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Tuesday November 14th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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Good morning, it's another beautiful day here, started around 30F but will get up to 60 again.  The meal for today sounds good, haven't been to the port, but I'm anxious to see pictures today.  Thanks for all who contribute here.  

Back in the day, when we were growing up, Borden Dairy delivered milk to our house.  Elsie the Cow was on the truck.  Remember when houses had a milk chute by the back door, or was that a midwest thing only?  

Slept poorly last night, and had to be up early to take our Cooper to the groomer.  It's his first cut with a new groomer, but she is his dog sitter, so I'm sure it will go well!  

@marshhawkhoping you're feeling better today.  @RMLincolnHoping all goes well today.  @Cruzin TerriHoping all goes well with packing and your cruise.  

I'm off to the dentist, have a good day.  Karen


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Good morning from a partly sunny central Texas.  It is 51F and feels like 50F but will warm up to 67F this afternoon.  While the humidity is 76% with a dew point of 43F, there is no rain predicted for the next several days.  I hope to get everything that goes inside the motorhome in it's place today.  I still a have bit of kitchen things to find a "home" for.  Once that is done, I'll know how much storage space is left.  It should be easy to figure out where to put things.  Somethings, I already know where they will go.  We're thinking we'll just put the things that go in the outside compartments where ever they will fit, and do the final arranging in Quartzsite.  However, I'm not sure we'll have enough time before winter there, 50s and low 60s, sets in.  Remember, we're thin bloodied Texans who like warm weather.  Besides, December is always a busy month.  Somehow, it will al get done.


As a girl with two daughters, I'll celebrate Girls Day and Children's Day.  I always give my dill pickles to DH.  I'm really not a fan of pickles, but as a child I loved the watermelon rind pickles my grandfather made.  Haven't had any since he died.


The Seneca quote is true.  He was a wise man.


The meal sounds good for using up some of the leftover Christmas ham.  We'll pass on the drink, but the red blend sounds good, and it has a good price.


We have not been to Timaru, NZ, yet.


Since I use condensed milk in several recipes, I'll celebrate Gail Borden's patent.  If the powerplant in Niagara Falls that began operating in 1896,  is the hydro plant just downstream from the falls, we toured that plant in the late 1960s.  I doubt anyone who listened to music in 1960 could forget Ray Charles' version of "Georgia On My Mind".


@kazuJacqui, I too can see Ivan looking wistfully at the garden.  

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I'm glad you DH's knee is doing better.  

@RMLincoln  Maureen, I hope the loading goes smoothly today.  Have a safe drive to NJ.

@Mr. Boston  Sometimes since we retired, we wonder how we ever found time to work.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad that your delivery made it yesterday without any problems.

@ger_77  Gerry, I'm glad you were able to help your friend with the school's Christmas shop.  I'm also glad the fix on the car was reasonable.

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope you are feeling better and stronger today, and that you will see your doctor to make sure you are doing all you can to get well.

@quilty964   The Borden milk was deliver to our front door.  I remember we had to make sure we set the empties out the night before.














Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.  Three great days to celebrate and my favorite is probably Children's Day.  Three more great days in history, my favorite there is the Niagara Falls power plant.  I have not been to Timaru but love the Seneca quote.


I like today's menu selection, but my alternative is Caesar Salad, New York Strip Loin, and Red Velvet Cake a la mode as served in Rotterdam's Club Orange last night.





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The name Seneca threw me for a loop.  I had never heard of that philosopher.  To me, Seneca has always been an Indian tribe in Western and Central New York and part of the Iroquois Confederacy as well as a river named for them barely a stone's throw from where I grew up.



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9 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

The name Seneca threw me for a loop.  I had never heard of that philosopher.  To me, Seneca has always been an Indian tribe in Western and Central New York and part of the Iroquois Confederacy as well as a river named for them barely a stone's throw from where I grew up.




