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Saturday December 16th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

Today I'm heading to Canada to see my mom and take her gifts up.


Safe travels today, Karen.  I hope you enjoy the day and so glad you plan to be home by darkness 👍 



3 hours ago, rafinmd said:

I have a question for our dailyites based on yesterday's posts.  Is it creepy to draft your own obituary?  I have outlived the people who knew me in my younger years and have created something that others could use making late additions and editing anything they would like to change.


Not creepy at all.  it’s thoughtful and will help those you leave behind.  I’ll be doing the same. 



4 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

I got the MRI last night the surgeon ordered for my other shoulder.


That’s great!  I hope your results are encouraging and you hear very soon.



3 hours ago, ger_77 said:

 And @kazuhave you ever thought of moving somewhere else in Canada where you aren't always pummeled with storms?  I can't imagine the stress knowing there's another blast of something coming!


Leave my neighbours and few friends I have left?  I’ve lived here a long time and although we get hit with storms (the Bay of Fundy likes to trap them), it’s a very nice place to live (especially in the summer time).  This storm like the last one is coming up the entire Atlantic Seaboard.  That leaves out all of the Maritimes if I were to move 😔.  Real estate here is a very reasonable price compared to many parts of Canada.  Good for those moving here from other parts but to move out of here would mean I’d probably end up living in a studio apartment or a hovel.  😝.   No stress ( unless I lose another tree) - I just prepare.  My only stress is getting Ivan to go in the rain and wind LOL.


It’s all moot as it will probably take me another decade to get rid of all of the excess stuff in the house.  DD DH was as bad at saving things as he was a clothes horse 😉  He agreed we should start to sort and clean out but it never happened while he was living.




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58 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

The Day of Reconciliation continues to be important for healing. I like most chocolate covered things, except peanuts. I never had any stupid toys. Good quote. The meal sounds good, pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I have been to Sydney on my first HAL cruise, Auckland to Sydney, in 2006. 2 important days in history.


It's the last nice day for a while. Some sunshine and a high of 55F. Rain, then rain/snow is on the way. Even if there's some snow on Tuesday, I will make it to my Neurosurgery appointment! I'm very sleepy again. I find it hard to believe my watch that says I slept 1.5 hours, but my Fitbit agrees. I did get almost 3 hours off and on in the recliner last evening. The house is a mess, but any standing more than 3 minutes causes significant pain. 


@cunnorl Nice photos.

@StLouisCruisers Lovely  photos from Sydney.

@grapau27 Prayers for Pauline's friend's Mam. And lovely of Pauline to help her friend after her operation.

@aliaschief I'm glad the weather has cooperated so far for your visit to DD's.

@Denise T Enjoy having your family there.

@Cruzin Terri My condolences on the loss of your UK friend's husband. I hope today is more peaceful for you than yesterday.

@tjcox9 That's a great photo!

@smitty34877 Here's hoping today is the end of the street work.

@rafinmd I don't think it's creepy to draft your own obit. I have no family. The person who knows me best is BFF, and even so he doesn't know much about my life before I moved here. And if I outlive him, then there's no one to write it.

@Nickelpenny I hope the steroid shots help. Mine wasn't too bad back in October, mainly some pressure.

@Mr. Boston I hope you feel better today.

@ottahand7 Cool photo of the sundog. My team plays today too. Seems odd to be on Saturday. There definitely seems to be an uptick in Covid cases.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos from Sydney.

@Seasick Sailor Be careful! Sorry to hear people fell.

@luvteaching Safe travels up to visit your DM. Enjoy the shopping and lunch.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast for those Celebrating.


Arriving in Sydney Harbor in the early morning, on the Statendam.







The story of the Opera House Shape





Aborigine playing a Didgeridoo in the Circular Quay



The First Impressions Sculpture in The Rocks



View from the pylon lookout on the Harbor Bridge



Harbor Bridge Walkway



Luna Park



Sydney Conservatorium of Music



Pyramid and Arc, Royal Botanical Gardens



St. Mary's Cathedral



Sydney Town Hall lit for Christmas



Atop the Sydney Harbor Bridge



Thank you and lovely photos Vanessa.

