2b cruises in 2021 and 2022, the change of scenery and having people looking after us was just what we needed at that time.


1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Cool here this morning with a high today around 90. Not too bad. Dogs and I need to get a second walk in shortly as when we went out a Mama deer and her twins were between us and the road. I did not want to startle them into the road, so we cut our first outing short. Babies still have their spots. Lots of deer around right now - I guess hunting season is not that far off and my yard gets crowded. The deer are pretty smart.


I love oysters fried or in stew. Not fond of the raw. And I wait for the "R" months. Try to limit my pasta and have never been much of beer drinker except when wandering around England and Scotland. I do like a good pub lunch.


Prayers are continuing for baby Murphy and others who are struggling with health and happiness issues just now. I have been feeling a bit on the "blah" side the last few days. I think it is reaction to Diane's passing so suddenly and the uneasy feeling that many of us had that maybe we could have helped more.  And I have a number of health appointments coming up.... all routine but I always worry a bit (doesn't everyone?). Dogs and I are headed out for a picnic lunch today with a few other people and dogs and that should help my outlook. I know I will feel better if I could just get more stuff sorted and tossed. Mary Kay has set a good example of what can be done. I just need to pick up the pace.


Take care all. Am watching one of the condos next me get visitors since it is for sale. Will be interested to see what it sells for - but with the home prices here I would not even think about moving unless I really had to.... I could not afford it. Besides, I would rather cruise.




Susan, the death of a loved one or very good friend can affect those left behind in various ways.  I hope the picnic with friends and dogs helps lift your mood.


35 minutes ago, dfish said:

Good afternoon from Qaqortoq, Greenland.


We went ashore mid morning and walked all over town.  The place is kind of over run with two ships in town.  We did make it out to the Great Lake.  Kids were swimming in it.  Brrrrrr!  No t-shirts here in sizes we need.  























Prayers for those who need them and wishing everyone a wonderful day. @cunnorl Happy Anniversary!

@Mr. Boston  Happy Retirement!



Debbie, thanks for your pictures of Qaqortoq.  We've been there twice, and if we hadn't canceled our Coral Princess cruise, today would have been our third time there.  I'm glad you had such a pretty day.


29 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

We have clouds this morning so we'll see if we get the rain that is predicted over the next few days.

As I said a couple days ago, I only drink dark beer (preferably Guinness) and only if I'm having pizza or Mexican food or if it's a very hot day 😉 😄 (so not often).


I'm all for underwear every day, but will pass on the oysters.  The quote -- I can think of 2 things I'm afraid of, heights and bees (allergic).  During gardening season I do deal with my fear of bees every day.  I do love a good Lemon Drop, and finally we have a white wine!  Will pass on the meal, but would take a taste if someone made it for me.  Have never been to Hakodate.


Today is grocery shopping, finishing the laundry I started yesterday, more cruise planning.  I'm feeling bad this morning because DH and I decided to bow out of a private tour that is turning out to just not be what we originally signed up for.  It originally was for 4 hours, now it's turned into 8+ hours and nearly doubled in price.  The price isn't the problem as much as now we'd be meeting over an hour before the tour starts (to all get on the same tender) so this would be a long, hot day.  Thankfully there's a waitlist, so I don't think it will take long at all to find others to take our place and she has 7 months to do it.  I just know it would be a long, hot tiring day for us.


@cunnorl Charlene Happy Anniversary to you and your DH!

@Mr. Boston Happy first day of retirement!


We took the Guinness factory tour when we were in Dublin.  (No, I didn't drink both of these, I'm holding DH's drink too) 🤣






Carolyn, we took the Guinness brewery tour the first time we were in Dublin, which I thought was very interesting.  DH go his Guinness, which I tasted.  I then used my token for a Coke.  I am not a fan or dark or strong beer.



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1 hour ago, kochleffel said:

I rarely drink beer,  but I'm having a local Red Shed ale on the terrace of the Hawkeye (almost everything here is named for something in James Fenimore Cooper) Bar & Grill at the Otesaga Resort Hotel.