Copied and pasted for you or anyone else interested



First published Wed Oct 17, 2007; substantive revision Wed Jan 15, 2020

Seneca is a major philosophical figure of the Roman Imperial Period. As a Stoic philosopher writing in Latin, Seneca makes a lasting contribution to Stoicism. He occupies a central place in the literature on Stoicism at the time, and shapes the understanding of Stoic thought that later generations were to have. Seneca’s philosophical works played a large role in the revival of Stoic ideas in the Renaissance. Until today, many readers approach Stoic philosophy through Seneca, rather than through the more fragmentary evidence that we have for earlier Stoics. Seneca’s writings are stunningly diverse in their generic range. More than that, Seneca develops further and shapes several philosophical genres, most important, the letter and so-called “consolations”; his essay On Mercy is considered the first example of what came to be known as the “mirror of the prince” literature.

After several centuries of relative neglect, Seneca’s philosophy has been rediscovered in the last few decades, in what might be called a second revival of Senecan thought. In part, this renewed interest is the result of a general reappraisal of Roman culture. It is also fuelled by major progress that has been made in our understanding of Greek Hellenistic philosophy, and by recent developments in contemporary ethics, such as a renewed interest in the theory of emotions, roles and relationships, and the fellowship of all human beings. And finally, some influential scholars have found, in the wake of Foucault’s reading of Seneca, that Seneca speaks to some distinctively modern concerns.

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27 minutes ago, quilty964 said:

Good morning, it's another beautiful day here, started around 30F but will get up to 60 again.  The meal for today sounds good, haven't been to the port, but I'm anxious to see pictures today.  Thanks for all who contribute here.  

Back in the day, when we were growing up, Borden Dairy delivered milk to our house.  Elsie the Cow was on the truck.  Remember when houses had a milk chute by the back door, or was that a midwest thing only?  

Slept poorly last night, and had to be up early to take our Cooper to the groomer.  It's his first cut with a new groomer, but she is his dog sitter, so I'm sure it will go well!  

@marshhawkhoping you're feeling better today.  @RMLincolnHoping all goes well today.  @Cruzin TerriHoping all goes well with packing and your cruise.  

I'm off to the dentist, have a good day.  Karen


Boy that milk chute was handy. My parents built one into the house they built in 1958. I can’t remember if there was still home delivery of milk in the early 70’s but do remember sending one of my kids thru it to open a locked door when we had locked ourselves out! 

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4 minutes ago, Oceansaway17 said:

I have been away for several weeks and now back to realize the daily is locked down the next day so why?

makes it hard to reply now

It has to do with how CC runs their reports. Feel free to comment on the next day’s thread instead. We will all understand. Welcome back

Edited by superoma
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Good morning,

It is another beautiful fall day. I love the fall!  I also love today’s recipes. Anything creamy with cheese I am sure I will like. I was sorry to hear Annie got sick on her cruise. I hope she is feeling stronger each day. I feel like a squirrel hunting and gathering for my winter cruise. With my surgery coming up next week I am in hyper mode. 

I will celebrate Girls day and haven’t heard how DGD is doing today.  Prayers for our care list and have a great day. 

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Good morning, 


It's a sunny cool start to the day here. I want nothing to do with pickles! DDIL loves them and I even got her a pickle ornament for the Christmas tree one year. 

Yesterday was busy with two water aerobics classes (and my body is moving a lot better), a much needed haircut and I was able to get my pneumonia and RSV shots at our local Fred Meyer. Now only have the shingles one to get and I'm caught up. I'll wait on that for a few weeks. 

Today is lunch at a favorite Mexican Restaurant with a widows support group and I'm looking forward to that. I finished a jigsaw puzzle (1000 piece) that is Christmas themed and will take it apart later today and maybe start another one. Have to get the Thanksgiving cards ready to be mailed and just other things like that. 

Have a great Tuesday!


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Good morning all!

I woke up to frost on the rooftops, fog and much colder temps.  We'll be at or just below freezing for the lows for a few days.  Since we're getting some "dry" days, I think I'll contact the neighborhood gals and see if they're interested in a fire pit gathering this week.  We usually do it several times each fall/winter, but this may be the only chance we get this year.