I'm sad to hear all the pain you endure.

When I stand up from a chair or out of my car I feel significant hip arthritis pain and cannot move for a minute or two so can totally empathise with you.

Fortunately I can sleep for 8-9 hours even though I feel pain when lying on my side.

I hope you can find effective pain relief or a cure for your pain.

You are amazing the superb job you do on the daily whilst being in constant pain.

Best wishes to you.




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3 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Saturday Morning Dailyites!  It is cloudy, 44 degrees, and I have to be at work in a half hour.  Oh, the drive from the den, to the living room office on a Saturday is so hard!  


@grapau27Stuffed animals are not stupid toys.  They soak up the tears of both children and adults, who need a cry, they snuggle with us when we are sick, and they make us feel better.  They are the imaginary friends when we are far from the friends we have.  They hold our secrets, and never tell a soul.  Maybe it's a girl thing, but they are not stupid. IMO.

And thank you for  this weeks food porn.  DH and I finally made it to our restaurant yesterday, we ordered the weekly special, it was beautifully placed on the plate, and we both scarfed it all down.  After we finished, I said to DH, if we are going to eat when we are this hungry, no one will know we are foodies like Graham, as we didnt take any pictures!


Yesterday we did work on the porch, got half of the screen wrap up, enough to keep the wind off the critters, but we still have the top part to do.  Hoping the rain steers clear tomorrow, as I work 8 hours today, and it is too dark out there to work at night.


Have a great day every one!

I totally agree and we take one of our stuffed monkeys on every holiday we take.


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Good morning to all. I have been up for awhile rounding up things to take out to thrift store this morning. One of my friends who volunteers there said I needed to come today as she was bringing me the change left over from Australia/New Zealand cruise about a year ago. That is always handy to have.


I got a good night's sleep last night after all the stress of the day before. Checked the Luggage Forward site this morning and mine is in Grand Junction which means they hauled it up over Red Mountain Pass but that also puts it up on the interstate for its run to California. I would have thought it would go out through Albuquerque but then what do I know. I know from here I would go south, not north. Living in Durango has its perks, but getting out town easily is not one of them. My scheduled flight out of Durango is very, very early with a long lay-over in Phoenix - I do not want to fly through Denver or Dallas.


Weather here is sunny and, for this time of year, mild. Highs will be mid-40's. I feel for all those on the east coast. We gave rain forecast for Christmas but the weather gurus are not enthusiastic about the prospect.


Little new here as I continue to try to sort out the condo a bit more and look at what I need to take to California. I will be out there (hopefully) for about 5 days before sailing as I want to take the time to visit. So now I have to think about my suitcase for the plane. Will take as little as possible. Have had several upselll offers on my cabin but so far have turned them down.


Off to do something constructive. I feel for all suffering health issues. I am a stiff and certainly can  not walk the distances I used to but so far, rap on wood, am holding up well given my age. My sister complains of slowing down and she is 9 years older than I am.





Edited by durangoscots
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1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

This is the start of day 2 of our busy weekend.  When I started reading the Daily I was the only one awake, now everyone is up so I'll make this short.  We're having a great time with the DGSs.  They had a wonderful time at the Taekwondo party last night, and after getting back to our house we played a couple rousing games of UNO (I lost every time) and then they spent some time playing with their Gak (kind of a tradition here since they were small).  Everyone went right to sleep and slept well.  We have a full day ahead.


Terry @smitty34877 Is it too late to ask for the chocolate you don't want?  😂  I'll take anything chocolate covered except for insects. Preferably dark chocolate, but I won't turn down any chocolate.


