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Champagne - NOT - your opinion?


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You will obviously be shocked to learn that cruise lines DO look at these boards. As a PR person, I know that this is a good way of learning about views of pax!!! How can it be a waste of time to learn about complaints or what your competitors are up to?


This site could almost be considered a free survey by cruise lines!!



I'm not going to get into an ongoing debate with the OP because that serves no purpose. I will respond however, that, also as a (former) advertising/marketing person that I would have been hard pressed to make a case for a business decision based on what 1% of my customer base thinks. 1% is approximately what the message board population represents to a cruise line in terms of TMA (target market blah etc.).


Perhaps I should clarify. I didn't mean that Celebrity employees don't look at the message boards. What I do think would be problematic is if the company starts making decisions based on what is posted.

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I'm not going to get into an ongoing debate with the OP because that serves no purpose. I will respond however, that, also as a (former) advertising/marketing person that I would have been hard pressed to make a case for a business decision based on what 1% of my customer base thinks. 1% is approximately what the message board population represents to a cruise line in terms of TMA (target market blah etc.).


Perhaps I should clarify. I didn't mean that Celebrity employees don't look at the message boards. What I do think would be problematic is if the company starts making decisions based on what is posted.


I agree and would like to add something, as well. During one of our cruises I asked the Cruise Director if he reads Cruise Critic. His response was that he use to, but got so annoyed by the misinformation about Celebrity that is posted that he stopped reading it.

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As for the message boards, I think 1 % is about right, but it still is a good cross section and I can guarantee you most cruise lines do read CC: daily, not likely, but once or twice a week. I have asked this question before and always been told: yes. Now for Champagne versus sparkling wine: I couldn't expect true Champagne to be part of the CC perks, but I also wouldn't expect to be charged a corkage fee. NMnita

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Here you are, I been searching all over for you. Here you are going on about that bottle or a bottle - was it the one you got for being on stage (part of the show)?


Well, my opinion is you should have found me, and then we would have had a drink (as my drinking buddy) and then we would have danced the night away (as my dancing buddy).


Ciao Bella

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Hiya my dancing buddy - star of stage and screen!!! I miss you - tell Deborah if she was not so young and beautiful I would have stolen you away!!


No, not THAT bottle. THAT bottle I gave to your honeymoon friends. To save you reading two pages of nonsense, I was supposed to receive a bottle of Champagne in our Concierge Class Package for which I paid. When I took it to dinner on the last night for a toast with friends upstairs, they wanted to charge me $15 corkage!! Their sparkling wine (not champagne) for which I had already paid!!! If it cost more than $1 per bottle, I would be surprised!! This is so petty that I phoned Celebrity and the "Customer bad relations" person was really quite objectionable!!!


How very stupid to irritate a good customer like that. When we were cruising half-empty ships after 9/11, none of the cruise lines could do enough for us!! Now its "who cares"! What goes around comes around.


As it happens my next two bookings are not Concierge Class as it was not done properly and I had to complain. This was on Constellation last time as well - the staff are not doing it properly as most passengers dont know what to expect anyway!!! And the supervisors obviously feel the same!!!


We are on Jewel of the Seas April 30th - how about you two joining us? Just a little trip across the pond to Jolly Old Engerland!!!!!


Lots of love to you both!! I check out our site as well, but have been busy with this one!!!! Kisses Kisses

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As far as marketing goes - of course no important decisions would be made based on 1%!!!! However, if something is obviously wrong or irritating customers - however, small - I am sure they want to know!! And there is a good cross-section of cruisers on this site.


We are good customers - and in fact will not bother with Concierge Class again - and they should want to know why! Nothing to do with the Champagne by the way!! The theory is great - the execution not!!!


Now I have to think up another controversial statement!!! Help me someone!!!!

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What was the label on the bottle you received?


I've always received a bottle which said..whether in a suite or otherwise..


"Celebrity VIintage"


Blanc de Blancs


Vin Mousseaux de Qualite


Methode Traditionnelle


Product (sic) in France, La Tete Noire SARL ** 13340 Rognac France


I still have a couple of bottles in the refrigerator!


Now the stuff they serve at embarkation is god awful.... Duc de Valmer or something along those lines. Just dreadful.[/quote I'd prefer a cold brew on a warm and humid day.

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Interesting thread. Another option would have been to take the offending bottle to breakfast the next morning pop the cork yourself and serve a round or two of mimosas, would have paid to see the reaction of the dining room staff.


Does bring to mind a few cruises ago on the Zenith I dedcided to join some friends for a pre-dinner drink at the Champagne(?) bar and what I ordered was not truely Champagne and the server was quick to make that point, so the folks on board do now what is and what isn't Champagne.

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Ha! Sure they know. I can tell you now that if I were drunk and ordered a bottle of Champagne - they would serve the real thing - and I would need a second mortgage on my flat!!!


