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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday September 22nd, 2023


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49 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

Elephants 🐘 make me smile; their lifelong commitment to those who are special to them is remarkable and a quality the world needs more of. Happy to see female contributions celebrated.

The quote is good.

Pass on the food and drink.

Not been to Japan (yet).

Thank goodness the witch hunts stopped - what a horrific time that was.


Shoulder is moving a bit more; I brought Therabands with me, not same as full-on PT, but they help.

DH had his Echo this past week; I received a notice from Cardio they scheduled another one for next week. So, does that mean the 1st one was inconclusive or did he see something and wants to take another look? Geez, I wish I was there. DH is horrible at asking questions and worse at relaying info.

Beautiful sunrise - Today is last sea day for the first leg; we're in NYC tomorrow for Turnaround Day. Pax on that leg received communication from the cruiseline to NOT go to the port until they hear from them as the weather may not allow us into port. We have not received any communication about potential delays in NYC. For those of us staying on, no big deal, but for pax getting off, they probably need to know if there's a change. Tropical Storm 16, I believe they called it.


We get towel animals on dressy nights - this is last night's. 

I miss the top-notch laundry service on HAL. Sis jeans came back wet; they're drying in the shower.

Hope we hear back on what's causing our threads to get locked.

Dressy night is alive and well represented on our ship!!

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 








Lovely photos.

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Good morning, everyone!


We are fortunate to have another beautiful day in store for us here in mid-Michigan.  The high is supposed to be 80F with sunny skies. 


Today I am hosting a luncheon for former classmates.  I'm grilling spiedies and they are all bringing a dish to pass.  It should be a lovely time.  Tonight is Farkle with DB Bill and DSIL Lauren.  They are bringing dinner with them.  We alternate on providing dinner for Farkle.


Today's meal sounds really good.  It is another one from Bon Appetit, so it is behind the paywall.  I did manage to find it elsewhere.  https://summersetgrills.com/blogs/recipes/grilled-halibut-and-bok-choy-with-coconut-lime-dressing-sizzling-summer-series




There were similar recipes available.   This one says it was inspired by the Bon Appetit recipe and is slightly different.  https://www.amenuforyou.com/grilled-halibut-and-bok-choy-with-coconut-lime-dressing/




And this one is halibut and bok choy, but a totally different preparation.  https://hapanom.com/miso-glazed-halibut-baby-bok-choy-sake-butter-sauce/




Wishing you all a wonderful day!

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Good Friday Morning Dailyites!  I think I am a Hobbit, I enjoy second breakfast when I can.  I like elephants .  I also try to support businesses run or owned by Women.


I have a tale about miniature golf that I dd not have time to post yesterday.  It is a tale of serendipity.


Once upon a time, when I was very young, my parents used to take us to Cape Cod every summer, and we would spend time with my parents best friends and their children.  They had 4 sons, and I had the biggest crush on the brother that was my brothers age.  HIs name was Andy. Every summer it was Ann and Andy making sand castles, swimming, chasing each other around on the beach,  Our parents called us Raggedy Ann and Andy.


One summer we played mini golf and Andy told me that if I hit the golf ball really hard, and got a hole in one on the last hole I will win a free game.  I did hit it as hard as i could, and it hit the wall, bounced out and hit the manager of the course in the head, and knocked him out.. I have never claimed to be a good athlete, and I was 11 years old.


  And years go by.  We are no longer going to the Cape, we are spending the summers with the grandparents, and then summer school and we got older, and we changed.  Andy came to see me one time in high school.  He had just started college, and I was in 10th grade, and we had absolutely nothing in common.  Not a well spent weekend.