Being one of 3 daughters and I have 1 daughter, I'll celebrate Girls Day.  Every time we're with the DGSs it's Children's Day for us.  I will take a hard pass on Pickle Day though.  I do like sweet pickle relish but cannot stand the taste of dill.  Will also pass on the drink and red wine.  The meal sounds good, I think I'd like the last recipe best. I have a lot of potatoes to use up, need to get a small ham.  We will be in Timaru on the Grand Australia/NZ, so should have photos next year!  I was disappointed that the links had no photos of Timaru -- hope someone has some today! 


Welcome back @RedneckBob. That was quite the road trip!

Terri @Cruzin Terri I'm glad your DH's knee is doing better.

Maureen @RMLincoln  Safe drive to NJ.

Annie @marshhawk  I hope you're on the mend and will be feeling much better very soon.






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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I will salute Girls Day and Children's Day. I like some pickles. Interesting quote. The meal looks good. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I've been to NZ, but not Timaru. 3 good days in history.


Another sunny day, but with temps only up into the mid 50's. I'm sleepy, after another poor night of sleep. I just ate a few chocolate covered espresso beans to try to wake up, as I won't have my coffee until later. I haven't heard back from the Neurosurgery PA. I have PT this afternoon; I'm really only able to do some stretching. I also feel quite unstable on my feet. I will try to do laundry later, but dread the stairs down to the basement. I did just sign with someone to do final yard cleanup and who will do snow removal this winter, and then lawn mowing starting in the spring.


@kazu Sorry your arm is sore; it should improve quickly.

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad to hear that Jim's knee is less swollen. It sounds like you'll be busy up until time to leave.

@dfish Sorry to hear you didn't sleep either last night. Thanks for the recipes.

@smitty34877 Thank goodness you were able to get your delivery of medical equipment and meds.

@ger_77 I loved that cauliflower too! I haven't had it since childhood. Good deal on the remote starter. You have such a good heart, donating those items.

@quilty964 We had a milk box on the porch, that the milk bottles were put into.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lots of organizing for the new motorhome. I had to LOL at winter 50's and 60's. People are in shorts around here at those temps. 

@rafinmd Your meal looks good. Nice sunrise.

@luvteaching I have a pickle ornament on my tree. It is supposedly a German tradition to hide the pickle somewhere on the tree, and the child who finds it gets an extra present!

@RMLincoln I hope all is going well with the movers today.

@marshhawk I hope you're starting to feel better.

@HAL Sailer Thinking of you and DH.

@mamaofami Also thinking of Sam and hope he's doing ok.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

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Well it is good afternoon.  We went to Walmart for more than groceries, Tractor Supply and the Secretary of State Office.  Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports @richwmn.  It is great to have days to celebrate girls and children and I love pickles so happy they have their day.   A great day for desserts when Borden's condensed milk was developed.  A good quote today from Seneca and thanks for the explanation @StLouisCruisers.  I haven't been to today's port.  Thanks for the drink, wine and meal research for us each day.  Today's meal looks yummy, pass on the cocktail and today's wine looks good, would go great with the potatoes and ham.   

Prayers for everyone on our care lists.  @JazzyV continued prayers for a successful treatment and outcome for your leg pain and numbness.   @marshhawk I hope that you are recovering from your severe illness on your cruise.   Thinking of you today @RMLincoln as you go through your moving process.   Prayers for everyone in war zones, Israel, Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza.  Prayers for the hostages.  

Time to get caught up around the house.  It is an absolutely beautiful November day here.   Have a nice day!  Nancy 

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2 hours ago, Oceansaway17 said:

I have been away for several weeks and now back to realize the daily is locked down the next day so why?

makes it hard to reply now


Wish they’d give it a little more time, even 24 hours would help. 

Good morning and thanks all!  
@kazu thanks for the explanation about Seneca.  
@Quartzsite Cruiser hope you’re all settled in soon in your beautiful new motor home.  

We were out looking for snow geese and were rewarded by seeing huge flocks!  The sound is surreal.  