Love the quote, the drink would probably be good, and maybe on the turkey stuffed peppers but I would prefer ground beef.  Pass on the red wine.  I'm loving the photos of Sydney since we'll be there in February and have never been there.  We'll have 2 days.  The first day we have an all-day private tour to the Blue Mountains.  Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser did you ride the train that does the vertical drop?  I'm wondering how I would do on that....hate heights and hate feeling like I'm dropping straight down.  If it's slow it wouldn't be as bad, but fast no way. 😲


The second day we have a HAL tour of the city and the opera house.  We were going to do the HOHO but instead decided to do everything as simply as possible this trip.  


Well time to feed these growing boys!  We measured Foster last night -- at 10 1/2 he's slightly over 5 feet already!!  He'll be tall like his Dad.


Have a great day everyone!

Yes! Take my chocolate! I know I am odd but I prefer things like butterscotch and vanilla ice cream. My family does not understand it.

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9 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Yes! Take my chocolate! I know I am odd but I prefer things like butterscotch and vanilla ice cream. My family does not understand it.

Thank you! 
I don’t understand it either 😂 and have a sister who is the same. I ask her if we’re really related! 

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21 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Yes! Take my chocolate! I know I am odd but I prefer things like butterscotch and vanilla ice cream. My family does not understand it.


Yum, butterscotch - you’re talking my language 🙂 -  along with  caramel, praline, sea salt caramel.  

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There are some things that shouldn't be covered in chocolate. Trust me on this.


I'd rather have the leftover turkey some other way--I don't really like stuffed peppers (which, btw, should not be covered in chocolate, either). No on the drink, or anything made with pineapple juice. No Zinfandel/Tribidrag/Whatever blends in the Finger Lakes, but for a Syrah and Merlot blend, maybe Shalestone Cross-Rows, which also contains Lemberger. I haven't been to Sydney, not even the one in Nova Scotia, but I have been to Sidney, New York.





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Good Afternoon,  lunch at the PG was nice although I didn't expect it to take 90 minutes.  We sent out laundry last night and it came back by 1:30, excellent turn around.  We are invited to the wine tasting but will skip it, DH doesn't think it would be good tor him since he's still suffering from motion sickness.   Maybe we will watch a movie. 

From the PG window. 



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It looks like the sun is trying to break through the rather heavy cloud cover.  It's finally reached 60F, and the clothes have all been on the line since about 9:30.  Also, the sheets have been washed and dried with the other set of sheets going on the bed while the sheets were in the dryer.  I hope that makes sense.  😉  Now, to catch up on some paperwork, then begin the sorting before I bring the clothes in later this afternoon.  That's the kind of excitement we have around here.


2 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


I'll take anything covered in chocolate as long as it's dark chocolate. Not a big fan of milk chocolate. Today and tomorrow we're having sun and clouds but the rain returns on Monday. 


The last few days have been busy here with wrapping, baking my English shortbread, water aerobics, etc. Yesterday was a potluck with a local Widows Support Group. It's more of a social group and some nice people. There were 35 of us. A couple of them are classmates of DH. 

Today I'm heading to Canada to see my mom and take her gifts up. I'll ship the rest on Monday for nieces, sisters and great-nieces. It's too much for my mom for me to take them to her. She's 97 and a going concern. Today I'm to take her to Old Navy and The Gap to shop for my niece and then she wants to go to White Spot for lunch so we can share a shrimp sandwich. If you know White Spot you know that their shrimp sandwich, on multigrain bread, is delicious. I have warned her that I'd like to be closer to home by dark so it will be a shorter visit but I'll be back up in a few weeks. 

Have a good day everyone! @rafinmd I think writing your own obituary is a great idea! I did DH's and it took many drafts and I still feel like I left things out he may have wanted included. 



Safe travels today, Karen.  I hope you enjoy your time with your mother, and that you get home before it's too dark.