Unfortunately, it was the last night. Not a lot I could do about it!!! Otherwise the Captain himself would have heard about it!!! Babylene will confirm that I am not short on words!!!!


What riled me was that I actually PAID for it - it was not a prize.


I don't remember what the label said - not interested in wine - except it was from France - which didn't help my temper either!!! As a Brit I support them like they support us - including BSE and lamb!!


In fact, a friend of mine insists that the only good thing to come out of France is champagne - and I didn't get it!!!


Let's face it, the only reason they are buying from France is because its cheap!! I take a guess at a buck a bottle - but its probably less!! Any other guesses?

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Brian, just wondering, what comedy show were you picked for. My DW got chosen on our last Infinity cruise back in Febuary. She was the star of the cruise. Everyone knew her and stopped her everyday after the show.



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Now the stuff they serve at embarkation is god awful.... Duc de Valmer or something along those lines. Just dreadful. I'd prefer a cold brew on a warm and humid day.


Duc de whatshisface! That's the swill they gave us as a prize on Majesty of the Seas that made the wine steward refuse to speak to us for the rest of the week! Oh, the fond memories........


We got smart - the next time we played a game, we came in second and got the leather luggage tags.

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Duc de whatshisface! That's the swill they gave us as a prize on Majesty of the Seas that made the wine steward refuse to speak to us for the rest of the week! Oh, the fond memories........


We got smart - the next time we played a game, we came in second and got the leather luggage tags.

Is Duc de Whathis face any better than Chateau Schwartz, LOL. Good tip about going for second place though.

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Now I have had a brilliant idea - but maybe I am flogging a dead horse (not the one above, of course!!??).


Give me your opinion guys - maybe I should sue RCCL? I was in Dominican Republic waters when I discovered that the champagne I paid for was pig swill - sorry (typo!?) sparkling wine! Do I need a lawyer to find out if in DR it is supposed to be called champagne? Shall I phone Brett Rivkin in Miami to represent me?

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Celebrity seem to have changed their sparkling wine. Previously it was very drinkable but the last 2 Celebrity cruises the stuff they serve up (free) was undrinkable. We were invited to the Captains table for dinner and met for drinks beforehand and I asked for champagne and specified not the awful stuff you get on embarkation and was served real champagne - you can tell the difference straight away.

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I have to agree with you, why...because you speak the truth.


However there is a distinction between a 'sparkling wine' and a champagne. The difference is in the process of how they make it.


If it is simply a wine that is "injected" with CO2 then it is truly a 'sparkling wine', if it is made Method champenoise...then it is truly a champagne no matter where it comes from. A good example is KORBEL champagne which is made in California, it is a true champaigne and not a sparkling wine. Why because the fermentation causes the bubbles, not an artifical injection of gas.


People are going to argue symantics over anything to prove themselves superior. I just wonder how many of them say 'fried potatoes' instead of French fries? after all they most likely aren't coming from France. Or just plan 'waffle' instead of Belgian waffle...


Sometimes I think people get so anal over nonsense things that they will never be able to relax and enjoy the simple things ...like an inexpensive bottle of champaign.




(By the way, Bourbon isn't bourbon unless its from Kentucky, and vodka isn't vodka unless its from russia and made from POTATOES...( I highly doubt most realize their favorite 'vodka' is made from grain and not the true vodka made from potatoes.:D But do they complain? I doubt they know any better.:rolleyes: )



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The stuff I had hadn't been made that way, it was cheap white wine that had been injected with carbon dioxide in the same way that you make soda


Whoa! I had no idea anyone did such a thing. How could you tell? I'm losing the thread of the conversation, please tell me this isn't the Michel Roux sparkling wine they give you in CC.

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You know, I can't be sure of this, but I don't think that the sparkling wine they gave in CC was Michel Roux!!!


If it was who am I to criticise? Except that he is there to make money!! Doesn't do it for love of all of us!!!


Actually, I would like to repeat once again, that we are not drinkers anyway and I was only going to use the stuff for a last evening toast with fellow diners!! I couldn't care less about the wine - but to charge me $15 when I had paid for it, as it was included in the CC package - that is an insult!!!

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Good morning,

I think it is cheap that they have a corkage fee. I'm sure Celebrity's reasoning is to keep people buying wine from the menu rather than bringing it on themselves. People have their own wine opened in the dinnning room for a few reasons, 1. They have particular tastes and the wine menu doesn't have what they want, 2. They happen to have aquired bottles during the cruise process and want to drink them with their meals, 3. They don't want to pay $22 and up for a bottle of wine. I personnally can respect all these reasons. What happens when they charge you a corkage fee is that people start bringing open bottles of wine into the dining room to avoid the fee. I agree this can be considered tacky, but the cruise line could put an end to this by opening the bottle for them at the table no fee. They might even get a tip at the end. As for the sparkling wine they give you in the rooms. Its terrible. I think when you book they should give you the option of their house red, white or sparkling wine. Maybe even an upgrade package where you pay an extra $30 and get a real bottle of Champagne. Another option should be to have your complentary bottle presented to you at dinner if you chose. Sorry this was so long, I really enjoy good wine especially rose champagne, regardless if it is cheap or expensive the only requirement is that I like it. :o

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Hi All,


To the OP, I know this doesn't apply to you directly, but it sort of does indirectly.