Many more years go by.  I was dating my soon to be 2nd husband (worlds shortage marriage).  My parents had just moved to their new home in Florida and had not unpacked, and my Dad had been rushed to the hospital.  Mom could not find any phone numbers for her friends, and she didn't drive. The ex and I were having dinner in Atlanta and I told him my tale about me and the mini golf, (he worked at a golf course) and he finished the end of the story for me.  How did you know that ?? I asked.  He said his boss had told him that story the day before.  But I don't know your boss, my friend was called Andy.  He said, my boss's name is Steven Andrew.  Oh my, Andy was a person I had seen every day for two years, and neither of us knew each other.  I drove to his office the next day, and asked him if he could call his mom for me, that my mother was in need of some help. My mom called me later that day, and asked how did I do that.  Andy's parents arrived at her doorstep and drove her to the hospital.  Serendipity? or the power of angels.


Hugs to all today.  I love the quote.

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Good morning, thank you for the HAL fleet report and all the daily information.


I’m up and packing. Getting ready to leave Las Vegas. 🙁 We had a really good time seeing friends, playing bingo (would have been more fun to win), eating at our favorite places, shopping, and just being with my GF. 


On Wed afternoon we were caught in the sudden downpour. ⛈️ I’ve heard about the floods in Vegas but this is the first time to experience it myself. We got drenched running to the car from the restaurant during a lull (rain had slowed down but didn’t stop), puddles were everywhere (1”-2”+), water reaching the curbs on the street, intersections were scary but people were behaving. What usually takes 15 min took over 40 min get back to the hotel. We were drenched but luckily neither of us melted 😜 and the storm passed relatively quickly. 


Prayers 🙏 for everyone who needs them.  Cheers 🎉 for all the celebrations. Thank you all for caring and sharing. 

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Good Morning from a sunny and warm day at the beach

    Had a crazy night of thunderstorms and a very loud churning ocean. Today wull not be a good day for ocean swimming. 

     Today the Brightline Train from Orlando to Miami finally started. Unfortunately it does not stop anywhere in Brevard County ( Port Canaveral). Foolish mistake in my opinion.  Would have been very helpful for people flying into Orlando to cruise from here.  Oh well.  I was hoping it would be an easy way to get to Ft Lauderdale but guess not. We will continue to drive. Really no big deal from here.

    No exciting plans for the next few days.

    Prayers for everyone on the prayer list and all our Dailylites.

    Stay safe and enjoy today




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Good Morning to All and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  Have never been a fan of Hobbits, I owned a couple of businesses in my life and absolutely adore elephants so they should be celebrated.  Twain had it right!!  Too bad the halibut has coconut so I will pass on it and the wine (white) but will try the drink.  Never been to the port (only Tokyo and surrounding area once).  What interesting days in history.


Yesterday was a fun day; saw many people I used to work with and they did not know I was subbing.  Was asked to sub for another friend and she said "I am going to get you before Bridget does!!"  I had to chuckle.


Today is not a rest day at all!  Getting a mani/pedi in the am, figure out what "suitcases" I will take (do I take the backpack and a small carryon or ditch the backpack for 2 carryons?  Decision, decisions) and start making piles of clothes to put in the suitcases.  Also off to Fry's to pick up some snacks I usually take on trips. 


Have to get my car washed as it was a stop for a lot of bugs.  I normally do the self drive thru as I have a monthly subscription but for $10 I can have it done like the $30 car wash.  


Will I get all of this done today?  Probably not but I do have the entire weekend so I should be good!!


Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.


Happy Friday everyone!!

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Good sunny last day of summer morning. Tomorrow is supposed to be the arrival of Ophelia, heavy rain and high winds. Not a good time to be at the beach. I feel sorry for the people at the shore especially those in WildwoodsNJ for Irish weekend, a really big event.

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

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Good morning Dailyites 

A bit warmer morning  (77) with a high of 97 today.


Our friends came in at 2:30 yesterday. (One was not feeling well and thought she was getting a cold. It just sprang up on her. I gave her a covid test and it was negative. She found out her daughter had rescued a cat and apparently she's allergic.)


Then another couple came at 4 and 2 girlfriends came by. There was food everywhere! The girls played cards later. Everyone left by 10 and our visitors stayed up another hour. 