2 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Wedding Day in San Antonio TX for granddaughter!  Everything is unfolding ok!  Lots of catching up with family, and a heartfelt visit with my recently widowed friend in Seguin (no “e”, thank you Lenda!). Traffic has been heavy at times traversing San Antonio but the navigator has been a blessing. The wedding is this afternoon, reception to follow, back to hotel, pack this evening and to the airport after breakfast for noon flight. 

Seeing weather forecasts that we’ll be flying into the east coast storm tomorrow night. IF we’re on schedule, we’ll be driving home from Philadelphia to northern NJ just before the storm gets really bad, albeit 9pm, tired, dark, rainy. OR we could hold over in Philly Sunday night and drive up Monday in likely worse weather and more traffic. 🤷🏼‍♀️   Hoping we can connect in Atlanta ok. We have an 3 hour layover, hope a plane comes in for our connection. Then manage the drive home ok 🤞

Loved Sydney, stayed there one week of our 6 weeks in Australia!  Both closer friend there have died but we made other friends through them that we’ve kept in touch with… 


“Reconciliation” is a great word, and needed practice!   RE = again; CON= together; CIL is from the root word for legs, as in “cilia”. So it means “to walk together again!”  

Maya Angelou was very perceptive and taught this concept of today’s quote to help many avoid future pitfalls. Easier said… 

DH is taking advantage of a break in our schedule for a nap, he’s had a rough time with his eyes itching so bad even doubling up on antihistamines (which would make me loopy);  never complains but I feel it with him. After we get back home we’ll lay low until surgery in late January. Then everything changes!  Don’t know what to expect but we’re on the path…. 

Blessings to you all!  Thanks for being here!  Extra love to those with heavy hearts, losses, pain and challenges. ❤️‍🩹
Cheers to those celebrating and traveling!  🎉 (While the traveling can be a challenge we’re so very glad we could make it to this wedding!) 


Sorry to hear about more COVID, we may pick it up from these gatherings or travels but hopefully we can get through it before surgery!  Gotta keep living life and moving forward!  


Maureen, I'm glad you enjoyed your visit with your friend and catching up with your family.  Sending positive thoughts that there are no last minute glitches for the wedding.  Safe travels tomorrow, and I hope all your planes are on time or early.  I'm sorry your DH is having such a bad reaction to the eye drops.


2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

This is the start of day 2 of our busy weekend.  When I started reading the Daily I was the only one awake, now everyone is up so I'll make this short.  We're having a great time with the DGSs.  They had a wonderful time at the Taekwondo party last night, and after getting back to our house we played a couple rousing games of UNO (I lost every time) and then they spent some time playing with their Gak (kind of a tradition here since they were small).  Everyone went right to sleep and slept well.  We have a full day ahead.


Terry @smitty34877 Is it too late to ask for the chocolate you don't want?  😂  I'll take anything chocolate covered except for insects. Preferably dark chocolate, but I won't turn down any chocolate.


Love the quote, the drink would probably be good, and maybe on the turkey stuffed peppers but I would prefer ground beef.  Pass on the red wine.  I'm loving the photos of Sydney since we'll be there in February and have never been there.  We'll have 2 days.  The first day we have an all-day private tour to the Blue Mountains.  Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser did you ride the train that does the vertical drop?  I'm wondering how I would do on that....hate heights and hate feeling like I'm dropping straight down.  If it's slow it wouldn't be as bad, but fast no way. 😲


The second day we have a HAL tour of the city and the opera house.  We were going to do the HOHO but instead decided to do everything as simply as possible this trip.  


Well time to feed these growing boys!  We measured Foster last night -- at 10 1/2 he's slightly over 5 feet already!!  He'll be tall like his Dad.


Have a great day everyone!


Carolyn, DH found video of the ride down the mountain on the incline railroad.  I still don't remember riding it, but I also don't remember waiting for him at the bottom.  My guess is I rode with him, but strangely, I did not take any pictures which I normally would have done or the pictures were blurry.  The car has bench seats that lean back when it is level.  The train goes through a tunnel before the steepest part, but from the video it does not drop at breakneck speed like a thrill ride.  We also took the gondola up and back down.  There is a "sky tram" that is new since we visited the Blue Mountains.  In the end, you can look at the situation and talk to your guide before deciding whether or not to ride the train.  