I mean no disrepect to anyone, and maybe you can even help me to understand, but -


I truly don't understand people wanting to bring their own liquor or wine on board a cruise ship. It's so prevalent that the cruise line has to charge a corkage fee. If this wasn't happening, the the OP wouldn't have been "insulted" by the waiter trying to charge her corkage fee.


Do those same people try bringing their wine, beer, etc. into restaurants? I think it's like bringing your own food into restaurants, then asking the waiter to serve it to you.


Below is what I found as Celebrity's policy to be regarding bringing alcohol aboard.


Wine purchased by or on behalf of our guests from our selection of bon voyage gifts are not subject to a corkage fee. Gifts of wine delivered to the ship by an authorized vendor will be subject to a corkage fee of $15 per bottle.

Please note in accordance with our liquor policy our guests may not purchase liquor ashore for consumption on board. Beer, Wine or Spirits brought onboard by our guests will be placed in storage and returned on the last day of the voyage. Alcohol purchased in our onboard shops will be delivered to the guest stateroom on the final day of the cruise.


Maybe the "waiter" didn't realize that your bottle of "swill" was a Celebrity gift? I admit they should be aware of the policy - but, unfortunately this isn't always the case.


That being said: Just wondering, did you wind up paying the corkage fee or did you dispute the charge? Did it turn into "swill" after the waiter "tried" charging you for corkage? You say you're not a drinker, and in my experience, most non-drinkers think "champagne", "sparkling wine", "gas injected grape juice", etc. if pretty bad anyway.


This is just an issue that I don't understand - :confused:

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Hi All,




Do those same people try bringing their wine, beer, etc. into restaurants? I think it's like bringing your own food into restaurants, then asking the waiter to serve it to you.



There are tons of states where corkage is allowed...it's common place. This is not something new, people do this in restaurants all the time.

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I A good example is KORBEL champagne which is made in California, it is a true champaigne and not a sparkling wine. Why because the fermentation causes the bubbles, not an artifical injection of gas.




Korbel is a true champagne?? *****?? not even close, it's gut rot. Have you tasted true champagne? no wonder they're trying to protect the name. Nothing can call itself Champagne if it is not made in the Champagne region of France...Period...end of story. It's sparking wine, and really bad sparkling wine at that.

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Cruise Junky,


Thanks for the info. It's just something that I had never thought about doing.


It's just that Celebrity's policy asks that people not bring alcohol on board for consumption. It says that bon voyage gifts purchased from Celebrity will NOT be subject to the corkage fee, but gifts delivered from authorized vendors WILL be subject to the corkage fee.


And, I would think it would be too confusing for the waiters to know the difference. Unless, of course, it was Celebrity's private label.


Anyway, thanks:)

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Cruise Junky,


Thanks for the info. It's just something that I had never thought about doing.


It's just that Celebrity's policy asks that people not bring alcohol on board for consumption. It says that bon voyage gifts purchased from Celebrity will NOT be subject to the corkage fee, but gifts delivered from authorized vendors WILL be subject to the corkage fee.


And, I would think it would be too confusing for the waiters to know the difference. Unless, of course, it was Celebrity's private label.


Anyway, thanks:)


They completely contradict themselves in their statements...if there is no alcohol to be brought on board..how can they charge a corkage fee of $15?


Sometimes people have very special wines or champages that they want to drink for their special cruise...$15 is not unrealistic. Most upscale Vegas restaurants charge $30, Charlie Trotters in Chicago charges $50

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They completely contradict themselves in their statements...if there is no alcohol to be brought on board..how can they charge a corkage fee of $15?

My reading of the policy is that passengers may not bring alcoholic beverages of any type onboard. The $15 corkage fee in the main restaurant only applies to gifts of wine delivered to the ship by authorized vendors (whomever they are). Thus, there is no contradiction.


However, having said all that, it appears that, in real life, Celebrity allows passengers to bring a reasonable amount of wine onboard at embarkation. Last October, I brought eight bottles of wine onboard the Mercury without any problem. Two friends are going on the 4/23 Hawaii cruise and plan to take about 12 bottles of wine onboard. Depending upon their experience in April and other reports I read here, I'll make a decision about bringing wine for my November TA.


BTW, not all Korbel sparkling wine is rotgut. The Korbel Brut Rose is pretty good and has won numerous medals at major wine competitions. It's certainly not champagne but it can hold its own as a sparkling wine.

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