One of the dishes was a lemon artichoke pasta that was so good. I asked for the recipe.


Roy I'm happy you are cruising. You can rest and enjoy your time on board.


Prayers are lifted to all on Vanessa's well crafted care list. I have 5 in my own prayer book. My sister's friend has been very ill with covid. He's still running a fever after a week but has bad chest congestion and cough. He tested negative yesterday but felt worse. 


We had our flu and rsv shots,  and we are scheduled Monday for covid shots. 




For those Tolkien in the know :




A big shout out to women who are in business. After I retired from Boeing we moved to Montana and I had a bed and breakfast during the summer months. I loved it, DH not so much..


Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings lifted to every Dailyite today.

@smitty34877, special thoughts for you and family.



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I've never met a hobbit, but then I've never met a leprechaun either.  Yay for Business Women - I try to support them whenever I can.  I've always loved elephants and appreciate their family relationships.


Happy last day of summer - the colours and temperatures are telling me that fall is definitely here.  Already many of the trees along the river have lost their leaves and those that are left are a shabby brown colour.  The remaining Virginia Creeper from our back fence that are climbing through the neighbour's trees are bright orange-red; they're camouflaged when everything is green, but wait till fall!  


Today we get to go to our family doctor where DH will have the staples removed from his pacemaker incision.  He was delighted (as was I) when he could finally shower yesterday morning.  We should hear from the pacemaker placement office in the next 6 to 8 weeks for a follow-up and hopefully that will be it.  Yesterday he said for the first time in months, he didn't have any angina . . . not claiming victory yet, just happy for the reprieve.


It was funny, yesterday we were talking about our February cruise and what we should bring, etc.  We both like to dress comfortably but nicely when we travel, so DH said he's going to wear his grey sports coat, a black golf shirt and jeans.  Almost the identical outfit I had planned on wearing, except mine is a grey knit blazer.  We're not going to be looking like the Bobbsey twins, so I'm changing my jacket to something  with colour!  LOL


@smitty34877seeing Fred on the rug and knowing you were beside him brought me to tears.  My heart goes out to you and your family as you deal with Lou's absence in your home.

@Haljo1935 I hear you on what your DH does or doesn't tell you about his medical appointments.  I make a point of being with DH for all of them now and simply tell the medical personnel that he has short term memory issues, will likely not remember most of what took place by the time he gets home and I need to know what's happening.

@kazu hopefully the pain meds and broth will help Ivan feel better.  Love the photo of him cuddling his stuffie!


Not much happening here today, just stopping at a garden centre to get some insecticidal soap to treat the plants coming into the house for winter.  No need to bring in the bugs and spiders as well.  I'll pass on the drink, the wine, and not sure about the halibut - maybe if someone prepared it for me, but I likely won't file the recipe.  It's Friday night, pizza night so we'll check the online menus to see what appeals to us so we can enjoy it on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially for Baby Murphy and her family, and all involved in fires, earthquakes and wars.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good morning from an already warm central Texas.  It is a sunny morning and is78F bur feels like 83F.  The humidity is 82% with a dew point of 72F, so it will be slightly uncomfortable when I take my wall, but hopefully the 10mph wind will help.  The only thing on the agenda is the laundry, and calling to see if I can get the flu shot.  I was planning on waiting about another month, but I read today that now is the best time to get it.  Evidently they expect the flu cases to begin increasing next month.


I do not know anything about Hobbits since I haven't read the book.  I will salute women in business and elephants.  We need to support the women and protect the elephants.


As usual, Mark Twain was correct.


DH would like the halibut, but without the bok choy and coconut.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


We have not been to Sakaiminato.


Two interesting days in history.


@Haljo1935  I just hope the second echo cardiogram is to clarify or double check some things and not because of a problem.  We've found that it helps if we both are at DH's appointments.  I'm glad the shoulder is moving a little more.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope Ivan is feeling better today.  It sounds like you are right about the cause of the problem.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I hope the rain and wind hold off until after the game.  Enjoy your visit with friends.