I also don't want any insects covered in chocolate, and I too prefer dark chocolate.  However, I draw the line at the faux chocolate -- white chocolate.  Whoever mentioned they do not chocolate covered peanuts, I'll be glad to take them off your hands.


1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning to all. I have been up for awhile rounding up things to take out to thrift store this morning. One of my friends who volunteers there said I needed to come today as she was bringing me the change left over from Australia/New Zealand cruise about a year ago. That is always handy to have.


I got a good night's sleep last night after all the stress of the day before. Checked the Luggage Forward site this morning and mine is in Grand Junction which means they hauled it up over Red Mountain Pass but that also puts it up on the interstate for its run to California. I would have thought it would go out through Albuquerque but then what do I know. I know from here I would go south, not north. Living in Durango has its perks, but getting out town easily is not one of them. My scheduled flight out of Durango is very, very early with a long lay-over in Phoenix - I do not want to fly through Denver or Dallas.


Weather here is sunny and, for this time of year, mild. Highs will be mid-40's. I feel for all those on the east coast. We gave rain forecast for Christmas but the weather gurus are not enthusiastic about the prospect.


Little new here as I continue to try to sort out the condo a bit more and look at what I need to take to California. I will be out there (hopefully) for about 5 days before sailing as I want to take the time to visit. So now I have to think about my suitcase for the plane. Will take as little as possible. Have had several upselll offers on my cabin but so far have turned them down.


Off to do something constructive. I feel for all suffering health issues. I am a stiff and certainly can  not walk the distances I used to but so far, rap on wood, am holding up well given my age. My sister complains of slowing down and she is 9 years older than I am.






Susan, that's good news your luggage is on it's way, but going over Red Mountain Pass in the winter in a big truck?  I'd head south too.  In fact, we have when we skied Purgatory.


17 minutes ago, GTVCRUISER said:

Back home from my cruise on the Koningsdam 



Welcome, home.


57 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Yes! Take my chocolate! I know I am odd but I prefer things like butterscotch and vanilla ice cream. My family does not understand it.



Terry, I'll trade you my butterscotch for your chocolate.  Vanilla ice cream is good, but it's better with dark chocolate syrup.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Guess you have all seen my pictures of Sidney from 2013 while we were on the Oosterdam a couple of weeks ago when I reposted them mistakenly when it was Melbournes turn ……turkey...…. So today a few different pictures from our  other cruise while on the Volendam which took us from Sidney to Singapore in 2015 .
Will try to show Sidney from a different angle without too much commentary :
Arrival in Sidney via Hong Kong  Nov 20 2015,
What’s that ….????
All the stores were ready for Christmas ……..without snow …..
Oops....... Oh yes we were in Australia 
Pub  where nobody ……... Speaks no evil , sees no evil or hears no evil  !   So they did not need a doorman to throw people out on the sidewalk ! 
From the Volendam, the famous bridge from the other side in a beautifully landscaped area 
Just having a look that we fit underneath the bridge 
And of coarse the obligatory picture of the Sidney Opera house that the Danish Architect Jorn Utzon who had won the International design completion for an opera house in 1957  which when construction was actually started caused  a lot of uproar with the actual construction problems and delays and was not completed and opened by Queen Elizabeth until 1973 .
Utzon was invited to be present but declined to go to the opening ………. 
Now this is one of the worlds most recognizable structure together with the Eifel Tower in Paris , the Statue of Liberty and the Great Wall in China !
Hope I had the correct Port Destination today ....
Tony 😁😁
Edited by sailingdutchy
Spacing the pictures better
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Good morning and thanks all,   the wine sounds great!  