The hotel was built 100+ years ago for rich New Yorkers who came here both because of the lovely setting and because it's considerably cooler here. It's still starchy and expensive.



My DD bought a farmhouse in Hartwick a few years ago. Not far from Cooperstown. She worked in the ER at the hospital for awhile. When we went for a visit we had lunch at Mel’s and really liked it. I enjoy walking through old cemeteries and the one in town is where many early settlers were buried including a sizable section with the Cooper family and James Fenimore Cooper. 

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Are you ready for another very long post .......
Another very nice Port today !  We had the pleasure to get to Hakodate while on the Transition Cruise on the Volendam on Oct 11th , 2017  , the weather was a little bit windy and the day started of with some rain but we had a wonderful tour with 8 of us in a “ Smile Jumbo Taxi “ with our driver /guide Hideo .
Like I said the day started quite rainy and windy but our driver had umbrellas for each of us on board , notice the white gloves that Hideo wore all day and he had nice clean and ironed white head covers on our seats in the taxi .
We first went up the mountain near Hakodate to the National park to have a great view over the city and walked over to the Gokoku Shrine where some special ceremonies were going on . 
From there we drove to the very top on the mountain to the Ropeway 
Sorry not as nice a view as on the picture I noticed earlier today ..........
We watched a very nice film at the theatre there about the history of the city , had a snack and most of the ladies because of all the rain had to go and deal with the special WC for which you really needed a drivers licence  and Japanese sign language ……….. but they were impeccably clean 
We than left to have a walk though the Kanemori Red Brick Warehouse with all kind of small specialty stores 
Even upside down you can see the beautiful swords ........lol 
After a nice little lunch , with some nice Ramen Soup in a small port we than drove to the Hakodate Magistrate’ s Office the “ Bugyosho “ in the Goryokaku Park , we toured that building and learned about the  special construction of it . 
After the Bugyosho we went to visit the gardens of the  Catholic
Trappistine  Monasteries a Convent founded by 8 French nuns , most of the buildings were reconstructed in 1927 .
After visiting a couple more small parks and the Old British Consulate it was time to get back to the Volendam 
Despite it raining for most of the day and very few people able to speak English we all had a fantastic day , and hardly noticed the rain anymore after a while 
Greetings from Japan ! 
Tony 😉
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2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:and


We took the Guinness factory tour when we were in Dublin.  (No, I didn't drink both of these, I'm holding DH's drink too) 🤣





I would have!  Supposedly, Guinness is good for bone health.  


2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Debbie, thanks for your pictures of Qaqortoq.  We've been there twice, and if we hadn't canceled our Coral Princess cruise, today would have been our third time there.  I'm glad you had such a pretty day.


Thanks!! What a shame you had to cancel.  We could have met on shore! We have been very lucky so far with weather.  Fingers crossed it continues,

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Good Saturday everyone!

My thanks to everyone who posts here, all are good contributions and add to the good space that this thread is for us. 

Underwear - yes please!

Beer- can't. I have an allergy to yeast so no beer for me.

Oysters - no thank you...


As usual beautiful port and garden pictures and great laugh out loud memes. 😊 Brings me joy.


@dfish and @StLouisCruisers looks like a great time on the cruise. Continue to enjoy the nice long time on vacation.

@cruising sister thank you for the updates on sweet baby Murphy; continued many prayers for her health and her family.

@Denise T congrats on the almost completion of your doctorate! It is commendable and I am sure you have earned it. It is a ton of work!

@Mr. Boston big congrats on your retirement; it is a good thing but does take some getting used to a different daily routine.

Not much going on here except the day to day Summer stuff in a very hot week. 

Prayers for all of us, especially the families and the people who have health challenges. It is exhausting at times and difficult to maintain some normalcy. Oh the luxury of normalcy...


Hope everyone is having a good day and will continue to have a good weekend.

Take good care! 