@StLouisCruisers  I'm happy that the older DGS is settled in his dorm room.  It is good that Ren and Colton will see each other even if they are on opposing teams.  It sounds like you may be having a slumber party at the apartment.  Safe travels for your DS and DDIL today.

@smitty34877  Terry, the picture of Fred on the rug and knowing you joined him is so touching.  Dogs are incredible, and I'm glad you could comfort each other.

@Lady Hudson  Katherine, I'm sorry your DH is still coughing.  I hope he is better soon.  Thanks for the great pictures.

@cat shepard  Ann, I'm glad you found a car.  I think you'll like the car.  We've had three Volvos over the years, and they are good, safe cars.  Our "fishing" car which we use to haul stuff is a 1995 station wagon and is almost indestructible.

@dfish  Debbie, enjoy your lunch with former classmates and Farkle Friday.

@marshhawk  Annie, that was an interesting story about the miniature golf.  When we played miniature golf on Legend OTS many, many years ago, we were following the cruise director and the guest comedian around the course and got to talking to them  The comedian was trying to improve his putting game and make a hole-in-one.  He didn't succeed, but I was pleased that ,I who am not great at miniature golf, got the only hole-in-one of the day.  It help that the comedian had graduated from Oklahoma University and we graduated from UT.  Another win for the Longhorns.  😉

@dobiemom  Marcia, I'm glad you had a good time in LV in spite of the rain.  The flooding made the national news.  Have a safe trip home.

@Nickelpenny  Penny, I'm glad the subbing is going well. 
















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Good morning! Well I stayed up late watching a documentary on You Tube (our favorite channel) and the result was I slept late. So I’m behind and as soon as I finish my coffee it’s off for my walk. Day plans are to go to Men’s Warehouse as I need a couple of new shirts for next months Seabourn cruise. Tonight we are taking our dear neighbors out to dinner on us. We so appreciate their friendship and support. They take us to airport at ungodly hours, pick us up upon our return. They also monitor our house, do walk throughs, start cars and basically house sit when we are gone. We are going to a local Italian restaurant that looks like a hole in the wall from the outside but has fantastic food. One has to have reservations to dine there. It is our small towns secret venue. Never know who your going to see there whether our mayor, congressman etc.

Enjoyed our small group get together last night. It’s a beautiful sunny day so it’s time to get out there and get my steps in.

Have a great day and weekend. Continued prayers for all in need. Bruce



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Thanks for The Daily! Especially loved @marshawk’s mini golf story, thank you for sharing. Prayers for all with cares and needs. 
Looking forward to an exciting 2 weeks. First, a drive to Arizona with DH to visit DM (and spend some time with AZ family) then fly from Phoenix to Wisconsin for Sunday’s game at Packer Stadium. ❤️ the Packers!!

Thinking about a day trip to Madison from Green Bay, and of course, a Brewers/Cardinals game in Milwaukee! 

When we return to Phoenix, we will drive to Tucson for DH ‘s high school reunion celebration with more football (love high school sports!), good food snd great company. 
Thanks to all who spend time with The Daily.

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Good morning from sunny, dry and chilly Durango. Temp was 37 when dogs and I walked this morning and I could see some light frost on the roof of the building next to me. High today expected in the low 70's. The sprinkler system is due to be turned off and of course it looks like we will go into a long dry spell, but the grass is too long anyway.


Days are falling into the same daily routine. I am getting things out of here. Today I will take some pictures of some items and post them to family to ask if anyone wants them before I send them off to thrift store. A couple are "family heirlooms" but are pretty awful....at least I think so. And dogs and I have to make a run to the bank. The dogs will love the car ride - they don't get to go during the summer.


Take care all and best wishes to all.



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Good morning to all. 

Glad I could get here before the noon hour.  