Edited by bennybear
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Good Tuesday Afternoon Dailyites!  I fell asleep on the sofa last night at 9, and slept until 6.  Of course getting up several times, but I got to snuggle with my two red kitties, and Chuck got t o sleep with Tazi in the bed, and she did not pee on him last night.


when i was diagnosed  at the ship medical center it was pulmonary failure.  What ever was going on, crossed with my COPD, and I could not breathe on my own.  I am less congested today, but while DH and I had tickets for our favorite symphony tonight, we are staying home.  And my lung doc, cancelled my next appointment, so when Chuck goes in the see the heart doc on Friday, I will ask him to give my chest a listen too (he is my heart doc too)


We discussed Thanksgiving meal today, steak, baked potato, creamed onions, and corn bread souffle.

If i get a strong urge for turkey, i'll go to the deli, and get some, and make turkey club sandwiches.

Well, off to sit in the sun for a few minutes, it is helping!  Hugs to you all.  Thank you for the prayers. I hope that everyone is having an easier day today.

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5 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all contributors!


National Pickle Day. I have said before I always find the pickle with the perfect pucker. 


I wish to thank SLC, JV and Miss Crystal for welcoming me back to this thread. We had a great time but ran into some interesting things. Though we were not at a port of call unless the cruise lines can figure how to get a cruise ship to sail on land, I would like to describe a little what happened. We do look forward to begin sailing again on the high seas for high tea or chai tea in a little over two weeks.


This land far far away had interesting rules. Find below a typical sign we found around this land. Now y’all probably know I talk a lot so I wanted to minimize the cost to talk in this land. So I stood 25 feet from the sign and began to talk but no one listened. So I asked a passer by what I was doing wrong for which the person replied, “You have to stand right under the sign for free speech”. 😳




If you are wondering where we were, it was called Nevada. Had no luck there. Me and the Misses drove there in our bran new $75,000 BMW and came back in a slightly used $750,000 Greyhound Bus! 😳



Ok fellow CC contributors. RNB is a little disappointed that I got no response to a sign along a trail in a park in Reno, Nevada, that said, “Free Speech Area”. I must be Rip Van Bobkin and just woke up from a deep sleep lasting 40 years and now instead of free speech from sea to shining sea it is limited to wherever a sign is posted? I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore! RNB, out!

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Interesting morning. For two to three days I have had slightly increasing soreness in my lower left abdomen. Nothing really bad but it had been more noticeable. Thinking it could possibly a bladder infection or diverticulitis I went to  a Family Care Clinic. They tested a urine sample which was completely normal. They gave me two options. Wait a couple of days or go to ER for further testing. Knowing our upcoming cruise plans I decided to head to the ER. If something is truly wrong there are not that many days between now and cruise to treat a problem. Very efficient and pleasant ER staff ordered more lab test and a Cat Scan. All test were normal and I have been released. So will observe for a few days and hope the mild symptoms decrease and go away. So that’s my morning. While awaiting test results I took a very expensive nap on the treatment table!

A overcast cool dreary day of rain and gray skies.



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We went out for a couple of hours to do a little shopping/errand running plus lunch out.  For some reason this morning's cloudy forecast has turned into a sunny though windy day.  We turned into our Chick-fil-A parking lot and saw an Under Renovation sign!  I sure hope they are open again soon.  Had to make do with KFC!



2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I will salute Girls Day and Children's Day. I like some pickles. Interesting quote. The meal looks good. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I've been to NZ, but not Timaru. 3 good days in history.


Another sunny day, but with temps only up into the mid 50's. I'm sleepy, after another poor night of sleep. I just ate a few chocolate covered espresso beans to try to wake up, as I won't have my coffee until later. I haven't heard back from the Neurosurgery PA. I have PT this afternoon; I'm really only able to do some stretching. I also feel quite unstable on my feet. I will try to do laundry later, but dread the stairs down to the basement. I did just sign with someone to do final yard cleanup and who will do snow removal this winter, and then lawn mowing starting in the spring.


@kazu Sorry your arm is sore; it should improve quickly.

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad to hear that Jim's knee is less swollen. It sounds like you'll be busy up until time to leave.