Caron 😎


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27 minutes ago, nancynana9950 said:

My DD bought a farmhouse in Hartwick a few years ago. Not far from Cooperstown. She worked in the ER at the hospital for awhile. When we went for a visit we had lunch at Mel’s and really liked it. I enjoy walking through old cemeteries and the one in town is where many early settlers were buried including a sizable section with the Cooper family and James Fenimore Cooper. 


Welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily.  I hope you will join us often.



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Thank you all for caring and sharing.  Prayers for everyone who needs them.  Cheers for all the celebrations.


Well, change of plans today. We were going to take my DMiL to see a movie, The Hiding Place. It’s not the 1975 film, it’s a cinematic presentation of the stage adaptation of movie. DMiL loves Corrie Ten Boom. 


But the CelArts leader at church texted me last night, asking if I could do media this weekend. The person that was scheduled has been in and out of the ER. DH said he’d go by himself with his mom. I may meet them for dinner after. 


Thanks to @richwmn Rich for the Fleet Report and Daily.  Thanks to @JazzyV Vanessa for the Care and Celebration lists. And thanks to the food and beverge ladies for your input. 

Hope everyone has a great weekend. Stay safe and healthy!

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Thanks to everyone for their posts and prayers to all those in need.  I'm behind again in reading the fleet report and daily as my post retirement "hobby" job is becoming too much.  


So....Going to toot my own horn.  Today I made it to 60!!!  Over the past decade had too many close calls, but here I am, and recently had good test results, going for 65 now.


Not sure if I will have beer today, perhaps some single malt.  The oysters have me thinking though, perhaps pick up some and bbq a steak.  Will have to see, wife gave me her cold for a present, so may hold off on the yummy stuff.  Have a great weekend all, counting down to my next cruise on the 27th

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20 minutes ago, lobsternight said:

Thanks to everyone for their posts and prayers to all those in need.  I'm behind again in reading the fleet report and daily as my post retirement "hobby" job is becoming too much.  


So....Going to toot my own horn.  Today I made it to 60!!!  Over the past decade had too many close calls, but here I am, and recently had good test results, going for 65 now.


Not sure if I will have beer today, perhaps some single malt.  The oysters have me thinking though, perhaps pick up some and bbq a steak.  Will have to see, wife gave me her cold for a present, so may hold off on the yummy stuff.  Have a great weekend all, counting down to my next cruise on the 27th


HAPPY 60TH BIRTHDAY!  Sorry about the cold, and hope you both feel better soon.





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25 minutes ago, lobsternight said:

So....Going to toot my own horn.  Today I made it to 60!!!  Over the past decade had too many close calls, but here I am, and recently had good test results, going for 65 now.


A very happy 60th birthday to you 🙂 






42 minutes ago, dobiemom said:

Thank you all for caring and sharing.  Prayers for everyone who needs them.  Cheers for all the celebrations.


Well, change of plans today. We were going to take my DMiL to see a movie, The Hiding Place. It’s not the 1975 film, it’s a cinematic presentation of the stage adaptation of movie. DMiL loves Corrie Ten Boom. 


Nice!  there’s also an Amazon Prime movie out now.  I have the book and we will be at the Ten Boom house on October 6th - practically 2 months away.  OMG.



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7 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Rich, thank you Tina, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here!


I am not a big beer drinker but lately have been practicing at home drinking Guiness Extra Stout for our upcoming cruise that stops in Dublin.  🙂


I checked our booked cruises and found that on April 24, 2025 we should be calling at Hakodate, Japan. Looking forward to photos that will be posted! Sue was kidding me that here I am working on the trip for Spring 2025 when I haven't even finished planning the trip for Fall 2024.



Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need today.


- Jack

Jack, DH says you should try Guinness Extra Stout Foreign which is 7.5% alcohol rather than 6%. It’s not sold in every grocery store but Publix sells it in our area. It comes in a 4 bottle pack instead of 6 and is priced around $9.99. He says it’s the best beer he’s ever had. He has had it on both HAL and Princess ships. It has to say Foreign on it to be the 7.5% alcohol.  🍺

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Good Afternoon, thanks for today’s daily fleet report.  It’s been a busy day.  I spent almost three hours working in the back yard, trimming bushes and weeding.  It looks much better but there is still more to do.  We ran a bunch of errands which included a stop at Christmas Tree Shop before they close for good, we got some bargains.  This weekend we need to get things ready for our trip to PA next weekend.  We are making a quick trip to visit family.  Still need to wrap birthday presents for the grandkids. I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.