Thank you to all who contribute to this thread.  Especially Rich, Debbie, Vanessa, Ann and Dixie for their faithfulness.

I like the Mark Twain quote and I could think of a number of public figures that should take it to heart.

The meal looks good, but I will pass on the drink.  Maybe the wine.

The days are interesting.  Hobbit—not sure

i appreciate Women in Business and try to support them

Love Elephants.

i have not been to Japan.

The days in history are interesting.


Prayers for all on the cares list. I especially pray for Baby Murphy and hope we get an update soon, hearing that she is holding her own.

@JazzyVVanessa, my cousin is doing better. The wound has healed and she is no longer on oxygen.  She has started Cardiac Rehab.   She is very grateful for everyone’s prayers.


@marshhawk i love your Mini Golf Story.


@smitty34877You are one strong lady.  Prayers for you and your family as you live through this time of transition.  I hope things get easier as each day passes.  It is good that you have others to help.

@rafinmdRoy, cheers as you get ready to cruise.

@dobiemom Marcia, glad you had a good time in Las Vegas.  Sorry you didn’t win at Bingo.


I have been unhappy with the end result of the floor repair.  Still spots that are not in good shape.  The floor guy also made a mess of the baseboards and chipped the paint in the door frame when he removed the door to the bedroom.   I sent a note to the contractor and he will come with a worker next Thursday to address these problems.   i am so tired of having these people in my house.  Someday we will get this house back in shape.  Maybe!


Yesterday I ended up doing nothing.  For some reason I felt awful. i had digestive problems, was tired, couldn’t eat and just needed to rest.  So that is what I did.  i do feel better today.  Just had to work through it.  Hopefully I will get some stuff done today.


Thank you all for being here and the support you provide each and every day.

Prayers for all and Cheers to those celebrating and cruisning.

God Bless,



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Good morning, 

We're having a sunny day here today but rain is in the forecast. It won't be like Juneau the last few days - almost 6 inches over two days! 


It's been a busy week with water aerobics and PT. Yesterday our local plumbing and heating company came to do the yearly inspection, drain the hot water tank, change furnace filters, etc. They rescued a new-born kitten from under the house (the neighbor stray cats) and my friend who was here for tea took it in immediately! A small problem with a separated sewer pipe (partial) was discovered so they'll be back Monday to fix that and replace a bulb on the scrubber in the furnace. I can't do this stuff anymore so am grateful for the help. 


DS is coming over this afternoon to clean out the gutters. I figure it's time - there's a thistle growing in one section and it wants to bloom! He'll also clean out the dryer vent and do a couple of other small "son-do" jobs. I try to make his time worthwhile and not bug him too much. 


@smitty34877. You are a strong woman with a great support group. We just did my DH's Celebration of Life on Saturday. We did a big picnic with hamburgers, etc. and a very casual approach to the day. We had about 50 people there and it was the best time. Later, sitting in the recliner thinking about the day, I felt a sense of peace and release. I'd sent him off the way he wanted me to and it felt good. I hope that whatever way you decide on to "send off" your DH you feel that same sense of peace. 



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Last day of Summer here and the temperature will go up to 75.  Once Fall starts tomorrow it will drop at least ten degrees every day for the next week.  I think that @cat shepard did the right thing in leasing her Volvo.  Two reasons:  First, there is a complicated law in place to get the $7500 tax rebate on an EV.  Plug-in hybrids qualify if they get a certain number of EV miles.  But they have to come from the U.S.  A quirk in the law gives the rebate to the leasing company if they are made elsewhere.  So the leasing company can pass that on to the customer.  Another reason is that by the time the lease is up, EVs will be better, more plentiful and cheaper.  Thus the resale value on one bought today will probably not be good.

We have been to Saikiminato, but no longer have the pictures.  It is an interesting town to walk through as there are statues of manga characters throughout to pose with.

I have been doing my homework trying to learn about the ports on our next cruise.  One good thing about a small ship is that they stop at really out of the way ports.


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