@dfish Sorry to hear you didn't sleep either last night. Thanks for the recipes.

@smitty34877 Thank goodness you were able to get your delivery of medical equipment and meds.

@ger_77 I loved that cauliflower too! I haven't had it since childhood. Good deal on the remote starter. You have such a good heart, donating those items.

@quilty964 We had a milk box on the porch, that the milk bottles were put into.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lots of organizing for the new motorhome. I had to LOL at winter 50's and 60's. People are in shorts around here at those temps. 

@rafinmd Your meal looks good. Nice sunrise.

@luvteaching I have a pickle ornament on my tree. It is supposedly a German tradition to hide the pickle somewhere on the tree, and the child who finds it gets an extra present!

@RMLincoln I hope all is going well with the movers today.

@marshhawk I hope you're starting to feel better.

@HAL Sailer Thinking of you and DH.

@mamaofami Also thinking of Sam and hope he's doing ok.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


Vanessa, how awful to have another night of little sleep.  Fingers crossed and prayers that the Neurosurgery PA gets back to you very, very soon.




2 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

Well it is good afternoon.  We went to Walmart for more than groceries, Tractor Supply and the Secretary of State Office.  Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports @richwmn.  It is great to have days to celebrate girls and children and I love pickles so happy they have their day.   A great day for desserts when Borden's condensed milk was developed.  A good quote today from Seneca and thanks for the explanation @StLouisCruisers.  I haven't been to today's port.  Thanks for the drink, wine and meal research for us each day.  Today's meal looks yummy, pass on the cocktail and today's wine looks good, would go great with the potatoes and ham.   

Prayers for everyone on our care lists.  @JazzyV continued prayers for a successful treatment and outcome for your leg pain and numbness.   @marshhawk I hope that you are recovering from your severe illness on your cruise.   Thinking of you today @RMLincoln as you go through your moving process.   Prayers for everyone in war zones, Israel, Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza.  Prayers for the hostages.  

Time to get caught up around the house.  It is an absolutely beautiful November day here.   Have a nice day!  Nancy 


I was going to tell you it was Jacqui @kazu that educated us on Seneca this morning, not me.  But I see Brenda @bennybear got the word out.  Looks like several of us had errands to run today.  




1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Good Tuesday Afternoon Dailyites!  I fell asleep on the sofa last night at 9, and slept until 6.  Of course getting up several times, but I got to snuggle with my two red kitties, and Chuck got t o sleep with Tazi in the bed, and she did not pee on him last night.


when i was diagnosed  at the ship medical center it was pulmonary failure.  What ever was going on, crossed with my COPD, and I could not breathe on my own.  I am less congested today, but while DH and I had tickets for our favorite symphony tonight, we are staying home.  And my lung doc, cancelled my next appointment, so when Chuck goes in the see the heart doc on Friday, I will ask him to give my chest a listen too (he is my heart doc too)


We discussed Thanksgiving meal today, steak, baked potato, creamed onions, and corn bread souffle.

If i get a strong urge for turkey, i'll go to the deli, and get some, and make turkey club sandwiches.

Well, off to sit in the sun for a few minutes, it is helping!  Hugs to you all.  Thank you for the prayers. I hope that everyone is having an easier day today.


I'm so glad the unexpected sunshine is helping you today Annie.  And a good night's sleep always helps.  Sorry you can't make the symphony tonight but better safe than sorry.  Stay well now!




11 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Interesting morning. For two to three days I have had slightly increasing soreness in my lower left abdomen. Nothing really bad but it had been more noticeable. Thinking it could possibly a bladder infection or diverticulitis I went to  a Family Care Clinic. They tested a urine sample which was completely normal. They gave me two options. Wait a couple of days or go to ER for further testing. Knowing our upcoming cruise plans I decided to head to the ER. If something is truly wrong there are not that many days between now and cruise to treat a problem. Very efficient and pleasant ER staff ordered more lab test and a Cat Scan. All test were normal and I have been released. So will observe for a few days and hope the mild symptoms decrease and go away. So that’s my morning. While awaiting test results I took a very expensive nap on the treatment table!