I love how if a toy is truly loved it becomes real,  AKA the velveteen rabbit!  

@0106 loved the Wolf Hall trilogy,  certainly gives you insight into politics!  Have you read all three?  Two won the Booker Prize.


@rafinmdused to have my career groups do this so they could think of what was important in their lives to accomplish.  No one wanted “here lies x who worked themselves to death!”


While I prefer dark chocolate, the caramel in Banoffee pie is heavenly!  

thinking of so many here who are making loved ones! 


You Don’t Just Lose Someone Once   

You lose them over and over, 
sometimes many times a day.
When the loss, momentarily forgotten,
creeps up, 
and attacks you from behind.
Fresh waves of grief as the realisation hits home,
they are gone.

You don’t just lose someone once, 
you lose them every time you open your eyes to a new dawn,
and as you awaken, 
so does your memory, 
so does the jolting bolt of lightning that rips into your heart,
they are gone.

Losing someone is a journey,
not a one-off.
There is no end to the loss,
there is only a learned skill on how to stay afloat,
when it washes over.

Be kind to those who are sailing this stormy sea, 
they have a journey ahead of them,
and a daily shock to the system each time they realise,
they are gone,

You don’t just lose someone once, 
you lose them every day, 

for a lifetime.




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@bennybear Today, I was not the one who made the book recommendation; it was @ottahand7 (go Ravens!). However, I have read the Mantle’s Wolf Hall trilogy.  I had a bit of difficulty keeping all the Cromwells straight.  I finally used a strategy I taught my students; I made a character list and used it as a book mark.  I know many loved the books but I found them challenging; perhaps because I didn’t have a great deal of knowledge about the history before I read them.


@JazzyVImpressed you did the bridge walk!

Edited by 0106
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1 hour ago, Crazy For Cats said:

 Maybe we will watch a movie. 


It might help Juan to get some fresh air if possible.  I can’t remember your location - I think you are mid ship?  if so all good and wise to avoid the aft (I’m assuming the wine tasting is in the MDR)  while he is not feeling up to snuff.


Green apples and crackers helped my DD DH in case this is of use to you.  (It took umpteen cruises before he agreed to try the green apples - he was amazed).



1 hour ago, bennybear said:


You Don’t Just Lose Someone Once   

You lose them over and over, 
sometimes many times a day.
When the loss, momentarily forgotten,
creeps up, 
and attacks you from behind.
Fresh waves of grief as the realisation hits home,
they are gone.

You don’t just lose someone once, 
you lose them every time you open your eyes to a new dawn,
and as you awaken, 
so does your memory, 
so does the jolting bolt of lightning that rips into your heart,
they are gone.

Losing someone is a journey,
not a one-off.
There is no end to the loss,
there is only a learned skill on how to stay afloat,
when it washes over.

Be kind to those who are sailing this stormy sea, 
they have a journey ahead of them,
and a daily shock to the system each time they realise,
they are gone,

You don’t just lose someone once, 
you lose them every day, 

for a lifetime.





Oh Brenda.  I have no words but yes and thank you ♥️ 




11 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

I checked LF and it looks like my bags have not left Kansas City. Yikes. I hope they get there. 



Don’t panic.  I have gifts coming and they have had the label on for 2 days and just getting shipped now (no biggie).  UPS - it’s Christmas and I think things are a smidge backlogged.

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55 minutes ago, 0106 said:

@bennybear Today, I was not the one who made the book recommendation; it was @ottahand7 (go Ravens!). However, I have read the Mantle’s Wolf Hall trilogy.  I had a bit of difficulty keeping all the Cromwells straight.  I finally used a strategy I taught my students; I made a character list and used it as a book mark.  I know many loved the books but I found them challenging; perhaps because I didn’t have a great deal of knowledge about the history before I read them.


@JazzyVImpressed you did the bridge walk!

It probably helped that I watched the PBS series first before ordering the books.  It was such an engaging series and the actor who played Cromwell could say so much with few words with his facial expressions. 