I could go for a tall frosty glass!


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9 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Jack, DH says you should try Guinness Extra Stout Foreign which is 7.5% alcohol rather than 6%. It’s not sold in every grocery store but Publix sells it in our area. It comes in a 4 bottle pack instead of 6 and is priced around $9.99. He says it’s the best beer he’s ever had. He has had it on both HAL and Princess ships. It has to say Foreign on it to be the 7.5% alcohol.  🍺

I do like Guinness . Just reminded me of a few years back.  My eldest son did an American Football tour to Ireland with an American team  the Guinness factory tour was one of the stops. Before he left onthe trip I bought some Guinness for him to try, said you better see if you like it so you don't gag in the factory.  He loved it.  About half of the team didn't and passed their drinks to him on others that did.  Lets say he had a hell 9f a buzz when they got back on the bus.  To this day he still talks about that wonderful factory Guinness.


He loved being in Ireland.  The only place where you beat the hell out of each other on the field, then after the game the other team would show up at the hotel and take you to the pub  

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Happy birthday @lobsternight!!  Hoping you and DW feel better soon. 

Debbie @dfish your photos look a lot like mine so I’ll let you represent us both for today’s stop in Greenland. We realized we seem to come here to Qaqortoq every five years - 2013, 2018 and now 2023. 

We saw swimmers too!  We saw a woman instead of kids. They’re crazy!

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1 hour ago, lobsternight said:

Thanks to everyone for their posts and prayers to all those in need.  I'm behind again in reading the fleet report and daily as my post retirement "hobby" job is becoming too much.  


So....Going to toot my own horn.  Today I made it to 60!!!  Over the past decade had too many close calls, but here I am, and recently had good test results, going for 65 now.


Not sure if I will have beer today, perhaps some single malt.  The oysters have me thinking though, perhaps pick up some and bbq a steak.  Will have to see, wife gave me her cold for a present, so may hold off on the yummy stuff.  Have a great weekend all, counting down to my next cruise on the 27th


Well happy 60th!  And here’s to 65.

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It’s currently pouring cats and dogs, windy, lighting, thunder. There are nine weather alerts but I think the heat advisory can be removed as the temp. Has dropped to 77F.

@lobsternight Happy Birthday!🎂

@dfish Thanks for the pictures. Really enjoyed our visits to

Greenland.….and there goes the power outage and Flash Flood Warning! 
Time for Muster Drill. Life jackets mandatory!😁


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1 hour ago, lobsternight said:


So....Going to toot my own horn.  Today I made it to 60!!!  Over the past decade had too many close calls, but here I am, and recently had good test results, going for 65 now.


Happy Birthday!!  I hope you and your DW feel better soon.

52 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Jack, DH says you should try Guinness Extra Stout Foreign which is 7.5% alcohol rather than 6%. It’s not sold in every grocery store but Publix sells it in our area. It comes in a 4 bottle pack instead of 6 and is priced around $9.99. He says it’s the best beer he’s ever had. He has had it on both HAL and Princess ships. It has to say Foreign on it to be the 7.5% alcohol.  🍺

I agree with your DH!  It really is good.


Well things are working out with that private tour I was going to cancel.  The person organizing it told me I could switch to the 4- hour from the 7-hour so I guess that's what we'll do.  It wasn't clear to me I could do that, I thought the only choice was 7 hours.

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DH decided that he should study, and then he too had a one on one training with his new boss.  We did not get to the museum.  We do however need to go to the post office, and we need to go to the bank, and I told DH I will gladly put off doing the grocery shopping tonight, but he owes me one breakfast and shopping tomorrow morning.  The truth is, the fridge is empty, and a biscuit with sausage sounds really good for breakfast tomorrow.



Edited by marshhawk
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