A overcast cool dreary day of rain and gray skies.




This meme never gets old!  I get quite a chuckle out of it.  I do hope the test results are all A-okay.  Sorry you're not feeling the best.  We ended up in an ER one night before we flew to Barcelona for a 3 week cruise.  We just had time to get a little sleep and two prescriptions filled before heading to the airport.  DH had diverticulitis for the first (and only) time  .A lot of pain involved but we made that cruise!  The antibiotics took care of him.

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29 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Interesting morning. For two to three days I have had slightly increasing soreness in my lower left abdomen. Nothing really bad but it had been more noticeable. Thinking it could possibly a bladder infection or diverticulitis I went to  a Family Care Clinic. They tested a urine sample which was completely normal. They gave me two options. Wait a couple of days or go to ER for further testing. Knowing our upcoming cruise plans I decided to head to the ER. If something is truly wrong there are not that many days between now and cruise to treat a problem. Very efficient and pleasant ER staff ordered more lab test and a Cat Scan. All test were normal and I have been released. So will observe for a few days and hope the mild symptoms decrease and go away. So that’s my morning. While awaiting test results I took a very expensive nap on the treatment table!

A overcast cool dreary day of rain and gray skies.



There’s no free speech but we can have a free bird! We have been foiled!

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15 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

...We turned into our Chick-fil-A parking lot and saw an Under Renovation sign!  I sure hope they are open again soon.  Had to make do with KFC!

The horror!! I hope your remodel goes better than ours did - took over 4 months as they completely tore it down and rebuilt it (didn't look anywhere near bad enough to be leveled). Once re-opened, they no longer offer their own in-house delivery; have to use Uber or Door Dash. That means no more points earned on those orders and no redemption of rewards, either. Those can only be earned or redeemed at their location. And prices are higher when ordering through one of their "delivery partnets."

Big bummer as I quite enjoyed CFA breakfast chicken filets Sat mornings as well as a free brownie on my birthday 😔

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41 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

The horror!! I hope your remodel goes better than ours did - took over 4 months as they completely tore it down and rebuilt it (didn't look anywhere near bad enough to be leveled). Once re-opened, they no longer offer their own in-house delivery; have to use Uber or Door Dash. That means no more points earned on those orders and no redemption of rewards, either. Those can only be earned or redeemed at their location. And prices are higher when ordering through one of their "delivery partnets."

Big bummer as I quite enjoyed CFA breakfast chicken filets Sat mornings as well as a free brownie on my birthday 😔


Well actually, this particular CFA is a new store!  Well maybe 4 or 5 years old.  I remember when they tore down the OLD CFA and built this brand new store with 2 drive thru lanes which are always full of cars.  So to need a remodel already is very surprising.  It was very nice inside already.  


Have you noticed how high prices are getting at the various fast food restaurants?  Everything is way up in price.  This inflation is everywhere.😮


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Thanks all for keeping my DH in your prayers and on the Daily rotational care list.


Today, we had a consultation with an informative, patient, thorough and, oh, so young pain management doctor who specializes in spinal issues. We were very impressed with his detailed understanding of DH's recent hospitalization and medical challenges as he had reviewed DH's extensive medical records in preparation.


After examining DH, he agreed with the neurosurgeon that spinal surgery is not a wise risk/benefit option. He does think an epidural injection could ease DH's spinal nerve inflammation, right hip-heel pain, and loss of sensation in his right foot. He feels an injection plus continued P.T. could be a very helpful combination. So, DH has agreed to an early December injection.


Otherwise, DH is showing more spirit and trying to be more independent. Walking is almost impossible, but he tries! So, we continue going twice a week to physical therapy sessions plus doing PT homework while watching his alma mater Michigan State football team lose and cheering on our Detroit Lions during their amazing season!


As Thanksgiving approaches, we have much to be thankful for – including our wonderful past BHB cruises (future???) and in the knowledge that we continue to be in the Daily-ites’ prayer and care.


May you each be equally blessed,


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