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1 hour ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all,   the wine sounds great!  


I love how if a toy is truly loved it becomes real,  AKA the velveteen rabbit!  

@0106 loved the Wolf Hall trilogy,  certainly gives you insight into politics!  Have you read all three?  Two won the Booker Prize.


@rafinmdused to have my career groups do this so they could think of what was important in their lives to accomplish.  No one wanted “here lies x who worked themselves to death!”


While I prefer dark chocolate, the caramel in Banoffee pie is heavenly!  

thinking of so many here who are making loved ones! 


You Don’t Just Lose Someone Once   

You lose them over and over, 
sometimes many times a day.
When the loss, momentarily forgotten,
creeps up, 
and attacks you from behind.
Fresh waves of grief as the realisation hits home,
they are gone.

You don’t just lose someone once, 
you lose them every time you open your eyes to a new dawn,
and as you awaken, 
so does your memory, 
so does the jolting bolt of lightning that rips into your heart,
they are gone.

Losing someone is a journey,
not a one-off.
There is no end to the loss,
there is only a learned skill on how to stay afloat,
when it washes over.

Be kind to those who are sailing this stormy sea, 
they have a journey ahead of them,
and a daily shock to the system each time they realise,
they are gone,

You don’t just lose someone once, 
you lose them every day, 

for a lifetime.




Thank you so much for this. It is quite true I have found.

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I want to post some photos of Sydney from 3 of my 4 trips there.  I visited on a land trip in 2003 but my first cruise there was in 2010, the first of my crazy combination cruises, Crystal Symphony Los Angeles to Sydney, flying to Bangkok, and then Queen Victoria on to Dubai.  At the time I made it a point to spend a night under the stars once per month year around.


I had found Lane Cove Holiday Park North of Sydney and spent a night there before flying to Bangkok..  I'll also comment on my interaction with the border authorities.  I had prepared for a visit without leaving any strange species behind and was not expecting to have to declare anything.  I had brand new tent stakes, and a brand new plastic sheet to lay on the ground.  When I got the custom's form I noticed wood on the declarations list and told them the hammer I would use to set up my tent had a wood handle.  He looked at it and cleared it, and then asked about my stakes.  When I told them they were brand new I was good to go.  They are good and also very cooperative if you are honest with them.





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1 hour ago, cruising sister said:

I checked LF and it looks like my bags have not left Kansas City. Yikes. I hope they get there. 

Ours have been sitting in Tacoma since the day they were picked up here. So only went about an hour away.  Probably waiting for more to arrive or just busy with Christmas.  


The boys are having a movie/popcorn/brownies afternoon and I'm resting up for the next game of UNO.  I'm pleased with the Santa mugs they painted.  The 8-year-old gave his a brown mustache and said his is the "young Santa".  🤣  After dinner we'll be going to the Christmas lights show, and hopefully then straight to bed...

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Next time was 2018 on Crystal's 2-ship world cruise, sailing Fort Lauderdale to Sydney on Crystal Serenity and returning to Fort Lauderdale on Crystal Symphony,  Serenity had a total of 3 days in Sydney and cannot get under the bridge.  The day we arrived I took a walk across the bridge.  @JazzyV posted a photo of the walk way, this is another one closing in on one of the towers:




We had to leave at the crack of dawn the next morning to make way for another ship at the berth.  Symphony was docked at White Bay and some of the ferries moved us over to her.




Our final day in Sydney I had a tour of the Opera house visiting the big auditorium.  The Concert Hall:



The Opera Hall and Stage:





That afternoon we left with the Symphony passing Serenity which fell into line behind us following behind until we turned towards our respective next ports.





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2 hours ago, cruising sister said:

I checked LF and it looks like my bags have not left Kansas City. Yikes. I hope they get there. 

Having been very late being picked up, mine are really moving. Now in Salt Lake City. They may get stuck there for a couple of days.



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